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    Assistant Prfessr,Musical Theatre Dance
    Wichita State University seeks a full-time,9-mnth assistant prfessr,beginning in August.Applicants are required t have a degree in dance area,teaching experience at a prfessinal r cllege level,ability t direct and teach stage mvement.The salary depends n qualificatins and experience.
    Fr cmplete infrmatin,visit http:
    Full Prfessr in Theatre and Dance
    The Department f Theatre &;Dance at the University Amma at San Dieg (http://www-) is seeking an experienced theatre artist in lighting design.Applicants must wrk fr us fr at least 10 mnths.Significant prfessinal experience is required.This psitin is expected t teach at bth graduate and undergraduate levels.
    A review f applicatins will start n June 1st.Applicatin deadline:September 1st.
    Technical Directr in Perfrming and Fine Arts
    DeSales University's Perfrming and Fine Arts Department seeks a highly skilled,prfessinal technical directr.The psitin is a 10-mnth staff psitin with the pssibility f summer emplyment with The Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival.Prfessinal experience is required.MFA is preferred.
    Please email materials t jhn.bell@ f applicatins begins immediately and will cntinue until the psitin is filled.
    Assistant Directr-media Resurces Center
    Maryland Institute Cllege f Art is seeking an Assistant Directr f Media Resurces Center in the Academic Affairs Divisin.
    Qualificatins fr the psitin include a degree in Art Histry r related fields with a knwledge f art and design histry,library experience,excellent interpersnal and cmmunicatin skills and familiarity with Phtshp and scanning.
    A review f applicatins will begin immediately;jb annuncements will remain pen until the psitin is filled.Applicants are required t wrk fr us at least 11 mnths.They can send emails t jbs@ salary differs depending n yur experience.Please include yur desired salary in yur applicatin letter.
    1.What are the requirements t be a full prfessr in Theatre and Dance? ______
    A. Having a graduate r undergraduate degree.
    B. Being able t teach stage mvement.
    C. Being an experienced theatre artist in the dance area.
    D. Having much prfessinal experience.
    2.What shuld an applicant d if he wants t be a technical directr? ______
    A. Cntact jbs@mica.edu.
    B. Visit http://www-
    C. Cntact jhn.bell@desales.edu.
    D. Visit http:
    3.Which f the fllwing requires interpersnal and cmmunicatin skills? ______
    A. Wichita State University.
    B. Maryland Institute Cllege f Art.
    C. Desales University.
    D. The University f Califrnia.
    Huang Danian,the well-knwn Chinese gephysicist,was brn in 1958 in Guangxi,China.As a keen and able student,Huang went t the UK in 1993 t further his studies.
    By the time Huang mved back t China in 2008,he had been living and wrking in the UK fr 15 years.He had a gd jb and a life there,but he gave it all up t return t hme driven by the idea that he needed t cntribute t his cuntry.As ne f the wrld's leading experts in deep earth explratin technlgy,Huang was invited t participate in the "Thusand Talent" prgramme.He tk up a psitin at Jilin University,Changchun.
    Huang was named lead scientist n China's deep earth explratin prgramme,develping advanced cameras that can see thrugh the Earth's crust(外壳)s that it can be analysed withut having t dig int it.He set up an advanced lab,smetimes paying fr equipment with his wn mney.Sme described him as a "lunatic"(a "madman"),but this passin(热情)and drive enabled Huang t push frwards China's deep earth explratin technlgy int a wrld-leading psitin.Huang's devtin cntributed t China's lunar prbe(月球探测器)Yutu being landed n the mn in 2013 and the launch f the spacecrafts Shenzhu-11 and Tiangng-2 in 2016.
    Huang's health als paid the price fr his cmmitment t his wrk.He began having fainting fits(昏厥)in 2012,but paid them little attentin,stating he did nt have time t g t see a dctr——his wrk always came first.In Nvember 2016,Huang fainted and was taken t hspital,where he was diagnsed with cancer.The disease was s advanced that he had just a cuple f mnths t live.
    Like the true scientist he was,Huang never gave up,but always tried t push frwards.Even frm his hspital bed,he cntinued his wrk,writing letters f reference fr his clleagues and replying t questins frm his students.Huang died in January 2017,aged just 58.Mre than 800 peple attended his funeral t celebrate a life that burned s bright,but was s shrt.
    4.Huang returned t China in 2008 because ______ .
    A. he desired t devte himself t his mtherland
    B. the "Thusand Talent" prgram attracted him
    C. Jilin University ffered him a tp psitin
    D. he wasn't satisfied with the life in the UK
    5.What is Paragraph 3 mainly abut? ______
    A. China's aerspace develpment.
    B. Huang's wrking attitude and style.
    C. China's deep earth explratin technlgy.
    D. Huang's great cntributins t China.
    6.What can we learn frm the last tw paragraphs? ______
    A. The wrking envirnment caused Huang's disease.
    B. Huang wrked cntinuusly despite his pr health.
    C. Huang was taken t hspital after he fainted in 2012.
    D. A large sum f mney was paid t treat Huang's illness.
    7.Which f the fllwing can be used t describe Huang Danian? ______
    A. Generus and hnest.B. Hardwrking and determined.
    C. Mdest and curageus.D. Passinate and patient.
    Every time we get n a plane,we're asked t either turn ff ur phnes r change them t flight mde-it's fr "security reasns"。But accrding t The Cnversatin website,having t turn ur phnes ff n a plane is "a service issue,nt a safety ne"。
    When we speak n ur phnes in the air,they can cause interference t the aircraft's radis and pilts can hear this interference in their headphnes. "It's the same nise yu'll be familiar with,if yu put yur mbile t clse t a speaker," the Mirrr nted. "It is nt safety-critical,but is annying fr sure. " Thugh speaking n a phne during a flight isn't dangerus,frm the viewpint f service,it isn't still a gd idea.When we make r receive a call n the grund,we cnnect t a cell twer that deals with all calls within an 80-kilmeter radius(半径).As we mve frm place t place we are"handed n" t different cell twers.As US scientist Sven Bilen explains,fr this system t wrk,there are "built-in" expectatins:There shuldn't be t many "handffs" and peple shuldn't be traveling faster than car speeds." Of curse,phne users shuld be clse t the grund."he added.If we were t make phne calls while we flew,hwever,nne f these expectatins wuld be met.And even wrse,ur cellphnes wuld stp wrking.
    But nw things are beginning t change.If we still can't speak during a flight,we can use ther phne functins.Fr example,Airbus A330 f Emirates Airlines has inflight WiFi t make passengers send and receive shrt messages in the air.In the future,as Bilen pints ut,it may be pssible fr air travelers t make and receive calls freely.The breakthrugh culd be"pic cells",which are small cell twers n the plane itself.There wuld n lnger be cnnectins made between phnes and the grund and therefre there wuld be n danger f disturbance f phne service.
    One day,perhaps,we will be chatting in the air as much as we chat n the grund.
    8.Why is making a phne call NOT allwed n a plane? ______
    A. Because it will pse a threat t their safety.
    B. Because it can guarantee a better service.
    C. Because it fails t be cnnected t the cell twer.
    D. Because it may cause annying nise t pilts.
    9.Hw many "built-in" expectatins are mentined t help make a call? ______
    A. One.B. Tw.C. Three.D. Fur.
    10.What can we infer frm the passage? ______
    A. Peple need t travel slwer than airplane speeds while phning.
    B. Pic cells may cntribute t free phne calls n a plane.
    C. Undisturbed phne service has been prvided by airlines.
    D. Passengers can receive calls n Airbus A330 thrugh inflight WiFi.
    11.Where is the text mst likely frm? ______
    A. A newspaper.B. An fficial dcument.
    C. A guidebk.D. A science fictin stry.
    We knw that China is the largest and fastest-grwing cnsumer market in the wrld. What is less well understd are the frces that shape cnsumerism in the wrlds mst ppulus cuntry. In my view, there are sme scial and cultural aspects at play that drive cnsumer spending.
    Cnsumerism is related t freedm. T have a chice means t have cnsumer chice. Yu are what yu cnsume. Cnsumptin is an expressin f self. It allws yu t explre the wrld thrugh its prducts, t experiment with lifestyle chices,and t d s safely and annymusly(匿名地). Yu might never get t France, but yu can try French wine. Califrnia might be faraway,but yu can g t Shanghai Disneyland. Indeed,the enthusiasm fr chice is reflected in the enthusiasm Chinese cnsumers have fr nline shpping.
    Cnsumerism is a statement f success. American ecnmist Thrstein Veblen ppularized the cncept f " cnspicuus cnsumptin". When cnsumptin is n lnger driven nly by need,it becmes a way f making a statement that yu have dispsable(可支配的)incme and yu can-at least in certain respects- enjy life n yur terms. Simple pleasures--a pair f Nikes,a smartphne,designer clthing becme statements f persnal identity.
    Cllective experience is fcused. We like participating in grup events. FOMO, the Fear f Missing Out, ges beynd cultures. But I suspect this trend is strnger in China than in the West because Cnfucian culture des nt celebrate utliers as the West des. Scial media reinfrces (强化) this cllective pattern s that shpping and dining are shared experiences. Opinins are crwd-surced. And the merchants reinfrce this pattern by supprting hliday sales,grup buying, and ther prmtins.
    Successful brands in China are able t handle mst r all f the abve cnsideratins. The cnsumer must nt nly be delighted with yur prduct. The jurney f the cnsumer must als respect these sci-cultural aspects.
    12.What's mainly talked abut in the passage? ______
    A. China's ppulatin grwing wealthier.
    B. China's fast-grwing market ecnmy.
    C. Chinese sci-cultural influences n cnsumerism.
    D. Chinese cnsumers' preference f quality t quantity.
    13.What des paragraph 2 fcus n? ______
    A. Shpping nline is a new experience.
    B. Cnsumptin can be a reflectin f freedm.
    C. Freign prducts can be purchased in China.
    D. Shpping arund the wrld is a favrable chice.
    14.What des the underlined wrds "cnspicuus cnsumptin" in paragraph 3 mean? ______
    A. The ability t cver ne's real needs in daily life.
    B. Spending mney in rder t keep up with thers.
    C. The purchase f expensive items t display status.
    D. Buying abundant gds t acquire persnal identity.
    15.Why des the authr think FOMO is strnger in China? ______
    A. Scial media play a bigger rle in their lives.
    B. Fllwing the trend is what peple like better.
    C. Chinese peple have less cntact with the strangers.
    D. Cnfucian culture is less likely t appreciate utsiders.
    Dn't Ruin Healthy Eating When Yu Travel
    I've nticed that,as peple becme mre cnscius f hw fd affects their health,leaving hme can smetimes present challenges fr .thse wh want t keep eating well.Here are sme simple ways t eat adventurusly and well while yu're enjying the best mments f yur trip:
    Plan ahead.Often when we're traveling,we're ut f ur rutine and aren't eating at regular intervals. (16)Cntrary t the ppular myth that yu shuld hld ff eating t save rm fr a big meal,ging fr lng stretches withut eating actually causes yur bdy t becme tired and hang n t calries.Pack snacks fr easy access nut,seeds hard- biled eggs,firm fruits.
    Dn't frget the grcery stre.A supermarket,especially a lcal ne,can be yur best place tgether smething t cat while traveling. (17)Yu'll find a wider variety f great fds that are free f fat,dairy,and ther cmmn allergens(过敏素) at a reasnable cst.
    Drink mre water than yu nrmally d. (18)Walking arund all day expends energy and dehydrates (脱水)yur bdy.Often peple drink alchl r sdas with meals,and these are als dehydrating.Drinking mre than yur usual eight glasses f water a day will keep yu energized,hydrate yur cells and keep yur skin glwing.
    Drink ls alchl than everyne arund yu is drinking.This can be challenging,especially n business trips,where drinking is a familiar pastime. (19)
    (20)Let yurself have treats,and enjy them--just keep it t nce a day.Get that gd piece f chclate cake.Have an extra helping f steak fries.Order the thing with butter,and lve every single bite.Then be dne with the less-than-healthy fd,and remember that yu always have anther day fr that ne little indulgence(放纵).
    A.Just enjy the treats that yu like.
    B.Try the "ne-and-dne" rule.
    C.Planes and htel rm are generally dry.
    D.Smetimes we can g several hurs withut eating anything.
    E.Hwever,drinking t much can lead t mre unhealthy eating.
    F.Yu'll have easy,cheap aces t fresh prduce and healthy snacks.
    G.Planning ahead f time always yu t cntrl what ges int yur bdy.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Grwing up in Melburne,Australia,I was ne f thse naughty little kids that never,ever stpped asking "Why?".I used t ask my mum the mst annying questins.As a "why" kid,I thught everything (21)can be changed and I culd make the wrld better.
    When I was in my high schl,I (22)the chance t g t the Philippines t learn mre due t my gd(23)at schl.It was there that I became friends with Snny,wh lived n "Smky Muntain".But dn't let the rmance (浪漫) f that name (24)yu,because it was (25) a pile f steaming garbage where kids like Snny spent hurs every single day finding anything f (26).
    Thse days with Snny changed my life frever.I thught t myself, "Why shuld anyne have t(27)like this while I have s much?Why shuld Snny's life be (28)by where he was brn?"
    I later (29)that the pverty (贫穷) I'd seen in the Philippines was the result f decisins made r nt made.That's (30),a few years later,I jined with a grup f cllege friends in bringing the Make Pverty Histry campaign t Australia.And t ur (31),the Australian gvernment heard ur vices and agreed t duble investment and fix the prblem miles utside f ur brders.
    Over all these years,I've tried t recnnect with Snny.(32),I've been unable t.I'd lve t sit dwn with him,wherever he is,and (33)with him hw much the time I spent n "Smky Muntain"(34) me.Thanks t him and s many thers,I came t understand the imprtance f being part f a grup f peple wh are (35)t make the wrld better,wh stand tgether and embrace (拥抱) the amazing future f the wrld we share.
    21.A. simple B. unfairC. newD. unfinished
    22.A. fundB. btainedC. missedD. lst
    23.A. perfrmanceB. characterC. EnglishD. habit
    24.A. affectB. btherC. impressD. fl
    25.A. riginallyB. hardlyC. actuallyD. certainly
    26.A. beautyB. cleannessC. interestD. value
    27.A. liveB. sayC. wrkD. study
    28.A. changedB. createdC. determinedD. challenged
    29.A. admittedB. explainedC. dubtedD. understd
    30.A. whereB. whyC. hwD. when
    31.A. disappintmentB. cnfusinC. amazementD. regret
    32.A. SadlyB. LuckilyC. SurprisinglyD. Obviusly
    33.A. discussB. debateC. shareD. cperate
    34.A. cheatedB. inspiredC. attractedD. amused
    35.A. hesitantB. shckedC. afraidD. willing
    36.Tday,much f the wrld's cean is still a mystery.
    S far,nly 5 percent f it (1) (explre).In fact,we knw mre abut sme areas f Mars than that f the wrld's cean.
    Hwever, (2) is new technlgy that is helping scientists explre these hidden wrlds.Fr example,scientists are using an underwater vehicle (3) (call) DeepSee t explre sea munts underwater muntains.Scientists have used DeepSee t study Las Gemelas.There are a huge variety f species (4) (live)arund Las Gemelas.Sme f these species may have chemicals (5) can help peple fight illnesses.
    (6) deepest lcatin f the earth is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.The cean flr there is abut 11,000 meters deep.In 2012,filmmaker and explrer James Camern (7) (reach)the Mariana Trench in a vehicle called Deepsee Challenger.He was the first (8) (cmplete) the jurney alne.Camern tk (9) (pht)and made vides n the cean flr.
    Deep-sea explratin als helps us in ther ways.Fr example,we are learning hw underwater earthquakes cause tsunamis(海啸).As Camern says,"This is the beginning f (10) (pen) up a new frntier."
    37.你校将举办演讲比赛。请你以Vlunteering will make a better yu为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:
    注意:1.词数 100 左右;文章开头不计入字数
    Hell,Everyne,may I have yur attentin please?
    38.Charles Rse lived in the cuntry with his father,wh taught him t read and t tld his sn that,when his mrning lessns were ver,he might amuse himself fr ne hur as he pleased.
    There was a river near by.On its bank std the hut f a pr fisherman,wh lived by selling fish.His careful wife kept her wheel ging Carly and late.They bth wrked very hard t keep themselves abve want.But they were greatly trubled fr fear that their nly sn shuld never learn t read and t write.They culd nt teach him themselves,and they were t pr t send him t schl.
    Charles called at the hut f this fisherman ne day,t inquire abut his dg,which was missing.He fund the little by,whse name was Je,sitting by the table,n which he was making marks with a piece f chalk.Charles asked him whether he was drawing pictures.
    "N.I am trying t write,"said little Je,"but I knw nly tw wrds.Thse I saw upn a sign,and I am trying t write them."
    "If I culd nly learn t read and write," said he,"I shuld be the happiest by in the wrld."
    "Then I will make yu happy,"said Charles."I am nly a little by,but I can teach yu that.""My father gives me an hur every day fr myself.Nw,if yu will try t learn,yu shall
    sn knw hw t read and t write."
    Bth Je and his mther were ready t fall n their knees t thank Charles.They tld him it was what they wished abve all things.
    S,n the next day when the hur came,Charles put his bk in his pcket,and went t teach Je.Je learned very fast,and Charles sn began t teach him hw t write.
    Sme time after,a gentleman called n Mr.Rse,and said,"Charles did nt always amuse himself.I ften see him g t the huse f the fisherman.I fear he ges ut in their bat."
    The mment the gentleman left,Mr.Rse went in search f his sn._________________
    The next day,his father tk him t twn,and gave him bks fr himself and Je,with writing paper,pens,and ink.______________________
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Full Prfessr in Theatre and Dance部分的Significant prfessinal experience is required(需要具有很多的专业经验)可知,戏剧和舞蹈专业的正教授需要许多专业经验。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Technical Directr in Perfrming and Fine Arts部分DeSales University's Perfrming and Fine Arts Department seeks a highly skilled,prfessinal technical directr(德萨勒斯大学的表演和美术系寻求一位高技能,专业的技术主任)和下面的Please email materials t jhn.bell@desales.edu(请寄邮件到Jhn.bell@desales.edu.)可知,如果想做技术主任,可以联系jhn.bell@desales.edu.。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据Assistant Directr-media Resurces Center部分的Maryland Institute Cllege f Art is seeking an Assistant Directr f Media Resurces Center in the Academic Affairs Divisin(马里兰艺术学院正在寻找学术事务部媒体资源中心的助理主任)和Qualificatins fr the psitin include a degree in Art Histry r related fields with a knwledge f art and design histry,library experience,excellent interpersnal and cmmunicatin skills and familiarity with Phtshp and scanning(该职位的资格包括艺术史或相关领域的学位,具有艺术和设计史知识,图书馆经验,出色的人际关系和沟通技巧以及熟悉Phtshp和扫描)可知,需要人际沟通技巧的是Maryland Institute Cllege f Art。故选B。
    【解析】(1)A.细节理解题。根据第三段第二句"He had a gd jb and a life there,but he gave it all up t return t hme driven by the idea that he needed t cntribute t his cuntry. (他在那里有一份很好的工作和生活,但他放弃了一切回到了家乡。他的想法是他需要为他的国家做贡献。) "可知,黄大年从英国回到祖国是渴望为国家的发展贡献自己的力量。故选A项。
    (2)D.段落大意题。根据第三段末句"Huang's devtin cntributed t China's lunar prbe(月球探测器)Yutu being landed n the mn in 2013 and the launch f the spacecrafts Shenzhu-11 and Tiangng-2 in 2016. (黄大年的贡献包括2013年中国的月球探测器'玉兔'登陆月球,以及2016年神舟十一号和天宫二号飞船的发射。) "并结合全段内容可知,他开发的先进相机可以穿透地壳,这样就可以在不深入地壳的情况下进行分析。他建立了一个先进的实验室,正是这种激情和动力使黄大年把中国的深地探测技术推向了世界领先的地位。所以第二段主要讲述黄大年对中国做出的巨大贡献。故选D项。
    (3)B.细节理解题。由倒数第二段"He began having fainting fits(昏厥)in 2012,but paid them lttle attentin,stating he did nt have time t g t see a dctr- - his wrk always came first. (在2012年他开始有晕厥发作。但很少注意,说他没有时间去看医生他的工作总是第一位的。)"及最后一段"Even frm his hspital bed,he cntinued his wrk,writing letters f reference fr his cllagues and replying t questins frm his students. (即使躺在病床上,他也继续工作,为同事们写推荐信,回答学生们的问题。) "可知,他虽然患病晕厥住院但仍坚持工作。故选B项。
    (4)B.推理判断题。根据第二段"He had a gd jb and a life there,but he gave it all up t return t hme driven by the idea that he needed t cntribute t his cuntry.As ne f the wrld's leading experts in deep earth explratin technlgy,Huang was invited t participate in the"Thusand Talent" prgramme. (他在那里有一份很好的工作和生活,但他放弃了一切回到了家乡他的想法是他需要为他的国家做贡献。) "可知,黄大年放弃英国的优厚待遇回国为祖国发展尽力,他是爱国的。综合最后两段,他患重病仍坚持工作,教导学生,可知他是敬业的。因此B项非常准确地形容黄大年。A.Generus and hnest 慷慨和诚实的;B.Hardwrking and determined.工作努力和意志坚定的;C.Mdest and curageus 谦虚勇敢的;D.Passinate and patient 充满激情和耐心的。故选B项。
    【解析】(1)D.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,When we speak n ur phnes in the air,they can cause interference t the aircraft's radis and pilts can hear this interference in their headphnes. 'It's the same nise yu'll be familiar with,if yu put yur mbile t clse t a speaker.当我们在空中用手机通话时,它们会对飞机的无线电设备造成干扰,飞行员可以在耳机中听到这种干扰。"如果你把手机放得离扬声器太近的话,这和你熟悉的噪音是一样的。可知,乘客在飞机上必须关闭手机的原因是使用电话可能会给飞行员带来烦人的噪音,结合选项,故选D.
    (2)C.细节理解题。根据文章第二段,As US scientist Sven Bilen explains,fr this system t wrk,there are"built-in" expectatins:There shuldn't be t many 'handffs' and peple shuldn't be traveling faster than car speeds.'Of curse,phne users shuld be clse t the grund.' he added.If we were t make phne calls while we flew,hwever,nne f these expectatins wuld be met.And even wrse,ur cellphnes wuld stp wrking.如美国科学家斯文•比伦解释说,为了让这个系统工作,有"内置"期望结论:不应该有太多"交接班"并且人们的旅行速度不应该超过汽车的速度。"当然,电话用户应该靠近地面。可知,一共有三个内置期望被提到来帮助打电话,分别是不应该有太多"交接班"、人们的旅行速度不应该超过汽车的速度、电话用户应该靠近地面,共三个方面,结合选项,故选C.
    (3)B.推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段,In the future,as Bilen pints ut,it may be pssible fr air travelers t make and receive calls freely.The breakthrugh culd be 'pic cells',which are small cell twers n the plane itself.未来航空旅客或许可以自由地拨打和接收电话。这项突破有可能是"pic cells"飞机本身自带的手机信号塔。可知,pic cells 有助于飞机上无障碍通话的实现,结合选项,故选B.
    (4)A.文章来源题。根据文章第一段,Every time we get n a plane,we're asked t either turn ff ur phnes r change them t flight mde-it's fr "security reasns"。But accrding t The Cnversatin website,having t turn ur phnes ff n a plane is "a service issue,nt a safety ne"。每次上飞机,我们都会被要求关闭手机或将其切换到飞行模式,这是出于"安全原因"。但根据对话网站的说法,在飞机上必须关闭手机是"服务问题,而不是安全问题"。可知,本文章主要讲了在飞机上需要关闭手机的原因以及未来对可以在飞机上拨打或接听电话的期望。因此,该文文章应该来自一份报纸,结合选项,故选A.
    (2)B.段落大意题。由第二段中的"Cnsumerism is related t freedm. T have a chice means t have cnsumer chice. Yu are what yu cnsume. Cnsumptin is an expressin f self. It allws yu t explre the wrld thrugh its prducts,t experiment with lifestyle chices,and t d s safely and annymusly (匿名地)."(消费主义与自由有关。有选择就意味着有消费者的选择。你就是你消费的东西。消费是自我的表现。它允许你通过它的产品探索世界,体验生活方式的选择,并且安全匿名地这样做。)可知,第二段多强调消费与自由的关系,消费是自我的表现,通过消费,人们能得到自由,所以本段主要讲消费可以是自由的反映。故选B.
    (3)C.短语猜测题。由第三段"Cnsumerism is a statement f success. American ecnmist Thrstein Veblen ppularized the cncept f "cnspicuus cnsumptin". When cnsumptin is n lnger driven nly by need, it becmes a way f making a statement that yu have dispsable (可支配的) incme and yu can-at least in certain respects-enjy life n yur terms. Simple pleasures-a pair f Nikes,a smartphne,designer clthing becme statements f persnal identity."(消费主义是成功的象征。美国经济学家Thrstein Veblen推广了"cnspicuus cnsumptin"的概念。当消费不再仅仅是由需求驱动时,它就变成了一种表明你有可支配收入的方式,你至少可以在某些方面按照自己的条件享受生活。简单的乐趣--一双耐克鞋、一部智能手机、名牌服装成为个人身份的象征。)可知,本段主要讲,当消费不再仅仅是由需求驱动时,消费就成为了一种成功的象征,人们会用消费购买一些昂贵的物品来彰显自己的个人身份,此时的消费成为了一种获得个人身份地位的炫耀性消费,cnspicuus cnsumptin在此处意为"购买昂贵物品以获得个人身份"。故选C.
    (4)D.细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的"We like participating in grup events. FOMO, the Fear f Missing Out, ges beynd cultures. But I suspect this trend is strnger in China than in the West because Cnfucian culture des nt celebrate utliers as the West des."(我们喜欢参加团体活动。对错过的恐惧(FOMO)超越了文化。但我怀疑这种趋势在中国比在西方更强烈,因为儒家文化不像西方那样推崇异类。)可知,FOMO这种趋势在中国很强烈,是因为儒家文化不太可能欣赏外来者。故选D.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据前一句Often when we're traveling,we're ut f ur rutine and aren't eating at regular intervals. (通常当我们在旅行时,我们会脱离我们的常规,不按固定的时间间隔吃东西。)可知,D项Smetimes we can g several hurs withut eating anything.(有时我们可以几个小时不吃东西。)符合语境。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据上文A supermarket,especially a lcal ne,can be yur best place tgether smething t cat while traveling. (超市,尤其是当地的超市,可能是你旅行时最好的购物场所。)可知,本段建议我们在旅途中可以逛一下当地商店。F项Yu'll have easy,cheap aces t fresh prduce and healthy snacks.(你可以轻松、便宜地获得新鲜的农产品和健康的零食。)符合语境。故选F。
    (3)推理判断题。本段小标题Drink mre water than yu nrmally d(比平常多喝水)建议我们旅游时要比平时多喝水,接着讲原因。C项Planes and htel rm are generally dry.(飞机上和旅馆里一般很干燥)符合语境。故选C。
    (4)细节理解题。根据上文This can be challenging,especially n business trips,where drinking is a familiar pastime. (这可能是一个挑战,尤其是在商务旅行中,喝酒是一种常见的消造。)可知,E项Hwever,drinking t much can lead t mre unhealthy eating.(然而,饮酒过多会导致更不健康的饮食。)和上一句构成转折关系。故选E。
    (5)段落大意题。根据下文Let yurself have treats,and enjy them--just keep it t nce a day.(让自己享受美食,每天只吃一次。)可知,本段介绍旅途中吃自己喜欢吃的东西,但是一天只能款待自己一次,不能多吃。B项Try the "ne-and-dne" rule.(尝试"一次完成"规则。)符合语境。故选B。
    【解析】(1)考查形容词及语境理解。A.simple简单的;B.unfair不公平的;C.new新的;D.unfinished未完成的。句意:我认为一切不公平可以改变,我可以让世界变得更好。根据下文" culd make the wrld better." 我可以让世界变得更好可知。故选B。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.fund发现;B.btained获得,得到;C.missed错过;D.lst失去,迷路。句意:由于我在学校的出色表现,获得了去菲律宾学习的机会。根据下文"It was there that I became friends with Snny..." 在那里我和桑尼成了朋友,故选B。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.perfrmance表现,表演;B.character性格,角色;C.English 英语;D.habit习惯。句意:由于我在学校的出色表现,获得了去菲律宾学习的机会。根据下文"at schl"可知,故选A。
    (4)考查动词及语境理解。A.affect影响;B.bther打扰;C.impress给……以深刻印象;D.fl愚弄,欺骗。句意:不要被它浪漫的名字愚弄了。根据下文"a pile f steaming garbage..."一堆垃圾。故选D。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.beauty美好,完美;B.cleanness清洁,干净;C.interest兴趣,爱好;D.value价值,价格。句意:不要被它浪漫的名字愚弄了,因为实际上它是一堆垃圾,孩子们就像Snny每天花大量的时间去搜寻这些垃圾,看里面有什么值钱的东西。根据上文",wh lived n Smky Muntain ..."可知,由于Snny是以这个垃圾堆为生,所以他每天花大量的时间去搜寻这些垃圾,看里面有没有什么值钱的东西。故选D。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.live 活,生存;B.say说;C.wrk工作;D.study学习。看到Snny的境遇,作者心里想:为什么会有人不得不这样生活而自己却有那么好的生活条件呢?故选A。
    (11)考查名词及语境理解。A.disappintment失望的;B.cnfusin混乱;C.amazement惊奇;D.regret遗憾。句意:而令我们惊讶的是,澳大利亚政府听到我们的声音。根据下文" Australian gvernment heard ur vices..."澳大利亚政府听到我们的声音。可知。故选C。
    (12)考查副词及语境理解。A.Sadly悲伤地;B.Luckily幸运地;C.Surprisingly吃惊地;D.Obviusly明显地。句意:这些年来,我试图重新与Snny取得联系。不幸的是,我已经无法联系上他。根据下文"'ve been unable t."没有联系上。故选A。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.discuss商量,讨论;B.debate辩论;C.share分享;D.cperate合作。句意:我愿意和他待在一起,无论他在哪里,和他一起分享在"Smky Muntain"上的时刻。根据下文" him hw much the time I spent n 'Smky Muntain' (14)me."无论他在哪里,和他一起分享在"Smky Muntain"上的时刻。故选C。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.cheated作弊,欺骗;B.understand理解,明白;C.attracted 吸引;D.amused娱乐,逗乐。句意:幸亏他还有其他的一些人,让我明白了让世界变得更美好,成为他们中的一员的重要性。Smky Muntain 的经历给了作者激励,从而让他跟一群大学的朋友一起在澳洲开展一项"让贫穷成为历史"的运动。故选B。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.hesitant犹豫的;B.shcked震惊的;C.afraid害怕的,担心的;D.willing乐意的。句意:幸亏他还有其他的一些人,让我明白了让世界变得更美好,成为他们中的一员的重要性。be willing t愿意做某事。故选D。
    36.【答案】【小题1】has been explred
    【解析】(1)考查时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:到目前为止,只有百分之五的地方被探索过。时间状语为s far,句子用现在完成时,句子主语是Only 5 percent f it,谓语动词用三单形式,且和谓语动词explre之间是被动关系,故填has been explred。
    (2)考查强调句。句意:然而,正是新技术帮助科学家探索这些隐秘的世界。分析句子可知,此处为强调句,基本结构为it is/was+强调部分+that+句子其他部分。故填it。
    (4)考查现在分词。句意:Las Gemelas周围生活着各种各样的物种。此处为非谓语动词作后置定语,逻辑主语species和live之间为主动关系,应用现在分词。故填living。
    (7)考查时态。句意:2012年,电影制作人兼探险家詹姆斯•卡梅隆驾驶一辆名为Deepsee Challenger的车到达了马里亚纳海沟。结合句意和in 2021可知,句子为一般过去时。故填reached。
    (8)考查不定式。句意:他是第一个独自完成旅程的人。此处用不定式作后置定语修饰the first。故填t cmplete。
    (9)考查可数名词的复数。句意:卡梅隆在海底拍摄了照片和视频。take phts"拍照"是固定短语。故填phts。
    37.【答案】Hell,everyne!May I have yur attentin please?It is a great hnr fr me t stand here t deliver a speech.Tday my tpic is "vlunteering will make a better yu".(点明主题)
    As senir high schl students,we shuld get invlved in vluntary activities,because they can nt nly enrich ur schl life,but als ffer us access t sciety.【高分句型一】After all,learning is just part f ur life.(陈述担当志愿者的意义)
    In rder t make ur vluntary activities well-rganized,we'd better keep the fllwing tips in mind.Firstly,an apprpriate schedule is f great imprtance t balance ur study and vlunteering.Secndly,amng cuntless ptins,it is wise t chse the activity based n persnal interest.【高分句型二】Remember,dedicatin and persistence are the key wrds.(提出相关建议并发出倡议)
    All in all,let's take actin nw and enjy a meaningful life!(呼吁)
    【解析】高分句型一:As senir high schl students,we shuld get invlved in vluntary activities,because they can nt nly enrich ur schl life,but als ffer us access t sciety.
    高分句型二:Secndly,amng cuntless ptins,it is wise t chse the activity based n persnal interest.
    分析:句子中it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式t chse the activity based n persnal interest。
    38.【答案】【小题1】The mment the gentleman left,Mr.Rse went in search f his sn.He went t the river,and walked up and dwn,in hpe f seeing the bat.Nt seeing it,he grew uneasy.He thught Charles must have gne a lng way ff.Unwilling t leave withut learning smething f him,he went t the hut.He put his head in at the windw,which was pen. 【高分句型一】There a pleasant sight met his eyes.Charles was at the table,ruling a cpybk Je was reading t him,while his mther was spinning in the crner.Charles was a little cnfused.He feared his father might nt be pleased;but he had n need t be uneasy,fr his father was delighted.(罗斯先生找到儿子后发生的事情)
    The next day,his father tk him t twn,and gave him bks fr himself and Je,with writing paper,pens,and ink.Charles was the happiest by in the wrld when he came hme.He ran t Je,his hands filled with parcels,and his heart beating with jy.【高分句型二】(查尔斯拿到这些东西时的反应)
    高分句型一:He put his head in at the windw,which was pen.
    高分句型二:He ran t Je,his hands filled with parcels,and his heart beating with jy.
    分析:这句话使用了his hands filled with parcels作为独立主格结构。

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