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    1. Hw was the weather last week?
    A. Sunny. B. Cludy. C. Rainy.
    2. When will the man g hme?
    A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:30.
    3. What will the wman d tnight?
    A. See a play. B. Study fr an exam. C. Relax with music.
    4. Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A. In a supermarket. B. In a restaurant. C. In a htel.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. An exhibitin. B. A writer. C. A cartn.
    6. What’s the matter with the man nw?
    A. He’s gt a fever. B. He’s gt a stmachache. C. He’s gt a headache.
    7. What des the wman remind the man t d?
    A. Get enugh rest. B. Eat prperly. C. Drink much water.
    8. What des the wman advise the man t d at first?
    A. Ask fr a raise. B. Find a well-paid jb. C. Take ut a lan.
    9. Why is the man unwilling t ask his parents fr mney?
    A. His parents have refused t help him.
    B. He’s brrwed much mney frm them.
    C. He wants t slve the prblem by himself.
    10. Hw des the man feel in the end?
    A. Grateful. B. Cncerned. C. Regretful.
    11. What is the pssible relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clerk and custmer. B. Hstess and guest. C. Witness and pliceman.
    12. What des the man suggest peple d first t prtect their hmes?
    A. Check the lcks. B. Purchase a security dr. C. Tell their neighbrs.
    13. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Recrding a prgram. B. Inspecting a case. C. Decrating a huse.
    14. Hw d cats express satisfactin?
    A. They mve their heads frward.
    B. They sit with their tails wrapped.
    C. They clean themselves with tngues.
    15. Why d cats pint their ears upwards and frward?
    A. T read ne’s mind. B. T srt ut things. C. T shw curisity.
    16. What d dgs d t understand peple?
    A. Observe peple’s signs. B. Listen t peple’s vice. C. Watch peple’s eyes.
    17. What kind f vides are the mst ppular?
    A. Vides abut animals. B. Vides abut cking. C. Vides abut music.
    18. Hw can beginners imprve their vides?
    A. By cpying famus stars.
    B. By cnsulting their friends.
    C. By uplading at least 10 vides.
    19. Hw ften shuld yu update yur vides?
    A. Twice a week. B. Every day. C. Every ther mnth.
    20. What’s the purpse f the speaker?
    A. T instruct. B. T advertise. C. T entertain.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Enter DSWF Glbal Canvas 2022
    Glbal Canvas is an annual children’s art cmpetitin run by David Shepherd Wildlife Fundatin (DSWF). It’s a fantastic way t encurage creativity and display thught and cncern fr ur planet’s envirnment and the incredible wildlife that inhabits it. We’re thrilled t annunce entries are nw pen fr the DSWF Glbal Canvas 2022 cmpetitin, fr which the theme is “Frests f Land and Sea”.
    DSWF Glbal Canvas 2022 is free t enter and pen t children aged 16 and under — either as a grup r an individual. Entries fr grup and individual categries will be judged separately and in the fllwing age grups: age 4-7 years, age 8-11 years, and age 12-16 years. A grup entry can be any size frm 2 children up t an entire schl!
    Any art technique is welcme. Entrants can create an artwrk f any size that they like, as lng as their entry is based n the theme and the wrk is riginal. DSWF always likes t see recycled materials used wherever pssible. Please nte that yu mustn’t send us yur actual artwrk, hwever. Yu need t send us a phtgraph and vide f it in additin t cmpleting the relevant grup r individual entry frm. All entries must be received digitally by 11 June 2022.
    Entries will be judged n the quality f art, interpretatin f the theme, creativity, and fr grup entries — level f jint wrk. The decisin f the judges will be final. Cmpetitin winners will receive vuchers (代金券) fr art supplies, digital animal adptins and certificates.
    1.Hw many age grups will the entries be classified int?
    2.Which f the fllwing will fail t meet the requirements f this cmpetitin?
    A.Making an artwrk using recycled materials.
    B.Creating an artwrk with an ancient art frm.
    C.Delivering an riginal physical artwrk t DSWF.
    D.Sending a digital pht f a cmpleted wrk n May 1.
    3.What is the extra cnsideratin in judging a grup entry?
    Italy’s cheap ld hmes cntinue t appeal t hundreds f interested buyers, amng whm was Ry Patrick, a 67-year-ld British wh deals in antiques in Italy. Patrick bught an ld schl huse in the muntain village f Carrega fr $16,500. It’s bth an adventure and a jy.
    Patrick bught the prperty quite by accident. When tld abut the wnders f the village, he tured there t take a lk and was instantly struck by the 1930s schl building. “The huse is particular and the view is unique: The way the sun ges dwn ver the muntains, yu’d say ‘ww’. It’s a fantastic wnderland,” says Patrick.
    The prperty was ffladed by the lcal gvernment t bst the ppulatins f cmmunities in decline. Since the purchase, he’s been visiting every tw weeks and finds it has many charms. “Tp f the list is the friendliness f the lcal residents, fllwed by the breathtaking views I get ut f the windws lking acrss the valley,” he adds.
    Patrick’s initial encunter with his new hme was less than prmising. He had t climb thrugh a windw t pen up the building, which had been shut fr decades and whse dr was jammed, with the keys nwhere t be fund.
    Hwever, a later structural disaster turned int a psitive stry. When an unstable chimney (烟囱) cllapsed due t a heavy snw, a neighbr vlunteered t climb nt his rf t make it safe. The lcals are s welcming that they are ready t help newcmers.
    During the restratin needed t make the ld schl habitable, Patrick unexpectedly unearthed a great many treasures: dusty piles f ld text bks, inkwells, pupil registers and ther histrical items.
    Patrick has sme advice fr thse with the thught f buying a huse in Carrega: There is abslutely nthing, just great views, pure air and clean surrundings. N bars, supermarkets, r restaurants. A vehicle is essential t mve arund. Hwever, Carrega des spring t life in the summer when vacatiners arrive t relax. “There are nights when peple thrw a party with lud music,” says Patrick. “Otherwise it’s just singing birds and ttal silence.”
    4.What led t Patrick’s purchase f the ld schlhuse?
    A.The lcals’ friendly attitude.B.Its lcatin and rising value.
    C.Its uniqueness and surrundings.D.The gvernment’s husing welfare.
    5.What was the gvernment’s intentin f selling the prperty?
    A.T attract mre settlers.B.T bst lcal turism.
    C.T preserve village traditins.D.T refrm educatin system.
    6.What’s ne f Patrick’s added bnuses f getting the huse?
    A.Acquiring mre persnal space.B.Digging up sme histrical finds.
    C.Enjying a mre active scial life.D.Getting free hme decratin service.
    7.Hw des it feel mst f the time living in Carrega?
    A walk in the park may be just what the dctr rdered. A new prgram launched last mnth in Canada gives sme dctrs the ptin f prviding patients with a free annual pass t the cuntry's natinal parks as part f an effrt t increase access t nature and the health benefits.
    PaRx, a health initiative launched by the BC Parks Fundatin in 2019, partnered with Parks Canada t prvide dctrs acrss fur prvinces with an initial run f 100 passes that can be prescribed (开处方). The prgram allws dctrs t write mre general prescriptins fr time spent ut in nature; tw hurs a week, at least 20 minutes at a time, is what PaRx directr Dr. Melissa Lem suggests.
    “Given the grwing bdy f evidence that indicates nature time can imprve all kinds f different physical and mental health cnditins, we’re hping that ur PaRx prgram nt nly imprves patient health, but reduces csts t the health-care system, and helps t grw the number f peple wh are mre engaged envirnmental advcates,” said Prama Rahman, a crdinatr fr the BC Parks Fundatin.
    Dctrs have been catching n, instructing their patients t turn t nature t imprve their health and they're getting creative in hw they d it. Dr. Rbert Zarr, a dctr based in Washingtn, began prescribing accessible utdr activities fr his yung patients and even created a searchable nline database f lcal parks t make it easier.
    But getting utside isn’t always as easy as it might sund. Incme can affect ne’s access t nature, an issue that PaRx is trying t address in Canada. Dctrs utilizing the new natinal parks pass prgram are urged t priritize patients wh might nt therwise be able t affrd these passes.
    While nly 100 adult passes, which give hlders access t mre than 80 natinal parks, histric sites and nature reserves, have initially been made available, rganizers plan t rutinely reassess this number as the prgram grws, the BC Parks Fundatin tld NPR
    8.What is PaRx intended t d?
    A.Qualify dctrs t prescribe.B.Give patients free access t parks.
    C.Prmte free admissin t parks.D.Advcate 20 minutes’ walk a day.
    9.What des the underlined wrd “utilizing” in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A.Financing.B.Setting up.C.Evaluating.D.Carrying ut.
    10.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A.The BC Parks Fundatin is expanding rapidly.
    B.The prgram has signed up 80 natinal parks.
    C.Mre peple will benefit frm the prgram.
    D.Thse living clse t parks can gain pririty.
    11.Which is the best title f the text?
    A.PaRx, a Nature Prescriptin Prgram.B.BC Parks Fundatin in Canada
    C.Year-lng Passes t Natinal ParksD.A New Study n Benefits f Walk
    There are few places n Earth that humans haven’t messed up. Nw even Antarctica, the nly cntinent with n permanent human inhabitants, is being altered by us. A study fund that the increasing human presence in Antarctica is causing mre snw melt-bad news fr a frzen wrld already battling the effects f human-caused glbal warming.
    Black carbn, the dark, dusty pllutin that cmes frm burning fssil fuels has settled in lcatins where turists and researchers spend a lt f time, scientists fund. Even the smallest amunt f the dark pllutant can have a significant impact n melting because f its very lw reflectiveness: things that are light in clr, like snw, reflect the sun's energy and stay cl; things that are dark, like black carbn, absrb the sun's energy and warm up.
    “The snw albed (反射率) effect is ne f the largest uncertainties in reginal and glbal climate mdeling right nw,” Alia Khan, a snw and ice scientist at Western Washingtn University, tld CNN. “That’s ne f the mtivatins fr the study, t quantify the impact f black carbn n reginal snwmelt, which is imprtant fr quantifying the rle f black carbn in the glbal lss f snw and ice.”
    “Antarctica is sitting there pretty much silently all year. But, if it weren’t there, in the state that it is meant t be, the balance that we have in the climate system will n lnger be,” Marilyn Raphael, a gegraphy prfessr said. “Antarctica’s sea ice is als imprtant t maintain a balance in atmspheric circulatin,” he added. As waters get warmer, sme Antarctic creatures are finding their hmes mre and mre unlivable.
    “Everything we d has cnsequences,” Raphael said. “We need t educate urselves abut thse cnsequences, especially in systems that we knw relatively little abut. We have t be careful that we dn’t upset the climate balance.”
    12.Why can the smallest amunt f black carbn have huge impact n melting?
    A.It is highly reflective.B.Its dark clur absrbs heat.
    C.It prduces vast energy.D.It causes much pllutin.
    13.Accrding t Alia, which f the fllwing is ne reasn fr cnducting the study?
    A.T measure the impact f black carbn n melting.
    B.T quantify the cst f battling against climate change.
    C.T remve the uncertainties f glbal warming effects.
    D.T urge peple t pay mre attentin t melting prblem.
    14.What is the furth paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The change caused by Antarctic melting.B.The methds t stp Antarctic ice melting.
    C.The significance f Antarctic being in its state.D.The sufferings Antarctic creatures are experiencing.
    15.What des Raphael advise peple t d?
    A.Reduce turist numbers.B.Face the cnsequences.
    C.Acquire prfessinal educatin.D.Stp disturbing the climate.
    Oscar Wilde nce said, “Man is least himself when he talks in his wn persn. Give him a mask, and he will tell yu the truth.” Art prvides a way t cmmunicate experiences when peple lack verbal skills. 16 Art therapy is funded n the assumptin that everyne is creative and capable f self-expressin.
    17 As a restrative practice, it allws peple t express themselves in nn-verbal ways, such as drawing and painting. Even a 45-minute creative activity can change a persn's mental state. Wrking with an art therapist des even mre: 18
    Yung children typically draw and sing and dance withut wrrying abut their abilities. Adults, hwever, ften have cmplex feelings abut art and art making. They begin t evaluate the quality f their art instead f fcusing n self-expressin itself. 19 Hwever, art therapists can guide peple in expressing themselves withut cncerning whether their artwrk is technically brilliant, s that they can cnnect r recnnect with the artwrks that help them deal with life challenges.
    What are art therapists’ superpwer? They can channel dangerus thughts int imaginative artwrks. Fr instance, peple with vilent tendencies might let ut their anger by hitting anther human being. 20 These artistic chices satisfy the brain's desire fr nvelty withut cmprmising persnal safety.
    A.Art therapy is a duble-edged swrd.
    B.Thus, the many benefits f creative self-expressin are lst.
    C.They develp art as an expressive skill fr slving prblems.
    D.But, bviusly, releasing their anger in this way isn't a gd chice.
    E.Art therapy, in its wn ways, can influence a range f human functining.
    F.It can significantly enhance psitive mds and bst measures f well-being.
    G.Hwever, with art therapists’ help, their energy culd be changed int creative prducts.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Several years ag, a neighbr kid kicked a ftball and brke a basement windw f my huse. Due t financial prblems, I 21 it up, thinking I’d get t it smeday.
    Over the year, I had planned t upgrade t energy-efficient windws. But with the frame (窗框) rusted (锈) and firmly 22 in the fundatin, whever did it wuld need t chisel (凿) it ut by hand. It wuld be a 23 prcess and there were six f thse windws in the huse. The cst was estimated at $15,000. It was simply 24 .
    Hnestly, the thught f that windw 25 me fr years. I knew I needed t fix it, but I had built up the 26 s much in my mind that I put it ff again and again.
    Then I had a jb change and needed t sell the huse befre mving away. But it was almst 27 t find a buyer if there was a brken windw. S I pulled ff the bards t face this thing head-n. I grabbed sme rust remver, 28 it arund the frame f the windw, and gave it a pull. T my astnishment, it easily 29 . I tk the windw dwntwn. It nly cst me $12. I culd have 30 the prblem fr nly $12 when it ccurred, but I let it bther me fr five years!
    31 , this isn’t just abut my windw. Many f us live with brken windws f ne type r anther. They are things that seriusly affect ur 32 f life. If yu recgnize yur brken windw, dn’t 33 t mend it. It may turn ut t be 34 than expected. Usually we suffer mre in a 35 than in reality.
    24.A.in a messB.beynd cntrlC.under guaranteeD.ut f reach
    In the 17th century, the Netherlands experienced a perid f 36 (art)prsperity knwn as the Dutch Glden Age. During this perid, artists fund 37 (inspire)in Nrthern Renaissance painting techniques, cntributing t masterpieces like Girl with a Pearl Earring by Jhannes Vermeer. Knwn as the "Mna Lisa f the Nrth", this painting 38 (represent)the best f Dutch art and it has becme ne f art histry’s mst belved paintings.
    Girl with a Pearl Earring is Vermeer’s mst well-knwn wrk f art. 39 , it did nt attain internatinal fame until the end f the 20th century, 40 it was featured in a special exhibitin in Washingtn, D. C. The painting des nt shw a specific persn. Instead, it shws 41 unknwn girl dressed in grand clthing wh, "like a visin cming frm the darkness," art histrian Arthur K. Wheelck explained, "belngs t n specific time r place." Vermeer is knwn fr his ability t create shapes and frms 42 (use)light rather than line. This characteristic apprach 43 mdeling is particularly evident in Girl with a Pearl Earring.
    In additin t its fascinating cntext and appealing beauty, the piece is celebrated fr the mystery that surrunds it. "When yu think abut the Mna Lisa, she is als lking at us, but she isn’t engaging" Tracy Chevalier pints ut. "While Girl with a Pearl Earring is right there there is nthing between her and us. She has this magical quality f being 44 (incredible)pen and yet mysterius at the same time—and that is 45 makes her s appealing."
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46.为了促进中国传统艺术的传播,我市将于本月22日至30日每日9:00-17:00在城市博物馆(City Museum)举办中国传统艺术作品展览。请你代表你校学生会,在学校英文报纸上写一则通知。内容包括以下几点:
    1. 参展作品及特点;
    2. 展出时间及地点;
    3. 其他注意事项。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The Student Unin
    A sudden call came int Jimmy Gilleece's bar this past March. A newly married wman wh had spent the afternn at the dive beach bar culdn’t find her wallet. She didn't care abut her ID. credit cards, r $150 in cash, but her wedding ring was just inside.
    Gilleece. 42. didn't like the idea that a theft culd have happened at his place, s he spent hurs searching 16 different cameras, watching the wman’s every step until she went t sit n a bench utside and left when her ride arrived. Within minutes, a yung man in a hdie(连帽衫)apprached the bench, Put smething in his pcket, and walked ff. Gilleece psted a clip n the bar’s Facebk page. “I didn't want t criticize him." he said. “I just asked if anybdy knew wh the guy was.” Within hurs. Giileece gt a text message frm 17-year-ld Rivers Prather, wh admitted taking the wallet and said he'd dne it because he hadn't eaten in tw days. Thinking the ring was fake, he threw the wallet int the cean and tk the mney t buy a sandwich.
    Gilleece. unsure whether he believed Prather, tld the teenager I meet him at the dcks(码头).There. they gt t talking, and Prather said that he wasn't getting alng with his family and had been living in the wds fr a week Gilleece. a father f tw. tk stck f(审视)Prather- his small bdy, his flushing(涨得通红的)checks - and saw him fr what he was: mre f a kid than a criminal.
    Hu ever, the plice were already n the ease and because f the missing ring. Prather culd be facing severe charge. Gilleece decided t help. He emplyed tw lcal divers t search the waters where Prather had thrwn the wallet. Meanwhile, the plice wanted Gilleece t bring the teen dwn t the statin. Instead. Gilleece called the plice and tld them. "He's ging t be al the dcks with me tmrrw.”
    Paragraph 1:
    A crwd had gathered t watch the tw divers search in the strng current.
    Paragraph 2:
    But it wasn’t ver fr Gilleece.
    听力:1-5 CBCBA 6-10CCBCA 11-15 BAABC 16-20 BCBAA
    1.C 2.C 3.B
    1.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Entries fr grup and individual categries will be judged separately and in the fllwing age grups: age 4-7 years, age 8-11 years, and age 12-16 years.(团体和个人组别的参赛作品将分别在以下年龄组进行评判:4-7岁,8-11岁,12-16岁)”可知,参赛作品会分为3个年龄组别。故选C项。
    2.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Please nte that yu mustn’t send us yur actual artwrk, hwever. Yu need t send us a phtgraph and vide f it in additin t cmpleting the relevant grup r individual entry frm.(然而,请注意,你不能寄给我们你的实际作品。除了填写相关的团体或个人报名表外,您还需要将参赛作品的照片和视频发给我们)”可知,向DSWF提供原始实物艺术品不满足本次竞赛的要求。故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Entries will be judged n the quality f art, interpretatin f the theme, creativity, and fr grup entries — level f jint wrk.(参赛作品将根据艺术质量、主题阐释、创造力和团体作品的联合工作水平进行评判)”可知,评判团体参赛作品时,要额外考虑“level f jint wrk”,即合作水平。故选B项。
    4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A
    4.细节理解题。根据第二段“The huse is particular and the view is unique: The way the sun ges dwn ver the muntains, yu’d say ‘ww’. It’s a fantastic wnderland.”(这栋房子很特别,风景也很独特:当太阳下山时,你会说‘哇’。这是一个奇妙的仙境。)可知,帕特里克买这旧校舍,是因为它很特别,而且周边环境也很特别。选项C“它的独特性和周围环境。”符合文意,故选C。
    5.推理判断题。根据第三段“The prperty was ffladed by the lcal gvernment t bst the ppulatins f cmmunities in decline.”(当地政府出让了这块地产,以增加衰落社区的人口。)可知,政府卖掉这块地的意图是为了增加人口,为了吸引更多的居住者。故选A。
    6.细节理解题。根据第六段“During the restratin needed t make the ld schl habitable, Patrick unexpectedly unearthed a great many treasures: dusty piles f ld text bks, inkwells, pupil registers and ther histrical items.”(在修复旧学校以使其适于居住的过程中,帕特里克意外地挖掘出了许多宝藏:积满灰尘的成堆的旧教科书、墨水瓶、学生登记册和其他历史物品。)可知,帕特里克本来只是买了一个旧校舍,却从中发掘了一些珍贵的历史物品,这就是added bnuses (额外的福利)了。B选项“挖掘一些历史发现。”符合文意,故选B。
    7.推理判断题。根据最后一段““There are nights when peple thrw a party with lud music,” says Patrick. Otherwise it’s just singing birds and ttal silence.”(帕特里克说:“有些夜晚,人们会开着喧闹的音乐派对。”除此之外,只有鸟儿在歌唱,一片寂静。)可推断,除了夏夜开音乐派对的时候,这个地方会有点喧闹,其余时间都是安静的。故选A。
    8.B 9.D 10.C 11.A
    8.细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“A new prgram launched last mnth in Canada gives sme dctrs the ptin f prviding patients with a free annual pass t the cuntry's natinal parks as part f an effrt t increase access t nature and the health benefits.(上个月,加拿大启动了一项新计划,让一些医生可以选择向患者提供免费的国家公园年票,作为增加接触大自然和提高健康福利而做出努力的一部分)”及第二段第一句“PaRx, a health initiative launched by the BC Parks Fundatin in 2019, partnered with Parks Canada t prvide dctrs acrss fur prvinces with an initial run f 100 passes that can be prescribed.(PaRx,是由BC公园基金会2019发起的一项健康方案,该方案与加拿大公园合作,初期为四个省份的医生提供了100个可以用于处方的通行证)”可知,PaRx这个方案是用来给患者发放免费公园通行证的。故选B。
    9.词句猜测题。根据划线词所在句“Dctrs utilizing the new natinal parks pass prgram are urged t priritize patients wh might nt therwise be able t affrd these passes.(使用新的国家公园通行证计划的医生被敦促要优先考虑那些可能负担不起这些通行证的患者)”中的后半部分可知,医生被要求给收入不高的患者优先发放免费通行证,由此可推知,医生首先得有这一项目的使用权才能给患者发放,因而划线词“utilizing”表示“使用”与“Carrying ut执行”意思相近。故选D。
    10.推理判断题。根据最后一段内容“While nly 100 adult passes, which give hlders access t mre than 80 natinal parks, histric sites and nature reserves, have initially been made available, rganizers plan t rutinely reassess this number as the prgram grws, the BC Parks Fundatin tld NPR(BC公园基金会告诉NPR,虽然只有100个成人通行证,让持有者可以进入超过80个国家公园、历史遗迹和自然保护区,但随着项目的发展组织者计划定期重新评估这一数字)”可知,目前的通行证数量不多,但组织者会定期评估数据做出调整,由此推知,这样就会有越来越多的人因此受益。故选C。
    11.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了PaRx,这一健康方案的目的及实施中遇到的问题,结合第二段第一句“PaRx, a health initiative launched by the BC Parks Fundatin in 2019, partnered with Parks Canada t prvide dctrs acrss fur prvinces with an initial run f 100 passes that can be prescribed.(开处方)(PaRx,是由BC公园基金会2019发起的一项健康方案,该方案与加拿大公园合作,初期为四个省份的医生提供了100个可以用于处方的通行证)”可知“PaRx, a Nature Prescriptin Prgram.(PaRx,一个自然处方方案)”可以概括文章内容,适合作为本文标题。故选A。
    12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D
    12.细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句话“Even the smallest amunt f the dark pllutant can have a significant impact n melting because f its very lw reflectiveness: like snw, reflect the sun's energy and stay cl; things that are dark, like black carbn, absrb the sun's energy and warm up.(甚至最少量的深色污染物也会对融化产生重要的影响,因为它的反射率非常低:颜色较浅的物体,如雪,反射太阳的能量并保持凉爽;黑暗的东西,如黑碳,吸收太阳的能量并变暖)”可知,由于能够吸收热量,黑碳对融化会产生巨大的影响。故选B项。
    13.细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句话“That’s ne f the mtivatins fr the study, t quantify the impact f black carbn n reginal snwmelt, which is imprtant fr quantifying the rle f black carbn in the glbal lss f snw and ice.(这是这项研究的动机之一,量化黑碳对区域融雪的影响,这对于量化黑碳在全球冰雪损失中的作用非常重要)”可知,在研究过程中,量化黑碳对融雪的影响是十分巨大的。A项“测量黑碳对融化的影响”符合题意。故选A项。
    14.主旨大意题。根据文章第四段第二句话“But, if it weren’t there, in the state that it is meant t be, the balance that we have in the climate system will n lnger be(但是,如果它不存在,在它注定要成为的状态下,我们在气候系统中的平衡将不再存在)”及第三句话“Antarctica’s sea ice is als imprtant t maintain a balance in atmspheric circulatin(南极洲的海冰对于维持大气环流的平衡也很重要)”可知,本段主要讲述了南极洲对于环境的重要性。C项“南极处于其状态的重要性”更符合题意。故选C项。
    15.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““Everything we d has cnsequences,” Raphael said. “We need t educate urselves abut thse cnsequences, especially in systems that we knw relatively little abut. We have t be careful that we dn’t upset the climate balance.”(“我们所做的一切都有后果,”Raphael说。“我们需要教育自己了解这些后果,特别是在我们相对知之甚少的系统中,我们必须小心,不要破坏气候平衡。”)”可知,Raphael建议我们停止扰乱气候,不应破坏气候的平衡。故选D项。
    16.C 17.E 18.F 19.B 20.G
    16.根据上文“Oscar Wilde nce said, “Man is least himself when he talks in his wn persn. Give him a mask, and he will tell yu the truth.” Art prvides a way t cmmunicate experiences when peple lack verbal skills.(王尔德曾经说过:“当人以自己的身份说话时,就越不是他自己。给他一个面具,他就会告诉你真相。”当人们缺乏语言能力时,艺术提供了一种交流经验的方式)”以及最后一段中“Art therapy is funded n the assumptin that everyne is creative and capable f self-expressin.(艺术疗法建立在每个人都有创造力和自我表达能力的假设上)”可知,上文提到人们把艺术当作一种交流经验的方式,后文则提到艺术疗法建立在自我表达能力的假设上,故本句是在说明人们将艺术发展成了一种表达技巧。C选项中expressive对应后文self-expressin。故C选项“他们把艺术发展成一种解决问题的表达技巧”最符合语境,故选C。
    17.根据后文“As a restrative practice, it allws peple t express themselves in nn-verbal ways, such as drawing and painting. Even a 45-minute creative activity can change a persn's mental state.(作为一种恢复性练习,它允许人们用非语言的方式表达自己,比如绘画。即使是45分钟的创造性活动也能改变一个人的精神状态)”可知,后文提到创造性活动可以改变人的精神状态,即艺术可以影响人的功能。故E选项“艺术疗法,以其自身的方式,可以影响一系列的人类功能”最符合语境,故选E。
    18.根据上文“Even a 45-minute creative activity can change a persn's mental state. Wrking with an art therapist des even mre(即使是45分钟的创造性活动也能改变一个人的精神状态。与艺术治疗师一起工作甚至可以做得更多)”可知,上文提到创造性活动可以改变人的精神状态,且与艺术治疗师可以做得更多,故本句是在说明艺术还能如何影响人的精神状态。故F选项“它能显著增强积极情绪,提高幸福感”最符合语境,故选F。
    19.根据上文“Yung children typically draw and sing and dance withut wrrying abut their abilities. Adults, hwever, ften have cmplex feelings abut art and art making. They begin t evaluate the quality f their art instead f fcusing n self-expressin itself.(小孩子通常会画画、唱歌、跳舞,并不担心他们的能力。然而,成年人往往对艺术和艺术创作有复杂的感情。他们开始评估自己的艺术质量,而不是关注自我表现本身)”可知,本句与上文构成因果关系,指出成年人更关注自己的艺术质量的结果:创造性自我表达的许多好处就失去了。故B选项“因此,创造性自我表达的许多好处就失去了”最符合语境,故选B。
    20.根据上文“What are art therapists’ superpwer? They can channel dangerus thughts int imaginative artwrks. Fr instance, peple with vilent tendencies might let ut their anger by hitting anther human being.(艺术治疗师的超能力是什么?他们可以把危险的想法转化成富有想象力的艺术品。例如,有暴力倾向的人可能会通过打别人来发泄他们的愤怒)”以及后文“These artistic chices satisfy the brain's desire fr nvelty withut cmprmising persnal safety.( 这些艺术选择在不损害个人安全的情况下满足了大脑对新奇事物的渴望)”可知,本句与上文构成转折,指出有暴力倾向的人是如何通过艺术治疗师的帮助,将精力转化成艺术且不伤害别人的,故G选项“然而,在艺术治疗师的帮助下,他们的精力可以转化为创造性的产品”最符合语境,故选G。
    21.D 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.D
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于经济原因,我用木板堵住被打破的窗户,打算以后再修。A. tre撕碎;B. made制作;C. packed打包;D. barded用木板盖上。根据上句“a neighbr kid kicked a ftball and brke a basement windw f my huse. Due t financial prblems”(一个邻居孩子踢球,打破了我家地下室的窗户。由于经济原因)和下文“S I pulled ff the bards”(所以我拆下板子)可知,窗户被打破了,由于经济原因,作者只好先用木板堵住。故选D。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是由于窗框生锈了,牢固地卡在地基里,无论谁做都必须用手将其凿出来。A. lst失去;B. stuck卡住;C. buried埋葬;D. mixed混合的。根据下文“whever did it wuld need t chisel (凿) it ut by hand”(无论谁做都必须用手将其凿出来)可知由于窗框生锈了,牢固地卡在地基里,必须用手凿出来。故选B。
    23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那将是一个费力的过程,因为房子里总共有6个那样的窗户。A. labr-cnsuming费力的;B. brain-burning烧脑的;C. energy-wasting浪费能量的;D. risk-taking冒险的。根据上文“whever did it wuld need t chisel (凿) it ut by hand”(无论谁做都必须用手将其凿出来)可知,6个窗户要用手凿出来,这将是一个费力的工作。故选A。
    24.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:那样的预算超出我的范围。A. in a mess一团糟;B. beynd cntrl失控;C. under guarantee在保修期内;D. ut f reach够不着、超出范围的。根据上文“The cst was estimated at $15,000”(费用估计为15 000美元)可知,作者由于经济原因,那样的预算太高,超出作者可支付得起的范围。故选D。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:坦率地讲,窗户的问题困扰了我多年。A. failed失败;B. stimulated刺激;C. disturbed困扰;D. rewarded奖赏。根据下句“I knew I needed t fix it, but I had built up the _ 6 _ s much in my mind that I put it ff again and again”(我知道要修窗户,但是觉得困难重重,一拖再拖)和下文“but I let it bther me fr five years!”(但我让它困扰了我五年)可知,作者知道要修窗户,但是觉得困难重重,一拖再拖。因此这个问题一直困扰着他。故选C。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道要修窗户,但是觉得困难重重,一拖再拖。A. harm危害;B. cnfidence信心;C. cnfusin迷惑;D. difficulty困难。根据下文“I put it ff again and again”(我一次又一次地推迟)可知,作者觉得困难重重,因此一直没有修。故选D。
    27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,如果窗户破着,找到买主是不可能的。A. realistic现实的;B. impssible不可能的;C. pintless无意义的;D. unfair不公平的。根据上文“Then I had a jb change and needed t sell the huse befre mving away”(后来我换了工作,需要在搬家前把房子卖了)可知,由于工作改变,作者需要卖房。但是如果窗户破着,找到买主是不可能的。故选B。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我抓了一些除锈的东西,散布到窗户的框架上,用力一拉。A. blew吹;B. turned转向;C. passed通过;D. spread散布,传播。根据上文“I grabbed sme rust remver”(我拿了些除锈剂)和下文“arund the frame f the windw”(围绕着窗框)可知,是将除锈的东西,散布到窗户的框架上。故选D。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:令我惊奇的是,窗户的框架很容易被移动。A. brke打破;B. fell倒下;C. mved移动;D. missed错过。根据下文“I tk the windw dwntwn”(我把窗户搬到了市中心)可知,作者将拆下的窗户拉到市区。因此窗户的框架很容易被移动。故选C。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当这个问题出现时,我本可以只花12美元就解决它,但我让它困扰了我五年!A. addressed设法解决;B. ignred忽略;C. delayed延误;D. cnsidered考虑。根据下文“but I let it bther me fr five years!”(但我让它困扰了我五年)可知,作者让问题延误了5年,才去设法解决。故选A。
    31.考查副词词义辨析。句意:实际上,这不仅仅是我的窗户问题。A. Luckily幸运地;B. Cnsequently因此;C. Unexpectedly没有料到;D. Actually事实上。根据下句“Many f us live with brken windws f ne type r anther”(我们许多人都生活在这样或那样的破窗户中)可知,我们许多人都忍受着不同类型的破窗户问题。由此可知,实际上,这不仅仅是一个窗户问题。故选D。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些是严重影响我们生活质量的事情。A. quality质量;B. pace速率;C. way路,方法;D. meaning含义。根据上句“Many f us live with brken windws f ne type r anther”(我们许多人都生活在这样或那样的破窗户中)可知,我们许多人都忍受着不同类型的破窗户问题。而这些问题影响我们生活质量。故选A。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你意识到你的窗户破了,要毫不犹豫地去修理。A. attempt尝试;B. hesitate犹豫;C. guarantee保证;D. pretend假装。根据上文“If yu recgnize yur brken windw”(如果你意识到你的破窗户)可知,作者建议窗户破了,要毫不犹豫地去修理。故选B。
    34.考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:(及时修理的话)结果比预料的要容易。A. rarer更稀有的;B. tugher更困难的;C. easier更容易的;D. wrse更糟糕的。根据上文语境可知,作者一开始由于经济原因不修理破窗,后来更是总想着修窗的困难重重,因此一直没有修,五年后发现12美元就可以解决破窗问题,所以说问题出现时赶紧解决,结果比预料的要更容易。故选C。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:通常情况下,我们在想象中受到的苦要比现实中的要多。A. practice练习;B. memry记忆;C. principle原则;D. imaginatin想象。根据上文语境可知,作者一开始由于经济原因不修理破窗,后来更是总想着修窗的困难重重,因此一直没有修,五年后发现12美元就可以解决破窗问题,结合下文“than in reality”(比在现实中)可知,这里将想象中受到的苦和现实中的苦进行比较。故选D。
    36.artistic 37.inspiratin 38.represents 39.Hwever 40.when 41.an 42.using 43.t 44.incredibly 45.what
    38.考查谓语动词。句意:这幅画代表了荷兰艺术的精华,是艺术史上最受欢迎的作品之一。设空处在句中作谓语,叙述客观事实,应用一般现在时,主语为this painting,结合主谓一致。故填represents。
    40.考查定语从句的关系词。句意见上题解析。设空处引导非限制性的定语从句且在句中作地点状语,先行词为20th century。故填when。
    43.考查介词。句意:这种独特的造型方法在《戴珍珠耳环的少女》中尤为明显。apprach t 接近;约等于;通往……的方法。故填t。
    46. Annuncement
    T spread traditinal Chinese art, an exhibitin is scheduled frm 22nd t 30th this mnth in the City Museum. The exhibitin includes a wide range f items f Chinese traditinal art. The highlight is the painting Clearing After Snw n a Muntain Pass by Tang Yin. Als f primary nte is a cllectin f brnze bjects frm Sng Dynasty. Finally the museum has many fine examples f Tang Dynasty sculptures.
    The pening hurs are frm 9 a.m. t 5 p.m. Admissin t the exhibitin is free. N fd r phts are allwed in the museum.
    The Student Unin
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于通知。为了促进中国传统艺术的传播,我市将于本月22日至30日每日9:00-17:00在城市博物馆(City Museum)举办中国传统艺术作品展览。要求考生代表校学生会,在学校英文报纸上写一则通知。
    各种各样的:all kinds f→a wide range f
    最精彩的部分:the best part→highlight
    最后:at last→ finally
    原句:T spread traditinal Chinese art, an exhibitin is scheduled frm 22nd t 30th this mnth in the City Museum. The exhibitin includes a wide range f items f Chinese traditinal art.
    拓展句:T spread traditinal Chinese art, an exhibitin is scheduled frm 22nd t 30th this mnth in the City Museum,which includes a wide range f items f Chinese traditinal art.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Als f primary nte is a cllectin f brnze bjects frm Sng Dynasty.(运用了完全倒装)
    【高分句型2】N fd r phts are allwed in the museum.(运用了被动语态)
    47.Paragraph 1.
    A crwd had gathered t watch the tw divers search in the strng current. Mre than an hi passed, with n sign f the ring. Gilleece grew wrried, especially when the plice began questi Prather and trying t get him t admit t keeping the ring. Each passing minute increased the chances that he wuld arrest the yung man. Then a diver ppped up. In his hand was the wallet, and inside was the ring. Cheers erupted frm the crwd. Even the detective was happy.
    Paragraph 2.
    But it wasn’t ver fr Gilleece. He’d been trubled abut Prather sleeping in the cld wds. Gilleece knew his hme was big enugh t give Prather a place t live fr a while. He tld the teen he culd stay with his family until the by gt n his feet again. He als gave the kid a jb at his bar.“Mst peple wuld have given the ftage(监控录像)t plice, but be chse t believe me and help me. I’ll wrk hard t becme a gd guy, just as he expected,” Prather said in an interview.
    搜寻:search /seek fr
    找到:find/get back
    开心:happy/be delightful
    焦虑:grw wrried/be anxius
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Each passing minute increased the chances that he wuld arrest the yung man.(由连接词that引导的同位语从句)
    [高分句型2] He tld the teen he culd stay with his family until the by gt n his feet again.(省略that的宾语从句)

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