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    这是一份2023-2024学年广东省广州市荔湾区重点中学高一上学期期中质量检测英语试题含答案,共12页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37, What did J, Where did J, Hw did J等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    满分:130分 时间:120分钟
    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    It's imprtant t have great travel news surces that yu can trust. In this blg we are t share the tp travel news websites that yu may find useful.
    Wrld Turism Organizatin
    The Wrld Turism Organizatin exists t guide, supprt, advance the glbal turism industry. Naturally, their psitin f influence means they are lked at as an authritative(权威的)surce f infrmatin that peple can depend n.
    BBC Turism
    The BBC is ne familiar news surce fr many. Its travel sectin is a great surce f glbal news relating t the turism industry. Yu are less likely t find the turism-related news that ges very deep. Hwever, the website is still a gd chice fr cmmn peple.
    Eye fr Travel
    Reuters News&. Media is als a glbally trusted news surce, like the BBC. Eye fr Travel is its travel sectin, which, t, enjys a gd reputatin(名声). Less fcused n breaking news, this website ffers detailed and deep infrmatin f sme imprtant news in the glbal turism industry.
    The Lcal
    Daily turism news specifically fcusing n Eurpe is fund n this website. The news is written and published in English. Thelcal. cm is a general Eurpean editin(版本). If yu want t get travel infrmatin abut cuntries such as Germany, Austria, Sweden, etc. , there is als an editin designed fr each ne f them.
    21. Which website is created t imprve the glbal turism industry?
    A. Wrld Turism Organizatin. B. BBC Turism.
    C. Eye fr Travel. D. The Lcal.
    22. What d BBC Turism and Eye fr Travel have in cmmn?
    A. They mainly include breaking news abut travel.
    B. They cver travel news in different languages.
    C. They have the mst subscribers in the wrld.
    D. They carry news n the glbal turism industry.
    23. What can we knw abut Thelcal. cm?
    A. It ffers weekly turism news.
    B. It centers n Eurpean travel news.
    C. Its designers are able t speak different languages.
    D. Its news is published in English-speaking cuntries.
    Helping families have a cmfrtable place t call hme takes every ne f us. On J. Z. Mehlenbrck's birthday this year, instead f birthday gifts, the kid asked his friends fr charitable(慈 善的)dnatins t Habitat fr Humanity. It is an rganizatin knwn fr building and repairing hmes. "J. Z. already gt plenty f gifts frm relatives," the parents said. "Giving t a charity teaches children t care fr thse in need. It is als a gd way t help them understand that everyne can make a difference."
    J. Z. first made his decisin t supprt the lcal rganizatin last year. He learnt that his her, Deshaun Watsn, builds hmes with his teammates fr ther families. Watsn is an amazing ftball player wh grew up in a Habitat fr Humanity huse. J. Z. wanted t d it, t, but he was tld that he was t yung t wrk n a cnstructin site. Hwever, n his birthday, J. Z. handed Habitat fr Humanity$70 and was excited t discver that it was enugh mney t cver tw windws in a new hme. After psting the dnatin n the Internet, he received a lt f praise. "It feels great and makes yu feel better abut yurself," J. Z. says.
    That wuld have been payff enugh. Habitat fr Humanity helped arrange a meeting with Watsn in persn. "My jaw drpped t the flr" J. Z. says. Watsn's teammates als praised J. Z. fr his effrts.
    J. Z. wants t cntinue finding ways t help Habitat fr Humanity. He recently brught lunch t the vlunteers n a cnstructin site. "Habitat fr Humanity helps ur cmmunity," he says. "It wuld be gd if ther kids culd participate."
    24. What did J. Z. d n his birthday this year?
    A. He raised sme mney fr charity.
    B. He shared his birthday gifts with friends.
    C. He invited sme pr peple t his hme.
    D. He created a cmfrtable hme fr peple in need.
    25. Where did J. Z. get the idea f supprting Habitat fr Humanity?
    A. On a cnstructin site. B. On the Internet.
    C. Frm his schlmate. D. Frm his favrite player.
    26. What did J. Z. learn frm the dnatin f $70?
    A. He was very rich. B. He culd make a difference.
    C. It was easy t build a new hme. D. It was necessary t turn t the Internet.
    27. Hw did J. Z. feel abut meeting with Watsn?
    A. Unique. B. Funny. C. Amazed. D. Familiar.
    We all knw the saying, "Nbdy is perfect." It has been planted in ur brains since we were children, and f curse, it is the truth. S if nbdy is perfect, why d we have such a hard time admitting when we are in truble r need help?
    Like many ther yung peple trying t get thrugh their first year f cllege, I felt anxiety, and it had its grips n me pretty tight. It began getting in the way f my life, and I had t sit dwn and tell myself that my behavir was nt healthy and there was a slutin. Finally, I decided t turn t therapy(精神疗法).
    Therapy. It has such a negative stigma(污名), but why ? Des ging t therapy mean that yu are failing as a persn r that yu cannt fix yur prblems n yur wn? N. Ging t therapy means that yu are strng enugh t recgnize that smething inside yur head is nt wrking crrectly, and yu are brave enugh t try t fix it.
    After a cuple f weeks, many parts f my life became s much clearer. I began t understand that I, myself, am my wrst enemy, which was pretty frightening. But, althugh frightened, I knew that it was nly I wh culd guide me twards feeling better, and that was extremely empwering.
    I have been guided twards a healthier mindset, ne that is psitive and pwerful. I have been able t understand that n matter what happens in my life. I will always be kay.
    A lt f peple d nt understand that it is nrmal t have negative feelings and smetimes t feel like we have lst cntrl ver certain parts f ur lives. Seeing a therapist can greatly change yur way f thinking abut smething if yu keep yur mind pen and I am s thankful that I decided t g and d smething fr myself.
    If yu are in need f help, yu can g t therapy and then everything will be kay.
    28. In the authr's pinin, ging t therapy .
    A. means yu are failing as a persn
    B. means yu are brave enugh t slve yur prblems
    C. can make thers think wrngly abut yu
    D. can be quite unnecessary and helpful
    29. After a cuple f weeks, hw did the authr react?
    A. She became mre psitive and cnfident.
    B. She became t frightened f her wn life.
    C. She became wrried abut her anxiety.
    D. She realized cllege was her wrst enemy.
    30. What's the authr's purpse in writing the text ?
    A. T tell us hw t think psitively.
    B. T shw it is OK t be imperfect.
    C. T share her cllege life with us.
    D. T help us knw better abut therapy.
    31. Where is the text mst likely t be fund ?
    A. In a research paper. B. In a bigraphy.
    C:In a psychlgy magazine. D. In a science magazine.
    It isn't just the beauty f vast natural wnders like the Grand Canyn that can take yur breath away. Yu can find awe(敬畏)in everyday things. A new research, published in the jurnal Emtin, fund that lder adults wh tk "awe walks" felt mre psitive emtins in their daily lives.
    In the study, 52 lder adults aged 60 t 90 were divided randmly int tw grups. They were tld t take at least ne 15-minute walk each week fr eight weeks. Vlunteers in the "awe grup" were instructed in hw t inspire awe as they walked. "We asked them t try t see the wrld with fresh eyes—t take in new details f a leaf r flwer, fr example," Sturm says. Fr example, ne participant frm the awe grup wrte abut "the beautiful fall clrs and hw the leaves were n lnger crunchy(嘎吱响)underft because f the rain" —the wnder that small children feel as they embrace(拥抱)their expanding wrld. Hwever, peple in the ther grup were less fcused n the wrld arund them. One participant wrte, "I thught abut ur vacatin in Hawaii next Thursday."
    In additin, participants were asked t take selfies in the beginning, middle, and end f each walk. Researchers fund that participants wh tk awe walks shwed a "small self", in which they filled less f their phtgraphs with their wn image and mre with the backgrund scenery. "When we feel awe, ur attentin shifts frm fcusing n urselves t fcusing n the wrld arund us," Sturm says. "Awe affects ur scial relatinships because it helps us t feel mre cnnected with the wrld, universe, and ther peple." Their smiles als grew brader by the end f the study. "We analyzed the degrees f their smiles in the selfies, and participants wh tk awe walks displayed greater smiles ver time than thse wh tk cntrl walks. The frmer reprted greater psitive emtins in general, including mre jy and gratitude."
    Participants in the cntrl grup tk mre frequent walks than thse peple in the awe grup, the researchers discvered. But walking mre didn't result in psitive changes in emtinal health r in the way their selfies were taken. This suggests that the results were mainly due t experiencing awe, and nt just in spending time exercising.
    32. What were participants in. the "awe grup" required t d in Paragraph 2?
    A. T take a walk each week. B. T fcus n their inner wrld.
    C. T cllect leaves after the rain. D. T explre with childlike curisity.
    33. What can we see in the selfies frm the awe walks?
    A. Clse-up images with wide smiles. B. Mre attentin t themselves.
    C. Merely the backgrund scenery. D. Small figures with bigger smiles.
    34. What can we knw frm the last paragraph?
    A. Experiencing awe matters. B. Mre walks, mre jy.
    C. Exercises can benefit us. D. Awe cmes with walking.
    35. Which f the fllwing can be the best title ?
    A. Awe Walks Prmte Yur Physical Fitness.
    B. Experiencing Awe Des Wnders fr Everyne.
    C. Awe Walks Imprve Yur Psitive Emtins.
    D. Frequent Walks Cntribute t Emtinal Health.
    D arithmetic prblems 15 thrugh 25. State the different frms f the verbs n page 50 f yur French wrkbk. Read pages 12 thrugh 20 f the Shakespeare play, and dn't frget t fill in the missing chemical symbls n the wrksheet.
    Sund like a list f yur hmewrk fr the next few nights—r maybe even just fr tnight? 36 , and that is yur teachers' way f evaluating(评估)hw much yu knw what's ging n in class. And it helps strengthen imprtant cncepts(概念).
    37 It's attractive t start with the easy things t get them ut f the way. Hwever, yu'll have the mst energy and fcus when yu begin, s it's best t use this mental pwer n the subjects that are mst challenging. Later, when yu're mre tired, yu can fcus n the simpler things. If yu get stuck n a prblem, try t figure it ut as well as yu can—but dn't spend t much time n it because this can mess up yur hmewrk schedule fr the rest f the night. 38 But dn't pick smene whm yu'll be up all night chatting with, r yu'll never get it dne!
    Mst peple's attentin spans aren't very lng, s take sme breaks while ding yur hmewrk. Sitting fr t lng withut relaxing will make yu less prductive than if yu stp every s ften. Taking a 15-minute break every hur is a gd idea fr mst peple. 39
    Once yur hmewrk is dne, yu can check ver it if yu have extra time. Be sure t put it safely away in yur backpack — there's nthing wrse than having a cmpleted assignment that yu can't find the next mrning r that gets ruined by a careless brther r sister. 40 Nw yu're free t hang ut.
    A. Hmewrk is a majr part f ging t schl
    B. It sunds very hrrible
    C. If yu need t, ask an adult fr help r call r email a classmate fr advice.
    D. And n teacher still believes that "chewed by the dg" line—even when it's true!
    E. When yu start yur hmewrk, deal with the hardest tasks first.
    F. But if yu're really cncentrating, wait until it's a gd time t stp.
    G. In cnclusin, n ne is expected t stay lng, and peple have very different learning styles.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I dreamed f being a scientist at 6. Hwever, I decided at 10 that I was ging t be a teacher because I had a strng 41 fr superpwers. As a by, I culd clearly see sme f my teachers wh had extrardinary(非凡的)pwers.
    There was an English teacher wh culd magically 42 her creative ideas t teaching. She helped us get a better understanding f the wrds by telling us stries and reading t us frm bks we wuld therwise never pick up. It was even 43 that my teacher culd see smething invisible(看不见的). I was ne f thse wh were shy t express my thughts. Yet my teacher wuld ntice me and the 44 message in her eyes suggested that she culd 45 my mind. She had anther superpwer and she had a gd knwledge f arts. She managed t imprve ur understanding f arts 46 her majr was nt art. Her lessns went 47 the textbk. I wanted t be ne f thse teachers with superpwers that made children feel safe and 48 .
    Being a teacher isn't the easiest r the mst 49 rewarding(有回报的)jb. And there are even sme risks-yur knees can becme wrn ut frm years f carrying piles f ntebks up and dwn the schl staircase, and yur 50 can be impacted frm t much talking. But 51 all that, there are thse chsing t be teachers. T them, teaching is nt just a jb--it is a science, an art and it 52 lve and devtin.
    Fr three decades pw, I've gne t wrk early every day with energy. Smetimes, my 53 students cme t visit me. Their bvius lve fr me and unfrgettable 54 f ur time tgether are my rewards(回报). When I meet thers wh dream f having superpwers, I feel prud t 55 t the same grup.
    41. A. desire B. challenge C. plan D. awareness
    42. A. devte B. dnate C. add D. apply
    43. A. deadly B. amazingC. scary D. disappinting
    44. A. unspken B. unfrgtten C. unwrittenD. uncertain
    45. A. lk B. feel C. indicate D. read
    46. A. as if B. in caseC. even ifD. s that
    47. A. ver B. beynd C. thrugh D. arund
    48. A. ignred B. free C. valued D. relieved
    49. A. ecnmically B. physically C. mentallyD. Entirely
    50. A. hearing B. viceC. sense D. md
    51. A. amng B. except C. besidesD. despite
    52. A. expresses B. creates C. needs D. determines
    53. A. frmer B. intelligent C. excellent D. lvely
    54. A. lessns B. chances C. dreams D. memries
    55. A. turn B. belngC. return D. refer
    Lcal 56 (fficial)in Beijing prmised t further prtect the city's cultural heritage(遗产), in particular the narrw streets knwn as hutngs.
    Hutngs are 57 (cmmn)fund in the cities f Nrth China. 58 they are in danger. Beijing is currently believed t have fewer than 1,000 hutngs, mst f which are near the Frbidden City. Only 60 years ag, the number f the hutng 59 (be)3,250.
    "On average mre than 100, 000 peple visit the Frbidden City during the Natinal Day hlidays. The visits put pressure n the 60 (prtect)f cultural relics," said Huang Yan, directr f the Beijing Municipal Cmmissin f Urban Planning 61 (add) that hutngs shuld be prtected frm human damage.
    The gvernment cncentrated 62 hw the prtectin plans were carried ut and hw the management f cultural heritage wrked. Wang Shafeng, head f the Xicheng District Gvernment, said the area has 182 cultural relics, and many f them were built as far back as the Yuan Dynasty. The district f Xicheng has 1.28 millin residents in 63 57 square kilmeters f land. "The mst efficient way is t decrease the lcal ppulatin t reduce the pssibility f causing harm t the heritage," Wang said. "Each cmmunity has been required 64 (reprt) the status f its cultural heritage." N ne knws fr sure hw many hutngs 65 (leave) in the cming 100 years.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分50分)
    66. Dealing with individual differences between students can be viewed as the mst (富有挑战性的)task f a teacher.
    67. Their cntributin t the task is (承认;认可)in all the reprts.
    68. The library will be (官方地)pened by the lcal MP.
    69. (比较)with the previus result, the present result is much mre cmplete.
    70. She (评论)n the team members perfrmance after the cmpetitin.
    71. Everyne was (留下印象;使钦佩)by her sprtsmanship displayed in the race.
    72. Cultural (交换,交流)are a way f building bridges between cuntries.
    73. There was a (困惑的)lk n his face when he met with difficult prblems.
    74. Learning frm failure is ne f his (优势)as an artist.
    75. He was (决心)t vercme his fear and climb the muntain.
    76. 这个项目如此成功,学生们还在一次大型的国际性比赛中获得第二名。(s…that, win prize in)

    77. 正是由于这个原因,中华文明成为世界独特的文明。(强调句)

    78. 我们打算每天去山里远足,欣赏美景。(hike, admire, view)

    79. 一旦我开始考虑健康而不是体重,事情就有了变化。

    80. 我听说那是一个令人惊叹的景点,我已经迫不及待了。

    第二节 应用文写作(满分25分)
    1. 锻炼的重要性:
    2. 提出锻炼的建议。
    1. 词数80左右:
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Tm,

    Li Hua
    英语 答案
    第一部分 阅读
    第一节 21-23 ADB 24-27 ADBC 28-31 BADC 32-35 DDAC
    第二节 36-40ALCFD
    第一节 完形填空
    41-45 ADBAD 46-50 CBCAB 51-55 DCADB
    第二节 语法填空
    56. fficials 57. cmmnly 58. but 59. was 60. prtectin
    61. adding 62. n 63. its 64. t reprt 65. will be left
    第三部分 写作
    给分板 0-1
    66. challenging 67. recgnized/recgnised
    68. fficially 69. Cmpared
    70. cmmented 71. impressed
    72. exchanges 73. cnfused/puzzled
    74. strengths/advantages 75. determined
    给分板 0-0.5-1-1.5-2-2.5-3
    76. The prject was s successful that the students wn(the)secnd prize in a big internatinal cmpetitin.
    77. It is fr this reasn that Chinese civilizatin becmes/is unique t/in the wrld.
    78. We arc ging hiking in the muntain every day, and admiring the beautiful views.
    79. Once I started thinking abut fitness rather than/instead f weight, things began t change.
    80. I've heard that it is an amazing sight, and I can't wait t g.
    第二节 应用文写作
    Dear Tm,
    I'm srry t hear that yu have studied s hard that yu have n time t d any exercise, which led t sickness and-did harm t yur learning. It is well-acknwledged that exercise is f benefit t ur physical health as well as mental health. Ding sprts can build up ur bdies, thus helping us stay energetic and fit. Mrever, we may becme mre cntented, cnfident and determined while wrking ut. T fully enjy these benefits, here are sme tips fr yu.
    First, chse the sprt that interests yu mst and suits yu best. Just find a frm f physical activity that yu enjy and make it a part f yur rutine. Secnd, make preparatins such as stretching yur bdy t prevent injuries. Lastly, find sme gd wrkut partners. That way, it's mre likely that yu'll exercise regularly.
    I wuld be very pleased t see yu have a strnger bdy.
    Sincerely yurs,
    Li Hua

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