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    1.What des the man want t d?
    A. Send mail t Sally.B. Cntact Mary.C. Get Mary’s address.
    2.Hw lng will it take the wman t reach Beijing by train?
    A. 5 hurs.B. 7 hurs.C. 10 hurs.
    3.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A new dress.B. The weather.C. A recent event.
    4.What can we learn abut the man’s new rmmate?
    A. He really likes ptates.
    B. He is fnd f watching TV.
    C. He seldm visits his parents.
    5.What is the man lking fr?
    A. Glves.B. Bus tickets.C. A pen.
    6.When will Mr. Miller pick up the speakers?
    A. At 9:00 am.B. At 2:00 pm.C. At 5:00 pm.
    7.Where will the speakers be at 6:00 pm?
    A. In the htel.
    B. On the banana farm.
    C. In the butterfly park.
    8.Wh is the wman?
    A. An architect.B. A saleswman.C. A gallery wrker.
    9.Hw did the man knw abut the gallery?
    A. Frm his friend.B. Frm a website.C. Frm a magazine.
    10.What des the man think f the exhibitin?
    A. He didn’t like it at all.
    B. He liked the vide a lt.
    C. He fund the paintings great.
    11.What will the wman d n Saturday?
    A. See a film.
    B. D the husewrk.
    C. Visit her parents.
    12.When did the man’s family mve t the US?
    A. Befre he was brn.
    B. When he was a yung child.
    C. When he was a teenager.
    13.What d we knw abut bys in Indian families?
    A. They dn’t help with the husewrk.
    B. They’re expected t wrk at an early age.
    C. They must take care f their sisters.
    14.Where des Dr. Gucci wrk?
    A. In Paris.B. In Lndn.C. In Bergam.
    15.When will Mr.Wilkinsn leave fr the airprt?
    A. At abut 6:30 am.
    B. At abut 5:30 am.
    C. At abut 4:15 am.
    16.With whm will Mr.Wilkinsn have lunch n Mnday?
    A. Gavin.B. Gianni Riva.C. Mr.Brwn.
    17.What is Linda mst prbably?
    A. A secretary.B. A tur guide.C. A saleswman.
    18.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The rigin f advertising.
    B. The prsperity (繁荣) f advertising.
    C. The imprtance f advertising.
    19.What’s the financial surce f the mass media?
    A. Advertisements.
    B. The private businesses.
    C. The lcal gvernments.
    20.What des the speaker talk abut at last?
    A. Ways f advertising.
    B. The ppularity f advertisements.
    C. Peple’s pinins n advertising.
    Endangered Species (濒危物种) Bks fr Kids
    Will We Miss Them? Endangered Species
    Written frm the unique view f a 13-year-ld authr, this bk interests children in the lives and challenges f endangered species, helping ther yung peple learn abut these animals as the first step tward saving them.
    ♦Authr: Alexandra Wright
    ♦Publicatin Date: September, 2011
    Almst Gne: The Wrlds Rarest Animals
    Have yu ever seen a wmbat r an Eastern barred bandict? Prbably nt. These animals are almst gne frm the earth, and they’re nt alne. Simple, infrmative text and cul-paper paintings intrduce basic endangered species knwledge t yung children.
    ♦Authr: Steve Jenkins
    ♦Publicatin Date: January, 2016
    A Petic Jurney int the Wild
    Take a jurney acrss land and sea t meet 21 endangered and threatened animals. Lvely paintings and pems intrduce amazing animals frm arund the glbe and shw the dangers they face. The bk als lists activities and rganizatins that prvide mre detailed infrmatin abut endangered species prtectin.
    ♦Authr: Rachel Allen Dilln
    ♦Publicatin Date: February, 2019
    Eyewitness: Endangered Animals
    This DK Eyewitness bk is an explratin f endangered animals arund the wrld, including factrs that are driving them tward extinctin (灭绝) and ways that we can help them survive. Blcks f text and diverse phtgraphs keep readers turning the pages.
    ♦Authr: Ben Hare
    ♦Publicatin Date: August, 2015
    21.Which bk is written by a teenage authr?
    A. A Petic Jurney int the Wild.
    B. Eyewitness: Endangered Animals.
    C. Almst Gne: The Wrld's Rarest Animals.
    D. Will We Miss Them? Endangered Species
    22.What can we find in A Petic Jurney int the Wild?
    A. Activities f hunting wildlife.
    B. Pems abut amazing animals.
    C. Paintings abut sme extinct animals.
    D. Surrundings f the endangered wildlife.
    23.What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T list sme endangered animals.
    B. T encurage prtectin f animals.
    C. T intrduce endangered species bks.
    D. T call n readers t fight illegal hunting.
    During my elementary schl years, I used t cmpare(比较) my mm with my best friend Tiffany’s mm.
    Tiffany’s mm always gave her lts f mney t buy the mst fashinable clthes and favrite fd. Her mm allwed her t d anything she liked. I really admired Tiffany. My mm didn’t give me much pcket mney and she always tld me that I shuld behave myself. I was annyed with her.
    Whenever I didn’t get what I wanted, I wuld cmplain t my mm, Tiffany’s mm wuld give her that! I wish she were my mm. Every time, my mm wuld calmly say “Pr Tiffany”. I culdn’t understand her. “She shuldn’t be feeling srry fr Tiffany!” I thught. “She shuld be feeling srry fr me.”
    One day, I culdn’t help saying t Mm, “Pr Tiffany? Lucky Tiffany! She gets everything she wants! Why d yu feel srry fr her?” I burst ut crying.
    My mm sat dwn next t me and said sftly. “Yes, I d feel srry fr her. I have been teaching yu a lessn that she will never be taught.”
    I lked up at her. “What are yu talking abut?”
    Mm said with care, “One day she will really want smething. Maybe she’ll find ut that she can’t have it. Her mther wn’t always be arund t give her mney, and what’s mre, mney can’t buy everything.”
    She cntinued, “I have taught yu valuable lessns by nt giving yu everything yu want. Yu’ll knw hw t lk fr bargains(便宜货) and save mney, but she wn’t. Yu’ll understand that yu need t wrk hard t get the things that yu want but she wn’t. When Tiffany is a grwn wman, she’ll wake up ne day and she will be wishing that she had a mm like the ne yu’ve gt. Life lessns are mre imprtant than mdern clthes and delicius fd.”
    It tk sme time, but I eventually understd my mm’s wrds. Nw I am a happy and successful wman.
    24.During the authr’s elementary schl years, she ______.
    A. went t schl with Tiffany every day
    B. usually gt lts f mney frm her mm
    C. wished that her mm were as gd as Tiffany’s
    D. admired Tiffany because Tiffany was better at her lessns
    25.The authr’s mm always said “Pr Tiffany” because ______.
    A. Tiffany’s family was really pr
    B. she wanted t cmfrt the authr
    C. she wanted the authr t help Tiffany
    D. she thught Tiffany wuld be spiled(宠坏)by her mther
    26.What d we learn abut the authr’s mther?
    A. She was strict and taught the authr t be independent.
    B. She cared fr ther peple’s children mre than her wn.
    C. She thught that life lessns were as imprtant as mney.
    D. She was s pr that she culdn’t give the authr much mney.
    27.What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. The authr is grateful t her mther nw.
    B. The authr was quite satisfied with her mther in the past.
    C. Tiffany used t wish that she had a mm like the authr’s.
    D. Tiffany’s mther tried t teach her child t get things with hard wrk.
    D yu find it difficult t put dwn yur mbile phne? If yes, yu’re nt alne. These days, many peple suffer frm the stress f FOMO (fear f missing ut). They reach fr their mbile phnes when they wake up in the mrning, and fr the rest f the day, they cnstantly scrll dwn (向下滚动) the timelines f their scial media apps t get the latest updates.
    Despite the cnvenience smartphnes bring, many peple struggle with their digital habits. As Sameer Samat, US tech Cmpany Ggle’s vice president f prduct management, said in his speech at the 2018 Ggle I/O develper cnference n May 8th, 70 percent f peple dn’t want t spend s much time n their phnes. This is why during the cnference Ggle intrduced an app called Dashbard fr the new versin (版本) f its Andrid perating system. This new app includes well-being functins that aim t help users manage the time they spend n their digital devices.
    It all starts with a bird’s-eye view. Dashbard allws users t lk at all the details f their phne habits. Fr example, a user can see hw many times they’ve unlcked their phne and hw many times they’ve checked their scial media apps, as well as hw much time they spend n each app every day.
    Once the users see this infrmatin, they’ll be able t make sme changes. With the App Timer functin, users can set a time limit fr hw lng they can use each app fr every day. After they’ve hit the limit, they wn’t be able t launch the app until the next day.
    But even if users becme mre mindful f their usage, they’re still likely t be drawn in by ntificatins (通知). This is where the Shush feature cmes in. It autmatically (自动地) silences incming calls and ntificatins when a user puts their phne face dwn.
    If peple truly want t make full use f their free time instead f lsing hurs using their smart phnes, these new functins are just ne way f ding that. After all, wh needs t use an app t stp yu frm using ther apps when the easiest answer wuld be just t use yur willpwer?
    28.Wh are the target users f Dashbard?
    A. Peple wh knw little abut smartphnes.
    B. Peple wh have truble dealing with stress.
    C. Peple wh are slw at searching fr things nline.
    D. Peple wh wish t manage the time they spend n their smartphne.
    29.What can Dashbard d?
    A. Lck the phne at a certain time.
    B. Limit sme apps t certain users.
    C. Limit the time certain apps can be used.
    D. Silence app ntificatins at night.
    30.The underlined wrd “mindful” in Paragraph 5 is clsest in meaning t ________.
    A. skillful.B. careful.C. trapped.D. creative.
    31.What des the authr think f Dashbard?
    A. It’s nt useful at all.B. It’s perfectly designed.
    C. It shuld include mre functins.D. It may be helpful t sme peple.
    Researchers all ver the wrld have been dreaming f “lab-grwn” r “cultured” meat, fr years. Tday, their dream tk ne step clser t reality as the cultured chicken meat frm the US cmpany, Eat Just, has been allwed fr sale in Singapre.
    Lab-grwn chicken is made f real chicken cells, but it's grwn in a lab instead f grwing in a live chicken.(Cultured meat is different frm plant-based meats like the Impssible Burger, Beynd Meat r Qurn, which use plant prteins t create prducts that just taste very similar t the prducts made frm real meat.)
    T grw cultured chicken meat, cells are taken frm a real chicken. These cells are then put in a special kind f water that encurages the cells t grw in the lab until they've prduced chicken meat—withut the chicken.
    But many technical challenges f bringing lab-grwn meat t the table are far frm slved. N ne has yet fund ut hw t prduce cultured meat even with the same texture and structure f real meat. Even replacing chicken prducts with lab-grwn chicken prducts that are nt very strict with such texture and structure wuld be a big success fr the wrld.
    The existing prjects, like Eat Just's in Singapre, can nly prduce a very small amunt f meat fr special dishes, while the meat industry kills tens f billins f animals each year. Matching that will be a challenge.
    The next challenge is cst. Lab-grwn meat is much mre expensive than factry farming. "Factry-farmed meat is unbelievably cheap," said Lewis Bllard, wh researches animals at the Open Philanthrpy Prject. “The meat industry desn't pay fr the envirnmental and the public health prblems they have caused. They have managed t prduce a prduct that is just artificially cheap and hard t cmpete with.”
    Althugh there are still many challenges ahead, tday's success in Singapre is cause fr celebratin.
    32.Which cmpany's prduct is made f animal cells?
    A. Qurn.B. Eat Just.C. Beynd Meat.D. Impssible Burger.
    33.What can we say abut the cultured chicken meat?
    A. It has been grwn in a live chicken.B. It has the same texture f real meat.
    C. It still tastes different frm real meat.D. It has been prduced in huge amunts.
    34.What des Lewis Bllard mean?
    A. Researchers have had a big success in Singapre.
    B. There are many technical challenges t be slved.
    C. Cultured meat still cannt cmpete with real meat.
    D. Factry-farmed meat is very harmful t ur health.
    35.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Cultured Meat Still Faces T Many Prblems
    B. When Will Lab-grwn Meat Becme Reality?
    C. Hw t Grw Cultured Chicken Meat in a Lab?
    D. The First Lab-grwn Meat t Be n Sale in Singapre
    36.Hw t Make Wise Decisins
    We make decisins every day; everything we say and d is the result f a decisin. ①______ Hwever, there are sme steps yu can fllw.
    List yur ptins (选择). It may appear that there is nly ne curse f actin, but that is nt necessarily true. N matter hw limited yur situatin seems, try t make a list f ptins. Brainstrm, and write dwn every idea that cmes t yur mind, as crazy as it may seem. Yu can always crss it ff the list later, but crazy ideas can bring creative slutins. Once yu have yur list, ask thers fr suggestins. ②______
    Weigh the pssible results. Fr every ptin, list every pssible result, and label (标签) it as psitive r negative. ③______ Yu can put a plus sign next t each psitive result and a minus sign next t each negative ne. Give tw pluses r minuses t the best and the wrst.
    ④______ This is the hardest step, but there will hpefully be a decisin n yur list that is supprted by bth lgic and intuitin (直觉). If yu still can’t decide, ask fr advice frm peple yu trust. If need be, let them be the tie-breakers. It’s better than flipping (掷) a cin.
    Carry it ut whleheartedly nce yu have made a decisin. At this stage, dn’t let yurself be cnfused by thinking abut all the chices yu didn’t pick.
    In the end, remember t evaluate yur decisin afterward. ⑤______ By drawing wisdm frm every decisin yu make, yu can ensure that every chice has at least ne psitive result.
    A. Make a chice.
    B. Think abut wh is affected.
    C. There is a simple way t d this.
    D. Smetimes they can ffer the mst creative ideas.
    E. Yu shuld hpe fr the best and prepare fr the wrst.
    F. There are n easy frmulas (公式) fr making the right decisin.
    G. If yu dn’t evaluate yur decisin afterward, yu wn’t learn anything frm it.
    When all f my friends entered universities in much delight, I restarted my senir high schl life. My spirits sank at the thught f starting all ver again.
    ___1___by strange classmates, I felt as thugh I were in a maze (迷宫) and felt ___2___fr myself. There were sme cmplex feelings in my mind. I was frightened, nervus and lnely.
    T make ___3___ wrse, I recalled my failure again and again, which put mre pressure n me than I culd bear. As a result, I was always feeling ___4___ during class.
    One f my teachers nticed my depressin and ne day he asked me t g t his ffice, where he tld me abut his ___5___ twards life. He said, “We might ___6___ frm making mistakes, but it’s imprtant t mdel urselves int peple we enjy. All the grwing pains and the embarrassing things we ___7___ are parts f the prcess. We never stp ___8___, s learn frm it and keep up yur spirits! If yu are ptimistic, things yu want may ___9___ t yu!” ____10____ feelings rushed thrugh me. I ____11____ saw the sun shining again when I stepped ut f his ffice.
    With the teacher’s help, I finally ____12____ my depressin (沮丧). Frm then n,I n lnger ____13____ my head but began smiling at my classmates. I put up my hand ____14____ in class and tried t answer teachers’ questins crrectly.
    I still have a desire t g t my dream university, ____15____ nw, I’m nt afraid f failure because I can benefit frm it.
    37.A. HitB. StruckC. LvedD. Surrunded
    38.A. srryB. unluckyC. angryD. afraid
    39.A. scresB. studiesC. mattersD. feelings
    40.A. highB. dwnC. lnelyD. happy
    41.A. attitudeB. wayC. methdD. measure
    42.A. learnB. hearC. sufferD. judge
    43.A. experienceB. feelC. tasteD. get
    44.A. standing upB. grwing upC. ging upD. bringing up
    45.A. referB. turnC. stickD. happen
    46.A. ThughtfulB. WarmC. ClD. Regretful
    47.A. suddenlyB. generallyC. naturallyD. sadly
    48.A. gt nB. gt verC. gt ffD. gt ut
    49.A. bwedB. buriedC. shkD. ndded
    50.A. freelyB. hpefullyC. quicklyD. cnfidently
    51.A. therwiseB. rC. butD. instead
    52.The whle family had been making ________ (prepare) fr Grandpa’s 70th birthday fr quite sme time.(所给词适当形式填空)
    53.____ far as I knw, she’ll be back in three days. (用适当的词填空)
    54.The scenery is beynd _______(describe). We are deeply impressed the mment we arrived. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    55.With mre ________ (patient), I might wrk ut the math prblem sner r later. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    56.The cnflicts, if nt ________ (apprpriate) slved, can cause severe cnsequences smetimes. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    57.The playgrund was crwded with students with ________ (expect) faces waiting fr the cmpetitin results t annunce. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    58.Hungry and exhausted, the by cheered up _____ the sight f the inviting fd. (用适当的词填空)
    59.The lady still keeps jgging even in her ________ (ninety). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    60.Everyne can d smething _________ (benefit) t the envirnment. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    61.As a yga lver, her bdy has a high level f ________ (flexible). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    62.Named after the ancient city f Chang’an in Shaanxi prvince, which ①______ (serve) as the capital f the Tang Dynasty fr ver 280 years, the epic film spans 168 minutes—the lngest runtime f any Chinese animated mvie—and brings t life sme f the mst icnic (标志性的) figures in Chinese literary histry. Since ②______ release n July 8, the mvie has earned a rating f 8.2 ut f ten n Duban, slidifying (使……变得稳固) its psitin ③______ ne f the mst acclaimed animated blckbusters (大片) f the summer seasn.
    Despite Li and Du being featured in many mvies and TV shws, the mvie ④______(emply) an uncnventinal perspective, starting with the memries f Ga Shi ⑤______ (relate) the ups and dwns f Li’s life, ne f the cuntry’s mst belved pet. Interweaving (交织) the persnal ⑥______ (fate) f these figures, the film vividly presents the magnificent scenes f the Tang Dynasty. It shwcases (展示,展现) the bustling streets f ancient Chang’an, the ⑦______ (energy) and prsperus city f Yangzhu, as well as the harsh and snwy brderlands in nrthwestern China.
    The mvie als beautifully captures the free-spirited nature f the Tang Dynasty. Fr instance in the natinal civil service examinatin, the ⑧______ (high) achievers are granted the privilege t ride magnificent hrses and pick the mst exquisite flwer frm any residence in the capital city. ⑨______ (additinal), pets wuld visit lcal taverns (酒馆), ⑩________ they wuld enjy freign dancers’ fascinating mvements and meldius singing, while tasting wine and crafting verses f petry.
    Jenny was the nly child in her hme. She had a quarrel with her mther that afternn and she ran ut f the huse angrily. Having wandered aimlessly in the street fr hurs, she felt a little hungry and wished fr smething t eat. She std beside a stand fr a while, watching the middle-aged seller busy ding his business. Hwever, with n mney in hand, she sighed and had t leave.
    The seller nticed the yung girl and asked, “Hey, girl, yu want t have the ndles?”
    “Oh, yes... but I dn’t have mney...” she replied.
    “I’ll treat yu tday,” said the seller.
    The seller brught her a bwl f ndles, whse smell was s attractive. Jenny thanked the seller and started t gbble (狼吞虎咽) up the delicius fd…then cried silently.
    “What is it?” asked the seller kindly.
    “Nthing, actually I was mved by yur kindness!” said Jenny as she wiped her tears. “Even a stranger n the street will give me a bwl f ndles, while my mther sclded (骂) me and drve me ut f the huse. She shwed n care fr me. She is s mean and cruel!”
    Hearing the wrds, the seller smiled, “Girl, I nly gave yu a bwl f ndles and yu thanked me a lt. But it is yur mther wh has raised yu since yu were a baby. Can yu number the times that she has cked fr yu? Have yu expressed yur thanks t her?”
    Jenny sat there, speechless and numb (麻木的) with shck; she remembered her mther’s familiar face and weathered hands. “Why did I nt think f that? A bwl f ndles frm a stranger made me feel grateful, but I have never thanked my mum fr what she has dne fr me.”
    On the way hme, Jenny made up her mind t make an aplgy t her mther fr her rudeness as sn as she arrived hme.
    1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Appraching the drway, Jenny tk a deep breath.
    A gentle tuch n her hair called her mind back.
    解析:M: D yu knw Sally’s new address? She’s gt sme mail here and I’d like t send it t her.
    W: Well, we’ve nt been in tuch fr quite a while. Mary might knw it.
    解析:M: Hw are yu getting t Beijing, by air r by train?
    W: By train. It leaves at 7:00 pm and arrives in Beijing at 5:00 tmrrw mrning.
    解析:M: The dress fits yu perfectly. Is it smething yu bught recently?
    W: Actually, I’ve had it fr a while. I’ve just been waiting fr the weather t get warmer.
    解析:W: Hw is yur new rmmate?
    M: Well, all I culd say is that he’s a real cuch ptat. Last weekend he invited me ver t his parents’ huse t watch TV. I bet watching TV is his nly hbby.
    W: He is s bring.
    解析:W: What are yu lking fr?
    M: Glves…bus tickets…change…Everything’s here except what I need.
    W: And what’s that?
    M: My favrite pen! I had it a few minutes ag, but it seems t have disappeared!
    解析:W: Tday will be an exciting day. At 9 'clck in the mrning, we will have the tur f the butterfly park and then later at 2 'clck we are ging t the banana farm.
    M: It des sund wnderful! But we must remember that Mr Miller will be waiting t pick us up at 5 'clck.
    W: Is he ging t drive us t a different site that I didn’t knw abut?
    M: N, he isn’t. He’s ging t drive us t the htel by 6 'clck s that we can get dressed fr dinner. Tnight we will be dining with the directr.
    W: Oh, I see.
    解析:W: Hell, sir. D yu have a mment?
    M: Srry, but wh are yu? Are yu selling smething?
    W: N. I wrk fr the art gallery yu just visited. I was wndering if yu have time t answer a quick survey abut the exhibitin.
    M: OK. I can spare a few minutes.
    W: Great. First, what’s yur name and ccupatin?
    M: My name is Raymnd Wade. I wrk as an architect.
    W: S yu have a university educatin?
    M: Yes I attended the University f Trnt Architecture Schl.
    W: And hw did yu hear abut the gallery? Did yu see ur website, r ur ad in an art magazine? Or was it by wrd f muth?
    M: My friend Barry tld me abut yur gallery.
    W: I see. Finally, d yu have any cmments abut the shw?
    M: Yes, I liked the paintings very much. But I fund the vide recrder a bit disturbing.
    解析:M: Tammy, d yu want t g t the mvies with us n Saturday?
    W: Hey, Raj! I’d lve t, but I have t help my mm clean the huse.
    M: T bad fr yu!
    W: What d yu mean? Yu never have t help arund the huse?
    M: That’s right! Only my sisters have t d chres.
    W: Hw d yu get away with that?
    M: Well, my family’s a little mre traditinal, and my parents lived in India fr mst f their lives. In fact, we didn’t mve frm there t the US until I was abut fur. In many Indian families, girls d the husewrk, and bys, well…
    W: Get treated like kings?
    M: Exactly. In fact, that’s what my name means: “king”.
    W: S, basically, yur parents spil yu.
    M: I guess they d, in many ways. But being a sn means I’ll have mre respnsibility tward my parents when I get lder.
    解析:M: Linda, I’ve finished with Mr. White nw. Please take a seat. Culd yu tell me the detailed infrmatin abut the date arrangements fr the French trip? When is my first meeting?
    W: Certainly, Mr. Wilkinsn. Everything is here with me. Yur first meeting is n Mnday the 21st at 9:00 am with Dr.Gucci f Bancs en Piedra in Paris.
    M: OK. S I can fly ut early Mnday mrning.
    W: Well, there is a flight which leaves at 6:30 Lndn time and gets in at 8:30 French time.
    M: S it means I have t check in by 5:30, which means leaving hme at abut 4:15.
    W: I’m afraid s. Yu shuld start early. And the prgram fr the rest f that day is quite full, I’m afraid. At 11:00, yu’re seeing Gianni Riva at Megastar and then yu’ll have a lunch engagement with Gavin frm the Chamber f Cmmerce at 1:00.
    M: Chamber f Cmmerce? Where’s that?
    W: Yu’re meeting him at his ffice and then he’s taking yu smewhere.
    M: Gd, that sunds fine. What abut the afternn?
    W: Well, at 3:00, yu’re seeing ur sales representative there and then yu’re free till the evening.
    M: I see. I seem t remember that I’m having dinner with smene frm Bergam.
    W: That’s right. And Mr. Brwn frm SAP Industries at 8 ’clck.
    解析:W: When yu turn n the radi, yu hear an advertisement. When yu watch televisin, yu hear and see an advertisement. If yu turn the pages f a newspaper r magazine, again yu find an advertisement. If yu walk dwn the street, yu see ne advertising bard after anther. All day, every day, peple wh want t sell yu smething cmpete t catch yur attentin. As a result, advertisements are almst everywhere. In the West, advertisements are the fuel that makes mass media wrk. The gvernment des nt give mney t mass media such as TV statins, newspapers, magazines and radi statins. They are all wned privately. S where des the mney cme frm? Frm advertisements. Withut advertisements, there wuld nt be these private businesses. Have yu ever asked yurself what advertising is? Thrugh the years, peple have given different answers t the questin. Fr sme time it was felt that advertising was a means f “keeping yur name befre the public.” And sme peple thught that advertising was “truth well tld.” Nw mre and mre peple describe it in this way: Advertising is the paid, nnpersnal, and usually persuasive descriptin f gds, services and ideas thrugh varius media.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Will We Miss Them? Endangered Species中的“Written frm the unique view f a 13-year-ld authr, this bk interests children in the lives and challenges f endangered specie”(这本书以一位13岁的作者的独特视角,让孩子们对濒危物种的生活和挑战感兴趣)由此可知,Will We Miss Them? Endangered Species是由一位少年作家所写的。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据A Petic Jurney int the Wild中的“Lvely paintings and pems intrduce amazing animals frm arund the glbe and shw the dangers they face.”(可爱的绘画和诗歌介绍了来自世界各地的神奇动物,并展示了它们面临的危险)由此可知,在《诗意的荒野之旅》中我们能发现关于神奇动物的诗。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据标题“Endangered Species (濒危物种) Bks fr Kids”(适合儿童看的关于濒危物种书籍)以及下文对每种书籍内容,作者,出版时间的介绍可知,短文的目的是介绍适合儿童看的关于濒危物种书籍。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Tiffany’s mm always gave her lts f mney t buy the mst fashinable clthes and favrite fd. Her mm allwed her t d anything she liked. I really admired Tiffany. My mm didn’t give me much pcket mney and she always tld me that I shuld behave myself. I was annyed with her.” 妈妈总是给她很多钱去买最时髦的衣服和最喜欢的食物。她妈妈允许她做任何她喜欢的事情。我真的很佩服蒂芙尼。我妈妈没有给我很多零花钱,她总是告诉我,我应该守规矩。我生她的气。和文章第三段“Whenever I didn't get what I wanted, I wuld cmplain t my mm, Tiffany's mm wuld give her that! I wish she were my mm.”每当我没有得到我想要的,我就会向我妈妈抱怨,蒂芬妮的妈妈就会给她那个!我希望她是我妈妈。句中“I wish she were my mm.”可知她希望自己的妈妈和Tiffany的妈妈一样好。故C正确。
    解析:细节理解题。题目所问:妈妈为什么总是说"Pr Tiffany"?定位文章第5段“My mm sat dwn next t me and said sftly. "Yes, I d feel srry fr her. I have been teaching yu a lessn that she will never be taught. "” 妈妈在我旁边坐下,轻声说。“是的,我确实为她感到难过。我已经给你上了一个她永远也不会上得到的课程。可知作者的妈妈认为Tiffany没有教给Tiffany任何东西,只是一味地满足她的需要,过分溺爱Tiffany了。故D正确。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章倒数2,3段“Maybe she'll find ut that she can't have it. Her mther wn't always be arund t give her mney, and what's mre, mney can't buy everything. ” 也许她会发现她不能拥有它。她妈妈不会总在身边给她钱,而且,钱并不能买到一切。和“She cntinued, "I have taught yu valuable lessns by nt giving yu everything yu want. Yu'll knw hw t lk fr bargains and save mney, but she wn't.”她继续说:“我没有给你想要的一切,这给了你宝贵的教训。你会知道如何淘便宜货和省钱,但她不会。以及文章第一段“My mm didn't give me much pcket mney and she always tld me that I shuld behave myself. I was annyed with her.” 我妈妈没有给我很多零花钱,她总是告诉我,我应该守规矩。我生她的气。可知作者的妈妈不是总是满足作者的需要,而且对作者要求很严格,希望她能够独立。故A正确。
    解析:推理判断题。定位于文章最后一段“It tk sme time, but I eventually understd my mm's wrds. Nw I am a happy and successful wman.”理解妈妈的想法的确要花很多时间。但是最后我理解了妈妈的话,现在我很开心也是一个很成功的女人。由此判断出,作者对妈妈很感激。故A正确。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句“This new app includes well-being functins that aim t help users manage the time they spend n their digital devices.(这款新的应用程序包括健康功能,旨在帮助用户管理他们花在数字设备上的时间)”可知,Dashbard的目标用户是那些想管理自己花在智能手机上的时间的人,故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“With the App Timer functin, users can set a time limit fr hw lng they can use each app fr every day. After they’ve hit the limit, they wn’t be able t launch the app until the next day.(通过定时功能,用户可以设置每天使用每个应用程序的时间限制。当他们达到时间上限后,他们直到第二天才能启动该应用程序)”,由此可知,Dashbard能够限制用户在使用某些应用程序的时间,故选C项。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据第四段最后一句“After they’ve hit the limit, they wn’t be able t launch the app until the next day.(当他们达到时间上限后,他们直到第二天才能启动该应用程序)”,以及划线词所在句“But even if users becme mre mindful f their usage, they’re still likely t be drawn in by ntificatins (通知).(但即使用户更mindful他们的使用,他们仍然可能被通知所吸引)”可知,用户会很留意自己的使用某些应用程序的时间,mindful意为“留心的”,与careful语意相近,故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“If peple truly want t make full use f their free time instead f lsing hurs using their smart phnes, these new functins are just ne way f ding that. After all, wh needs t use an app t stp yu frm using ther apps when the easiest answer wuld be just t use yur willpwer?(如果人们真的想充分利用他们的空闲时间,而不是浪费时间使用他们的智能手机,这些新功能只是其中一种方式。毕竟,当最简单的解决办法就是利用意志力时,谁还需要用一个应用程序来阻止你使用其他应用程序呢?)”可知,Dashbard的这个功能对于没有意志力的人来说应该是有帮助的。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“Tday, their dream tk ne step clser t reality as the cultured chicken meat frm the US cmpany, Eat Just, has been allwed fr sale in Singapre.(今天,他们的梦想离现实又近了一步,因为来自美国公司Eat Just的人工培育鸡肉已获准在新加坡销售)”以及第二段中“Lab-grwn chicken is made f real chicken cells, but it's grwn in a lab instead f grwing in a live chicken. (实验室培育的鸡是由真正的鸡细胞制成的,但它是在实验室培育的,而不是在活鸡体内培育的)”可知,Eat Just公司的产品是用动物细胞制成的。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中“N ne has yet fund ut hw t prduce cultured meat even with the same texture and structure f real meat. Even replacing chicken prducts with lab-grwn chicken prducts that are nt very strict with such texture and structure wuld be a big success fr the wrld.(至今还没有人发现如何生产出与真肉具有相同质地和结构的人工肉。即使用实验室培育的鸡肉产品来代替鸡肉产品,这种鸡肉产品在质地和结构上与真鸡肉并不十分严格相似,对世界来说都是一个巨大的成功)”可知,人工培育出的鸡肉的味道仍然不同于真正的肉。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Lab-grwn meat is much mre expensive than factry farming. "Factry-farmed meat is unbelievably cheap," said Lewis Bllard, wh researches animals at the Open Philanthrpy Prject. “The meat industry desn't pay fr the envirnmental and the public health prblems they have caused. They have managed t prduce a prduct that is just artificially cheap and hard t cmpete with.”(实验室培养的肉比工厂化养殖要贵得多。在开放慈善项目研究动物的Lewis Bllard说:“工厂化养殖的肉类价格便宜得令人难以置信,肉类行业并没有为他们造成的环境和公共健康问题买单。他们成功地生产出了一种人为压低价格、难以与之竞争的产品。”)”可推知,Lewis Bllard的意思是实验室培养出的肉仍然不能与真正的肉竞争。故选C。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Tday, their dream tk ne step clser t reality as the cultured chicken meat frm the US cmpany, Eat Just, has been allwed fr sale in Singapre.(今天,他们的梦想离现实又近了一步,因为来自美国公司Eat Just的人工培育鸡肉已获准在新加坡销售)”结合文章主要说明了来自美国公司Eat Just的人工培育鸡肉已获准在新加坡销售,实验室培育的鸡是由真正的鸡细胞制成的,但它是在实验室培育的,而不是在活鸡体内培育的。文章介绍了这种培育肉的培育过程,以及仍然面临的一些挑战。可知,D选项“从实验室中培养出的肉第一次在新加坡出售”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    解析:①根据下文“Hwever, there are sme steps yu can fllw.(然而,有一些步骤你可以遵循。)”可知,空处和下文形成转折关系,说明做正确的决定并不容易。F项:There are n easy frmulas (公式) fr making the right decisin.(做正确的决定没有简单的公式。)符合语境。故选F。
    ②根据上文“Once yu have yur list, ask thers fr suggestins.(一旦你有了你的清单,向别人寻求建议。)”可知,空处承接上文,说明别人会提供有创意的想法,D项中的“they”指代上文的“thers”。D项:Smetimes they can ffer the mst creative ideas.(有时候他们可以提供最有创意的想法。)符合语境。故选D。
    ③根据下文“Yu can put a plus sign next t each psitive result and a minus sign next t each negative ne. Give tw pluses r minuses t the best and the wrst.(你可以在每一个正结果旁边加一个正号,在每一个负结果旁边加一个减号。给最好的和最差的两个加号或减号。)”可知,下文介绍的是一个解决方法,C项:There is a simple way t d this.(有一个简单的方法可以做到这一点。)引起下文,符合语境。故选C。
    ④空处为段落主题句。根据下文“This is the hardest step, but there will hpefully be a decisin n yur list that is supprted by bth lgic and intuitin (直觉). If yu still can’t decide, ask fr advice frm peple yu trust.(这是最难的一步,但希望你的清单上有一个既有逻辑和直觉支持的决定。如果你还是不能决定,向你信任的人寻求建议。)”可知,本段主要讲述如何做出决定。A项:Make a chice.(做一个选择。)符合语境。故选A。
    ⑤根据上文“In the end, remember t evaluate yur decisin afterward.(最后,记得事后评估你的决定。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是要评估决定,空处承接上文,进一步解释评估的重要性。G项:If yu dn’t evaluate yur decisin afterward, yu wn’t learn anything frm it.(如果你事后不评估你的决定,你就不会从中学到任何东西。)从反向说明评估的重要性,符合语境。故选G。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:被陌生的同学包围着,我觉得自己好像在迷宫里,为自己感到难过。A. Hit击中;B. Struck罢工、打击;C. Lved爱;D. Surrunded围绕。根据空后的“I felt as thugh I were in a maze (迷宫)”可知,空处指的是作者身边都是陌生的同学。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:被陌生的同学包围着,我觉得自己好像在迷宫里,为自己感到难过。A. srry遗憾的、难过的;B. unlucky不幸的;C. angry生气的;D. afraid害怕的。根据上文“When all f my friends entered universities in much delight, I restarted my senir high schl life. My spirits sank at the thught f starting all ver again.”可知,作者的朋友们都去上大学了,而作者则重新开始高中生活。由此可知,作者为自己未能上大学感到难过。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:更糟糕的是,我一次又一次地回忆起我的失败,这给我带来了无法承受的压力。A. scres分数;B. studies学习;C. matters事情;D. feelings感觉。根据“I recalled my failure again and again, which put mre pressure n me than I culd bear.”可知,很糟糕的是,作者回忆自己的失败,给自己带来无法承受的压力。固定短语:t make matters wrse,意为“很糟糕的是”,符合句意。故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,我在课堂上总是情绪低落。A. high高的;B. dwn向下的、低落的;C. lnely孤单的;D. happy高兴的。根据下文“One f my teachers nticed my depressin”可知,作者情绪低落,非常沮丧。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的一位老师注意到我的沮丧,有一天他叫我去他的办公室,在那里他告诉我他对生活的态度。A. attitude观点;B. way方式;C. methd方法;D. measure措施。根据下文内容可知,作者的老师是和作者谈对生活的态度。短语:ne’s attitude twards,意为“对……的态度”。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们可能会犯错误,但把自己塑造成我们喜欢的人是很重要的。A. learn学习;B. hear听说;C. suffer遭受;D. judge判断。根据下文“I’m nt afraid f failure because I can benefit frm it.”可知,这位老师是和作者分享对于犯错、对于失败的看法。由此可知,空处指的是我们都会犯错。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们经历的所有成长的烦恼和尴尬都是这个过程的一部分。A. experience经历;B. feel感觉;C. taste品尝;D. get获得。根据常识可知,成长的烦恼和尴尬使我们成长时所要经历的。故选A。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们从不停止成长,所以从中吸取教训,振作精神!A. standing up起立;B. grwing up成长;C. ging up上升;D. bringing up抚养。根据常识可知,我们从不会停止成长,所以我们可以不断从错误中吸取教训。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你乐观,你想要的事情可能会发生在你身上!A. refer提及;B. turn转向;C. stick刺入;D. happen发生。根据空前主语“things yu want”,再结合从句“If yu are ptimistic”可知,只要我们乐观,我们想要的就会发生。考查短语:happen t sb.,意为“发生在某人身上”,符合句意。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:温暖的感觉涌上心头。A. Thughtful体贴的;B. Warm温暖的;C. Cl凉爽的;D. Regretful后悔的。根据下文“I ______ saw the sun shining again when I stepped ut f his ffice.”可知,此时作者的心结打开,心中充满了温暖的感觉。故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我走出他的办公室时,我突然又看到了阳光。A. suddenly突然;B. generally通常;C. naturally自然而然地;D. sadly悲伤地。根据上文可知,老师的一番开解,使作者摆脱了沮丧,由此可知,当作者走出办公室时,作者感到心中阴霾消除,由此可知,作者是突然感到自己又看到了阳光。故选A。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:在老师的帮助下,我终于克服了抑郁。A. gt n穿上;B. gt ver克服;C. gt ff下车;D. gt ut离开。根据下文“Frm then n,I n lnger _____ my head but began smiling at my classmates.”可知,作者在老师的帮助下克服了抑郁。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,我不再埋着头,而是开始对同学们微笑。A. bwed鞠躬;B. buried埋葬;C. shk摇动;D. ndded点头。根据下文的“began smiling at my classmates”以及作者克服了抑郁可推断,作者不再埋头,而是开始变得乐观。故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:我在课堂上自信地举手,努力正确回答老师的问题。A. freely自由地;B. hpefully怀着希望地;C. quickly讯速地;D. cnfidently自信地。根据上文内容可知,作者克服了自己的沮丧,由此可知,空处指的是作者自信地举手。故选D。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:我仍然渴望去我梦想中的大学,但现在,我不害怕失败,因为我可以从中受益。 A. therwise否则;B. r或者;C. but但是;D. instead反而。空前“I still have a desire t g t my dream university”和空后“nw, I’m nt afraid f failure because I can benefit frm it.”之间存在转折关系。故选C。
    解析:考查名词。句意:全家人为爷爷的70大寿准备了很长时间。空处需填名词preparatin,作宾语,make preparatins fr为固定搭配,意为“为……做准备”。故填preparatins。
    解析:考查固定短语。句意:据我所知,她三天后就会回来。分析句子结构可知,此处应为固定短语as/s far as I knw意为“据我所知”,所以此处应为as或者是s,位于句首,首字母需大写。故填As/S。
    解析:考查名词。句意:那景色难以形容。我们一到就给我们留下了深刻的印象。分析句子结构可知,此处为名词作宾语,describe的名词为descriptin意为“描述”,beynd descriptin意为“无法形容”符合句意。故填descriptin。
    解析:考查介词。句意:那男孩又饿又累,一看到诱人的食物就高兴起来。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语at the sight f意为“一看见……就……”符合句意,所以此处使用介词at。故填at。
    解析:考查基数词。句意:这位女士九十多岁了还坚持慢跑。“in ne’s+几十的复数形式”为固定搭配,表示“某人的年龄处于某段时间”,ninety的复数形式是nineties。故填nineties。
    62.答案:served ;its/the ;as ;emplys ;t relate ;fates ;energetic ;highest ;Additinally ;where
    ②考查代词或者冠词。句意:自7月8日上映以来,这部电影在豆瓣上获得了8.2分(满分10分)的评分,巩固了它作为暑期最受欢迎的动画大片之一的地位。结合句意可知,此处指《长安三万里》这部电影的上映,release和the mvie之间是所属关系,应用形容词性物主代词its修饰release,或理解为特指这部电影的上映,用定冠词the。故填its/the。
    ④考查谓语动词。句意:尽管李白和杜甫在许多电影和电视节目中都有出现,但这部电影采用了一种非常规的视角,从高适的回忆开始,讲述了李白这位举国最受爱戴的诗人之一的跌宕起伏的生活。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,描述电影情节,使用一般现在时,emply与句子主语the mvie之间为主动关系,且主语the mvie为第三人称单数。故填emplys。
    ⑤考查动词不定式。句意:尽管李白和杜甫在许多电影和电视节目中都有出现,但这部电影采用了一种非常规的视角,从高适的回忆开始,讲述了李白这位举国最受爱戴的诗人之一的跌宕起伏的生活。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作状语,结合句意可知,此处表示目的,所以使用不定式形式,且表示主动意义。故填t relate。
    ⑥考查名词复数。句意:影片将这些人物的个人命运交织在一起,生动地展现了唐朝的壮丽景象。分析句子结构可知,此处为名词作Interweaving的宾语,根据空后的“f these figures”可知,此处指的是多个人的命运,应用fate的复数形式。故填fates。
    ⑩考查定语从句。句意:此外,诗人还会去当地的酒馆,在那里欣赏异域舞者迷人的舞姿和悠扬的歌声,品尝葡萄酒,创作诗歌。分析句子结构可知,此处为关系词引导的非限制性定语从句对lcal taverns作进一步的说明,从句中不缺主语和宾语,所以此处使用关系副词,先行词lcal taverns指的是地点,所以此处使用关系副词where。故填where。
    Appraching the drway, Jenny tk a deep breath. When she kncked at the dr, she fund the dr was lcked and her mther was nt in. Tired and sad, she sat dwn in frnt f the huse. “Where culd my mther be?” she wndered. “Was she still angry with me?” Again, the scene f the quarrel appeared in her mind. She remembered her rudeness t her mther. Realizing that all the sclding frm her mther was due t the fact that her mther really cared a lt abut her, she felt rather ashamed, and tears began t rll dwn her checks.
    A gentle tuch n her hair called her mind back. She raised her head and saw the familiar face f her mther. “Here yu cme! I’ve been lking fr yu,” her mum said, hugely relieved. Shame hitting, the girl kept silent, having n curage t lk her mther in the eyes. She culdn’t help thrwing herself int her mther’s arms. “Mum, I’m s srry and thank yu fr all yu have dne fr me,” she expressed her sincere aplgy and great gratitude. Hearing this, her mther smiled patting her back gently, “I lve yu regardless, my girl.”
    解析:本文以Jenny对亲情的理解为线索展开,讲述了 Jenny与母亲发生误会,但在小贩用一碗面条作启示之后明白了母亲的苦心,最后母女二人说清误会,互相理解的故事。
    ①靠近:apprach/get clse t

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