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      广东省广州市真光中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学测试英语试题 (原卷版).docx
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      广东省广州市真光中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学测试英语试题 (解析版).docx
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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    These science-themed field trips will ffer yu fantastic experiences.
    Lndn’s sites f scientific interest
    Explre Lndn’s ntable sites f scientific interest alng the River Thames, starting at Kew Bridge and walking t the Thames Barrier during the day with talks in the evening with sme prfessrs.
    Visit the Lndn Wetland Centre Kew Gardens, Battersea Pwer Statin, and the Greenwich Observatry. Yu will never be far frm the river as yu experience a wide range f tpics including wildlife, medicine, pwer generatin, engineering, physics and astrnmy.
    The science histry f Sctland
    Discver Edinburgh and Glasgw’s mst famus scientific thinkers, and learn hw their ideas supprted ur emerging understanding f the wrld frm the 16th century nwards.
    Enjy expert talks and explre key sites frm the Scttish Enlightenment (启蒙). Learn abut the wide cast f advcates and hear frm guest speakers, take part in walking seminars (研讨会) and enjy several museum trips, as well as visits t tw industrial wnders, the Falkirk Wheel and the Whitelee Windfarm.
    Pre-Histric Suthwest England
    Invlve yurself in the early human perids the Brnze and Irn Ages. A gentle walking tur that explres the pre-histric rigins and evidence acrss Wiltshire and Drset.
    Visit several Natinal Trust, English Heritage and UNESCO listed sites including Stnehenge and Maiden Castle and hear talks frm the directrs f the Wiltshire and Salisbury museums.
    1. Which site can yu visit alng the River Thames?
    A. Maiden Castle.
    B. The Falkirk Wheel.
    C The Wetland Centre.
    D. The Salisbury museums.
    2. What is the visit t the Suthwest England aimed at?
    A. A clser lk at the past.
    B. A brief expsure t nature.
    C. A new view abut mysteries.
    D. A deeper understanding f art.
    3. What can visitrs expect during all the three trips?
    A. Talks with experts.
    B. Visits t museums.
    C. Histry explratins.
    D. Scientific research.
    As parents, we always hpe t develp character traits in ur children that will enhance their success in life. When ur daughter Meegan, the eldest f five children, lst her frnt tth at the age f six, we fund the fllwing nte wrapped arund the tiny tth.
    Der Tth Fairy,
    Pleze leve me yr majik wand(杖). I want t be a tth fairy, t.
    Luv Meegan
    Recgnizing ptential leadership skills, precius pprtunity and the teachable mment, the “Tth Fairy” left the fllwing nte fr little Meegan:
    Dear Meegan,
    I have wrked hard t be a gd Tth Fairy and I lve my jb. Yu are t yung fr the jb just nw, s I cannt give yu my wand. But there are sme things that yu can start t d t prepare yurself fr the jb:
    1) Always d yur best in every jb that yu d.
    2) Treat all peple as yu wish t be treated.
    3) Be kind and helpful t thers.
    4) Always listen carefully whenever peple speak t yu. I will interview yu ne day when yu are lder and ready fr the jb.
    Gd Luck, Meegan!
    The Tth Fairy
    Meegan was thrilled at the respnse frm the Tth Fairy. She tk the message t heart and carefully fllwed the instructins, always wrking t imprve as she grew. Her character, her strength and her leadership skills grew right alng with her. After graduating magna cum laude (以优秀成绩) frm cllege, Meegan accepted a challenging management psitin. She excelled, and by age 27, she was the tp manager f the cmpany.
    One day Meegan and I were talking abut her success. She tld me that the cmpany president had nce asked her what influences had mtivated her tward success.
    “What did yu tell him?” I asked.
    She replied, “My parents, my teacher and my friends. And, f curse, the Tth Fairy!”
    4. What des the underlined phrase “the teachable mment” refer t?
    A. Meegan lst a tth.B. Meegan wrapped a tth.
    C. Meegan wrte a nte.D. Meegan received a nte.
    5. Wh wrte the reply nte t Meegan?
    A. The Tth Fairy.B. Her parents.C. Her teacher.D. Her friends.
    6. Why was the message s carefully fllwed by Meegan?
    A. It helped Meegan see her gal reachable.
    B. It prmised Meegan a high-ranking psitin.
    C. It demnstrated desirable character traits t Meegan.
    D. It taught Meegan t build enjyable interpersnal relatinships.
    7. Hw did Meegan becme s successful?
    A. She was gifted with supernatural pwer.
    B. She was appreciated fr utstanding talent.
    C. She was mtivated t develp fine qualities.
    D. She was encuraged t wrk in a challenging psitin.
    Last year, 138,000 San Francisc residents used Airbnb, a ppular app designed t cnnect hme renters and travelers. It’s a striking number fr a city with a ppulatin f abut 850,000, and it was enugh fr Airbnb t win a majr victry in lcal electins, as San Francisc vters struck dwn a debatable rule that wuld have placed time restrictins and ther regulatins n shrt-term rental services.
    The cmpany fiercely ppsed the measure Prpsitin F, with a nearly $10 millin advertising campaign. It als cntacted its San Franciscan users with messages urging them t vte against Prpsitin F.
    Mst peple think f Airbnb as a kind f cuch-surfing app. The service wrks fr ne-night stays n rad trips and lnger stays in cities, and it ften has mre cmpetitive pricing than htels. It’s a textbk example f the “sharing ecnmy”, but nt everyne is a fan.
    The app has had unintended cnsequences in San Francisc. As the San Francisc Chrnicle reprted last year, a significant amunt f renting n Airbnb is nt in line with the cmpany’s image: middle-class families putting up a spare rm t help make ends meet. Sme users have taken advantage f the service, using it t turn their multiple prperties int vacatin rentals r even full-time rentals. Backers f Prpsitin F argued that this trend takes spaces ff the cnventinal, better-regulated husing market and cntributes t rising csts.
    “The fact is, widespread abuse f shrt-term rentals is taking much needed husing ff the market and harming ur neighbrhds,” said ShareBetter SF, a grup that supprted Prpsitin F. Htel unins have prtested the cmpany’s practices in San Francisc and ther cities, saying that it creates an illegal htel system.
    San Francisc is in the middle f a lng-term, deeply rted husing crisis that has seen the cst f living explde. Actually, explde is a generus term. The average mnthly rent fr an apartment is arund $4, 000. Lcated n a narrw utcrpping f land verlking the bay, San Francisc simply desn’t have enugh space t accmmdate the massive inflw f yung, high-salaried tech emplyees flcking t Silicn Valley.
    As the Ls Angeles Times reprted, sme San Francisc residents supprted the measure simply because it seemed like a way t check a big crpratin. Oppnents f Prpsitin F cuntered that the husing crisis runs much deeper, and that passing the rule wuld have discuraged a ppular service while ding little t slve the city’s existing prblems.
    8. The intentin f Prpsitin F is t ________.
    A. place time limits in lcal electin.B. set limits n shrt-term rental.
    C. strike dwn a cntrversial rule.D. urge users t vte against Airbnb.
    9. What is the negative cnsequence f Airbnb n San Francisc?
    A. It shrinks the living space f middle-class families.
    B. Users are taken advantage f by the service financially.
    C. It makes the huse market mre cmpetitive.
    D. It indirectly leads t high huse rental price.
    10. The husing crisis in San Francisc results frm ________.
    A. explsin f the living cstB. its gegraphic characteristics
    C. genersity f lcal enterprisesD. inflw f migrant ppulatin
    11. The authr’s attitude tward Prpsitin F is ________.
    A. bjectiveB. supprtive
    C. negativeD. indifferent
    Humans are nt the nly nes wh underwent self-dmesticatin. S did ur clse relatives, the bnbs, and the species we call ur best friend. A tiny prprtin f the genme differentiates dgs frm wlves, and yet millins f dgs are cmfrtably curled up in ur hmes, while wlves mve arund at the edge f extinctin.
    When ur research grup began its wrk almst 20 years ag, we discvered that dgs als have extrardinary intelligence: they can read ur gestures better than any ther species. Wlves, in cntrast, are mysterius and unpredictable. Their hme is the wilderness, and that wilderness is shrinking.
    But nt s lng ag the evlutinary race between dgs and wlves was s clse, it was unclear wh wuld win. Dgs, in fact, did nt descend frm wlves. Instead, dgs and wlves shared a wlflike ancestr.
    Flklre suppses that humans brught wlf puppies int camp and dmesticated them. Or as wlf expert David Mech wrte in 1974, “Evidently early humans tamed wlves and dmesticated them, eventually selectively breeding them and finally develping the dmestic dg frm them.” But this stry has nt held up. Taming an animal ccurs during its lifetime. Dmesticatin happens ver generatins and invlves changes t the genme.
    S hw did wlves turn int dgs? Back in the Ice Age, as ur human ppulatins grew mre sedentary, we prbably created mre rubbish, which we then dumped utside ur camps. These leavings wuld have included tempting pieces f fd fr hungry wlves. Nt every wlf wuld have been able t scavenge, hwever. These animals wuld have had t be unafraid f humans, and if they displayed any aggressin tward us, they wuld have been killed. After generatins f selectin fr friendliness withut intentinal selectin by humans, this special ppulatin f wlves wuld have begun t take n a different appearance. Cat clr, ears, tails: all prbably started t change.
    Animals that culd respnd t ur gestures and vices wuld be extremely useful as hunting partners and guards. They wuld have been valuable as well fr their warmth and cmpaninship, and slwly we wuld have allwed them t mve frm utside ur camps t ur firesides. We did nt dmesticate dgs. The friendliest wlves dmesticated themselves.
    12. What can be summarized abut wlves and dgs frm the first three paragraphs?
    A. Wlves are smarter than dgs.
    B. They are very much racially divided.
    C. They are clse relatives but dgs seem t be n the winning side.
    D. Dgs have made their ways t indr life while wlves t the wild.
    13. What is the meaning f the underlined wrd “sedentary” in paragraph 5?
    A. diverseB. limited
    C. living in the same placeD. invlving regular migratin
    14. What des the authr cnclude frm the histry f dgs and wlves?
    A. Dgs evlved frm wlves.
    B. Selective breeding develped dmestic dgs.
    C. Taming and dmesticating an animal are the same thing.
    D. Friendliness as a quality translates int an evlutinary strategy.
    15. Which f the fllwing is suitable fr a title?
    A. Frm Wlf t DgB. Dg: Our Favrite Pet
    C. An Intentinal DmesticatinD. A Cmpetitin Stry between Wlf and Dg
    Clr is in everything we tuch, taste, smell and feel. It evkes(唤起) emtin withut any thught.___16___We are all familiar with it, but d yu knw the fllwing facts?
    Silver will save yur life. When buying a new car and finding yurself facing varius chices, yu can’t think clearly. Yur best chice is t g with silver. Silver­clred cars are least likely t be invlved in a car accident. ___17___ Anther reasn is the silver clr's ability t have a lk f cleanliness.
    ___18___ Tugh prisners and crazy patients?It is the clr cmmnly used t help calm dwn thse wh are ut f cntrl. S it surely has a useful place and a purpse, ther than decrating a dress r Barbie's dream huse.
    Yellw makes yu hungry. Yellw and range are nt recmmended fr use in kitchens, as they have a psitive influence n yur appetite.___19___ I’m nt nrmally ne fr cnspiracy(阴谋) theries­ but perhaps there’s smething in it fr them if we remain ignrant f yellw’s effects.
    Clr is an imaginary friend. Technically it’s all in ur heads: clr des nt exist at all. ___20___ S, if yu start a heated debate ver clr cmbinatins with smene that yu are certain has a lw IQ r is just clr­blind,remember it's a pintless argument and yu shuld drp it instantly. Yu're bth wrng.
    A. Pink cmfrts the nerves.
    B. Blue is the mst cmmn favrite clr.
    C. They are mst nticeable n the rad and in lw light.
    D. Yellw­clred walls seldm leave us wanting mre fd.
    E. It can be the fcus f ur careers, ur lifestyle and the fun we have.
    F. Then where wuld ur restaurant wners be withut the clever tricks?
    G. Clr tries t make sense f the huge amunt f infrmatin frm the uter wrld.
    A new week began. Marcus entered the schl. ____21____, he cried ut, “What happened t the stadium?” Smene had painted faces n the stadium wall!
    All students were whispering with ____22____ abut the graffiti(涂鸦). Pssible explanatins spread like wildfire arund the schl.
    Later, when Brian cleaned the blackbard, Marcus suddenly sptted the paint n his hands. He ____23____ that it was Brian wh did it. After schl, Marcus fllwed Brian and ____24____ n what he was ding. When Brian pened his lcker, Marcus saw small cans f paint! He decided t ____25____ it t Mr. Jhnsn.
    The next mrning, Brian was called t the principal’s ffice. The mment Mr. Jhnsn ____26____ asked abut the graffiti, Brian cried. ____27____, Brian explained that he liked t paint, but he culdn’t jin the art club because he had t g ____28____ hme after schl t babysit his little brther. “I’m srry. I’ll clean the stadium,” he sbbed.
    Thugh angry at first, Mr. Jhnsn began t sften as he realized hw ____29____ Brian was. “Brian, painting graffiti n schl walls is a very serius matter. Of curse yu shuld clean and _____30_____ the wall.” Mr. Jhnsn paused,“_____31_____ I must say, thse paintings are quite gd. Did yu d it alne?” Brian ndded, “Yes. I’m gd at painting.”
    Mr. Jhnsn thught fr a mment befre making a(n) _____32_____. “Well,” he said, “sme teachers suggested that we hire a lcal artist t paint ur schl masct n the schl wall. Wuld yu like t participate in that?”
    “Really?” Brian hesitated, _____33_____ t believe it.
    “Yes, but it’s hard wrk, and we can cnsider it part f yur _____34_____,” Mr. Jhnsn said, trying t hide his _____35_____ as he picked up the phne.
    21. A. GraduallyB. GenerallyC. UsuallyD. Suddenly
    22. A. curisityB. disappintmentC. fearD. relief
    23. A. wipedB. examinedC. scanned .D. suspected
    24. A. spiedB. reflectedC. cmmentedD. hit
    25. A. makeB. reprtC. describeD. retell
    26. A. hesitantlyB. patientlyC. directlyD. sympathetically
    27. A. AshamedB. SurprisedC. ExcitedD. Satisfied
    28. A. slwlyB. lateC. deliberatelyD. right
    29. A. frtunateB. miserableC. relaxedD. naughty
    30. A. repaintB. hideC. buildD. repair
    31. A. AndB. SC. OrD. But
    32 A. prmiseB. chiceC. decisinD. appintment
    33. A. unableB. unwillingC. unlikelyD. unhappy
    34. A. respnsibilityB. talentC. devtinD. punishment
    35. A. regretB. angerC. smileD. pride
    Acting was, is and always will be the first lve f the Natinal Peking Opera Cmpany’s new vice-president, Tian Lei, Chen Nan reprts.
    Hugusi Street was ne f Beijing’s ____36____ (busy) cmmercial rads in the lden days. It als ____37____ (huse) the residence f Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang (1894-1961). Nt far frm Mei’s address, the first theater fr Peking Opera ____38____(perfrm) was created in 1954, five years after the funding f the Peple’s Republic f China.
    The neighbrhd ____39____ (change) ver the decades, but the theater still stands tall and is ____40____(current) managed by the Natinal Peking Opera Cmpany. Tian Lei treasures the hurs he spends there, training and rehearsing (排练). Wearing a cstume and ____41____ (arm) with a prp spear (道具长矛), the 42-year -ld walks cnfidently acrss the stage, ____42____ (practise) a variety f martial art mvements, befre ending the drill with a liangxiang (striking a pse n the stage).
    Tian has been wrking with the pera cmpany fr 10 years. Its premises (处所) are ____43____ 10 -minute drive frm the theater and his clleagues train there. He, hwever, prefers the histric stage. “I cme t the theater almst every day because I enjy the peace and emptiness this building ffers. Rehearsing here helps me feel clser ____44____the Peking Opera masters ____45____ nce graced the stage,” he says.
    第三部分 写作(共40分)
    46. 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Chris想到中国读大学,学习并体验中国文化。请给他回一封电子邮件,内容包括:1. 推荐大学;2. 你的理由;3. 你的期待。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    A freezing dwnpur washed the street in frnt f the small-twn bar. I sat gazing int the watery darkness, alne as usual. I had been in that ld bar fr half an hur, quietly drinking, when my thughtful eyes finally fcused n a medium-sized lump (一团) in a puddle (水洼) a hundred feet away. Fr anther ten minutes, I lked ut thrugh the windw trying t decide if the lump was an animal r just smething.
    The night befre, a German dg named Shep had cme int the bar begging fr ptat chips. He was starving and just the size f the lump in the puddle. Why shuld a dg lie in a cld puddle in the freezing rain? I asked myself. The answer was simple: Either it wasn’t a dg, r it was, he was t weak t get up.
    The wund in my right shulder ached all the way dwn my fingers. I didn’t want t g ut in the strm. Hey, it wasn’t my dg. It was just a stray n a cld rainy night, a lnely drifter (流浪者). S was I, I thught, as I tssed (扔) dwn what was left f my drink and headed ut the dr.
    He was lying in the three inches f water. When I tuched him, he didn’t mve. I thught he was dead. I put my hands arund his chest and raised him t his feet. He std unsteadily, and his head hung like a weight at the end f his neck. His flppy ears were just hairless pieces f flesh dtted with pen sres (伤口).
    “Cme n, Shep,” I said, leading him t a crner next t the bar, where he lay n the cld cement and clsed his eyes. A blck away I culd see the lights f a late-night cnvenience stre. It was still pen. I bught three cans f dg fd and fed him. He culdn’t swallw but prly lk at me. He was dying!
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The lcal vet (兽医) was still at his ffice, s I laded the pr creature int a taxi and headed there.
    Three days later, when I pened the dr f the vet’s, Shep welcmed me with wild enthusiasm.

    广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学测试英语试题: 这是一份广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学测试英语试题,共14页。试卷主要包含了 阅读理解,完形填空,单词拼写,短语填空,单句语法填空,读后续写, 语篇填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年广东省广州市真光中学高二上学期12月月考英语试题解析版: 这是一份2023-2024学年广东省广州市真光中学高二上学期12月月考英语试题解析版,文件包含试题月考12月---英语docx、答案解析高二月考12月docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年广东省广州市真光中学高一上学期期中测试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年广东省广州市真光中学高一上学期期中测试英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省广州市真光中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中测试英语试题原卷版docx、广东省广州市真光中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中测试英语试题答案版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

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