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    Friends and Buddies
    This prgram is planned fr teenagers wh have special needs with the gal f meeting within a cmmunity with ther peers (同龄人). The purpse f the prgram is that it will lead t a better understanding f friendships. Gym, Swim, Surprise Guest, and Pizza are included. Ages 12-18, numbers f members are limited. Cntact: Glria Bass. This prgram is held 2 Fridays per mnth.
    Fees: $65/$85
    Club Saturday Swim
    This prgram is available t anyne aged 5-14 wh is challenged by mental, physical r emtinal truble. The prgram will be held each Saturday afternn, 12:00-12:30 pm r 12: 30-1:00 pm.
    Fees: $136/$260
    Sibshps (Ages 10-13)
    Sibshps is a prgram fr siblings (兄弟姊妹) f children with challenges. It includes grup activities and talk treatment ways with the fcus n imprving sibling relatinships and whle family happiness. Lcatin: Hpe Church, Wiltn CT. Wednesday: 4:00-5:00 pm.
    Fees: $50/$65
    Banana Splits
    Banana Splits is an educatinal supprt grup fr children in family truble. Children aged 9-13 will have the pprtunity t meet ther children whse parents have separated r divrced, learn t recgnize feelings, think f healthy cping skills and have a place t share their struggles thrugh verbal (语言的), physical, and artistic experiences. Lcatin: Hpe Church, Wiltn CT. Tuesday: 4:30-5:30 pm.
    Fees: $50/$65
    1.If yu have free time nly n Saturday, yu can g t ______.
    A. Friends and BuddiesB. Club Saturday Swim
    C. Sibshps (Ages 10-13)D. Banana Splits
    2.Activities n hw t lead t a better understanding f friendships are held ______.
    A. 2 Fridays per mnth
    B. 12:00-12:30 r 12:30-1:00, Saturday afternn
    C. 4:00-5:00 pm, Wednesday
    D. 4:30-5:30 pm, Tuesday
    3.If yu g t Sibshps (Ages 10-13), yu can ______.
    A. meet with ther peersB. slve yur mental prblem
    C. imprve sibling relatinshipsD. think f healthy cping skills
    Pasang Lhamu Sherpa Akita is an elite (精英) climber and has climbed Munt Qmlang-ma and Chgri (the secnd highest munt in the wrld). In 2016, she was chsen as Natin-al Gegraphic’s Adventurer f the Year. Since the birth f her sn, her climbing has taken a back seat, but she wuld like t set ut t inspire him.
    Pasang is a skilled climber, having climbed Munt Qmlangma and Chgri. But t get there she had t vercme unbelievable adversity, as in Sherpa culture climbing is seen as a male activity. Peple wuld say she shuldn’t be with men and climb that rck.
    Then when she had her first child, Eichan Nurbu, she faced fresh challenges because she was expected t stay at hme and lk after him as this was viewed as the mther’s respnsibility. It’s difficult fr her t balance (平衡) this with the climbing. But Pasang said that she wanted t inspire her sn and shw him that he shuld fllw his dreams, s n his secnd birthday, Nvember 14, 2019, she climbed Chlatse — a 6,440-meter-high muntain in the Qmlangma regin.
    Pasang said, “I learned s many things frm my mther. She was single. She raised tw kids by herself. She never went t schl. Frm her, I saw hw a wman can be strng. I have big respect fr all the mthers, because the mthers are very strng. They’re always there fr their children. They sacrifice (牺牲) their dreams fr children. Everybdy shuld have their dreams. Nw, I’m a mther, but I’m still having my dreams. Everybdy has a right t realize their dreams. Mst imprtantly, I want t inspire my sn t fllw his dreams.”
    4.Why did Pasang decide t start anther climb in 2019?
    A. T find an elite climber.B. T make a living by climbing.
    C. T share experience with thers.D. T be an encuragement t her sn.
    5.What des the underlined wrd “adversity” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Difficulty.B. Frgetfulness.C. Help.D. Curisity.
    6.What was Pasang’s new challenge after her first child’s birth?
    A. Learning t lk after her sn at hme.
    B. Balancing her new rle with her dream.
    C. Facing cmpetitin with men in climbing.
    D. Cmpeting with thers in the Qmlangma regin.
    7.What des Pasang’s stry mainly tell us?
    A. There is n end t life.
    B. Mum is the best in the wrld.
    C. Everyne shuld stick t his r her dream.
    D. It’s imprtant t sacrifice dreams fr children.
    Different weather makes peple feel different. It influences health, intelligence and feelings.
    In August, it is very ht and wet in the suthern part f the United States. Peple there have heart truble and ther kinds f health prblems during this mnth. In the Nrtheast and the Middle West, it is very ht at sme times and very cld at ther times. Peple in these states have mre heart truble after the weather changes in February r March.
    The weather can als influence intelligence. Fr example, in a 2018 reprt by scientists, IQs f a grup f students were very high when a very strng wind came; but after the strng wind, their IQs were 10% belw. The wind can help peple have mre intelligence. Very ht weather, n the ther hand, can make it lwer. Students in many schls f the United States ften get wrse n exams in. the ht mnths f the year (July and August).
    Weather als has a strng influence n peple’s feelings, winter may be a bad time fr thin peple. They usually feel cld during these mnths. They might feel unhappy during cld weather. But fat peple may have a hard time in ht summer. At abut 18℃,peple becme strnger.
    Lw air pressure (气压)may make peple frgetful. Peple leave mre bags n buses and in shps n lw—pressure days. There is “gd weather” fr wrk and health. Peple feel best at a temperature f abut 18℃.
    Are yu feeling sad, tired, frgetful, r unhappy tday? It may be the prblem f weather.
    8.When d peple in the Nrtheast in America have mre heart truble?
    A. In February.B. In July.C. In August.D. In Nvember.
    9.Which is nt mentined in the text that weather has an effect n?
    A. Peple’s health.B. Peple’s appearance.
    C. Peple’s intelligence.D. Peple’s feelings.
    10.Hw can peple turn ut t be at abut 18℃?
    A. Mre hesitant.B. Mre friendly.
    C. Mre energetic.D. Mre generus.
    11.Why des the text mentin “Peple leave mre bags n buses and in shps” in paragraph 5?
    A. Peple can feel best when air pressure is high.
    B. Peple may be frgetful when air pressure is high.
    C. Peple may buy mre things when air pressure is lw.
    D. Peple can’t remember things s well when air pressure is lw.
    Hw many phne numbers can yu remember by heart? It’s prbably fewer than yu wuld like. Actually, yu’re nt alne. Out f mre than 1,000 Americans wh were surveyed, mre than half said that they culdn’t recall the phne numbers f their friends and neighbrs. And 44% said that they culdn’t remember their relatives’ phne numbers. In their eyes, there is n pint in filling their heads with phne numbers if they’re all stred in smart phnes that are with them almst all the time.
    In fact, mst peple are suffering frm a srt f digital amnesia. Mre than 90% f thse surveyed agreed that they used the Internet as an nline extensin f their brains. Rte memrizatin was nce an imprtant part f mdern educatin, but we just need a click r slide nw. That’s making us wrse at remembering things.
    Researchers fund that when peple expected t have access t infrmatin nline, they were less likely t remember actual facts, but mre likely t remember hw t find them. As a result, we are already becming ne with ur cmputer tls, grwing int intercnnected systems that remember less by knwing infrmatin than by knwing where the infrmatin can be fund.
    Hwever, sme believe it isn’t necessarily a bad thing — maybe it gives them mre chances t think thrugh things. We certainly have access t mre knwledge nw than ever, even if it isn’t all stred in ur brains.
    Even s, I still believe that there are mre risks t this new wrld f memry beynd lsing ur ability t recall sme infrmatin such as wh the 15th President was. That kind f infrmatin may always be a click away, but the imprtant things are persnal nes, like the way yur parents smiled at yur wedding. It’s harder t recall r find nline. If yu’re relying n yurself t keep track f thse memries, they will be much mre meaningful.
    12.Paragraph 1 is mainly used t________.
    A.serve as the backgrundB.explain new research
    C.intrduce the tpicD.attract readers’ attentin
    13.What’s the main cause f peple’s suffering frm digital amnesia?
    A.Dealing with t many things.
    B.Relying n the Internet t much.
    C.Seldm thinking abut questins.
    D.The changes f their memries.
    14.What can be learned frm paragraphs 3&4?
    A.Peple can gain knwledge mre easily than befre.
    B.Peple can receive less infrmatin using internet.
    C.It’s a bad thing t have a chance t think thrugh things.
    D.Peple find it hard t remember hw t find infrmatin.
    15.What’s the authr’s attitude twards peple’s memries nw?
    16.Wrking prvides gd experience
    Wrking part-time is a gd experience fr students. Of curse, it has sme bad pints. As fr me, I have a part-time jb wrking at a supermarket. It is harder than it lks. Smetimes I have t give up my sleeping time in rder t d my hmewrk. ①_______ Hwever, thanks t it, r because f it, I have learned t use my time mre wisely.
    ②_______ Of curse we d, but I dn’t think students wrk just fr mney. We get ther things frm wrking. Fr example, I have learned t cmmunicate better with ther generatins.
    ③_______ I can’t spend as much time at schl as I did befre. I dn’t have as much time t see my friends. It’s harder t get my schlwrk dne. Smetimes, I have t ask fr time ff frm wrk because I need time t finish schl prjects.
    I can’t act the same way at my wrkplace as I d at schl. Hwever, t cmmunicate with different generatins is a useful experience fr me. ④_______ When I am part f it, thanks t my part-time wrk experience nw, I’ll have learned hw t cmmunicate better with adults.
    What I want t say is that althugh wrking part-time has sme bad pints fr students, it als gives us valuable experience fr whatever we d later in life. ⑤_______
    A. That is nt gd, I knw.
    B. Hwever, wrking des affect my life as a student.
    C. I think schlwrk is mre imprtant fr students.
    D. Sner r later, I have t be a member f adult sciety.
    E. In cnclusin, students shuld balance part-time jb and study.
    F. Sme peple say that students take part-time jbs nly fr mney.
    G. Therefre, wrking part-time is really a gd experience fr students.
    One day, I was preparing fr an imprtant exam in the library and peple kept disturbing me. I was getting mre and mre 1 and f curse, the mre upset I gt, the less I was able t 2 . The last straw (稻草) was when I heard smene singing 3 me. I turned arund and saw a girl wh seemed very interested in what she was reading. The fact that she lked like a friendly girl didn’t 4 . Hwever, it made me even angrier. I 5 my bks, glared at her and whispered angrily, “because f yur nise, I’ve been unable t study. Yu’re s 6 !”
    I left the library 7 hurriedly that I left my mst imprtant textbk behind. It was nly when I gt hme tw hurs later 8 I realized it. I was s 9 that I almst cried. Just then, the phne rang. A gentle 10 intrduced the speaker as Jenny. Jenny said that she had 11 I’d left my bk in the library and, as my name was in it, she’d asked a 12 t get my phne number frm their files (档案). She said that she culd bring it arund fr me.
    Of curse yu’ve guessed wh Jenny was. She was the girl I had shuted at fr singing. When I recgnized her in the street, I was filled with 13 and aplgized several times fr my rude behavir. Jenny just laughed and tld me she was glad t see that I’d 14 left my glare in the library! I culdn’t help 15 at this and invited her back t my apartment fr a cup f tea.
    We gt alng really well and ever since then we’ve been best friends.
    17.A. gratefulB. calmC. angryD. interested
    18.A. listenB. fcusC. rganizeD. watch
    19.A. frB. withC. beneathD. behind
    20.A. appearB. matterC. remveD. devte
    21.A. picked upB. threw awayC. came upD. deal with
    22.A. cruelB. excitedC. selfishD. sincere
    23.A. quiteB. veryC. tD. S
    24.A. thatB. whenC. untilD. what
    25.A. gratefulB. hpefulC. fancyD. upset
    26.A. girlB. numberC. nameD. vice
    27.A. heardB. cncernedC. nticedD. remembered
    28.A. readerB. lawyerC. librarianD. manager
    29.A. smileB. wrdsC. shameD. flame
    30.A. againB. justC. evenD. als
    31.A. laughingB. cheeringC. admittingD. falling
    32.A crwd f peple _______ (聚集) there t see what had happened.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    33.It's bad _______ (礼貌) t talk with yur muth full. (根据汉语意思单词拼写)
    34.With the develpment f the technlgy, smartphnes tday have many helpful _____(功能).
    35.My parents always remind me t keep a healthy_______ (日常饮食). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    36.The number f peple emplyed in _______ (农业) has fallen in the last decade. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    37.Fd frm different _______ (地区) f China will enable glbal athletes t fully experience Chinese Taste. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    38.It will ffer a wider chice f gds fr the _______ (消费者). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    39.The _____(材料) yu need are available frm any gd d-it-yurself stre.
    40.Camels are f _______ (好处) t transprting in the desert. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    41.The _______ (一年一度的) dinner is a gd chance t catch up with ld friends. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    42.The ld picture reminds me _______ the time when I gt first prize in an English petry reading cntest.(用适当的词填空)
    43._____(riginal), tmates were planted in Suth America and in the 16th century, they spread t ther parts f the wrld.
    44.Dn't stay up late t study at night, therwise it will be _______ (harm)t yur health. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    45.They’re very fcused n finding the best _______ (slve) t any prblem. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    46.There is anther reasn _____ sleeping with pets all night may nt be gd fr yur health.
    47.你校将举行英语演讲比赛,请你以“Be a Part f Nature”为题写一篇发言稿参赛。内容包括:
    Be a Part f Nature
    A few years ag,we adpted(收养) a lvely dg whm we named Gypsy. We didn’t knw her age, backgrund, r hw she ended up wandering the streets f a large suthern city with n wner. But we felt sure she’d had a difficult life, as she mved back whenever we wanted t tuch her. She seemed particularly afraid f strange men. Gradually, Gypsy adapted t her new hme with us, and she fllwed me arund everywhere I went silently. Nthing seemed t make her bark (叫),but we thught she was just a quiet dg as she seemed happy with us therwise.
    Nt lng after we brught her hme, I had an peratin n my leg. Gypsy seemed t dislike the cming and ging f dctrs, and visiting nurses-especially the males. She was still silent, but she barked at the nes she liked least. This led us t believe it must have been a male wh had mistreated her befre.
    One day abut a year after my peratin, I was in the bathrm giving Gypsy a bath. Suddenly,I fell nt the flr. Luckily,I fell between the tub(浴盆) and water pipe. If I had hit ne f them, I feel certain that wuld have been the end f me.
    Unfrtunately, I had n way t seek fr help. The dr was clsed, and I didn’t have my phne with me. My husband wuldn’t be hme frm wrk fr hurs, s I did the nly thing I culd think f: I started shuting fr help as ludly as I culd.
    Gypsy was clearly cnfused(困惑的) by my shuting.
    Sn, my neighbr was in the huse.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Club Saturday Swim部分中的“The prgram will be held each Saturday afternn, 12:00-12:30 pm r 12: 30-1:00 pm.(活动将于每周六下午12:00-12:30或12:00-1:00举行)”可知,如果你只有在星期六有空闲时间,你可以去Club Saturday Swim。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Friends and Buddies部分中的“The purpse f the prgram is that it will lead t a better understanding f friendships.(这个项目的目的是让人们更好地理解友谊)”及“This prgram is held 2 Fridays per mnth.(这个项目每个月有两个星期五举行)”可知,每个月都有两个星期五举办关于如何更好地理解友谊的活动。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Sibshps (Ages 10-13)部分中的“Sibshps is a prgram fr siblings (兄弟姊妹) f children with challenges. It includes grup activities and talk treatment ways with the fcus n imprving sibling relatinships and whle family happiness. (Sibshps是一个针对和兄弟姐妹相处有困难的孩子的项目。它包括小组活动和谈话治疗方法,重点是改善兄弟姐妹关系和整个家庭的幸福)”可知,如果你去Sibshps(10-13岁),你可以改善兄弟姐妹之间的关系。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“But Pasang said that she wanted t inspire her sn and shw him that he shuld fllw his dreams, s n his secnd birthday, Nvember 14, 2019, she climbed Chlatse — a 6,440-meter-high muntain in the Qmlangma regin. (但帕桑说,她想激励儿子,告诉他应该追随自己的梦想,所以在儿子两岁生日那天,也就是2019年11月14日,她爬上了珠穆朗玛峰地区6440米高的Chlatse山。)”可知,为了鼓励儿子追逐梦想,帕桑决定在2019年开始另一次攀登。故选D项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第二段第一、二句“Pasang is a skilled climber, having climbed Munt Qmlangma and Chgri. But t get there she had t vercme unbelievable adversity, as in Sherpa culture climbing is seened as a male activity (帕桑是一名熟练的登山者,曾攀登过珠穆朗玛峰和乔哥里山。但为了到达那里,她必须克服难以置信的adversity,因为在夏尔巴人的文化中,攀岩被视为男性的活动)”可知,帕桑作为一名女性登山者,要克服世俗的影响,所以她面对着很大的困难。adversity意为“困难”,与Difficulty意思相近。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段前两句“Then when she had her first child, Eichan Nurbu, she faced fresh challenges because she was expected t stay at hme and lk after him as this was viewed as the mther’s respnsibility. It’s difficult fr her t balance (平衡) this with the climbing. (当她有了第一个孩子Eichan Nurbu时,她面临着新的挑战,因为她被要求呆在家里照顾孩子,因为这被视为母亲的责任。对她来说,在攀岩和这之间保持平衡是很困难的。)”可知,帕桑在第一个孩子出生之后面临的新的挑战是平衡她的新角色和她的梦想。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段最后四句“Everybdy shuld have their dreams. Nw, I’m a mther, but I’m still having my dreams. Everybdy has a right t realize their dreams. Mst imprtantly, I want t inspire my sn t fllw his dreams. (每个人都应该有自己的梦想。现在,我是一个母亲,但我仍然有我的梦想。每个人都有实现梦想的权利。最重要的是,我想激励我的儿子去追逐他的梦想。)”可知,帕桑的故事主要告诉了我们每个人都应该坚持自己的梦想。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“In the Nrtheast and the Middle West, it is very ht at sme times and very cld at ther times. Peple in these states have mre heart truble after the weather changes in February r March.(在(美国)东北部和中西部,有时很热,有时很冷。在2月或3月天气变化后,这些州的人有更多的心脏病)”可知,在美国东北部地区人们容易在2月更容易患心脏病。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Different weather makes peple feel different. It influences health, intelligence and feelings.(不同的天气让人感觉不同。它影响健康、智力和感受)”可知,文章指出天气可以影响人的健康、智力和情感。B项“人们的外貌”没有提及。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段“At abut 18℃, peple becme strnger. (在18摄氏度左右,人会变得更强壮)”以及倒数第二段的“Peple feel best at a temperature f abut 18℃.(人们在18℃左右的温度下感觉最好)”可推知,在18摄氏度左右人们会更加强壮,感觉更好,变得更加有活力。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“Lw air pressure (气压)may make peple frgetful. Peple leave mre bags n buses and in shps n lw — pressure days. (低气压可能使人健忘。在天气不好的日子里,人们会把更多的袋子落在公共汽车上和商店里)”可推知,此处提到人们把更多的包忘在公交车和商店里是为了说明低气压可能会让人们记不清某些事情,即健忘。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的" but we just need a click r slide nw. That's making us wrse at remembering things."但我们现在只需要一个点击或幻灯片。这会让我们更难记住事情。可知人们对网络依赖太多导致健忘症。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的"We certainly have access t mre knwledge nw than ever, even if it isn't all stred in ur brains."我们现在肯定比以往任何时候都能接触到更多的知识,即使这些知识并不是全部储存在我们的大脑中。可知人们比过去更容易获得知识。故选A。
    解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段中的Even s, I still believe that there are mre risks t this new wrld f memry beynd lsing ur ability.即便如此,我仍然相信,在这个新的记忆世界里,除了丧失我们的能力之外,还有更多的风险。可知,作者认为人们记忆力减退有一定的风险性,因此,作者对这一现象表示担忧.A. Wrried担心的;B. Optimistic乐观的;C. Disappinted失望的;D. Cnfident自信的。故选D。
    ①由本段上文“Of curse, it has sme bad pints. As fr me, I have a part-time jb wrking at a supermarket. It is harder than it lks. Smetimes I have t give up my sleeping time in rder t d my hmewrk. (当然,它也有一些缺点。至于我,我在一家超市做兼职。它比看起来更难。有时为了做作业,我不得不放弃睡觉的时间)”可知,兼职工作也有缺点,就是作者可能睡眠不足,这明显是不好的事情,承接上文,A选项“那不好,我知道。”切题。故选A项。
    ②由本段下文“Of curse we d, but I dn’t think students wrk just fr mney. We get ther things frm wrking. Fr example, I have learned t cmmunicate better with ther generatins. (当然有,但我不认为学生工作只是为了钱。我们从工作中得到其他东西。例如,我学会了与其他几代人更好地沟通)”可知,下文作者通过举例,批判了学生兼职只是为了赚钱的这种说法,承接下文,F选项“有人说学生做兼职只是为了赚钱。”切题。故选F项。
    ③由本段下文“I can’t spend as much time at schl as I did befre. I dn’t have as much time t see my friends. It’s harder t get my schlwrk dne. Smetimes, I have t ask fr time ff frm wrk because I need time t finish schl prjects. (我不能像以前那样在学校花那么多时间了。我没有那么多时间去看我的朋友。完成我的功课比较困难。有时候,我不得不工作请假,因为我需要时间完成学校的项目)”可知,兼职影响了作者在校的学习和生活,承接下文,B选项“然而,工作确实影响了我作为学生的生活。”切题。故选B项。
    ④由下一句“When I am part f it, thanks t my part-time wrk experience nw, I’ll have learned hw t cmmunicate better with adults. (当我成为其中一员时,由于我现在的兼职工作经验,我将学会如何更好地与成年人沟通)”可知,下文作者谈及兼职工作经历在自己成为成人社会一员后会发挥的作用,承接下文,D选项“迟早,我会成为成人社会的一员。”引出“成为成人社会一员”这一件事。故选D项。
    ⑤由标题“Wrking prvides gd experience (工作能提供良好的经验)”,第一段中的“Wrking part-time is a gd experience fr students. (兼职工作对学生来说是一种很好的经历)”和上一句“What I want t say is that althugh wrking part-time has sme bad pints fr students, it als gives us valuable experience fr whatever we d later in life. (我想说的是,尽管兼职工作对学生来说有一些缺点,但它也为我们以后的生活提供了宝贵的经验)”可知,该空是段尾句,总结作者的观点和看法,上一句讲到兼职提供宝贵的经验,承接上文,G选项“因此,兼职工作对学生来说确实是一种很好的经历。”与文章标题和文章首句相呼应。故选G项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我越来越生气,当然,我越心烦,就越不能集中注意力。A. grateful感激的;B. calm冷静的;C. angry生气的;D. interested感兴趣的。根据上文“I was preparing fr an imprtant exam in the library and peple kept disturbing me.”可知,我被人一直打扰,因此越来越生气(angry)。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我越来越生气,当然,我越心烦,就越不能集中注意力。A. listen听;B. fcus专注于;C. rganize组织;D. watch看。根据上文“the mre upset I gt”可知,心越烦肯定越难集中(fcus)注意力。故选B项。
    解析:考查介词词义辨析。句意:当我听到有人在我身后唱歌时,我就忍无可忍了。A. fr为了;B. with有;C. beneath在……下面;D. behind在……后面。根据下文I turned arund可知,我身后(behind)有人唱歌。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她看上去是一个友好的女孩,但这并不重要。A. appear出现;B. matter有关系,要紧;C. remve移除;D. devte奉献。根据下文“Hwever, it made me even angrier.”可知,虽然她看上去是一个友好的女孩,但这并不重要(matter)。毕竟她让我生气了。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我拿起我的书,怒视着她,生气地低声说:由于你的噪音,我一直无法学习。你太自私了!A. picked up拿起;B. threw away扔掉;C. came up提出;D. deal with处理。根据下文“I left the library”可知,我拿起(picked up)我的书,离开了图书馆。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我拿起我的书,怒视着她,生气地低声说:“由于你的噪音,我一直无法学习。你太自私了!”A. cruel残忍的;B. excited激动的;C. selfish自私的;D. sincere真诚的。根据上文“because f yur nise, I’ve been unable t study. ”可知,女孩在图书馆里唱歌、打扰了我,所以我认为她很自私(selfish)。故选C项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:我离开图书馆时如此匆忙,以至于把我最重要的课本落在了后面。A. quite相当;B. very非常;C. t太;D. s 如此。此处是结果状语从句:s…that…句型“如此……以至于……”。故选D项。
    解析:考查强调句型。句意:直到两小时后我回到家,我才意识到这一点。A. that可以引导强调句型;B. when当……的时候;C. until直到;D. what什么。此处是强调句型:It’s+被强调部分+that/wh+句子其他成分。故选A项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我难过得几乎哭了出来。A. grateful感激的;B. hpeful有希望的;C. fancy精致的,花俏的;D. upset难过。根据下文“I almst cried”可知,我很难过(upset)。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个温柔的声音介绍说说话的人是珍妮。A. girl女孩;B. number数字;C. name名字;D. vice声音。根据空格后intrductin可知,是一个温柔的声音(vice)介绍说说话的人是珍妮。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:珍妮说她注意到我把书忘在图书馆了,因为书里有我的名字,所以她让一位图书管理员从他们的档案里找到我的电话号码。A. heard听见;B. cncerned关心;C. nticed注意;D. remembered记得。根据下文“she’d asked a ________ t get my phne number frm their files (档案).”珍妮去图书馆档案找电话可知,珍妮注意(nticed)到我把书忘在图书馆了。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:珍妮说她注意到我把书忘在图书馆了,因为书里有我的名字,所以她让一位图书管理员从他们的档案里找到我的电话号码。A. reader读者;B. lawyer律师;C. librarian图书管理员;D. manager经理。根据上文“I’d left my bk in the library ”可知,故事发生在图书馆,因此是让一位图书管理员(librarian)从他们的档案里找到我的电话号码。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我在街上认出她时,我感到非常羞愧,好几次为我的粗鲁行为道歉。A. smile微笑;B. wrds话语;C. shame羞愧;D. flame火焰。根据空后“aplgized several times fr my rude behavir”可知,我因为自己的粗鲁行为而感到羞愧(shame)。故选C项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:珍妮只是笑了笑,告诉我她很高兴看到我也把怒视留在了图书馆!A. again再次;B. just仅仅;C. even甚至;D. als也。根据“ glared at her”可知,珍妮告诉她很高兴看到我也(als)把怒视留在了图书馆。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:听了这话,我忍不住笑了,并邀请她到我的公寓喝杯茶。A. laughing笑;B. cheering欢呼;C. admitting承认;D. falling掉落。根据上文“Jenny just laughed and tld me”可知,珍妮笑了。所以听了这话,我忍不住笑了(laughing)。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词。句意:骆驼有利于在沙漠中运输。“好处”表达为名词benefit,作f的宾语,此处考查be f benefit,意为“有益处”。故填benefit。
    解析:考查介词。句意:这幅旧画使我想起了我在一次英语诗歌阅读比赛中获得一等奖的情景。remind sb. f sth.意为“使某人想起……”。故填f。
    解析:考查形容词。句意:晚上不要熬夜学习,否则那会对你的健康有害。分析句子结构可知,此处应为形容词作表语,此处为固定短语be harmful t...意为“对……有害”。故填harmful。
    Be a Part f Nature
    Gd afternn, everyne!
    It is universally acknwledged that we humans shuld live in harmny with nature. Nature prvides us with abundant resurces and withut nature, we culdn’t live such a clrful life.
    Nevertheless, varius damages have been caused due t ur scial develpment, mst f which culd have been avided. It is a shame t see that habitats f sme endangered species are s severely damaged that many have died ut.
    It’s high time that we tk sme effective measures. Let’s make jint effrts t prtect the nly planet fr future generatins!
    Thanks fr yur listening!
    解析:本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生以 “Be a Part f Nature”为题写一篇发言稿,内容包括人与自然的关系和保护自然的倡议。
    广泛地:universally → widely
    然而:nevertheless → hwever
    充足的:abundant → sufficient
    由于:due t→ wing t
    原句:It is universally acknwledged that we humans shuld live in harmny with nature.
    拓展句:What is universally acknwledged is that we humans shuld live in harmny with nature.
    【高分句型1】It is universally acknwledged that we humans shuld live in harmny with nature. (运用了it作形式主语,that引导的主语从句)
    【高分句型2】It’s high time that we tk sme effective measures.(运用了虚拟语气)
    Gypsy was clearly cnfused(困惑的) by my shuting. She shk slightly at first. Hwever, after a few minutes, she did the nly thing she knew t d. She lay dwn with her wet back pressed against mine. It cmfrted us bth. She lked at me silently, as if trying t tell me that all wuld be fine. After an hur, my thrat was painful frm shuting. I heard a vice utside that sunded like an angel. “D yu need help?” It was my next-dr neighbr, wh had just cme hme and heard my shuts. “Yes! I’ve fallen, and I think I hurt myself seriusly!” I called. “I'm in the bathrm.”
    Sn, my neighbr was in the huse. She cmfrted me and immediately called 911. The ambulance came. T my relief, Gypsy lked calm with all the strange men in the huse. She seemed t realize they were there t help me. I was rushed t hspital and accepted treatment. With pain killers, I was able t g hme later that day. N sner had I gt int the huse than Gypsy came running. Hw lucky I was t accept her as my family member!
    ①.意识到:realize/be aware f
    ②.看:lk at/watch
    ③.叫喊:call/shut at
    ①.安慰:cmfrt/ give cmfrt t
    ②.幸运地:lucky /frtunately
    [高分句型1]. Hwever, after a few minutes, she did the nly thing she knew t d.(运用了省略关系代词that引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. It was my next-dr neighbr, wh had just cme hme and heard my shuts.(运用了wh引导非限定性定语从句)

    宁夏石嘴山市平罗中学2022-2023学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份宁夏石嘴山市平罗中学2022-2023学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷(含答案),共24页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市平罗中学2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市平罗中学2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考英语试卷(含答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,单词拼写,语法填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市平罗中学2022-2023学年高一上学期11月期中英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市平罗中学2022-2023学年高一上学期11月期中英语试卷(含答案),共16页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,单词拼写,语法填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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