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    第二部分  阅读共三节,计50分)

    第一节  (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



    (    ) 21. The Strawberry Music Festival will last          .

          A. one night B. two days C. a week 

    (    ) 22. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

          A. You can attend the festival in Changsha.  B. You may see the Dada Band at 5:30 p.m.

          C. You can enjoy the music festival for free.



    Smart Schoolbag

    An 11-year-old schoolboy invented a schoolbag. A small computer and a scanner (扫描装置) are fixed in the bag. When a book is put into the bag, it is checked by the scanner. If any book is missing, you will see a message on the computer screen.

    Weather Sweets

    Cay you eat weather? A university makes that happen. It uses a 3D printer to create sweets. The shapes of the sweets are influenced by wind speed. The colors of the sweets are decided by temperature. The sweets can be used as a weather record of the day.

    Sunrise Bed

    To help you get up, a company has created a tool - a sunrise bed. It wakes you up gently like a sunrise. Lights on the bed become brighter and brighter to wake you up. When the lights are fully on, soft music will play. It will be louder and louder until you turn it off. It tells you its time to welcome a new day!


    (    ) 23. What are fixed in the smart schoolbag?

          A. A computer and some book.    B. A computer and a scanner.

          C. A scanner and some books.

    (    ) 24.  The colors of weather sweets are decided by         .

    A. wind speed    B. weather record   C. temperature

    (    ) 25. When using a sunrise bed, you can turn         off if you are ready to get up.

    1. The sunrise    B. the lights    C. the music



    There are many stories which show filial (孝顺的) respect in ancient China. Stories like Taste Liquid (液体的) Medicine for Mother of Emperor Wen of the Western Han dynasty not only tell us the filial virtue (美德) but also remind us of the greatest love we get from our parents.

    The selfless love from a mother is also a popular topic in poetry. The poem Song of the Parting Son, written by the Tang Dynasty poet Meng Jiao (751814), is one example.

    From the treads a mothers hand weaves,

    A gown for parting son is made.

    Sewn stitch by stitch before he leaves,

    For fear his return be delayed.

    Such kindness as young grass receives,

    From the warm sun cant be repaid.

    (Translated by Xu Yuanchong)

     The poem shows a situation from everyday life: A mother sewing () clothes for her son. Here Meng uses two everyday things, the thread (线) and the needle (), to cmpare the close relationship between mother and son. They are always connected to each other. When the son is traveling far away, the mother is afraid that his return will be delayed. So she carefully sews the clothes. In the last two lines, the poet uses a metaphor (暗喻). He compares mothers to the warm sun in spring while children are like grass. It is hard for a childs love to equal that of a mothers.

    Although this poem is abut a mothers selfless love for her son, we hope you enjoy the deep feeling behind the lines. Whatever changes take place in society and life, love from parents will never change. So always remember to show filial respect to your parents for their selfless love and make efforts to improve virtue in our families.


    (    ) 26. The poem Song of the Parting Son mentioned in this passage may be           .

          A. 春夜喜雨》      B. 《回乡偶书》        C.游子吟

    (    ) 27. What relationship is described in the poem?

          A. Husband and wife.     B. Mother and son.    C. Teacher and student.

    (    ) 28. What does the underlined word delay mean in Chinese?

          A. 推迟        B. 拒绝      C. 打扰

    (    ) 29. Which of the following sentences can be used to show the meaning of the poem?

          A. Like father, like son.     B. Mothers never stop worrying. 

          C. East or west, home is the best.

    (    ) 30. The main purpose of the passage is to            .

          A. introduce a famous emperor   B. show mothers love helps us grow healthily

          C. remind us to show respect to parents


    Pinocchio had a fever. The Fairy took a glass of water with medicine and said lovingly to Pinocchio: Drink this, youll be up and well.

    Pinocchio looked at the glass worriedly and said, Id rather die than drink that awful medicine.

    At that moment, the door of the room flew open and in came four rabbits as black as ink, carrying a small black coffin (棺材) on their shoulders.

    What do you want? asked Pinocchio.

    We have come for you, said the largest rabbit.

    Oh, Fairy, my Fairy, Pinocchio cried out, Give me that glass! Quick, please! I dont want to die! and holding the glass with his two hands, he took the medicine quickly. Then the rabbits had to leave.

    After that, the Fairy added, Pinocchio, tell me how you were in the hands of the robbers (强盗) last time.

    I had five gold pieces to give to my father, but on the way I met two robbers. They tied my neck with a rope and hung me to a tree, said Pinocchio.

    Where are the gold pieces now? the Fairy asked.

    I lost them, answered Pinocchio. As he spoke, his nose became at least two inches (英寸) longer.

    And where did you lose them?

    In the wood nearby. At this second lie, his nose grew a few more inches.

    If you lost them in the near-by wood, said the Fairy, well look for them and find them.

    Ah, now I remember, replied Pinocchio, I did not lose the gold pieces, but I took them.

    At this third lie, his nose became longer than ever. The Fairy sat looking at him and laughing.

    Why do you laugh? Pinocchio asked her, worried now at the sight of his growing nose.

    I am laughing at your lies.

    How do you know I am lying?

    Lies, my boy, are known in a moment. There are two kinds of lies, lies with short legs and lies with long noses. Yours, just now, happen to have long noses.

    (Adapted from The Adventures of Pinocchio)


    (    ) 31. Why did the Fairy give Pinocchio medicine?

          A. Because he was ill. B. Because he told a lie. C. Because he was hurt.

    (    ) 32. What is the correct order of the following events?

          Pinocchio took the medicine.

          Pinocchio was afraid of death.

          Pinocchio told lies to the Fairy.

          A.  B.  C.

    (    ) 33. How many times did Pinocchio lie to the Fairy?

          A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.

    (    ) 34. Which of the following words can best describe Pinocchio according to the passage?

          A. Impolite and friendly. B. Smart and kind. C. Fearful and dishonest.

    (    ) 35. What can we learn from the passage?

          A. It is necessary to tell lies often.    B. People should tell the truth.

          C. Keeping money is important.


    第二节  (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


    Many people have difficulty in getting up in the morning. This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation.      36       .

    During the hours hours when you work, you may say that youre hot. Thats true. When your cycle of body temperature is at its peak (顶峰), it is the time when you feel most energetic. For some people the peak comes during the morning. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so. But it may explain some troubles in our daily life. For example, if you are always late for class,     37    , not in the morning. Another example is that when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and how the energy cycles work, they may end the family fight quickly.

    You cant change your energy cycle,     38     . Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe youre sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway. If so, staying up later than you want to may counteract (中和) your cycle in some way. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, get up earlier before your usual hour.      39      .

    Fall asleep slowly may save your energy. Get up with a comfortable yawn (哈欠).       40      . Avoid the trouble of looking for clean clothes by laying them out the night before.


    A. But you can learn to make your life fit it better

    B. Sit on the bed for a minute before putting your feet on the floor

    C. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle

    D. This wont change your cycle, but youll work better at your low point

    E. It may mean your temperature-and-energy peak is in the evening

         36.            37.            38.            39.            40.           


    第三节  (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


    Chinas Wetland Protection Efforts Help Birds

    When winter comes, Siberian cranes (西伯利亚白鹤) fly from northeast Siberia in Russia to Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province, China. However, climate change has endangered the birds living places.

    In some years, the Poyang Lake experiences floods, while in others, it experiences droughts (干旱). Both of these caused food shortages in cranes living places, Qian Fawen, a researcher from the National Bird Banding Center of China, said. To help deal with the problem, the local government has built 70 hectares of lotus roots (莲藕) in Nanchang to provide food during the winter for the cranes. The birds population has risen from about 3,000 to more than 5,000 over the past 20 years, according to Qian.

    Over the years, China has worked hard to protect these birds. Recently 1,140 places in the country have been taken as living places for them. Most of the endangered birds stay in wetlands. Known as the Earths kidneys (肾脏), wetlands play a key role in cleaning water, preventing floods, and helping with biodiversity (生物多样性).

    To protect Chinas wetlands, the Wetlands Protection Law was published on June 1, 2022. It stops building work on important national wetlands and some activities. Thanks to these efforts, more birds stay in the nations wetlands in winter. In February, Hunan government reported that black-faced spoonbills (黑脸琵鹭), also endangered birds, were seen at Dongting Lake after an absence of five years. If we protect the wetlands well, we will see more endangered animals and enjoy more beauty of nature.


    41. What caused food shortages in cranes living places at the Poyang Lake?


    42. How many cranes were there at the Poyang Lake 20 years ago?


    43. What has China done to protect these birds over the years?


    44. Why did the Wetlands Protection Law come out?


    45. Nowadays, can people see black-faced spoonbills at Dongting Lake in winter?



    第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分35分)

    第一节  (共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分)


    One day a teacher went on a picnic with some of his students. While walking, he reached a    46   . This village was very big. The teacher was tired and he was very    47    so he said to one of his students, We will stay here for some time in this village. There is a pond (池塘) at some distance from here, bring me water from there, please. When the student arrived at the pond, he saw the water in the pond was very dirty. Because some time ago an elephant    48    the pond and made the water become dirty.

    The student thought such dirty water was harmful to the teachers health. So the student    49    without taking water and told the whole thing about the dirty water of the pond to the teacher. Then this teacher sent another student to bring water. After some time that student returned with water.

    The teacher    50    this student if the water of the pond was dirty, then how did he bring this water? The student said, The water was really    51    because an elephant crossed there some time ago, so I waited for a few more minutes and then the soil in the water settled (沉淀) on the bottom and the water became clear. After that, I brought water for you from that pond.

    The teacher was very happy to hear this and taught a(n)    52    to all the students that our life is also like the water of this pond. Many times sadness or problems come across life, then the water in the form of life seems dirty. But after some waiting and    53   , these sadness and problems get buried and the good times come up.

    Some people get    54    after seeing sadness and problems like the first student and come back after seeing trouble. Such people can    55    move forward in life, on the other hand, some people who are patient, wait that after some time the sadness and problems in the form of dirt will end, and they become successful.


    (    ) 46. A. village B. factory C. farm

    (    ) 47. A. thirsty B. hungry C. bored

    (    ) 48. A. went through B. went on C. went across

    (    ) 49. A. returned B. stayed C. stopped

    (    ) 50. A. advised B. told C. asked

    (    ) 51. A. clear B. dirty C. cool

    (    ) 52. A. decision B. example C. lesson

    (    ) 53. A. trouble B. discussion C. patience

    (    ) 54. A. trouble B. afraid C. surprised

    (    ) 55. A. never B. sometimes C. often


    第二节  (共10小题,计10分)


    Last week, my father and I went back to my hometown Zibo 56.             (try) Zi barbecue (烧烤). Recently, the local food has become 57.             popular that people all over China travel there to taste it.

    One the way to Zibo, my father told me 58.             unusual story. Last year during the COVID-19 pandemic (流行病), 59.             (thousand) of college students were stuck in Zibo. The local government helped students and offered a great barbecue dinner when the quarantine (隔离) was over. The government 60.             

    (office) also invited the students to come back to Zibo again when spring came. They would give the students a warm welcome. I 61.             (move) when I heard this.

    At 5 p.m. , we arrived at the restaurant. My father had booked a table two days 62.              (early). Or there wouldnt be any seats for us. People in the restaurant didnt know each other before. But we just talked 63.             (nature) about daily life and sang together. Some local people even put off  64.             

    (they) orders when they heard there werent enough seats. They wanted tourists from other places to have the chance to eat.

    After eating the delicious food, I kept thinking why Zibo became popular. Is it the promise 65.             

    the government and the college students? Or the special, tasty food, or the warmhearted people?


    第三节  (共5小题,每小题2分,10分)


    So, exam time is around the corner. Have you done the necessary work to get good marks? 66. Sleeping with the textbook under the pillow (枕头) doesnt work. Knowledge wont come into your brain magically when you sleep. The best way is to space your practice out, rather than fill it all together. 67. 不要只是依靠你的记忆力。You can start by reading a textbook with your favourite pens and colors, and then write down the important ideas on small cards. While doing so, you actually try to test yourselves on these small cards.

    Good reviews will give you confidence, 68. but if you are still worried, its not harmful to follow some special customs. In China, when the kid takes the big exam, mum will always wear a Qipao. Qi, means flag. Its the first character in an idiom (成语) that means to win victory upon raising the flag, and which has been suitable to wish students sweeping success on their exams.

    In Japan, 69. 对学生们而言,在考试前吃一种特别的安慰食物似乎是一种传统。The comfort food is made up of a bowl of egg and pork pieces named Katsudon. The name of the dish makes people think of the word katsu, meaning winning. 70. For some students is South Korea, the key to success is not washing their hair before an exam, because they believe they could wash all the knowledge out of their heads. And in different parts of the world, there are always those who believe in their lucky numbers.

    The bottom line is that you need to study, eat a good meal, sleep well on the eve of the test, and believe that your efforts will pay off.








    第二节 书面表达满分15分)

    71. 初中生活是一本太仓促的书。三年的时光,一千多页的喜怒哀乐,就这样匆匆翻过。但是,它却给我们留下那么多精彩的片段……假如你是李华,你将作为初三毕业生代表在毕业晚会上,用英语做一个简短的毕业演讲,内容包括对三年初中生活的怀念,表达对老师和同学们的感谢,和对高中生活的期待。







    value the time we spend together; be full of happiness and sadness;


    be patient with;


    life in senior high school will be ...;


    Dear teachers and fellow students,

    Good evening. Its my honor go give a speech today. How time flies! Looking back on the past three years,         












    第二部分  阅读


    21-25  BCBCC    26-30  CBABC    31-35  ABCCB


    36-40  CEADB


    1. Floods and droughts.
    2. About 3.000.

    43. l,140 places in the country have been taken as living places for them.

    44. To protect China's wetlands

    45. Yes./Yesthey can.

    第三部分 语言运用


    46-50  AACAC   51-55  BCCBA


    56. to try    57. so    58. an    59. thousands   60. officers/officials

    6l. was moved   62. earlier   63. naturally  64. their    65. between


    1. 和枕头下的课本睡觉是不管用的 / 把课本放在枕头下睡觉是不管用的
    2. Don't just/only depend on your memory/Don't depend your memory alone.
    3. 但是如果你仍然焦虑遵守一些特殊的习俗是没有害处的
    4. it seems(to be) a tradition for students to eat a kind of special comfort food before an exam.
    5. 对韩国的一些学生而言,成功的关键是考前不洗头发





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