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    北师大版高中英语必修第三册unit9 learning section c writing work shop and viewing work shop and reading club and assessment课件
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    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 9 LearningLesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory多媒体教学课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 9 LearningLesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory多媒体教学课件ppt,共58页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ知识体系图解 ,重点词汇,重点短语,重点句式,文化意识,高分写作,随堂练习,shows,that,countries等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.reflective adj.         2.jurnal n.     3.gender n.     4.cmic adj.         5.fictin n.     
    沉思的;深思的 日记,日志 性别 滑稽的,好笑的 小说 
    6.      n.沉思;想法;反射 7.      adv.此外,而且 8.      n.冲浪 9.      n.海鲜 10.      n.(大的)差距,差额,差别 11.      adj.完全相同的;非常相似的 12.      n.证据,证明 13.      vt.使接触;使体验 14.      n.结果,后果 
    reflectin mrever surfing seafd gap identical evidence expse utcme
    1.that is t say         2.make the best use f         3.strengthen ne’s memry         4.be assciated with         5.in terms f          
    也就是说 充分利用  加强某人的记忆 与……有关系 在……方面;就……而言
    1.Nw I understand why we remember the events in childhd better than thse that happened recently.现在我明白了为什么我们对童年发生的事情要比最近发生的事情记得要好。2.Getting t knw the secrets f ur memry means learning nt nly the facts abut it,but als the ways t imprve it.了解我们记忆的秘密意味着不仅要了解有关它的事实,还要了解提升它的方法。3.In additin,it is imprtant fr me t make plans fr the wrk I need t d.此外,对我来说,为我需要做的工作做计划是很重要的。
    4.In places like Japan,bys and girls read fr enjyment at an almst identical level,with 54% f bys and 58% f girls reprting that they enjy reading.在日本这样的地方,男孩和女孩为了乐趣而阅读几乎在相同的水平上,54%的男孩和58%的女孩说他们喜欢阅读。
    Ⅱ.阅读导学阅读pp.66-67课文,判断正(T)误(F)1.The Prgramme fr Internatinal Student Assessment is a natinal t the passage,girls read fr enjyment mre than bys in almst all cuntries cuntries such as Estnia,Lithuania and the Netherlands,nly 30% f girls read fr were fund t be twice as likely t enjy wrks f fictin than f interest in r enjyment f reading has lng-term effects n future success in life.答案1~5 FTFTT
    1.In cuntries such as Estnia,Latvia,Lithuania and the Netherlands,the difference between bys and girls was mst significant,where they fund a 30% gap r mre between the genders.(Page 66)在爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛和荷兰等国,男孩和女孩之间的差别最大,男女差距达30%或更多。【词汇精讲】gap用作名词,意为“(大的)差距,差额,差别”,还可以表示“间隔;开口”。There was nly a narrw gap between the bed and the wall.床和墙之间只有一条窄缝。The generatin gap has becme a cmmn prblem.代沟已经成为一个常见的问题。He went arund the wrld in his gap year.他在间隔年里周游了世界。
    【词汇拓展】bridge the gap,clse the gap,narrw the gap都可表示“消除或缩小差距”。a grwing/widening gap不断加大的差距a trade gap贸易差额an age gap年龄差距Parents and children shuld cmmunicate mre t bridge the gap between them s that they can understand each ther better.父母和孩子应该多交流来消除他们之间的差距,这样他们就能更好地互相理解。
    2.While reading in all frms is certainly beneficial and shuld be encuraged,the lw numbers f bys reading fr enjyment and their limited chices when they d,is evidence f an issue that needs t be addressed.(Page 66)虽然所有形式的阅读肯定是有益的,并且应该加以鼓励,但是为了乐趣而阅读的男孩数量很少,而且他们的选择有限,表明了这是一个需要解决的问题。
    【词汇精讲】evidence用作名词,意为“证据,证明”。The new evidence led t the thief being caught.新证据最终使小偷被捉住了。There wasn’t enugh evidence t prve that he had stlen the mney.没有充分的证据证明他偷钱了。Medical evidence shws that men are mre likely t have heart disease than wmen.医学证据表明男人比女人更容易患心脏病。
    【词汇拓展】evident adj.明显的evidently adv.明显地Frm the lk n his face it was evident that the news came as a cmplete shck.从他脸上的表情可以明显看出,这个消息让他感到很震惊。Evidently,he has nthing t d with it.很明显,他和这件事情毫无关系。
    3.Cuntries need t think abut ways t inspire interest fr bys in reading and ensure that they are expsed t a wide variety f different types f literature frm a yung age.(Page 67)各国需要想办法激发男孩对阅读的兴趣,并确保他们从小就接触到各种各样的不同类型的文学作品。【词汇精讲】expse用作动词,意为“使接触;使体验”。D nt expse babies t strng sunlight.不要让婴儿受到强烈的阳光照射。He smiled suddenly,expsing a set f amazingly white teeth.他突然一笑,露出一口洁白的牙齿。
    【词汇拓展】(1)把……暴露在……be expsed t接触;暴露于(2)expsure n.接触;体验;暴露;揭露Expsure f the bdy t strng sunlight can be harmful.强烈的阳光暴晒会伤害身体。Her skin was dry after expsure t the wind.经过风吹后她的皮肤很干。
    1.Nw I understand why we remember the events in childhd better than thse that happened recently.(Page 62)现在我明白了为什么我们对童年发生的事情要比最近发生的事情记得更好。【句式剖析】在本句中,thse是代词,相当于“the +复数名词”,在本句中相当于the events。Salaries here are higher than thse in that cuntry.这里的薪水比那个国家的高。The bks n the shelf are mre expensive than thse n the desk.架子上的书比桌子上的更贵。
    【句式拓展】that也有类似的用法,代替的是“the +单数名词/不可数名词”。The ppulatin f this city is smaller than that f that city.这个城市的人口比那个城市的人口少。The infrmatin n the Internet gets arund much mre rapidly than that in the newspaper.网上的信息比报纸上的信息传播得快得多。
    2.Getting t knw the secrets f ur memry means learning nt nly the facts abut it,but als the ways t imprve it.(Page 62)了解我们记忆的秘密意味着不仅要了解有关它的事实,还要了解提升它的方法。【句式剖析】在本句中,nt als...连接learn的两个并列宾语。nt nly... but als...连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式采取“就近一致”原则。All these will nt nly make yu relax but als d gd t yur health.所有这些不仅会让你放松,也会对你的健康有益。
    He is nt nly a successful writer but als a great actr.他不仅是一个成功的作家,而且是一个优秀的演员。Nt nly I but als Mary is fnd f watching televisin.不但我而且玛丽也喜欢看电视。【句式拓展】nt nly放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构,但but (als)后的句子不倒装。Nt nly d the wrkers want a pay increase,but als they want reduced hurs.工人们不仅想涨工资,还想减少工作时间。
    3.In additin,it is imprtant fr me t make plans fr the wrk I need t d.(Page 62)此外,对我来说,为我需要做的工作做计划是很重要的。【句式剖析】本句为简单句,其中it is imprtant fr me t make...属于“It is/was+adj./n.+fr sb+t d sth”句型,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。It is dangerus fr a new driver t drive n the icy rad.对于一个新手司机来说,在结冰的路面上驾驶太危险。It is necessary fr students t read mre classic literature.学生有必要多读一些经典文学。It is a struggle fr him t learn English well.对他来说学好英语不容易。
    【句式拓展】(1)此句型中,“fr sb”表示“对于某人来说”。注意be后面一定是描写事物性质的形容词。例如imprtant,necessary,difficult,easy,hard,dangerus,safe,useful,pleasant,interesting,impssible,right,cnvenient等。(2)It is/was+adj.+f sb+t d sth表示“某人做某事真是太……”。此句型中的形容词一定是描述人的品质的。例如gd,kind,nice,plite,clever,flish,stupid,lazy,careful,careless,brave,cruel,hnest,naughty,rude等。
    4.In places like Japan,bys and girls read fr enjyment at an almst identical level,with 54% f bys and 58% f girls reprting that they enjy reading.(Page 66)在日本这样的地方,男孩和女孩为了乐趣而阅读几乎在相同的水平上,54%的男孩和58%的女孩说他们喜欢阅读。
    【句式剖析】本句为简单句,其中with 54% f bys and 58% f girls reprting that they enjy reading为with复合结构,其中动词-ing形式作宾语补足语。They were singing and dancing,with the fire burning in the middle.他们围着燃烧的火堆又唱又跳。The thief came in,with his hands tied back.小偷走了进来,双手被绑在身后。With a lt f wrk t d,I can’t g t the cinema tnight.有好多工作要做,我今天晚上不能去看电影了。He went t sleep with the windws pen.他开着窗户睡觉。She left fr wrk with the light n.灯没关她就去上班了。Wh is the wman with a baby in her arms?那个怀里抱着孩子的女子是谁?
    Learn hw t learnLearning hw t learn is ne f the ht tpics in educatin at the mment.In rder t understand its imprtance,it is vital t understand the fllwing tw pints.First,we shuld nt fllw ther students’ ways f learning blindly.It is knwn t all that mst students d nt learn in the same way and that they have their wn ways t study.We have learned frm ther excellent students wh intrduce their ways f learning,while fr urselves,we shuld adjust ur methds accrding t theirs,but nt fllw them all.What’s mre,many students d nt take an interest in the prcess f learning and expect that by simply ging t a lecture,fr example,they will autmatically study the subject better,which is abslutely impssible.T learn better,they shuld wrk efficiently.If students master hw t learn,they will have a better chance t acquire knwledge.
    三、组织语言1.核心词汇lk back upn回顾mixed feelings f jy and srrw悲喜交加the secret t learning English well学好英语的秘密develp a deep interest培养浓厚的兴趣be suppsed t应该grasp the wrds掌握单词cncentrate n集中注意力于prmte efficiency提高效率address the challenge应对挑战reflect n思考devte yurself t专注于
    2.高级句式(1)Lking back upn my English learning path in the past years,I was filled with mixed feelings f jy and srrw.(动词-ing形式作状语;be filled with)回顾过去几年的英语学习历程,我的内心感到悲喜交加。(2)Persnally,the secret t learning English well is t develp a deep interest when yu are learning English.(the secret t;不定式作表语;when引导时间状语从句)就我个人而言,学好英语的秘诀就是在学习英语的时候培养浓厚的兴趣。
    (3)In ther wrds,I mean that yu are suppsed t be trapped in English when yu are learning English s that yu can get the pints yu want t get.(that引导宾语从句;be suppsed t;when引导时间状语从句;s that引导目的状语从句;定语从句)换句话说,我的意思是,当你学习英语的时候,你应该投入到英语中,这样你就可以得到你想要得到的分数。(4)There was a time when my thughts wandered.(when引导定语从句)有一段时间,我的思绪飘忽不定。(5)Thugh I spent tw hurs in memrising wrds f a unit,I didn’t really grasp the wrds.(thugh引导让步状语从句;memrise;grasp)虽然我花了两个小时背一个单元的单词,但我并没有真正掌握这些单词。
    (6)But when I cncentrate n the wrds,I just need 40 minutes r less t grasp the wrds f a unit.(when引导时间状语从句;cncentrate n)但是当我专注于单词的时候,我只需要40分钟或更少的时间来掌握一个单元的单词。(7)T prmte efficiency and address this challenge,I reflected n this matter.(不定式作目的状语;prmte;address;reflect n)为了提高效率和应对这一挑战,我对这个问题进行了思考。(8)Nwadays,if I am ging t d sme reading,I will ask myself a questin,“Are yu ready t devte yurself t English nw?”(if引导条件状语从句)如今,如果我打算阅读,我会问自己一个问题:“你现在准备好专注于英语了吗?”
    (9)If my answer is “n”,I wn’t start the wrk as it is n use learning English withut attentin.(as引导原因状语从句;it is n use ding sth)如果我的答案是“不”,我不会开始学习,因为不集中注意力学习英语是没有用的。(10)In this way,I learn English fr greater efficiency and my English has imprved a lt.(in this way作状语;and连接并列分句)通过这种方式,我学习英语的效率更高,我的英语也提高了很多。
    四、连句成文参考范文Lking back upn my English learning path in the past years,I was filled with mixed feelings f jy and srrw.Persnally,the secret t learning English well is t develp a deep interest when yu are learning English.In ther wrds,I mean that yu are suppsed t be trapped in English when yu are learning English s that yu can get the pints yu want t get.There was a time when my thughts wandered.Thugh I spent tw hurs in memrising wrds f a unit,I didn’t really grasp the wrds.But when I cncentrate n the wrds,I just need 40 minutes r less t grasp the wrds f a unit.
    T prmte efficiency and address this challenge,I reflected n this matter.Nwadays,if I am ging t d sme reading,I will ask myself a questin,“Are yu ready t devte yurself t English nw?” If my answer is “n”,I wn’t start the wrk as it is n use learning English withut attentin.In this way,I learn English fr greater efficiency and my English has imprved a lt.
    Ⅰ.课文语篇填空The Prgramme fr Internatinal Student Assessment (PISA) is a wrldwide study f 15-year-ld schl pupils’ perfrmance in mathematics,science,and reading undertaken by the OECD.A clser lk at the reading tests __________ (shw) the interesting fact __________ girls are utperfrming bys in reading and that this is assciated with girls’ greater enjyment f reading. 
    One key area which has a majr impact __________ reading perfrmance,is reading fr enjyment rather than simply fr study r schl wrk purpses.Interestingly,the PISA study fund that in almst all cuntries assessed,girls read fr enjyment mre than bys.In __________ (cuntry) such as Estnia,Latvia,Lithuania and the Netherlands,the difference between bys and girls was mst significant.Hwever,in places like Japan,bys and girls read fr enjyment at __________ almst identical level. 
    What’s mre,an interesting area which the PISA study lked at was the types f literature that bth girls and bys generally enjy.Bys were fund t enjy reading magazines,newspapers and cmic bks mre than girls.Girls were fund t be twice as likely __________ (enjy) wrks f fictin as bys. While reading in all frms is certainly __________ (benefit) and shuld be encuraged,the lw numbers f bys __________ (read) fr enjyment and their __________ (limit) chices when they d,is evidence f an issue that needs t be addressed.Cuntries need t think abut ways t inspire interest fr bys in reading and ensure that they __________ (expse) t a wide variety f different types f literature frm a yung age. 
    Ⅱ.概要写作根据pp.66-67课文内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。参考范文The Prgramme fr Internatinal Student Assessment (PISA) is a wrldwide study f schl pupils’ perfrmance.Accrding t the study,girls read fr enjyment mre than bys n a glbal scale.The study has als fund that the types f literature that bth girls and bys generally enjy are different.Cuntries need t think abut ways t inspire interest fr bys in reading and ensure that they are expsed t varius different types f literature when they are yung.
    Ⅲ.完成句子1.放心吧。警方已控制了局势。              .The plice have been in cntrl f the situatin. 答案Take it easy2.关于这点,两位政治家的政见有很大分歧。There is                between the views f the tw statesmen. 答案a wide gap
    3.雨林正在消失;结果,各种各样的动植物正在灭绝。Rainfrests are disappearing;                ,varius animals and plants are dying ut. 答案as a result4.我们相信会有圆满的结果。We are cnfident f                . 答案a successful utcme
    5.仔细看看阅读测试,你会发现一个有趣的事实,那就是女孩在阅读方面比男孩表现得好,这与女孩在阅读上有更大的乐趣有关。A clser lk at the reading tests,shws the interesting fact that girls are           in reading and that this                girls’ greater enjyment f reading. 答案utperfrming bys;is assciated with6.有几个国家和地区在男孩的阅读乐趣方面得分很高。And there were a few cuntries and regins that                in bys reading enjyment. 答案scred very highly

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 "White Bikes" on the Road集体备课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 "White Bikes" on the Road集体备课ppt课件,共58页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ知识体系图解 ,重点词汇,重点短语,重点句式,答案B ,文化意识,高分写作,随堂练习,reducing,is caused等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 7 ArtLesson 3 A Musical Genius课文ppt课件: 这是一份北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 7 ArtLesson 3 A Musical Genius课文ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ知识体系图解 ,重点词汇,重点短语,重点句式,答案 C,答案 D,文化意识,高分写作,随堂练习,made等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips说课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips说课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ知识体系图解 ,重点词汇,重点短语,随堂练习 ,主谓一致 ,答案 A,答案 B,答案 D,重点语法,随堂练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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