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    第I卷(选择题 95分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What is the secnd class?
    2.What des the wman want t d in the park?
    A.G fishing.B.See animals.C.G bating.
    3.What is the wman ging t d this afternn?
    A.Pick up Jean.B.G t the library.C.Drive Jasn t the airprt.
    4.What was wrng with Jack?
    A.He was late fr wrk.B.He was in hspital.C.He had a fever.
    5.What d the wman’s family members d t help the envirnment?
    A.They use fewer plastic bags. B.They dn’t drive cars. C.They waste less fd.
    6.What is mst prbably the wman?
    A.A mechanic.B.A saleswman.C.A student.
    7.What will the wman d next?
    A.Ask Jim fr help.B.Use the man’s laptp.C.Buy a new cmputer.
    8.Why des the wman lk sad?
    A.She has failed her law exam.
    B.She can’t make prgress in dancing.
    C.Her father desn’t allw her t be a dancer.
    9.What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A.Listen t her father.B.Hld n t her dream.C.Try t understand her father.
    10.What clr tie des the wman think matches the man’s jacket?
    11.Why desn’t the wman like high heels?
    A.They aren’t beautiful.B.They are uncmfrtable t wear.C.They dn’t match the dress.
    12.What des the man mean in the end?
    A.He knws a cafe nearby.
    B.He can’t decide what t buy.
    C.He desn’t want t g n shpping.
    13.Hw many peple will g t Keswick with the wman?
    14.When will the wman g bating?
    A.On Friday.B.On Saturday.C.On Sunday.
    15.Where will the wman stay in Keswick?
    A.In a cuntry htel.B.In a five-star htel.C.In a camp.
    16.What will the man d n the weekend?
    A.Visit his aunt.B.Watch TV.C.D sme shpping.
    17.What was the speaker’s final destinatin?
    18.Hw late did the speaker riginally think she wke up?
    A.30 minutes.B.10 minutes.C.5 minutes.
    19.What was in the backpack?
    A.A pen and a ntebk.B.Her glasses.C.A ticket.
    20.Hw did the speaker feel in the end?
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Many libraries arund the wrld are as amazing in their architecture and rganizatin as they are in the huge amunt f knwledge they cntain. With shelves and shelves f bks, varius cllectins and amazing histrical and cultural displays, there are plenty f undiscvered wnders.
    Beinecke Rare Bk Library (New Haven, Cnnecticut)
    Yale University has ne f the mst beautiful cllege campuses in America, and ne f its mst interesting features is the Beinecke Rare Bk Library. It is ne f the largest buildings in the wrld devted t rare bks and manuscripts (手稿) f famus peple. Frm 2015-16 the library building was clsed fr 18 mnths fr majr imprvement. Inside there is a statue f its main funder that rises up high.
    Vennesla Library (Vennesla, Nrway)
    Lcated near the suthernmst tip f Nrway, Vennesla Library is mre than a cllectin f bks—it’s a city cultural center and meeting place. The building hsts a cffee shp, pen meeting ces, classrms fr children and adult educatin curses, and a cinema. It is mainly built ut f wd. The lng, thin beams (横梁) n the inside were designed t lk like the inside f a whale.
    Suzzall Library (Seattle)
    Amng the many beautiful features f the campus at the University f Washingtn, such as its cherry flwers and a light rail statin, Suzzall Library was built in the Cllegiate Gthic style. Its buttresses (扶壁) are decrated with 18 statues featuring famus academics and writers such as Plat, Shakespeare, Lenard da Vinci, Dante, Galile, Beethven, Isaac Newtn and Charles Darwin.
    Library f Muyinga (Muyinga, Burundi)
    A schl fr deaf children, the Library f Muyinga in Burundi was built with lcal techniques and traditins. A rpe hammck (吊床) that hangs between the first and secnd flrs f the library serves as part f the children’s reading rm, a great place fr indr activities.
    Mre infrmatin f them is just a click away.
    21.Which ne is suitable fr peple wh want t appreciate statues?
    A.Beinecke Rare Bk Library.B.Vennesla Library.
    C.Suzzall Library.D.Library f Muyinga.
    22.What makes Vennesla Library different frm thers?
    A.It is mainly intended fr children.B.It is built in the shape f a whale.
    C.It is lcated within the campus.D.It is a kind f culture cmplex.
    23.Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A.A culture magazineB.A travel brchure.
    C.A website.D.A histrical bk.
    The mst valuable thing I ever lst was a pair f diamnd earrings I wn many years ag at a charity auctin (拍卖会). I wrte abut the lst earrings in my new children’s bk, The Christmas Pig. When they reach the Land f the Lst, where the her must g t rescue his mst belved ty, my earrings are angry that they aren’t treated with the respect they think they deserve. They sn find ut that being made f diamnds cunts fr(有用) very little in the strange wrld where human-made bjects g when lst, because a thing’s imprtance there depends n hw much it’s truly lved.
    The Christmas Pig explres a deep attachment t an ld bject. It’s abut the jurney f a by, Jack, wh is a little lst himself, but wh discvers his bravery and ability t lve in a strange new wrld. Of all the bks I’ve written, this is the ne that made me cry the mst, because I was dealing with emtins that run deep in all f us. Lss and change are hard fr children, but acceptance f these unavidable parts f life isn’t much easier fr adults. The Christmas Pig shws hw human beings — even small, lst nes — are capable f wnderful, heric acts.
    A very strange thing happened n the day I finished editing The Christmas Pig. After emailing the final versin t my editr, I set abut clearing ut a cupbard. One f the last bjects I picked up was a small bx. I pened it. There were my lng-lst diamnd earrings. I’ve decided t sell them and give the mney t a charity. I think it was a nice ending fr my earrings’ stry t have them d sme gd fr children in the Land f the Living.
    Hw many times have I been asked whether I believe in magic? On the day I finished The Christmas Pig, fr a few shining mments I really did.
    24.What’s the authr’s purpse f writing this passage?
    A.T tell a stry happening in a magical wrld. B.T advertise her first children’s bk.
    C.T intrduce her new bk and stries behind it. D.T reveal ur deep attachment t ld bjects.
    25.What is The Christmas Pig mainly abut?
    A.A by saved his lst ty in the magical wrld.B.A by helped earrings find their wn value.
    C.A by discvered bravery in the real wrld. D.A by was lked dwn upn by sme earrings.
    26.Why did the bk make the authr cry mst?
    A.She was unable t frgive herself.
    B.It was based n her wn past experiences.
    C.The her dealt successfully with lss and change.
    D.Many adults culd hardly understand the main characters.
    27.What des the authr want t tell us thrugh the stry f her lst earrings?
    A.Lst things will turn up sner r later. B.Smetimes warm magical things can happen in life.
    C.We shuld dnate t help thse in need. D.Smetimes magic in bks can happen in real life.
    Peple have been curius fr centuries abut a future withut wrk. Sme imagine that the cining wrk-free wrld will be defined by inequality: A few peple will wn all the wealth, and the masses will struggle in a wasteland. A different predictin hlds that withut jbs t give their lives meaning, peple will simply becme lazy and depressed. But it desn’t necessarily fllw frm findings like these that a wrld withut wrk wuld be filled with dissatisfactin. Such visins (想象) are based n the dwnsides f being unemplyed in a sciety built n the dwnsides f emplyment. In the absence f wrk, a sciety designed with ther ends in mind culd prvide strikingly different circumstances fr the future f labr and leisure.
    These days, re time is relatively rare fr mst wrkers. “When I cme hme frm a hard day’s wrk, I ften feel tired,” says Jhn Danaher, a lecturer at the Natinal University f Ireland, adding, “In a wrld in which I dn’t have t wrk, I might feel rather different” — perhaps different enugh t thrw himself int a hbby with the enthusiasm usually reserved fr prfessinal matters.
    Daniel Everett, an anthrplgist (人类学家) at Bentley University, studied a grup f hunter-gatherers in the Amazn called the Piraha (拉哈人) fr years. Accrding t Everett, while sme might cnsider hunting and gathering wrk, hunter-gatherers dn’t. “They think f it as fun,” he says. “They dn’t have a cncept f wrk the way we d.” Everett described a typical day fr the Piraha: A man might get up, spend a few hurs fishing, have a barbecue, and play until the evening.
    Des this relaxing life lead t the depressin and purpselessness seen amng s many f tday’s unemplyed? “I’ve never seen anything like depressin there, except peple wh are physically ill,” Everett says. While many may cnsider wrk a staple (主要部分) f human life, wrk as it exists tday is a relatively new inventin in the curse f thusands f years f human culture. “We think it’s bad t just sit arund with nthing t d,” says Everett. “Fr the Piraha, it’s quite a desirable state.”
    28.What des the underlined wrd “dwnsides” in paragraph tw prbably mean?
    29.What might Jhn Danaher agree with?
    A.Wrk is the mst imprtant thing in life.
    B.Peple dn’t knw hw t balance wrk and life.
    C.Peple may live a charmed life in the wrk-free future.
    D.Higher unemplyment makes life tugher fr wrkers.
    30.What can we infer frm the text?
    A.In a wrk-free wrld, inequality may n lnger exist.
    B.Unemplyment is the main reasn fr peple’s depressin.
    C.The Piraha in the Amazn take interest in hunting and gathering.
    D.Only prfessinal peple can have a chance t lead a wrk-free life.
    31.Why is Daniel Everett’s study mentined?
    A.T prve Jhn Danaher’s pinin. B.T shw a future life withut wrk.
    C.T cmpare different pinins n wrk.D.T intrduce a special grup in the Amazn.
    A team f researchers at ETH Zurich has the perfect lng-lasting slutin t ur fg prblem. They have develped a very thin and gld-based tranrent cating (涂层) that can cnvert sunlight int heat, which can be applied t glass and ther surfaces t prevent them frm fgging.
    The special cating is develped using titanium xide and gld particles. It selectively absrbs infrared radiatins (红外线辐射) frm the sunlight and creates a heating effect that is pwerful enugh t keep fg away frm the surface f an bject. The cating basically emplys heat t stp fgging. The cating absrbs a large part f the infrared radiatin, which causes it t heat up-by up t 8℃.
    Previusly, prducts like anti-fgging sprays (喷雾) create a very thin film f water n the surface t remve fg. The prblem with such surfaces is pllutin. Alng with water, the sprays als attract dirt, dust, il, and varius ther dirty substances, and just a little dirt n the surface makes it useless. Hwever, the new cating repels (排斥) water. Furthermre, the cating is significantly thinner, which makes it mre tranrent as well as flexible. It is heated passively and requires, during daytime, n additinal energy surce.
    Gld might be expensive, but the researchers stress that their cating requires s little that the material csts remain lw. Their cating is prduced with standardized and readily scalable methds, all cst-effectively. Hwever, althugh this prduct can wrk at very lw levels f slar radiatin, it des rely n a certain amunt f light.
    The researchers will develp the cating further fr ther applicatins. In the prcess, they will examine whether ther metals wrk just as well as gld. There is n need t fear. Hwever, this wuld cause a car r a building t heat up mre in the summer. The researchers have already filed a patent. Hpefully, this grundbreaking prduct will sn be available n the market.
    32.Hw des the new cating wrk t remve fg?
    A.By reflecting part f sunlight selectively.
    B.By keeping cl air away frm the bject.
    C.By creating a thin film f water n the surface.
    D.By absrbing infrared radiatins t heat the cating.
    33.Why des the authr mentin previus anti-fgging prducts?
    A.T stress the advantages f the new cating.
    B.T intrduce the inspiratin behind the new cating.
    C.T prve the difficulty f creating anti-fgging prducts.
    D.T explain the reasn fr the anti-fgging cating being ppular.
    34.What is the limitatin f the new cating?
    A.It is cnsiderably expensive.B.It depends n sunlight t wrk.
    C.It takes t much time t prduce.D.It is difficult t clean and maintain.
    35.What d the researchers plan t d next?
    A.Apply fr a patent fr the inventin.
    B.Develp the prduct fr mre practical uses.
    C.Explre the envirnmental impact f the cating.
    D.Seek a mre envirnmentally friendly material t replace gld.
    Vlunteering ffers great help t peple in need, but the benefits(好处) can be even greater fr yu.
    Vlunteering cnnects yu t thers. 36 . Vlunteering is a great way t meet new peple, especially if yu are new t an area. It develps yur ties t the cmmunity, bradens yur supprt netwrk and ffers yu chances t knw peple with cmmn interests and fun activities.
    37 , thers are shy and have a hard time meeting new peple. Vlunteering gives yu the pprtunity t practice and develp yur scial skills, since yu are meeting regularly with a grup f peple with cmmn interests.
    Vlunteering is gd fr yur mind and bdy. 38 . Nthing reduces (减少) stress better than a meaningful cnnectin t anther persn. Wrking with pets and ther animals has als been shwn t imprve md and reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have fund that lder vlunteers are likely t walk mre and find it easier t sleep regularly. 39 .
    If yu’re cnsidering a new jb, vlunteering can help yu get experience in yur area f interest and meet peple in the field. 40 , vlunteering gives yu the pprtunity t practice imprtant skills used in the wrkplace, such as teamwrk cmmunicatin, prblem slving and rganizatin. Yu might feel mre cmfrtable stretching(伸展) yur wings at wrk nce yu have imprved these skills in a vlunteer psitin first.
    A.Vlunteering increases self-cnfidence
    B.Being a vlunteer helps yu make new friends and imprve yur scial skills
    C.Even if yu’re nt planning n changing yur jb
    D.While sme peple are naturally utging
    E.It prvides many benefits t bth mental and physical health
    F.Many peple vlunteer in rder t make time fr hbbies utside f wrk
    G.Vlunteering can als reduce the risk f heart disease
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    As a child, I wuld sit thrugh mvies I lved ver and ver. I dreamed f smeday having the ability t create 41 .
    But schl was difficult fr me fr many reasns, s becming a screenwriter seemed 42 . When I was furteen, I was shcked when my 43 were made int a brchure that was 44 t every student. Fr a week r s, I was treated very 45 . Previusly invisible, I was nw “a published pet” receiving praise and slaps(拍打) n the back. But an already deep-seated lack f 46 prevented me frm having any serius hpes fr a career in literature. I felt like thse things nly happened t ther peple. 47 I wuld lk at thusands f bks and ask myself, “Are all these peple 48 than me, r did they just 49 harder?” S, I kept reading, writing and watching mvies nt nly fr 50 but t analyse hw great stries are tld.
    The lack f cnfidence that annyed me early in life tk decades t 51 .
    I had a jb that paid well, but I 52 it. Suddenly, the cmpany went ut f business, 53 me t chse between getting yet anther jb I didn’t like and finally being cmmitted t a career as a writer. My 54 was cpyediting, which wasn’t writing exactly but almst.
    I spent mre years swimming in a sea f wrds, lved it and finally became a 55 as I had wished.
    44.A.given awayB.checked thrughC.finished ffD.made up
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Mst peple relate learning 56 frmal educatin at schl. We ften 57 (tell) that we shuld get a gd educatin.
    58 (general), it is true that frmal educatin and the resulting qualificatins are imprtant. Educatin may make us make the best use f ur ptential 59 (find) better and mre satisfying jbs, earn mre and, perhaps, becme mre successful in ur chsen career.
    Hwever, schling is nt nly ne type f learning, There are many ther 60 (pprtunity) t further yur knwledge and develp the skills yu need thrughut life.
    61 (educate) well is nt the nly key t emplyment, 62 qualificatins may get yu an interview, actually getting the jb needs a lt mre. Emplyers lk fr well-balanced peple with transferable skills, which include the 63 (able) t be able t demnstrate that yu are keen t learn and develp.
    If yu are frustrated (沮丧的) with yur jb, cntinuing t sharpen yur skills will make it 64 (easy) t find new ways ut f a ptentially stressful wrk situatin. Keeping an pen mind t learning and giving yurself rm fr flexibility are key t jb satisfactin. Furthermre, ptentially staying ahead f cmpetitrs fr jbs by being mre experienced r knwledgeable can give yu 65 slight advantage ver thers.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66.假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Lucy 刚刚转入新的学校,一时无法适应新的环境。她在邮件中向你询问如何尽快融入新环境。请你给她回一封电子邮件。内容包括:1.多跟同学交流沟通;
    注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    Dear Lucy,
    Li Hua
    Last winter, Linda went thrugh a very messy divrce and was very depressed. S she quit her jb and left Ls Angeles, where she encuntered her ex-husband in cllege. She flew t Bstn n the east cast f the US. Later, she settled in a new neighbrhd in East Bstn. Hwever, shrtly afterwards, the cmpany where she wrked went bankrupt (破产). Suffering a series f bitter blws, she fell ill, a severe case f flu. She had t stay at hme fr the whle week, feeling extremely bad and hpeless.
    Early ne mrning, Linda lay in bed, feeling painful all ver. Then all f a sudden, there was an upsetting knck n her frnt dr. Struggling ut f the bed, she dragged herself t the windw. There, utside, she saw a yung lady carefully hlding sme leaflets(传单)and a TV set mdel. She knew f a large TV set establishment nearby and assumed a message was abut t be gently delivered. “This is the last thing I need tday.” She muttered t herself and hesitantly pened the dr.
    Cughing bitterly, Linda stuck her head ut. “Excuse me, madam…” the yung lady said with a smile. “I’m srry but I am nt the slightest bit interested in any TV whatever.” Linda interrupted her impatiently. “As a matter f fact, I am feeling terribly awful.” “Is there anything I can d fr yu, madam?” the yung lady asked with cncern. “N thanks, just leave me alne.” Linda then shut the dr in her face. The yung lady plitely turned and left in silence.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
    A few hurs later, anther knck.
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:
    Linda was surprised by this lving actin.
    1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.C
    13.C 14.B 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.B
    21.C 22.D 23.C 24.C 25.C 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.C 31.A
    32.D 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.B 37.D 38.E 39.G 40.C
    41.B 42.B 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.A 47.A 48.C 49.C 50.B 51.D
    52.D 53.B 54.A 55.C
    56.t 57.are tld 58.Generally 59.t find 60.pprtunities 61.Being educated/T be educated 62.Thugh/Althugh/While 63.ability 64.easier 65.a
    66.Dear Lucy,
    I’m srry t hear that yu are having difficulty in getting used t the new envirnment at yur new schl. Such prblems are quite nrmal. Perhaps the fllwing suggestins may be helpful.
    Firstly, I think yu may need t cmmunicate with yur classmates as much as pssible. Only in this way will yu get t knw each ther better. Secndly, it might be a gd idea fr yu t take part in mre activities, which are gd fr develping friendly relatinship. Last but nt least, faced with sme tugh prblems, yu might ask yur teachers,wh can usually ffer yu sme sensible suggestins.
    I sincerely hpe my advice will be f sme help t yu. In shrt , I hpe yu will fit in the new envirnment and be happy every day.
    Best wishes!
    Li Hua
    67.One pssible versin:
    A few hurs later, anther knck. Linda glanced ut f the windw. T her surprise, at the dr was the same lady, back again. Really annyed this time, Linda pened the dr. Befre Linda culd utter any wrd, the yung lady handed her a warm pt, with a cncerned lk n the face. “I’m s srry t have disturbed yu earlier. I thught yu may need this hmemade chicken sup. Hpe it might make yu feel a little better. ”
    Linda was surprised by this lvely actin. After being refused s rudely, the lady still shwed much kindness t her. A sense f shame creeping upn her heart, she culd nly frce a smile with burning ears. But als, a warm current surged thrugh her brain and bdy. Linda tk the chicken sup gratefully, tears blurring her eyes and a lump in her thrat. The lady wrapped Linda in her arms and patted her n the back. “It’s OK, dear. Everything will be fine.” Hearing these wrds, Linda felt a ray f bright sunshine lighting up her life.
    W: Hi, Jhn! Can yu tell me the lessns fr tmrrw mrning?
    M: Um, the first class is math, and then English, fllwed by Chinese. The furth class is chemistry.
    M: We will g t the z. There are many lvely animals.
    W: I prefer t g t the park. We can take a bat.
    M: Culd yu give me a ride t the airprt this afternn?
    W: I’d like t, Jasn, but I’m meeting Jean at the library, which is in the ppsite directin.
    W: Jack, were yu late yesterday?
    M: Yes, when I was ging t wrk, my wife had a fever and I had t send her t the hspital.
    W: Is she better nw?
    M: Yes, a little. Thank yu.
    M: Hw d I start helping the envirnment? Shuld I stp driving my car?
    W: I think using yur car is imprtant fr nw. My family buys ur vegetables with clth bags t make sure that we dn’t use t much plastic. Try that first.
    W: Mike, there is smething wrng with my laptp. I really need t use it this afternn. I dn’t knw what t d nw.
    M: Why nt call Jim? He is gd at cmputers. I’m sure he can slve the prblem. But I d think yu need a new ne. Yu gt it almst fur years ag.
    W: Well, I can’t affrd a new ne nw. Maybe I’ll get a new ne after I graduate. But nw I’m afraid I have n chice but t use this ne.
    M: Then call Jim nw.
    W: OK.
    M: Hey, Jane. What’s wrng? What made yu lk s sad?
    W: Well, yu knw hw much I like t dance. I really want t be a dancer, but my father desn’t agree. He thinks I shuld learn law.
    M: Cme n. I’m sure yu’ll make yur dream cme true.
    W: Hw can yu be s sure?
    M: Hld n t yur dream, and yur father will understand yu in the end.
    W: I see what yu’re getting at.
    M: Hey, what abut these ties? Which d yu prefer, the green ne r the black ne?
    W: I prefer the black ne but I think yu’ll take the red tie I saw in Camden Market. The clr suits yur jacket perfectly.
    M: Yeah.
    W: What d yu think f this dress?
    M: It wuld lk really gd with high heels.
    W: High heels? I dn’t like high heels much. I find them really uncmfrtable.
    M: I guess it wuld lk gd with the shes yu’re wearing. Are yu getting the dress?
    ’d like t lk in the market first befre I decide whether t buy it r nt.
    M: I’d rather g fr a cffee than lk at mre clthes nw.
    W: Grdn, I’m ging t Keswick in the Lake District this weekend.
    M: Really?
    W: Yeah, there will be five peple including me. Why dn’t yu jin us? We’re getting t Keswick n Friday. Then we’re ging t g bating n Saturday. And n Sunday, we’re ging t d sme shpping. Then I will take sme time t visit my aunt Lucy.
    M: Yu’re nt ging t camp, are yu? Isn’t it a bit cld?
    W: N, we’re nt. It is a bit cld. We will stay in a cuntry htel. It’s nt like five-star htels r anything. But it’s really cmfrtable.
    M: Hmm, sunds interesting. Yu knw, it’s the bating that I dn’t like.
    W: Well, what are yu ging t d this weekend?
    M: Sit n my sfa at the weekend and watch TV. Yu knw I haven’t watched TV fr a lng time. And I think it will be a busy weekend.
    W: I dn’t knw hw yu can d that all the weekend, Grdn. I’d get bred.
    M: I knw, I knw. But that’s really what I want t d.
    W: I was in a train statin in Paris. I had a ticket fr Vienna, and frm there all the way t Mscw. I was in a hurry, because I had wken up half an hur late. My train was scheduled t leave in 10 minutes. The prblem was that I culdn’t find the right track. I lked at the schedule bard but culdn’t see any infrmatin listed. I realized that in my hurry, I had frgtten t put my glasses n. Frtunately, I always kept a re in my backpack. I reached int the backpack, but I fund nly a pen and a ntebk in there! Only 5 minutes until the train wuld leave! I went t the ticket windw and kncked n it but n ne was there. All f a sudden, my eyes flew pen. I was still in bed, and the alarm hadn’t gne ff yet. I gt up immediately, and was happy that I hadn’t missed my train.

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