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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. When will the man cme back?
    A. In Octber. B. In Nvember. C. In December.
    2. What is the relatinship between the man speaker and Mike?
    A. Strangers. B. Partners. C. Friends.
    3. What did the man fail t d last night?
    A. Ck fr his family. B. Finish. his assignment. C. Walk his dg.
    4. Where is the man's ID card?
    A. In the drawer. B. On the desk. C. In the bag.
    5. Hw much shuld the man pay?
    A. $80. B. $90. C. $100.
    第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Buy a smartphne.
    B. Repair her smartphne.
    C. Replace her smartphne.
    7. What is the man?
    A. A salesman. B. A repairman. C. A manager.
    8. Which kind f animals did the man feed when he was a kid?
    A. Pigs. B. Rabbits. C. Dgs.
    9. Why des the man apply fr the jb?
    A. It's easy. B. It's well-paid. C. It's his dream career.
    听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。
    10. What did the man change fr his car a week ag?
    A. The headlights. B. The engine. C. The fuel tank.
    11. Why des the man refuse t buy a new car?
    A. His wife desn't supprt him.
    B. He has feelings fr the ld ne.
    C. He desn't have enugh mney.
    12. Hw will the speakers g t the theater?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway.
    听第9段材料,回答第13至 16题。
    13. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Having a meeting.
    B. Attending a party.
    C. Visiting an art exhibitin.
    14. What d we knw abut Tny?
    A. He is a German.
    B. He is frm New Yrk.
    C. He is a native f Prtland.
    15. What des Susan d?
    A. She is a server in a restaurant.
    B. She teaches art in a high schl.
    C. She is an art teacher at the Art Cllege.
    16. What des Tny ask Susan t d next week?
    A. Cme t his art exhibitin.
    B. Be his mdel at the Art Cllege.
    C. Attend his graduatin ceremny.
    听第10段材料,回答第17 至 20题。
    17. What shuld yu d first when yu're lst in the wds?
    A. Calm yurself dwn.
    B. Lk fr familiar trees.
    C. Try t remember the rute.
    18. What d experts advise yu t d when yu can't find yur way in the wds?
    A. Fllw whatever stream yu find.
    B. G up t the tp f sme muntains.
    C. Stay in sme wetland fr the rescue.
    19. Which is the first way peple wuld use t search fr yu in the wds nwadays?
    A. Turning t an air plane fr help.
    B. Lcating yu thrugh yur cellphne.
    C. Lking fr trails yu might have left.
    20. What shuld yu always d befre yu g int the wds?
    A. Prepare a detailed map.
    B. Tell smene yur plan.
    C. Bring alng yur cellphne.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Gabn, n the west cast f Africa, has numerus rainfrests, pen grasslands, white sand beaches and rushing rivers. Here are fur adventures that can let yu have unfrgettable experiences.
    The Wild Species Adventure
    The site f this adventure is clse t a natinal park, which has elephants, mnkeys, lepards, red river hgs and s n. Visitrs can g n a jurney by jeep and have a chance t see the cuntry's natural beauty and different birds in a nearby reserve.
    The Fishing Adventure
    Gabn has sme really big fish and miles f untuched castlines, and the fishing spts are nt packed, because they are wide apart. When fishing, visitrs can find themselves in pleasant places, surrunded by palm trees during the adventure. Gabn's unique lagn(环礁湖)system prvides visitrs with a range f fish, all ready fr yu t jin in the fishing cntest.
    The Private Island Adventure
    It is difficult fr visitrs t find this private island n the sea n bking r a trip advisr, but it is knwn by lcals. It ffers small but cmfrtable rms t rest. Visitrs can try fun activities like wakebarding and bating. During the whale seasn, visitrs can als rent bats t take a clse lk at whales by fllwing respnsible viewing guidelines.
    The Whale Watching Adventure
    There is a great diversity f marine mammals t see in this adventure, especially whales. Sme f the whales can be fund at all time, while thers, fr example, the humpback whales, nly spend a few mnths frm July t September. In this trip, visitrs can take splendid pictures f these whales playing arund and jumping abve the surface f the sea under safety guidance.
    21. Which adventure attracts a lver f land animals mst?
    A. The wild species adventure. B. The fishing adventure.
    C. The private island adventure. D. The whale watching adventure.
    22. What are the spts f the fishing adventure like?
    A. Nisy. B. Narrw.
    C. Uncrwded. D. Unpleasant.
    23. What d the last tw adventures ffer?
    A. Whale watching. B. Private trip advisrs.
    C. Cst-free water sprts. D. A pht-taking service.
    During Wrld War Ⅱ, Duchess Nina Duglas-Hamiltn played a vital rle in lking after animals.
    As the war brke ut, the gvernment issued rders fr the ma ss killing livestck(家畜)t prevent them frm being captured r destryed by the enemy. Duchess Nina launched a campaign t save as many animals as pssible, and sn became knwn as the “animal herine” fr her effrts.
    Duchess Nina wrked with lcal farmers and animal wners t relcate animals t safer areas, such as the Scttish Highlands. She als established a netwrk f vlunteers wh helped t care fr animals during the war. She rganized feeding prgrams, medical care and transprtatin, ensuring that animals were well lked after even during the mst difficult times. The mst challenging aspect f her wrk was the shrtage f fd during the war. S she established a vegetable garden and used leftvers t create nutritius meals fr animals. She als reached ut t the public fr dnatins f fd and supplies, and was able t secure enugh resurces t keep animals healthy and fed.
    In additin t her wrk with dmestic animals, Duchess Nina was als a strng advcate fr wildlife cnservatin. She established a center fr wild animals in Sctland, where she prvided a safe place fr deer, fxes and ther animals that were threatened by the war. She als wrked with lcal prtectin grups t prtect natural habitats.
    Duchess Nina's wrk during Wrld War Ⅱ was nt withut its risks. She frequently risked her life t save animals, ften driving thrugh perilus areas
    Sadly, sme peple saw her effrts as a distractin frm the war effrt. Hwever, she cntinued t wrk tirelessly fr animals. After the war, Duchess Nina's wrk was recgnized by the gvernment and she gt an imprtant award fr her services t animals.
    24. Hw did Duchess Nina prbably feel when she heard the gvernment's rders?
    A. Calm. B. Wrried. C. Excited. D. Encuraged. 25. What was the biggest prblem that Duchess Nina faced?
    A. Nbdy gave her dnatins.
    B. She culdn't find enugh vlunteers.
    C. The animals didn't have enugh fd t eat.
    D. Lcal farmers didn't give her enugh supprt.
    26. Why did Duchess Nina start the center in Sctland?
    A. T keep dmestic animals there.
    B. T attract lcal prtectin grups.
    C. T prvide a hme fr wild animals.
    D. T ffer a safe place t animal wners.
    27. What des the underlined wrd “perilus” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Urban. B. Dangerus. C. Faraway. D. Pr.
    Underwater travel is difficult and dangerus, but many peple have t stay deep under the cean. Thus, humans have cme up with a few designs f vehicles t mve arund under the cean. But what if there was a better way t travel?
    Hilary Bart-Smith, an engineer at the University f Virginia, thinks a vehicle that travels like a man ta ray(魔鬼鱼) wuld be able t perate fr lng perids at sea. Manta rays which can grw up t 29 feet lng are amng the mst efficient swimmers in the cean. Different frm animals and peple pushing against water, man ta rays swim by mving thrugh the water with wing-like mvements f their fins(鳍). Efficiency means using less energy t mve farther.
    Bart-Smith and ther engineers at the University f Virginia had t find ut what manta rays lked like n the inside t better understand hw they mve. They tk X-rays t find ut hw a manta ray's fins are built. They fund that a web f cartilage (软骨) stretches acrss each fin.
    Once the engineers knew hw a manta ray's fi n was cnstructed, they culd build ne f their wn. They made a lng rw f metal struts with many hinges t imitate the man ta ray's web f cartilage. The engineers put their design inside a flexible cver, shaped like a manta ray's fin. Then they tested it in the university swimming pl. They were happy t see that it swam just like a man ta ray in the cean.
    Engineers and scientists are still learning and experimenting with hw t imitate these amazing animals. Fr nw, engineers study their mvements and learn frm the mst efficient swimmers in the cean. Perhaps smeday engineers will be able t build man ta ray rbts that are big enugh t transprt peple.
    28. Hw d man ta rays swim?
    A. By mving like birds. B. By swimming like humans.
    C. By swimming like ther fishes. D. By pushing against water like animals.
    29. What can we learn frm the secnd and third paragraphs?
    A. Manta rays lk like travel vehicles.
    B. Manta rays are the fastest swimmers.
    C. Manta rays can grw at least 29 feet lng.
    D. Manta rays’ fins cnsist f a web f cartilage.
    30. Why d the engineers study manta rays?
    A. T learn abut their habits. B. T cntrl manta ray rbts.
    C. T prtect marine creatures. D. T design undersea vehicles.
    31. What's the authr's attitude twards the research?
    A. Supprtive. B. Negative. C. Dubtful. D. Objective.
    The mst bvius dg fetish(迷恋) tday is the lnging fr cuteness. Almst every day yu can see adrable pictures f dgs and ther animals that will make yu smile and say, “Hw cute!”
    It is a cultural phenmenn that the media schlar James Meese calls the “cute ecnmy” which exists primarily n scial media, is user-generated, and is heavily dminated by pictures f animals, especially pets. The gal is t generate a psitive respnse, prbably fllwed by a tap n the screen t “like” and “share”. We can click thrugh image after image f cute animals ding cute things, feeling a little bst f gd cheer.
    The marketing researchers have identified sme f the mst cmmn categries f cuteness in nline pet cntent: animals ding silly things; animals f extreme size; animals with unusual lks; and animals behaving in ways that seem human-like. Dgs and ther animals in the “cute ecnmy” are ften further humanized by being dressed in clthing and accessrized(装饰) with hats, jewellery, nail plish and fur dyed a rainbw f clrs. Users wh pst successfully and with sme strategies can make mney by ding s. Thus, certain dgs have becme cuteness celebrities, with millins f devted fllwers and paid cntent frm advertisers.
    Unfrtunately, the price f the “cute ecnmy” cmes at a serius cst. The cutest and mst ppular breeds tend t be thse with the mst significant risk f health and behaviral prblems. Cuteness is ften cupled with their discmfrt. Peple are drawn t the cuteness f dgs with extremely freshrtened skulls and extremely shrt legs and awkwardly lng bdies, such as the French bulldg and the crgi.
    Actually, there are well-established health issues. We shuld treat the “cute ecnmy” with cautin, like resisting the cmmdificatin(商品化) f appearance by pting ut f scial media channels prmting the “cute ecnmy”. We can als chse nt t “like” r “share” images f dgs whse cuteness is linked with discmfrt. Althugh we are bilgically attracted t dgs that are super cute, we shuld be mindful in ur“impulses”.
    32. What is the key t the “cute ecnmy” accrding t the text?
    A. Cute animals' attractive appearance. B. Taking pictures f different animals.
    C. Pet wners' liking adrable pictures.
    D. Psting cute animals’ pictures n scial media.
    33. Which kind f cuteness is mst likely t be the nline pet cntent?
    A. A nrmal-sized dg is eating bnes.
    B. A white cat is quietly lying next t its wner.
    C. A mnkey is attentively taking care f its baby.
    D. A parrt dressed in a suit is singing and dancing.
    34. What is the side effect f the “cute ecnmy”?
    A. It will change the animals' nature.
    B. It may make the animals nt s cute.
    C. It may cause health prblems t the animals.
    D. It will result in a decline in animal ppulatin.
    35. What may be the best title fr the text?
    A. Marketing Strategy—Cuteness B. The Cute Ecnmy and Its Price
    C. Happiness frm Pets D. Sha re Pictures r Nt
    第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Anyne experiences a failure ccasinally. But hw d yu deal with it when it ccurs? Blaming yurself makes n sense. Faced with a failure, try t find prper ways, which is the key t success.
    36 If yu can't realize what the prblem is and dn't prcess failures clearly, yu'll find yurself unable t sail alng elegantly like a bat thrugh the water ahead. S it is f great imprtance t spare sme time t analyse the relevant causes f the failures.
    Practise self-acceptance and self cmpassin(自我同情) 37 Self acceptance des nt mean believing that yu are perfect. It means accepting yurself fr wh yu really are. Self-cmpassin des nt mean giving up n grwth and self-imprvement, but it means shwing kindness t yurself. Practise them, decide what t d differently next time and mve n.
    Reframe psitively. Psitive reframing requires viewing things in a new way that allws yu t recgnize and appreciate psitive aspects f yur situatin 38 As a result, failures can be transfrmed int challenges and new pssibilities t experience life mre fully.
    Laugh it ff. Laughing at yurself abut a mistake yu made is a great gift, which requires a shared understanding f humanity. The pint is that nce yu can laugh at a failure, it is n lnger terminal Instead, yu are ready t g ahead 39
    Of curse, failures are actually nt fun 40 Finally, yu'll make fewer mistakes, experience fewer failures and naturally develp yurself int the being yu are destined t becme.
    A. Understand what has gne wrng.
    B. Save every minute t avid failures.
    C. They are the basics f mving n frm failures.
    D. If yu can laugh it ff, then yu can frgive yurself.
    E. Use the abve ways, learn frm failures and mve frward.
    F. Similarly, if yu can laugh at yurself, thers will laugh at yu.
    G. It helps yu take advantage f pprtunities rather than avid prblems.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Fina liked t sing at hme. One summer day when she was singing, her father said upstairs, “Baby, I really need 41 , s I can take a rest ”Fin a felt upset and had t g 42 .
    It was a 43 day, and many peple were riding bikes and walking their dgs in the sun. Fin a went t a nearby park and sat n a bench. She lked arund t make sure she wasn't 44 anyne Then she started t hum(哼) 45 But sn humming turned t lud singing.
    Feeling very ht, Fin a tk ff her 46 , laid it n the sidewalk and kept singing Just as she 47 ne f her favrite sngs, a man stpped in frnt f her and drpped a 48 int her hat Befre she culd say anything, the man left Lking at his 49 ,Fina really wasn't sure hw t 50 the mney, but she did want t 51 singing As a result, a 52 stream f sund rang in the park
    When she enjyed herself and stpped t relax, Fina's hat was full, and sme mney fell t the flr because there was n 53 fr it At that time, Mrs Maudslay, her neighbr, suddenly passed by and saw Fina, “Are yu busking, Fina?” Fina asked, “What's busking?” “Busking is when a street perfrmer 54 a hat t cllect mney Peple drp sme mney t shw that they like the perfrmance,”Mrs Maudslay answered It 55 n Fina, and she eventually dnated her windfall(意外之财) t charity with the advice f Mrs. Maudslay.
    41. A. cmfrt B. aplgy C. light D. quiet
    42. A. utside B. upstairs C. eagerly D. merrily
    43. A. cludy B. misty C. clear D. freezing
    44. A. assessing B. disturbing C. witnessing D. bserving
    45. A. angrily B. unwillingly C. ludly D. sftly
    46. A. mask B. hat C. she D. glve
    47. A. finished B. recalled C. cmpsed D. frgt
    48. A. medal B. flwer C. dllar D. ty
    49. A. cming B. situatin C. face D. back
    50. A. handle B. claim C. dnate D. earn
    51. A. imprve B. keep C. advcate D. quit 52. A. temprary B. terrible C. steady D. silent
    53. A. argument B. praise C. time D. rm
    54. A. hands in B. puts ut C. flds up D. tears dwn
    55. A. dawned B. depended C. cunted D. fed
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The Liangzhu Culture, 56 can date back thusands f years, was the last Nelithic jade(新石器时代玉器) culture in the Taihu Basin f the Yangtze River Delta. Frm many f the unearthed Liangzhu relic sites s far, relevant experts 57 (cnclude) that the ancient culture basted advanced rice agriculture and handicraft industry.
    58 (cver) an area f mre than 30 square kilmeters, the Liangzhu relic site first 59 (discver) in 1936 is in reality a general name fr sme sites fund in Liangzhu,Pingya and Anxi, three places in Yuhang District, East China's Zhejiang Prvince. The archaelgical 60 (significant) f the Liangzhu relic site has gained wrldwide attentin British archaelgist Clin Renfrew visited it several years ag and thught 61 imprtance f findings in China's Nelithic Perid was greatly underestimated.
    The Liangzhu Culture is 62 (gd) knwn as a jade culture than thers Mre than40 varius 63 (type) f jade cntainers have been unearthed.D yu dream 64 experiencing mre f the Liangzhu Culture up clse? Cnsider visiting the Liangzhu NewTwn, a scenic spt which ffers many places fr turists 65 (learn) abut the Liangzhu Culture and relax as well.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40 分)
    第一节 (满分 15 分)
    假定你是李华,交换生 Gerge 对你所在的书法社团(Chinese Calligraphy Assciatin)很感兴趣,发邮件告知你他也想加入。请你给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
    1.写作词数应为 80 左右;
    Dear Gerge,

    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25 分)
    Arnld, an eagle, was living at a reserve. As a cute and pretty bird, he was well cared fr and lved by the staff.
    One day last mnth, ne f the caretakers nticed smething strange. Keeper Eric saw Arnld prtecting a large lw-lying land in the grund. The spt was carefully decrated with leaves and branches, and featured a simple rck right in the center. Later that day, Eric even saw Arnld sitting n the rck as if it were an egg. And Eric fund Arnld cntinued t d s day after day. “Male eagles take an equal part in raising yung, s this is a very natural behavir fr Arnld, a male eagle, ” Eric thught.
    Then Eric shared Arnld's stry n the Internet. He psted smething like this: Every s ften, ur lvely eagle, Arnld, rearranges the sticks in his nest and cackles(咯咯叫) at any ther eagles that cme t clse. We wish Arnld all the luck in the wrld, but we're nt telling him the reality f the situatin. We have t see a rck hatch(孵化)!
    Many viewers were impressed by Eric’s humur and meanwhile assumed that Arnld was lnely and needed sme mates, but Eric insisted Arnld was chsing t d this n his wn. “Arnld is nt lnely! He is hused with fur ther bald eagles—tw males and tw females,” Eric respnded. “He is nt welcme help with his nest, nr is he seeking help! He has nt been finding mates, s he very clearly wants t d this n his wn. He is perfectly cntent! Maybe he wishes t be a father.” Mre and mre viewers agreed with Eric and advised finding a baby eagle fr Arnld befre having his wn baby.
    Last week, an eagle nest cntaining ne chick(雏鸟) was blwn dwn by very high winds. The chick's mther died, but the chick was fund and rescued by a faithful nest watcher. Eric suddenly had a gd idea. He finally decided t bring the chick t Arnld's side.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    The chick wuld give Arnld a chance t be a real father, but it wuld als be a challenge fr him.
    When the chick gt clse t Arnld, a wnder ccurred.

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