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    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What des the man mean?
    A. He accepts the invitatin. B. He desn’t like dancing. C. He is a pr dancer.
    2. What is the wman ding?
    A. Returning a dress. B. Paying fr a dress. C. Trying n dresses.
    3. What time is the man’s appintment?
    A. 2:15 p. m. B. 2:30 p. m. C. 2:45 p. m.
    4. Wh will prbably lk after the baby tday?
    A. The man. B. Lucy. C. The wman.
    5. What des the man want t have?
    A. Chicken. B. Tea. C. Sup.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Why was the man bred all day?
    A. He had n custmers.
    B. The custmers were bring.
    C. There were t many custmers.
    7. Hw wuld the man spend the evening?
    A. By staying at hme t relax.
    B. By seeing an exciting film.
    C. By serving the custmers.
    8. What will the speakers have this week?
    A. Japanese fd. B. Chinese fd. C. Thai fd.
    9. When will the speakers get tgether?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
    10. Why des the man ask the girl t g t bed?
    A. She will take a test tmrrw.
    B. They will have a hliday tmrrw.
    C. She will attend schl tmrrw mrning.
    11. Which subject des the girl need t imprve?
    A. English. B. Math. C. Histry.
    12. What will the girl d next?
    A. G t sleep. B. Get her textbk. C. Play vide games.
    13. Hw des the man get t the wman’s huse?
    A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On ft.
    14. What is the wman having truble with?
    A. Singing sngs. B. Learning Chinese. C. Sleeping at night.
    15. Hw des the wman feel abut the man’s suggestin?
    A. She is willing t try it.
    B. She thinks it’s a waste f time.
    C. She’s nt sure she’ll be able t make prgress.
    16. What did the man d yesterday?
    A. He dwnladed a sng.
    B. He discvered a new website.
    C. He used his phne fr directins.
    17. Hw lng is the lecture abut ants?
    A. 30 minutes. B. 45 minutes. C. 60 minutes.
    18. Where is the dcumentary The Secret Life f Birds n shw?
    A. In Theater A. B. In Theater B. C. In Theater C.
    19. What will the listeners d at 2:30 p. m.?
    A. Gather in the Exhibitin Rm.
    B. Visit Insect Huse.
    C. See a film.
    20. Wh will hst the event Encuraging Garden Wildlife?
    A. David Crcker. B. Mnica Chaddha. C. The speaker.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Wrld’s Best Spicy Fds
    When it cmes t the wrld’s best spicy dishes, we have sme f the wrld’s httest peppers t thank. The fllwing spicy dishes frm arund the wrld bring the heat in the mst delicius way.
    Piri piri chicken, Mzambique
    The Prtuguese intrduced this spicy dish int Mzambique as far back as the 15th century, when they mixed African peppers with Eurpean ingredients. And it’s the red pepper that brings the spiciness t this cmplex, layered and delicius dish. The dish is als ppular in Namibia and Suth Africa.
    Sichuan ht pt, China
    The jy f this dish is nt nly the delightful warming ingredients f the Sichuan peppercrns, but the fact that yu can ck exactly what yu like in the spicy sup. Duck, seafd, chicken, prk, lamb and seasnal vegetables are all fair game fr thrwing int the pt t bil in a sup made with Sichuan peppercrns and dried Sichuan peppers.
    Sm tam, Thailand
    Frm nrtheastern Thailand, this fresh and spicy salad is a main dish at Thai restaurants arund the wrld. Sm tam turns t green papaya(木瓜) fr its main ingredient. The papaya is then put with lng beans r green beans and a mix f flavrful Asian essentials that include dried shrimp(虾) and fish sauce amng ther ingredients. Thai peppers give the salad its necessary kick.
    Aguachile, Mexic
    This raw marinated(腌制) shrimp dish frm the western Mexic tastes as gd as it lks. Tiny but pwerful peppers, grwn thrughut Mexic, make the spicy magic happen in the aguachile, which means “pepper water” . Marinate the raw shrimp with ingredients including lime(酸橙) juice, red nin and cucumber and enjy with fried crn pancakes.
    1. Hw des piri piri chicken differ frm the ther three fds?
    A. It ges with vegetables.B. It uses a variety f ingredients.
    C. It is flavred with red peppers.D. It riginated in anther cuntry.
    2. Which dish gives yu the freedm t chse the main ingredients?
    A. Piri piri chicken, Mzambique.B. Sichuan ht pt, China.
    C. Sm tam, Thailand.D. Aguachile, Mexic.
    3. What d sm tam and aguachile have in cmmn?
    A. They are raw fds.B. They have a lng histry.
    C. They are served with pancakes.D. Shrimp is their main ingredient.
    Thmas was a well-knwn wise man. One day, he wandered in a beautiful small twn. Because f his fame, peple frm nearby twns wh heard f his arrival all came t visit and seek his advice.
    Many wh came sught help with difficulties in daily life, and Thmas, unable t bear turning them away, patiently ffered suggestins. Wrd spread quickly, and mre and mre peple came t see Thmas fr guidance.
    One day, dzens f peple crwded utside Thmas’s dr, all clamring (大声地要求) that their prblems were the mst serius and urgent, each insisting that Thmas address their cncerns first, with n ne willing t yield (让步).
    After a mment f thught, Thmas tk ut sme paper and a pen and said, “I can’t hear clearly with everyne talking at nce. Hw abut everyne write dwn yur prblem n a piece f paper and place it in this basket beside me?”
    Once everyne had placed their ntes in the basket, Thmas shk the basket and said, “Please each take a piece f paper frm the basket and read what it says.”
    As everyne read a nte frm smene else, they all realized that indeed, each persn has their wn trubles, and every husehld has its wn challenges. Then Thmas spke up, “Nw, whse prblem is the mst urgent t slve?” Hearing that questin, n ne spke again, because nw n ne dared t claim that their prblem was the mst severe.
    Often, we are bund by ur immediate feelings. When difficulties and prblems strike, it feels as thugh we are caught in a vrtex f pain. But if we shift ur fcus frm urselves and lk twards thers, we might discver that the prblems we face are nt s significant. Perhaps thers are the nes wh need help mre urgently, r maybe there is smething within ur pwer that we can d fr them.
    4. Why did peple visit Thmas?
    A. Fr advice.B. Fr a meeting.
    C. Fr a cmpetitin.D. Fr intrductins.
    5. Hw did Thmas handle the crwd?
    A. He ignred them.B. He listened t each ne individually.
    C. He priritized the prblems himself.D. He asked them t write dwn their prblems.
    6. What did reading thers’ prblems shw t the peple?
    A. The cmplexity f their difficulties.B. The similarity f their situatins.
    C. Their need fr mre advice.D. Their living cnditins.
    7. What lessn did Thmas teach?
    A. Cmpetitin.B. Sympathy.C. Priritizatin.D. Self-cnfidence.
    A study fllwing nearly 30,000 lder adults fr mre than 10 years has fund six key healthy lifestyle factrs can significantly reduce memry lss and thse adults engaging in between fur and six f the healthy lifestyle behavirs culd dramatically reduce their risks f develping dementia (痴呆), even when carrying genes that increase their risks f Alzheimer’s disease.
    “Six healthy lifestyle aspects were assessed: a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, active scial cntact, active cgnitive (认知的) activity, never smking, and never drinking alchl,” the researchers explained in the new study. Participants were classified (分类) int the favrable grup if they had fur t six healthy lifestyle factrs, int the average grup fr tw t three factrs, and int the unfavrable grup fr zer t ne factr.
    The study fund that peple with fur t six healthy habits had a much slwer lss f memry than thse with fewer healthy habits. Peple with these gd habits were als much less likely t get dementia than thse with ne r n healthy habits. Thse wh had tw r three gd habits were 30% less likely t get dementia.
    The study didn’t figure ut which f the six healthy habits is the best fr stpping dementia r which cmbinatin is the best. Hwever, the infrmatin did shw that eating healthy seemed t help prevent memry lss the mst, with brain exercise and regular physical exercise als very helpful.
    Abut 20% f the peple in the study had a gene that makes Alzheimer’s disease mre likely. Even s, having several gd health habits helped slw dwn memry lss. This shws that changing hw we live can really help.
    Even thugh each health habit helped in a different way, verall, the study fund that peple with mre gd health habits had much less memry lss than thse with fewer gd habits. This suggests that the chices we make in hw we live can help prtect ur memry. The study adds t the evidence that we might be able t change ur risk f memry lss.
    8. What were the grups categrized based n?
    A. The participants’ age.B. What hbbies the participants gt rid f.
    C. The healthy lifestyles the participants had.D. What the participants’ attitudes t factrs were.
    9 What can we infer frm paragraph 3?
    A. The favrable grup was happier than the ther tw.
    B. Mre healthy lifestyles were f mre benefit t health.
    C. Healthy habits had little impact n memry r dementia.
    D. Peple with a healthy diet wuldn’t suffer a lss f memry.
    10. Which plays the secnd greatest rle in reducing memry lss?
    A. A healthy diet.B. Active scial cntact.
    C. Active cgnitive activities.D. Never drinking alchl.
    11. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Healthy Lifestyles Slwing Memry LssB. A Study Making A Great Breakthrugh
    C. A Healthy Diet Being The Best LifestyleD. Old Adults Suffering Frm Health Prblems
    T prduce the classic clthing, blue jeans, prducers rely n indig dye (靛蓝染料), the nly mlecule knwn t prvide jeans’ unique, belved clr. While indig itself naturally cmes frm a plant, grwing demand fr blue jeans thrughut the 20th century gave rise t synthetic (合成的) indig, which is nw mre cmmnly used.
    Indig is the dye that makes jeans blue, but it desn’t mix with water. T dye clthes, usually, chemicals are needed t make the clr stick t the clth. But in Denmark, scientists have created a new way t dye clthes using an enzyme (酶), which is a kind f prtein that can cause chemical reactins, instead f harmful chemicals. This new methd is better fr the envirnment and desn’t use pisnus stuff.
    The chemical prcess fr dyeing blue jeans has persisted fr the last century. Wrkers are expsed t the pisnus chemicals, which als pllute the envirnment near factries. Waste water frm thse factries ften ends up in waterways, decimating lcal ecsystems and even dyeing rivers blue.
    Ditte Hededam Welner, the study’s lead researcher, says their new enzyme wrks really well and is strng enugh fr making lts f jeans withut breaking dwn. This enzyme makes dyeing with indican, which is like indig, much less harmful t the planet — abut 92% better than the ld way.
    Hwever, the new methd desn’t fix all the envirnmental prblems f making jeans. Making a single pair f jeans uses a lt f water — enugh t fill many bathtubs — frm grwing the cttn t putting the final tuches n the jeans.
    Even thugh the new dyeing prcess is better fr the envirnment, it’s nt always easy r cheap t change t it. Welner’s team isn’t sure if jeans cmpanies will find it easy r affrdable t switch t this methd. It csts a little bit mre — just seven cents extra per pair f jeans — t use the enzyme fr dyeing. But Welner believes it’s wrth it because it’s much better fr the envirnment.
    12. Why was synthetic indig created in the 20th century?
    A. It made jeans’ clr unique.B. It was easy t dye clth with it.
    C. Peple liked jeans made frm it.D. Peple were in greater need f jeans.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “decimating” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Trubling.B. Entering.C. Destrying.D. Defeating.
    14. Which is an advantage f the new methd?
    A. The clur is mre beautiful than the synthetic indig.
    B. The market can keep stable gds supplies.
    C. Enzyme facilitates the advance f science.
    D. The dye is mre envirnmentally friendly.
    15. What makes Welner wrried abut the new methd?
    A. Prductin csts.B. Envirnmental benefits.
    C. Water cnsumptin.D. Labrer shrtage.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Pickleball (匹克球) is like a cmbinatin f ping-png and tennis, and attracts many beginners. ___16___ Here are sme pinters n aviding injuries.
    ___17___ Ding sme types f exercise preparatin befrehand makes a big difference t prevent injuries. After that, d sme arm circles and shulder rtatins (旋转). Hld yur arm s straight ut frm yur sides and rtate them in small circles, and then gradually make bigger circles befre rtating in the ppsite directin. Finish with sme leg swings. Stand next t a wall fr supprt, and then swing ne leg back and frth, then side t side. ___18___
    T build crdinatin (协调), abut 15 minutes shuld be taken t d a few drills. Stand with yur feet shulder-width apart. and then quickly mve side t side. ___19___ Crss ne leg in frnt f the ther. Then quickly mve yur back leg ut frm behind the frnt leg t return t the psitin yu started in. Keep mving side-t-side, crssing and uncrssing yur legs in this way.
    Chse the right gear (装备), t, including a paddle that is apprpriate fr yur strength level. Yu may need different shes fr utdr and indr play. ___20___ Prtect yurself frm the sun with sunglasses, pssibly with a string r silk tape that helps keep them in place, and sunscreen f SPF 50 r higher.
    A. Firstly, assess yur fitness level.
    B. Repeat thse steps with yur ther leg.
    C It’s quickly becming a sprt f chice fr adults.
    D. Have extra scks n hand t help prevent ft injuries.
    E. When getting started, remember t d warm-up exercises.
    F. Fr the crss-step drill, put yur feet shulder-width apart.
    G. With its wild ppularity, pickleball-related injuries are grwing.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    If yu walk arund the Rahway Trail in the Suth Muntain Reservatin f Millburn, New Jersey, yu might spt mre than vegetatin and creatures. Small fantastic ___21___ are hidden in the tree trunks and branches — an amazingly lvely sight in this ___22___ nrmal-lking frest nwadays. The idea t ___23___ small wden huses t the landscape came frm Therese Ojibway, wh 10 years ag wanted her sn, wh has autism (自闭症), t have a safe space t ___24___ in the wilderness.
    “S she fund Rahway Trail and started cnstructing the huses and leaving ___25___ decratins here and there fr her sn,” said Julie Guld, ne f the keepers f the trail.
    The Suth Muntain Cnservancy later nticed the sudden ___26___ f little huses arund the frest. Learning Ojibway’s stry, they ___27___ her t cntinue building her magical kingdm t what is nw knwn as the Fairy Trail.
    “She thught this was a(n) ___28___ way f getting little children like her sn int nature, ___29___ them t use their imaginatins and creativity,” said Beth Kelly, anther trail keeper.
    Ojibway and her sn mved ut f the area a few years ag, but the Fairy Trail ____30____. Guld and Kelly were ____31____ asked t becme the “Makers and Keepers” f the trail. The wmen, alng with ____32____, cntinue t help build little wden hmes fr kids with special needs.
    “T give these kids ____33____ huses t live in mst f the hmes are made ut f natural elements that can then ____34____ back int the frest. We get ____35____ when we see the children cme here and the kingdm make their day.”
    A. curtsB. cttagesC. wdsD. galleries
    A. bviuslyB. temprarilyC. therwiseD. indeed
    A. liftB. deliverC. mveD. add
    A. explreB. designC. harvestD. recmmend
    A. luxuryB. sweetC. ddD. serius
    A. restratinB. cllapseC. appearanceD. attack
    A. permittedB. preparedC. appintedD. preferred
    A. accurateB. visualC. traditinalD. fantastic
    A. frcingB. stimulatingC. persuadingD. urging
    A. functinsB. survivesC. remainsD. varies
    A. fficiallyB. previuslyC. unluckilyD. illegally
    A. investrsB. cnsultantsC. instructrsD. vlunteers
    A. remteB. secureC. permanentD. firm
    A. shw upB. catch nC. break dwnD. cme ver
    A. rewardedB. cheatedC. defeatedD. supprted
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Fusng Cunty in nrtheast China’s Jilin Prvince was abuzz (热闹) with activities last winter, ___36___ (especial) when the Wrld Rbt Cntest Finals 2023 were held there. The finals attracted ver 5,000 yungsters frm acrss the cuntry wh cmpeted fiercely with their self-designed rbts.
    “We need t cmpete in assembling, prgramming and peratin. I believe that maintaining a resilient mindset is the key t ___37___(win) ut,” said Yu Yiyang, wh is a fifth grader frm Shanghai and has a prfund passin ___38___ rbts. Yu said that frm rbtics class, he acquired knwledge beynd ___39___(cnventin) textbks, refining his practical skills and fstering innvative thinking.
    Many f the cntestants ___40___(educate) in rbt prgramming befre participating in the rbt cntests. Their skills, mental strength and the sense f teamwrk imprved a lt as a result f their ___41___(expse) t such cmpetitins.
    The yung cntestants, frm varius places and with diverse ___42___(backgrund), ffered a glimpse f the ppularity f rbtics educatin amng Chinese students. Fr many, ___43___ they learn rbt prgramme and participate in rbt cntests ffers pprtunities ___44___(sharpen) their cgnitive abilities and their skills. The cntests als serve as ____45____ effective means t bst their spirit f teamwrk.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校交换生Edward在校英文网站上发帖寻找寄宿家庭(hst family)以更好地融入中国的生活。在与家人商量后,你家有意向申请成为他的寄宿家庭,请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 你家优势;
    3. 你的期望。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Edward,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Grwing up in a castal twn in San Francisc, Christian had a special lve fr the cean and its creatures. He had always fund jy in the rhythmic tides and the cean waves against the shre. The salty wind and the cries f the seagulls (海鸥) had been like a cmfrting sng t him during his childhd.
    Hwever, all these changed ver the years. Every time he wandered alng the familiar stretch f sand, his heart sank. The nce charming beach was nw littered with plastic bags, bttles and ther wastes, a distinctive cntrast t the natural beauty that had always absrbed him.
    The sight was a painful reminder f the harm the lcals were bringing t the very land where he was grwing up. Christian felt a deep sense f lss and respnsibility. Previusly, he had seen the news reprts abut the severe effects f plastic pllutin n the ceans, and the images f sea creatures stuck in plastic wastes haunted (萦绕于脑际) him.
    Determined t make a change, Christian decided t take actin. He knew he culdn’t slve this prblem alne, but he culd start smething that might grw int a pwerful mvement. With the passin and belief f a yung man wh lved his cean and his land deeply, he funded an rganizatin called Waves f Change. The early days presented challenges in calling n vlunteers.
    He began by reaching ut t the students in his schl. He shared the shcking reality f the plluted beaches and the urgent need t reduce plastic litter. T his delight, gradually mre and mre schlmates started shwing interest in the rganizatin and many were eager t jin in the cause. They were all t familiar with the beauty f the cean and were equally saddened by the damage they had witnessed. As high schl students, Christian and ther members prperly allcates (分配) time t balance the cause and their academic wrk.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Tgether, Christian and ther members did a lt f things in their free time.
    Their effrts finally paid ff.
    听力1—5 ACCBB 6—10 AABCC 11—15 BACBA 16—20 ACCAB
    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What des the man mean?
    A. He accepts the invitatin. B. He desn’t like dancing. C. He is a pr dancer.
    2 What is the wman ding?
    A. Returning a dress. B. Paying fr a dress. C. Trying n dresses.
    3. What time is the man’s appintment?
    A. 2:15 p. m. B. 2:30 p. m. C. 2:45 p. m.
    4. Wh will prbably lk after the baby tday?
    A. The man. B. Lucy. C. The wman.
    5. What des the man want t have?
    A. Chicken. B. Tea. C. Sup.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Why was the man bred all day?
    A. He had n custmers.
    B. The custmers were bring.
    C. There were t many custmers.
    7. Hw wuld the man spend the evening?
    A. By staying at hme t relax.
    B. By seeing an exciting film.
    C. By serving the custmers.
    8. What will the speakers have this week?
    A. Japanese fd. B. Chinese fd. C. Thai fd.
    9. When will the speakers get tgether?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
    10. Why des the man ask the girl t g t bed?
    A. She will take a test tmrrw.
    B. They will have a hliday tmrrw.
    C. She will attend schl tmrrw mrning.
    11. Which subject des the girl need t imprve?
    A. English. B. Math. C. Histry.
    12. What will the girl d next?
    A. G t sleep. B. Get her textbk. C. Play vide games.
    13. Hw des the man get t the wman’s huse?
    A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On ft.
    14. What is the wman having truble with?
    A. Singing sngs. B. Learning Chinese. C. Sleeping at night.
    15. Hw des the wman feel abut the man’s suggestin?
    A. She is willing t try it.
    B. She thinks it’s a waste f time.
    C. She’s nt sure she’ll be able t make prgress.
    16. What did the man d yesterday?
    A. He dwnladed a sng.
    B. He discvered a new website.
    C. He used his phne fr directins.
    17. Hw lng is the lecture abut ants?
    A. 30 minutes. B. 45 minutes. C. 60 minutes.
    18. Where is the dcumentary The Secret Life f Birds n shw?
    A. In Theater A. B. In Theater B. C. In Theater C.
    19. What will the listeners d at 2:30 p. m.?
    A. Gather in the Exhibitin Rm.
    B. Visit Insect Huse.
    C. See a film.
    20. Wh will hst the event Encuraging Garden Wildlife?
    A. David Crcker. B. Mnica Chaddha. C. The speaker.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Wrld’s Best Spicy Fds
    When it cmes t the wrld’s best spicy dishes, we have sme f the wrld’s httest peppers t thank. The fllwing spicy dishes frm arund the wrld bring the heat in the mst delicius way.
    Piri piri chicken, Mzambique
    The Prtuguese intrduced this spicy dish int Mzambique as far back as the 15th century, when they mixed African peppers with Eurpean ingredients. And it’s the red pepper that brings the spiciness t this cmplex, layered and delicius dish. The dish is als ppular in Namibia and Suth Africa.
    Sichuan ht pt, China
    The jy f this dish is nt nly the delightful warming ingredients f the Sichuan peppercrns, but the fact that yu can ck exactly what yu like in the spicy sup. Duck, seafd, chicken, prk, lamb and seasnal vegetables are all fair game fr thrwing int the pt t bil in a sup made with Sichuan peppercrns and dried Sichuan peppers.
    Sm tam, Thailand
    Frm nrtheastern Thailand, this fresh and spicy salad is a main dish at Thai restaurants arund the wrld. Sm tam turns t green papaya(木瓜) fr its main ingredient. The papaya is then put with lng beans r green beans and a mix f flavrful Asian essentials that include dried shrimp(虾) and fish sauce amng ther ingredients. Thai peppers give the salad its necessary kick.
    Aguachile, Mexic
    This raw marinated(腌制) shrimp dish frm the western Mexic tastes as gd as it lks. Tiny but pwerful peppers, grwn thrughut Mexic, make the spicy magic happen in the aguachile, which means “pepper water” . Marinate the raw shrimp with ingredients including lime(酸橙) juice, red nin and cucumber and enjy with fried crn pancakes.
    1. Hw des piri piri chicken differ frm the ther three fds?
    A. It ges with vegetables.B. It uses a variety f ingredients.
    C. It is flavred with red peppers.D. It riginated in anther cuntry.
    2. Which dish gives yu the freedm t chse the main ingredients?
    A. Piri piri chicken, Mzambique.B. Sichuan ht pt, China.
    C. Sm tam, Thailand.D. Aguachile, Mexic.
    3. What d sm tam and aguachile have in cmmn?
    A. They are raw fds.B. They have a lng histry.
    C. They are served with pancakes.D. Shrimp is their main ingredient.
    【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A
    细节理解题。根据“Piri piri chicken, Mzambique”下面的“The Prtuguese intrduced this spicy dish int Mzambique as far back as the 15th century, when they mixed African peppers with Eurpean ingredients.(早在15世纪,葡萄牙人就将这种辣菜引入莫桑比克,当时他们将非洲辣椒与欧洲食材混合在一起。)”、“Sichuan ht pt, China”下面的“The jy f this dish is nt nly the delightful warming ingredients f the Sichuan peppercrns, but the fact that yu can ck exactly what yu like in the spicy sup.(这道菜的乐趣不仅在于四川胡椒令人愉快的温暖食材,还在于你可以在辣汤中煮你喜欢的东西。)”、“Sm tam, Thailand”下面的“Frm nrtheastern Thailand, this fresh and spicy salad is a main dish at Thai restaurants arund the wrld.(这道来自泰国东北部的新鲜麻辣沙拉是世界各地泰国餐馆的主菜。)”、“Aguachile, Mexic”下面的“This raw marinated(腌制) shrimp dish frm the western Mexic tastes as gd as it lks.(这道来自墨西哥西部的生腌虾味道和它看起来一样好。)”可知,piri piri chicken是葡萄牙人引入莫桑比克的,Sichuan ht pt起源于中国四川,sm tam起源于泰国,aguachile起源于墨西哥。由此可知,piri piri chicken与其他三种食物的不同之处在于它起源于另一个国家。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Sichuan ht pt, China”下面的“The jy f this dish is nt nly the delightful warming ingredients f the Sichuan peppercrns, but the fact that yu can ck exactly what yu like in the spicy sup. Duck, seafd, chicken, prk, lamb and seasnal vegetables are all fair game fr thrwing int the pt t bil in a sup made with Sichuan peppercrns and dried Sichuan peppers.(这道菜的乐趣不仅在于四川胡椒令人愉快的温暖食材,还在于你可以在辣汤中煮你喜欢的东西。鸭肉、海鲜、鸡肉、猪肉、羊肉和时令蔬菜都是不错的选择,可以放入有四川胡椒以及干辣椒汤的锅煮。)”可知,吃四川火锅时可以选择你喜欢的食材。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Sm tam, Thailand”下面的“Frm nrtheastern Thailand, this fresh and spicy salad is a main dish at Thai restaurants arund the wrld.(这道来自泰国东北部的新鲜麻辣沙拉是世界各地泰国餐馆的主菜。)”和“Aguachile, Mexic”下面的“This raw marinated(腌制) shrimp dish frm the western Mexic tastes as gd as it lks.(这道来自墨西哥西部的生腌虾味道和它看起来一样好。)”可知,sm tam和aguachile都是不用烹煮的菜肴。故选A。
    Thmas was a well-knwn wise man. One day, he wandered in a beautiful small twn. Because f his fame, peple frm nearby twns wh heard f his arrival all came t visit and seek his advice.
    Many wh came sught help with difficulties in daily life, and Thmas, unable t bear turning them away, patiently ffered suggestins. Wrd spread quickly, and mre and mre peple came t see Thmas fr guidance.
    One day, dzens f peple crwded utside Thmas’s dr, all clamring (大声地要求) that their prblems were the mst serius and urgent, each insisting that Thmas address their cncerns first, with n ne willing t yield (让步).
    After a mment f thught, Thmas tk ut sme paper and a pen and said, “I can’t hear clearly with everyne talking at nce. Hw abut everyne write dwn yur prblem n a piece f paper and place it in this basket beside me?”
    Once everyne had placed their ntes in the basket, Thmas shk the basket and said, “Please each take a piece f paper frm the basket and read what it says.”
    As everyne read a nte frm smene else, they all realized that indeed, each persn has their wn trubles, and every husehld has its wn challenges. Then Thmas spke up, “Nw, whse prblem is the mst urgent t slve?” Hearing that questin, n ne spke again, because nw n ne dared t claim that their prblem was the mst severe.
    Often, we are bund by ur immediate feelings. When difficulties and prblems strike, it feels as thugh we are caught in a vrtex f pain. But if we shift ur fcus frm urselves and lk twards thers, we might discver that the prblems we face are nt s significant. Perhaps thers are the nes wh need help mre urgently, r maybe there is smething within ur pwer that we can d fr them.
    4. Why did peple visit Thmas?
    A. Fr advice.B. Fr a meeting.
    C. Fr a cmpetitin.D. Fr intrductins.
    5. Hw did Thmas handle the crwd?
    A. He ignred them.B. He listened t each ne individually.
    C. He priritized the prblems himself.D. He asked them t write dwn their prblems.
    6. What did reading thers’ prblems shw t the peple?
    A. The cmplexity f their difficulties.B. The similarity f their situatins.
    C. Their need fr mre advice.D. Their living cnditins.
    7. What lessn did Thmas teach?
    A. Cmpetitin.B. Sympathy.C. Priritizatin.D. Self-cnfidence.
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Because f his fame, peple frm nearby twns wh heard f his arrival all came t visit and seek his advice.(由于他的名声,附近城镇的人听说他来了,都来拜访他,征求他的意见。)”可知,人们拜访托马斯是为了寻求建议。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Hw abut everyne write dwn yur prblem n a piece f paper and place it in this basket beside me?(大家把你们的问题写在一张纸上,放在我身边的篮子里,怎么样?)”可知,托马斯通过让他们写下他们的问题来应付他们。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“As everyne read a nte frm smene else, they all realized that indeed, each persn has their wn trubles, and every husehld has its wn challenges.(当每个人读到别人的纸条时,他们都意识到,确实,每个人都有自己的烦恼,每个家庭都有自己的挑战。)”可知,阅读别人的问题让他们意识到他们的处境相似。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Perhaps thers are the nes wh need help mre urgently, r maybe there is smething within ur pwer that we can d fr them.(也许其他人更迫切需要帮助,或者我们可以为他们做一些力所能及的事情。)”可知,托马斯通过让大家写下自己的问题并阅读别人的问题让大家知道,要对其他人抱有同情心。故选B。
    A study fllwing nearly 30,000 lder adults fr mre than 10 years has fund six key healthy lifestyle factrs can significantly reduce memry lss and thse adults engaging in between fur and six f the healthy lifestyle behavirs culd dramatically reduce their risks f develping dementia (痴呆), even when carrying genes that increase their risks f Alzheimer’s disease.
    “Six healthy lifestyle aspects were assessed: a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, active scial cntact, active cgnitive (认知的) activity, never smking, and never drinking alchl,” the researchers explained in the new study. Participants were classified (分类) int the favrable grup if they had fur t six healthy lifestyle factrs, int the average grup fr tw t three factrs, and int the unfavrable grup fr zer t ne factr.
    The study fund that peple with fur t six healthy habits had a much slwer lss f memry than thse with fewer healthy habits. Peple with these gd habits were als much less likely t get dementia than thse with ne r n healthy habits. Thse wh had tw r three gd habits were 30% less likely t get dementia.
    The study didn’t figure ut which f the six healthy habits is the best fr stpping dementia r which cmbinatin is the best. Hwever, the infrmatin did shw that eating healthy seemed t help prevent memry lss the mst, with brain exercise and regular physical exercise als very helpful.
    Abut 20% f the peple in the study had a gene that makes Alzheimer’s disease mre likely. Even s, having several gd health habits helped slw dwn memry lss. This shws that changing hw we live can really help.
    Even thugh each health habit helped in a different way, verall, the study fund that peple with mre gd health habits had much less memry lss than thse with fewer gd habits. This suggests that the chices we make in hw we live can help prtect ur memry. The study adds t the evidence that we might be able t change ur risk f memry lss.
    8. What were the grups categrized based n?
    A. The participants’ age.B. What hbbies the participants gt rid f.
    C. The healthy lifestyles the participants had.D. What the participants’ attitudes t factrs were.
    9. What can we infer frm paragraph 3?
    A. The favrable grup was happier than the ther tw.
    B. Mre healthy lifestyles were f mre benefit t health.
    C. Healthy habits had little impact n memry r dementia.
    D. Peple with a healthy diet wuldn’t suffer a lss f memry.
    10. Which plays the secnd greatest rle in reducing memry lss?
    A. A healthy diet.B. Active scial cntact.
    C. Active cgnitive activities.D. Never drinking alchl.
    11. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Healthy Lifestyles Slwing Memry LssB. A Study Making A Great Breakthrugh
    C. A Healthy Diet Being The Best LifestyleD. Old Adults Suffering Frm Health Prblems
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. C 11. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“A study fllwing nearly 30,000 lder adults fr mre than 10 years has fund six key healthy lifestyle factrs can significantly reduce memry lss and thse adults engaging in between fur and six f the healthy lifestyle behavirs culd dramatically reduce their risks f develping dementia (痴呆), even when carrying genes that increase their risks f Alzheimer’s disease.(一项对近3万名老年人进行了10多年跟踪调查的研究发现,六种关键的健康生活方式因素可以显著减少记忆丧失,那些拥有四到六种健康生活方式行为的成年人可以显著降低患痴呆症的风险,即使他们携带有增加患阿尔茨海默病风险的基因)”可知,分类的依据是参与者的健康生活方式。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“The study fund that peple with fur t six healthy habits had a much slwer lss f memry than thse with fewer healthy habits. Peple with these gd habits were als much less likely t get dementia than thse with ne r n healthy habits. Thse wh had tw r three gd habits were 30% less likely t get dementia.(研究发现,拥有四到六个健康习惯的人比那些没有健康习惯的人记忆力衰退的速度要慢得多。拥有这些好习惯的人也比那些只有一个或没有健康习惯的人更不容易患痴呆症。那些有两到三个好习惯的人患痴呆症的可能性要低30%)”可知,更健康的生活方式对健康更有益。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“The study didn’t figure ut which f the six health y habits is the best fr stpping dementia r which cmbinatin is the best. Hwever, the infrmatin did shw that eating healthy seemed t help prevent memry lss the mst, with brain exercise and regular physical exercise als very helpful.(这项研究并没有弄清楚这六种健康习惯中哪一种对预防痴呆症最好,或者哪种组合最好。然而,这些信息确实表明,健康饮食似乎最有助于防止记忆丧失,大脑锻炼和定期体育锻炼也很有帮助)”可知,在减少记忆丧失方面起着第二重要的作用是大脑锻炼和定期体育锻炼,也就是积极的认知活动。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“A study fllwing nearly 30,000 lder adults fr mre than 10 years has fund six key healthy lifestyle factrs can significantly reduce memry lss and thse adults engaging in between fur and six f the healthy lifestyle behavirs culd dramatically reduce their risks f develping dementia (痴呆), even when carrying genes that increase their risks f Alzheimer’s disease.(一项对近3万名老年人进行了10多年跟踪调查的研究发现,六种关键的健康生活方式因素可以显著减少记忆丧失,那些拥有四到六种健康生活方式行为的成年人可以显著降低患痴呆症的风险,即使他们携带有增加患阿尔茨海默病风险的基因)”以及纵观全文可知,本文主要讲述了健康的生活方式对老年人记忆力减退和痴呆风险的影响,所以A项“Healthy Lifestyles Slwing Memry Lss(健康的生活方式减缓记忆丧失)”是本文最好的标题。故选A项。
    T prduce the classic clthing, blue jeans, prducers rely n indig dye (靛蓝染料), the nly mlecule knwn t prvide jeans’ unique, belved clr. While indig itself naturally cmes frm a plant, grwing demand fr blue jeans thrughut the 20th century gave rise t synthetic (合成的) indig, which is nw mre cmmnly used.
    Indig is the dye that makes jeans blue, but it desn’t mix with water. T dye clthes, usually, chemicals are needed t make the clr stick t the clth. But in Denmark, scientists have created a new way t dye clthes using an enzyme (酶), which is a kind f prtein that can cause chemical reactins, instead f harmful chemicals. This new methd is better fr the envirnment and desn’t use pisnus stuff.
    The chemical prcess fr dyeing blue jeans has persisted fr the last century. Wrkers are expsed t the pisnus chemicals, which als pllute the envirnment near factries. Waste water frm thse factries ften ends up in waterways, decimating lcal ecsystems and even dyeing rivers blue.
    Ditte Hededam Welner, the study’s lead researcher, says their new enzyme wrks really well and is strng enugh fr making lts f jeans withut breaking dwn. This enzyme makes dyeing with indican, which is like indig, much less harmful t the planet — abut 92% better than the ld way.
    Hwever, the new methd desn’t fix all the envirnmental prblems f making jeans. Making a single pair f jeans uses a lt f water — enugh t fill many bathtubs — frm grwing the cttn t putting the final tuches n the jeans.
    Even thugh the new dyeing prcess is better fr the envirnment, it’s nt always easy r cheap t change t it. Welner’s team isn’t sure if jeans cmpanies will find it easy r affrdable t switch t this methd. It csts a little bit mre — just seven cents extra per pair f jeans — t use the enzyme fr dyeing. But Welner believes it’s wrth it because it’s much better fr the envirnment.
    12. Why was synthetic indig created in the 20th century?
    A. It made jeans’ clr unique.B. It was easy t dye clth with it.
    C. Peple liked jeans made frm it.D. Peple were in greater need f jeans.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “decimating” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Trubling.B. Entering.C. Destrying.D. Defeating.
    14. Which is an advantage f the new methd?
    A. The clur is mre beautiful than the synthetic indig.
    B. The market can keep stable gds supplies.
    C. Enzyme facilitates the advance f science.
    D. The dye is mre envirnmentally friendly.
    15. What makes Welner wrried abut the new methd?
    A. Prductin csts.B. Envirnmental benefits.
    C. Water cnsumptin.D. Labrer shrtage.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. D 15. A
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“While indig itself naturally cmes frm a plant, grwing demand fr blue jeans thrughut the 20th century gave rise t synthetic(合成的) indig, which is nw mre cmmnly used.”(虽然靛蓝本身来自天然植物,但在整个20世纪,人们对蓝色牛仔裤的需求不断增长,于是现在更常使用的合成靛蓝应运而生)可知,20世纪,由于人们对牛仔裤的需求增加,才有了合成靛蓝。故选D。
    词义猜测题。根据文章第三段画线词前的“pllute the envirnment near factries”(污染工厂附近的环境)和“Waste water frm thse factries ften ends up in waterways”(那些工厂排出的废水经常流入水道)以及画线词后的“even dyeing rivers blue”(甚至将河流染成蓝色)可知,工厂的废水经常流入水道的后果是破坏当地的生态系统,即“decimating lcal ecsystems”。所以,decimating在这里的意思是“破坏”。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“This enzyme makes dyeing with indican, which is like indig, much less harmful t the planet—abut 92% better than the ld way.”(这种酶可以用类似靛蓝的籼稻染色,对地球的危害要小得多——比旧方法好92%左右)可知,新方法使用酶替代有害化学品染色,对环境更友好,减少了对地球的伤害。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“Even thugh the new dyeing prcess is better fr the envirnment, it’s nt always easy r cheap t change t it. Welner’s team isn’t sure if jeans cmpanies will find it easy r affrdable t switch t this methd. It csts a little bit mre—just seven cents extra per pair f jeans—t use the enzyme fr dyeing.”(尽管新的染色工艺对环境更好,但改变它并不总是容易或便宜的。Welner的团队不确定牛仔裤公司是否会觉得改用这种方法容易或负担得起。使用这种酶染色,每条牛仔裤要多花7美分)可知,新方法的成本略高,每条牛仔裤增加了7美分的成本,这使得Welner担心牛仔裤公司是否愿意或能够承担这种方法的成本。所以,Welner担心的是新方法的生产成本。故选A。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Pickleball (匹克球) is like a cmbinatin f ping-png and tennis, and attracts many beginners. ___16___ Here are sme pinters n aviding injuries.
    ___17___ Ding sme types f exercise preparatin befrehand makes a big difference t prevent injuries. After that, d sme arm circles and shulder rtatins (旋转). Hld yur arm s straight ut frm yur sides and rtate them in small circles, and then gradually make bigger circles befre rtating in the ppsite directin. Finish with sme leg swings. Stand next t a wall fr supprt, and then swing ne leg back and frth, then side t side. ___18___
    T build crdinatin (协调) abut 15 minutes shuld be taken t d a few drills. Stand with yur feet shulder-width apart. and then quickly mve side t side. ___19___ Crss ne leg in frnt f the ther. Then quickly mve yur back leg ut frm behind the frnt leg t return t the psitin yu started in. Keep mving side-t-side, crssing and uncrssing yur legs in this way.
    Chse the right gear (装备), t, including a paddle that is apprpriate fr yur strength level. Yu may need different shes fr utdr and indr play. ___20___ Prtect yurself frm the sun with sunglasses, pssibly with a string r silk tape that helps keep them in place, and sunscreen f SPF 50 r higher.
    A. Firstly, assess yur fitness level.
    B. Repeat thse steps with yur ther leg.
    C. It’s quickly becming a sprt f chice fr adults.
    D. Have extra scks n hand t help prevent ft injuries.
    E. When getting started, remember t d warm-up exercises.
    F. Fr the crss-step drill, put yur feet shulder-width apart.
    G. With its wild ppularity, pickleball-related injuries are grwing.
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. B 19. F 20. D
    根据上文“Pickleball (匹克球) is like a cmbinatin f ping-png and tennis, and attracts many beginners.( 匹克球就像乒乓球和网球的结合体,吸引了许多初学者)”以及后文“Here are sme pinters n aviding injuries. (这里有一些避免受伤的建议)”可知,后文给出了避免受伤的建议,说明匹克球会导致受伤。故G选项“随着它的疯狂流行,与匹克球有关的伤害正在增加”符合语境,故选G。
    根据后文“Ding sme types f exercise preparatin befrehand makes a big difference t prevent injuries.(事先做一些运动准备对防止受伤有很大的帮助)”可知,本段主要是建议在运动前要做好准备,即热身。故E选项“当开始时,记得做热身运动”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“Finish with sme leg swings. Stand next t a wall fr supprt, and then swing ne leg back and frth, then side t side.(最后摆动一下腿。站在墙边支撑,然后前后摆动一条腿,然后左右摆动)”可知,上文提到了一条腿摆动,可知本句是在说明换一条腿进行摆动来热身。故B选项“换另一条腿重复这些步骤”符合语境,故选B。
    根据上文“T build crdinatin (协调), abut 15 minutes shuld be taken t d a few drills. Stand with yur feet shulder-width apart. and then quickly mve side t side.(为了建立协调性,应该花大约15分钟做一些练习。双脚分开与肩同宽站立。然后快速地左右移动)”以及后文“Crss ne leg in frnt f the ther. Then quickly mve yur back leg ut frm behind the frnt leg t return t the psitin yu started in. Keep mving side-t-side, crssing and uncrssing yur legs in this way.(一条腿在另一条腿前面交叉。然后快速将你的后腿从前腿后面移出,回到你开始的位置。保持左右移动,像这样交叉和松开双腿)”可知,本段主要介绍了协调性的一些运动,F选项中shulder-width对应上文shulder-width。故F选项“做跨步练习时,双脚分开与肩同宽”符合语境,故选F。
    根据上文“Chse the right gear (装备), t, including a paddle that is apprpriate fr yur strength level. Yu may need different shes fr utdr and indr play.(选择合适的装备,包括一个适合你力量水平的球拍。你可能需要不同的鞋子在室外和室内比赛)”以及下文“Prtect yurself frm the sun with sunglasses, pssibly with a string r silk tape that helps keep them in place, and sunscreen f SPF 50 r higher. (戴上太阳镜保护自己免受阳光的伤害,最好是用一根绳子或丝带来帮助固定它们,并使用SPF 50或更高的防晒霜)”可知,本段主要介绍了如何选择合适的装备,设空处应填与穿着相关的装备。故D选项“手边多备一双袜子,防止脚部受伤”符合语境,故选D。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    If yu walk arund the Rahway Trail in the Suth Muntain Reservatin f Millburn, New Jersey, yu might spt mre than vegetatin and creatures. Small fantastic ___21___ are hidden in the tree trunks and branches — an amazingly lvely sight in this ___22___ nrmal-lking frest nwadays. The idea t ___23___ small wden huses t the landscape came frm Therese Ojibway, wh 10 years ag wanted her sn, wh has autism (自闭症), t have a safe space t ___24___ in the wilderness.
    “S she fund Rahway Trail and started cnstructing the huses and leaving ___25___ decratins here and there fr her sn,” said Julie Guld, ne f the keepers f the trail.
    The Suth Muntain Cnservancy later nticed the sudden ___26___ f little huses arund the frest. Learning Ojibway’s stry, they ___27___ her t cntinue building her magical kingdm t what is nw knwn as the Fairy Trail.
    “She thught this was a(n) ___28___ way f getting little children like her sn int nature, ___29___ them t use their imaginatins and creativity,” said Beth Kelly, anther trail keeper.
    Ojibway and her sn mved ut f the area a few years ag, but the Fairy Trail ____30____. Guld and Kelly were ____31____ asked t becme the “Makers and Keepers” f the trail. The wmen, alng with ____32____, cntinue t help build little wden hmes fr kids with special needs.
    “T give these kids ____33____ huses t live in, mst f the hmes are made ut f natural elements that can then ____34____ back int the frest. We get ____35____ when we see the children cme here and the kingdm make their day.”
    A. curtsB. cttagesC. wdsD. galleries
    A. bviuslyB. temprarilyC. therwiseD. indeed
    A. liftB. deliverC. mveD. add
    A. explreB. designC. harvestD. recmmend
    A. luxuryB. sweetC. ddD. serius
    A. restratinB. cllapseC. appearanceD. attack
    A. permittedB. preparedC. appintedD. preferred
    A. accurateB. visualC. traditinalD. fantastic
    A. frcingB. stimulatingC. persuadingD. urging
    A. functinsB. survivesC. remainsD. varies
    A. fficiallyB. previuslyC. unluckilyD. illegally
    A. investrsB. cnsultantsC. instructrsD. vlunteers
    A. remteB. secureC. permanentD. firm
    A. shw upB. catch nC. break dwnD. cme ver
    A. rewardedB. cheatedC. defeatedD. supprted
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. A
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了新泽西州米尔本Rahway小径上令人惊奇的小木屋的由来,这些小木屋最初是由Therese Ojibway建造的,她希望为患有自闭症的儿子提供一个安全的探索空间,虽然Ojibway和她的儿子已经搬走,但这些小木屋仍然存在,小径的管理员和志愿者们继续帮助有特殊需要的孩子们建造这些小木屋。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:树干和树枝间隐藏着许多奇妙的小木屋——这是今天这片森林中令人惊奇的可爱景象,否则它们看起来很普通。A. curts法院;B. cttages小屋;C. wds树林;D. galleries画廊。根据下文“small wden huses”可知,树干和树枝间隐藏着许多奇妙的小木屋。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:树干和树枝间隐藏着许多奇妙的小木屋——这是今天这片森林中令人惊奇的可爱景象,否则它们看起来很普通。A. bviusly显然地;B. temprarily暂时地;C. therwise否则;D. indeed的确。根据上文“an amazingly lvely sight”和下文“nrmal-lking frest”可推知,如果没有这些令人惊奇的可爱景象的话,这片森林会看起来很普通,应用therwise表示一种相反的假设。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在景观中添加小木屋的想法来自Therese Ojibway,她10年前希望她患有自闭症的儿子在荒野中有一个安全的探索空间。A. lift提起;B. deliver递送;C. mve移动;D. add添加。根据下文“S she fund Rahway Trail and started cnstructing the huses”可知,她在这里建造房子,因此是在景观中添加小木屋。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在景观中添加小木屋的想法来自Therese Ojibway,她10年前希望她患有自闭症的儿子在荒野中有一个安全的探索空间。A. explre探索;B. design设计;C. harvest收获;D. recmmend推荐。根据上文“wh has autism (自闭症)”和下文“in the wilderness”可推知,Ojibway是想让她患有自闭症的儿子在荒野中有一个安全的探索空间。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“所以她找到了Rahway小径,开始建造房子,到处给儿子留下惹人喜爱的装饰品,”小径的管理员之一Julie Guld说。A. luxury奢侈的;B. sweet惹人喜爱的;C. dd奇怪的;D. serius严重的。根据上文“an amazingly lvely sight”可知,这些木屋是森林中令人惊奇的可爱景象,因此是惹人喜爱的装饰品。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:南山保护协会后来注意到森林周围突然出现了小房子。A. restratin恢复;B. cllapse崩溃;C. appearance出现;D. attack攻击。根据上文“S she fund Rahway Trail and started cnstructing the huses”可知,Ojibway在这里建造房子,因此是注意到森林周围突然出现了小房子。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在了解了Ojibway的故事后,他们允许她继续建造她的魔法王国,也就是现在被称为“童话之路”的地方。A. permitted允许;B. prepared准备;C. appinted指定;D. preferred更喜欢。根据上文“The Suth Muntain Cnservancy later nticed the sudden ___6___ f little huses arund the frest.”和“Learning Ojibway’s stry”可知,南山保护协会先是注意到这些小房子,然后去了解了Ojibway的故事,由此推知,他们后来允许她继续建造这些小房子。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“她认为这是一种让像她儿子这样的孩子进入大自然的绝佳方式,可以激发他们的想象力和创造力,”另一位小径管理员Beth Kelly说。A. accurate准确的;B. visual视觉的;C. traditinal传统的;D. fantastic极好的。根据上文叙述的Ojibway为自己的儿子建造小房子,以及下文“way f getting little children like her sn int nature”可推知,她这样做是因为她认为这种方式很好,可以让像她儿子这样的孩子进入大自然。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“她认为这是一种让像她儿子这样的孩子进入大自然的绝佳方式,可以激发他们的想象力和创造力,”另一位小径管理员Beth Kelly说。A. frcing强迫;B. stimulating激发;C. persuading说服;D. urging劝告。根据Ojibway的儿子患有自闭症,以及下文“them t use their imaginatins and creativity”可推知,这样的方式可以激发他们的想象力和创造力。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Ojibway和她的儿子几年前搬出了这个地区,但童话之路保留了下来。A. functins运转;B. survives存活;C. remains保留;D. varies变化。根据上文“Ojibway and her sn mved ut f the area a few years ag”和表示转折的“but”可推知,虽然Ojibway和她的儿子几年前搬出了这个地区,但是这条路保留了下来。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:Guld和Kelly被正式邀请成为这条小径的“创造者和守护者”。A. fficially正式地;B. previusly以前;C. unluckily不幸地;D. illegally非法地。根据上文叙述的Ojibway先是自己建造小房子,后来得到当地协会的同意,再后来离开了,以及下文“asked t becme the “Makers and Keepers” f the trail”可推知,这两人是被正式邀请成为“创造者和守护者”,从私人身份变成了官方身份。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些妇女和志愿者们继续帮助有特殊需要的孩子们建造小木屋。A. investrs投资者;B. cnsultants顾问;C. instructrs教练;D. vlunteers志愿者。根据下文“cntinue t help build little wden hmes fr kids with special needs”可推知,继续帮助有特殊需要的孩子们建造小木屋的工作应该是由这些妇女和志愿者们负责。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:为了给这些孩子提供安全的住所,大多数房屋都是由自然元素制成的,然后可以分解回森林中。A. remte遥远的;B. secure安全的;C. permanent永久的;D. firm坚定的。根据下文“mst f the hmes are made ut f natural elements that can then ___14___ back int the frest.”可知,大多数房屋都是由自然元素制成的,最终会回到森林中,因此是安全无害的住所。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:为了给这些孩子提供安全的住所,大多数房屋都是由自然元素制成的,然后可以分解回森林中。A. shw up出现;B. catch n理解;C. break dwn分解;D. cme ver拜访。根据上文“mst f the hmes are made ut f natural elements”可知,大多数房屋都是由自然元素制成的,再结合下文“back int the frest”可知,它们应该是可以分解回森林中。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们看到孩子们来到这里,看到王国让他们开心时,我们得到了回报。A. rewarded回报;B. cheated欺骗;C. defeated打败;D. supprted支持。根据下文“when we see the children cme here and the kingdm make their day”可推知,看到这个王国让孩子们开心,会让这些创造者和守护者觉得自己的工作得到了回报。故选A。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Fusng Cunty in nrtheast China’s Jilin Prvince was abuzz (热闹) with activities last winter, ___36___ (especial) when the Wrld Rbt Cntest Finals 2023 were held there. The finals attracted ver 5,000 yungsters frm acrss the cuntry wh cmpeted fiercely with their self-designed rbts.
    “We need t cmpete in assembling, prgramming and peratin. I believe that maintaining a resilient mindset is the key t ___37___(win) ut,” said Yu Yiyang, wh is a fifth grader frm Shanghai and has a prfund passin ___38___ rbts. Yu said that frm rbtics class, he acquired knwledge beynd ___39___(cnventin) textbks, refining his practical skills and fstering innvative thinking.
    Many f the cntestants ___40___(educate) in rbt prgramming befre participating in the rbt cntests. Their skills, mental strength and the sense f teamwrk imprved a lt as a result f their ___41___(expse) t such cmpetitins.
    The yung cntestants, frm varius places and with diverse ___42___(backgrund), ffered a glimpse f the ppularity f rbtics educatin amng Chinese students. Fr many, ___43___ they learn rbt prgramme and participate in rbt cntests ffers pprtunities ___44___(sharpen) their cgnitive abilities and their skills. The cntests als serve as ____45____ effective means t bst their spirit f teamwrk.
    【答案】36. especially
    37. winning
    38 fr 39. cnventinal
    40. had been educated
    41. expsure
    42. backgrunds
    43. that 44. t sharpen
    45. an
    考查动名词。句意:来自上海的五年级学生Yu Yiyang说:“我们需要在装配、编程和运营方面进行竞争。我相信保持坚韧的心态是获胜的关键。”他对机器人有着深厚的热情。the key t意为“……的关键”,其中t是介词,其后跟动名词winning作宾语,故填winning。
    考查介词。句意:来自上海的五年级学生Yu Yiyang说:“我们需要在装配、编程和运营方面进行竞争。我相信保持坚韧的心态是获胜的关键。”他对机器人有着深厚的热情。have a prfund passin fr是固定短语,意为“对……有着深厚的热情”,因此空格处是介词fr,故填fr。
    考查时态和被动语态。句意:许多参赛者在参加机器人比赛之前都接受过机器人编程方面的教育。由“befre participating in the rbt cntests”可知,空格处用过去完成时表示在过去的一个时间点之前已经完成的动作,参赛者是被教育,因此空格处是过去完成时的被动语态,故填had been educated。
    考查主语从句。句意:对许多人来说,学习机器人程序和参加机器人比赛为他们提供了提高认知能力和技能的机会。“they learn rbt prgramme and participate in rbt cntests”是主语从句,从句中不缺成分,且句子意思完整,因此用that引导主语从句,故填that。
    考查不定式。句意:对许多人来说,学习机器人程序和参加机器人比赛为他们提供了提高认知能力和技能的机会。pprtunities后跟不定式作后置定语,故填t sharpen。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校交换生Edward在校英文网站上发帖寻找寄宿家庭(hst family)以更好地融入中国的生活。在与家人商量后,你家有意向申请成为他的寄宿家庭,请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 你家的优势;
    3. 你的期望。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Edward,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Edward,
    I am writing t express my family’s interest in hsting yu during yur exchange prgram in ur schl.
    In the first place, ur family is deeply rted in Chinese culture, and we are eager t share ur custms, traditins and cuisines with yu. Additinally, staying with us will prvide yu with a supprtive envirnment where yu can practice speaking Chinese utside f the classrm and gain insights int everyday life in China. Lastly, ur hme is clse t ur schl, ensuring yur easy access t classes.
    We are cnvinced that living with a lcal family like urs will greatly enhance yur experience in China. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    首先:in the first place→first and fremst
    原句:Lastly, ur hme is clse t ur schl, ensuring yur easy access t classes.
    拓展句:Lastly, ur hme is clse t ur schl, which ensures yur easy access t classes.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Additinally, staying with us will prvide yu with a supprtive envirnment where yu can practice speaking Chinese utside f the classrm and gain insights int everyday life in China. (运用了where引导的限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] We are cnvinced that living with a lcal family like urs will greatly enhance yur experience in China. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Grwing up in a castal twn in San Francisc, Christian had a special lve fr the cean and its creatures. He had always fund jy in the rhythmic tides and the cean waves against the shre. The salty wind and the cries f the seagulls (海鸥) had been like a cmfrting sng t him during his childhd.
    Hwever, all these changed ver the years. Every time he wandered alng the familiar stretch f sand, his heart sank. The nce charming beach was nw littered with plastic bags, bttles and ther wastes, a distinctive cntrast t the natural beauty that had always absrbed him.
    The sight was a painful reminder f the harm the lcals were bringing t the very land where he was grwing up. Christian felt a deep sense f lss and respnsibility. Previusly, he had seen the news reprts abut the severe effects f plastic pllutin n the ceans, and the images f sea creatures stuck in plastic wastes haunted (萦绕于脑际) him.
    Determined t make a change, Christian decided t take actin. He knew he culdn’t slve this prblem alne, but he culd start smething that might grw int a pwerful mvement. With the passin and belief f a yung man wh lved his cean and his land deeply, he funded an rganizatin called Waves f Change. The early days presented challenges in calling n vlunteers.
    He began by reaching ut t the students in his schl. He shared the shcking reality f the plluted beaches and the urgent need t reduce plastic litter. T his delight, gradually mre and mre schlmates started shwing interest in the rganizatin and many were eager t jin in the cause. They were all t familiar with the beauty f the cean and were equally saddened by the damage they had witnessed. As high schl students, Christian and ther members prperly allcates (分配) time t balance the cause and their academic wrk.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Tgether, Christian and ther members did a lt f things in their free time.
    Their effrts finally paid ff.
    Tgether, Christian and ther members did a lt f things in their free time. They passinately designed psters, spreading awareness abut the harmful effects f plastic pllutin. They rganized regular clean-up events n the spt, nt nly t remve the existing waste but als t ffer the participants an pprtunity t witness the seriusness f the prblem in persn. Christian and his team als started a scial media campaign, sharing educatinal cntent and updates abut their initiatives. Besides, they patiently educated the lcal cmmunity abut the imprtance f using reusable bags and ther ec-friendly alternatives.
    Their effrts finally paid ff. As the weeks turned int mnths, the tireless wrk f Waves f Change didn’t g unnticed. Lcal businesses began t take an interest in their cause, ffering supprt by reducing their wn plastic usage and prmting Waves f Change t their custmers. The cmmunity members were mre cnscius f their plastic cnsumptin. The rganizatin grew rapidly, with mre and mre vlunteers jining the ranks, all dedicated t the cause f prtecting ceans. The cean, which had been a cnstant surce f jy fr Christian, is nw thriving nce mre.
    【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,主要讲述了Christian在童年时代便深爱大海,然而多年后,当他返回熟悉的海滩时,却发现海滩已经被塑料垃圾污染。这让他感到沮丧和责任重大。于是他创立了名为Waves f Change的组织,希望借此发起运动来减少塑料垃圾的使用。尽管一开始在召集志愿者方面遇到了挑战,但Christian通过与学校同学分享现实情况,得到了越来越多人的支持和加入。尽管作为高中生,他们需要合理分配时间来平衡学业和环保事业,但他们都渴望为保护海洋做出自己的努力。
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:做了很多事——开展各种环保工作——得到回报——社会的支持——海洋得到保护
    3. 词汇激活
    ②耐心地:patiently/with patience
    【点睛】[高分句型1] They passinately designed psters, spreading awareness abut the harmful effects f plastic pllutin. (现在分词短语spreading…作状语)
    [高分句型2] The cean, which had been a cnstant surce f jy fr Christian, is nw thriving nce mre. (which引导非限制性定语从句)
    听力1—5 ACCBB 6—10 AABCC 11—15 BACBA 16—20 ACCAB

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