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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the wman think f the film?
    A. Amusing.B. Terrifying.C. Exciting.
    2. Hw des the man usually g t wrk?
    A. By car.B. By subway.C. By bus.
    3. What will the wman d first in the afternn?
    A. Meet the lawyer.B. Buy sme tea.C. Have a drink fr rest.
    4. What did the man get frm the wman?
    A. The pstcards.B. The phts.C. The stamps.
    5. What will the wman prbably d this evening?
    A. Watch TV.B. Learn t dance.C. Prepare fr an interview.
    6. What’s the deadline fr the essay?
    A. Wednesday mrning.B. Tuesday mrning.C. Mnday mrning.
    7. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Schlmates.B. Clleagues.C. Teacher and student.
    8. What des the wmen shw t the man at first?
    A. A parcel.B. A card.C. A passprt.
    9. Why des the wman say srry?
    A. She can’t fllw what the man said.
    B. She hasn’t taken her passprt with her.
    C. She said smething wrng.
    10. When shuld the man register fr the first rund?
    A. Befre 9:30 a.m.B. Befre 10:00 a.m.C. Befre 10:30 a.m.
    11. What can we knw abut the race?
    A. It is n the 22nd f July.
    B. It is held n the Palace Pier.
    C. It helps t cllect mney fr schl.
    12. What shuld peple avid wearing fr the race?
    A. Trainers.B. Jeans.C. T-shirts.
    13. Hw many pets are there in Britain?
    A. Abut 62 millin.B. Abut 49 millin.C. Abut 30 millin.
    14. What pets are very ppular nw in Britain?
    A. Dgs.B. Spiders.C. Rabbits.
    15. What des Eric say abut pets?
    A. He lves cats.B. He likes snakes and lizards.C. He desn’t want a pet.
    16. Wh are the speakers mainly talking abut in the end?
    A. Beggars.B. Dg lvers.C. Street artits.
    17. What kind f tur is this?
    A. A cycling tur.B. A walking tur.C. A bus tur.
    18. Hw lng des this tur take?
    A. 2 hurs.B. 4 hurs.C. 3 hurs.
    19. What is Oxfrd Street fr?
    A. Drinking tea.B. Eating.C. Shpping.
    20. Frm where can yu can see the whle view f Lndn?
    A. Big Ben.B. Lndn Eye.C. Twer f Lndn.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Natinal parks are an excellent way t explre all the beauty that the wrld has t ffer: whether it’s endangered species, erupting vlcanes and snwy muntains, r rainfrests and lakes. Of the thusands f natinal parks that exist in the wrld, these are the nes that shuld be n everyne’s bucket list.
    Yrkshire Dales, United Kingdm
    Cntrary (相反) t the ppular link f natinal parks with the wilderness, it is filled with winding valleys, hills and villages where ver 24,000 peple live and wrk. Visitrs can walk thrugh grassland, visit waterfalls r explre undergrund caves, but Yrkshire Dales is als hme t several fd shps, and the park hsts cheese festivals and farmers markets regularly, s it’s best t g hungry.
    Kakadu Natinal Park, Australia
    It is a delight fr thse wh like a bit f histry mixed with the bidiversity f natinal parks. While it huses thusands f species f wildlife, there’s mre t the natinal park than that.
    Guilin and Lijiang River Natinal Park, China
    It is surrunded by striking natural beauty and can be explred by land. But the river natinal park, as the name suggests, is best explred thrugh leisurely bat rides that take visitrs thrugh many ancient twns that cme alng the way f the river.
    Vatnajökull Natinal Park, Iceland
    Here’s a surprising fact: The whle f Vatnajökull Natinal Park makes up 14% f Iceland’s territry! The park is usually pen fr hikes arund the glaciers; bat rides thrugh glacier lakes, and turs that take visitrs thrugh the park’s many ice caves, waterfalls, and icebergs. Vatnajökull is als where tw f Iceland’s mst active vlcanes are lcated.
    21. What is recmmended fr a trip t Yrkshire Dales?
    A. Recrding lcal custms.B. Skiing in the snwy muntains.
    C. Ging with an empty stmach.D. Watching the eruptin f vlcanes.
    22. Which park is the best chice fr bserving diverse wildlife?
    A. Yrkshire Dales.B. Kakadu Natinal Park.
    C. Vatnajökull Natinal Park.D. Guilin and Lijiang River Natinal Park.
    23. What d the last tw natinal parks have in cmmn?
    A. There are many ancient twns.B. There are varius ice caves inside.
    C. They are aimed at prtecting rivers.D. They can be explred thrugh bats.
    The sun was rising as we drve acrss the Minnesta state line t New Yrk fr my new PhD prgram. The mve was gd fr me prfessinally, but I wrried abut my husband and daughters. I als feared that I wuldn’t be able t give my kids the childhd they deserved (应得的).
    Anne, ur first daughter, came int the wrld when I was a junir majring in bilgy in cllege. It was challenging t balance classes, wrk schedules, and being a mm. But I gt thrugh it, finding mments f jy alng the way. On the nights when I was hme, I’d read my class ntes ut lud with my daughter. She’d respnd by asking questins, such as “Mm, what are bacteria (细菌)?” It helped us bth learn.
    After I graduated, I knew that I wuld need a PhD t land the kind f jb I wanted. I arrived in New Yrk feeling mre than the usual new-graduate-student anxiety. I als suffered frm a mre persnal fear that I was being selfish — that my decisin t priritize my career was ging t have lng-term bad impacts n my kids. S, I made a rule l never be visibly upset abut my wrk in frnt f my children.
    Over the past year, thugh, I’ve started t let g f sme f this wrry. I’ve realized that we have nt nly adapted t ur new situatin, but things are getting better. My husband landed a jb that lie is happy with. Anne dreams f becming a bilgist. Recently, while driving past the cancer institute I wrk at, Anne said, “Thinking abut peple having cancer is s sad, but I feel better knwing that yu are researching it t help.”
    Pursuing academic career as a yung mther is hard, but it’s als rewarding. My kids are learning t lk at the wrld thrugh science, and watching their mm succeed inspires them. I lk frward t seeing them fllw ray ftsteps, whatever path they chse.
    24. Hw did the authr feel abut the mve fr her PhD prgram at first?
    A. It was fruitful but bring.B. It was hpeful but challenging..
    C. It was the last thing she wuld d.D. It was prmising fr the whle family.
    25. What des the underlined wrd “priritize” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. CreateB. Change.C. Evaluate.D. Emphasize.
    26. What culd be inferred frm Anne’s wrds in Paragraph 4?
    A. She is prud f her mther.B. She is interested in bilgy.
    C. Her mther takes her jb seriusly.D. She is ready t help patients with cancer.
    27. What might be the best title f the text?
    A. Ups and Dwns in LifeB. Like Mther Like Daughter
    C. Duble Harvests f Mm’s PursuitD. Generatin Gap Narrwed by Lve
    Mre than ten years after intrducing “Ggle Glass”, Alphabet Inc. has created a new kind f smart eyeglasses. The cmpany says the wearable cmputer device can translate different languages in real time.
    A wrking mdel f the yet-unnamed device was presented t the public last mnth during the yearly Ggle cnference. Ggle did nt say when the glasses might g n sale t the public.
    The previus Ggle Glass device included a wearable camera that culd film what the wearers saw. That caused widespread privacy cncerns. The camera element als gave Ggle Glass a kind f science-fictin lk. The latest device lks mre similar t traditinal glasses.
    A brief demnstratin f the new eyeglasses described its translatin ability, but did nt prvide additinal details. The cmpany als did nt say whether the new device wuld be equipped with a camera. A demnstratin explained that a persn, wearing the glasses and talking with smene wh speaks a different language, can see the spken wrds in their wn language. The descriptin shwed translatins including English, Mandarin, Spanish and American Sign Language.
    The new device is ne f several prducts shared at the cnference that are currently in develpment. The cmpany says the prducts aim t better cnnect Ggle services with activities happening in the real wrld. This includes cmpany fferings fr searching and viewing maps, as well as ther services using the latest develpments in artificial intelligence (AI).
    Eddie Chung, a directr f prduct management at Ggle, spke t develpers abut the new eyeglasses. “What we’re wrking n is technlgy that enables us t break dwn language barriers, taking years f research in Ggle Translate and bringing that t glasses,” he said. “Apart frm breaking dwn language barriers, anther use f these translating glasses is enabling cmmunicatin with peple wh are deaf r hard f hearing. While these glasses might nt be a revlutinary prduct like Ggle Glass, they culd prvide a relatively simple slutin t a real-wrld prblem.”
    28. What can we learn abut the latest smart eyeglasses?
    A. They will be equipped with a camera.B. They will appear n the market next year.
    C. They can help users cmmunicate easily.D. They have a kind f science-fictin lk.
    29. What’s the purpse f this text?
    A. T share a wearable cmputer device n sale.
    B. T intrduce a new prduct in develpment.
    C. T advertise the smart eyeglasses fr sale.
    D. T shw the develpment f Ggle Glass Device.
    30. Wh will use the new smart eyeglasses prbably?
    A. A Japanese wh will talk with sme Frenchmen.
    B. Prfessrs wh research n native languages.
    C. Turists wh search and view maps in Germany.
    D. An American deaf by wh will listen t a speech.
    31. What’s Eddie Chung’s attitude twards the new eyeglasses.
    A. Favrable.B. Dubtful.C. Oppsed.D. Disappinted.
    Gardeners wh use pesticides (杀虫剂) are cntributing t the decreasing ppulatin f British sngbirds, a study suggests. Researchers have advcated stpping using pisnus chemicals in gardens in rder t reduce the lss f birds and adpt wildlife-friendly practices instead. The results f the University f Sussex study, which researchers call the first f its kind, were published in the jurnal Science f the Ttal Envirnment.
    The study, which examined infrmatin n pesticide use and garden management frm 615 garden wners in Britain, fund 32 percent f gardens used pesticides, and the number f huse sparrws was 25% lwer when glyphsate-based herbicides was used regularly. Slug pellets (鼻涕虫杀虫剂) als seemed t have an impact n bird sightings; in gardens where Slug pellets were used, huse sparrw numbers were dwn by almst 40%.
    Prf. Dave Gulsn, f the schl f life sciences at the University f Sussex, said, “The UK has 22 millin gardens, which cllectively culd be a fantastic shelter fr wildlife, but nt if they are verly tidy and sprayed with pisns. We just dn’t need pesticides in ur gardens. Many twns arund the wrld are nw pesticide free. We shuld simply ban the use f these pisns in cities, fllwing the example f France.” The Ryal Hrticultural Sciety, the UK’s leading gardening charity, said the use f pesticides and herbicides shuld be avided if pssible and they shuld nly be used, if ever, in small and targeted applicatins.
    The research als fund that thse wh adpted wildlife-friendly practices such as planting native bushes and flwers, r digging a wildlife pnd, saw mre birds than thse wh did nt. Cannelle Tassin de Mntaigu, a PhD researcher within the schl f life sciences and an authr f the study, said, “It’s encuraging l find that simple measures, such as planting native bushes and trees and creating a pnd, tgether with aviding the use f pesticides, really make a measurable difference l the number f birds yu will see in yur garden.”
    32. Why are the data mentined in Paragraph 2?
    A T help gardeners chse the prper pesticides.
    B. T cmpare the effects f tw kinds f pesticides.
    C T reveal the serius influence f pesticides n birds.
    D T infrm readers f the imprtance f huse sparrws.
    33. What can be inferred frm Prf. Dave Gulsn’s wrds?
    A. Pesticides shuld be banned frm use all ver the UK.
    B. France has already made city regins pesticide free.
    C. The ideal places fr wildlife in the UK are extremely tidy gardens.
    D. The gardens in the UK are s tidy that pesticides are nt needed.
    34. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Other methds t keep gardens tidy.
    B. Gardeners’ attitudes twards the experiment.
    C. Other researchers’ interest in the experiment.
    D. Additinal ways t increase the number f birds.
    35. In which sectin f a newspaper can we prbably find this text?
    A. Envirnment.B. Health.C. Transprt.D. Ecnmics.
    Reading is vital but hw can ne chse the right bks t read and where can ne find them? A few famus peple may give yu sme helpful tips.
    ●Read bks frm past eras.
    36 Otherwise, yu’d be “cmpletely dependent n the preferences and fashins f yur times,” just as Albert Einstein put it. “Smebdy wh reads nly newspapers and bks f cntemprary (同时期的) authr lks t me like an extremely near-sighted persn wh dislikes eyeglasses,” he said.
    ● 37
    Reading t wide a variety in t shrt a time wuld keep the teachings frm leaving a lasting impressin n yu. Seneca the Yunger, a first-century Rman philspher, suggested that “yu must linger (持续看) amng a limited number f master thinkers, and understand their wrks, if yu wuld btain ideas which shall win firm hld in yur mind.
    ●Shp at secndhand bkstres.
    Virginia Wlf believed the wrks in secndhand bkstres have an attractin which the usual vlumes f the library lack. Brwsing thrugh these bks gives yu the chance t run int smething that wuldn’t have risen t the attentin f librarians and bksellers. 38
    ●Check ut authrs’ reading lists.
    In his 1940 guide Hw t Read a Bk, American educatr Mrtimer J. Adler talked abut hw t chse bks. He attached imprtance t thse that ilier authrs cnsider wrth reading. 39 Mrtimer wrte that “ne way t understand them is t read the bks they read.”
    ●Make the final decisin by yurself.
    40 It’s yu yurself wh shuld chse what, hw and when t read. Thedre Rsevelt recmmended chsing bks n subjects that interest yu and letting yur feeling guide yu t yur next great read.
    A. Great authrs are great readers.
    B. Participate in a reading challenge.
    C. Leave sme rm fr lder wrks.
    D. Dn’t jump t quickly frm bk t bk.
    E. Analyze yur ptins with Amazn Best Seller Rankings.
    F. There’s n “best bks” list that everyne shuld fllw.
    G. Usually they are much mre selective in rganizing their cllectins.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was this summer that everything brke. S far I’d had a dead TV, a brken washing machine and a(n) 41 tire. The latest prblem had been a tilet tank (水箱) that 42 filling. It was a 30 mile rund trip t the nly pen hardware stre but I made the 43 . This seemed t be the last straw fr me and I was feeling 44 at that mment.
    After having my tank fixed, I started driving hme. 45 , a yellw butterfly flew in frnt f my speeding car. I knew it must have hit against the frnt windshield (挡风玻璃). I felt terrible because butterflies had a special 46 fr me. Ever since my mther died 30 years ag, they have 47 me f her lve.
    I pulled ver by the radside as quickly as pssible t 48 the butterfly. It lay against the windshield quietly, but luckily it lked 49 . As sn as I eased my finger dwn twards it, it tk flight, 50 arund my head and flew away with its glden wings 51 in the sun. Tears filled my eyes and I 52 my mther fr this surprise. This butterfly was a gentle reminder f her lve at the 53 time.
    Life is full f stress and struggles. 54 , we are lved and hped t live a life f faith and jy. When it cmes t the 55 f life, we shuld keep ging n with a smiling face and a happy heart.
    41. A. flatB. sftC. cheapD. super
    42. A. recveredB. escapedC. stppedD. frgt
    43. A. rideB. trackC. mdelD. drive
    44. A. upsetB. gratefulC. amazedD. inspired
    45. A. RegularlyB. SuddenlyC. SecretlyD. Gradually
    46. A. eventB. traditinC. purpseD. meaning
    47. A. warnedB. remindedC. infrmedD. cmplained
    48. A. preserveB. encurageC. checkD. bury
    49. A. intelligentB. cncernedC. undamagedD. abnrmal
    50. A. swungB. climbedC. trappedD. slid
    51. A. gatheringB. flatingC. shiningD. sailing
    52. A. thught fB. turned tC. brught abutD. learned frm
    53. A. busyB. fatalC. tughD. frmal
    54. A. OtherwiseB. MreverC. TherefreD. Hwever
    55. A. standardB. jurneyC. qualityD. gal
    Many artists draw with pens and brushes, but few “paint” with knives. Wang Jing, a wman frm Shenyang city in nrtheast China’s Lianing Prvince, 56 (wrk) n this nvel artfrm fr 27 years.
    In 1995, Wang was inspired by an 57 (accident) cut by a knife n a piece f red paper, which left a white line. 58 (use) knives and paper, she then cmpleted a painting f a pair f peaccks.
    Unlike traditinal paintings, nt which clrs are “added,” “knife painters” apply varied pressure n the paper in different directins 59 (create) different clrs and tnes.
    The nvel art frm was knwn t few peple just after Wang created it. Even Wang herself was nt expecting t make 60 smething big at the beginning. But thanks t her huge interest in the art frm, she has carried 61 it fr the past 27 years. Wang has cmpleted hundreds f paintings abut Chinese culture, figures, landscape, flwers and birds, f which her favrite is a 2.8-meter-lng painting 62 shws 20 lifelike egrets (白鹭).
    “Painting n paper with knives needs careful 63 (treat) and each line in the painting is as thin as a hair. Once the marks are left n the paper, they cannt 64 (cver), s it requires the painter t be 65 (cmplete) cncentrated n the wrk,” said Wang.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 举办文化节的目的;
    2. 文化节的主要活动;
    3. 预祝活动圆满成功。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Many years ag, I was at a girls, schl and ur teacher made all the girls in the class sit next t smene different every day.
    On ne f the days, my teacher paired Madhuri, wh I had never talked t, and me t sit next t each ther. I nticed that she seemed very anxius. I asked her what was wrng. She remained silent at first, but eventually, she tld me that she had three sisters in her family and that her father culdn’t affrd schl bks fr all f them.
    My primary schl was strict, as was the standard then, and if yu didn’t have yur schl bks the teacher wuld make yu leave the class. Madhuri was very anxius that day because she thught that the teacher wuld tell her t leave the class. When the teacher saw that she didn’t have the bks, he tld Madhuri that she culdn’t attend class fr a week.
    Madhuri was very sad. I felt s bad when I saw her pain that I decided t help her. I went t speak t her and ffered t buy the bks fr her. She refused my ffer t help. She had very strng principles and she wuld never accept things bught by thers.
    When I gt hme frm schl I tld my mm the stry. She said that it was gd that I had tried t help but I shuld stp wrrying abut it because there was nthing mre that I culd d if she had refused my ffer t help. I culdn’t stp wrrying abut it thugh. Then I had an idea. My elder brther, wh had nce used the same series f bks, graduated frm schl last year. Why nt turn t him fr help?
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Maybe thse ld bks were the slutin t the prblem.

    The next day, I gt up early s that I culd g t her huse befre ging t schl.

    1-5 ABABC6-10 CABAA11-15 CBCBC16-20 ACACB
    A篇 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四个位于世界各地的著名国家公园的基本情况。
    21-23 CBD
    21. C细节理解题。根据Yrkshire Dales, United Kingdm部分“but Yrkshire Dales is als hme t several fd shps, and the park hsts cheese festivals and farmers markets regularly, s it’s best t g hungry.”可知,去Yrkshire
    22. B细节理解题。根据Kakadu Natinal Park, Australia部分“While it huses thusands f species f wildlife, there’s mre t the natinal park than that.”可知,游客在这里可以观察多种野生动植物。
    23. D细节理解题。根据最后两段可知,这两个国家公园都可以乘船游览。
    B篇 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者对学业和家庭的双重追求和收获的故事。
    24-27 BDAC
    24. B细节理解题。根据第一段中“The mve was gd fr me prfessinally, but I wrried abut my husband and daughters. I als feared that I wuldn’t be able t give my kids the childhd they deserved.”可知,作者认为因她的博士项目而搬家既是充满希望的,也是具有挑战性的。
    25. D词句猜测题。根据第二段中“After I graduated, I knew that I wuld need a PhD t land the kind f jb I wanted.”可知,作者决定读博士来获得自己想要的工作,由此可知,这个决定是为了优先发展自己的事业,因此猜测划线词意为“着重发展”,可用动词emphasize替换。
    26. A推理判断题。根据第四段中“Recently, while driving past the cancer institute I wrk at, Anne said, “Thinking abut peple having cancer is s sad, but I feel better knwing that yu are researching it t help.”可推知,安妮以她的母亲为荣。
    27. C主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了作者为了攻读博士学位搬家,但她担心丈夫和孩子不适应新环境。但最后的结果很好,丈夫找到了新工作,女儿也在她的影响下有了梦想和追求,自己也在工作领域发展得很好。因此文章的最佳标题是“妈妈追求的双重收获”。
    C篇 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Alphabet Inc.公司研发的可实时翻译的智能眼镜。
    28-31 CBDA
    28. C细节理解题。根据第一段中“Ten years after intrducing “Ggle Glass”, Alphabet Inc. has created a new kind f smart eyeglasses. The cmpany says the wearable cmputer device can translate different languages in real time.”可知,戴这种眼镜可以实时翻译不同的语言。由此可知,它能够帮助用户更容易地交流。
    29. B推理判断题。第一段以及第五段中“The new device is ne f several prducts shared at the cnference that are currently in develpment.”可知本文的目的是向读者介绍一个正在开发中的新产品。
    30. D推理判断题。根据第四段中“A demnstratin explained that a persn, wearing the glasses and talking with smene wh speaks a different language, can see the spken wrds in their wn language. The descriptin shwed translatins invlving English, Mandarin, Spanish and American Sign Language.”和最后一段可知,该款眼镜可以将实时话语翻译成英语、普通话、西班牙语和美国手语。所以D项正确。
    31. A推理判断题。根据最后一段Eddie Chung说的话可知,他认为智能眼镜是打破语言障碍的技术,并且能够解决现实问题。故他对新型眼镜持支持的态度。
    D篇 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一项研究发现,使用杀虫剂造成英国鸣禽数量减少。为遏制这一趋势,科学家们向英国的园丁们介绍了一些合适的做法。
    32-35 CBDA
    32. C推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,本段通过列数据说明了两种杀虫剂导致英国花园中的鸣禽数量大幅减少。由此推知,列出数据是为了证明第一段中研究者的发现,即杀虫剂严重影响了英国的鸣禽数量。
    33. B推理判断题。根据第三段中Dave Gulsn教授所说的话可推知,法国已经禁止城市地区使用杀虫剂。
    34. D主旨大意题。通读最后一段内容,并结合其中的最后一句可知,本段主要介绍了增加鸟类数量的辅助方法。
    35. A推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了一项研究发现,使用杀虫剂造成英国鸣禽数量减少,并向园丁们介绍了一些合适的对野生动物友好的做法。因此,本文最有可能出现在报纸的环境板块。
    七选五 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了阅读应该选什么样的书合适以及该去哪儿找到它们。
    36-40 CDGAF
    36. C上文“Read bks frm past eras.”是本段的主旨句。由下文可知,作者建议读者阅读过去的书籍。C项“Leave sme rm fr lder wrks.”也是建议大家阅读旧时代的书籍,符合本段主旨。
    37. D根据横线所在位置,可知此处应是小标题,概括下文。根据下文可知,在太短的时间内读太多的书就会消化不了其中的知识,不能留下深刻印象。D项“Dn’t jump t quickly frm bk t bk.”与下文表述一致,能概括本段内容。
    38. G根据本段小标题“Shp at secndhand bkstres.”以及空前可推知,作者建议读者去二手书店买书。G项“Usually they are much mre selective in rganizing their cllectins.”承接上文,进一步说明了作者建议读者去二手书店买书的原因,符合语境。
    39. A根据本段小标题“Check ut authrs’ reading lists.”和空前可推知,作者建议读者在选择书籍时可以借鉴书籍作者的阅读清单,阅读他们读过的书,说明作家读过的书好。A项“Great authrs are great readers.”承接上文,符合语境。
    40. F根据本段小标题“Make the final decisin by yurself.”以及空后可推知,想要读什么书,要读多长时间等细节都应该由自己决定。F项也是在表达“读者自由决定自己读什么书”的内容,符合语境。
    完形填空 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者最近生活不顺,修完手机回家途中,偶遇一只蝴蝶后想起了去世的母亲,作者感到被爱,重拾生活信心。
    41-45 ACDAB46-50 DBCCA51-55 CACDB
    41. A根据上文的“It was this summer that everything brke.”可知,是漏气的轮胎。
    42. C根据上文可知,作者的马桶水箱也坏了,不上水。
    43. D由下文语境可知,作者开车去了五金店。
    44. A根据句意可知这件事似乎是作者的忍耐极限了,因此作者心情应该是沮丧的。
    45. B句意:突然,一只黄色的蝴蝶飞到我超速行驶的汽车前面。
    46. D由下文可知,蝴蝶对我有着特殊的意义。
    47. B句意:自从我母亲30年前去世以来,它们一直让我想起她的爱。
    48. C句意:我尽可能快地把车停在路边,查看蝴蝶。
    49. C句意:它停留在前挡风玻璃上,但幸运的是它看起来完好无损。
    50. A句意:它绕着我的头旋转,然后飞走了,金色的翅膀在阳光下闪闪发光。
    51. C句意同上。
    52. A句意:我的眼睛里充满泪水,因为这个惊喜,我想到了我的母亲。
    53. C句意:在这段艰难时期,这只蝴蝶温柔地提醒着她的爱。
    54. D句意:然而,有人爱着我们并希望我们过上充满信仰和欢乐的生活。
    55. B句意:当我们踏上人生的旅程时,我们应该带着笑脸和快乐的心继续前行。
    语法填空 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了“刀画”这种艺术形式以及代表人物王静。
    56. has been wrked / has been wrking 57. accidental 58. Using 59. t create 60. it 61. n
    62. that / which 63. treatment 64. be cvered 65. cmpletely
    56. 考查动词的时态。根据时间状语fr 27 years和语境可知,此处用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。
    57. 考查形容词。此处形容词作定语,修饰cut。
    58. 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知use与逻辑主语she构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。句首单词首字母要大写。
    59. 考查非谓语动词。此处create在句中作目的状语,故用不定式。
    60. 考查代词。根据句意可知,此处it指代上文的The nvel art frm,作make的宾语。
    61. 考查固定短语。carry n坚持做。
    62. 考查定语从句。先行词painting,指物,用that / which引导。
    63. 考查名词。此处用treatment(对待,处理)作宾语。
    64. 考查被动语态。主语与谓语构成被动关系,且cannt后跟动词原形。故填be cvered。
    65. 考查副词。修饰be cncentrated n,应用副词cmpletely,作状语。
    Hell, everyne! Our schl will rganize an activity called “Chinese Culture Festival” fr freign teachers and exchange students, which aims t help them have a better understanding f traditinal Chinese culture.
    In this activity, there will be sme games related t pems. I knw sme freigners have a great passin fr traditinal Chinese pems, s I’m glad t invite yu t participate in the activity. We have prepared special gifts fr thse wh win the game.
    I wish this imprtant event a great success. Yu are bund t have a wnderful time!
    Maybe thse ld bks were the slutin t the prblem. They wuldn’t cst anything s Madhuri culd accept withut any pressure. I went t mm and my brther immediately. After hearing Madhuri’s situatin and my plan, my brther was quite willing t help. We srted ut the needed bks fr Madhuri tgether very quickly. Lking at the neatly piled bks, I felt quite satisfied and delighted but suddenly a cncern flashed acrss my mind, “Wuld Madhuri mind they are secnd-hand bks?”
    The next day, I gt up early s that I culd g t her huse befre ging t schl. Nt knwing whether she wuld accept the bks r nt, I kncked at the dr nervusly. When the dr pened, I culd see her surprised expressin. Hearing that these bks were ld bks f my brther, she accepted them withut hesitatin. I als gt a weight ff my mind. On the way t schl, I culd see frm her face hw happy she was. Frm that day n, smething changed and as the days passed and the years mved n, Madhuri and I became best friends.
    (Text 1)
    M: I am really excited abut the film, thugh it’s kind f terrifying. There’s s much actin.
    W: It’s s funny in parts. I just culdn’t stp laughing.
    (Text 2)
    W: D yu usually drive t wrk?
    M: Well, yu see, I have gt a car but I dn’t drive unless I really have t. I prefer the subway, actually. It’s expensive but it’s quicker than the bus.
    (Text 3)
    M: Can yu g with me fr sme tea after wrk?
    W: Srry. But I have t g t the lawyers befre it clses at six. And after that I will g t the supermarket.
    (Text 4)
    W: Did yu receive my phts?
    M: Yes, they are really beautiful. I have placed them in my drawer, yu knw. I als have a big cllectin f stamps and pstcards!
    (Text 5)
    M: Hey, Jenny, the wrld cup starts tnight. Dn’t frget t watch it. It’s n Channel 4.
    W: Are yu crazy? We’ve gt an interview tmrrw mrning.
    (Text 6)
    M: Ashley, the deadline fr the essay is Mnday mrning.
    W: Oh, n. I thught the deadline was Tuesday mrning r Wednesday mrning. Is Mrs. Thmsn really serius? She really wn’t accept any essays after Mnday, Jasn?
    M: Oh, yes, she is serius. I did a curse with her last year. Tw peple failed because they didn’t d their essays n time.
    W: Oh, Gd.
    (Text 7)
    W: Gd mrning. I want t cllect a parcel. It’s frm Venezuela, fr Carlina del Barc. Here is the card.
    M: Can I see sme identificatin?
    W: I need t ... I am very srry but I dn’t understand. Can yu speak mre clearly?
    M: I-den-ti-fi-ca-tin. Like yur passprt, yur driving license, etc. Smething that can tell me wh yu are.
    W: Oh ... yes ... identificatin. Here is my passprt.
    (Text 8)
    W: Scpe Charity Office. Hw can I help yu?
    M: Hell. Culd I get sme mre infrmatin abut the Dragn Bat Race?
    W: Of curse, sir. What wuld yu like t knw?
    M: When and where is it t be held?
    W: On the 2nd f July at the Brightn Marina. It’s a cuple f miles past the Palace Pier.
    M: And what time des the race start?
    W: Well, the first rund begins at 10:00 a.m., but yu need t register half an hur befre that.
    M: Right. And the race is t help raise mney fr a schl.
    W: It is. We’re asking every team member t try t raise $35.
    M: Gd. What kind f clthes shuld I wear fr the ccasin?
    W: Well, mst peple wear a T-shirt, shrts and trainers. I certainly wuldn’t recmmend that yu wear jeans r leather shes.
    (Text 9)
    M: Carl, a lt f peple in Britain have pets. I did a bit f research that 49 percent f British hmes have an animal. W: Is that a lt, Eric?
    M: That’s nearly 30 millin pets. But there are a lt f ther places with as many pets as Britain, r even mre—the USA, New Zealand, sme cuntries in Eurpe. 62 millin hmes in Eurpe have pets. Britain isn’t that unusual.
    W: Cats and dgs are the mst cmmn in Britain, right?
    M: Well, actually, they nw think that the mst ppular pets in Britain are ...
    W: Well, if it isn’t dgs r cats ... um ... I dn’t knw. Rabbits?
    M: Npe. Snakes and lizards, and spiders are really ppular nw.
    W: Yeuk. I’m nt sure I culd lve a spider.
    M: Nr me. In fact, I dn’t want a pet at all.
    W: Really? D yu knw, peple wh ask fr mney n the street, well, if they have a dg with them, then they will get mre mney.
    M: Ha! Is that true? Mney fr the dg, but nt fr the persn?
    (Text 10)
    Gd afternn, ladies and gentlemen and welcme t this fantastic tur f Lndn by bus. My name’s Greg and I’m yur guide this afternn n ur tur f Lndn. As yu can see, we’re n an pen-tp bus, s yu can see all the attractins frm yur seat and yu dn’t need t walk anywhere. And please dn’t wrry abut the rain. I’m sure it’ll stp sn. S where are we ging n ur wnderful tur? Well, the tur takes tw hurs and we are ging t visit all the famus sites. First well see Madame Tussauds, the museum with wax mdels f famus peple and celebrities, then well drive alng the mst famus shpping street in the wrld, Oxfrd Street. After that we’ll see the famus clck Big Ben and The Huses f Parliament. As we drive alng the river, yu’ll see the ppular attractin, the Lndn Eye, frm which yu can see the whle city n a sunny day. Then we’ll see Twer Bridge and the famus Twer f Lndn befre arriving at Buckingham Palace, just in time fr a cup f cffee at a lvely cafe near the palace.

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