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    A. Leaving fr the airprt early.
    B. Bking a taxi ahead f time.
    C. Packing the bag in advance.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
    11. Hw did the wman get the glasses?
    A. A tech cmpany gave her as a gift.
    B. Her friend asked her t test it.
    听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选
    项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一
    1. What will the wman’s cusin cmpete in this year?
    C. She bught it frm a stre.
    A. Baseball.
    B. Running.
    C. Swimming.
    12. What des the wman’s mther think f the glasses?
    A. She is surprised at them.
    2. Where will the speakers prbably get the ty?
    A. At an nline shp.
    3. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Making a card.
    B. In a physical stre.
    C. Frm a shpping prgram.
    C. Decrating a huse.
    C. At 7:00 a.m.
    B. She is curius abut them.
    C. She is uninterested in them.
    B. Writing a letter.
    13. Where will the glasses be used?
    4. When des the man need t get up?
    A. In schls.
    B. In game stres.
    C. In turist attractins.听第 9
    A. At 3:00 a.m.
    B. At 4:00 a.m.
    段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
    5. What will the man prbably d this weekend?
    14. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Hw t put a band tgether.
    A. Have a picnic.
    B. Prepare fr a test.
    C. Learn abut science.
    B. Hw t sign up a scial media accunt.
    C. Hw t attract mre visitrs t a website.
    15. Hw ften did the man share his website befre?
    听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选
    项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完
    后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
    A. Hardly ever.
    B. Once a day.
    C. Twice a day.
    C. Je.
    16. Wh is gd at designing psters?
    A. May.
    B. Ann.
    6. Hw did the man learn abut the mvie?
    17. What have the speakers agreed n ding tgether?
    A. By reading a newspaper.
    7. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mvie star and fan. B. Husband and wife.
    B. By talking t a friend.
    C. By watching TV.
    C. Friends.
    A. Practicing fr the band.
    B. Putting up psters.
    C. Having dinner.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
    18. What is great abut Finland’s educatin system?
    A. It keeps up with the times.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
    B. It sticks t traditinal educatin.
    8. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    C. It fcuses n classrm learning.
    A. At an airprt.
    B. At hme.
    C. In a taxi.
    19. Wh will help rate the students’ perfrmance?
    9. Why will the man take circles in the city?
    A. There is plenty f time.
    A. Other students.
    B. Cmpany emplyees.
    C. Family members.
    20. What is wrng abut traditinal educatin accrding t Kirsti Lnka?
    A. It makes math and grammar harder t learn.
    B. The highway isn’t available.
    B. It makes real-life prblems simple fr students.
    C. The traffic is busy during rush hurs.
    C. It makes students depend t much n teachers.

    23. A discussin sectin des NOT include ______.
    A. wrking under the guidance f university prfessrs
    第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。(每小题
    2.5分,共 37.5分)
    B. talking ver what the students have read abut the curses
    C. discussing the prblems related t the students' hmewrk
    D. raising questins abut what a prfessr has said in a lecture
    Since many f yu are planning t study at a cllege r university in this cuntry, yu may be
    curius t knw what yu usually d in a typical week, hw yu can get alng with yur fellw
    students, and s n. These are the questins I want t discuss with yu tday.
    First, let's talk abut what yur weekly schedule will lk like. N matter what yur majr may
    be, yu can expect t spend between fur and six hurs a week fr each class attending lectures.
    Lectures are usually in very large rms because sme curses such as intrductin t scilgy r
    ecnmics ften have as many as tw r three hundred students, especially at large universities. In
    lectures, it's very imprtant fr yu t take ntes n what the prfessr says because the infrmatin
    a lecture is ften different frm the infrmatin in yur textbks. Als, yu can expect t have
    exam questins based n the lectures. S it isn't enugh t just read yur textbks; yu have t
    attend lectures as well. In a typical week yu will als have a cuple f hurs f discussin fr every
    class yu take. The discussin sectin is a small grup meeting usually with fewer than thirty
    students where yu can ask questins abut the lectures, the reading, and the hmewrk. In large
    universities, graduate students, called teaching assistants, usually direct discussin sectins.
    If yur majr is chemistry, r physics, r anther science, yu'll als have t spend several
    hurs a week in the lab, r labratry, ding experiments. This means that science majrs spend
    mre time in the classrm than nn science majrs d. On the ther hand, peple wh majr in
    subjects like literature r histry usually have t read and write mre than science majrs d.
    21. The main purpse f this text is ______.
    24. Accrding t the authr, science majrs ______.
    A. have t wrk harder than nn science majrs
    B. spend less time n their studies than nn science majrs
    C. cnsider experiments mre imprtant than discussins
    D. read and write less than nn science majrs
    Art museums are places where peple can learn abut varius cultures(文化). The increasingly
    ppular "design museums" that are pening tday, hwever, perfrm quite a different rle. Unlike
    mst art museums, the design museum shws bjects that are easily fund by the general public.
    These museums smetimes even place things like fridges and washing machines in the center f the
    Peple have argued that design museums are ften made use f as advertisements fr new
    industrial technlgy. But their rle is nt simply a matter f sales—it is the hnring f excellently
    invented prducts. The difference between the windw f a department stre and the shwcase in a
    design museum is that the first tries t sell yu smething, while the secnd tells yu the success f a
    One advantage f design museums is that they are places where peple feel familiar with the
    exhibits. Unlike the average art museum visitrs, design museum visitrs seldm feel frightened r
    puzzled(困惑 ). This is partly because design museums clearly shw hw and why mass-prduced
    prducts wrk and lk as they d, and hw design has imprved the quality f ur lives. Art
    museum exhibits, n the ther hand, wuld mst prbably fill visitrs with a feeling that there is
    smething beynd their understanding.
    A. t help the students t learn abut university life
    B. t persuade the students t attend lectures
    C. t encurage the students t take part in discussins
    In recent years, several new design museums have pened their drs. Each f these museums
    has tried t satisfy the public's grwing interest in the field with new ideas. Lndn's Design
    Museum, fr example, shws a cllectin f mass-prduced bjects frm Zipp lighters t electric
    typewriters t a grup f Italian fish-tins. The chices pen t design museums seem far less strict
    than thse t art museums, and visitrs may als sense the humrus(幽默的 ) part f ur sciety
    while walking arund such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive tys cllected in ur
    everyday life.
    D. t advise the students t chse prper majrs
    22. We can learn frm the passage that university prfessrs ______.
    A. spend abut 5 hurs n lectures each week
    B. must jin the students in the discussin sectins
    C. prefer t use textbks in their lectures
    D. require the students t read beynd the textbks

    25. Shwcases in design museums are different frm stre windws because they ______.
    A. shw mre technlgically advanced prducts
    and frm families knwn t them—a frm f favuritism will replace equality. At the mment, the
    bright child frm an ill—respected schl can shw certificates t prve he r she is suitable fr a
    jb, while the lack f certificate indicates the unsuitability f a dull child attending a well-respected
    schl. This defence f excellence and pprtunity wuld disappear if examinatins were taken
    away, and the bright child frm a pr family wuld be a prisner f his r her schl's reputatin,
    unable t cmpete fr emplyment with the child frm the favured schl.
    The ppnents f the examinatin system suggest that examinatins are an evil frce because
    they shw differences between pupils. Accrding t these peple, there must be n special, different,
    academic class. They have even suggested that there shuld be n frm f difference in sprt r any
    ther area: all jbs r psts shuld be filled by unsystematic selectin. The selectin wuld be made
    by peple wh themselves are prbably selected by sme cmputer.
    B. help increase the sales f prducts
    C. shw why the prducts have sld well
    D. attract mre peple than stre windws d
    26. The authr believes that mst design museum visitrs ______.
    A. d nt admire mass-prduced prducts
    B. are puzzled with technlgical exhibits
    C. dislike exhibits in art museums
    D. knw the exhibits very well
    27. The chices pen t design museums ______.
    A. are nt as strict as thse t art museums
    29. The wrd "favuritism" in paragraph 3 is used t describe the phenmenn that ______.
    A. bright children als need certificates g get satisfying jbs.
    B. are nt aimed t interest the public
    C. may fail t bring sme pleasure t visitrs
    B. children frm well—respected schls tend t have gd jbs
    D. ften cntain precius exhibits
    C. pr children with certificates are favured in jb markets
    28. The best title fr this passage is ______.
    D. children attending rdinary schls achieve great success
    A. The frms f design museums
    30. What wuld happen if examinatins were taken away accrding t the authr?
    A. Schls fr bright children wuld lse their reputatin.
    B. The exhibits f design museums
    C. The nature f design museums
    B. There wuld be mre pprtunities and excellence.
    D. The chices pen t design museums
    C. Children frm pr families wuld be able t change their schls.
    D. Children's jb pprtunity wuld be affected by their schl reputatin.
    31. The ppnents f the examinatin system will agree that ______.
    We are all interested in equality, but while sme peple try t prtect the schl and
    examinatin system in the name f equality, thers, still in the name f equality, want nly t destry
    A. jbs shuld nt be assigned by systematic selectin
    B. cmputers shuld be selected t take ver many jbs
    Any sciety which is interested in equality f pprtunity and standards f achievement must
    regularly test its pupils. The standards may be changed—n examinatin is perfect—but t have t
    tests r examinatins wuld mean the end f equality and f standards. There are grups f peple
    wh ppse this view and wh d nt believe either in examinatins r in any cntrls in schls r
    n teachers. This wuld mean that everything wuld depend n luck since every pupil wuld depend
    n the efficiency, the values and the purpse f each teacher.
    Withut examinatins, emplyers will lk fr emplyees frm the highly respected schls
    C. special classed are necessary t keep the schl standards
    D. schls with academic subjects shuld be dne away with
    32. The passage mainly fcuses n ______.
    A. schls and certificates
    B. examinatin and equality
    D. standards and reputatin
    C. pprtunity and emplyment

    A. Slw Dwn Yur Life
    Handshaking, thugh a Eurpean practise is ften seen in big cities f China. Nbdy knws
    exactly when the practice started in Eurpe. It is said that lng lng ag in Eurpe when peple met,
    they shwed their unarmed(无武器的 ) hands t each ther as a sign f gdwill. As time went n
    and trade in cities grew rapidly, peple in cities began t clap each ther's hands t make a deal r t
    reach an agreement. This practice was later changed int shaking hands amng friends n meeting r
    leaving each ther. "Let's shake (hands) n it" smetimes means agreement reached.
    D the Eurpeans shake hands wherever they g and with whmever they meet? N.
    Smetimes the Chinese abrad reach ut their hands t ften t be plite. It is really very implite
    t give yur hand when the ther party, especially when it is a wman, shws little interest in
    shaking hands with yu and when the meeting des nt mean anything t him r-her. Even if, fr
    pliteness, he hlds ut his unwilling hand in answer t yur uninvited hand, just tuch it slightly.
    There is generally a misunderstanding(误解) amng the Chinese that westerners are usually pen
    and straightfrward, while the Chinese are rather reserved(保守的) in manner. But in fact sme
    peple in western cuntries are mre reserved than sme Chinese tday. S it is a gd idea t shake
    hands with a westerner nly when he shws interest in further relatins with yu.
    33. In the ld days in Eurpe, peple put ut their unarmed hands t each ther ______.
    A. t make a deal B. t greet each ther
    B. Escape Nw and Then
    C. Separate Yur Actins
    D. Allw Yurself t Be Weak
    E. Relieve Pressure by Firmly Saying "N"
    F. Stp Expecting Everything t Be Perfect
    G.Make everything wnderful.
    Hw t Simplify Yur Life
    Less is mre. This is why we say: reduce things by half instead f dubling them, get rid f
    junk instead f piling it up, relax instead f stressing, slw dwn instead f speeding up. Apply these
    principles in yur everyday life in a cnscius way. Yu will then find yurself well alng n yur
    jurney t simplificatin.
    When yu cncentrate n ne task, yu find yu have energy that yu didn’t even knw yu
    had. Just imagine: yu are at a fair and yu have t carry tw heavy pigs ver 100 yards. If yu keep
    grabbing ne and then the ther, it will take frever, because ne f them will keep slipping ut frm
    under yur arm and running ff. But if yu tie ne pig in a place, pick up the ther, gather all yur
    strength and make a dash fr the finish line, pause fr a mment, run back and get the ther ne, and
    with great determinatin, carry the secnd pig t the finish line, then yu can be sure f success.
    C. t shw friendliness D. t reach an agreement
    34. The first paragraph mainly tells us ______.
    A. where handshaking was first practiced
    The pressure at wrk is n the increase in all ccupatins. In the mdern nuclear family, the
    expectatins that frmerly wuld have been shared amng all the relatives are nw cncentrated n
    the individual partner.
    B. hw handshaking came abut
    C. abut the relatinship between handshaking and trade
    D. abut the practice f handshaking bth in Eurpe and in China
    If yu have the feeling that 24 hurs per day are nt enugh fr all the things yu need t d,
    then it’s nt because the day has t few hurs, but because yu have t many activities. A simple
    fact that verladed peple ften tend t frget. The slutin is equally simple: refuse t accept s
    many wrk assignments in yur private life r yur wrking life.
    35. Accrding t the text, which f the fllwing statements is true?
    A. Westerners are mre reserved than the Chinese.
    B. Westerners are unwilling t shake hands.
    C. We shuld make a judgement befre shaking hands.
    D. We shuldn't shake hands with Eurpean wmen.
    "I can handle stress" is regarded as a psitive statement in the wrld f wrk. Peple wh can
    handle stress are given mre and mre t cpe with—until ne day they break.
    Pay careful attentin t the signs that tell yu that yu are under mre stress than yu can cpe
    第二节:下面文章中有 5处(第 36–40题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E、F和 G}
    中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有两项是多余选项。(每小题 2.5分,共 12.5分)

    with. These signals can cme frm varius areas f life. Yu becme ill, r yur wrk efficiency
    He said, "I will give yu my ___46___ tmrrw."
    She wke up the next mrning, fund him gne, and saw a piece f paper n her bed, which
    ges "My dear, I wuld nt pick that flwer fr yu, the ___47___ are …"
    "When yu use the cmputer yu always mess up the sftware, and yu cry in frnt f the
    screen. I have t save my fingers s that I can help t restre the prgrams . Yu always leave the
    huse keys behind, thus I have t save my ___48___ t rush hme t pen the dr fr yu. Yu
    lve traveling but always lse yur way in a (n) ___49___ city. I have t save my eyes t shw yu
    the way. Yu always ___50___ at the cmputer, and that will d nthing gd fr yur eyes. I have
    t save my eyes ___51___ when we grw ld, I can help t clip yur nails and help t remve thse
    ___52___ white hairs."
    If yu have any f these symptms, change yur life gals and decrease yur tlerance f stress.
    Say quite penly, "I can't manage that."
    "If nly I were slimmer, mre beautiful, richer, mre clever, then I wuld be happier." This is a
    dream that makes a lt f peple ill, depressed, and unhappy. Life has its flaws, defects, crners, and
    edges. Only thse wh accept this reality can lead a really full life.
    Of curse there are activities in which errrs are dangerus: driving a car; crssing the rad.
    But life desn't cnsist entirely f these things. In amng them there is a lt f rm fr small and
    large mistakes.
    "Thus, my dear, unless I am sure that there is smene wh lves yu ___53___I d … I culd
    nt pick that flwer yet, and die …"
    Successful peple all have their wn places where they can withdraw in rder t wrk. Find ut
    which places imprve yur creativity. Fr me it's the train. When I knw that I'm ging t be
    traveling fr fur hurs withut phne calls and peple kncking n my dr, I find nay mind is free
    and I can read r write cmplex articles. There can be prblems wrking n the train, f curse: if
    the persn sitting ppsite yu keeps talking away, r if train traps make yu tired (sme peple fall
    asleep after a few miles).
    That's life, and ___54___. flwers, and rmantic mments are nly used and appear n the
    ___55___ f the relatinship. Under all this, the pillar f true lve stands.
    41. A. and B. but C. r D. s
    42. A. lnely B. shamed C. wrried D. tired
    43. A. speak B. blw C. change D. keep
    44. A. represent B. expand C. cnvince D. admit
    45. A. attentin B. death C. interest D. satisfactin
    46. A. answer B. agreement C. annuncement D. judgment
    47. A. meanings B. reasns C. messages D. purpses
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 41 ~ 55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。(每小
    题 1分,共 15分)
    48. A. dllars B. patience C. energy D. legs
    This is the stry f tw lvers, wh finally gt married. Bth f them were rmantic at first,
    ___41___ n the walk f life, prblems, quarrels, prfessin came int their life.
    One day, she finally decided "I want t break up". "Why?" he asked.
    "I am ___42___." she answered.
    49. A. ancient B. mdern C. new D. undergrund
    50. A. shut B. jump C. stare D. knck
    51. A. as if B. s that C. nw that D. in case
    52. A. enjyable B. annying C. dusty D. amusing
    He kept silent the whle night, seemingly in deep thught. finally he asked, "What can I d t
    ___43___ yur mind?"
    53. A. less than B. mre than C. rather than D. ther than
    54. A. determinatin B. prgress C. lve D. pwer
    Lking int his eyes she said, "Answer my questin. If yu can ___44___ my heart, I will
    change my mind. Let's say, I want a flwer grwing n the face f a muntain cliff (悬崖), we bth
    are sure that picking the flwer will cause yur___45___. will yu d it fr me?"
    55. A. principle B. way C. surface D. nature

    第二节(满分 25分)
    第四节:语法填空(共 10小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
    Our church charity in Trnt has a way f assisting thse wh have financial difficulties
    withut making the receiver feel ashamed r guilty. They ften drpped mney int an ffering bx
    with nly the name f the receiver n the envelpe.The envelpes are then distributed t thse
    members withut them knwing the name f the giver.
    is pssible that we simply d nt stay in ne place fr a true friendship t develp.
    Hwever, there can be n disagreement n the need fr each f us
    kind f friendships we want.
    57 (think) carefully abut the
    T mst f us, friendships are cnsidered
    (imprtance), but need t have clear in ur
    (keep) at arm’s
    There came a time when my husband and I were amng thse in need. We did nt talk abut
    ur financial difficulty with anyne.The nly reasn ur children knew was that we had t cut back
    n many things. Still, we hped they were nt aware f the extent f ur need, nr f hw much
    their father and I were suffering because f it.We did nt want t burden them with a prblem they
    culd d nthing t slve.
    wn minds kinds f friendships we want .Are they t be clse r
    length? D we want t share urselves r d we want t walk n the surface? Fr sme peple,
    many friendships n the surface are quite enugh—and that’s all right .But at sme pint we need t
    make sure that ur expectatins are the same as ur
    frm the friendship than the ther, 62 if this is nt talked abut, ne is likely at last t fell that
    he’s hlding the shrt end f the stick. The sharing f persnal experience 63 (include) ur tears
    as well as ur dark dreams 64 (be) the surest way t deepen friendships. But it must be
    (friend)expectatins. If ne wants mre
    Unfrtunately, ur situatin wasn't imprving, and my husband and I knew that we wuld have
    t lk fr utside help. Just as we reached the pint f desperatin, ur church gave us a gift
    envelpe that had been left in the ffering bx.We were verjyed t receive a very large amunt f
    mney, enugh t bring us thrugh that desperate time.We culdn't help but wnder wh had given
    such a generus gift. We were extremely relieved and grateful.
    undertaken slwly and carried n nly if there signs f interest and actin
    A year later, ur seventeen-year-ld sn was applying fr a student lan s he culd attend
    university. It was then that we discvered his savings accunt was almst empty.His father and I
    were very disturbed by this.We had trusted him t put part f his wages frm his part-time jb int
    the bank twards his educatin.Actually,frm the time he was nine years ld he had been a paper
    carrier fr The Trnt Star, and he had wrked very hard fr his small earnings t achieve his
    university dream.
    第一节(满分 15分)
    假定你是李华,打算应聘你校学生英语报 Yuth的 Grwing Up Stries栏目的编辑,请用英语写一封应
    注意:1.续写词数应为 150左右;
    I asked him repeatedly where the mney had gne._______________________________
    Several busy days later, there appeared an envelpe in the bx.______________________
    1.词数 100左右;
    Dear Chief Editr,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua

    2023-2024学年甘肃省兰州市第五十五中学高三上学期11月月考英语试题+听力含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年甘肃省兰州市第五十五中学高三上学期11月月考英语试题+听力含答案,文件包含2023-2024高三11月月考答案docx、兰州市第五十五中学20232024年11月月考高三年级英语学科试卷docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年甘肃省兰州市第五十五中学高二上学期11月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年甘肃省兰州市第五十五中学高二上学期11月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含高二英语月考试卷docx、兰州市第五十五中学答案2023docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共8页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年四川省泸州市部分中学高三上学期开学考试英语试题Word版含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年四川省泸州市部分中学高三上学期开学考试英语试题Word版含答案,共1页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,B.16, 开头已经给出, 不计入总词数等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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