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    这是一份2022-2023学年福建省厦门第一中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,将答题卡交回,B.$60等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Grand Canyn Natinal Park
    Lcated entirely in nrthern Arizna, the park cvers 277 miles f the Clrad River and adjacent uplands. One f the mst spectacular examples f ersin anywhere in the wrld, Grand Canyn is unmatched in the incmparable vistas it ffers t visitrs n the rim. Grand Canyn Natinal Park is a Wrld Heritage Site.
    Park Openings and Clsings
    The Village and Desert View n the Suth Rim are pen all year and park entrances remain pen 24 hurs a day. Nrth Rim facilities pen mid-May and clse mid-Octber. Park entrances remain pen 24 hurs a day during this time. Hurs fr visitr centers and businesses vary thrughut the year.
    Park Infrmatin
    The park prduces a Pcket Map with a Nrth Rim and Suth Rim editin that cntains a map and infrmatin abut services, facilities, and park ranger prgrams. It is available in French, German, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Krean, and Chinese. A hiking brchure is available fr thse planning t hike ne f the park’s main trails dwn int Grand Canyn. Obtain publicatins at entrance statins, visitr centers, r at
    Many f the facilities at Grand Canyn are histric and built befre current accessibility standards were set. The terrain is rugged with narrw, rcky trails and steep cliffs. Visitrs using wheelchairs r having visual impairments may need assistance. Fr mre infrmatin abut accessibility in Grand Canyn Natinal Park, see
    Park Entrance Fees
    Fees cllected supprt prjects in the park. Admissin t the park is $35 per private vehicle; $30 per mtrcycle; and $20 per persn entering the park via Grand Canyn Railway, park shuttle bus, private rafting trip, walking, r riding a bicycle. The pass can be used fr seven days and includes bth rims. Pay fees at park entrance statins r at sme businesses utside the park. Every year the Natinal Park Service ffers entrance fee free days. Fr cmplete fee infrmatin, including Annual, Active Military, Senir, and Access passes, visit
    Grand Canyn Natinal Park incrprates sustainability int all aspects f its peratins. Use yur refillable water bttle t fill up n free Grand Canyn spring water at majr trailheads, visitr centers and grcery stres. Please recycle – recycling cntainers are cnveniently lcated and as cmmn as trash bins. Discver what else yu can d t prtect the envirnment while traveling here and beynd at
    1.Peple with physical disabilities can find detailed infrmatin n park facilities designed fr them by visiting ________.
    2.What is the admissin fee if yu and yur parents plan t g n a ten-day vacatin t Grand Canyn Natinal Park by driving a car?
    3.Which f the fllwing statements is true accrding t the passage?
    A.Visitrs have year-rund access t every crner f the natinal park.
    B.Hikers wh can nly speak Chinese cannt explre the Nrth Rim withut an interpreter.
    C.The Grand Canyn features is ne f the wrld's mst visually breathtaking landscapes.
    D.Visitrs are frbidden t leave any trash in the Natinal Park t maintain sustainability.
    Even when cmmuning with nature we depend n technlgy fr help — but then, s did Threau (梭罗) at Walden Pnd (瓦尔登湖).
    Walking in the same wds yesterday, I let myself wander at randm, cmmuning with nature.
    I tk in beautiful scenery near and far thanks t my prgressive-lens eyeglasses. Occasinally I’d pull ut my smartphne t take pictures n anything interesting. I recrded an inner mnlgue with a backgrund f all sunds f the frest. At times, I cnsulted my smart watch t check n my heartbeat, mileage and calrie burn. Eventually I realized I was quite lst. Nt a prblem f curse. Online maps came t my rescue.
    But smething bthered me. In what I’d intended as a nature experience, here I was using very high technlgy t help myself ut. This insight triggered a recnsideratin f everything that happened during my “nature walk,” which had been technlgically enhanced every step f the way. I’d been functining as a man-machine cmbinatin: a cybrg.
    What wuld the true naturalist Threau think f that? My first thught was that he’d be shcked. But later I did sme research. Threau enjyed what his spyglass discvered, like this eagle frm his jurnal:
    Lying n the grund with my glass, I culd watch him very easily … till I almst lst him in the cluds … I think I have gt the wrth f my glass nw that it has revealed t me the white-headed eagle.
    Famusly, Threau always set ut equipped with a walking stick, which he used nt nly fr supprt but als t take measurements f water and snw levels. His hat was als a tl, which he called his “btany-bx.” And he was prepared even with needles and thread, s when cming ut f the wds, he was “the best dressed.” Clearly, Threau was a bit f a cybrg himself.
    Thinking mre deeply, I realized we’ve cme a lng way frm ur hunter-gatherer ancestrs, wh walked frm necessity and relied n nature’s gift. Cybrgs are us.
    4.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T recmmend Threau’s bk Walden Pnd.
    B.T argue that humans have develped int cybrgs.
    C.T share the reflectins n man’s reliance n nature.
    D.T questin whether peple are technlgy-dependent.
    5.Which picture best illustrates a cybrg in the authr’s eye?
    C. D.
    6.Why des the authr qute Threau’s jurnal?
    A.T intrduce a literary wrk n nature.
    B.T explain hw t prepare fr a nature walk.
    C.T prve that even naturalists use technlgy.
    D.T describe the natural beauty Threau enjyed.
    7.What is the authr’s attitude twards being a cybrg?
    Sme penguins (企鹅) adapt their calls t becme mre similar t their partners ver time, an ability that was previusly knwn in nly a few species, including humans.
    Luigi Baciadnna at the University f Turin, Italy, and his cwrkers recrded African penguins frm three different clnies (群体) ver three years, and als bserved the behaviral patterns f ne f the clnies t see which penguins were partners r friendly.
    They then analyzed specific vcal (声音的) calls, which the penguins made when they were alne r trying t keep track f their friends. They cmpared fur distinct vcal signatures such as the frequency f the calls. The signatures became mre similar ver time fr penguins that were partners r in the same clny, and fr penguins that heard mre f each ther’s calls.
    This adaptatin culd make it easier fr penguins t find their partners and friends in a clny. “Imagine that yu are in a pub, yu are with yur friends and yur envirnment is quite nisy,” says Baciadnna. “What yu d is try t talk in a certain way s that yur cmmunicatin is mre effective.”
    The ability t adapt calls in respnse t the envirnment, knwn as vcal accmmdatin, is a key part f vcal learning, a mre cmplex set f skills such as prducing new sunds thrugh learning. Identifying which species display vcal accmmdatin culd prvide clues fr hw vcal learning develped. Baciadnna and his team als prpse that this accmmdatin culd help with grup harmny and scial bnds between individual penguins.
    The distance f penguins frm humans n the evlutinary tree suggests that vcal accmmdatin culd be cmmn t many species, but a lt mre data needs gathering first. “There culd be a huge variety f different species that are able t adapt their calls slightly, but we dn’t knw that yet,” says Sara Trres Ortiz at the Max Planck Institute fr Ornithlgy in Munich, Germany.
    8.What des the underlined wrd “signatures” mean in paragraph 3?
    9.What is the intentin f the qutes frm Baciadnna in paragraph 4?
    A.T explain the reasn why penguins adapt their calls.
    B.T highlight the rle cmmunicatin plays in scial life.
    C.T prve humans’ ability t recgnize each ther’s vices.
    D.T stress the difference between human and animal sunds.
    10.What remains t be explred accrding t Sara Trres Ortiz?
    A.Whether penguins can prmte grup harmny.
    B.Whether all species can adapt t the envirnment.
    C.Whether mre species display vcal accmmdatin.
    D.Whether penguins and humans are similar in vcal learning.
    11.What is the main idea f the text?
    A.Vcal learning invlves a cmplex set f skills.
    B.Vcal accmmdatin helps build up scial bnds.
    C.Penguins prduce similar sunds even in different clnies.
    D.Penguins adapt their accents t sund mre like their friends.
    Being highly cnnected t a strng scial netwrk has its benefits. Nw a new study is shwing the same ges fr trees, thanks t their undergrund neighbrs. The study is the first t shw that the grwth f adult trees is linked t their participatin in fungal (真菌) netwrks living in the frest sil. Thugh past research has fcused n yung trees, these findings give new insight int the imprtance f fungal netwrks t lder trees — which are mre envirnmentally beneficial fr functins like capturing carbn.
    “Large trees make up the main part f the frest, s they drive what the frest is ding,” said researcher Jseph Birch, wh led the study. When they live in the frest sil, fungal netwrks act as a srt f highway, allwing water, nutrients and cmpunds t flw back and frth amng the trees. The netwrk als helps nutrients flw t resurce-limited trees like family units that supprt ne anther in times f stress.
    Cres taken frm 350 Duglas firs (花旗松) shwed that annual tree ring grwth was related t the extent f fungal cnnectins a tree had with ther trees. They had much higher grwth than thse that had nly a few cnnectins. The research als shwed that trees with mre cnnectins t many unique fungi had much greater grwth than thse with nly ne r tw cnnectins. “If yu have this netwrk that is helping trees grw faster, that helps capture mre carbn year after year. These netwrks may help trees grw mre steadily even as cnditins becme mre stressful, and culd even help prtect them against death.” said Birch.
    Birch hpes his findings lead t further studies in different kinds f frests in ther gegraphical areas, because it’s likely that the cnnectins amng trees change frm year t year. He said, “Knwing whether fungal netwrks are perating the same way in ther tree species culd infrm hw we refrest areas after harvesting them, and infrm hw we plant trees t preserve these netwrks.”
    12.In what way d the new findings differ frm the previus nes?
    A.They reveal the value f fungal netwrks t adult trees.
    B.They clarify misunderstandings f fungal netwrks.
    C.They demnstrate a new way t capture carbn.
    D.They cnfirm the benefits f fungal netwrks.
    13.Hw d fungal netwrks help trees?
    A.By acting as the center f family units.
    B.By maintaining the balance f resurces.
    C.By fighting against diseases.
    D.By bettering frest sil cnditins.
    14.What des the underlined “thse” refer t in Paragraph 3?
    A.Tree rings.
    B.Cres frm Duglas firs.
    C.Duglas firs.
    D.Fungal netwrks.
    15.What can be inferred frm what Jseph Birch has put?
    A.The fungal netwrks supprt ne anther in times f stress.
    B.The fungal netwrks enable us t knw mre abut refrestatin.
    C.The findings can apply t different kinds f frests in ther gegraphical areas.
    D.The fungal netwrks will help trees grw mre steadily if cnditins becme mre stressful.
    Is Managing Kids' Screen Time a Gd Idea?
    Screen time is a big tpic f cnversatin in tday's husehlds, particularly during the pandemic when nline educatin hurs have multiplied fr many students. 16 They hpe t spare their kids frm the cuntless challenges that technlgy can bring. Yet the challenges f screen time veruse seldm cme frm kids' devices themselves, but rather frm the tense relatinships that technlgy can bring t families. 17 But technlgy has psitive benefits t. Since every child and family is different, managing screen time calls fr jint family decisin-making.
    If parents believe they can manage a child's screen time thrugh adlescence, they are nt nly fling themselves but als inviting relatinship truble with their teens. It is a myth t think that parents can r shuld manage their kids' screen time thrugh authritarian restrictins, even during elementary schl. 18 When children are left ut f thse decisins, they ften becme less cmmunicative with parents and siblings. This is the ppsite f what parents want t achieve.
    19 Frm early ages, children are quite capable f understanding that a gd life invlves awareness and balance. Just as they learn right frm wrng, and gd frm bad, they can als learn t use technlgy in healthy ways. Learning hw t regulate neself and develp healthy behavirs is ne f the primary tasks f childhd and adlescence. What happens when an adult tries t regulate a child is that the child misses ut n the pprtunity t learn fr themselves. Enfrced restrictins can als make children feel helpless and less cnfident.
    T be clear, this article is nt suggesting that families never use apps r trackers, r that there shuld be n restrictins n screen time. 20 Parents shuld give vice t children and invlve them in the planning and decisin-making prcess.
    A.Of curse, there are websites that are unhealthy fr kids t access.
    B.The alternative is t invlve children in decisins that gvern screen time.
    C.Hwever, every family needs a family media plan between family members.
    D.The gal is t see, hear, feel, and understand hw children view screen time.
    E.T manage children's screen time, parents have invested in apps and trackers.
    F.T get children invlved, parents shuld trust and develp kids' self-awareness.
    G.What it is suggesting is that parents lk at managing screen time in a different way.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    My mther lks just like many grandmthers — shrt and white-haired. She cmes frm an ld, traditinal family in Canada, where she nw still lives. She was a civil servant. In shrt, she didn’t d 21 things.
    That all changed a few years ag. She began t 22 me with what she described as “independence”. At that time, I didn’t fully understand what she was ding.
    In early 2015, the year she turned 75, she infrmed me she’d 23 a seven-night trip t Turkey, and that she was ging alne. There was n way I culd 24 that. A little ld lady nt speaking a wrd f Turkish, with n 25 f the laws and custms f the land — it was impssible!
    My mther paid n attentin t me. Off she went. When she returned, she tld us it had been a wnderful success. As it 26 , she had barely spent any time alne, after 27 a taxi driver t shw her arund. He intrduced her t a rug vendr (地毯商) — Mustafa, “a lvely fellw”, and she bught sme rugs. The vendr had taken her address details and prmised t 28 them t Canada.
    I culdn’t believe her naivety (幼稚) and explained that she had been 29 . The vendr had her mney. She neither had nr wuld be receiving any rugs.
    Well, I was 30 .
    T my great shck, her rugs did arrive sme weeks later, alng with a lvely nte frm Mustafa. T my even greater surprise, the fllwing year Mustafa himself arrived in Canada.
    “I invited him fr a cup f tea and he came,” my mther tld me. I was 31 because she hardly knew this man! But again, she paid little attentin t me, telling me t stp being silly.
    I wndered: “Is she nt thinking straight?” 32 I wrried abut her, Mum was thinking straighter than mst f us.
    Her 33 seemed t be based n a realizatin that life needs t be lived, when there’s relatively little f it left. It 34 me f the line “Get busy living r get busy dying.”
    I dn’t think Mum knws what her next big “thing” is ging t be. But I am sure, she is pen t any 35 , which is smething we all prbably need right nw. Live life t the fullest.
    26.A.turned utB.came trueC.made senseD.went ahead
    What impresses peple mst abut Yuan Lngping is his nging ability t fulfil his dreams. He succeeded in 36 (prduce) a kind f rice that culd feed mre peple at hme and abrad. His latest visin fr “seawater rice” has als becme a reality, and 37 (ptential) pened up nearly ne millin square kilmetres f 38 (salt) land in China fr rice prductin. 39 his advanced years, Yuan Lngping is still yung at heart and full f visin.
    The birth f the wrld’s first clned arctic wlf n June 10 is a milestne fr the 40 (apply) f clning technlgy and is f great significance t bidiversity, the prtectin f wildlife and the restratin f endangered species.
    It is understd 41 the arctic wlves’ ancestral rigin 42 (survive) the Ice Age ver 300,000 years ag. They have the ability 43 (stand) extremely cld temperatures and inhabit many snwy regins arund the glbe.
    44 , due t cnstant threats frm pachers (偷猎者) and ersin f their habitat, nw arctic wlves 45 (include) in the Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature’s Red List f Endangered Species.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
    46.科技的日新月异让人们对未来的生活更加充满期待。请你以“Life in the Future"为题写一篇英语短文,想象一下未来的生活,可以涉及环境、交通、人的寿命等方面。
    Life in the Future
    The Overturned Bins
    I weaved my cart arund table after table f hungry custmers. “Char siu ba (叉烧包),” I called ut. “Barbecue prk buns!”
    It was Saturday mrning—the height f the yum cha (brunch) rush-and everyne in the neighbrhd knew that Grandma Wu’s restaurant was the place t g fr the warmest tea and the freshest dim sum.
    Grandma’s array (大量) f shareable Chinese dishes was irresistible,and a line f custmers always frmed ut the dr.Knwing I wanted t be part f the excitement, my parents agreed t let me help at the restaurant n weekends.
    The yummy sweet scent f the barbecue prk-filled ba fllwed me arund the rm, and it wasn’t lng befre I was handing ut the last bamb steamer basket and marking dwn the rder n a custmer’s stamp card.With my cart nw empty, I was free t enjy sme f Grandma’s cking myself.
    l tk my break at the tiny table in the alley behind the restaurant. I pured myself sme tea and peeled the little square f paper ff the bttm f my ba. But just as I was abut t take my first bite, I nticed smething dd.Our garbage bins had been kncked ver!
    Hw culd thse have fallen? I wndered.Trash and half-eaten dim sum littered the grund.After devuring (狼吞虎咽) my treats, I fund my dad inside. We put n sme plastic glves and quickly picked up the mess. When we were finished,we washed ur hands, and I headed back int the restaurant t help with the rest f the rush.
    l frgt all abut the mystery f the kncked-ver bins until the last custmer had left. I was abut t fllw Dad t take the trash ut t the alley. “KABOOM!”Upn hearing the lud nise, we rushed ut and fund that the garbage bins had tipped ver again!
    Culd it have been the wind? As we cleaned up fr a secnd time, I lked at the darkening sky. A strm was heading ur way, but the tree branches were barely mving. S what had caused the bins t fall ver?
    1. 续写词数应为150左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    That’s when I nticed tw yellw eyes staring at me.
    With the rain picking up, the pr cat was t scared t cme ut f his hiding spt.
    听力:1-5 ABACA 6-10ACABA 11-15 CBCAB 16-20 CCBBA
    1.B 2.C 3.C
    1.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Fr mre infrmatin abut accessibility in Grand Canyn Natinal Park, see (更多关于大峡谷国家公园的无障碍设施信息,请参见)”可知,残障人士可登入查询有关公园设施的详细资料。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Admissin t the park is $35 per private vehicle(公园门票为每辆私家车35美元)”;“The pass can be used fr seven days(通行证可以使用7天)”以及“Every year the Natinal Park Service ffers entrance fee free days.(每年,国家公园管理局都提供免门票日)”可知,如果你和你的父母打算开车去大峡谷国家公园度假十天,门票是35+35=70美元。故选C。
    3.细节理解题。根据第一段中“One f the mst spectacular examples f ersin anywhere in the wrld, Grand Canyn is unmatched in the incmparable vistas it ffers t visitrs n the rim. Grand Canyn Natinal Park is a Wrld Heritage Site.(作为世界上最壮观的侵蚀例子之一,大峡谷为游客提供了无与伦比的美景。大峡谷国家公园是世界遗产)”可知,C选项“大峡谷是世界上最令人叹为观止的风景之一”正确。故选C。
    4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A
    4.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Even when cmmuning with nature we depend n technlgy fr help — but then, s did Threau (梭罗) at Walden Pnd (瓦尔登湖).(即使在与自然交流时,我们也依赖技术来帮助——但是,沃尔登湖的梭罗也是如此)”可知,我们都是依赖技术的,自然学家梭罗也是如此;再根据文章最后一段“Thinking mre deeply, I realized we’ve cme a lng way frm ur hunter-gatherer ancestrs, wh walked frm necessity and relied n nature’s gift. Cybrgs are us.(更深入地思考,我意识到我们已经从狩猎采集的祖先那里走了很长一段路,他们从需要出发,依靠大自然的恩赐。半机械人就是我们)”可推知,本文的目的是为了说明人类已经进化为半机械人。故选B项。
    5.推理判断题。根据文章第四段“This insight triggered a recnsideratin f everything that happened during my “nature walk”,which had been technlgically enhanced every step f the way. I’d been functining as a man-machine cmbinatin: a cybrg.(这一见解引发了我对“自然漫步”中发生的一切的重新思考,“自然漫步”的每一步都得到了技术的强化。 我一直扮演着人机结合的角色:一个半机械人)”可知,作者眼中的半机械人应该是人机结合,选项C的图片中即有人又有机器,符合题意。故选C项。
    6.推理判断题。根据文章第五段“But later I did sme research. Threau enjyed what his spyglass discvered, like this eagle frm his jurnal(但后来我做了一些研究。梭罗喜欢望远镜的发现,就像日记里的这只鹰)”和第六段“I think I have gt the wrth f my glass nw that it has revealed t me the white-headed eagle.(我想我已经得到了我的望远镜的价值,因为它让我看到了白头鹰)”可知,自然学家梭罗是肯定了望远镜的作用,所以作者引用梭罗的日记是为了证明即使是自然学家也会使用科技。故选C项。
    7.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Thinking mre deeply, I realized we’ve cme a lng way frm ur hunter-gatherer ancestrs, wh walked frm necessity and relied n nature’s gift. Cybrgs are us.(更深入地思考,我意识到我们已经从狩猎采集的祖先那里走了很长一段路,他们从需要出发,依靠大自然的恩赐。半机械人就是我们)”可知,作者对半机械化人的态度是赞成的。故选A项。
    8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D
    8.词句猜测题。根据划线词下文“became mre similar ver time fr penguins that were partners r in the same clny, and fr penguins that heard mre f each ther’s calls(随着时间的推移,伴侣企鹅或同一群体的企鹅,以及听到更多彼此叫声的企鹅变得越来越相似)”可推知,此处伴侣企鹅或同一群体的企鹅的声音特征变得越来越相似。由此推知,划线词signatures与Characteristics(特征,特色)意思接近。故选B。
    9.推理判断题。根据第四段中的““Imagine that yu are in a pub, yu are with yur friends and yur envirnment is quite nisy,” says Baciadnna. “What yu d is try t talk in a certain way s that yur cmmunicatin is mre effective.”(“想象一下,你在一家酒吧里,和朋友在一起,周围的环境非常嘈杂,”Baciadnna说。“你要做的就是试着用一种特定的方式说话,这样你的沟通就会更有效。”)”可推知,第四段引用Baciadnna的话的目的是为了解释为什么企鹅会改变它们的叫声。故选A。
    10.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的““There culd be a huge variety f different species that are able t adapt their calls slightly, but we dn’t knw that yet,” says Sara Trres Ortiz at the Max Planck Institute fr Ornithlgy in Munich, Germany.(“可能有很多不同的物种能够轻微地适应它们的叫声,但我们还不知道这一点,”德国慕尼黑马克斯·普朗克鸟类研究所的Sara Trres Ortiz说)”可推知,根据Sara Trres Ortiz的说法,是否有更多的物种表现出声音适应性还有待探索。故选C。
    11.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Sme penguins (企鹅) adapt their calls t becme mre similar t their partners ver time, an ability that was previusly knwn in nly a few species, including humans.(随着时间的推移,一些企鹅会调整它们的叫声,使之与它们的伴侣更加相似,这种能力以前只在包括人类在内的少数物种中被发现)”及倒数第二段中的“Baciadnna and his team als prpse that this accmmdatin culd help with grup harmny and scial bnds between individual penguins.( Baciadnna和他的团队还提出,这种适应可以帮助企鹅群体和谐和个体之间的社会联系)”可知,文章介绍了随着时间的推移,一些企鹅会调整它们的叫声,使之与它们的伴侣更加相似。故选D。
    12.A 13.B 14.C 15.B
    12.细节理解题。根据第一段的“The study is the first t shw that the grwth f adult trees is linked t their participatin in fungal (真菌) netwrks living in the frest sil. Thugh past research has fcused n yung trees, these findings give new insight int the imprtance f fungal netwrks t lder trees — which are mre envirnmentally beneficial fr functins like capturing carbn.(这项研究首次表明,成年树木的生长与它们参与的生活在森林土壤中的真菌网络有关。尽管过去的研究主要集中在幼树上,但这些发现为了解真菌网络对更老的树木的重要性提供了新的见解,因为老树对碳捕获等功能更具环境效益)”可知,新的研究关注成年树木,而之前的发现关注的是幼树。所以新发现与之前的发现的不同之处在于,新发现揭示了真菌网络对成年树木的价值。故选A。
    13.细节理解题。根据第二段的“When they live in the frest sil, fungal netwrks act as a srt f highway, allwing water, nutrients and cmpunds t flw back and frth amng the trees. The netwrk als helps nutrients flw t resurce-limited trees like family units that supprt ne anther in times f stress.(当它们生活在森林土壤中时,真菌网络就像一条高速公路,让水、养分和化合物在树木之间来回流动。该网络还帮助养分流向资源有限的树木,就像家庭单位一样在压力下相互支持)”可知,真菌网络通过保持资源平衡的方式来帮助树木。故选B。
    14.词句猜测题。根据第三段的“Cres taken frm 350 Duglas firs shwed that annual tree ring grwth was related t the extent f fungal cnnectins a tree had with ther trees. They had much higher grwth than thse that had nly a few cnnectins.(从350株道格拉斯花旗松中提取的核心表明,年轮生长与树木与其他树木的真菌联系程度有关。它们的生长程度远远高于那些只有少数联系的树木)”可知,本段以道格拉斯花旗松为例,说明年轮生长和树木之间的真菌联系程度有关。由此猜测,thse指代上文提到的“道格拉斯花旗松”。故选C。
    15.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“He said, “Knwing whether fungal netwrks are perating the same way in ther tree species culd factr int hw we refrest areas after harvesting them, and it culd infrm hw we want t plant trees t preserve these netwrks.”(他说:“了解真菌网络在其他树种中是否以同样的方式运作,可以影响我们在采伐后如何重新造林,也可以告诉我们如何种植树木来保护这些网络。”)”可知,研究可以影响采伐后如何重新造林。由此推知Jseph Birch的话表明,真菌网络使我们能够更多地了解植树造林。故选B。
    16.E 17.A 18.B 19.F 20.G
    16.由上一句“在今天的家庭中,屏幕时间是一个重要的话题,特别是在疫情流行期间,许多学生的在线教育时间成倍增加。”和下一句“他们希望让孩子们免受科技带来的无数挑战。”可知,疫情流行期间,学生上网面对屏幕的时间增加,家长害怕这样对孩子造成不好的影响,所以会去购买相关的程序工具来监控孩子的上网时间,控制孩子们的屏幕时间,该选项中的“manage children's screen time”对应本段尾句中的“managing screen time”,承接上下文,E选项“为了管理孩子们的屏幕时间,家长们投资了应用程序和追踪器。”切题。故选E项。
    18.由上一句“这是个神话,认为父母可以或应该通过专制的限制来管理孩子的荧屏时间,甚至在小学阶段也是如此。”和下一句“当孩子们被排除在这些决定之外时,他们通常会减少与父母和兄弟姐妹的交流。”可知,对于管理孩子们的屏幕时间,父母专制型的监管很难实现,而且当孩子被排除在“屏幕时间管理”的决定外,又会带来消极影响,说明作者认为孩子应该参与到“屏幕时间管理”的决策中,该选项中的“decisins”对应下文中的“thse decisins”,承接上下文,B选项“另一种选择是让孩子们参与决定屏幕时间。”切题。故选B项。
    21.B 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.A 27.C 28.D 29.C 30.D 31.A 32.C 33.C 34.D 35.B
    21.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:简而言之,她不做疯狂的事情。A. cmplex复杂的;B. crazy疯狂的;C. bring无聊的;D. rude粗鲁的。根据“She was a civil servant.”和后文母亲一个人去陌生的国家旅行可知,母亲以前不这样,不做看起来疯狂的事情,故选B项。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她开始用她称之为“独立”的东西使我震惊。A. surprise使惊讶;B. amuse逗乐;C. cmfrt安慰;D. attract吸引。根据“At that time, I didn’t fully understand what she was ding.”和后文母亲一个人独自国外旅行并先付钱预购当地产品的这些行为都让作者不解可知,作者对母亲的行为感到惊讶,故选A项。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她通知我她要参加土耳其七天之旅,她要一个人去。A. missed错过,想念;B. taken拿、做;C. ffered主动做;D. bked预定。短语take a trip意为“去旅行”, 故选B项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不可能允许那件事。A. allw允许;B. demand要求;C. remember记得;D. cancel取消。根据“there was n way(没门)”可知,作者不允许母亲一个人去国外旅行,故选A项。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个完全不会说土耳其语、对那里的法律和风俗不了解的老太太那是不可能的。A. intentin意图;B. knwledge知识;C. view观点;D. fear害怕。短语have n knwledge f “不懂”,根据语境完全不会说土耳其语,自然而然对那个国家的了解几乎没有,故选B项。
    26.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:这次旅行的结果就是,在她雇佣了一个巴士司机给他带路以后,她大部分时候都没有自己一个人。A. turned ut证明是、原来是、结果是;B. came true实现;C. made sense有意义;D. went ahead着手,前进。根据上下文语境可知,此处是作者陈述母亲这次旅行的结果,故选A项。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行的结果就是,在她雇佣了一个巴士司机给他带路以后,她大部分时候都没有自己一个人。A. training培训;B. leading带领;C. hiring雇佣;D. refusing拒绝。根据语境,出国旅行时,雇佣一个司机是很常见的事情,故选C项。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那个小贩记下了她的详细地址并承诺将他们运送到加拿大。A. invite邀请;B. sell卖;C. switch转换;D. ship运输。根据常识,商品跨国交易通常需要运输,故选D项。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我无法相信她的幼稚并向她解释她被骗了。A. dminated主导;B. ignred忽视;C. cheated欺骗;D. abandned抛弃。根据前文可知母亲在没收到货物的情况下就支付了钱,作者认为她被骗了,故选C项。
    30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:好吧,我错了。A. right正确的;B. lucky幸运的;C. serius严肃的;D. wrng错误的。根据后句母亲收到了她买的物品可知,作者知道自己的判断是错误的。故选D项。
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为他几乎不了解这个男人,我感到害怕。A. frightened害怕的;B. depressed沮丧的、消沉的;C. disappinted失望的;D. ashamed感到羞耻的。根据语境母亲对那个男人不怎么了解就邀请他来家里喝咖啡,这令作者感到恐惧,故选A项。
    32.考查连词词义辨析。句意:当我为她担心的时候,妈妈比我们大多数人都想得更清楚。A. If如果,是否;B. Since既然;C. While尽管,当……;D. Once一旦。根据上文“I wndered: “Is she nt thinking straight?” ”和下文“ life needs t be lived”可知,作者在担心母亲思维不清晰的时候,其实母亲比任何人都想的清楚明白。故选C项。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的独立似乎基于一种意识,那就是生命是用来过的,尤其当所剩无几时。A. prmtin促进,升值;B. interactin互动;C. independence独立;D. preference偏好。母亲的种种行为都根据自己的想法,不受任何人干扰,这是独立的表现,前文母亲自己也提到过,故选C项。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这让我想起一句话“忙着生活忙着死去”。A. cured治愈;B. warned警告;C. infrmed通知;D. reminded提醒。短语remind sb f sth提醒某人某事,符合语义逻辑,故选D项。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,我敢肯定,她对任何冒险都是持开放态度。A. pleasure乐趣;B. adventure冒险;C. freedm自由;D. beauty美,美人。结合语境可知,母亲做的一些大胆行为在作者看来是冒险,故选B项。
    36.prducing 37.ptentially 38.salty 39.Despite
    36.考查非谓语。句意:他成功地生产了一种可以养活国内外更多人的大米。分析句子可知,这里考查succeed in ding sth表“成功做某事”,为固定搭配,所以这里应填动名词作宾语。 故填prducing。
    37.考查副词。句意:他对“海水稻”的最新愿景也已成为现实,并可能在中国开辟了近100万平方公里的盐碱地用于水稻生产。分析句子可知,本空应填副词作状语修饰后面动词pened up 。故填ptentially。
    39.考查介词。句意:尽管年事已高,袁隆平心里仍然年轻,充满远见。分析句子可知,此空应填介词,且advanced years和 still yung at heart有转折关系,再根据句意可知,这里应填despite,表“尽管”,且位于句首时单词首字母应大写。故填Despite。
    40.applicatin 41.that 42.survived 43.t stand 44.Hwever 45.are included
    41.考查连词。句意:据了解,北极狼的祖先在超过30万年前的冰河时期幸存下来。It is understd that为固定句型,表示“据了解”,其中it作形式主语,空处应用that引导从句作真正的主语。故填that。
    42.考查时态。句意:据了解,北极狼的祖先在超过30万年前的冰河时期幸存下来。根据时间状语ver 300,000 years ag可知,从句描述过去的情况,应用一般过去时,动词使用过去式形式。故填survived。
    43.考查非谓语动词。句意:它们有能力忍受极端寒冷的温度,并栖息在全球的许多雪域。分析句子结构,空处作非谓语动词,应用不定式形式作后置定语,修饰名词ability。故填t stand。
    45.考查时态和语态。句意:然而,由于来自偷猎者和栖息地侵蚀的持续威胁,现在北极狼被列入国际自然保护联盟的濒危物种红色名录。根据时间状语nw可知,句子描述现在的情况,应用一般现在时,include与主语arctic wlves之间是被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态,且主语arctic wlves是复数,be动词应用are。故填are included。
    46.One pssible versin:
    Life in the Future
    This wrld is full f the benefits f technlgy. As technlgy changes , ur life will be influenced in almst every aspect.
    First f all, ur envirnment will be mre pleasant, because electricity will be prduced frm clean energy instead f cal. Secndly, ur cars, which can travel nt nly n the rad but als in the water, will be cntrlled by a rbt. In this way, traffic accidents will be avided. Additinally, sme new medicine will be develped s that peple can live lnger. Thus living t 120 years ld may be n lnger a dream.
    In cnclusin, I think life in the future will be much better than it is nw.
    【分析】本篇书面表达属于说明文。要求考生想象一下未来的生活,以“Life in the Future”为题写一篇短文。
    要点:1 科技日新月异,影响着我们的生活。
    2 对未来生活的描述:环境,交通,人的寿命等

    第二段:未来生活的描述:1 由于新能源技术的发展,我们的环境变得越来越好;2 交通压力因为汽车能飞的技术而得到缓解;3 医疗技术的提升,人们的寿命也得到了延长,疑难杂病得到了攻克。

    如:have an influence n, lk frward t, better and better, release, lengthen, incurable disease等

    如:As technlgy develps, it has an great influence n ur life in all aspects, making us lk frward t the future life.等

    1.表文章结构顺序:First f all, Firstly/First, Secndly/Secnd…, Finally, In the end, At last;
    2.表并列补充关系:What is mre, Besides, Mrever, Furthermre, In additin, As well as, nt nly…but (als);
    3.表因果关系:Because, As, S, Thus, Therefre, As a result

    【点睛】本文内容完整,要点齐全,语言规范,词数适当,段落分布合理。作者在文中较多使用了主从复合句,“As technlgy changes , ur life will be influenced in almst every aspect.”和“First f all, ur envirnment will be mre pleasant, because electricity will be prduced frm clean energy instead f cal.”使用的是原因状语从句,“Secndly, ur cars, which can travel nt nly n the rad but als in the water, will be cntrlled by a rbt.”使用的是which引导的非限制性定语从句,“Additinally, sme new medicine will be develped s that peple can live lnger.”使用的是目的状语从句。主从复合句的使用,使得文章的句式灵活多变,为文章增加了色彩。
    47.That’s when I nticed tw yellw eyes staring at me. Emerging frm the garbage bin was a little gray cat. I finally understd wh was t blame fr the mess. The cat pawed at a cntainer, trying t get the half-eaten ba inside. Cats were nt suppsed t eat ba, but he was clearly t hungry t care. I tk a cautius step tward him when there was suddenly anther lud KABOOM. This time, it was the strm.The cat dived back int the garbage bin. (76)
    With the rain picking up, the pr kitty was t scared t cme ut f his hiding spt. Luckily, I had an idea. I rushed inside and headed back utside with char siu ba. Sure enugh, the cat was drawn by the scent and fllwed me inside, happy t be ut f the rain. “These ba are fr me,” I said as the cat excitedly pawed at my leg, “and here is the cat fd. Since yu’re a fan, maybe Grandma shuld include sme cat-friendly dim-sum ptins.” The cat affectinately mewed at me, agreeing with the idea. (80)
    ①理解:understand/figure ut
    ②潜回:dive back/sneak back
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I finally understd wh was t blame fr the mess.(由连接词wh引导宾语从句,作understd的宾语)
    【高分句型2】I tk a cautius step tward him when there was suddenly anther lud KABOOM.(由连接词when引导时间状语从句)

    2022-2023学年福建省厦门市湖滨中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年福建省厦门市湖滨中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含解析),共31页。试卷主要包含了30等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021-2022学年福建省厦门市松柏中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2021-2022学年福建省厦门市松柏中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含解析),共24页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,5分,满分30分),细节理解题,考查名词,考查副词等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021-2022学年福建省厦门市湖滨中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2021-2022学年福建省厦门市湖滨中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题(含解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了答题前,考生务必用0,非选择题必须用0, Where is Lisa?等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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