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    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Eat sme fd.B. Open the windw.C. Drink sme water.
    2. What is the man surprised at?
    A. That he meets the wman at gym.
    B. That the wman enjys exercising.
    C. That the wman has lst a lt f weight.
    3. When is Bb ging hme tday?
    A. At 1:00 p.m.B. At 2:00 p.m.C. At 3:00 p.m.
    4. Where will the speakers meet?
    A. At the entrance. B. At the ticket ffice.C. At the nearby café.
    5. What will the wman d next?
    A. Return the man’s bk.B. Lk at the man’s prject.C. Write her research paper.
    第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Why did Jasn get a lw scre?
    A. He didn’t study hard.
    B. He didn’t finish the exam.
    C. He didn’t write dwn the thinking prcess.
    7. What des Jasn want Mrs. Brwn t d?
    A. Let him take anther test.B. Mark his paper again.C. Give him a lift.
    8. Wh are the speakers prbably?
    A. Brther and sister.
    B. Repairman and custmer.
    C. Restaurant wner and delivery man.
    9. Why did the man failed t pay?
    A. There wasn’t enugh mney in his card.
    B. He hasn’t created a payment methd.
    C. The applicatin brke dwn.
    10. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. They need t lk fr new jbs nw.
    B. The man will get prmted in six mnths.
    C. There will be new wners in their cmpany.
    11. Hw did the man knw the news?
    A. Frm the manager.B. Frm the email.C. Frm the meeting.
    12. What is the wman’s suggestin fr the man?
    A. Talking with their bss.
    B. Being prepared fr the meeting.
    C. Offering cffees t the business partners.
    13. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the kitchen.B. In the living rm.C. In the bedrm.
    14. What des the man think f the TV shw?
    A. Ppular.B. Attractive.C. Bring.
    15. What will the wman still need t d?
    A. Write smething.B. D sme cleaning.C. Buy the man a new jacket.
    16. What des the man want t try?
    A. T walk in the rain. B. T run a restaurant.C. T ck a meal.
    17. What prbably happened in Funtain Hills during the winter?
    A. It didn’t rain much.B. All animals died ff.C. Many chemicals were used.
    18. Which was a result f the envirnmental damage?
    A. Peple gt sick easily.
    B. Black birds were missing.
    C. The farmland culdn’t prduce fd.
    19. Why did a lt f bees disappear?
    A. They were eaten by birds.
    B. They were dying ff themselves.
    C. They were killed by the gvernment.
    20. What d the scientists ffer t d?
    A. Tell peple the imprtance f bees.
    B. Teach farmers hw t grw fd.
    C. Bring bees frm the twn.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Fur Mst Beautiful Subways in the Wrld
    City Hall Statin, New Yrk
    Cuntry: the USA
    Opened: 1904
    Unlike the ther subway statins, this ne hasn’t been in use since 1945. Hwever, it can be admired by thse ging abard the trains that run n the IRT Lexingtn Avenue Line. Opened n Octber 27, 1904, this statin was designed t represent the flagship f the new subway. Thanks t the specific shape and clrs, the statin remains the nly ne f its kind and very impressive—s impressive that it’s ften chsen as a mvie set.
    Tled Statin, Naples
    Cuntry: Italy
    Opened: 2012
    The subway statin which is cnsidered the mst beautiful in the wrld stands in Italy. The new design f the Tled Statin in Naples features clrful pictures frm a full range f shades f blue. During the cnstructin f the statin, it brught t light several archaelgical (考古的)finds dating back t the end f the 15th t early 16th century as well as Rman buildings dating back t the 2nd century.
    Champ-de-Mars Statin, Mntreal
    Cuntry: Canada
    Opened: 1966
    Champ-de-Mars is a statin n the Orange Line f the Mntreal Subway, Canada. It features clrful glass windws made by the artist Marcelle Ferrn. Sme f the wrks featured in this statin are als cnsidered t be the artist’s mst famus nes.
    Kmsmlskaya, Msca
    Cuntry: Russia
    Opened: 1952
    Standing in Kmsmlskaya Square and the crssrads f three different subway lines, this statin is very busy and beautiful. Its place and inside design make it a perfect representatin f Russian culture.
    21. What can be knwn abut City Hall Statin?
    A. It represents the new culture.B. It is the ldest subway in the wrld.
    C. It has appeared in sme mvies.D. It can transprt the mst passengers.
    22. Which cuntry wns the mst beautiful subway statin in the wrld accrding t the text?
    A. The USA.B. Italy.C. Canada.D. Russia.
    23. Which subway statin has been in use fr the lngest time?
    A. City Hall Statin, New Yrk.B. Tled Statin, Naples.
    C. Champ-de-Mars Statin, Mntreal.D. Kmsmlskaya, Msca.
    Grwing up in rural Jiangsu Prvince, Yu Jiga shwed a strng interest in fine arts at an early age and studied n his wn fr years. His hard wrk paid ff later. In the early 1950s, he made his way t Nanjing Nrmal University, where he learned painting theries and techniques frm sme famus artists. It was then that Yu fund his lifelng artistic zeal fr gngbi. Gngbi paintings usually describe birds and flwers, symbls f beauty and jy, in an artistic way with intense clr.
    After graduatin frm the art schl in 1957, Yu began his prfessinal career at the Chinese Painting Institute f Jiangsu. He has since published a series f art cllectins. Since 1959, Yu has cntributed a series f wrks t many imprtant sites. Yu’s wrks have als been displayed in a range f natinal and internatinal exhibitins. Frm 1986 t 1997, he held his exhibitins in such places as Beijing, Guangzhu and New Yrk. Bth the themes and artistic techniques have wn widespread praise in the past years.
    While bserving traditinal rules, he uses accurate lines, pwerful brush mvements as well as the interplay between dark and light t represent the harmny f nature. Thugh he adpts a realistic style, he tries t enrich his wrks with spiritual beauty thrugh his brush. Yu says, “That feeling turns int the images f singing birds and elegant flwers in my paintings.” Thanks t his careful bservatin f nature and artistic sensitivity, Yu is able t cmbine realistic descriptin with artistic expressin in his brushwrk.
    Nw as deputy directr f the Academy f Chinese Gngbi Painting f Flwers and Birds and a natinal tp-level artist, Yu maintains a simple and easy-ging style. In additin t artistic creatin, Yu has devted himself t prmting his painting style as the cultural heritage f China. “Art is part f my life,” Yu says. “I am prud t be a flwer-bird painter. I hpe t create a bright future fr it thrugh my effrts.”
    24. What des the underlined wrd “zeal” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Request.B. Passin.C. Justice.D. Fund.
    25. What des paragraph 2 mainly tell us abut Yu?
    A. His schl life.
    B. His painting techniques.
    C. His achievements in painting.
    D. His cntributins t the art schl.
    26. Which is Yu’s painting feature?
    A. Adpting abstract bjects.
    B. Excluding plants and animals.
    C. Cmbining traditinal rules with a realistic style.
    D. Representing the imbalance between nature and humans.
    27. What des Yu expect f his painting style?
    A. It will be passed n.
    B. It will change ver time.
    C. It will lk mre cmplicated.
    D. It will reach the tp internatinal level.
    Pandas in the Qinling Muntains might face a new threat(威胁): the lss f their fd, bamb, which makes up 99% f their meals.
    Adult pandas spend mst f the time eating bamb and have t take in at least 40 punds a day t stay healthy. Hwever, a new study warned that they might sn find their fd gne because mst f the bamb in the Qinling Muntains might disappear by the end f the century as a result f rising temperature wrldwide.
    A team made up f researchers has studied the effects f climate change n the bamb in the Qinling Muntains. They have fund that bamb is very sensitive t climate change. “80% t 100% f the bamb will be gne if the average temperature increases 3.5 degrees Centigrade wrldwide by the end f the century,” said Liu Jiangu, ne f the reprt’s authrs. He added, “This is hw much the temperature will rise by 2100 even if all cuntries keep their prmises in the Paris Agreement. But yu knw what is happening arund the wrld.”
    In recent years, China has been trying its best t prtect pandas by setting up mre and bigger natural reserves(保护区).
    “But it is far frm being enugh and pandas need cperatin frm the rest f the wrld, because their future is nt just in the hands f the Chinese,” said Shirley Martin frm Wrld Wildlife Fund but nt a member f the team.
    The Qinling Muntains are hme t abut 345 pandas. That is abut 18% f the China’s wild panda ppulatin. In additin, abut 375 are living in research centers and zs in China.
    28. What can we learn frm the first paragraph?
    A. Lts f the bamb in the Qinling Muntains will prbably disappear.
    B. The Qinling Muntains cannt prvide enugh bamb fr the pandas.
    C. Pandas in the Qinling Muntains are just threatened with the lss f fd.
    D. Pandas have already eaten 99% f the bamb in the Qinling Muntains.
    29. What did Liu Jiangu mean?
    A. China needs mre help frm Wrld Wildlife Fund.
    B. China is making great effrts t prtect the pandas.
    C. The current climate is nt suitable fr bamb any mre.
    D. It is difficult t cntrl the temperature rise within 3.5℃.
    30. Hw many wild pandas are there in China?
    A. Abut 345.B. Abut 720.C. Abut 1,900.D. Abut 2,275.
    31. Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Effrts Made t Save Pandas
    B. The Disappearance f Bamb
    C. A New Threat Faced by Pandas
    D. Necessity f Changing Pandas’ Fd
    Whether in the hme r the wrkplace, scial rbts are ging t becme a lt mre cmmn in the next few years. Scial rbts are abut t bring technlgy t the everyday wrld in a mre humanized way, said Cynthia Breazeal, chief scientist at the rbt cmpany Jib.
    While husehld rbts tday d the nrmal husewrk, scial rbts will be much mre like cmpanins than mere tls. Fr example, these rbts will be able t distinguish when smene is happy r sad. This allws them t respnd mre apprpriately t the user.
    The Jib rbt, arranged t ship later this year, is designed t be a persnalized assistant. Yu can talk t the rbt, ask it questins, and make requests fr it t perfrm different tasks. The rbt desn’ t just deliver general answers t questins; it respnds based n what it learns abut each individual in the husehld. It can d things such as reminding an elderly family member t take medicine r taking family phts.
    Scial rbts are nt just finding their way int the hme. They have ptential applicatins in everything frm educatin t health care and are already finding their way int sme f these spaces.
    Fellw Rbts is ne cmpany bringing scial rbts t the market. The cmpany’ s “ Oshbt” rbt is built t assist custmers in a stre, which can help the custmers find items and help guide them t the prduct’ s lcatin in the stre. It can als speak different languages and make recmmendatins fr different items based n what the custmer is shpping fr.
    The mre interactin the rbt has with humans, the mre it learns. But Oshbt, like ther scial rbts, is nt intended t replace wrkers, but t wrk alngside ther emplyees. “ We have technlgies t train scial rbts t d things nt fr us, but with us,” said Breazeal.
    32. Hw are scial rbts different frm husehld rbts?
    A. They are mre like humans.
    B. They can cntrl their emtins.
    C. They d the nrmal husewrk.
    D. They respnd t users mre slwly.
    33. What can a Jib rbt d accrding t Paragraph 3?
    A. Cmmunicate with yu and perfrm peratins.
    B. Answer yur questins and make requests.
    C. Take yur family pictures and deliver milk.
    D. Obey yur rders and remind yu t take pills.
    34. We can learn frm the last paragraph that scial rbts will ______.
    A. train emplyeesB. be ur wrkmates
    C. imprve technlgiesD. take the place f wrkers
    35. What des the passage mainly present?
    A. A new design idea f husehld rbts.
    B. Marketing strategies fr scial rbts.
    C. Infrmatin n husehld rbts.
    D. An intrductin t scial rbts.
    Hw t develp a healthy lifestyle in high schl
    High schl is a time knwn fr teenagers spreading their wings and develping their minds. ____36____ Therefre, it is necessary fr teenagers t develp a healthy lifestyle. Fllw the tips t live a healthy lifestyle.
    ____37____ With studying and hmewrk, high schl students stay up late and still make it t early class. T functin prperly, yur bdy and mind need at least eight hurs f sleep each night. G t sleep early enugh t get yur full requirement, and encurage yur rmmates t respect yur need fr enugh sleep.
    Eat a well-balanced diet. High schl students may live n a diet f junk fd and drinks. ____38____ If yu have the benefit f a meal plan in the high schl canteen, make gd use f the salad bar and watch ut fr treats such as ice cream.
    Exercise regularly. ____39____ High schl students wh exercise regularly benefit frm a healthy physique(体格) and a mind with less stress. Make use f the schl gym and swimming pl, which are typically available t students free f charge.
    ____40____ High schl can bring n a lt f stressful situatins. Aim fr balance in yur life between yur scial and schl activities. Only take as many classes as yu can handle successfully and rely n yur supprt system f friends and family when stress arises.
    A. Get plenty f rest.
    B. Plan yur schl life.
    C. Manage yur stress level.
    D. Physical activity helps build a strng bdy and mind.
    E. High schl students are busy with all kinds f activities.
    F. Unfrtunately, many ften develp an unhealthy lifestyle.
    G. Drink plenty f water and eat whle grains and vegetables every day.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Althugh the rad t yur gal is always full f difficulties, everything is fr yur wish, as lng as yu are full f passin and determinatin.
    My daughter, Alice ____41____ sme terrible illness in her early childhd. Luckily, after years f regular treatment (治疗), she finally became ____42____.
    Tw years ag, while watching the Olympics, a dream ____43____ int her sweet little head—t be a swimmer. Last summer, she practiced hard and finally ____44____ ur lcal swim team. Frm that day n, Alice kept swimming and didn’t ____45____ a single practice. She had a ____46____ desire within herself t be the best she culd be. My ten-year-ld was grwing and changing right befre my eyes, int this ____47____ human being with a passin and a missin. There were mments f ____48____ f curse: ften she wuld be the last swimmer in the race. Alice was upset t be ____49____ that she wasn’t a winner-ever. But that didn’t _____50_____ her frm trying.
    Then came the final awards ceremny at the end f the year. Alice didn’t expect any award but was still there t cheer n her friends. As the ceremny was nearing the end, I suddenly heard the head cach _____51_____ “The highest hnr ges t Alice!” Lking arund, he cntinued, “Alice has inspired us with her _____52_____ and enthusiasm. _____53_____ skills and talents bring great success, the mst valuable asset (财富) ne can hld is the heart.”
    It was the greatest _____54_____ f my daughter’s life. With all she had gne _____55_____ in her ten years, this was the hur f true triumph (成功).
    41. A. lked intB. died fC. suffered frmD. gt ver
    42. A. fitB. cncernedC. cnfusedD. anxius
    43. A. brkeB. backedC. turnedD. came
    44. A. madeB. fundC. createdD. struck
    45. A. attendB. startC. banD. miss
    46. A. richB. strngC. weakD. kind
    47. A. trustedB. determinedC. experiencedD. embarrassed
    48. A. satisfactinB. delightC. excitementD. disappintment
    49. A. awareB. calmC. psitiveD. amazed
    50. A. preserveB. prtectC. preventD. frgive
    51. A. annuncingB. explainingC. admittingD. discussing
    52. A. humrB. willC. hnestyD. wisdm
    53. A. BecauseB. SinceC. OnceD. Althugh
    54. A. discveryB. mmentC. influenceD. chice
    55. A. acrssB. underC. thrughD. arund
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (仅限 1 词) 或括号内单词的正确形式 (不多于 3 个词)。
    As the saying ges, “Laughter is the best medicine.” In trubling times, gd humur is in need mre than ever. Dctrs and medical staff are including it in ____56___(they)care treatments. One prduct f this kind is the healthcare clwn arund the glbe. There is even ____57___ rganizatin that sets standards. The Eurpean Federatin f Healthcare Clwn Organizatins ____58___(fund)in 2011. It says, “Healthcare clwns, ____59___ make cntact thrugh humur, bring mments f happiness t children and sme adults with illness r special needs.”
    After a COVID-19 ward pened in Jerusalem, ne healthcare clwn decided t help patients by ____60___(use)her humur. She wanted t reduce the patients’ ____61___ (anxius)and imprve their health. She enjyed wrking alngside dctrs and said,
    “____62___(bvius), the dctrs take care f the bdy and we cme in and take care f the sul.”
    Healthcare clwns are carefully chsen. Prfessinal ____63___(perfrmer)have t receive special training befre wrking with children in the healthcare envirnment. “I can see up clse the effect the clwns have ____64___ sick children. I culd nt see a wrld withut them. It’s necessary fr the public ____65___(realize)the rle f healthcare clwns,” a dctr said.
    第四部分 词汇运用 (共 20 小题;满分 25 分)
    第一节 单句填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    66. My mther was beginning t get ____________(anny) with me abut my letting ff
    67. He made such a great ____________(cntribute) t the university that the new library was named after him.
    68. Mre than 100 famus films ___________(shw) in the city since July.
    69. There is n ____________(prve) that it was the man wh stle the mney last night.
    70. It can be ____________(embarrass) fr children t tell cmplete strangers abut such
    71. The middle schl _____________(attach) t Beijing Nrmal University is well-knwn acrss the cuntry.
    72. He has many admirable qualities, such as lyalty, hnesty, ____________(generus) and
    73. He never hesitates _____________(help) me whenever I’m in truble.
    74. ______________(encurage) by the teacher’s wrds, he went n with his research wrk.
    75.We _____________(riginal) intended t stay fr just a few days.
    第二节 短语翻译(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    76. 与相处融洽;能融入 _____________________ fit in with
    77. 使失望;辜负 _____________________ let dwn
    78. 发泄怒火 _____________________ let ff steam
    79. 深呼吸 _____________________ take a deep breath
    80. 突然笑起来 _____________________ burst int a smile/burst int laughter
    81. 去世 _____________________ pass away
    82. 筹钱 _____________________ raise mney
    83. 按照,在方面 _____________________ in terms f
    84. 导致 _____________________ lead t/result in
    85. 从中获益 _____________________ benefit frm
    第五部分 书面表达(满分15分)
    1.词数: 80左右;
    听力:1-5: BCCAB 6-10: CBABC 11-15: BABBA 16-20: CAACA
    阅读:21-23:CBD24-27: BCCA28-31: ADCC32-35: ADBD
    七选五: 36-40: FAGDC
    完型:41-45:CADAD 46-50: BBDAC 51-55: ABDBC
    语法填空:56. their 57. an 58. was funded 59. wh
    60. using 61. anxiety 62. Obviusly 63. Perfrmers
    64. n/upn 65. t realize
    单句填空:66. annyed 67. cntributin 68. have been shwn69. prf
    70. embarrassing 71. attached 72. genersity 73. t help
    74. Encuraged 75. riginally
    短语翻译:76. fit in with77. let dwn78. let ff steam
    79. take a deep breath80. burst int a smile/burst int laughter 81. pass away82. raise mney 83. in terms f
    84. lead t/result in85. benefit frm
    Dear friends,
    We feel s delighted by yur visit and I’m extending ur warmest welcme t yu n behalf f ur schl.
    We have made a detailed arrangement fr yu. First, yu’ll be shwn arund ur schl and have lunch at a lcal restaurant, where yu can have a taste f authentic Chinese fd. Then a talk cncerning Chinese and New Zealand culture is scheduled t deepen mutual understanding. Aiming t prmte ur friendship further, we als plan t rganize a friendly basketball match.
    We sincerely hpe yu have a rewarding and memrable time!
    细节理解题。根据City Hall Statin, New Yrk部分的“Thanks t the specific shape and clrs, the statin remains the nly ne f its kind and very impressive—s impressive that it’s ften chsen as a mvie set.(由于其特殊的形状和颜色,该站仍然是同类中唯一的一个,令人印象深刻,因此经常被选为电影布景)”可知,City Hall Statin出现在一些电影的场景中。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Tled Statin, Naples部分的“The subway statin which is cnsidered the mst beautiful in the wrld stands in Italy. (被认为是世界上最美丽的地铁站位于意大利)”可知,根据这篇文章,最美的地铁在意大利。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第一部分的“Opened: 1904(1904年开放)”和“Unlike the ther subway statins, this ne hasn’t been in use since 1945.(与其他地铁站不同的是,这座地铁站自1945年以来就没有使用过)”可知,City Hall Statin使用了41年;根据第二部分的“Opened: 2012(开放时间:2012年)”可知,Tled Statin2012年投入使用,到现在使用了10年;根据第三部分的“Opened: 1966(开放时间:1966年)”可知,Champ-de-Mars Statin1966年投入使用,到现在使用了56年;根据第四部分的“Opened: 1952(开放时间:1952年)”可知,Kmsmlskaya1952年投入使用,到现在使用了70年。由此可知,Kmsmlskaya的使用时间最长。故选D。
    24.词句猜测题。根据上文“In the early 1950s, he made his way t Nanjing Nrmal University, where he learned painting theries and techniques frm sme famus artists. It was then that Yu fund(20世纪50年代初,他来到南京师范大学,在那里他从一些著名艺术家那里学习绘画理论和技巧。就在那时)”的语境和强调句型可知,此处是指就在学习绘画理论和技巧时,喻继高发现了他对工笔画一生的艺术热情。故推测,zeal意为“热情”。A. Request. 要求;B. Passin. 热情;C. Justice. 正义;D. Fund.资金。故选B。
    25.主旨大意题。根据第二段“After graduatin frm the art schl in 1957, Yu began his prfessinal career at the Chinese Painting Institute f Jiangsu. He has since published a series f art cllectins. Since 1959, Yu has cntributed a series f wrks t many imprtant sites. Yu’s wrks have als been displayed in a range f natinal and internatinal exhibitins. Frm 1986 t 1997, he held his exhibitins in such places as Beijing, Guangzhu and New Yrk. Bth the themes and artistic techniques have wn widespread praise in the past years.(1957年从艺术学校毕业后,喻在江苏中国画学院开始了他的职业生涯。此后,他出版了一系列艺术作品集。自1959年以来,喻为许多重要遗址贡献了一系列作品。喻的作品也在一系列国家和国际展览中展出。从1986年到1997年,他在北京、广州和纽约等地举办了展览。在过去的几年里,无论是主题还是艺术技巧都赢得了广泛的赞誉)”可知,本段主要讲述了喻在绘画方面的艺术成就。故选C。
    26.细节理解题。根据第三段的“While bserving traditinal rules, he uses accurate lines, pwerful brush mvements as well as the interplay between dark and light t represent the harmny f nature. Thugh he adpts a realistic style, he tries t enrich his wrks with spiritual beauty thrugh his brush.(在遵守传统规则的同时,他使用精确的线条、有力的笔刷动作以及黑暗和光明之间的相互作用来代表自然的和谐。虽然他采用了现实主义的风格,但他试图通过笔触来丰富自己的作品,使之具有精神美)”可知,喻的绘画风格结合了传统的规则和现实主义风格。故选C。
    27.推理判断题。根据第四段的“In additin t artistic creatin, Yu has devted himself t prmting his painting style as the cultural heritage f China. “Art is part f my life,” Yu says. “I am prud t be a flwer-bird painter. I hpe t create a bright future fr it thrugh my effrts.”(除了艺术创作之外,喻还致力于将他的绘画风格作为中国的文化遗产加以推广。喻说:“艺术是我生活的一部分。”。“作为一名花鸟画家,我感到很自豪。我希望通过我的努力,为它创造一个美好的未来。”)”推知,喻希望他的绘画风格被传承下去。故选A。
    28.推理判断题。根据第一段“Pandas in the Qinling Muntains might face a new threat(威胁): the lss f their fd, bamb, which makes up 99% f their meals.(秦岭地区濒临灭绝的大熊猫可能面临一个新的威胁:失去它们99%的食物——竹子。)”可推知,秦岭地区大量竹子可能会消失。故选A项。
    29.推理判断题。根据第三段中Liu Jiangu所说“80% t 100% f the bamb will be gne if the average temperature increases 3.5 degrees Centigrade wrldwide by the end f the century,” said Liu Jiangu, ne f the reprt’s authrs. He added, “This is hw much the temperature wuld rise by 2100 even if all cuntries will keep their prmises in the Paris Agreement. But yu knw what is happening arund the wrld.(“如果到本世纪末全球平均气温上升3.5摄氏度,80%到100%的竹子将消失。”报告作者之一刘建国说。他补充道,“即使所有国家都遵守在《巴黎协定》中的承诺,到2100年,气温也会上升这么多。但是你知道这是世界上正在发生的事情。)”可推知,很难将温度上升控制在3.5度以内。故选D项。
    30.细节理解题。根据最后一段The Qinling Muntains are hme t abut 345 pandas. That is abut 18% f the China’s wild panda ppulatin. (秦岭是约345只大熊猫的家园。这相当于中国野生大熊猫总数的18%。)”可计算出,345除以18%约等于1916,由此可知,中国野生大熊猫总数约为1900只。故选C项。
    31.主旨大意题。根据第一段“The pandas in Qinling Muntains might face a new threat(威胁): the lss f their fd, bamb, which makes up 99% f their meals. (在秦岭山脉的大熊猫可能面临一个新的威胁: 失去他们的食物,竹子,占他们食物的99%。)”开篇就表明主题,结合下文内容可推断,文章主要讲述大熊猫面临着新的挑战,耐以生存的竹子快没有了。C. A New Threat Faced by the Pandas. (大熊猫面临的新威胁。) 符合题意。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据文中第二段While husehld rbts tday d the nrmal husewrk, scial rbts will be much mre like cmpanins than mere tls. Fr example, these rbts will be able t distinguish when smene is happy r sad. This allws them t respnd mre apprpriately t the user.可知,社会机器人更像人,比如这些机器人被设计能够分辨人的心情是高兴还是悲伤。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段Yu can talk t the rbt, ask it questins, and make requests fr it t perfrm different tasks.和It can d things such as reminding an elderly family member t take medicine r taking family phts.可知,此机器人可以听您的指令,提醒家庭成员吃药或拍照。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段Breazeal的话“We have technlgies t train scial rbts t d things nt fr us, but with us”可以推断出,社会机器人可以和我们一起做事情。选B。
    根据空格后两句“Therefre, it is necessary fr teenagers t develp a healthy lifestyle. Fllw the tips t live a healthy lifestyle.”(因此,青少年有必要养成健康的生活方式。遵循以下建议,过一种健康的生活方式。)可推,事实上许多青少年的生活方式不健康,F项(不幸的是,许多人经常养成不健康的生活方式。)符合语境。故选F。
    根据文章结构可知,空格处是本段的主旨句。根据空格后句子“With studying and hmewrk, high schl students stay up late and still make it t early class. T functin prperly, yur bdy and mind need at least eight hurs f sleep each night. ”(有了学习和家庭作业,高中生熬夜到很晚,仍然能早起上课。为了正常工作,你的身体和大脑每晚至少需要八小时的睡眠。)空格后面说的是要有充足的睡眠,故A项(充分休息。)符合语境。故选A。
    根据本段小标题“Eat a well-balanced diet.”( 饮食均衡。),可知本段是建议养成健康的饮食习惯。G项(每天多喝水,吃全麦和蔬菜。)符合题意。故选G。
    本段是建议进行有规律的锻炼,空格处紧跟在主旨句“Exercise regularly.”(定期锻炼)后面,因此应该解释这样做的原因,故选D(体育活动有助于建立强健的身心。)故选D。
    根据文章结构可知,空格处是本段的主旨句,空格后一句“ High schl can bring n a lt f stressful situatins.”(高中会带来很多压力。)可知本段是有关压力的。C项(控制你的压力水平。)符合题意。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的女儿爱丽丝在童年早期曾患过一场可怕的疾病。A. lked int调查;B. died f死于;C. suffered frm遭受,患病;D. gt ver克服。根据“sme terrible illness in her early childhd. Luckily, after years f regular treatment (治疗)”可知,此处是指Alice小时候患病。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,经过几年的治疗,她终于恢复了健康。A. fit健康的;
    B. cncerned担心的,关心的;C. cnfused困惑的;D. anxius焦虑的。根据“Luckily, after years f regular treatment (治疗)”可知,经过几年的治疗Alice的病好了,即变得健康了。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:两年前,在看奥运会的时候,她可爱的小脑袋里出现了一个梦想——成为一名游泳运动员。A. brke破环;B. backed支持;C. turned转动;D. came来。根据“t be a swimmer”可知,Alice看奥运时有了称为游泳运动员的梦想,即梦想来到她的小脑袋里。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:去年夏天,她刻苦训练,终于加入了我们当地的游泳队。A. made制作,使得,成功;B. fund发现;C. created创造;D. struck袭击。根据“she practiced hard and finally”可知,经过刻苦训练,Alice最终成功进入当地的游泳队。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那天起,爱丽丝坚持游泳,没有错过一次训练。A. attend参加;B. start开始;C. ban禁止;D. miss错过,想念。根据“Alice kept swimming”推知,Alice坚持练习游泳,从不缺席。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:句意:她内心有一种强烈的愿望,想成为最好的自己。 A. rich富裕的,丰富的;B. strng强壮的;C. weak虚弱的;D. kind善良的。根据上文 “Alice kept swimming and didn’t ____45____ a single practice.”可知,Alice志力强大。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我十岁的孩子就在我的眼前成长和变化,成为一个有激情和使命的坚定的人。A. trusted信任的;B. determined坚定的;C. experienced有经验的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据上文“She had a ____46____ desire within herself t be the best she culd be.”可知,Alice成长为一个意志坚定的人。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当然也有失望的时候:她经常是比赛中最后一个游泳的。A. satisfactin满意;B. delight高兴;C. excitement兴奋;D. disappintment失望。根据“ften she wuld be the last swimmer in the race”可知,这是令人失望的事情。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Alice意识到自己从来都不是赢家,感到很沮丧。A. aware明白的;B. calm冷静的;C. psitive乐观的;D. amazed惊讶的。根据上文“ften she wuld be the last swimmer in the race”推知,Alice知道自己不会是赢家。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但那没有阻止她努力。A. preserve保护,保存;B. prtect保护;C. prevent阻止;D. frgive原谅。根据上文“Alice was upset t be ____49____ that she wasn’t a winner-ever.”和本句表示转折意义的but可知,知道自己不会是赢家的事实并没有阻止Alice继续努力。故选C。
    A. annuncing宣布;B. explaining解释;C. admitting承认,准许进入;D. discussing讨论。根据““The highest hnr ges t Alice!””可知,这是教练宣布的内容。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Alice用她的意志和热情激励着我们。A. humr幽默;B. will意愿,遗嘱;C. hnesty诚实;D. wisdm智慧。根据“and enthusiasm.””可知,与enthusiasm并列的应该是意志力。故选B。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然技能和才能带来巨大的成功,但一个人最宝贵的财富是强大的内心。A. Because因为;B. Since自从,因为;C. Once一旦;D. Althugh尽管。结合句意可知,上下文是让步转折关系,应用althugh引导让步状语从句。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:句意:那是我女儿一生中最精彩的时刻。A. discvery发现;B. mment时刻;C. influence影响;D. chice选择。根据上文教练宣布的比赛奖励结果,对比上文介绍Alice之前想成为一个获胜者都很难可知,这是女儿生活中最好的时刻。故选B。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:在她十年中经历了的一切,这是真正胜利的时刻。A. acrss穿过;B. under在……下;C. thrugh穿过;D. arund在……周围。在英语中表示经历某事,通常使用g thrugh。故选C。
    56.考查代词。句意:医生和医务人员正在将其纳入他们的护理治疗。分析句子可知,这里应填形容词性物主代词来修饰后面名词care treatments。故填their。
    57.考查冠词。句意:甚至还有一个制定标准的组织。单数名词rganizatin 第一次出现,此空应填不定冠词泛指,且rganizatin为元音音素开头的单词。故填an。
    58.考查时态语态。句意:欧洲医疗小丑组织联合会成立于2011年。分析句子可知,此空应填谓语动词,且主语The Eurpean Federatin f Healthcare Clwn Organizatins是一个组织,为第三人称单数,与fund为被动关系,再由“in 2011”可知,时态应用一般过去时。故填was funded。
    59.考查定语从句。句意:通过幽默进行接触的医疗小丑,为患有疾病或有特殊需要的儿童和成年人带来了快乐的时刻。分析句子可知,这里考查非限制性定语从句,先行词为Healthcare clwns,指人,在从句中作主语。故填wh。
    61.考查词性转换。句意:她想减轻病人的焦虑,改善他们的健康。由“the patients’ ”可知,名词所有格后应加名词,且anxiety表“焦虑”,为不可数名词。故填anxiety。
    63. 考查名词复数。句意:专业表演者在医疗环境中与儿童一起工作之前必须接受特殊培训。由谓语动词have可知,这里应用名词复数作主语。故填perfrmers。
    64.考查介词。句意:我可以近距离看到小丑对生病的孩子们的影响。have the effect n/upn sb表“对某人产生影响”,为固定搭配。故填n/upn。
    65.考查非谓语。句意:一位医生说:“公众有必要认识到医疗小丑的作用”。分析句子可知,这里考查It's+adj. fr sb. t d sth表“做某事对于某人来说是……的”,为固定句型。故填t realize。
    Text 1
    M: I’m just ging t the kitchen t get sme fd. D yu want anything?
    W: Culd yu get me a glass f water please? It is very warm in here.
    M: Sure. Yu shuld pen the windw t let in sme cl air. (1)
    Text 2
    M: Hi, Elaine. That’s surprising. Yu’ve lst a lt f weight since I saw yu last time. (2)
    W: I knw. I’m s prud f myself. I’ve been ging t the gym fr the last few mnths and it really helped. I really enjy exercising nw.
    Text 3
    W: Bb, are yu ging straight hme after schl tday?
    M: N. My last class finishes at ne ’clck, and after that I’m ging t spend tw hurs at the library befre ging hme. (3)
    Text 4
    W: Let’s meet by the frnt dr f the museum at three ’clck, nt by the ticket ffice like
    last time.
    M: OK. (4) If I’m late, yu can g t the café nearby and rder smething t eat first.
    Text 5
    W: Are yu finished with that bk yu brrwed?
    M: Nt quite, srry. I’ve been s busy recently. I’ve spent mst f my time ding research fr a schl prject this week. And I’m stuck. Can yu help me have a lk at it?
    W: N prblem. (5)
    Text 6
    M: D yu have five minutes t discuss my test results, Mrs. Brwn?
    W: Well, I’m just heading t my car. Yu can walk with me.
    M: It’s the first time I have gt a C, (6) but I studied really hard.
    W: This test was nt just abut getting the right answer. Yu needed t shw hw yu gt the answer. (6)
    M: Because I just wrte dwn the answer, I didn’t get full marks. (6)
    W: Exactly. (6)
    M: I’ll d that next time. But can yu grade my paper again this time? (7)
    W: Srry, Jasn. I can’t d that.
    Text 7 (第8题为推断题)
    M: April, can yu help me please?
    W: Sure, Paul. What are yu trying t d?
    M: I’m trying t rder sme fd fr Mm and Dad n my phne, but it seems there’s smething wrng with my phne.
    W: Is this all the fd yu have selected?
    M: Yeah, that’s everything.
    W: OK. Nw we just need t pay fr it. Ah, I see what the prblem is. Yu haven’t set up a payment methd. (9) Hw d yu want t pay fr the fd?
    M: I want t give the delivery man cash when he cmes t the dr.
    W: Yu can’t d that, Paul. All payments need t be dne thrugh the applicatin.
    M: But I dn’t have a card. Can I use yurs?
    W: Sure.
    Text 8 (第10题为总结题)
    M: Have yu read the email frm ur bss? (11)
    W: The ne abut the cmpany being bught ver?
    M: Yes. What des that mean t ur jbs?
    W: Well, after reading the email, I spke t ur manager. He said ur jbs wuld be safe fr six mnths. I have t say that is gd news.
    M: And after that?
    W: N ne really knws. It depends n what the new wners want t d with the cmpany.
    M: I’m wrried that I’ll have t lk fr anther jb.
    W: There is plenty f time befre that happens thugh, and ur bss is a gd man. (12) He is always pen and hnest with us. If yu have any cncerns, yu can speak t him. (12)
    M: Yu’re right. I’ll g and see if he is free nw.
    W: I saw him having a meeting with ur business partners. S let’s get a cffee first.
    Text 9 (第13题为推断题)
    W: Have yu been sitting in frnt f that TV all day?
    M: Yes, srry. I started watching a new TV shw and nw I can’t stp. The actrs are nt very ppular, but their perfrmances are perfect. Yu wn’t feel bred fr a secnd. (14)
    W: Well, why dn’t yu take a break and g fr a walk?
    M: N, it’s raining utside. I dn’t want t get wet. I’ll stay inside where it’s nice and warm.
    W: Or yu culd wear a jacket and take an umbrella.
    M: Why are yu trying t get me ut f the huse?
    W: Because I want t finish my paper and I als need t clean the living rm and yur bedrm. (15)
    M: OK. Well, I’ll d the cleaning s that yu can write. (15)
    W: That wuld be very helpful f yu.
    M: I was thinking that later n I culd ck dinner fr yu as well, (16) since yu always ck fr me.
    W: But yu’ve never cked.
    M: I knw, but the TV shw was abut a restaurant and nw I want t try. (16)
    W: OK. That wuld be lvely.
    Text 10
    In the small twn f Funtain Hills and the nearby area, nature was dying ff quickly. Sme peple thught it was because it hardly rained at all during last winter, and it was ne f the driest winters the area had experienced n recrd. (17) It was s bad that sme peple even thught that the gvernment was ding secret chemical testing. The farmland arund Funtain Hills was n lnger prducing gd fd, and peple were getting sick mre ften. (18) One day, sme scientists came t see if they culd find ut the cause. As they were walking thrugh a field that was nly half-full f sunflwers, they nticed smething unusual: the silence. Except a few black birds calling, there was n nise. They knew smething imprtant was missing — the bees! The scientists rushed back t the twn and discvered that the lcal gvernment had been killing ff the large ppulatin f bees there. (19) Frtunately, the scientists came up with a slutin. They ffered t teach the lcal peple abut hw bees are gd fr the envirnment and their lives, and hw bees wuld help the area start grwing again. (20) In the future, the scientists wuld remve bees frm the twn if the ppulatin f the bees grew t big again.

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