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    高中北师大版 (2019)Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory学案及答案

    这是一份高中北师大版 (2019)Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory学案及答案,共30页。

    Part Ⅴ Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory
    arrangement, emotional, excitement, publish, sharp
    as a result, take it easy, up to
    This is because...

    单词巧练 写准记牢
    1.________adj. 急剧的;猛烈的;尖的,锋利的
    2.________adj. 适时的,及时的
    3.________adv. 定期地
    4.________n. 记忆
    5.________n. 技巧,手法
    6.________n. 计划;安排
    7.________n. 童年,儿童时代
    8.________adj. 情感上的;情绪上的
    9.________n. 兴奋,激动
    10.________vi. &vt. 出版;发表;刊登
    1.I can't give my approval to such an ________ (安排).
    2.We understand the terrible ________ (情感的) stress you have gone through.
    3.Collect this ________ (定期地) during peak and off­peak hours.
    4.He insisted on driving straight to the apron where the ________ (直升机) was waiting.
    5.The new ________ (技巧) used to produce power has little effect on the environment.
    6.He has been accustomed to the life in the mountains since his c________.
    7.Hearing the news, she felt a strange mixture of e________ and fear.
    8.Believing my novel could not be p________, I put it aside.
    9.Please equip yourself with a s________ pencil and a rubber for the exam.
    10.Without your t________ warning, we would have been unaware of the danger.

    1.arrangement n.计划;安排
    (教材P58)facts and arrangements事实和安排
    They are making arrangements for the party.他们在为晚会做准备。
    I'll make arrangements for someone to meet you at the station.
    They made an arrangement to meet at the school gate at 3 p.m..
    make arrangements/an arrangement for 为……做安排
    arrive at/come to an arrangement 谈妥,达成协议
    arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事
    arrange vt. &vi. 安排,筹划
    arrange to do sth. 安排做某事;约定做某事
    arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事
    arrange with sb. to do sth. 与某人约定做某事
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子/翻译句子
    ①If you want to succeed, you'd better make ________ (arrange) for the future.
    ②My boss arranged for me ________ (discuss) details with someone from another company.
    ③He arranged ________ me to search for a collection of rare stamps.
    ④Never mind. I'll ________________________ (为……安排) you to be met at the airport.
    (1)表达“安排某人做某事”通常说arrange for sb. to do sth.,而不说arrange sb. to do sth.
    (2)用demand来表达“要求某人做某事”也不同于“ask/beg sb. to do sth.”的形式,而是用“demand of/from sb. to do sth.”。如:
    He demanded of/from me to shut the door.他要求我关上门。(而不说demand sb. to do sth.)

    2.emotional adj.情感上的;情绪上的
    (教材P58)We remember things that have strong connections in our mind, especially emotional connections.我们会记住与头脑中有较强关联的事情,特别是情感联系。
    emotional harm 情感伤害
    emotion n. 强烈的感情;情绪;激情
    be overcome with emotion 激动得不能自持
    a mixture of emotions 百感交集
    emotionally adv. 情绪上;情感上
    in sb.'s emotional development 在某人的情感发展过程中
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子
    ①My family provides ________ (emotion) support when I feel very painful.
    ②He finished his speech ________ (emotion).
    Mary ________________________ yesterday.
    He could never see the face of Goldstein without ________________________.
    典型例证:emotion n.[c,u]
    1.Love is a beautiful emotion.爱是一种美好的感情。
    2.The poem is full of emotion.这首诗歌饱含感情。
    3.He has deep emotions for his hometown.他对家乡有很深的感情。
    4.He spoke of his dead wife with deep emotion.他提到亡妻感慨万分。
    3.excitement n.兴奋,激动
    (教材P58)This is because when we experience things for the first time, we often have strong feelings of fear or excitement.这是因为我们第一次经历事物时,常常会产生强烈的恐惧感或者兴奋感。
    Then why not go to the city for some excitement?那你为什么不搬到城市去找些刺激呢?
    They jumped up and down in excitement.他们兴奋得跳来跳去。
    His eyes were wild with excitement.他眼中流露出极度兴奋的神情。
    (1)to one's excitement 令某人兴奋的是
    in/with excitement (=excitedly) 兴奋地
    (2)excite vt. 使兴奋,使激动;引起,激起
    excited adj. 兴奋的,激动的
    exciting adj. 令人兴奋的,令人激动的
    (3)excite sb. to 鼓动/煽动某人做某事
    excite sth. in sb. 激起某人的兴趣/嫉妒等
    excite sb.against rulers 煽动某人造反
    excite great interest among doctors 引起医生的兴趣
    excite public suspicion 引起公众怀疑
    excite envy/admiration/greed in sb. 引起某人的羡慕/爱慕/贪念
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子/翻译句子
    ①When seeing his lost son return home safe and sound, he couldn't hide his ________ (excite).
    ②The children were ________ (excite) at the thought of the journey.
    ③The marathon is an ________ (excite) event in any year.
    ④________________________ (令我们兴奋的是), the schoolboy could sing the English song so well.
    同源词excited (adj.)的常见搭配:1.too excited to do...
    He was too excited to sleep.他兴奋得睡不着觉。
    2.be excited about sth.
    I'm very excited about the trip.我对这次旅行感到很兴奋。
    3.be excited to do sth.
    I'm so excited to see such beautiful scenery.看到这么美丽的风景,我感到很兴奋。
    4.be excited that...
    We are so excited that we are going to Shanghai.要去上海了,我们非常兴奋。
    4.publish vt. &vi.出版;发表;刊登;公布
    (教材P59)In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus published a book called Memory and presented a famous forgetting curve.1885年,赫尔曼·艾宾浩斯出版了《关于记忆》,提出了著名的遗忘曲线。
    (1)publish articles in newspapers/magazines 在报刊上发表文章
    publish one's accounts 公布某人的账目
    publish the date for marriage of sb. 公布某人结婚日期
    (2)publish sth. in English 用英语出版……
    publish sth. under one's real name 用真名发表……
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/翻译句子
    ①The dictionary is out of date: many words have been added to the language since it ________ (publish).
    ②His first novel ________ (publish) next month is based on a true story.
    ③He wrote many children's books, nearly half of which ________ (publish) in the 1990s.
    publisher n.出版者;出版商;发行者
    publication n.出版;发表,公布;出版物
    publishing n.出版(业)
    published adj.正出版的;正发表的

    5.sharp adj. 急剧的,猛烈的;尖的,锋利的;敏锐的;敏捷的;尖锐的;严厉的;清晰的
    (教材P59)According to him, the sharpest loss of memory occurs during the very early period after learning.根据他的说法,最显著的遗忘出现在学习之后的最初阶段。
    a sharp increase 急剧增加
    a sharp turn 急转弯
    sharp teeth 锋利的牙齿
    a sharp pain 一阵剧痛
    be sharp with sb. 对某人严厉;对某人说话尖刻
    have a sharp tongue 说话刻薄
    [即学即练] 完成句子/单句语法填空
    ①Nowadays, there is ________________________ (急剧增加) in children's creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents.
    ②He ________________________ (对……说话尖刻) me when I was late.
    ③As everybody knows, she ________________________ (说话刻薄).
    ④—What is the price of petrol these days?
    —Oh,it has risen ________ (sharp) since last month.
    ⑤They also made tools of bones and ________ (sharp) stones.
    sharply adv.急剧地;严厉地
    fall sharply急剧下降
    sharpen v.使增强;使提高;使变锋利
    sharpener n.磨具;削具
    6.convince v.(1)使确信;使相信;使信服 (2)说服,劝服(某人做某事)
    convince sb. of sth. 使某人信服……
    convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事
    convince sb. that... 使某人确信……
    be convinced of sth. 确信……
    be convinced that... 确信……
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子
    ①I am ________ (convince) that your suggestions can help me out.
    ②________ (convince) that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic about the future of the country.
    ③His ________ (convince) words finally convinced me, and I was ________ (convince) that he was innocent.
    You'll need to ________________________ your enthusiasm for the job.
    I ________________________ the importance of honesty, which will contribute to building a warm and harmonious society.
    I ________________________ the print media are usually more accurate and more reliable than television.
    They tried to ________________________ support them.
    convinced adj.坚信不疑的;感到确信的
    convincing adj.令人信服的;有说服力的

    7.challenge vt.向(某人)挑战;对……怀疑/质疑n.挑战;艰巨任务
    (1)challenge sb. to sth. 向某人挑战某事/邀请某人参加某事
    challenge sb. to do sth. 向某人挑战做某事/要求某人做某事
    face a challenge 面对挑战
    meet the challenge 迎接挑战
    rise to the challenge 接受挑战;奋起应对挑战
    take up the challenge 应战
    (2)challenging adj. 有挑战性的;考验能力的
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子
    ①It was a direct challenge ________ the president's authority.
    ②Science is my most ________ subject as my students have no concept of doing experiments.
    After lunch Kelly ________________________ a game of tennis.
    Once I finish a book, I ________________________ the text in just three sentences.
    Schools must ________________________ of new technology.
    Destruction of the environment is one of ________________________ we face.
    challenge sb. to sth.=invite sb. to do sth.
    e.g. challenge sb. to a game邀某人参赛
    challenge sb. to do sth.=invite/ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事
    e.g. He challenged me to fight.他要我和他打斗。
    challenge sb.'s authority/right to do sth.对某人做某事的权力/权利提出质疑
    challenge sb. (1)考验某人/挑战某人(2)盘问某人
    challenge sth.考验某事,怀疑某事的正确性

    8.imagine vt.想象;设想
    (1)imagine doing sth. 想象做某事
    imagine sb./sth. as... 把……想象为……
    imagine sb. sth. 把某人想象为……
    imagine sb. to be... 把某人想象为……
    imagine sb. doing sth. 想象某人做某事
    (2)imagine (that) 想象……
    (3)imagine what/why/how 想像一下什么/为什么/怎么做
    (4)imagination n. 想象力;想象
    imaginary adj. 想象中的,幻想的,虚构的
    imaginable adj. 可想象的
    [即学即练] 选词填空(imagine/imaginary/imaginable/imagination)
    ①Can you ________ what it must be like to lose your job after 20 years?
    ②It doesn't take much ________ to guess what she meant.
    ③All the characters in this book are ________.
    ④It's ________ that knowledge plays an important role through our life.
    ⑤But later I knew that your bearing is far beyond my ________.
    1.She imagined living by the lake, drawing some pictures every day.她想象住在湖边,每天画些画。
    2.I imagined the park to be bigger than it is.我本来以为这个公园还要大一些。
    3.You can't imagine how busy I was.你无法想象我有多忙。
    4.Imagine that you are lying on a beach and listening to the sound of waves.想象你躺在沙滩上,听着波浪的声音(的生活)。

    1.as a result作为结果
    (教材P58)As a result, we remember them much better, as retelling events helps fix experiences in our memories.重复事件能加强我们对事件的印象,结果是我们能更好地记住这些经历。
    He got up very late today. As a result, he missed the first bus.
    He was late as a result of the snow.由于大雪他迟到了。
    The bad weather resulted in the traffic jam.坏天气导致了交通阻塞。
    ②reward sb. for (doing) sth. with...用……来报答/酬谢某人(做)某事
    1.He received a medal in reward/return for his bravery.他因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。
    2.①Is this how you reward me for my help?你就这样来报答我对你的帮助吗?
    ②She rewarded him for his help with a smile.她对他的帮助报之一笑。 His success resulted from his hard work.努力工作造就了他的成功。
    as a result 作为结果(后接结果)
    as a result of 作为……的结果,由于(后接原因)
    result in 导致,造成(后接结果);引起……
    result from 由……引起;起因于(后接原因)
    [即学即练] 完成句子/单句语法填空
    ①He had some bad fish. ________________________ (结果), he felt ill this morning.
    ②He can't take part in the sports meeting ________________________ (由于) his serious injuries in an accident.
    ③His laziness resulted ________ his failure; that is to say, his failure resulted ________ his laziness.
    ④We are still dealing with problems ________ (result) from errors made in the past.
    ①in reward for...=in return for...因为……
    as a result of因为
    on account of因为
    thanks to...由于
    owing to...由于
    2.up to多达;直到;能胜任
    (教材P59)At that point, we can remember up to 200 pieces of information in a second.此时,我们可以在一秒钟内记住多达200条信息。
    up to一词多义:
    up to 1,000 people 多达一千人
    up to now 直到现在
    be up to the important job 胜任这一重要工作
    be up to writing a novel 正在写小说
    be up to some mischief 正在捣鬼
    be up to you (to do sth.) 由你决定(做某事)
    [即学即练] 写出句中up to的意思/完成句子
    ①I don't feel up__to the task.________
    ②He knew Bailey was up__to something. But what?________
    ③They stayed there up__to 7 days a week.________
    ④Michael is not really ________________________ (胜任) the job as an architect.
    ⑤The children are very quiet. I wonder ______________________ (他们在搞什么鬼).
    ⑥—What shall we do tonight then?
    —________________________ (由你决定).
    1.The truck can carry up to 30 tons.这辆货车能拉多达30吨。
    2.Up to now I've read all his books.到现在我已经把他的书都读完了。
    3.What are you up to tonight?今晚你干什么呢?
    4.It's up to you to decide what to do next.该由你来决定下面做什么了。
    3.take it easy别紧张;放轻松
    (教材P60)So take it easy. You are at a good age in terms of your memory. Make good use of it!所以不要紧张。在记忆力方面你正处在好的年龄,要充分利用这一点!
    Take it easy. There must be no problem with that. I believe you can make it.
    Take your time. You have plenty of time to finish it.
    If you take this assignment, take it seriously and read the instructions.
    I take it for granted that parents should do everything for us, which is wrong.
    May she also take you as a very important friend?她也会拿你当作很重要的朋友吗?
    take back 收回(说错的话)
    take down 写下,记下
    take in 欺骗;领会;吸收;理解;收留;包括
    take on 雇用;呈现;承担
    take off 取下;脱下;休假;突然开始成功;起飞
    take one's time 别着急;慢慢来
    take...for/as/to be... 把……看作……
    4.I find it easy to get the book from the libruary.我发现在图书馆借到这本书很容易。(代替不定式作形式宾语)
    5.It was with great effort that I bought the book yesterday.昨天我费了好大劲儿才买到这本书。(It用于强调句型)
    6.It is no use doing sth.做……没用
    It is no good doing sth.做……没好处(代替动名词作形式主语)
    7.It is three years since he came here.他来这儿三年了。(固定句型中作主语)    
    take away 拿走;带走;使消除
    take down 取下;记下;拆除
    take over 接收;接管
    take apart 拆开;拆卸
    take up 占用(时间),占据(空间);开始从事(新工作);对某事产生兴趣;继续
    take sth. seriously 严肃对待某事;重视某事
    take...for granted 认为……理所当然
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空
    ①Take ________ easy. Peter, I'll help you out.
    ②I don't suppose I will take ________ too much of your time.
    ③China has taken ________ a new look in the past few years.
    ④There are still two hours before our plane takes ________, so take your time.
    ⑤Don't be taken ________ by products claiming (声称) to help you to lose weight in a week.
    ⑥You needn't take ________ whatever your teacher says at class.
    ⑦Even the experts took the painting ________ a genuine Picasso.
    ⑧I'll take ________ what I just said.
    ⑨We took the computer ________ to see what was wrong.
    ⑩Many businesses started up by college students have taken ________ thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.
    ⑪Rogers took ________ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.
    1.It is necessary to learn English well.有必要学好英语。(代表不定式作形式主语)
    2.It is reported that they are paying a visit to Russia.据报道他们正在对俄国进行访问。(代表that从句在句中作形式主语)
    3.I hate it when people talk with the mouth full of food.我讨厌人们吃饭时说话。(形式宾语)
    1.This is because...这是因为……
    (教材P58)This is because when we experience things for the first time, we often have strong feelings of fear or excitement.这是因为我们第一次经历事物时,常常会产生强烈的恐惧感或者兴奋感。
    Tom was absent from class. That was because he was ill.
    Tom was ill. This was why he was absent from class.
    The reason why Tom was absent from class was that he was ill.
    The reason that/which Tom made up for being absent from class was that he was ill.
    It/This/That is because... 这/那是因为……(because后接原因)
    It/This/That is why... 这/那就是……的原因(why后接结果)
    The reason why... is that... ……的原因是……(why引导定语从句)
    The reason that/which...is that... ……的理由是……(that/which引导定语从句)
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子
    ①He fell asleep during the lecture. This was ________ he got bored with it.
    ②The reason ________ he missed the bus was that he got up late.
    ③He failed the exam again. The reason was ________ he was too careless.
    ④From space, the earth looks blue. ________________________ (这是因为) about seventy­one percent of its surface is covered by water.
    ⑤He admitted that his father was strict with him. ________________________ (那就是为什么) he made so many achievements.
    ________________________ he is so brilliant is ________ he read many books.
    This is because...“这是因为……”,because引导表语从句。
    because, as, since
    1.because语气最强,用以回答why引起的提问,可表示已知或未知的事实。它可和强调词only, merely, just及否定词not连用,所引导的从句常置于主句之后,只有强调时才置于主句之前。它还可用于强调结构。
    It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.昨天一定是下雨了,因为地面是湿的。

    (3)只能用来强调谓语动词,若强调主语、宾语、表语、状语等,则应用It is/was...that...进行强调。
    [即学即练] 完成句子
    I ________________________ because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.
    If you have a job, ________________________ yourself to it and finally you will succeed.
    To my delight, the activity ________________________ exactly like what I'm looking for.
    She ________________________ me about her address, but I forgot all about it.

    比较级+than+the other+复数名词
    比较级+than+any other+单数名词
    比较级+than+any of the other+复数名词
    [即学即练] 完成句子
    Seeking information on the Internet is ________________________ searching in a library.
    The length of education is ________________________ its breadth, and the length of life is ________ its depth.
    China is ________________________ country in Asia. That's to say, it is ________________________ any other country in Asia.
    ________________________ of the two boys is my brother.
    The Yangtze River is ________________________ any other river/than all the other rivers/than any of the other rivers in China.
    1.The reason John makes better grades than Bob is that he has more ambition.约翰比鲍伯成绩更好的原因是他更有上进心。
    2.My philosophy is that we should always help those who are less fortunate than us.我的人生观就是我们应努力帮助那些不如我们幸运的人。
    3.Julia is taller than any other girl in her class.=Julia is taller than the other girls in her class.=Julia is taller than the rest of the girls in her class.朱丽叶是班上最高的女生。
    4.He is the better of the two boys.他是那两个男孩中较好的。

    (1)因为;由于(引导原因状语从句) (2)照……方式(引导方式状语从句)
    (3)当……时;随着(引导时间状语从句) (4)尽管;虽然;即使(引导让步状语从句)
    [即学即练] 完成句子
    ________________________, we shall not go to the park.
    Do ________________________, or you'll be fired.
    The boy immediately fell silent ________________________ from his big blue eyes.
    ________________________, NeedforSpeed is a very successful film.
    ________________________, I can't agree to his proposal.
    6.as...as...和……一样;the same...as如同;such...as/so...as如此……以至于……
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子
    (1)①Many a student ________ (be) on the spot when the accident happened.
    ②More than one person ________ (be) against the proposal.
    (2)One of these students ________ (be) from America.
    (3)①One of the students in our class ________ (be) Canadian.
    ②He is one of the students who ________ (be) fond of country music.
    ③He is the only one of the students who ________ (have) a gift for the performance.
    ④Tom is the very one of the students in our class who ________ (have) blue eyes.
    (4)①Her glasses bought in the supermarket ________ (be) new.
    ②This pair of scissors ________ (belong) to the tailor.
    (5)①Staring at someone ________ (be) impolite.
    ②What he said ________ (be) true and what we badly need ________ (be) good teachers.
    ③Referring to the dictionary ________ a good habit in English learning.
    (6)①Steve, together with his wife, ________ (move) off tonight.
    ②The teacher as well as the students ________ (like) this painting.
    (7)①Believe it or not, everyone here ________ (have) a gift for music.
    ②Each teacher and (each) student ________ (give) a ticket yesterday.
    ③No teacher and no student ________ (listen) to the lecture now.
    (8)①Jim and Mary ________ (是专家) in cancer research.
    ②Jim, together with Mary ________ (去) to Shanghai tomorrow.
    3.主语后跟with/together with/along with/like/in addition to/as well as/including/rather than/besides/except/but等连接的词语时,谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致。
    4.each, either, neither及some­, any­, no­, every­+单数谓语。
    5.many a/more than one+可数名词单数+单数谓语。
    6.one of+可数名词复数+单数谓语。
    ①one of+可数名词复数+定语从句(复数谓语)
    ②the only/very one of+可数名词复数+定语从句(单数谓语)  

    (1)集体名词(表整体概念)+单数谓语;集体名词(强调个体)+复数谓语。常用的集体名词有army, audience, class, club, committee (委员会), company, crowd, family, group, government, organisation, party, population, public, team等。
    (3)“all/most/half/plenty/some/the rest+of+名词/代词”或“分数/百分数+of+名词/代词”作主语时,谓语动词常与of后的名词或代词保持数的一致。
    (4)a number of+可数名词复数+复数谓语;the number of+可数名词复数+单数谓语。
    a large quantity of/large quantities of后跟不可数名词或可数名词复数,谓语动词与quantity的数保持一致。
    (8)单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语动词的形式要根据意义确定。常见的这类词有sheep, deer, fish, crossroads, means, series, species, works (工厂)等。
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子
    (1)①The class ________ (study) English now.
    ②My family ________ (be) all music lovers.
    ③The police ________ (look) into the accident.
    ④Warm clothing ________ (be) necessary in cold climates.
    ⑤All the furniture ________ (move) to another room.

    (2)①Bread and butter ________ (be) what we usually have for breakfast.
    ②Both Mark and his parents ________ (sit) in the shade of a tree at that time.
    ③The singer and dancer ________ (welcome) warmly by the local people.
    ④Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ________ (not decide) yet.
    (3)①A number of reasons ________ (lead) to the change of climate.
    ②The number of people invited ________ (be) fifty, but a number of them ________ (be) absent for different reasons.
    ③Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help, ________ (offer) since the organisation was built.
    (4)①None of the money in the drawer ________ (be) mine.
    ②None of the boys ________ (invite) to the party.
    (5)①Twenty years ________ (be) a long time.
    ②Twenty­five dollars ________ (be) too little to pay for that shirt.
    (6)①Every possible means ________ (try).
    ②All possible means ________ (try).
    (7)①The rest of the money ________________________ (被锁在保险箱里).
    ②Fifty percent of the students ________________________ (通过了这次考试).
    ③All who were present ________________________ (都沉默着).
    (8)①The United Nations ________________ (是一个世界性组织).
    ②The Niagara Falls ________________________ (是最著名的瀑布之一) in the world.
    (9)①The rich ________ (赞成) the decision but the poor ________ (反对) it.
    ②Everyone agrees the beautiful ________________ (并不总是有用的).
    (1)有生命的集体名词(people, police, cattle等)+复数谓语。
    (2)无生命的集体名词clothing, equipment, furniture, jewellery, machinery, scenery等+单数谓语。
    当all, most, half, plenty, some, the rest等单独作主语时,主谓一致要遵循意义一致原则,即根据其所表示的单复数意义,确定谓语动词用单数还是复数。
    (1)由or, either...or..., nor, neither...nor..., whether...or..., not...but..., not only...but also...等连接的名词作主语时,谓语动词的数与最近的主语保持一致。
    (2)there be句型中,be动词的单复数与最靠近它的名词保持一致。
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空
    (1)①Neither the students nor the teacher ________ (know) the reason why she behaved strangely.
    ②Not only I but also he ________ (look) down upon those who always rely on others.
    ③Not you but your father ________ (be) to blame.
    (2)①There ________ a pen, two pencils and three books on the desk.
    ②There ________ six boys and one girl on the playground.

    1 Why can I remember events① in my childhood② but not what happened last week?
    We remember things that have strong connections③ in our mind 【1】, especially④emotional⑤ connections. Childhood memories are often very emotional. This is because when we experience⑥ things for the first time⑦, we often have strong feelings of fear or excitement⑧ 【2】. Also, interesting or funny⑨ stories from our childhood are often told again and again⑩. As a result⑪, we remember them much better, as retelling⑫ events helps fix⑬ experiences in our memories 【3】.
    【1】that have...为定语从句,that在从句中作主语,因为that代替的先行词things是复数,所以从句中谓语动词用复数。
    【3】as retelling events helps...是as引导的原因状语从句;retelling events是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数;fix...是省略to的不定式作宾语,也可不省略。
    What can we learn from all this? When remembering something new 【4】, try to connect it to⑭ our emotions. It is important to connect it with⑭ what we already know 【5】. Also, we can try to retell what we have learnt to a few others.
    【4】When remembering something new是时间状语从句的省略,When后面省略了you are。
    【5】It是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to connect...; what we already know是宾语从句,作介词with的宾语。
    2 Do some people really have a photographic⑮ memory?
    A person with a photographic memory 【6】 could remember every detail⑯ of a picture, a book or an event many years later, but no one has proved⑰that there are people who really have photographic memories 【7】. Yet, there are some people who do have amazing⑱ memories. For example, Daniel Tammet can remember the first 22, 514 digits⑲ of pi (π)⑳ and Stephen Wiltshire can draw a detailed picture of a city from memory after flying over it in a helicopter. They are both good at remembering particular things for a limited time.
    【6】with a photographic memory是with短语作定语,修饰A person。
    【7】that... memories是动词prove的宾语从句;在宾语从句中又包含who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词people, who在从句中作主语。
    As most of us do not have amazing memories like them 【8】, when memorising detailed learning materials 【9】, we simply need to focus on the important ideas and be curious about what we learn. Asking questions about what we learn 【10】 also helps withmemorisation . Another effectivetechnique to remember things is to group similar ideas or information together so that they can be easily connected to things that are already known 【11】.
    【8】As most of us do not...是as引导的原因状语从句,as意为“因为”。
    【9】when memorising...是状语从句的省略,when后面省略了we are。
    【10】Asking questions...是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数;what we learn是名词性从句,作介词about的宾语。
    3 Why do I forget the new words that I learnt yesterday【12】?

    Don't worry. This is natural for many people. In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus published a book called Memory 【13】 and presented a famous forgetting curve. According to him, the sharpest▲TheForgettingCurve loss of memory occurs during the very early period after learning. This means timely review during this period, with a few revisits to what is learnt, can significantly help us to remember the information.
    【12】that I learnt yesterday是定语从句,修饰先行词words, that在从句中作learnt的宾语,that可以省略。
    【13】过去分词短语called Memory作后置定语,修饰a book。
    Therefore, one of the golden rules to increase how much we remember is to review the material periodically 【14】, especially during the first day after learning. This “spacedreview” soon after learning helps build stronger memories and it is more effective than waiting to review everything before exams 【15】.
    【15】it is more effective than waiting to review...,it是形式主语,不定式短语to review...是真正的主语。
    4 I'm 16, but I sometimes forget things. Is my memory getting worse ?
    Definitely not. Our memory reaches its full power at the age of 25. At that point , we can remember up to 200 pieces of information in a second. After this age, however, the brain starts to get smaller. By the age of 40, we lose 10,000 brain cells every day. By middle age, our memory is significantly worse than when we were young.
    So take it easy. You are at a good age in terms of your memory. Make good use of it! 
    ①event n.事件,大事;活动
    ③connection n. 联系;连接
    ④especially adv.特别,尤其
    emotion n.情感,情绪
    ⑥experience v.经历,体验
    ⑦for the first time第一次
    excite vt.使兴奋,使激动
    ⑨funny adj.滑稽的,好笑的
    ⑩again and again再三地,反复地
    ⑪as a result作为结果
    as a result of由于,因为
    ⑫retell vt.复述,再讲,重述
    ⑬fix v.固定,修理,安装
    ⑯detail n.细节,详情
    ⑰prove v.证明
    ⑱amazing adj.不可思议的,令人惊讶的
    amazed adj.感到惊讶的
    detailed adj.详细的
    fly over...飞越……
    be good at擅长
    particular adj.特别的;挑剔的
    limited adj.有限的
    limit vt. &n.限制
    memorise vt.记住
    simply adv.仅仅,只是;简单地,朴素地;完全,简直
    focus on把注意力集中于
    be curious about对……好奇
    help with...对……有帮助
    effective adj.有效的,起作用的
    group v.将……分类,把……分组
    natural adj.自然的
    nature n.自然,本性
    publish/'pʌblɪʃ/vt. &vi.出版;发表;刊登
    present v.提出;呈现;赠送
    according to根据……
    loss n.丢失,损失;输,失败
    lose v.失去;丢失;输掉
    occur vi.发生,出现
    (occurred, occurred, occurring)
    period n.时期,课时
    review vt.复习,回顾
    revisit n. &vt.重游,再访
    significantly adv.明显地,显著地
    therefore adv.因此,所以
    golden adj.金的;金色的
    increase v.增加,增长
    spaced adj.隔开的;间隔排列的
    worse adj.更糟糕的(bad/badly的比较级)
    worsen vt. &vi.(使)变坏,(使)恶化
    definitely adv.肯定地;当然地
    at the age of在……岁时
    at that point在那时
    up to多达;直到;取决于
    second n.秒
    by the age of到……岁为止
    by middle age到中年
    take it easy放轻松
    in terms of在……方面
    make good use of充分利用……,

    1 为什么我记得童年时期(childhood)的一些事却不记得上周发生的事情?
    我们会记住与头脑中有较强关联的事情,特别是情感(emotional)联系。童年记忆往往非常感性。这是因为我们第一次经历事物时,常常会产生强烈的恐惧感或者兴奋感(excitement)。除此之外,我们童年时代有趣或好笑的故事总是讲了又讲。重复事件能加强我们对事件的印象,结果是(as a result)我们能更好地记住这些经历。
    2 真的有人有照相(photographic)记忆能力吗?
    3 为什么我会忘记昨天学的新词?
    4 我16岁,但有时会忘记事情。我的记忆力是在变差吗?
    所以不要紧张( take it easy)。在记忆力方面你正处在好的年龄,要充分利用这一点!

    1.到中年的时候 ________________
    2.把……和……联系起来 ________________
    3.放轻松 ________________
    4.从……方面来说,根据 ________________
    5.充分利用 ________________
    6.使某人信服 ________________
    7.帮助做某事 ________________
    8.倾向于,往往会 ________________
    9.对……有强烈的感情 ________________
    10.凭记忆 ________________
    11.记忆缺失 ________________
    12.根据 ________________
    13.当然不是 ________________
    14.在……岁的时候 ________________
    15.到……岁的时候 ________________
    The Government will also ________________________ the third time ACC.
    She ________________ a loan ________________ the bank.
    I've ________________ a window cleaner ______________ on Thursday.
    I would appreciate it if you would ________________.
    Now everything for the conference ________________. I have ________________ pick up the expert at the airport. After the conference, the journalists have ______________ an interview with him.
    (1)He was flushed with ________ at the thought.
    (2)What holiday is the most ________ in your country?
    (3)“This is why we are so ________ about this research,” he said.
    (4)We tend to have a better memory for things that ________ our senses or appeal to our emotions than for straight facts.
    (5)They jumped up and down in ________.
    (1)The terrible accident resulted ________ his carelessness.
    (2)He overslept, resulting ________ his being late for class.
    __________________________, we must spare no effort to solve this problem.
    __________________________, the plan should be put off at least one month.
    We tried hard, but __________________________.
    (1)Mary, did you get the newly ________ (publish) book of the writer?
    (2)I worked at a large ________ (publish) company and ate lunch in the canteen.
    __________________________, the book was an instant success and was soon translated into thirteen foreign languages.
    The flood has caused a lot of damage to that area and the figures of the missing ________________ shortly.
    The professor has been accused of stealing his student's ideas and ________________.
    (1)Anne ________ her pencil and continued her homework.
    (2)Watch out for ________ bends and adjust your speed accordingly.
    (3)The number of people, who have access to their own cars, has risen ________ in the past decade.
    (4)The boy is ________ his pencils with a ________.
    (1)In the past few years, the village has taken ________ a new look.
    (2)Since Jerry is absent today, let's get someone else to take ________ the work where it was left off yesterday.
    (3)Women are often taken ________ by products for losing weight.
    (4)He will take ________ my job while I am on holiday.
    ________________ for a few days and you will be able to go to work again.
    Believe it or not, I always ________________________.
    Some of us always ________________________ that our parents or grandparents should take care of us.
    ________________________ packing, for we still have one and a half hour.
    1.[2018·浙江卷]In 1812, the year Charles Dickens was born, there were 66 novels ________ (publish) in Britain.
    2.[2018·天津卷]“Where do you think you are?” he asked. I turned ________ (sharp). “The McNay Art Museum!”
    3.[全国卷Ⅱ]The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a ________ (time) offset (抵消) for the outside temperatures.
    4.[陕西卷]In addition, new coffee­growing ________ (technique) are poisoning the water locally, and eventually the world's groundwater.
    5.[2018·北京卷]Almost half of that winds up in landfills (垃圾填埋场), and up ________ 12 million tons pollute the oceans.
    6.[湖北卷]Whatever she says will not make any difference to our ________ (arrange).
    7.[2018·江苏卷]She said social media firms were exposing children to major ________ (emotion) risks, with some youngsters starting secondary school ill­equipped to cope with the tremendous pressure they faced online.
    8.[重庆卷]The sense of ________ (excite) and tension levels rise suddenly though, as does your heart rate, as you move closer to them.
    9.[2019·浙江卷]Kids will feel like they're not good enough or that you don't care and, ________ a result, may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments.
    We remember things that have strong 1.________ (connection) in our mind, especially 2.________ (emotion) connections and things told again and again. So when 3.________ (remember) something new, try to connect it to our emotions and retell 4.________ we have learnt to others.
    There are some people who do have 5.________ (amaze) memories, but most of us do not like them. So we simply need to focus on the important ideas and be curious 6.________ what we learn.
    It is natural for many people 7.________ (forget) the new words that they learned yesterday. 8.________, one of the golden rules to increase how much we remember is to review the material 9.________ (periodical), especially during the first day after learning.
    Our memory reaches 10.________ full power at the age of 25. After this age, the brain starts to get smaller. In one way or another, make good use of it.
    arrangement, childhood, emotional, excitement, publish, sharp, timely, technique, as a result of, take it easy, up to
    1.[2017·全国卷Ⅱ]Steam engines ________ (use) to pull the carriages and it must have been fairly unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise.
    2.[2018·浙江11月卷]They know the shortest way possible without even looking at a map, because everyone who ________ (want) to become a taxi driver must pass a very difficult examination in order to get a license to drive a taxi.
    3.[湖南卷]It is important to remember that success ________ (be) a sum of small efforts made each day and often ________ (take) years to achieve.
    4.[2019·全国卷Ⅰ]What you need ________ (be) a great teacher who lets you make mistakes.
    5.[2018·全国卷Ⅰ]None of these ________ (seem) to have much chance of survival.
    6.[2018·全国卷Ⅲ]Wang's works ________ (show) a deep understanding of modern architecture and a good knowledge of traditions.
    7.[2019·天津3月卷] If you fail to check out in this manner, the staff will hold an inspection in your absence and assess whether any payment ________ (require).
    8.[2019·全国卷Ⅲ]In an online class, developing healthy patterns of communication with professors ________ (be) very important.
    9.[2018·全国卷Ⅰ]Over the years, there ________ (be) a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point.
    10.[2019·浙江卷]In the Sierra high country, the number of big trees ________ (fall) by more than 55 percent.
    11.[2019·浙江卷]What's particularly interesting ________ (be) the attitude various cities have toward Dubanchet's cause.
    12.[2019·北京卷]At the class meeting, our teacher told us about the programme with the theme “Working ________ (be) most beautiful”.
    13.[2017·天津卷]Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, ________ (regard) as one of the best all­round forms of exercise.
    14.[2017·江苏卷]The publication of GreatExpectations, which ________ both widely reviewed and highly praised, strengthened Dickens' status as a leading novelist.
    15.[2017·全国卷Ⅰ]When fat and salt ________ (remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something.
    Our school library, along with many other buildings, is very different from other schools'. There 1.________ (be) two computer rooms, three art rooms, a meeting room and a reading room in the library building. The number of the books 2.________ (be) large, and maybe there are 100,000 books in it. It is said that all the books cost our school 200,000 dollars. Maybe 200,000 dollars 3.________ (be) large to every student. In the era of a knowledge explosion, the number of the students who 4.________ (have) a thirst for knowledge is increasing day by day. Nowadays, our library has been developed into a multifunctional building. There are 50 computers in it. Many a student 5.________ (like) to surf the Internet at weekends here and now you can see that my classmates, Mike and John 6.________ (play) computer games there. When you turn to another room, you will find that a professor and writer 7.________ (deliver) a speech. Each boy and each girl 8.________ (focus) on his interesting speech. Every time there is a wonderful speech, the audience always 9.________ (cheer) up. You are entering our art exhibition. A teacher with his students is at the room. On the wall 10.________ (be) 100 pictures, which attract many students. An expert and teacher is explaining something important to us.

    Part Ⅴ Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory
    1.sharp 2.timely 3.periodically 4.memorisation 5.technique 6.arrangement 7.childhood 8.emotional 9.excitement 10.publish
    1.arrangement 2.emotional 3.periodically 4.helicopter 5.technique
    6.childhood 7.excitement 8.published 9.sharp 10.timely
    1.①arrangements ②to discuss ③for ④make arrangements for ⑤I have arranged for Tom to attend the meeting in place of me.
    2.①emotional ②emotionally ③was overcome with emotion
    ④a painful mixture of emotions
    3.①excitement ②excited ③exciting ④To our excitement
    ⑤The news excited me very much./The news made me very excited.
    4.①was published ②to be published ③were published
    ④The results of his experiments were published in China in 1996.
    5.①a sharp increase ②was sharp with ③has a sharp tongue
    ④sharply ⑤sharpened
    6.①convinced ②Convinced ③convincing convinced ④convince them of ⑤am convinced of ⑥am convinced that ⑦convince him to
    7.①to ②challenging ③challenged me to ④challenge myself to summarize ⑤meet the challenge ⑥the most serious challenges
    8.①imagine ②imagination ③imaginary ④imaginable ⑤imagination
    1.①As a result ②as a result of ③in from ④resulting
    2.①能胜任 ②正在做 ③多达 ④up to ⑤what they are up to ⑥It's up to you
    3.①it ②up ③on ④off ⑤in ⑥down ⑦for ⑧back
    ⑨apart ⑩off ⑪up
    1.①because ②why ③that ④This is because ⑤That is why ⑥The reason why that
    2.①do hope so ②do devote ③does look ④did tell
    3.①more convenient than ②less important than less important than ③the largest larger than ④The taller ⑤longer than
    4.①As it is raining ②as you are told ③as tears rolled down
    ④As is known to all ⑤Much as I respect him
    1.(1)①was ②is (2)is (3)①is ②are ③has ④has (4)①are ②belongs (5)①is ②is are ③is (6)①is moving ②likes
    (7)①has ②was given ③is listening (8)①are specialists
    ②is going
    2.(1)①are studying ②are ③are looking ④is ⑤has been moved
    (2)①is ②were sitting ③is welcomed ④hasn't been decided
    (3)①lead ②was were ③have been offered (4)①is ②was/were invited (5)①is ②is (6)①has been tried ②have been tried (7)①is locked in the safe ②have passed the exam ③were silent (8)①is a world organisation ②are one of the most famous waterfalls (9)①are for are against ②is not always useful
    3.(1)①knows ②looks ③is (2)①is ②are
    1.by middle age 2.connect...with/to... 3.take it easy 4.in terms of 5.make good use of 6.be convincing to sb. 7.help with
    8.tend to do sth. 9.have strong feelings of... 10.from memory 11.loss of memory 12.according to 13.definitely not 14.at the age of... 15.by the age of...
    1.Our memory reaches its full power at the age of 25.
    2.By middle age, our memory is significantly worse than when we were young.
    3.When remembering something new, try to connect it to our emotions.
    4.As most of us do not have amazing memories like them, when memorising detailed learning materials, we simply need to focus on the important ideas and be curious about what we learn.
    5.Another effective technique to remember things is to group similar ideas or information together so that they can be easily connected to things that are already known.
    6.We remember things that have strong connections in our mind, especially emotional connections.
    7.As a result, we remember them much better, as retelling events helps fix experiences in our memories.
    8.They are both good at remembering particular things for a limited time.
    9.According to him, the sharpest loss of memory occurs during the very early period after learning.
    1.(1)make arrangements for (2)arranged; with (3)arranged for to come (4)arrange this for me (5)has been arranged arranged for Tom to made arrangements for
    2.(1)excitement (2)exciting (3)excited (4)excite (5)excitement
    3.(1)from (2)in (3)As a result (4)As a result of your carelessness (5)without result
    4.(1)published (2)publishing (3)Published in 2014 (4)will be published (5)publishing them
    5.(1)sharpened (2)sharp (3)sharply (4)sharpening sharpener
    6.(1)on (2)up (3)in (4)over (5)Take it easy (6)take your suggestions seriously (7)take it for granted (8)Take your time
    1.答案与解析:published 过去分词作定语,意为“出版”。句意:1812年,查尔斯·狄更斯出生,这一年在英国有66部小说出版。
    2.答案与解析:sharply 副词修饰动词,意为“急剧地,猛烈地”。句意:“你以为你在哪儿?”他问道。我猛地转身。“麦克纳艺术博物馆!”
    3.答案与解析:timely 形容词修饰名词,意为“及时的”。句意:墙壁在白天变得温暖,夜间变冷,因此总是及时抵消外面的温度。
    4.答案与解析:techniques 句意:此外,新的咖啡种植技术正在污染当地的水,最终污染世界上的地下水。
    5.答案与解析:to up to (数量)多达……。句意:其中近一半最终进入垃圾填埋场,多达1200万吨污染海洋。
    6.答案与解析:arrangements 名词作介词宾语,意为“计划,安排”。句意:无论她说什么都不会对我们的安排有任何影响。
    7.答案与解析:emotional 形容词修饰名词,意为“情感上的”。句意:她说,社交媒体公司让孩子们面临重大的情感风险,一些刚上中学的少年没有能力应对他们在网上面临的巨大压力。
    8.答案与解析:excitement 名词作介词宾语,意为“兴奋,激动”。句意:然而,当你靠近它们时,兴奋感和紧张感会突然上升,你的心率也会随之升高。
    9.答案与解析:as as a result固定搭配,意为“作为结果”。句意:孩子们会觉得自己不够好,或者你不关心他们,结果是,他们可能觉得为自己的成就而努力毫无意义。
    1.connections 2.emotional 3.remembering 4.what 5.amazing
    6.about 7.to forget 8.Therefore 9.periodically 10.its
    Since childhood,__my parents are used to making arrangements for me. Although my parents care a lot about my physical and emotional development, sometimes I am unhappy because I can't make my own decisions. I know that my parents have a sharp eye and are always able to give me timely help at every turning point in my life and teach me the techniques of dealing with life. But now that I have grown up, I want to have the life I want. Up__to half of my classmates in our class want to go abroad for further study. So do I. At first they disagreed, fearing for my safety. I told them to take__it__easy and as__a__result__of my insistence, they gave in to me. What an excitement! I finally can make a decision.
    1.答案与解析:were used 此处表示一般过去时的被动,且主语为复数名词。句意:蒸汽发动机被用来牵引车厢,有那么多烟雾和噪音,乘客一定是相当不愉快的。
    2.答案与解析:wants 先行词为不定代词,定语从句的谓语动词用单数,根据know可知用一般现在时。句意:他们甚至可能不看地图就知道最短的路,因为每个想成为出租车司机的人都必须通过一个非常困难的考试才能获得驾驶出租车的执照。
    3.答案与解析:is takes 前后两个句子的主语都是success,谓语用单数形式。句意:成功是将每天一小点的努力积累起来,经常是需要多年去达到,记住这些很重要。
    4.答案与解析:is 表示单数概念时,谓语动词用单数。句意:你需要的是一个允许你犯错的好老师。
    5.答案与解析:seems/seem none(指代可数名词)+单数/复数谓语,none(指代不可数名词)+单数谓语。句意:这些似乎都没有多少存活的机会。
    6.答案与解析:show works作品,在句中是复数。句意:王先生的作品体现了对现代建筑的深刻理解和对传统的掌握。
    7.答案与解析:is required 一般现在时的被动语态,单个的从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。句意:如果您未能以这种方式退房,工作人员将在您不在时进行检查,并评估是否需要交付一些费用。
    8.答案与解析:is 单个动名词短语在句中作主语,谓语动词用单数。句意:在网络课堂上,与授课老师建立健康的交流模式是非常重要的。
    9.答案与解析:have been 根据Over the years可知用现在完成时,主语为a number of different techniques,谓语用复数。句意:多年来,有许多不同的技术来帮助设计师接近这个重要点。
    10.答案与解析:has fallen the number of big trees作主语,谓语用单数,根据by more than 55 percent可知谈论的是数量下降的结果,用现在完成时。句意:在塞拉高地国家,大树的数量已经下降了55%以上。
    11.答案与解析:is what引导的主语从句谓语用单数。句意:特别有趣的是各个城市对Dubanchet事业的态度。
    12.答案与解析:is 单个的动名词作主语,谓语用单数。工作是非常美的,说明一个事实。句意:在班会上,老师告诉了我们一个以“工作是非常美的”为主题的节目。
    13.答案与解析:is regarded 根据动词短语regard...as...(把……看作……)和句意确定应该用被动语态,谓语前由along with连接,谓语动词和cycling一致,即用单数。句意:现在,骑自行车、慢跑和游泳都被认为是最全面的锻炼方式之一。
    14.答案与解析:was 先行词The publication of GreatExpectations为单数,定语从句的谓语用单数,根据strengthened可知动作发生在过去,用was。句意:《远大前程》的出版得到了广泛的评论和高度赞扬,巩固了狄更斯作为一流小说家的地位。
    15.答案与解析:are removed fat and salt和remove之间是被动关系,脂肪和盐分是两种东西,用一般现在时的被动语态且用复数形式。句意:当脂肪和盐分被从食物中去掉时,食物尝起来似乎失去了什么东西。
    主题:人与社会(社会服务)。 话题:校图书楼功能室。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了学校图书楼功能室以及周末学生在里面的活动情况。
    1.答案与解析:are there be句型中be动词常与离其最近的主语的单复数保持一致。
    2.答案与解析:is 主语是“the number of+可数名词的复数”时,谓语动词用单数形式。
    3.答案与解析:is 时间、金钱、距离、重量等的复数当作一个整体作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
    4.答案与解析:have 关系代词who, that, which等在定语从句中作主语时,谓语动词的数应与句中先行词的数保持一致。
    5.答案与解析:likes “many a+名词”作主语时,意义上是复数,但因中心词是单数形式,故谓语动词也用单数形式。
    6.答案与解析:are playing 两个名词由and连接作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数。
    7.答案与解析:is delivering 当and连接的两个名词是指同一人或物时,谓语动词应该用单数形式。a professor and writer意思是“一个教授兼作家”。
    8.答案与解析:is focusing 用and连接的单数主语,前面有each, every, no等修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。
    9.答案与解析:cheer/cheers 集体名词group, class, family, army, audience等作主语时,如果强调集体,谓语动词用单数形式;如果强调个体,谓语动词用复数形式。
    10.答案与解析:are 在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语保持一致。

    英语必修 第三册Unit 9 LearningLesson 2 Language Learning Tips导学案: 这是一份英语必修 第三册Unit 9 LearningLesson 2 Language Learning Tips导学案,共16页。

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    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 "White Bikes" on the Road导学案: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 "White Bikes" on the Road导学案,共18页。






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