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人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life评优课课件ppt
展开Unit 1 教学教案Reading for Writing | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
学科 | 英语 | 年级 | 高一 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
版本及章节 | 人教版高中英语 第一册 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
学习领域 | Unit 1 Teenage Life | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
授课教师 |
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教学学案 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
单元学习主题 | Reading for Writing——A letter of advice | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Teaching procedure | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Step 1: Pre-learning (7’ )(固化探索类活动) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teacher’s activities 1(lead in) T introduces the topic by presenting a series of sentences of different patterns for the students. | Students’ activities 1 Ss read them on the screen and make guesses of the expressions about the pictures. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Intentions These activities aim at introducing the topic of the class, arousing Ss’ interest in class and helping Ss get to know some basic information from the expressions of different sentence patterns. 活动意图说明:根据高一学生的真实情况设置真实情景,从而导入本课话题,激活学生相关话题知识。该环节问题贴近学生能力,学生可根据图片实际情况选择问题来回答,这样更具体化和个性化,因此学生在该环节应该是头脑风暴,拓展词汇上没有很大问题。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Step 2 While Reading --Fast Reading (3’ ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teacher’s activities 2 T raises the following questions, directing Ss to read the first paragraph of the passage and answer the questions. What do you think of Chen Lei? Can you tell us the reasons? What is the passage mainly about?(What is Worried Friend’s problem?) | Students’ activities 2 Ss read the whole passage and answer the questions put forward by T.
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Intentions This activity aims to help Ss have a clear understanding of the problems of the Worried Friend. 活动意图说明: 通过快速阅读文章,选择恰当的内容来帮助学生把握文章主旨,找出“忧心忡忡的朋友”的问题。该环节设计的主要意图是帮助学生理清文章主旨和脉络结构,加强对语篇的整体理解。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Step 3: While Reading --Detailed Reading (15’) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teacher’s activities 3
Based on the mind map, T makes comments and instructions on some points if necessary to help students get a better understanding of the passage. | Students’ activities 3
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Intentions This activity aims to help students get to know the letter of advice and develop Ss’ ability to summarize the story, grasp the details of it and even infer the author’s purpose appropriately. 活动意图说明: 通过本环节的思考和讨论,学生加深对问题与建议的认识;通过阅读表达的细节内容,使学生明确其所代表的人文精神和文化价值,并意识到遇到问题后向朋友寻求帮助和建议的必要性和迫切性。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Step 4 Reading for writing (15’)(应用实践类活动) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teacher’s activities 4
| Students’ activities 4 1. Students read the passage and try to find out their problems. 2. Students focus on the content of the passage with the picture and then talk about the problems showing suggestions and reasons. 3. One student acts as a group leader and writes down the result of discussion on the blackboard. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
活动意图说明: 本环节的一系列活动能够提升学生的查找能力和综合语言表达能力,实践与内化所学习的语言知识,提炼所学的结构化知识和语言信息并形成口头语言表达,进而内化目标语言知识和相关书面信息。这项活动能够提高学生运用所学短语的能力,提升学生小组间成员的合作能力,提升学生的组织和展示能力。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teacher’s activities 5 Guide the students to offer one suggestion or reason to the others and arrive at one conclusion so as to lead the students to have a good reflecting. With this kind of activity, the students will perhaps have a better understanding of themselves. | Students’ activities 5 The related student will take down each comment from the students. And then make a plan for his new life. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
活动意图说明: 通过本环节的思考与分享,学生加深了对自己面临的问题的认识,学生更加明确地意识到在新的校园环境如何做人做事的必要性和迫切性,从而形成交友的意向,培养学生的合作关系和友好关系。此项活动有利于发展学生的核心素养,培养学生对自己、对他人,尤其在交友方面的责任感和自信心。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teacher’s activities 6 Guide Ss to read the table and fill in the blanks. Guide the students to exchange drafts by using the checklist to give feedback. Guide the students to write in different levels to show their ability. | Students’ activities 6 The students do as the teacher told them. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
活动意图说明:通过本环节的学习活动,学生可以在新的情境中展开想象力和创造力,将所学知识进行迁移,填写相关知识,进而提高对整篇文章的表达能力,培养自己的知识迁移能力。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Step 5 Homework (20’) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teacher’s activities 7 Guide the students to finish the writing in different levels.
| Students’ activities 7 The students do as the teacher told them. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Intentions: These activities aim to help Ss apply what they have learned and develop the right attitude towards life. This activity is intended to develop Ss’ ability of writing. 活动意图说明:本环节教学设计符合新课程标准要求,教师在设计教学过程中要根据学生的不同层次设计不同的内容。本次内容设计了基础部分写作,主要是针对本课所学的内容;拓展层写作,主要是用好本课所学的新知识要点和各类短语;竞赛类写作,主要是培养优秀生参加高一高二的各类能力大赛或竞赛活动。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blackboard design(板书设计) How to write a letter of advice?
Making solutions
• I think you should …. As a result, … I recommend you do…. The first reason is that…. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
特色学习,资源分析,技术手段应用说明 本节课的教学设计是以英语学科的核心素养发展为理论基础,紧紧围绕学习活动,设定学习目标并展开相关的学习活动,教师基于学习目标设计了多个层次的学习活动,活动之间层层相扣,层层推进,有效地促成学习目标的达成和发展学生的核心素养。
根据学生新进校园的情况和所涉及的问题,确保学生有话可谈。在内化文本消息和最后的迁移创新类活动中设计的情景,可以使学生在轻松愉快的氛围内锻炼语言表达能力,掌握相关语法和文本信息,培养学习创造性地解决实际生活的能力。 2.运用多种手段,全方位提升学生学习能力、思维品质和语言能力。 在课堂开始,教师会提供一些图片,让学生通过图片,将所学的知识归纳提升,并引出新的话题,主要是在不同的语境中学习如何记忆词汇和归纳词语。本课包含了制作思维导图、小组活动、小组讨论和制作展示等环节,极大程度地体现了学生在课堂上的主体地位,可帮助学生锻炼思维和表达能力、答案的逻辑推理能力及听说读写全方位的能力,加强与他人沟通配合的协作能力。 3.教学设计紧扣学生思维发展模式,加强文本理解并联系实际生活。 在写作部分的设计上,由课本到现实生活,由浅入深,层层推进,一步步帮助学生加深对问题的理解,将学生的注意力迁移到对同学、对班级和对自己的问题上。
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教学反思与改进,存在的问题 本课的教学设计从整体上来说比较成功,学生的反馈大部分都很好,但也存在以下的问题: 1.在意见和理由的写作上,部分学生不能很好地利用本课所学的重点短语以及写作格式,从而浪费了时间。 2.在进行角色表演时学生不能脱离课本,或者部分学生不会很好地根据自己的思维导图进行复述,仍然捧着课本,阅读不够流畅。 3.所设计的四、五级写作在一定程度上需要大量的时间,会导致课时不够。 改进措施
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在语言丰富方面,可以运用不同的句式,尤其要学会运用表达建议的句式以及非谓语形式,要学会用相对丰富的语言替代单句或者是单调的句型。 在Reading and Thinking环节下的文章,学生积累了表达问题和建议的短语:
学生在阅读和写作的文章中,通过猜词和把握主题细节活动,遇到了本课需要学习的生词和短语,通过对主题问题的了解,学会了使用以下词汇和短语。如: 1)观点多元性。Do you think Ms. Luo’s advice is useful? Why or why not?在回答此问题时学生使用了本文阅读中的新学短语:I think I should encourage him to focus on other things in life, instead of concentrating on playing computer games constantly. 2)话题多元性
俱乐部看图描写 (1)自然俱乐部 There are four students in the Nature Club because they are interested in plants and animals. They are planting trees. Now, one is carrying a tree and holding it straight. One is digging some soil for the tree, while other girls help them. Actually, they are very good extra-curricular activities for senior high school students. (2)芭蕾舞俱乐部 A beautiful girl loves dancing, so she often dances in the Ballet Club. Now, she is learning new movements. She often practices dancing with the help of dance pole. As a dance player, she can dance on the tiptop wearing a white short skirt with two-belts on her shoulders. Actually, she is good at dancing and very pleased to have this extra-curricular activity to build up her talents. 写作方法概述,描写图片,即找出图片中的要点写成段落主题句,然后对要点形成解释,2~4句加结论,过渡词加结论(即观点,也就是对要点的情感表达。)
What other kinds of advice would you give? 在回答此问题时,学生不仅用了本文阅读中新学的短语,而且学会了使用情感类动词offer替代give,还使用了本文中的短语become addicted to, concentrate on 和make the team。最重要的是,学生在老师的引领下理解了生活的意义:happiness和love才是做事的最高追求。 I would offer other kinds of advice to some students who become addicted to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life. We can make the team of five people to beat him. If he is always defeated, he will lose his interest in playing computer games. Then he will have no happiness because happiness can keep people going on, so having no happiness will stop people doing what they love. 【范文】 If you are his friends, what’s your advice to him? From my point of view, “all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy”, because all play will make you lose attraction to other things. Instead, without all work, you will make it difficult to focus on school and family life. Actually, it is an unhealthy lifestyle for teenagers of our generation. Obviously, it is not only a bad behavior, but also an unhealthy lifestyle and unusual to us. “If you have a dream to university, you must always prepare for a rainy day”. To be honest, our senior high school is really a short period. We are sure to meet with any problems like a rainy day jumping at us. We should try every Freshman Challenge with good preparations. Remember “Distance tests a horse’s strength. Time reveals a person’s character!” As your good friend, I hope you can follow me and keep our word. Stop playing computers too much on the Internet and you will make a bigger difference.
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