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    新外研社高中英语选择性必修三Unit1Face Values-Developing Ideas课件
    新外研社高中英语选择性必修三Unit1Face Values-Developing Ideas课件01
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    选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Face values教课内容ppt课件

    这是一份选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Face values教课内容ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Reading,Conclusion,Writing, Para 1, Para 5,n 女家庭教师,adj 神秘莫测的,n 孤儿院,n 沉默寡言等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Hw much d yu knw abut Victr Hug (维克多·雨果)?
    Brn in France in 1802, Victr Hug was a nvelist, pet and playwright and was part f the Rmantic Mvement. Regarded as ne f France’s greatest writers, he is celebrated as the “Shakespeare f France”.Hug first fund fame, as a pet, when he was abut 20 years ld. Less than ten years later, he published ne f his best-knwn wrks,The Hunchback f Ntre-Dame.It was immediately a huge success and is nw cnsidered a key wrk f Rmanticism. It remains ne f his mst ppular wrks tday.
    D yu agree that “It’s a pretty persn’s wrld”? Why?
    Rmanticism: a style in the 1800s that emphasized a free frm f writing and expressed strng emtins, experiences f cmmn peple, and imaginative expressins and passin.In 1831 Hug published his nvel The Hunchback f Ntre-Dame. It is nw cnsidered a key wrk f Rmanticism.
    In 15th-century France, a Gypsy(吉卜赛人的) girl is framed (陷害) fr murder by the infatuated (迷恋的) Chief Justice, and nly the defrmed (畸形的) bellringer f Ntre Dame Cathedral can save her.
    ※ Why did Quasimd rescue Esmeralda?A. Because Quasimd is s ugly, while Esmeralda is beautiful and kind. B. Because Quasimd fell in lve with Esmeralda. C. Because Esmeralda was the nly ne t shw him kindness and mercy when Quasimd was trtured in public.
    Lk thrugh the passage and chse the best answer.
    Underline the sentences that describe Esmeralda and Quasimd's appearances and feelings. Write a shrt paragraph t describe hw Esmeralda and Quasimd see each ther.
    Esmeralda in Quasimd's eyes ________________________________________________________________
    Quasimd in Esmeralda's eyes ________________________________________________________________________
    Quasimd in Esmeralda's eye:
    Esmeralda thught Quasimd was repulsive with knck knees, a hunched back and a singleeye; yet beneath his ugliness, he was full f melanchly and gentleness.
    Esmeralda in Quasimd's eye:
    Quasimd thught Esmeralda was graceful and exquisitely beautiful, like a ray f sunshine, a drp f dew r a birdsng.
    Read the passage again and discuss the fllwing questin.
    Hw did Esmeralda's feelings twards Quasimd change?
    thught he was hrrible
    felt sympathetic twards him
    knew him better
    was patient with him and was mved by him
    What des the sentence “A tear swam in the eye f Quasimd, but did nt fall” tell us abut Quasimd's persnality?
    Think & Share.
    On ne hand, it shws that Quasimd is sensitive and gentle; n the ther hand, it shws his strength and pride.
    kind, beautiful, warm-hearted, sympathetic
    ugly,unfrtunate, kind ,brave.
    Pst reading
    analyzing, summary and retelling
    Give a talk abut the character in the passage that makes the greatest impressin n yu.Organize yur ideas by cnsidering the questins.
    After reading
    What is the character like?___________________________________Has he/she experienced any emtinal changes? If s, what changes are they?___________________________________What can yu learn frm him/her? ___________________________________
    emtinal changes
    smething yu've learned
    Present yur ideas in yur grup.
    ugly, dislyal, clever, warm-hearted,sympathetic, upright, serius, selfless ...
    thught he was hrrible -felt sympathetic twards him-knew him better-was patient with him and was mved by him
    Cllect all yur grup's ideas and present them t the class.
    inner beauty,...
    1. What difficulties might peple like Quasimd face in the real wrld? Hw shuld peple treat them?2. Predict what happens next. Share yur ideas with the class. Read the nvel and check yur predictin.
    ◆ The first passage shws the true meaning f beauty. Thugh hw yu present yurself t thers plays a part, accepting yurself and feeling cnfident abut yur physical appearance are mst imprtant. ◆ The secnd passage highlights hw smene's physical appearance can actually be a cmplete cntrast t wh they are n the inside.
    Language Pints
    1. Esmeralda hears his call fr water, and steps frwards ut f mercy.埃斯梅拉达听到他对水的呼唤,怜悯之心油然而生。ut f mercy: take pity n 出于怜悯eg I dn’t want anybdy t help me ut f mercy.我不想任何人出于怜悯来帮助我。
    (1) have a mercy n 对……怜悯shw mercy t 对……怜悯ask fr/ beg fr mercy 请求/乞求宽恕at the mercy f 任凭……摆布withut mercy 毫不留情地,残忍地It’s mercy that… 幸运的是……(2) merciful adj. 仁慈的,宽恕的,宽容的be merciful t 对……仁慈
    【语境应用】完成句子。1) It was quite urgent. The ship and its crew were ________________ (任凭……摆布) the rugh sea.2) The by was screaming and __________________ (乞求宽恕).3) _____________________ (幸运的是……) he survived the car crash.
    at the mercy f
    begging fr mercy
    It was a mercy that
    2. Yet there was s much melanchly and s much gentleness spread ver all this that she gradually adjusted t it.但他表现出那样的忧郁与那样的温顺,她渐渐地适应了。adjust t: becme used t 适应……(t是介词)eg He can’t adjust easily t the life in Nrth China.他难以适应中国北方的生活。I haven’t adjusted t living n my wn.我还没有适应独自生活。
    adjust neself t 使自己适应……adjust sth t sth 调整……以适应……eg They will quickly adjust themselves t the schl life.他们将很快适应学校生活。Yu can adjust the seat belt t the size yu want.你可以根据自己的需要调整安全带。
    【语境应用】单句语法填空。1) He adjusted t _________ (live) in the remte village.2) Adjust yur language _______ the age f yur audience.
    3. He was the first t break the silence. the + 序数词(+名词)+ 不定式当被修饰词是序数词或被序数词修饰时,通常用不定式作后置定语。被修饰词与不定式之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。此外,被修饰词被形容词最高级或the nly, the very, the last等修饰时也通常用不定式作后置定语。eg She is always the first t answer questins.她总是第一个回答问题。He is the best man t chse. 他是最好的人选。He wuld be the last t agree t the plan. 他决不会同意这项计划。
    (1) 不定式作定语 通常放在被修饰词的后面,与被修饰词之间可有主谓、动宾或同位关系。(2) 不定式与被修饰词存在动宾关系时,如果不定式是不及物动词,则后面应有必要的介词。eg I usually have a lt f meetings t attend.我通常有很多会议要参加She is a nice persn t wrk with.她是个好同事。
    (3) 常接不定式作定语的名词有ability, ambitin, attempt, chance, decisin, effrt, mment, need, plan, prmise, reasn, time, way等。eg Please make an effrt t catch the bus.请努力赶上公共汽车。He made a prmise t cme here n time tmrrw.他答应明天准时来这里。
    【语境应用】单句语法填空。1) I want t get smething ________ (read) during the vacatin.2) We have a lt f things _______ (d), but packing is at the tp f the list.3) They are always the first ________ (bear) hardship and the last _________ (enjy) cmfrt.4) This will be a gd pprtunity ___________ (exchange) experience.5) That will be the nly thing ________ (d) nw.6) We must have the curage ______ (say) that we are ignrant.
    t exchange
    4. “But!” he said, as thugh hesitating whether t finish, “I am‒ I am deaf.”“但是!”他说,似乎犹豫着要不要说下去,“我是……我是聋子。”as thugh hesitating whether t finish是让步状语从句的省略,补充完整是as thugh he was hesitating whether t finish。
    当时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句的主语与主句主语一致(或从句主语是it),且从句谓语含有be动词时,可以把从句主语和be动词一起省略。状语从句省略后的结构:连词+现在分词/ 过去分词/ 不定式/ 介词短语/ 名词/ 形容词/ 副词。eg When (she was) walking alng the river bank, she was singing a pp sng.她沿着河堤边走边唱着流行歌曲。Dn’t cme in until (yu are) asked t.没叫你就别进来。If (yu are) in dubt, cnsult yur dctr.如有疑问,咨询医生。
    If (it is) pssible, he will help yu ut f the difficulty.如果可能的话,他会帮你摆脱困境。Yu must attend the meeting unless (it is) incnvenient t yu.除非不方便,否则你必须出席这次会议。
    【语境应用】单句语法填空。1) When _________ (live) in Lndn, I picked up English.2) If ________ (accept) fr the jb, yu’ll be infrmed sn.3) Vide games can be a pr influence if _________ (leave) in the wrng hands.4) She std at the gate as if ________ (wait) fr smene.5) Unless _________ (invite), I wn’t take part in it.6) Althugh _______ (d) his best in maths these days, he has still gt n gd mark.7) He std up as if _______ (say) smething.
    5. Never have I viewed my ugliness as at the present mment.我从来没像现在这般明白自己的丑陋。否定词never置于句首,句子使用了部分倒装语序,即把助动词have放在主语I 的前面。当表示否定意义的词或短语置于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序,即把助动词、情态动词或系动词be移至主语之前。这样的词或短语有never, neither, nr, seldm, little, hardly, rarely, scarcely, at n time, by n means, in n way以及nt nly… but als…, n sner… than…, hardly…when…等。
    eg Never in all my life have I seen such a hrrible thing.我一辈子没见过这么恐怖的事。Seldm des he g ut fr dinner.他很少出去吃饭。Little des he realize hw imprtant this meeting is.他没有意识到这个会议的重要性。
    【语境应用】完成句子。1) Hardly _____________ (我注意到) that the hliday is ging by.2) Never ______________ (我看到过) such a beautiful vase befre.3) Seldm __________________ (她丧失信心) when she is in truble.4) Rarely ___________ (我看过) such an amazing perfrmance.5) In n way _______________________ (我对……负责) what has happened.
    have I seen
    des she lse heart
    have I seen
    am I respnsible fr
    6) Nt nly _______________________ (他对绘画感兴趣), but he als teaches his sn hw t draw.7) I will never knw what was n his mind at the time; ________________________ (其他任何人也不知道).
    is he interested in painting
    nr/ neither will anyne else
    6. When I cmpare myself t yu, I feel an immense pity fr myself, pr unfrtunate mnster that I am!当我把自己同你比较时,我就非常怜悯自己,我是多么可怜而不幸的怪物啊!cmpare… t…: ① cmpare… with… 把……与……相比② regard as similar r equal t 把……比作……eg We carefully cmpared the first reprt t/ with the secnd.我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。Bks are ften cmpared t ur friends. 书籍常常被比喻为我们的朋友。
    【注意】cmpare与介词with, t搭配时意义有所不同,但cmpared with和cmpared t在句中作状语时意义相同,都表示“与……相比”。eg He is much mre brilliant, cmpared with/ t what he was befre studying at cllege.与上大学之前相比,他现在有才华多了。
    【归纳拓展】cmpare ntes (with sb)(和某人)交换看法/ 交换意见beynd cmpare 无与伦比 cmpare and cntrast 比较与对比
    【语境应用】单句语法填空。1) Peple ften cmpare a teacher _______ a gardener wh takes great care f varius plants.2) When we cmpare ur films _______ freign nes, we find many differences.3) Film has a much shrter histry, especially when _________ (cmpare) t such art frms as music and painting.4) When __________ (cmpare) different cultures, we ften pay attentin nly t the differences withut nticing their similarities.
    7. Yu have frgtten an unfrtunate persn wh attempted t kidnap yu ne night…你忘了,有天晚上,有个坏家伙想绑架你……attempt t d sth: 试图做某事eg The plice attempted t link the case t the strange phenmenn.警察试图把这起案件与这种奇怪的现象联系在一起。
    make an attempt t d sth/ at ding sth 试图做某事in an attempt t d sth 为了做某事 at the first/ secnd attempt 第一/ 二次尝试
    【语境应用】单句语法填空。1) He attempted _________ (get) in tuch with them but failed.2) He succeeded in his attempt _______ (break) the wrld recrd.3) She made a few half-hearted attempts ________ jin in their cnversatin.4) smehw, he managed ___________ (persuade) Kay t buy ne fr him.
    t persuade
    Read the intrductin t the nvel and answer the questins.
    This bk by Oscar Wilde tells the stry f Drian Gray, a very handsme yung man wh spends his life nly cncerned with his wn pleasure, regardless f thesuffering he brings t thers.
    The Picture f Drian Gray
    The stry starts with yung Drian having his prtrait painted. His friend Lrd Wttn talks abut beauty and pleasure being the nly imprtant things in life. Fascinated by his wrds, Drian wishes he culd remain yung and gd-lking always, with his prtrait grwing ld instead f him.
    1. What kind f persn is Drian Gray?2. What message d yu think the nvel cnveys?
    Analyse the intrductin t the nvel.
    Hw many parts can we divide the intrductin int?
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Para 2-4
    The intrductin t the nvel cnsists f three elements:1. General infrmatin2. Plt3. Central theme(s)
    The stry starts with yung Drian having his prtrait painted … Sn afterwards, Drian is surprised … He hides the painting away s that n ne else may see it. Fr the next 18 years …
    the time rder
    simple and brief
    In the stry, what matters mst t Drian Gray is that he is gd-lking, nt that he has a gd heart. He sacrifices his true self in pursuit f physical beauty and pleasure, which leads t his destructin in the end.
    the summary f the character
    Chse anther literary wrk with a fcus n physical appearances and persnal qualities, such as The Hunchback f Ntre-Dame, and cmplete the ntes.
    While-writing: Writing
    General infrmatin: _______________________Plt: ______________________________________Central theme(s): ___________________________
    Nw write abut this literary wrk based n yur ntes.
    Pst-writing: Reference Text
    Jane EyreJane Eyre, written by Charltte Brnte and first published in 1847, tells the timeless stry f the lve between a pr yung gverness and a rich and mysterius gentleman.
    After leaving the rphanage where she has spent mst f her childhd, Jane Eyre ges t wrk as the gverness f the daughter f a wealthy but trubled landwner. As she cmes t knw the great huse and the peple wh live and wrk within it, Jane begins t uncver the secret respnsible fr Rchester’s temper and reticence. They fall in lve, but just when their happily ever after seems t be in sight, that secret threatens t tear them apart.

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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 A glimpse of the future课文课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 A glimpse of the future课文课件ppt,共45页。PPT课件主要包含了Reading,仔细检查,Summary,writing,Characters,Setting,Plot,Ending,weather,background等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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