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    考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    ( )1.When did the man plan t meet the wman?
    A.At 6: 30.B.At 6: 50.C.At 7: 00.
    ( )2.What des the wman mean?
    A.She spent a lt repairing her car.B.Fixing a plane is expensive.C.She likes riding a bicycle.
    ( )3.Hw can we describe the man?
    A.Careless. B.Plite. C.Generus.
    ( )4.What are the speakers ding?
    A.Waiting fr friends. B.Lking after kids. C.Lining up.
    ( )5.What are the speakers discussing?
    A.Hw t divide chres.B.What t have fr dinner.C.When t create a schedule.
    ( )6.What prbable relatin is Tny t the man?
    A.His father. B.His classmate. C.His teacher.
    ( )7.What des the wman ffer t d fr the man?
    A.Give him a lift.B.Make dinner fr him.C.Help him with his interview.
    ( )8.What is the man unhappy with abut his jb?
    A.The benefits. B.The pay. C.The paperwrk.
    ( )9.Why is the wman ging t further her study?
    A.T get a prmtin.B.T manage a business.C.T find a jb in the gvernment.
    ( )10.Why des the man suggest Majrca as a hliday destinatin?
    A.It’s quiet. B.It’s cheap. C.It’s exciting.
    ( )11.What attracts the man mst abut Trquay?
    A.The weather. B.The castal scenery. C.The accmmdatin.
    ( )12.What d we knw abut the man?
    A.He desn’t think Majrca was crwded.
    B.He desn’t like adventurus activities.
    C.He is fnd f walking alng the cast.
    ( )13.What is the wman prbably ding?
    A.Cnducting an interview.B.Advertising a prgram.C.Intrducing an expert.
    ( )14.Why did Ann a have an accident?
    A.She suddenly had a headache.B.She culdn’t cntrl her skis.C.She was hit by smene.
    ( )15.Hw did Anna’s clleagues help her?
    A.They brke the ice.B.They called the rescue teams.C.They tried t keep her legs warm.
    ( )16.Hw lng was Anna trapped in the hle?
    A.Abut 13 minutes. B.Abut 36 minutes. C.Abut 80 minutes.
    ( )17.What is the purpse f Wrld Tai Chi and Qigng Day?
    A.T educate peple t care abut thers’ health.
    B.T encurage peple t d Tai Chi and Qigng.
    C.T teach mre peple self-defence.
    ( )18.What d rganizers d t celebrate the day?
    A.Organize cmpetitins. B.Hld lectures n health. C.Give sme classes.
    ( )19.When did Wrld Tai Chi and Qigng Day start
    A.In 1999.B.In 1965.C.In 1990.
    ( )20.What d traditinalists say abut Tai Chi?
    A.It finds a balance between self-defence and health.
    B.It benefits peple with heart truble.
    C.It cntains 42 mvements in ttal.
    第二部分 阅读(共三节,满分40分)
    第一节 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    High Schl Summer Reading List
    We studied reading lists frm arund the cuntry and fund the fllwing bks. There’s a gd chance yu will pen ne f them this summer.
    The Jy Luck Club, by Amy Tan
    It fcuses n fur Chinese-American immigrant families wh start a club knwn as “the Jy Luck Club”, playing the Chinese game f mahjng (麻将) fr mney while feasting n a variety f fds. The fur Chinese wmen have t slve a lt f prblems caused by different cultures.
    Life f Pi, by Yann Martel
    After a ship full f z animals sinks at sea, an Indian by is trapped n a lifebat with a Bengal tiger (孟加拉虎). During the hard perid, he suffers a lt. But at last, he arrives at land. The bk was the winner f 2002 Bker Prize.
    The Secret Life f Bees, by Sue Kidd
    During the civil rights (公民权) mvement f the mid-1960s, a yung white Suthern girl ges n the lam (逃走) with her family’s African-American husekeeper, hping t slve the mystery f her mther wh gave her up.
    The Bk Thief, by Markus Zusak
    It’s abut a yung girl wh lives in Nazi Germany during Wrld War II. She steals bks and shares them with neighbrs as well as with a Jew wh hides in her family’s basement.
    ( )21.If yu want t knw the difference between cultures, which bk shuld yu chse?
    A.The Jy Luck Club B.Life f Pi
    C.The Secret Life f Bees D.The Bk Thief
    ( )22.What is The Secret Life f Bees mainly abut?
    A.A mther wh gave up her daughter.B.The cause f the civil rights mvement.
    C.A runaway African-American husekeeper.D.A yung girl wh tried t learn abut her mther.
    ( )23.What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A.T explain why these bks are ppular.B.T shw the imprtance f reading bks.
    C.T encurage high schl students t read.D.T intrduce sme bks fr high schl students.
    Nwadays mail delivery is a little different. I still get my mail frm my mailbx. Nthing, but my neighbrs’ mail. I thught that was curius.
    I went n t take my neighbrs’ mail t them. I was abut t put the mail in their mailbx when a tall man came running ut shuting abut messing with his friend’s mail. He snatched (夺过) the mail frm my hand, pened the mailbx and pinted t the mail inside. “Yu were after this.”
    I shk my head, “N, believe me. I gt this mail by mistake in my bx tday. I was just bringing it t them.” He gave me a funny lk and went back int his huse.
    I gt the knck n the dr the next mrning by tw very plite fficers. The annyed tall man had phned the plice and tld them I was a crazy ld wman ging arund mixing up everyne’s mail. Befre I culd finish telling them abut what was ging n, the fficers had watched a dg apprach my mailbx with mail in - his muth. He tk ut the mail that was in my bx and put letters in. He pushed the dr clsed with his nse, picked up the new pile f mail he had gtten frm my bx, and repeated this all the way dwn the next street. We all started laughing.
    The dg had belnged t a mail carrier wh had died. N ne thught t check (the carrier lived alne) n the man’s dg. The dg had been trained t put mail in and take mail ut f the bxes. When he gt lse, he assumed his-duties.
    I went by t talk t the annyed tall man t fill him in n what had happened. He was very pleased when he realized I was nt a mail thief. He did, hwever, adpt the little guy.
    ( )24.Why did the tall man give the authr a funny lk?
    A.T shw his disbelief. B.T express his curisity.
    C.T cntain his annyance. D.T hide his embarrassment.
    ( )25.Hw did the plice fficers discver the truth?
    A.By analyzing the case. B.By witnessing the mix-up.
    C.By questining the authr. D.By cnsulting the tall man.
    ( )26.Accrding t the stry, the dg ______
    A.was well-trained and devted B.used t live a lnely and busy life
    C.was assigned t replace the carrier D.guarded the mail in the neighbrhd
    ( )27.What’s the best title fr the stry?
    A.A mail service B.A dg’s taleC.Special delivery D.Nble duties
    Fr decades, the hmewrk standard has been a“10-minute”rule, which suggests a daily maximum f 10 minutes f hmewrk per grade level.
    But sme schls have begun t give their yungest students a break. A Massachusetts elementary schl has annunced a n-hmewrk pilt (试点的) prgram fr the cming schl year, extending the schl day by tw hurs t prvide mre in-class instructin. “We really want kids t g hme at 4 ’clck,” Kelly Elementary Schl Principal Jackie Glasheen said. “We want them t enjy their families. We want them t g t sccer practice r ftball practice.”
    New slutins t hmewrk differ by cmmunity. These lcal debates aren’t easily understd by the fact that even educatin experts disagree abut what’s best fr kids.
    The mst all-rund research n hmewrk s far cmes frm an analysis (分析) by Duke University prfessr Harris Cper, wh fund evidence (证据) f a psitive relatinship between hmewrk and student achievement, meaning students wh did hmewrk perfrmed better in schl. Cper’s analysis fcused n hw hmewrk influences test scres. The relatinship was strnger fr lder students-in 7th thrugh 12th grade-than fr thse in yunger grades, fr whm there was a weak relatinship between hmewrk and perfrmance.
    Althugh there is the weak relatinship between hmewrk and perfrmance fr yung children, Cper argues that a small amunt f hmewrk is useful fr all students. Secnd-graders shuld nt be ding tw hurs f hmewrk each night, he said, but they als shuldn’t be ding n hmewrk.
    Hwever, Cathy Vattertt, an educatin prfessr at the University Missuri-St. Luis, thinks there is nt enugh evidence that hmewrk is helpful fr students in elementary schl, “Relatinship is nt a rt,” she said “Des hmewrk cause achievement, r d high achievers d mre hmewrk?” Vattertt thinks there shuld be mre stress n imprving the quality f hmewrk tasks, and she supprts effrts t ban hmewrk fr yunger kids.
    ( )28.What will Kelly Elementary Schl have in the new term.
    A.N hmewrk. B.Sme ftball practice.
    C.“10-minute” hmewrk. D.Mre physical educatin classes.
    ( )29.Wh can perfrm better accrding t Cper’s analysis?
    A.Yunger students in all grades with n hmewrk.
    B.Yunger students in lwer grades with n hmewrk.
    C.Older students in lwer grades with mre hmewrk.
    D.Older students in higher grades with mre hmewrk.
    ( )30.What des the underlined wrd in paragraph 6 mean?
    ( )31.What’s the writer’s attitude twards “10-minute” hmewrk?
    A.Psitive. B.Negative. C.Unknwn. D.Dubtful.
    Searching nline has many educatinal benefits. But spending mre time nline des nt mean better nline skills. Instead, a student’s ability t successfully search nline increases with guidance and clear instructin. Yung peple ften think they are already skilled searchers. Their teachers and parents ften think s t. This belief means much classrm practice centers n searching t learn, hardly n learning t search. Many teachers dn’t teach students hw t search nline. Instead, students ften teach themselves. This des nt result in students learning the skills they need.
    Fr six years, I studied hw yung Australians use search engines. Bth schl students and hme-schlers shwed sme characteristics (特点) f nline searching that aren’t helpful. Fr example, bth grups spent greater time n irrelevant (不相关的) websites than relevant nes and stpped searches befre finding their needed infrmatin.
    Search engines ffer endless educatinal chances, but I find many students typically nly search fr islated (孤立) facts, and mve n. In ne bservatin, a hme-schl family type “Hw many endangered Sumatran Tigers arc there” int Ggle. They enter a single website where they read a single sentence. They write this “answer” dwn and they begin the next tpic—grwing seeds.
    The ther thing yung peple shuld keep in mind t get the full benefits f searching nline is t avid fast search. All t ften we believe search can be a fast prcess. The hme-schl families in my study spent 90 secnds r less, viewing each website and searched a new tpic every fur minutes. But searching s quickly can mean students dn’t write useful search keywrds r get the infrmatin they need.
    ( )32.What des the authr mainly discuss in paragraph 1?
    A.The imprtance f teaching nline searching skills.
    B.The educatinal benefits f searching nline.
    C.The classrm practice centering n learning t search.
    D.The advantage f teaching neself abut searching nline.
    ( )33.What did the authr’s study find abut Australian students?
    A.They benefited mst frm using nline infrmatin.
    B.They spent little time n irrelevant websites.
    C.They were usually experienced in using search engines.
    D.They were ften unable t find the needed search results.
    ( )34.Why des the authr mentin the hme-schl family“
    A.T cmpare sme ppular nline searching skills.
    B.T shw the imprtant rle f a print encyclpedia.
    C.T give an example f nly searching fr islated facts.
    D.T explain a basic searching skill used by many students.
    ( )35.What is the authr’s advice fr students in the last paragraph?
    A.Slw dwn when searching nline. B.Try searching mre new tpics nline.
    C.Practice mre t better searching skills. D.Change search keywrds quickly if pssible
    What are sme things in yur life that give yu t much stress? Find ut what yu can d abut it.
    Schl wrk and grades
    As a student, schl wrk and grades are at the tp f yur stress list. Even if yur results are nt s bad, yu may still be vercme with stress fearing that yu may fail r nt d as well as yu expect. 36 . Why nt take it easy by leaving extra time t study and take frequent breaks t avid being s tired? Manage yur time carefully and d nt put things ff.
    Have yu ever been cncerned abut nt having enugh friends, r nt being in the same class as yur best friends? These, alng with ther prblems such as peer pressure and interpersnal cnflicts (冲突), are ther cmmn stress.
    It is imprtant t knw hw t chse yur circle f friends wisely. D nt hide in yur wn wrld. 38 . Make plans t meet with yur friends frm ther classes during break time.
    Pr diet and lack f sleep
    Sme students eat t much fast fd and junk fd, which can lead t md changes, lack f energy and ther negative effects. These fd may cause ther health prblems. 39 .
    Other students suffer frm lack f sleep. When that happens, they functin prly in class, getting upset and angry easily. Why nt draw up a schedule t g t bed at a set time every night? 40 . Well arrange yur daily rutine and yu will feel better abut yurself.
    A.Family and supprt
    B.Friendships and relatinships
    C.Avid using smart phnes befre yu sleep
    D.Eating junk fd is really a waste f mney
    E.Make friends when yu jin in schl activities
    F.Heavy learning burden is anther cause fr wrry
    G.S learn t make wise fd chices that yu can enjy
    第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分55分)
    Linda Munsn, 56, has wrked a desk jb frm hme since the initial COVID shutdwn. At the height f the pandemic, when ging t the gym wasn’t a chice, millins f peple began explring 41 wrkuts frm hme. Munsn’s never been much f a 42 persn. “I am very scially awkward. I prbably wuld sign up fr a 43 and then nt g,” she says.
    In 2021, she was 44 with diabetes (糖尿病) and her dctr tld her she needed t 45 mre n her health. She started walking and 46 ut junk fd. One day, her sn brught hme a VR headset (头盔) called an Oculus Quest.
    While messing arund with it, Munsn 47 the ppular fitness app Supernatural, and she was attracted: Supernatural lets yu bx, swing yur arms at 48 , meditate (冥想) r stretch with a 49 in frnt f yu and in yur ear while yu’re mving t ppular music.
    Currently, Supernatural membership 50 hundreds f wrkuts and csts $179 per year, after a tw-week free 51 . The Oculus Quest headset needed t 52 and it is $299. It’s wrth it, Munsn says. “When yu finish ne wrkut, yu’re tired, but yu think, “I can d ne mre.” Mving t the beat is 53 , she says, and “s much fun.” Als, “there’s nbdy 54 yu. I’m hme and I can be crazy,” she says.
    Munsn has lst nearly 50 punds in a year, has nt had t take diabetes 55 , and can nw play with her seven active grandchildren.
    ( )41.A.traditinal B.free C.virtual D.superir
    ( )42.A.gym B.city C.family D.career
    ( )43.A.friendship B.champinship C.membership D.partnership
    ( )44.A.treated B.diagnsed C.equipped D.linked
    ( )45.A.carry B.cunt C.put D.fcus
    ( )46.A.left B.cut C.tre D.spread
    ( )47.A.regained B.develped C.discvered D.understd
    ( )48.A.targets B.partners C.paintings D.tys
    ( )49.A.dctr B.teammate C.player D.cach
    ( )50.A.ffers B.expects C.affrds D.requests
    ( )51.A.success B.trial C.pleasure D.experiment
    ( )52.A.pen B.practice C.btain D.access
    ( )53.A.tricky B.demanding C.awful D.addictive
    ( )54.A.blaming B.appraching C.judging D.affecting
    ( )55.A.fd B.medicine C.illness D.service
    Thrugh the wrk we d, ur gals can 56 (realize) and ur dreams fulfilled. Wherever ur interests may lie and whatever ur career chices might be, wrk allws 57 (we) the pprtunity t be engaged in smething we are fnd f, 58 gives us a great sense f satisfactin.
    Wrk prvides rm fr persnal grwth, and helps us t live up t ur 59 (expect). When we apply 60 a new jb, we need t make a gd impressin n ur applicatin t shw ur suitability fr the rle. In additin, we must be ready t acquire new skills. This can add t ur sense f 61 (achieve) and imprve ur wrking efficiency.
    Wrk is nt nly 62 (benefit) t ur persnal develpment, but als cntributes t the health f the sciety. In a successful and stable sciety, all jbs are 63 (equal)imprtant and n ne is better than the ther, s we shuld nt have prejudice (偏见) against anyne. Wrk is such 64 imprtant part in ur daily life and we shuld take the 65 (inspiring) frm the knwledge that hard wrk is imprtant fr ur individual well-being as well as fr the benefit f ur sciety as a whle.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Peter,
    Sprts Day was getting clse in the schl. All the children were very excited and were practicing fr the big race. Jhn, ne f the fast runners f the schl, was cnfident that he wuld win fr he was nt ding anything at all. “Yu have t wrk hard t cme first in the race Jhn. Yu are nt practicing at all, said Jhn’s mther.
    “Mm, yu knw hw fast I am! Why shuld I waste mytime running? Only I will win; n ne else will win!”said Jhn. Jhn, yu may be right but talent (天赋) withut hard wrk is nt gd at all. This laziness f yurs will cst yu greatly his mther warned him. Jhn just laughed. He was s cnfident that he wuld win the trphy (奖杯) as n ne else in his class was as fast as he was!.
    Tim, a classmate f Jhn, was als participating (参加) inthe running race. He was nt a fast runner. Hwever, he practiced till late at night and had develped great endurance(持久力)t run the race
    There were a few days left fr the Sprts Day but Jhn did nt practice at all. On the ther hand, Tim practiced day and night.
    The Sprts Day was almst arund the crner but Jhn was cnfident that n ne culd beat him and had nt practiced at all. But Tim with his hard wrk had becme a very great runner.
    At last, the Sprts Day arrived. All the students shwed up n the grund t cheer their favrites. The cach blew the whistle (口哨) and everyne began t run tward the finishing line. It was s exciting. Jhn and Tim left all the racers far behind. Bth f them were neck t neck.
    Suddenly, Jhn went ahead f Tim.
    Jhn’s mther came up t Tim and praised him fr his hard wrk.
    听力: 1-5: AACCA 6-10: BACBB 11-15: CBABB 16-20: CBCAA
    21-23: ADD 24-27: ABAC 28-31: ADBC 32-35: ADCA
    36-40: FBEGC
    41-45 CACBD 46-50 BCADA 51-55 BDDCB
    56.be realized 57.us 58.which 59.recgnitin 60.fr
    61.achievement 62.beneficial 63.equally 64.an 65 pride
    Dear Peter,
    I heard that yu are having a hard time adjusting t the new schl. Please dn’t wrry t much as it is nrmal fr freshmen t fa cc varius difficulties.
    T adapt t the new learning and living envirnment, I suggest yu make a study plan and participate in sme sprts activities. This will help yu balance yur academic wrklad and physical health, which are bth imprtant fr yur verall well-being.
    Remember, challenges arc pprtunities fr grwth. Dn’t be afraid f them, but embrace them with curage and perseverance. I believe yu can vercme any difficulties and enjy yur high schl life.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    Suddenly, Jhn went ahcad f Tim. The crwd watched in astnishment as Jhn sprinted past his cmpetitr and crssed the finish line first. “I wn! I wn!” Jhn exclaimed, his face beaming with pride. Hwever, as he std n the pdium, a hand suddenly reached ut t stp him. It was Tim, wh had managed t catch up t him just befre the finish line. “N ne can beat yu if yu dn’t wrk hard,” Tim said, handing the trphy back t Jhn.
    Jhn’s mther came up t Tim and praised him fr his hard wrk. “Yu are truly an inspiratin, my sn,” she said. “I never thught yu culd be s talented, but yur dedicatin and perseverance have paid ff. Yu have shwn that talent alne is nt enugh; it takes hard wrk and determinatin t achieve success.” As they hugged each ther, the crwd erupted int applause. Talent withut hard wrk is nthing.
    (Text 1)
    M: Sid, hi. S srry I can’t meet yu fr dinner at 6:30.
    W: Oh, kay. What time will yu get here?
    M: By 7:00 at the latest, I think. There was a car crash ahead f me just ten minutes ag.
    (Text 2)
    M: I saw yu riding a bicycle t the cmpany this mrning. What’s ging n?
    W: My car’s brken again. It feels like I’m repairing an airplane!
    (Text 3)
    W: Ben, culd I brrw yur new sweatshirt? I’m ging skatebarding, and it’s really cld.
    M: Sure — in fact, yu can keep it if yu want.
    W: What? But it is really expensive!
    M: Dn’t wrry, Nicle, I dn’t mind, and yu’ll need it mre than I d.
    (Text 4)
    M: Hey! Thse kids are walking right up t the frnt f the line.
    W: Maybe they’re jining friends.
    M: Well, they have t wait like the rest f us!
    W: Dn’t wrry. We’ll all get in.
    (Text 5)
    M: Min, can I talk t yu abut chres? I’m ding mre than my fair share.
    W: Why dn’t we create a schedule? Like every Saturday, I take ut the rubbish. On Tuesday and Thursday night I ck dinner.
    M: Sure, then I d all the meal preparatin and mst f the cleanıng t.
    (Text 6)
    M: Hey Mm, can I stay ver at Tny’s huse tnight? He just invited me.
    W: It is a schl night thugh, right? I dn’t think that’s a gd idea. Bth f yu have a lt f hmewrk t d.
    M: N. remember it’s a hliday tmrrw? It’s a day ff because f parent-teacher interviews.
    W: Oh, that’s right. What time will yu g ver?
    M: He invited me t cme ver fr dinner s maybe arund 6:00.
    W: Okay. I can drive yu there.
    (Text 7)
    W: Sam! What have yu been ding since yu finished university?
    M: Oh, hi Mary! I’ve been wrking fr the lcal gvernment’s finance department.
    W: Right! My dad mentined that he saw yu in his administratin building! Hw’s it ging?
    M: Gd, I enjy mst days. They pay well; the benefits are gd, thugh there’s mre paperwrk than I expected. Hw abut yu?
    W: Great, I’m wrking in the ffice fr my uncle’s cnstructin business and I’m ging back t schl fr my Master’s degree.
    M: That’s impressive, Mary! Getting an MBA can prepare yu fr taking ver yur uncle’s business after he retires.
    W: Yu’ve gt the pint!
    (Text 8)
    W: Where shall we g fr ur hliday this year, Ted?
    M: Hw abut cnsidering Majrca? It’s a budget-friendly chice.
    W: I’d rather d smething mre exciting this year. Have yu seen this ad fr adventure hlidays in Sctland?
    M: I’d rather lie n a beach t relax myself. I’m nt really int activities demanding a lt f energy.
    W: But we d that every year. I’d prefer t d smething different this time. I’d rather nt g anywhere s crwded.
    M: Well, yu have a pint. Majrca was very crwded last time. I’d prefer smewhere a little quieter t.
    W: Hw abut Trquay? The weather’s usually gd and we can have lvely walks alng the cast.
    M: Sunds OK t me. And I’ve always wanted t have the experience f staying in ne f thse cmfrtable castal htels.
    (Text 9)
    W: Yu have been lking at hw the human bdy react t very lw temperatures. Did yu find smething interesting?
    M: Yes. There’s the famus case f a Swedish dctr called Anna Bagenhlm. She and her tw clleague s were skiing dwn a muntain when Anna lst cntrl f her skis. She fell nt a sheet f ice. The ice brke and Anna fell headfirst thrugh the hle.
    W: What did her tw clleagues d?
    M: Well, they tried t pull her ut by her legs. After trying fr seven minutes t free her, her tw clleagues gave up and phned fr help.
    W: And did the help arrive quickly?
    M: Tw rescue teams immediately set ff t help Anna, but by the time they gt her free, she had been in the freezing water fr abut 80 minutes. When she arrived at the hspital, her bdy temperature was 13.7℃. Dctrs at the hspital wrked fr nine hurs t save Anna. When her temperature had risen t 36.4℃, her heart started beating again.
    W: That’s amazing.
    (Text 10)
    W: Wrld Tai Chi and Qigng Day is an event held n the last Saturday f April each year. Its aim is t prmte practices f Tai Chi and Qigng. In particular, fllwers f Tai Chi and Qigng hpe t educate the wrld abut the health benefits f the tw exercises. The event which started in 1999, jins peple in ver 65 cuntries. Celebratins include Tai Chi displays and free classes in mst participating cities arund the wrld.
    Tai Chi is nt used fr self-defence, but is instead practiced fr health reasns. Dctrs say it has benefits fr thse wh have heart and bld pressure prblems. Tai Chi is famus arund the wrld and its fllwers d their mrning slw practices in parks. Traditinalists say that Tai Chi is a mixture f self-defence and health and that these represent the tw ppsing frces f yin and yang. A frm f Tai Chi with just 42 mvements, called wushu, was a sprt in the 11th Asian Games in 1990. There are attempts t make it an Olympic event.

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