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    北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 ConservationLesson 3 The Road to Destruction图文ppt课件

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 ConservationLesson 3 The Road to Destruction图文ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了学习目标,双基夯实·课前排查,核心突破·要点讲解,开放课堂·自修自读,夯实基础·一遍落实等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ.核心单词练习:请根据所给的词性和词义写出单词1.________________ vt. 适合          n. 套装2.________________ adj. 定期的,有规律的3.________________ vi. 相联系,有关联4.________________ n. 癌症5.________________ n. 十年,十年期6.________________ n. 愤怒,怒气7.________________ adj. 烦恼的,生气的8.________________ n. 拥挤;堵塞;果酱9.________________ adj. 卡住的,无法移动的
    Ⅱ.常用单词练习:根据句意和所给的首字母或中文提示写出符合句中单词的正确形式1.________ (有规律的) exercise is very imprtant t ur health.2.Several ________ (十年) have passed since I graduated frm the cllege.3.We must ________ (相联系) these principles t ur everyday wrk.4.If smething ________ (适合) yu, it is cnvenient fr yu r is the best thing fr yu in the circumstances.5.One f the wrld's lngest traffic j________ was 109 miles (175.42 kilmetres) lng, between Paris and Lyn n the French Autrute in 1980.6.I get a________ when smene talks t me while I'm reading.7.If smething is s________ in a particular psitin, it is fixed tightly in this psitin and is unable t mve.8.He was able t hld back his a________ and avid a fight.
    Ⅲ.阅读本部分内容,翻译相关短语1.接某人 ________________2.闲坐,无所事事地坐着 ________________3.对……上瘾 ________________4.坦白地说 ________________5.与……有关联 ________________6.与……相比 ________________7.上升,上涨,增加 ________________8.焦虑的 ________________9.……的数目 ________________10.降低……的风险 ________________11.放弃 ________________12.卡在…… ________________
    pick sb. up
    sit arund/abut
    be addicted t
    be related t
    be cmpared t
    stressed ut
    the number f
    cut the risk f
    get stuck in
    ►第一版块:重点单词1.stick vt. (stuck, stuck); n.棒,棍(教材P58)Hw d yu feel when yu get stuck in traffic jams?当你遭遇交通堵塞的时候,你感受如何?(1)stick vt. 粘贴;刺,插;放置;伸出stick sth. n sth. 把一物贴在另一物上stick sth. in sth. 把一物刺入/插入/放进另一物里(2)stuck adj. 卡住的,陷住的,无法移动的。常与in连用(be) stuck (in...) 陷(入);困(于)(get) stuck (in...) (3)被难住,答不上来
    ❶Stick ne's head ut f the windw.把头伸出窗户。❷We were stuck in traffic fr ver an hur.我们遇上堵车,堵了一个多小时。❸I was stuck with my little sister all afternn.我整个下午都被我的小妹妹缠住了。❹The wheels were stuck in the mud.车轮陷到了泥里。❺She gt the key stuck in the lck.她把钥匙卡在锁里了。❻I gt stuck n the first questin.头一个问题我就答不上来。
    常用搭配:get/be stuck in 陷入,卡在……get/be stuck n 被难住;答不上来;卡壳get/be stuck fr 不知所措;(为某事)犯愁get/be stuck with摆脱不了;甩不掉用法拓展:stick arund 待在原地,不要走开stick ut 伸出stick t 坚持,遵守stick up 举起,(使)竖立stick with 继续,坚持;留在记忆里get the wrng end f the stick 完全误解 
    [即学即练] 完成句子/判断下列句子中stuck的含义/单句语法填空①她在信封上贴了一张邮票。She ________ a stamp n the letter.②护士把针扎进他的胳膊里。The nurse ________ (stick) a needle in his arm.③她把书放入抽屉里。She ________ (stick) her bk in the drawer.④他把头伸出公交车窗外。He ________ his head ut f the bus windw.⑤车陷入泥里了。The car was ________ (stick) in the mud.⑥别走开,我过一会儿需要你帮助。________ arund. I'll need yu t help me later.
    ⑦我会信守诺言。I'll stick ________ my prmise.⑧我们按原计划进行吧。Let's stick ________ ur riginal plans. ⑨If yu get stuck n a difficult wrd, just ask fr help._________⑩Sara tried t pen the windw but it was stuck. _________⑪Seven f us were stuck in the lift fr a lng time. _________⑫Yu will arrive at the airprt n time if yu d nt get stuck ________ a traffic jam.⑬I'm ________ (stick) n this part f the instructins—can yu explain it t me again?
    2.annyed adj.生气的,烦恼的(表示人自身的感受)(教材P58)t feel annyed感到生气be annyed with sb. 生某人的气be annyed at/abut sth. 因某事生气be annyed t d/that... ……使人恼火❶I was s annyed with him fr turning up late.他姗姗来迟,我很生气。❷He was annyed at the way she tried t take ver the whle meeting.她试图操控整个会议,这使他很恼火。❸She was annyed t discver that her husband had taken her car keys.她丈夫拿走了她的汽车钥匙,她发现后很生气。❹The teacher was annyed that his students did nt study hard.老师因学生不用功学习而生气。
    归纳拓展:(1)anny vt. 使生气,使恼怒;打扰(2)annyance n. [U]恼怒,烦恼;[C]使人烦恼的事t sb.'s annyance 让某人生气的是annying adj.使恼怒的,使生气的,使烦恼的(表示事或物的性质)语境串记:T my annyance, nbdy infrmed me that the meeting was put ff until afternn. Ryan's frequent interruptin during the meeting made me even mre annyed. It seemed that he didn't realise this annying habit ever.使我恼火的是,没有人通知我会议推迟到了下午。瑞安在开会时不断打断我,这使我更加恼火。他似乎从来没有意识到他这令人讨厌的习惯。
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空①Being annyed ________ ther peple easily is harmful t yur health.②She stayed awake till midnight because f her ________ (anny) sleeping prblem.③Whenever the yung animal is frightened r ________ (anny), it always rushes t its mther.④T ur _________ (anny), the air cnditiner brke dwn n the httest night f the year!
    3.relate vt.把……联系起来 vi.相联系,有关联 vt.讲述,叙述(教材P59)Sme types f cancer are related t traffic pllutin.多种癌症与交通污染有关。 把……和……联系起来be related t... 与……有关联relate t 涉及,与……相关,谈到;能够理解并同情relate sth.(t sb.) (向某人)讲述……
    ❶The reprt seeks t relate the rise in crime t the increase in unemplyment.这份报告试图把犯罪率上升和失业增加联系起来。❷The secnd paragraph f the text relates t the situatin in Sctland.文章第二段谈到苏格兰的形势。❸Many adults can't relate t children.许多成年人并不了解儿童的想法。❹He later related the whle stry t me.他后来给我讲了这件事的来龙去脉。
    归纳拓展:(1)related adj. 相关的,有联系的(2)relatin n. [U,C](事物之间的)关系,关联,联系in relatin t 关于;与……相比
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子/一词多译①Nt nly is likability related ________ psitive life utcmes, but it is als respnsible fr thse utcmes, t.②他说的那些与我们现在讨论的有什么关系吗?Hw d his remarks _____________________________?③你应该写下与这个问题有关的所有信息。〈1〉Yu shuld write dwn all the infrmatin _________the prblem.〈2〉Yu shuld write dwn all the infrmatin _________ the prblem.
    relate t what we are discussing nw
    in relatin t
    4.suit vt.满足(某人)需要,对(某人)方便,合(某人)心意;适合,适宜;(尤指服装、颜色等)相配,合身 n.[C]一套衣服,套装(教材P59)D whichever f these things that suit yu.做你方便做的任何事情。suit ne's need/taste 满足某人的需要/适合某人的口味suit sth.t sth./sb. 使某物适合某物/某人suit sb.(fine) (很)合某人的意;对某人来说(很)合适
    ❶The sftware can be adapted t suit the particular needs f the end user.该软件可修改以满足终端用户的特定需求。❷A gd speaker is always trying t suit his speech t his audience.一个好的演说家总是试图让自己的演说适合听众的口味。❸This ht weather desn't suit me.天这么热,我真受不了。❹Blue suits yu. Yu shuld wear it mre ften.你适合穿蓝色。你该多穿蓝色衣服。❺She was wearing a black truser suit.她穿着一套黑色衣裤套装。
    联想串记:suited adj. 合适,适宜,适当be suited fr/t... 适宜……suitable adj. 合适的,适宜的unsuitable adj. 不合适的be suitable fr... 适合……
    辨析比较:suit/fit/match(1)suit多指衣服等的颜色、款式或花样适合;还可指事物合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等。This style f dress suits yu well.这种款式的连衣裙很适合你。N dish suits all tastes.众口难调。(2)fit多指衣服等大小、尺寸、形状等方面的合适,通常意为“合身,适合”。It is imprtant that children's shes fit crrectly.孩子们的鞋正合脚是很重要的。(3)match多指两个物体大小、色调、形状、性质等方面很搭配,显得很协调。The clur f the shirt des nt match that f the tie.衬衫的颜色与领带的颜色不相配。
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/选词填空:match/suit/fit①She is quite ________ (suit) fr the jb; she is fluent in bth English and French.②As glbal warming increases, the Earth will becme less and less suited ________ life.③First f all, the clur f the hat shuld ________ the clurs f yur skin and hair.④It was because I grew s fast that many clthes my mm bught me didn't ________ me any lnger.⑤As we knw, a red jacket desn't ________ green trusers. But when a little girl wears them, they ________ her very well.⑥The lifestyle f the city seems t ________ her—she lks very well.
    ►第二版块:重点短语 1.g up (1)(价格、温度等)上涨,上升。近义词有rise和increase,反义词(组)有reduce, decrease, g dwn。(2)被兴建,被建造。主语是事物。(教材P58)By hw much has the number f cars gne up in the last 20 years?在过去的20年里,汽车数量增长了多少?g up by... 上升了……(表示上升的程度或幅度)g up t... 上升到……(表示上升后的结果)
    ❶With the temperature ging up,we fund it hard t stay utdrs.随着温度的升高,我们发现很难待在户外。❷Unemplyment in this cuntry has gne up by 25% in the last ten mnths.这个国家的失业率在过去十个月里上升了25%。❸High-rise apartment buildings have gne up where there was nce pen land.在曾经是空地的地方建起了高层公寓大楼。
    归纳拓展:g by(时间)流逝g ahead先走;开始做,着手干g in fr爱好;参加考试(或竞赛)g thrugh仔细察看;检查;经历,遭受g ver仔细检查g int开始做;(金钱、时间等)用于g against反抗;违反;不利于g dwn(物价等)下跌;(船等)下沉;(日、月)落下
    [即学即练] 选出能替换画线部分的词语/用g的相关短语完成句子①A crss-sea bridge is ging up nt away frm my hmetwn. (being built/being designed)__________②It is predicted that fd prices will cntinue t g up in the next few mnths. (raise/rise)________③Tall buildings are ________ alng the new rad leading t the dwntwn area.④I didn't ________ petry befre, but nw I'm beginning t take an interest in it.⑤As time ________,he finds it imprtant t learn anther freign language.⑥—The wman bilgist had stayed in Africa studying wild animals fr 13 years befre she returned.—She must have ____________ a lt!
    being built
    2.stressed ut adj.因压力而累垮的(教材P58)Hw ften d we arrive at wrk r schl, stressed ut, tired and angry?我们有多少次抵达工作地点或学校时感到焦虑、疲惫和愤怒?(1)under stress 在压力之下under the stress f... 在……的压力下lay/place/put stress n/upn... 强调……;给……压力(2)StressHe was stressed ut by the nise and the crwds in the shps during the sales.他被大减价时商店里的噪音和人群弄得精疲力竭。
    名师点津:stressful adj.(指物)压力重的;紧张的stressed adj.(指人)焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子/句型转换 ①Mre stress shuld be placed ________ the cultivatin f creativity.②________ the stress f bad weather the ship had t return.③We must ________________ (强调) n self-reliance.④Wrrying ver his jb and his wife's health _____________________ (使他处于极大的压力之下).⑤Our teacher ften places stress n gd educatin.→Our teacher ften _____________________ gd educatin.
    lay/put/place stress
    put him under great stress
    stresses the imprtance f
    ►第三版块:典型句式1.It takes sb. sme time t d sth. 某人花费……时间做某事(教材P58)“This mrning, it tk me 40 minutes t g dwntwn. Mre radwrks n the A10!”“今天早上,我去市中心花了40 分钟。A10公路上的道路工程比之前更多了!”It takes/tk sb. sme time t d sth.表示“某人花费多长时间做某事”。其中It为形式主语,后面的不定式结构为真正的主语。可与It takes/tk sme time fr sb. t d sth. 互换。❶It tk him ten years t write the bk.写这本书花费了他十年时间。❷It tk a lng time fr her t change her attitude.她用了很长时间才改变了态度。
    知识归纳:表“花费”的几个句式(1)sb. spends mney n sth.sb. spends mney (n) dingsb. spends time in sme placesb. spends time n sth.sb. spends time (in) ding sth.(2)sth. cst sme mney某物花了……钱
    sth. cst sb. sme mney某物花了某人……钱It cst (sb.) sme mney t buy sth.买某物花了(某人)……钱(3)sb. pay sme mney fr sth.(4)It takes sb. sme time t d sth.某人花费……时间去做某事
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空①It tk him nly a few minutes ________ (draw) the picture.②________ will take a lng time fr her t recver frm the illness.③Hw lng des it take ________ (g) there n ft?
    2.形容词(短语)作状语(教材P58)Hw ften d we arrive at wrk r schl, stressed ut, tired and angry?我们有多少次抵达工作地点或学校时感到焦虑、疲惫和愤怒?在英语句子结构中,形容词(短语)可充当状语,用来描述谓语动作(或分词短语中的宾补动作)发生的时间、原因、条件、伴随状态等。当形容词(短语)作状语时,通常用逗号与主句分开,位置可在句首、句中或句末。
    ❶The survivrs lay n the beach, shcked and exhausted.幸存者躺在海滩上,心有余悸,疲惫不堪。(表状态)❷Hungry (=Because he was hungry), he hurried t the kitchen.因为太饿了,他匆忙跑到厨房。(表原因)❸Eager fr an immediate reply (=Because he was eager fr an immediate reply), he sent me anther e-mail. 由于渴望立刻得到回复,他又给我发了一封电子邮件。(表原因)❹He apprached us,full f aplgies.他向我们走来,并连声道歉。(表伴随状态)❺Wet r fine (=Whether it was wet r fine), he gt up at six and tk a walk in the park.不管下雨天还是晴天,他总是六点钟起床到公园里散散步。(表让步)
    [即学即练] 完成句子①___________________ (既惊奇又高兴), Tm came t the frnt and accepted the prize.②_________________(沉浸在阅读中), he didn't ntice smene slide int the rm.③His meal lay n the table, _______ (没吃).④___________ (无论生病与否), the yung man always studied very hard.⑤Every natin, ___________ (无论大小), shuld be equal.⑥________________ (愿意做这件事), the girl ndded her agreement.
    Surprised and delighted
    Lst/Deep in reading
    big r small
    Willing t d this
    3.the number f...作主语时的主谓一致(教材P58)In the last 20 years, the number f cars n the rads has gne up by 25%.在过去的20年里,道路上的汽车数量增加了25%。the number f 的主谓一致“the number f+名词”作主语,中心词是the number,谓语动词用单数形式;a number f意为“若干;许多”,相当于many,和复数名词连用,“a number f+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。❶The number f undergraduates has increased ver the years.本科生的人数这几年已经增加了。❷A number f wmen want t be language teachers.许多女性想成为语言教师。
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空①With a rise in________number f cars, traffic has becme increasingly heavier.②________ gd number f bks in the market are examinatin-riented.③Nwadays the number f cllege graduates in a cuntry ________ (reflect) its cultural standard.④A number f highly qualified schlars _________ (wrk) in Singapre till nw.
    [词语积累]①radwrks/'rəʊdˌwɜːks/n.[pl.]道路施工②anger/'æŋɡə(r)/n.[U]怒,怒火anger at...对……的怒火in anger气愤地be filled with anger/be full f anger满腔怒火angry adj.发怒的,生气的③be nthing cmpared t...与……相比不值一提④figure n.[C,pl.](代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字⑤decade/'dekeɪd/n.[C]十年in/ver the past/last decade在过去十年里
    ⑥average n.[C,U]平均数⑦greenhuse gas n.[C]温室气体greenhuse effect n.[sing.]温室效应gas/ɡæs/n.[C,U]气体;[U]煤气,天然气⑧cancer/'kænsə(r)/n.[C,U]癌,癌症;[C](社会)毒瘤⑨be related t (=be cnnected/linked t)与……有关联relate/rɪ'leɪt/vt.联系,使有联系,把……联系起来⑩make excuses找借口⑪be addicted t沉迷于(t为介词)⑫regular/'reɡjələ(r)/adj.定时的,有规律的regularly adv.有规律地;经常
    ⑬cut the risk f...降低……的风险⑭s what?那又怎么样?(认为某事无关紧要,尤用于反驳他人的指责时)⑮arund the crner很近,在附近►Her huse is just arund the crner.她的房子就在附近。►There were gd times arund the crner.好时光很快就会来临。⑯speed limit限速⑰suit/suːt/vt.对(某人)方便,满足(某人)需要,合(某人)心意⑱sit arund/abut无所事事地消磨时间,闲坐►I have a busy life with n time t sit arund feeling srry fr myself.我的生活非常忙碌,没有时间坐在那里自怨自艾。⑲hrrible adj.极坏的,十分讨厌的,
    Part 1“This mrning, it tk me 40 minutes t g dwntwn. Mre radwrks① n the A10!”“Oh really? It tk me ver an hur. There was an accident n the M11.”Hw ften have yu heard these cnversatins? Hw ften d we get stuck in traffic jams? Hw ften d we arrive at wrk r schl, stressed ut, tired and angry【1】? Fr many peple, the answer is every day. But persnal anger② and stress are nthing cmpared t③ the real csts scially. Here are sme figures④ abut Britain:【1】画线部分为形容词(短语)作状语,表示主语的状态。
    •In the last 20 years, the number f cars n the rads has gne up by 25%. There are nw 32 millin cars.•Over the last decade⑤, an average⑥ f 2,500 peple have died every year in vehicle accidents.•Traffic is ne f the majr causes f glbal warming and climate change, as car engines prduce varius types f greenhuse gases⑦.•Almst 30,000 deaths per year are caused by air pllutin.•Sme types f cancer⑧ are related t⑨ traffic pllutin.
    Part 2We knw that cars are bad fr us. But we all make excuses⑩:“The buses are terrible”; “The trains are always late”;“I haven't gt time t walk”. I'm talking abut myself, t. T be frank, I'm addicted t⑪ my car. When I asked Jenny Trwe f Greenpeace fr advice abut hw t give up, she tld me five things:•Use yur legs. In 2014, ver 55% f car jurneys were under eight kilmetres. Instead f taking shrt car jurneys, we culd easily walk r cycle. Leg pwer can save yur mney, keep yu fit and help yu live lnger. Regular⑫ exercise als cuts the risk f⑬ heart disease by 50%!
    •Use public transprt. Up t 90 peple can travel in ne bus, while the same number will need at least 18 cars. Smetimes it can take a little bit lnger, but s what⑭? Yu can relax, read a bk, talk t smene—wh knws?•Think befre yu g. D yu really have t g t that shpping centre n the ther side f twn? What abut the shps arund the crner⑮? Befre yu get int yur car, think abut whether yu really need t make that jurney.•Share cars. If yu really have t use a car, share jurneys with smene else. It is much cheaper and kinder t the envirnment.
    •Take actin! We ften think there is nthing we can d abut the nise, pllutin and danger f traffic.There is. If yur street is full f heavy traffic, talk t yur neighburs abut it. Write t the papers. G t the city gvernment. Ask fr a speed limit⑯. D whichever f these things that suit⑰ yu. Dn't just sit arund⑱ and cmplain!All quite simple, isn't it? Five easy ways t imprve ur envirnment. Well, I'm srry I have t finish this article, but I've gt t pick up my daughter frm schl at 4 pm.Then I've gt t drive t the supermarket t d the shpping. After that, I have t take my sn t a party. The traffic is ging t be hrrible⑲, but what can I d?
    第1部分“今天早上,我花了40分钟去市中心。A10公路上的很多地方在施工!”“真的吗?我花了一个多小时。M11公路上发生了一起事故。”你每隔多久会听到这样的对话?有多少次我们陷于交通堵塞之中?又有多少次,当我们抵达工作地点或学校时感到心力交瘁、疲惫又愤怒?对很多人来说,答案是每天。但是和真正的社会损失相比,个人的愤怒和焦虑根本不值一提。以下是一些关于英国的数据:·在过去的20年里,道路上的汽车数量增加了25%。现在有3 200万辆汽车。·在过去十年中,平均每年有2 500人死于交通事故。·交通是全球变暖和气候变化的主要原因之一,因为汽车发动机会产生各类温室气体。·每年有近3万人死于空气污染。·多种癌症与交通污染有关。
    Ⅰ.单词拼写1.I was a________ with my sn abut his carelessness, which was the main cause f his failure in math.2.If the chair is t high, yu can adjust it t s________ yu.3.The best apprach t building up yur bdy is t take ________ (定期的) exercise.4.We remained ________ (卡住的) in the traffic ________ (堵塞)until midnight due t a serius accident.5.In the past tw ________ (十年), great changes have taken place in ur cuntry.
    Ⅱ.单句语法填空1.Stuck ________ the heavy snw, my father insisted that we stay where we were when he asked fr help.2Filled with ________ (angry), a persn tends t say whatever cmes t his mind.3.Rad accidents have gne up ________ 2% in the first seasn f this year.4.Yu cannt just sit ___________ in yur ffice waiting fr yur bss t prmte yu.5.If yu are addicted ________ yur mbile phne, that's when yu shuld lay it dwn and be invlved in meaningful activities.
    6.Frm the ________ (anny) lk n her face, we knew that she was quite angry abut what her sn had dne.7.The price f new huses in that area ges ________ and mst peple cannt affrd ne there.8.—What's wrng? Yu lk really stressed ________ .—I have been wrking the whle week preparing fr my paper.9.With the spirit f vluntary wrk rted in my heart, I am sure that I can be a ________ (suit) vlunteer yu need.10.Generally speaking, tiredness is directly related ________ a driver's respnse time.
    Ⅲ.课文语法填空We knw that cars are bad fr us. Here are five easy ways t imprve ur envirnment.Use yur legs. In 2014, ver 55% f car jurneys 1.________ (be) under eight kilmetres. Instead f taking shrt car jurneys, we culd 2.________ (easy) walk r cycle. Leg pwer can save yur mney, keep yu fit and help yu live 3.________ (lng).Use public transprt. Up t 90 peple can travel in ne bus, while 4.________ same number will need at least 18 cars. Smetimes it can take a little bit lnger, 5.________ yu can relax, read a bk, talk t smene—wh knws?

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