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    这是一份广东省广州市华南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三下学期2月开学测试英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一节(头15 小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C.D四个选项中选出预佳选项。
    As we clse ut the final days f this year, treat yurself t a deliciusly distracting new bk — a bk that yu can dip int and ut f thrughut the hlidays. Read up, rest up, and enjy yurself.
    Yga fr Pregnancy, Birth and Beynd
    A must-have guide fr yga-lving mamas, Yga fr Pregnancy, Birth and Beynd ffers helpful relaxatin techniques and breathing exercises that are tailred t each pregnant wman. The bk als lays ut valuable techniques fr labr and staying in tuch with yur bdy as it cntinuusly changes.
    Mindfulness Activities fr Kids
    We culd all use a little mre peace in ur lives. Uniquely suited fr children and parents t d tgether, the 40 mindfulness exercises recmmended here — frm pausing t fully enjy a tasty sandwich t taking a chalk walk tgether --will nt nly teach children calm and gratitude, but als bring grwn-ups and their littles clser tgether.
    Befre She Disappeared
    Frankie Elkin is a recvering alchlic wh devtes her time t slving cld cases, especially thse invlving peple f clr. A new investigatin brings her t Bstn, searching fr a Haitian teenager wh disappeared mnths ag. But as Frankie starts asking questins, smene else will stp at nthing t keep the answers hidden.
    Oak Flat
    Lauren Redniss' Oak Flat tells the stry f the land near the San Carls Apache Reservatin thrugh an Apache family fighting t prtect the land, which the U.S. gvernment and tw wrld-pwer mining enterprises are attempting t seize and destry fr its cpper resurces. Visually striking and deeply reprted, Oak Flat tells a larger stry f endless westward expansin and native resistance.
    1. Which bk can help t imprve family relatins?
    A. Yga fr Pregnancy, Birth and Beynd.B. Mindfulness Activities fr Kids.
    C. Befre She Disappeared.D. Oak Flat.
    2. What d we knw abut the bk Oak Flat?
    A It centers n an Apache family's struggle.
    B. It's a brief accunt f mining enterprises.
    It sings high praise f the US gvernment.
    D. It supprts westward expansin and native resistance.
    3. Wh are the target readers f the fur bks?
    A. Wmen.B. Teenagers.C. Grwn-ups.D. Pupils.
    The bell rang. Jada sighed, slwly mved frm the lckers where she had been leaning, and headed dwn the hall t her chemistry class. Hnrs Chemistry! Jada culdn't believe that her mm was making her take the class because Jada's cunselr had said that she had real talent in science.
    Jada had t admit that she liked science and that last year's class was a breeze, but cme n, Hnrs Chemistry? She wuldn't knw anyne in the class, and they prbably wuldn't knw anyne like her.
    The gd thing abut being late is that it shrtened the perid a bit. The bad thing is that it made her seem like she was making a grand entrance. T make matters wrse, the nly tw seats left in class were at the lab table at the very frnt f the rm.
    Jada held her breath and walked in. Everyne's eyes were n her. She just knew it.
    They were staring at her cal black hair (freshly dyed), her black lipstick, her black fingernail plish, and her thrift-stre black leather jacket. All she saw were pl shirts and khaki pants.
    This can't get any wrse, Jada thught. But at least she didn't get shuted at by the teacher. He was t busy talking t a new kid, a HUGE new kid, wh had t weigh at least 250 punds. A ftball player, prbably. She hated ftball players. They thught they were s great. That grup f jcks that hung ut by the cafeteria always made fun f her.
    The new kid made his way ver t her table with his head dwn. He had t squeeze int the seat, and his legs wuldn't fit under the lab table. He sht Jada a glance and turned red.
    Mr. Martin, the teacher, began class with this annuncement: "Okay, everyne. I knw mst f yu knw each ther frm last year's Hnrs Physical Science class." Jada sighed ludly. "But just take a minute and intrduce yurself t the persn sitting at yur table. Yu'll be partners. Yu'll be wrking clsely tgether all year."
    Jada rlled her eyes and stared straight ahead. Then she heard a surprisingly sft vice frm next t her. "Hi, I'm Rbert. I'm new here."
    4. What can yu learn abut Jada frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. She fund she didn't like science as she thught.
    B. She was angry that her mther made her g t schl.
    C. She wasn't willing t take the Hnrs Chemistry class.
    D. She thught this year's chemistry class wuld be a breeze.
    5. The writer described Jada's appearance in paragraph 4 in rder t
    A. reveal hw different she was frm her classmates
    B. explain why she was late fr schl that mrning
    C. imply that she felt srry fr making a grand entrance.
    D. give readers a general impressin f science students
    6. In paragraph 5, the phrase "that grup f jcks" refers t
    A. the new kidB. ftball playersC. Jada's teacherD. Jada's classmates
    7. What can we learn abut the new kid accrding t the passage?
    A. He was shy.B. He was rude.C. He liked sprts.D. He lked sad.
    A bat and a ball cst $1.10 in ttal. The bat csts $1.00 mre than the ball. Hw much des the baii cst?
    If yu answered 10 cents, yu're nt alne--- mst peple give the same answer (the crrect answer is 5 cents). It's an example f hw we ften rely n intuitive (直觉的) respnses---answers we feel are true. Peple give answers that "pp int their mind," says Steven Slman. We dn't spend much time "reflecting and checking whether the answer is right r wrng.
    The bat and ball questin helps explain why we ften believe in fake news. It is part f human nature t believe, says Slman. But "the trick with fake news is t knw t verify"--- in ther wrds, t stp and questin what yu knw. In ne experiment, Slman and a clleague invented a discvery called helium rain. They tld a grup f vlunteers abut it, but admitted they culd nt fully explain what it was. They then asked the vlunteers t rate their wn understanding f helium rain. Mst vlunteers rated themselves 1 ut f 7, meaning they did nt understand the cncept.
    The researchers then tld anther grup f vlunteers abut the discvery. This time, they said that scientists culd fully explain hw it wrks. When asked t rate their understanding, the vlunteers gave an average answer f 2. "The scientists' cnfidence gave the vlunteers an increased sense f their wn understanding," Slman says.
    Accrding t Slman, studies shw that knwledge spreads like a cntagin. This idea can be seen in many fields, including plitics. "If everyne arund yu is saying they understand why a plitician is dishnest," Slman says, "then yu're ging t start thinking that yu understand, t."
    Anther explanatin fr the spread f fake news is mtivated reasning," writes Adam Wyatz, an American management prfessr, "we are naturally mre likely t believe things that cnfirm ur existing pinins."
    S, in a wrld where misleading infrmatin is cmmn, training peple t care abut fact-checking is imprtant, especially in nline cmmunities. "We shuld check things and nt just take them at face value," Slman says. "Verify befre yu believe."
    8. Why des the authr use the example f the bat and ball questin?
    A. T warn that peple ften ignre skills that they learned.
    B. T shw that there are varius answers t a questin.
    C. T illustrate that peple tend t rush t a cnclusin.
    D. T aruse peple's interest in playing guessing games.
    9. In paragraph &, what des the underlined wrd "verify" mean?
    A. T make sure smething is true.B. T think abut smething fr a lng time.
    C. T express an pinin abut smething.D. T fllw yur intuitive respnse.
    10. When d mre vlunteers claim t understand helium rain?
    A. When sme f the vlunteers explained it t them.
    B. When Slman and his clleagues shwed them hw it wrks.
    C. When they have mre cnfidence in themselves.
    D. When they believed that scientists understd it.
    11. Which f the fllwing is an example f "mtivated reasning"?
    A. Yu trust a damaging stry abut smene wh yu always judge negatively.
    B. Yu pst a message nline that gives yur persnal pinin abut a news stry.
    C. Yu search nline fr mre infrmatin abut a dubtful stry n scial media.
    D. Yu think a university prfessr dishnest when everybdy arund yu say s.
    A year f lckdwn has brught abut sme questinable fashin trends. In US suburbs, bathrbes and slippers are nw scially-acceptable clthing fr a trip t the grcery stre.
    Ugly shes are als having a mment. Crcs, the maker f plastic clgs木屐 nw with a market wrth f $5.3 billin, had a recrd 2020. The distinctive shes, with their punch (打孔机) hle design, have lng been ppular with hspital staff. During the COVID-19 utbreak, they have becme a sught-after item fr thse lking fr smething easy t wear and clean. The cmpany sld mre than 69 millin pairs f shes in 2020 and pulled in nearly $1.4 billin, a 13% jump frm 2019. The share price, up 650 per cent frm its pandemic lw, has set repeated new highs this year.
    Birkenstck is anther brand riding high n the shift t a mre casual lifestyle. The German grup recently sld itself t a LVMH-backed grup in a €4 billin deal.
    The tw brands' ppularity shws n sign f fading. Pshmark, the secnd-hand clthing app, said Crcs and Birkenstck remained tp trending brands n its site in March. Sales are up sharply fr bth cmpared with the year-ag perid. Cperatin with celebrities (Justin Bieber fr Crcs, wmen's brand Prenza Schuler fr Birkenstck) shuld help maintain the trend.
    The same cannt be said fr dress shes, which were already falling ut f fashin. Office clsures and fewer special ccasins such as weddings and graduatins have accelerated the trend. Sales fr the categry plummeted last year, accrding t market researchers The NPD Grup. These accunted fr nly 8% f ttal fashin ftwear dllar sales in 2020, cmpared with 17% in 2017.
    Peple will sn reach again fr ging-ut clthes, mre frmal than pajamas(睡衣). But the market fr dress shes will never recver entirely. The ugly she mvement is here t stay.
    12. What des the underlined wrd "plummeted" in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Increased sharply.B. Increased slightly.
    C. Decreased sharply.D. Decreased slightly.
    13. What's the authr's pinin aput the prspect f ugly shes?
    A. Uncertain.В. Pessimistic.C. Cautius.D. Cnfident.
    14. What can be th best title f this passage?
    A. Crcs give dress shes a kicking.B. Casual clthes are making a cmeback,
    C Punch hle design becmes a trend.D. Dress shes are falling ut f fashin.
    15. What's the purpse f this text?
    A. T recmmend new shes.C. T change peple's lifestyle.
    B. T present a new tendency.D. T questin a fashin trend.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    阅读短文, 从短文后选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。有两项为多余选项。
    When it cmes t having fun in the sun, it's easy t lse track f time. If yu're nt careful, this can be quite dangerus. 16 But it can easily be prevented---all yu need is a little sunscreen.
    17 Peple have been using chemical pastes t prtect themselves frm the sun fr centuries. But the first mdern sunscreen sld n the market was ffered by French cmpany: L'real in 1935.
    Several ther cmpanies were quick t release their wn sunscreens. Perhaps the biggest advancement in the wrld f sunscreen came in the 1970s, when scientists started lking at the sun prtectin factr, r SPF. 18
    The advantages f using sunscreen are bvius. It limits the painful effects f sunburn. 19 Millins f peple have died frm skin cancer caused by ultravilet rays frm the SUITL. Remember t apply sunscreen 30 minutes befre ging utside.
    Unfrtunately, there are many mistaken ideas abut sunscreen. 20 Sme als think yu nly need t put it n nce fr a whle day's prtectin r that yu dn't need it n cludy days. Nne f these things are true. Experts say yu shuld apply sunscreen every tw hurs when utside in the daytime, n matter hw dark yur skin is r what the weather is like.
    And it can even save yur life.
    B. Sunscreen is nt exactly a recent inventin.
    C. Chsing a sunscreen isn't as simple as it used t be.
    D. In direct sunlight, sunburn can ccur in less than 15 minutes.
    E. This rating is a number that shws hw effective a sunscreen is.
    T. It's believed that yu dn't need much sunscreen if yu have dark skin.
    G. Sme think a gd methd is t cver as much as pssible with prtective clthing.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。
    During breakfast this mrning, I watched my sn, Jake, drag the kitchen chair t the cunter (厨房案台). "Never drag the chair again, Jake!" I shuted. He's been ding this n a(n) 21 basis fr ver a year. Each time we see it happen, my wife and I 22 the same way-- shuting at him t stp. But each time we feel 23 that he is nt learning this lessn. As I reflect n this frequently-ccurring scene, I 24 that I've been lking at this situatin in the wrng way. He drags the chair because the charger fr the iPad is n the 25 . He wants t sit there and play while the Pad is being 26 . My gal is t prevent the flr frm being damaged 27 his gal is t play there. We actually becme a(n) 28 t each ther, getting in each ther's way - 29 even knwing it.
    Fr me, the deeper insight cmes frm recgnizing just hw quickly and 30 I keep using my pwer ver him t get what I want at the 31 f what he wants. I justify(使正当有理) this behavir by reminding myself that I am the adult and I am teaching my sn 32 and keeping him in line. Instead if I tk a few minutes t 33 what he wanted, I culd have made a change that 34 each f us t achieve ur gals.
    Why nt 35 the charger t the living rm next t ur sfa?
    21.A. singleB. randmC. vluntaryD. regular
    22.A. vteB. teachC. respndD. functin
    23.A. cautiusB. disappintedC. nervusD. frightened
    24.A. expectB. imagineC. realizeD. predict
    25.A. sfaB. cunterC. flrD. chair
    26.A. chargedB. restartedC. ccupiedD. prgrammed
    727.A. sinceB. untilC. unlessD. while
    28.A. strangerB. barrierC. relativeD. attractin
    29.A. withutB. againstC. byD. fr
    30.A. sincerelyB. secretlyC. repeatedlyD. universally
    31.A. cstB. requestC. bttmD. mercy
    32.A. cnsequences B. resistanceC. strategiesD. rules
    33.A. write dwn B. think abutC. search frD. put away
    34.A. allwedB. expectedC. tldD. mtivated
    35.A. dragB. liftC. thrwD. mve
    第二节(共10小题;每小題1.5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在器自处银入。个這当的单词或括号肉单词的正确形式。
    D yu think btaining an academic degree is a very difficult task? Try 145. Prfessr VN Parthiban, wh teaches in Chennai, India, ___36___ (btain) 145 degrees ver the last 30 years and has n plans ___37___(stp) studying sn.
    Parthiban’s jurney started after he struggled ___38___ his first degree. He was a disrganized student ___39___wuld ften mix up cursewrk and study fr the wrng test— leading him t fail majr exams and prjects. After he graduated. Parthiban gt a jb wrking fr the Judiciary Department, but the desire t study never ___40___ (cmplete) went away. Attracted by all the ___41___ (amaze) subjects and areas f study that were available t __42____ (he) in university, Parthiban decided t g back and seek a secnd degree, and then 143 mre. When asked ___43___ there was a subject he didn’t enjy studying, Parthiban answered “mathematics” withut any dubt.
    Unfrtunately, there have been sme negative side __44____ (effect) t his cnstant studying. The intense absrptin f infrmatin has influenced Parthiban’s memry and nw he even has difficulty in ___45___(recgnize) peple’s faces and rutes t places he is familiar with. These trubles have nt slwed Parthiban dwn, hwever. He still studies while als cnducting lectures n many subjects at several universities.
    第三部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)第一节(满分15分)
    假定你是李华, 今天你校组织高三学生参观了市博物馆举办的“中国航天成就展”。请就此次活动用英语写一篇題为-A Visit t the Achievement Exp f China Aerspace的短文, 向学校的 Campus Life Mnthly投稿, 分享此次活动。内容包括:
    1. 参加人员;
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 个人感想。
    2.可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    A Visit t the Achievement Exp f China Aerspace
    阅读下而村料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成篇完整的短文。
    The easy way ut isn't always easiest. I learned that lessn when I decided t treat my father t a special meal. I glanced thrugh the ckbk and chse a menu which included hmemade bread. Knwing the bread wuld take time, I started n it as sn as he left fr wrk.
    As I was nt experienced in cking, I thught if a dzen was gd, tw dzen wuld be better, s I dubled everything. As Dad lved ranges, I als pened a can f range and pured it all int the bwl. Sn there was a sticky dugh cvered with ugly yellwish marks. Realizing I had been defeated, I put the dugh in the rubbish bin utside s I wuldn't have t face him laughing at my wrk.
    I went n preparing the rest f the meal, and, when Dad gt hme, we sat dwn t Crnish chicken with rice. He tried t enjy the meal but seemed disturbed. Twice he gt up and went utside, saying he thught he heard a nise. The third time he left, I went t the windws t see what he was ding.
    Lking ut, I saw Dad standing abut three feet frm the rubbish bin, hlding the lid up with a stick and lking int the cntainer. When I came ut f the huse, he drpped the stick and explained that there was smething alive in the rubbish bin. Picking up the stick again, he held the lid up enugh fr me t see. I felt cld. But I stepped clser and lked harder.
    Withut dubt it was my wrk. The ht sun had caused the dugh t duble in size and the fermenting yeast (酵母) made the surface shake and sigh as thugh it were breathing. I had t admit what the "living thing" was and why it was there. I dn't knw wh was mre embarrassed by the whle thing, Dad r me.
    1. 续写词数应为 150左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My dad tapped me gently n the shulder, and we went inside.
    At a party three mnths later, everyne wanted t try my bread.
    第一部分 阅读(共两节,每小题2.5分,满分 50分)
    1-3 BAC4-7 CCBA 8-11 CADA12-15 CDAB16-20 DBEAF
    第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    21-25 DCBCB 26-30 ADBAC 31-35 ADBAD
    第二节(共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15 分)
    36. has btained37. t stp38. fr39. wh/ that40. cmpletely
    41. amazing42. him43.if/ whether 44. effects45. recgnizing
    第三部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    A Sample
    A Visit t the Achievement Exp f China Aerspace
    Tday's trip t the City Museum is really a memrable experience and this will been graved in my mind frever.
    All senir 3 students visited an exhibitin themed n “Achievements f China Aerspace" First, we attended infrmative lectures and watched extremely exciting vides f rcket launching, which helped us t get deeper insights int China Aerspace. Then came the highlight, experiencing thrilling and funny spacewalks in almst zer
    Amazed by the utstanding achievements and tuched by the spirit f China Aerspace experts, I was sn lst in deep thught. I have made up my mind t apply myself t study s that I can make cntributins t ur cuntry like them ne day
    My dad tapped me gently n the shulder, and we went inside.Sitting back t ur Crnish chicken, Dad, smilingly, updated me n recent events at his wrk withut a mere mentin f the crazy dugh wildly dancing utside which served wnderfully as a gentle embarrassment reliever.Hwever, while ding the dishes after dinner.Dad said t me with firmness in his vice. "Yu dn't have t be an expert t make bread, but yu d have t d yur research befre taking actins.【高分句型一】There is n such thing as an easy way ut." And that was the starting pint f my jurney with making the perfect bread.(父亲对我的教导)
    At a party three mnths later, everyne wanted t try my bread.The rest f the night slipped away, filled with inquiries abut my secret recipe.【高分句型二】Yet, hardly was there a different answer ther than, "Beauty cmes frm balance and patience." T be frank, that was exactly what I'd learnt during my numerus experiments. An amazing laf f bread required suitable balance f ingredients t mix as well as enrmus patience f waiting fr the dugh t rise. Cuntless were my failures t make tasty bread, every single mment f it was cherished. Alng the jurney, I've develped frm the man whse dugh sighs in a dustbin t the man whse bread makes yur taste buds dance.(作者最后取得了成功)

    广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学测试英语试题: 这是一份广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学测试英语试题,共14页。试卷主要包含了 阅读理解,完形填空,单词拼写,短语填空,单句语法填空,读后续写, 语篇填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学测试英语试题: 这是一份广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学测试英语试题,共14页。试卷主要包含了 阅读理解,完形填空,单词拼写,短语填空,单句语法填空,读后续写, 语篇填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    广东省广州市华南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三下学期2月开学测试英语试题: 这是一份广东省广州市华南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三下学期2月开学测试英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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