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    第一节 角色扮演(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)
    Nw please ask the speaker three questins. Yu have twenty secnds t prepare the questin. When yu hear a beep, begin t ask the questin.
    1. 你得多久做一次家务?
    2. 你什么时候才能再出去?
    3. 你妹妹做家务了吗?
    Nw please get ready t answer five questins in English.
    4. What did yu invite Jen t d tnight?
    5. Wh is angry with Jen?
    6. Hw ften des Jen d the gardening?
    7. When des Jen feel s bred?
    8. Where is Jen’s sister ging this weekend?
    第二节 故事复述(共8小题;每小题1.5分,满分12分)
    In this part, yu are required t listen t a stry twice, and then retell the stry in yur wn wrds.
    关键词:stmach (胃) digest (消化) recipe (食谱) scial media (社交媒体) pst (上传)
    Lving Fd
    Claire lved t eat lts f different 9 , but she ften felt unwell. She visited her dctr and the dctr 10 t her that her stmach was t weak t digest sme types f fd, which made her feel ill. The dctr then gave Claire a 11 f fd that she culd eat, which didn’t cntain many things she enjyed. She decided t lk nline t find recipes fr peple like her wh culd nly eat 12 things. She fund an accunt n scial media that psted pictures f fd dishes and shwed hw t 13 them. Claire was surprised when her husband Adam started making her the same dishes. She discvered that Adam was the ne 14 the pictures n scial media. He explained he wanted t make her feel better by making tasty dishes, s he had been cking when she was nt hme t see which dishes were gd enugh fr her. He psted the best dishes nline as he wanted t share his 15 with thers wh culd nt eat certain fds like Claire. Claire 16 t surprise Adam by baking him a cake. It was made frm fds that Claire culd nt eat, s Adam gt t enjy it all by himself.
    The Thing Abut Yetis
    Everyne knws yetis lve winter. They lve snwball fights and ht chclate and building snw huses. But even yetis cmplain abut the cld. S here’s a secret abut yetis: Smetimes they miss summer. Smetimes, they have t bring a little bit f summer t the cldest f winter days. Thse yetis, they’re just full f surprises.
    But Excuse Me That Is My Bk
    Charlie and Lla have already wn the hearts f readers in three winning bks. And nw they’re quickly gathering mre fans as an animated series n the Disney Channel.
    In this new tale, Lla has becme interested in Beetles, Bugs, and Butterflies, the best bk in the whle wrld. It’s funny, it has pictures, and it is “great and very interesting”. It’s the nly bk she wants t take ut f the library. What will she d when she discvers that smebdy else has brrwed her bk?
    Uncle Remus: The Cmplete Tales
    Brer Rabbit is causing truble again — this time it brings tgether all the stries frm the Tales f Uncle Remus series.
    The Uncle Remus tales, riginally written dwn by Jel Chandler Harris, were first published ver a hundred years ag, and serve as the largest cllectin f African-American flklre. In this fur-bk series. Julius Lester makes sme changes s the stries will be understd and enjyed by new generatins f readers.
    Merry Christmas, Mr. Muse
    A lively stry abut discvering the jy and meaning f Christmas.
    When Mr. Muse and his family mve int a big huse, they discver smething new and wnderful: an evergreen tree decrated with lights and pleasant smells in the air. They hear abut a happy man named Santa wh brings gifts t celebrate Jesus’s birth n a day called Christmas. S Mr. and Mrs. Muse decide that their family shuld celebrate Christmas, t.
    17. What’s a secret abut yetis?
    A. They have snwball fights.B. They lve summer as well.
    C. They can build snw huses.D. They eat chclate smetimes.
    18. What may be Lla’s prblem?
    A. She culdn’t brrw her favrite bk.
    B. She culdn’t find a gd bk.
    C. She culdn’t affrd t buy her favrite bk.
    D. She culdn’t find a gd library.
    19. Which f the fllwing bks is rewritten fr tday’s readers?
    A. The Thing Abut Yetis.B. But Excuse Me That Is My Bk.
    C. Uncle Remus: The Cmplete Tales.D. Merry Christmas, Mr. Muse.
    Pearl S. Buck was brn in Virginia, the United States in 1892 and her parents were missinaries. When Buck was fur mnths ld, her parents tk her with them t China.
    Frm childhd, Buck spke bth Chinese and English. She grew up playing with Chinese children. She never develped a feeling f superirity tward the Chinese. Rather, Buck was better equipped t recgnize sme f the absurdities (荒唐的行为) her parents’ prfessin.
    Buck returned t the United States t attend Randlph-Macn Wmen’s Cllege. Hwever, the cuntry f her birth was largely unfamiliar t her, s she felt like a freigner. After graduatin, she returned t China t take care f her sick mther. Her first and nly bilgical child, Carl, was brn a few years after she gt married. Due t a tumr, Buck had t have an peratin. Sn afterwards her daughter was severely ill. Almst at the same time, her mther died after her lng illness. Despite these misfrtunes placed n her life, she refused t be defeated.
    The Gd Earth, her best-knwn bk, was published in 1931. The nvel quickly gained an internatinal reputatin. It was cited in the decisin t award her the Nble Prize fr Literature, “fr her rich and truly great descriptins f peasant life in China and fr her bigraphical masterpieces” a year later. Pearl Buck’s wrks after 1938 are t many t mentin. Her nvels cntinued t deal with the cnfrntatin (对抗) f East and West, her interest spreading t such cuntries as India and Krea.
    Buck als devted herself t humanitarian causes. With her husband, she funded an adptin agency fr mixed-race Asian and American children. These children were ften utcasts in Asian cuntries because f their mixed bld and because they were ften the illegitimate (私生的) children f American servicemen.
    Buck spent all her life trying t help peple in the USA understand Chinese culture. She wanted t prve t her readers that the universality f mankind can exist if they accept it.
    20. What can we knw abut Buck?
    A. She culdn’t speak English when she was yung.
    B. She culdn’t get n with her parents.
    C. She was prud f her parents’ prfessin.
    D. She grew up in China.
    21. What is The Gd Earth mainly abut?
    A. Cnflicts in India and Krea.B. What Buck saw in China.
    C. Children’s life in an adptin agency.D. Why Buck chse t live in China.
    22. What des the underlined wrd “utcasts” in Paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. Children whse parents were Asians.B. Children whse parents were busy.
    C. Children wh were disabled.D. Children wh were abandned.
    23. Which f the fllwing can best describe Buck?
    A. Ambitius and plite.B. Brave and patient.
    C. Determined and generus.D. Psitive and humrus.
    The Wrld Health Organisatin has prduced a reprt predicting that 9.8 billin f us will be living n this planet by 2050. Of that number, 72 percent will be living in urban areas. Presented with this infrmatin, gvernments have a duty t cnsider hw best t meet the needs f city residents.
    Take New Yrk City, a place where I frequently meet up with ther researchers in my field. Luckily fr me, I d nt need t navigate the crwded streets. Admittedly my experience f the urban lifestyle here is limited t the htels I stay in, and the blcks within a three-kilmetre walk. But whenever I leave my rm in search f a stre prviding fruit r anything with nutritinal value, nne can be fund. New Yrk has made great advances in redevelping its museums and arts centres, but authrities must recgnise that peple’s basic needs must be met first.
    Smetimes these basic needs are misunderstd. In sme urban areas, new residential develpments are prvided with security features such as massive metal fences in the belief that these will make residents safer. There is little evidence that such steps make a difference, but we d knw they make residents feel unwilling t g utside and walk arund their neighburhd. This adds up t a feeling f being cut ff frm thers.
    S where are planners and develpers ging wrng? Inviting a grup f lcals t attend a cnsultatin event is the cnventinal methd fr discvering what a cmmunity might want. The issue here is that it ften attracts the same few vices with the same few wishes. Successful develpment is taking place in many urban areas arund the wrld. There is n better way fr city planners t d this than t visit these places in persn.
    24. What are gvernments expected t d in the near future?
    A. Plan cities well t benefit their citizens.
    B. Lwer the ppulatin in urban areas.
    C. Prvide their citizens with mre infrmatin.
    D. Predict the ppulatin n earth.
    25. What des the writer cmplain abut New Yrk?
    A. Certain venues cannt be reached n ft.
    B. Museums and arts centres are pretty ld.
    C. There are a limited number f htels.
    D. Healthy fd is nt easy t btain.
    26. What is the writer’s attitude twards the use f security features?
    A. Dubtful.B. Tlerant.C. Uncncerned.D. Appreciative.
    27. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Prcess f UrbanizatinB. The Increasing Ppulatin n Earth
    C. The Management f CitiesD. The Wrk f Develpers
    Can clthes make phne calls, play music, dial yur friend’s number, keep yu warm during cld weather, r perate yur cmputer?
    This is nt fantasy (幻想). A British cmpany, called Electrtextiles, has created a kind f clthes that have a mind f their wn! Scientists have invented a clth that can be mixed with electrnic materials t create intelligent clthing. The result is electrnic clthes.
    These clthes are wire-free, sft t tuch and washable! Like any electrnic equipment, these high-tech clthes have t be pwered. A small nine-vlt (伏特) battery serves the purpse. But the researchers hpe that in the near future, the clthes will prduce electricity by using bdy heat.
    The Electrtextiles team has als invented the wrld’s first clth keybard. This keybard can be sewn int yur trusers r skirt. T use this equipment, yu needn’t buy a cmputer. All yu will d is tap n yur lap! The equipment may replace cmputers in the future!
    Anther useful clth is the shirt mbile phne. This inventin makes drivers chat cmfrtably — with bth hands n the wheel! Other ppular electrnic wears include the rdinary jacket and the electrnic ski-jacket with a built-in heater. The ski-jacket is als prgrammed t send signals t a satellite. This technlgy is knwn as glbal psitining (全球定位) and can be used t lk fr lst skiers. .
    Having cmpleted the clth keybard, scientists have already started t wrk n a new prject — a necktie that can be used as a cmputer’s muse.
    28. Why des the authr ask the questin in paragraph 1?
    A. T tell us technlgy is develping fast.
    B. T make us have a dream fr the future.
    C. T get the readers interested in the tpic.
    D. T make us believe in the authr’s idea.
    29. What d we knw abut the high-tech clthes accrding t the text?
    A. They feel hard.B. They can be washed.
    C. They need wires.D. They dn’t need electricity.
    30. What can the electrnic ski-jacket be used t d in the future?
    A. Help skiers find their way.B. Prduce electricity.
    C. Replace the cmputer’s keybard.D. Wrk as a cmputer’s muse.
    31. What is the text intended t tell us?
    A. The develpment f electrnic clthes.
    B. The functin f electrnic clthes.
    C. The fun f wearing electrnic clthes.
    D. The prcess f making electrnic clthes.
    Tday’s Wnder f the Day cmes in all shapes and sizes. It can lk like a beautiful landscape, a familiar skyline, r even uter space! It cmes in bxes labeled with numbers — 300,500, 1,000, r even 2,500. What are we talking abut? Jigsaw puzzles (拼图游戏), f curse!
    Puzzles have been arund since at least 1760. Tday, thugh, the prcess f making jigsaw puzzles has changed quite a bit. 32 They used jigsaws t cut each piece ut f wd r cardbard. Sme specialty puzzle makers still d s tday, but it’s far less cmmn. Instead, mst puzzles are mass-prduced.
    Hw exactly are mdem puzzles made? It starts with chsing the right picture. 33 The mst ppular puzzles are ften full f details. After all, this makes them quite a bit mre manageable — imagine wrking n a puzzle that is just ne clr r patter!
    Once the image is chsen, it’s printed n special paper and pasted t cardbard. Then, they’re left t dry befre ging thrugh the die cutter. 34 The design f the die cutter is unique t each puzzle and is ften drawn by hand. Later, they g thrugh a machine that separates them. 35
    Of curse, puzzles aren’t just fr fun! They’re gd fr yur brain. Experts say putting tgether a puzzle has the same effect as trying t slve a mystery. It can stimulate different brain areas. 36 It feels great t place that last piece in the right spt. Maybe that’s why puzzles seem t be a timeless surce f entertainment.
    A. Wrking n a puzzle can als reduce stress.
    B. Decades ag, peple made puzzles by hand.
    C. Finally, they’re bxed up and made ready fr sale.
    D. Nt every piece f beautiful artwrk can make the cut.
    E. Puzzles ffer an affrdable way fr peple t have fun.
    F. N matter yur preferences, there’s a puzzle ut there fr yu.
    G. Yu can think f this as a ckie cutter that cuts the puzzle int pieces.
    In the last 100 years, the glbal temperature has gne up by arund 0.75℃. Such a small increase is causing sea levels t rise and 37 the habitat f many species f plants and animals. A(n) 38 f 2℃ in glbal temperatures culd result in 39 f 30% f the wrld’s land species.
    Sea levels in the UK have increased by arund 10 cm in the last 100 years and experts 40 that glbal sea levels culd rise by up t 59 cm in the near future. 41 , areas which were land a few hundred years ag are nw under water.
    As a result f the changing 42 , the wrld’s ecsystems are als changing faster than ever befre. S what is 43 climate change? The main cause f climate change is the huge amunt f greenhuse gases like CO2 in the atmsphere, but the reasn fr this is the wrld’s ppulatin — yu and me. As the 44 increases, mre land is needed t prvide fd, and mre energy is 45 t. Burning fssil fuels fr heating, lighting, transprt, r electricity 46 CO2. Furthermre, humans breathe ut CO2 and trees “breathe in” CO2 and prduce xygen — s by 47 trees, we are increasing the amunt f CO2 in the atmsphere and reducing the amunt f xygen. As a result f these 48 , CO2 levels are nw at their highest fr 800,000 years.
    The biggest 49 we all face is t prevent further envirnmental disasters. We need t 50 burning fssil fuels and start using renewable energy. If we can get enugh 51 frm renewable fuels, we can stp using fssil fuels cmpletely.
    37. A. attackingB. ignringC. threateningD. discvering
    38. A. limitatinB. reductinC. increaseD. imprvement
    39. A. extinctinB. escapeC. changeD. develpment
    40. A. argueB. explainC. dubtD. predict
    41. A. SurprisinglyB. CnsequentlyC. ImmediatelyD. Usually
    42. A. climateB. heightC. peridD. envirnment
    43. A. frcingB. allwingC. causingD. helping
    44. A. animalB. speciesC. plantsD. ppulatin
    45. A. wastedB. neededC. suppliedD. stred
    46. A. prducesB. includesC. requiresD. prvides
    47. A. transprting tB. searching frC. planting inD. cutting dwn
    48. A. questinsB. activitiesC. prceduresD. disasters
    49. A. challengeB. disadvantageC. adventureD. influence
    50. A. cnsiderB. denyC. stpD. hate
    51. A. timeB. energyC. inspiratinD. knwledge
    Shrt and simple as they are, fables teach peple imprtant life lessns and reveal the truths hidden in rdinary events. In fact, many parents find 52 less labrius and mre effective t instill (逐渐灌输) crrect cncepts int their children by leading them t read interesting and 53 (inspire) fables than just thrugh lectures. The fllwing is a gd example f hw an ancient Chinese fable 54 (help) mdern readers understand the wrld. The stry ges like this: A man was attempting 55 (sell) his hrse in the market, where he had std fr three days, but nne f the passersby wuld cme t take 56 lk. S, he turned t B Le, a specialist 57 (fair) famus fr his skill in selecting fine hrses, 58 help. All the man asked B Le t d was t walk arund the hrse three times and turn his head t lk at it several times while 59 (leave). B Le agreed and did s. In an instant, the man sld the hrse at a high price. The mral f the fable is 60 peple tend t blindly fllw thers’ r experts’ pinins rather than make their wn 61 (judge) . It can’t be mre true f mdern sciety.
    在学习生活中,同学之间的相处是十分重要的。请你以“Hw I Get Alng with My Classmates”为题,向英语校刊投稿,内容包括:
    1. 阐述与同学相处的重要性;
    2. 谈谈你与同学的相处方式。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    When I was yung, I lived in a small village in Melaka. All the peple wh lived there helped each ther. The village had a variety f trades t meet the needs f the villagers. There was a barber, a tailr, a cffee shp wner, . a grcer (食品杂货), and s n. All f us were quite pr but we gt by. Hwever, ne family which was prer than the thers was the Lim family, wh lived in the bicycle shp ppsite ur huse.
    Mr. Lim, wh mended bikes, had many children — six t be exact. My mther was a kind-hearted sul. Often, she wuld say that Mr. Lim’s children were dressed in pr clthes and lked hungry. My family was ne f the richer nes in the village. My parents wuld take whatever fd we culd spare t the Lim family.
    I remember ne particular year when times were very hard. Even my family had t make d with tw meals a day. s we stpped the practice f giving fd t Mr. Lim. One day, I nticed my mther lking trubled. She had learned that the Lim family had nt been eating fr the past tw days. She decided t give sme f ur meals t the family, despite the prtests frm my brthers that were t hungry. Frtunately, the difficult time did nt last lng, and the children in ur family went back t three meals a day.
    As time went n, the number f custmers at Lim’s shp increased, which was delightful. Business tk ff like a rcket, as the Chinese bikes he sld were very useful and ppular. The family became much better ff than befre.
    It was at this time that my father’s health was wrsening. We were cnfused by the strange illness he was suffering frm. Because he was unable t lk after his fd stre, business gt wrse. My father had t sell ur family car t pay ff the increasing bills. My brthers and I had t stp ging t schl because we culd nt affrd the fees.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Hw I Get Alng with My Classmates
    When Mr. Lim learned f ur difficulty, he said it was his turn t help.
    With the help f Mr. Lim, the situatin in my family tk a turn fr the better.

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