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    1. What des the wman ffer t d fr the man?
    A. Lk at his X-ray. B. Give m treatment. C. Send him t the hspital.
    2. Hw des the wman feel abut the price?
    A. Expensive. B. Reasnable. C. Cheap.
    3. What is the wman ging t d?
    A. Call Julian Assange. B. Watch the news n TV. C. Get infrmatin n the Internet.
    4. Why didn’t the man finish his science hmewrk?
    A. He didn’t have enugh time.
    B. He frgt it cmpletely.
    C. He fund it difficult.
    5. What des the jb require?
    A. Business trips t Italian. B. Excellent Spanish. C. Native Germans.
    6. What will the man teach this afternn?
    A. American histry. B. English Grammar. C. English histry.
    7. What time des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At 6: 55. B. At 7: 00. C. At 7: 05.
    8. Where was the wman brn?
    A. In America. B. In France. C. In England.
    9. Wh held the art shw?
    A. The man. B. The man’s students. C. The man’s daughter.
    10. What d we knw abut the man’s daughter?
    A. She is studying in Lndn.
    B. She graduated frm New Yrk University.
    C. She likes painting and playing the pian.
    11. Hw can parents prevent children frm falling dwn the stairs?
    A. By using mats. B. By fitting safety gates. C. By accmpanying them.
    12. Which place is the mst dangerus accrding t the wman?
    A. The kitchen. B. The bathrm. C. The living rm.
    13. What prbably is the man?
    A. A writer. B. ATV hst. C. A radi hst.
    14. What can we learn abut the wman?
    A. She wrks in Japan. B. She lives in the twn. C. She changes her jbs ften.
    15. What did the man plan t d at first?
    A. Travel t Japan. B. Start his wn business. C. G abrad t study.
    16. Where des the man wrk nw?
    A. In a shp. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant.
    17. Where was the Mary Celeste ging?
    A. The USA. B. Italy. C. England.
    18. What did the ship lk like when fund in the eastern Atlantic?
    A. Badly damaged. B. In great danger. C. In gd cnditin.
    19. What happened t the ten peple n the ship?
    A. They were dead. B. They were missing. C. They were injured.
    20. What des the speaker think f the stry abut the Mary Celeste?
    A. Bring. B. Understandable. C. Mysterius.
    Our schl is lking fr paid members t sit n the Student Advisry Bard fr Vlunteering. The Bard plays an imprtant rle in influencing the develpment and delivery f the vlunteering service. Its aim is t find vlunteering pprtunities fr students, teachers at schl.
    Vlunteering, which has the ptential t create psitive scial impact, is key t schl. The Bard will ensure that students’ needs are at the cre f the service s that all King’s students can make a difference. This year, the Student Advisry Bard fr Vlunteering’s tpics include:
    ● Vlunteering pprtunities fr the disabled. 
    ● Prmtin f the Bard’s service. 
    ● Hw t recgnize and reward vlunteers. 
    ● Cmment n the Bard’s wrk.
    This is a unique and exciting pprtunity pen t all studying at schl, n matter hw much r hw little yu have vlunteered. The Bard will be run bth nline and in-persn, and bard members will be paid the Lndn Living Wage (£11.95 per hur) via King’s TalentBank.
    The applicatin deadline is 23:59 n Friday, 31st March 2023.
    Apply via the frm belw, using yur schl email address.
    1.What des the Bard aim t d fr thse at schl?
    A.Perfrm vluntary wrk.B.Discver vlunteering chances.
    C.Prvide learning pprtunities.D.Meet their academic needs.
    2.Which f the fllwing is a pssible tpic fr this year’s arrangement?
    A.Cmment n the Bard’s perfrmance.B.Training vluntary wrkers.
    C.Running the Bard nline.D.Taking care f peple with disabilities.
    3.Wh can apply t be a member f the Bard at King’s?
    A.The teachers.B.The students.
    C.The graduates.D.The wrking staff.
    Frm cttages surrunded by impressive gardens t days spent explring sandy beaches and deep wds filled with wildlife, in My Family and Other Animals, English writer Gerald Durrell prvided a vivid accunt f his family’s time n the Greek island f Crfu in the 1930s.
    Cme fr the arresting descriptins f Crfu landscapes and stay fr Durrell’s laugh-ut-lud tales f his unusual family. This bk, Durrell wrte humrusly in the intrductin, “was intended t be a nstalgic(怀旧的)accunt f natural histry, but in the first few pages, I made the mistake f intrducing my family.”
    Durrell, later knwn fr his z keeping and the preservatin f wildlife, was just a child during his family’s five-year stay in Crfu. He is 10-year-ld Gerry in the bk—curius, passinate abut animals and a detailed stryteller f his strange family: his imaginative elder brther Larry with his literary ambitins, lvestruck sister Marg, sprty brther Leslie and his ever-calm, lving mther.
    Durrell’s attentin t detail is what makes the bk s winning, with every sight, sund and smell f the island brught t life. One minute yu’ll be laughing as Larry’s clever literary friends walk dwn t the daffdil-yellw cttage, the next yu’ll be catching yur breath as Durrell describes swimming at night in the Inian Sea: “Lying n my back in the silky water, staring at the sky, nly mving my hands and feet slightly, I was lking at the Milky Way stretching like a silk scarf acrss the sky and wndering hw many stars it cntained.”
    My Family and Other Animals is quite difficult t classify, being ne part travel, ne part autbigraphy, ne part natural histry, and ne part cmedy, with a thread f descriptive language running thrughut that smetimes raises it nearly t petry.
    As a real delight t read, it’s the perfect literary escapism fr any adult r lder teenager wh is currently walking dwn a tugh rad in life.
    4.Which wrd best describes Durrell’s life in Crfu?
    5.What des the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 2?
    A.I just intrduced my family by mistake.B.I shuldn’t have intrduced my family.
    C.I gave false infrmatin abut my family.D.I culdn’t help intrducing my family.
    6.What are paragraph 4 and 5 mainly abut?
    A.Durrell’s rich imaginatin.B.Sme interesting plts f the bk.
    C.The bk’s writing feature.D.Sme vivid descriptins f the island.
    7.What is the purpse f this text?
    A.T share an experience.B.T intrduce a writing style.
    C.T recmmend a bk.D.T describe an unusual place.
    When put t tests, bees have lng prved that they’ve gt a lt mre t ffer than pllinating (授粉), making hney and being faithful t a queen. The hard-wrking insects can change their behavir when things seem difficult, and nw sme scientists find there is evidence that they als like t play.
    Scientists frm Queen Mary University f Lndn perfrmed an experiment, in which they set up a cntainer that allwed bees t travel frm their nest t a feeding area. But alng the way, the bees culd chse t pass thrugh an area with sme small wden balls. Over 18 days, the scientists watched as the bees “went ut f their way t rll wden balls repeatedly, despite n apparent incentive (刺激) t d s.” Earlier studies have shwn that the black and yellw bugs are willing t learn new tricks in exchange fr fd r ther rewards. In this case, t remve the uter factrs, scientists made sure the bees had adapted t their new hme and that their envirnment was stress-free.
    The finding suggests that like humans, insects als play with bjects fr fun. Als similar t peple, yunger bees seem t be mre playful than adult bees. “This research prvides strng evidence that insect minds are far mre cmplex (复杂的) than we imagine. There are lts f animals wh play just fr the purpse f enjyment, but mst examples cme frm yung mammals (哺乳动物) and birds,” said Lars Chittka, a prfessr f sensry and behaviral eclgy at Queen Mary University f Lndn, wh led the study.
    The study’s first authr, Samadi Galpay, wh is a PhD student at Queen Mary University f Lndn, ntes that it is mre evident that bees may be able t experience feelings. “They may actually experience sme kind f psitive emtinal states, even if basic, like ther larger animals d. This finding has effects n ur understanding f the sense and happiness f insects, which, therefre, encurages us t respect and prtect wildlife n Earth ever mre,” she says.
    8.What is the new finding abut bees?
    A.They are skilled at rlling balls.B.They are faithful t the queen.
    C.They are adaptable t changes.D.They are fnd f having fun.
    9.Hw did scientists remve uter influences in the experiment?
    A.By teaching bees new tricks.B.By making bees feel at hme.
    C.By rewarding bees with fd.D.By building new hmes fr bees.
    10.What are Lars Chittka’s wrds mainly abut?
    A.The frms f bees’ play.B.The purpse f mammals’ enjyment.
    C.The examples f mammals’ play.D.The cmplexity f bees’ minds.
    11.What des Samadi Galpay say abut the study result?
    A.It cntributes t wildlife prtectin n Earth.
    B.It shws reasns fr bees’ psitive feelings.
    C.It drives research n animals’ emtinal state.
    D.Itsupprts previus understanding f insects.
    “Yu’re s smart!” This encuraging respnse t children’s math perfrmance is cmmnly heard. Recently, a new study, cnducted by the University f Gergia, fund that encuraging children with respnses related t their persnal characteristics r inbrn abilities might weaken their math achievement ver time.
    Parents wh make cmments cnnecting their children’s perfrmance with persnal qualities like IQ are using what’s referred t as persn respnses. In cntrast, parents wh cnnect their children’s actins, such as effrts r strategy use, t their perfrmance are using prcess respnses.
    Fr the study, researchers asked mre than 500 parents t reprt n hw they respnded t their children’s math perfrmance and their math beliefs and gals. Children were divided int tw grups acrss a year t measure their math achievement.
    The results shw that parents wh view math ability as changeable are mre likely t give prcess respnses fcused n their children’s strategy use and effrts rather than their IQ r ther persnal qualities. In cntrast, parents wh believe math ability is unchangeable and that math failure can’t be cnstructive give mre persn respnses. Parents with high expectatins fr their children give bth respnses. While respnses fcused n strategy and effrts are nt related t any achievement results, children wh receive mre respnses abut their persnal qualities — especially, related t failure — are mre likely t avid harder math prblems, shw higher levels f math anxiety, and scre lwer n math achievement tests.
    Because persn respnses mean pr math change in children ver time, researchers suggest parents limit this type f respnses at hme. Anther recmmendatin fr parents is t think abut their wn beliefs and gals fr their kids and examine hw these might lead them t respnd in persn r prcess ways. Simply telling parents t avid talking abut math ability may nt be enugh. Fcusing less n hw children perfrm and mre n their strategy and enjyment f math might be a mre effective way t encurage children.
    12.Which f the fllwing is an example f prcess respnse?
    A.What wrks well fr yur study?B.Running is in yur DNA.
    C.Yu are a lucky dg.D.Why are yu such a math talent?
    13.What can be learned frm the study results?
    A.Parents prefer t give mre prcess respnses.
    B.Persn respnses can discurage children frm learning math.
    C.Prcess respnses help with children’s math achievement.
    D.Children are mre likely t be affected by math anxiety.
    14.What d researchers advise parents t d?
    A.Ignre children’s math prblems.B.Prtect their wn beliefs.
    C.Stress children’s perfrmance.D.Limit persn respnses.
    15.Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.The Strategy Children Use t Learn Math Helps
    B.Respnses t imprve Children’s Math Perfrmance
    C.The Way Parents Talk t Children n Math Matters
    D.Suggestins fr Parents t Teach Their Children Math
    第二节 七选五(共5个小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    When I decided t leave my hme cuntry t pursue a degree in Canada, I hadn’t expected that cmmunicatin wuld be an issue. 16 I tk English lessns in my teens and scred well n English tests.
    But sn after my arrival in Canada, I realized hw wrng I was. In research discussins, surrunded by native English speakers, I had t be careful. I needed t cnsciusly fllw each cnversatin and translate it t my native language. 17 Finally, I tried t find the right English wrds t cmmunicate that respnse. Cnstantly thinking abut what I wuld say next, I had a hard time remaining fcused in cnversatins.
    But when I again failed t say exactly what I meant in a meeting a few mnths later, a simple idea ccurred t me. 18 Cmmunicating with my clleagues by e-mail, I had mre time t think and cmfrtably express my thughts. Over time, this practice helped imprve my English significantly.
    19 I decided t remind them that English is nt my first language. I asked them t speak mre slwly t help me fllw the discussins. It was a little awkward t draw attentin t what might be seen as a weakness. And at first, the ther members f the research team seemed slightly surprised. But the dynamics quickly imprved. They seemed t becme mre aware f hw they were speaking, and I felt mre cmfrtable jining in the cnversatin. 20
    A.Plus, I learned t be pen with my clleagues.
    B.Why nt cntribute t the discussin in writing?
    C.I had thught I culd express myself in English easily.
    D.Gradually I grew uncmfrtable with ral cmmunicatin.
    E.Then, I had t reflect carefully n it and think f a respnse.
    F.With effrts n bth sides, we culd vercme language barriers.
    G.Hw can ne deny the significance f effective cmmunicatin?
    Small children are easy t thrw up in the air and catch — and they 21 it. “Again, Daddy, again!” Jacky shuts as I thrw him skywards and catch him n the way back dwn again. He thrws his arms and legs ut 22 he were flying, his eyes wide with 23 . His trust in me is 24 , which is quite a nice feeling, but at the same time gives me a huge sense f 25
    I hpe Jacky will always-trust me fully, but I knw that, as he gets lder, it will need mre effrt and sund judgment 26 . Trust is such an imprtant part f a parent-child relatinship that it’s smething that I can’t 27 t lse. Every time I 28 Jacky t smething new, he’ll d it nly because he trusts me and feels 29 in the knwledge that he wn’t get hurt. 30 teaching Jacky t swim means he has t believe that, when he’s swimming in the big pl, I’ll cme t his rescue if his dggy paddle lets him dwn.
    31 , in the wrkplace, trust is imprtant fr strng 32 . It is smething that every manager shuld wrk hard t 33 amng their team. If peple dn’t trust yu, they’re unlikely t fllw yur directins and willingly becme a lyal (忠诚) team member. A 34 f trust can make peple wrk against yu rather than fr yu. At the very least, it means that peple are nt ging t be giving yu their best. Gd 35 , like gd parenting, is a lng-term cmmitment
    22.A.as ifB.in caseC.even thughD.s that
    26.A.n my behalfB.n my partC.in my hnrD.in my name
    30.A.Abve allB.In additinC.At firstD.Fr example
    With a big smile n her face, Gan Yuqin chats with her fllwers in her live-stream every night, trying 36 (prmte) sales f ranges frm her hmetwn, a small village in Guangxi Zhuang Autnmus Regin. She, tgether with her teammates, 37 (help) villagers sell nearly 500,000 kilgrams f ranges every week. The 40-year-ld wman, wh used t be a farmer and husewife, is nw admired in her hmetwn 38 her great success in bsting sales f farm prduce.
    Gan 39 (knw) as ne f the pineers wh shares cuntry life and prmtes sales f related prducts nline. She was 40 (initial) encuraged by her nephew, wh asked Gan t be the main character in his shrt vides 41 (feature) cuntry life. As Gan’s fame grew, they began t sell fruit frm their family rchard, 42 sn fell shrt f demand. They then launched an e-cmmerce cmpany selling varius kinds f 43 (agriculture) prducts frm all ver the regin.
    Gan’s cmpany has been 44 great success and Gan has received lts f awards fr her 45 (achieve). She is nw devted t shting vides and live-streaming, but is als planning t ffer free training t thse wh lve the industry.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    内容包括:1. 表示欢迎;2. 介绍相关课程。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Karie duble-checked the wrds n her spelling test .If she gt 100 percent tday, she’d win her class’ First-Quarter Spelling Challenge and a brand new dictinary.
    Three mre wrds t g. N-i-c-e-l-y. Q-u-i-c-k-1-y. H--n-e-s-t-y. Wait! She had spelled hnesty, nt hnestly. She hurriedly erased the t-y and wrte l-y befre handing in her paper.
    Ms. McCrmack graded the test papers at the break. Meanwhile, Karie sat restlessly in her seat with her fingers crssed. Then, Ms. McCrmack walked t the frnt f the rm and cleared her thrat, “Cngratulatins. Karie! Yu did it!” she annunced.
    The whle class burst int applause! Ms McCrmack presented Karie with her prize. Karie grinned as she read the label n the bx: T Karie Carter; fr her perfect first-quarter scre in spelling.
    “Everything OK?” Mm asked as Karie burst thrugh the frnt dr after schl. Karie didn’t answer. As if by magic, she tk ut her spelling test paper and prize and shwed them t her mther, Mm hugged her, asking her t put the test paper n the fridge s that Dad culd see it when he gt hme.
    Karie tk anther lk at the test paper befre putting it n the fridge. Her hands stpped in the midair. She just culdn’t believe her wn eyes. Hnesly? YES! H-O-N-E-S-L-Y.
    Mm sensed smething unusual and asked why. Karie stuffed the test paper int her backpack and explained that she was just t excited. Mm brught her sme tea. Yes, a “t” was exactly what she needed.
    After drinking a little, Karie pldded(重步走) dwn the hall, lst in thught Hw culd she tell the class she hadn’t earned the prize after all?
    Later Dad came in with excitement.
    The next mrning, Karie went t schl earlier than usual.
    1-5 CACAB 6-10 CABBC 11-15 BACAB 16-20 ABCBC
    1.B 2.A 3.B
    1.细节理解题。根据第一段的“Its aim is t find vlunteering pprtunities fr students, teachers at schl.(其目的是为学校的学生、教师寻找志愿服务机会)”可知,委员会的目标是给学生、老师提供做志愿者的机会。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据第四个黑点后面的内容“Cmment n the Bard’s wrk.(对委员会工作的评价)”可知,“对委员会的工作进行评估”可能是今年议程的话题之一。故选A。
    3.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的“This is a unique and exciting pprtunity pen t all studying at schl, n matter hw much r hw little yu have vlunteered.(这是一个独特而令人兴奋的机会,向所有在国王学院学习的人开放,不管你自愿参加的次数有多少)”可知,国王学院的学生们可以申请成为国王学院董事会成员。故选B。
    4.A 5.D 6.C 7.C
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章推荐了英国作家Gerald Durrell的一本书——《我的家人和其他动物》。
    4.推理判断题。根据第一段“Frm cttages surrunded by impressive gardens t days spent explring sandy beaches and deep wds filled with wildlife, in My Family and Other Animals, English writer Gerald Durrell prvided a vivid accunt f his family’s time n the Greek island f Crfu in the 1930s. (从被令人印象深刻的花园包围的小屋,到探索沙滩和充满野生动物的深林的日子,在《我的家人和其他动物》一书中,英国作家Gerald Durrell生动地描述了20世纪30年代他的家人在希腊科孚岛的时光。)”可知,Durrell在科孚岛的生活是多样的。故选A项。
    5.词句猜测题。根据语境和划线句前文“was intended t be a nstalgic(怀旧的)accunt f natural histry, but in the first few pages,(本想成为一本关于自然史的怀旧书,)”和第一段提到的“English writer Gerald Durrell prvided a vivid accunt f his family’s time n the Greek island f Crfu in the 1930s.(英国作家杰拉尔德•德雷尔(Gerald Durrell)生动地描述了上世纪30年代他一家在希腊科孚岛的生活。)”这本书生动地描述了作者一家人在科孚岛的生活可知,作者原本想写一本关于自然史的怀旧书,但是结果却写成了描述家人在科孚岛的生活一本书,由此可推知,划线词句“but in the first few pages, I made the mistake f intrducing my family. (但在前几页,我错误地介绍了我的家人。)”指的是作者“我情不自禁地介绍了自己的家人”。故选D项。
    6.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Durrell’s attentin t detail is what makes the bk s winning, with every sight, sund and smell f the island brught t life. (Durrell对细节的关注使这本书如此引人入胜,岛上的每一个景象、声音和气味都栩栩如生。)”和第五段“My Family and Other Animals is quite difficult t classify, being ne part travel, ne part autbigraphy, ne part natural histry, and ne part cmedy, with a thread f descriptive language running thrughut that smetimes raises it nearly t petry. (《我的家庭和其他动物》很难归类,一部分是游记,一部分是自传,一部分是自然历史,一部分是喜剧,一种描述性的语言贯穿始终,有时几乎把它提升到诗歌的境界。)”可知,这两段主要介绍了这本书的写作特点。故选C项。
    7.推理判断题。通读全文,根据最后一段“As a real delight t read, it’s the perfect literary escapism fr any adult r lder teenager wh is currently walking dwn a tugh rad in life. (作为一种真正的阅读乐趣,对于任何目前正走在艰难人生道路上的成年人或年龄较大的青少年来说,这是一种完美的文学逃避。)”可知,这篇文章的目的是为了推荐这本《我的家庭和其他动物》。故选C项。
    8.D 9.B 10.D 11.A
    8.细节理解题。根据第一段中“The hard-wrking insects can change their behavir when things seem difficult, and nw sme scientists find there is evidence that they als like t play.”(当事情看起来很困难时,勤劳的昆虫可以改变它们的行为,现在一些科学家发现有证据表明它们也喜欢玩耍)可知,关于蜜蜂的新发现是它们喜欢玩乐。故选D项。
    9.细节理解题。根据第二段中“In this case, t remve the uter factrs, scientists made sure the bees had adapted t their new hme and that their envirnment was stress-free.”(在这种情况下,为了消除外部因素,科学家们确保蜜蜂已经适应了它们的新家,并且它们的环境没有压力)可知,科学家通过让蜜蜂有家的感觉从而在实验中消除外部影响。故选B项。
    10.细节理解题。根据第三段中Lars Chittka说的“This research prvides strng evidence that insect minds are far mre cmplex(复杂的) than we imagine. There are lts f animals wh play just fr the purpse f enjyment, but mst examples cme frm yung mammals (哺乳动物) and birds”(这项研究提供了强有力的证据,证明昆虫的思维比我们想象的要复杂得多。这项研究的负责人、伦敦玛丽女王大学的感觉和行为生态学教授拉尔斯·奇特卡说:“有很多动物玩耍只是为了享受,但大多数例子来自年轻的哺乳动物和鸟类)可知,Lars Chittka的话表明了昆虫的思维非常复杂。故选D项。
    11.细节理解题。根据最后一段中““This finding has effects n ur understanding f the sense and happiness f insects, which, therefre, encurages us t respect and prtect wildlife n Earth ever mre,” she says.”(“这一发现影响了我们对昆虫的感觉和快乐的理解,因此,这鼓励我们更加尊重和保护地球上的野生动物,”她说)可知,该研究结果有助于保护地球上的野生动物。故选A项。
    12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C
    12.推理判断题。根据第二段“In cntrast, parents wh cnnect their children’s actins, such as effrts r strategy use, t their perfrmance are using prcess respnses.(相比之下,将孩子的行为,如努力或策略使用,与他们的表现联系起来的父母使用的是过程反应)”可知,将孩子的行为与他们的表现联系起来的父母使用的是过程反应,分析四个选项,A项“What wrks well fr yur study?(什么对你的学习有效?)”将孩子的行为与表现联系起来,符合语境,属于“过程反应”,故选A项。
    13.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“children wh receive mre respnses abut their persnal qualities — especially, related t failure — are mre likely t avid harder math prblems, shw higher levels f math anxiety, and scre lwer n math achievement tests.(那些对自己的个人品质,尤其是与失败有关的品质,得到更多回应的孩子,更有可能避免更难的数学问题,表现出更高的数学焦虑水平,并且在数学成绩测试中得分更低)”可推理出,个人反应会阻碍孩子学习数学,故选B项。
    14.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Because persn respnses mean pr math change in children ver time, researchers suggest parents limit this type f respnses at hme.(由于对人的反应意味着随着时间的推移,孩子的数学变化很差,研究人员建议父母在家里限制这种反应)”可知,专家建议父母限制个人反应,故选D项。
    15.主旨大意题。这篇文章主要内容是说父母对孩子的数学学习做出不同的反应,会对孩子产生不同的作用;用与个人特征或天生能力相关的反应来鼓励孩子,可能会削弱他们的数学动机和成绩,所以建议家长在家里限制这种类型的反应。所以B项“The Way Parents Talk t Children n Math Matters(父母与孩子谈论数学的方式很重要)”作为本文的题目与文章主题相符合。故选C项。
    16.C 17.E 18.B 19.A 20.F
    16.根据上文“When I decided t leave my hme cuntry t pursue a degree in Canada, I hadn’t expected that cmmunicatin wuld be an issue.(当我决定离开祖国去加拿大攻读学位时,我并没有想到沟通会成为一个问题)”以及后文“I tk English lessns in my teens and scred well n English tests.(我十几岁的时候上过英语课,在英语考试中成绩很好)”可知,上文提到作者要去加拿大读书,后文又提到作者十几岁时英语成绩很好,说明作者一开始觉得自己英语没问题,在加拿大沟通不成问题。故C选项“我原以为我能用英语很容易地表达自己”符合语境,故选C。
    17.根据上文“But sn after my arrival in Canada, I realized hw wrng I was. In research discussins, surrunded by native English speakers, I had t be careful. I needed t cnsciusly fllw each cnversatin and translate it t my native language.(但在我到达加拿大后不久,我意识到我错得有多离谱。在研究讨论中,周围都是英语为母语的人,我必须小心。我需要有意识地跟上每一次对话,并把它翻译成我的母语)”以及后文“Finally, I tried t find the right English wrds t cmmunicate that respnse. Cnstantly thinking abut what I wuld say next, I had a hard time remaining fcused in cnversatins.(最后,我试图用正确的英语表达这一回答。我一直在想我接下来要说什么,很难在谈话中集中注意力)”可知,上文提到作者每次听到英语时要先在脑海里翻译成母语,再进行回答,E选项中a respnse对应后文中that respnse。故E选项“然后,我必须仔细地考虑一下,并想个回答”符合语境,故选E。
    18.根据上文“But when I again failed t say exactly what I meant in a meeting a few mnths later, a simple idea ccurred t me.(但几个月后的一次会议上,我又一次没能说清楚我的意思,这时我想到了一个简单的主意)”以及后文“Cmmunicating with my clleagues by e-mail, I had mre time t think and cmfrtably express my thughts. Over time, this practice helped imprve my English significantly.(通过电子邮件与我的同事交流,我有更多的时间去思考和舒服地表达我的想法。久而久之,这种练习让我的英语有了很大的提高)”可知,本句应承接上文说明这个主意是什么,结合后文作者写电子邮件,可推测作者想出的办法是通过书面形式而非口语,进行参与讨论。故B选项“为什么不以书面形式参与讨论?”符合语境,故选B。
    19.根据后文“I decided t remind them that English is nt my first language. I asked them t speak mre slwly t help me fllw the discussins. It was a little awkward t draw attentin t what might be seen as a weakness. And at first, the ther members f the research team seemed slightly surprised.(我决定提醒他们英语不是我的第一语言。我让他们说得慢一点,帮助我跟上讨论。让别人注意到可能被视为弱点的东西有点尴尬。一开始,研究小组的其他成员似乎有点惊讶)”可知,后文提到作者主动提醒他人英语不是自己的第一语言,让别人说得慢一点,即对同事坦白自己的缺点,A选项中clleagues对应后文中them。故A选项“另外,我学会了对同事开诚布公”符合语境,故选A。
    20.根据上文“But the dynamics quickly imprved. They seemed t becme mre aware f hw they were speaking, and I felt mre cmfrtable jining in the cnversatin.(但情况很快得到了改善。他们似乎更清楚自己在说什么,我也更自在地加入了他们的谈话)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,上文提到作者和同事的沟通情况有了改善,说明在他们双方的努力下,作者也在逐渐克服语言障碍。故F选项“通过双方的努力,我们可以克服语言障碍”符合语境,故选F。
    21.C 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.D 26.B 27.A 28.D 29.A 30.D 31.C 32.D 33.C 34.D 35.A
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:孩子很容易被抛到空中并被抓住——而且他们喜欢这样做。A. deserve值得;B. miss错过;C. lve爱;喜欢;D. knw知道。根据下文“Again, Daddy, again!”可知,孩子很喜欢被抛到空中并被抓住。故选C。
    22.考查连词短语词义辨析。句意:他伸出胳膊和腿,好像在飞,他的眼睛因为兴奋睁得大大的。A. as if 好像;B. in case以防;C. even thugh即使;D. s that以便。根据“he were flying,”可知,本句为虚拟语气,孩子伸出胳膊和腿,好像在飞。故选A。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他伸出胳膊和腿,好像在飞,他的眼睛因为兴奋睁得大大的。A. fear害怕;B. excitement兴奋;C. dubt怀疑;D. astnishment惊讶。根据上文“He thrws his arms and legs ut ____2____ he were flying,”可知,孩子的眼睛因为兴奋睁得大大的。故选B。
    24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他对我的信任是绝对的,这是一种很好的感觉,但同时也给了我巨大的责任感。A. reasnable合理的;B. limited有限的;C. abslute完全的,绝对的;D. imprtant重要的。根据上文“Again, Daddy, again!”可知,孩子要求一次次被仍向空中,由此可知,他对父亲是完全信任的。故选C。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他对我的信任是绝对的,这是一种很好的感觉,但同时也给了我巨大的责任感。A. relief宽慰;B. satisfactin满意;C. achievement成就;D. respnsibility责任。结合语境,此处指孩子对父亲的信任也成为了父亲的责任,即他有让孩子信任自己的责任。故选D。
    26.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:我希望杰基能永远完全信任我,但我知道,随着他长大,这需要我付出更多努力和做出正确的判断。A. n my behalf代表我;B. n my part就我来说;C. in my hnr以我的名誉;D. in my name以我的名义。本段在探讨作者与儿子之间的关系,所以需要作者付出更多努力和做出正确的判断。故选B。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:信任是亲子关系中非常重要的一部分,我不能失去它。A. affrd支付得起;B. chse选择;C. wait等待;D. expect期望。根据上文“Trust is such an imprtant part f a parent-child relatinship”可知,作者认为自己承受不了失去亲子之间的信任。affrd t d sth.“能够做某事”。故选A。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每次我给杰克介绍新东西,他都会去做,只是因为他相信我,觉得安全,因为他知道自己不会受伤。 A. attach贴上;B. cmpare对比;C. adjust调整; D. intrduce介绍。根据下文“Jacky t smething new,”可知,作者介绍给儿子新的东西。故选D。
    29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每次我给杰克介绍新东西,他都会去做,只是因为他相信我,觉得安全,因为他知道自己不会受伤。A. safe安全的;B. happy快乐的;C. prud自豪的; D. grateful感激的。根据下文“that he wn’t get hurt.”可知,只是因为他相信自己不会受到伤害,觉得安全。故选A。
    30.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:例如,教杰克游泳意味着他必须相信当他在大泳池里游泳时,如果他溺水,我能去救他。A. Abve all首先重要的是;B. In additin除此之外;C. At first首先;D. Fr example例如。根据下文“teaching Jacky t swim means he has t believe that,”可知,作者在举例子。故选D。
    31.考查副词词义辨析。句意:同样,在工作场所,信任对于强大的领导力也很重要。A. Hwever然而;B. Therefre因此;C. Similarly相似地;D. Frtunately幸运地。根据下文“in the wrkplace, trust is imprtant fr strng ____12____.”可知,作者从父子之间的信任转移到职场,所以同样,在工作场所,信任对于强大的领导力也很重要。故选C。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同样,在工作场所,信任对于强大的领导力也很重要。A. affectin感情;B. determinatin决定;C. friendship友谊;D. leadership领导力。根据下文“It is smething that every manager”可知,信任对于强大的领导力也很重要。故选D。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是每个管理者都应该努力在团队中培养的品质。A. assess评估;B. rganize组织;C. develp发展,培养;D. understand理解。根据常识可知,信任需要培养。故选C。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:缺乏信任会让人们与你作对,而不是帮助你。A. gesture姿势;B. measure措施;C. bnd纽带;D. lack缺少。根据下文“make peple wrk against yu rather than fr yu.”可知,缺乏信任会让人们与你作对。故选D。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:好的管理,就像好的育儿一样,是一种长期的承诺。A. management管理;B. persnality个性;C. cmmunicatin交流;D. educatin教育。根据上文“in the wrkplace”以及“manager”可知,作者在说管理。故选A。
    36.t prmte 37.helps 38.fr 39.is knwn 40.initially 41.featuring 42.which 43.agricultural 44.a 45.achievement##achievements
    36.考查非谓语动词。句意:甘有琴面带微笑,每晚都在直播中与粉丝聊天,努力推销来自广西壮族自治区一个小村庄的橘子。结合句意表示“努力做某事”可知短语为try t d sth.。故填t prmte。
    37.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:她和队友们每周帮助村民们销售近50万公斤橘子。根据后文every week可知应用一般现在时,且主语后接介词短语tgether with her teammates时,不影响主语的人称和数,谓语动词应根据主语的人称和数来确定,即谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填helps。
    38.考查介词。句意:这位40岁的妇女曾是一名农民和家庭主妇,现在在家乡很受人尊敬,因为她在促进农产品销售方面取得了巨大成功。结合句意表示“因……受人尊敬”可知短语为be admired fr。故填fr。
    39.考查固定短语和时态。句意:甘被认为是分享乡村生活并在网上推广相关产品的先驱之一。结合句意表示“被认为……”可知短语为be knwn as,结合后文“wh shares cuntry life and prmtes sales f related prducts nline”可知应用一般现在时,主语为Gan,谓语动词用单数。故填is knwn。
    41.考查非谓语动词。句意:甘起初是在侄子的鼓励下,让她在他的以乡村生活为主题的短视频中担任主角。分析句子结构可知feature在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语shrt vides构成主动关系,故应用现在分词作定语。故填featuring。
    42.考查定语从句。句意:随着甘的名气越来越大,他们开始出售自家果园里的水果,但很快就供不应求了。此处为非限制性定语从句修饰上文fruit frm their family rchard,从句中缺少主语,应用关系代词which引导,that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故填which。
    46.Dear Tm,
    I’m mre than delighted t knw yu’ll study with us. I can’t wait t see yu. Nw let me intrduce sme f ur curses which will surely help deepen yur understanding f Chinese culture.
    First f all, I may suggest Chinese calligraphy, fr each character tells a stry with culture. While practicing writing them, yu can nt nly appreciate the beauty f calligraphy but als cultivate yur mind. Anther curse I wuld recmmend t yu is Tang Pems, which can ffer yu an access t Chinese literature and prvide insights int culture, values and beliefs.
    Best wishes t yu! Lking frward t yur early arrival.
    Li Hua
    课程:curse → subject
    肯定:surely → certainty/definitely
    建议:suggest → prpse/advise
    提供:ffer → prvide
    原句:First f all, I may suggest Chinese calligraphy, fr each character tells a stry with culture.
    拓展句:First f all, I may suggest Chinese calligraphy, because each character tells a stry with culture.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I’m mre than delighted t knw yu’ll study with us.(运用了省略连词that的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] I wuld recmmend t yu is Tang Pems, which can ffer yu an access t Chinese literature and prvide insights int culture, values and beliefs. (运用了关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)
    47.Later Dad came in with excitement. “Where's yur spelling test, Jane?” Dad asked eagerly. Jane lked away frm her father. Anyhw, she reluctantly went t her rm and pulled ut the test paper. Dad fixed his eyes n the paper, a pleasant smile lifting the crner f his muth. “I'm prud f yu, sweetie. We need t celebrate it tnight.” Jane pretended t be smiling all the time. Meanwhile a sense f guilt rse inside her. Feeling she didn't deserve the prize, she had a sleepless night fr the first time in her life.
    The next mrning, Jane went t schl earlier than usual. Ms. McCrmack was unlcking the classrm. “Yu're an early bird.” Ms. McCrmack said. Jane's hands trembled. She handed her teacher the spelling paper and the dictinary. “I can't keep this. I misspelled 'hnestly' and yu didn't catch it.” Fr a mment, Ms. McCrmack std quietly reading the label n the dictinary. Then picking up her pen, she crssed ut the wrd “perfect” and wrte “hnest” befre returning the dictinary t Jane. “Keep this. But fr hnesty.”
    拿出:pull ut / hand/ pick up/take ut
    看:lk away frm / fixe ne’s eyes n/lk at
    去往:g t/cme in/get in
    安静:quietly /in silence
    Feeling she didn't deserve the prize, she had a sleepless night fr the first time in her life.(运用现在分词作状语)
    Then picking up her pen, she crssed ut the wrd "perfect" and wrte "hnest" befre returning the dictinary t Jane.(运用动名词作宾语)

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