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    初中英语中考复习 北京卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版)
    初中英语中考复习 北京卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版)01
    初中英语中考复习 北京卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版)02
    初中英语中考复习 北京卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版)03
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    初中英语中考复习 北京卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版)

    这是一份初中英语中考复习 北京卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版),共7页。试卷主要包含了单项填空,完形填空,阅读理解,阅读表达,文段表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。



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    1Linda showed her ________ by climbing up to the top of the mountain alone in the dark.

    Atradition Bfear Ccourage Dhonesty

    2—The number of monarch butterflies has fallen by over 80% over the past 20 years.

    —If we do ________ to protect them, there may be none left of the greatest natural wonders soon.

    Aanything Bsomething Cnothing Deverything

    3Anna is preparing for the coming exam, so she has to ________ the invitation to the party.

    Aturn on Bturn down Cturn off Dturn up

    4The more relaxed you are, ________ you will perform when you take the interview.

    Athe good Bthe well Cthe better Dthe best

    5People in Beijing were ________ to see the Olympic holy fire passing through the city.

    Aenough lucky Btoo lucky Clucky enough Dtoo unlucky

    6President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to the United Kingdom ________ October 19th to the 23rd.

    Aon Bin Cat Dfrom

    7Life is like a race. You ________ take the lead ________ fall behind.

    Aboth; and Bneither; nor Ceither; or Dnot only; but

    8— Missing sleep during the week ________ be made up by more sleep on weekend.

    — Exactly, and weekend catch-up sleep is a total lie.

    Aneedn’t Bmustn’t Cshouldn’t Dcan’t

    9When I was seven, my family moved two blocks away and we ________ in this area since then.

    Alive Bare living Clived Dhave lived

    10After he graduated, my brother ________ to play in another basketball team.

    Aforced Bhas forced Cwas forced Dwas forcing

    11—At present, young people prefer to use WeChat to keep in touch with their friends.

    —Yes. It is a good way of communication ________ is popular among young people.

    Awhat Bwho Cthat Dwhom


    12—Taizhou Sports Park is the main site of the 20th Provincial Games. Could you tell me ________?

    —From the City Centre? About 20 minutes’ bus ride.

    Ahow people can get there Bhow soon it will be in service

    Chow far the sports park is Dhow long it takes to walk there



    In my final year of high school, I got a job working at a local coffee shop near my home. I thought the job would be easy and free of stress. I ___13___ myself making delicious doughnuts, serving the best coffee and becoming friends with those customers who often came to the coffee shop.

    I wasn’t ___14___ the people with too many orders, the women who complained that the coffee was much too creamy, or the men who wanted their iced coffee remade again and again until they reached perfection. I couldn’t seem to ___15___ anyone.

    One rainy day, one of my customers Hank came in looking upset. He said he felt like getting in bed, pulling the sheets up over his head, and staying there for a few years. I knew exactly how he felt.

    Before he left, I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee. He was ___16___ because he hadn’t ordered anything but coffee. I had given him his favourite kind of doughnut.

    “It’s on me and I’ve paid for it, “I told him. “I know you like doughnuts very much Have a nice day.” He smiled and ___17___ me before heading back out into the rain.

    The next day, it was still raining. I spent the whole afternoon hanging out of the window handing people their orders. I was completely ___18___ and cold. Worse, no one was tipping that day. Every time I looked into our empty tip jar, I grew more upset for myself.

    In the evening, the customer from the day before drove up to the window. He handed me a pink rose and a note.

    The note read:


    Thanks for being so sweet, kind and thoughtful yesterday. It is so nice to meet someone who is truly nice. Please don’t change your ___19___. Have a great day!


    After that, whenever I felt upset or sick of coffee, I thought of Hank and his kindness. Then I would smile, hold my head up high, clear my throat and ask ___20___, “How can I help you?”

    13Apictured Bmentioned Cdeveloped Ddecided

    14Aasking Bwaiting Cexpecting Dbelieving

    15Afear Bworry Cplease Dinterest

    16Aangry Bsad Crelaxed Dsurprised

    17Ahelped Binvited Cpromised Dthanked

    18Aready Bwet Cfree Dpatient

    19Away Bshape Cform Dpractice

    20Aunusually Bsecretly Cpolitely Dcarelessly




    The following is an advert (广告) by the company Golden Tours. This is the advert that convinced (说服) you to take a holiday in Mexico. Peter has written feedbacks (反馈) after finishing his trip to Mexico.

    Word bank: paradise天堂     cuisine 菜肴     staff员工     complaint抱怨     abandon抛弃

    21What can Peter do in Mexico according to the passage?

    APay a visit to famous people. BHave lazy days in the countryside.

    CEnjoy wonderful local food. DSee the sights in every room of the hotel.

    22It can be inferred that Peter was full of ________ when writing his feedbacks.

    Aworries Banger Cthanks Dhope

    23In which part of a newspaper can you most probably read this passage?

    ATravel. BTechnology. CEducation. DHealth.


    I couldn’t wait to show my new sneakers to my friends at the rehearsal(排练)for the fourth-grade play. I had cleaned yards for three weeks to save the money to buy them, and I was really proud of them.

    When practice started, our director, Mrs. Rodriguez, asked us to remove our shoes first. So I put my sneakers carefully in my red backpack and zipped it up before joining the group.

    After rehearsal, I unzipped my backpack and found my sneakers were gone! I dashed across the stage.

    “Mrs. Rodriguez!” I shouted. “Someone stole my sneakers! I put them right in my backpack when you told us to take off our shoes, and now they’re gone!”

    Mrs. Rodriguez raised her voice so everyone could hear. She asked the students to look around for my missing sneakers.

    Everyone searched for the sneakers, but they weren’t anywhere. Then, I noticed Sasha James opening up her backpack and looking inside. There, right on the top, were my sneakers!

    “Those are my sneakers, Sasha! Why did you steal them?” I said angrily.

    “I didn’t! I promise! I don’t know how they got in my backpack,” said Sasha.

    All of a sudden, my face turned red as I realized what had happened. Sasha’s backpack was exactly the same color as mine. I had put my sneakers in her backpack by mistake.

    “I’m really sorry, Sasha. I put my sneakers in your backpack by accident. I must not have been paying attention. I shouldn’t have accused(指责)you of stealing.”

    “It’s okay.” Sasha said, “They’re really amazing sneakers. If they were mine, I would be upset about losing them, too.”

    That’s the last time I’ll ever say something about someone without checking first!

    24How did the writer get the money to buy the sneakers?

    ABy acting in the fourth-grade play.

    BBy practicing at the rehearsal.

    CBy stealing from Mrs. Rodriguez.

    DBy cleaning yards for three weeks.

    25Why did the writer’s face turn red?

    ABecause Sasha’s backpack was the same color as hers.

    BBecause Sasha broke her promise and stole her backpack.

    CBecause she put her sneakers in Sasha’s backpack by mistake.

    DBecause she took Sasha’s backpack home after the rehearsal.

    26What lesson does the writer learn from the story?

    AAlways take care of your backpack when you go out.

    BDon’t say things about people until you check them.

    CDon’t bring your sneakers to school when you practice.

    DOther kids will take your things if you leave them around.


    Hello, everyone! Welcome to our show Tease Your Brain. Today we will talk about brand (品牌) language. When you walk into Starbucks, the world’s biggest coffee chain (连锁店), you may hear a customer speaking a rapid-fire series of descriptions when asking for a drink-half-caf, black, and for the sizes-tall, grande, venti and trenta.

    It is a special language, so this morning we have invited Scott, the Starbucks Regional Manager to talk about it. Welcome Scott!

    First of all, can you say something about Starbucks language?

    Scott: Thanks for inviting me. OK, sure. Our company invented these rules in the booklet, “Make It Your Drink”. It only belongs to Starbucks. We have also trained our baristas (咖啡师) to reply to customers using Starbucks vocabulary.

    That is so interesting, Scott! Is Starbucks the only company that uses brand language?

    Scott: No. Many companies use this technique. When hungry Californians order a meal at In-N-Out, a burger chain, they need to specify the proportion of cheese slices to patties: a “triple double” means two patties sandwiched between three slices of cheese.

    Thank you very much, Scott!

    This past week, Tease Your Brain left the studio to ask people’s opinion about brand language. Let’s find out what they said:

    A marketing professor: In my book The Language of Branding, I mention that brand language is a brilliant way of enhancing customer loyalty (忠诚). Companies that persuade people to use their own terms create “a sense of belonging and improved loyalty to the brand”. It also enables employees to work more efficiently.

    A sociologist: People become part of a “speech community” when they use specialized vocabulary, which creates a feeling of shared values. Every time a company gets a consumer (消费者) to refer to its products using a branded term rather than a general description-whoppers, say, rather than burgers-it is drawing them into its own community. In so doing, it makes them more likely to buy its products in the future.

    OK. Now let’s listen to what a customer in Starbucks said.

    I heard you order your coffee with the brand language, “no-whip”. So, what do you think of this kind of language?

    A customer: I think it helps to create a “tribe ( 群,族)” that members identify with (认同). Take CrossFit. a fitness firm as an example. It has come up with a set of extensive vocabulary— “wod” means “workout of the day”. Using this kind of description, I feel like I am in the CrossFit group.

    27Which of the following belongs to Starbucks language?

    AWod. BNo-whip. CWhopper. DTriple double.

    28Starbucks language was invented to ______.

    Ashow a new brand of coffee

    Bgive its baristas a sense of belonging

    Cget customers to identify with the brand

    Dprovide a place for people to share their values

    29What is the purpose of the show?

    ATo advertise Starbucks’ popular products.

    BTo talk about the effect of brand language.

    CTo mark the importance of brand influence.

    DTo advise more companies to create special terms.


    The outbreak of the novel corona virus pneumonia (新冠肺炎) has disrupted the lives and work of nearly every Chinese person. However, a new trend (趋势) has been on the rise: many have turned themselves into livestreaming (网络直播) users or followers.

    According to Questmobile, a professional big data intelligence services provider in China, the audience for Douyin, Kuaishou and other livestreaming platforms surged to 574 million during the Spring Festival holiday, up 35 percent from 2019.

    Confined at home, away from their friends and loved ones, people turn to livestreaming to reach out to the world. For them livestreaming can help them share their lives and interest with a global (全球的) audience, which will give them the sense of being “in the moment”. Even as viewers, they can also engage immediately with livestreamers by commenting and making suggestions.

    “When I comment (评论) on the livestreaming videos, I’m not simply an audience member, but also an active part of the program. That gives me a sense of engagement,” an Internet user named Wang Hao told People’s Daily.

    Livestreaming is not only for fun,but also a new tool for many businesses. Affected by the pandemic (流行病)many businesses had to stop their sales in physical stores. To meet their business goals and survive (存活) during these trying times, many chose to livestream to revive their businesses.

    Joyoung, a leading maker of small kitchen appliances, is a good example. The company not only added a number of broadcasts each day to advertise their products, but also shared the menus that were good for health.“The responses to our livestreaming shows have been well beyond expectations,” Kang Li, who oversees the company’s livestreaming unit, told China Daily. “It’s a natural opportunity to truly bond with our followers.”

    Like it or not, livestreaming is likely to go mainstream in China for both entertainment and business.

    30What is the purpose of writing the second paragraph?

    ATo introduce some popular livestreaming platforms in China.

    BTo report data on the development of livestreaming in 2019.

    CTo show that Chinese people spend too much time on livestreaming apps.

    DTo prove that livestreaming is becoming increasingly popular in China.

    31What does Wang Hao think of commenting on livestreaming?

    AIt is boring to make comments. BIt is the only way to share viewers’ lives.

    CIt makes people feel involved in the stream. DIt helps livestreamers improve themselves.

    32What do Paragraphs 5&6 mainly talk about?

    ALivestreaming replaced physical stores in many areas.

    BMany businesses turned to livestreaming platform for marketing.

    CLivestreaming platforms faced challenges during the pandemic.

    DLivestreaming platforms made changes to their services..

    33How does the author feel about the future of livestreaming?

    AAgreeable. BUncertain. CDisappointed. DContused.





    Primary and junior high school students now are allowed to stay at school for two hours after school is over. Students can enjoy their hobbies. They can also take part in other after-school activities.

    This is one of the key measures (措施) of the “double reduction” policy (“双减政策) across the country. The policy tries to reduce students’ stress caused by too much homework and off-campus training.

    When students leave school, they can see their parents, instead of their grandparents, waiting outside to pick them up. Students are happy about it, and so are their parents.

    “It’s good that I can come to pick up my son,” said Mrs Wang, a mother of a second grader. “I’ve bought extra exercise books for him to do since he has no homework now. I still need to know how well he has learned.”

    The changes also mean that students can choose to do their homework at school after school is over.

    “We have a reading course after classes end at 4 pm,” said Zhang Zirui, a primary school student. “Then we do our homework at school. I don’t have to do homework when I go back home.”

    Lan Lan, a student at a junior high school, has less homework now. “The teacher has cut out the repetitive (重复的) contents in the homework, which I welcome a lot,” she said, “and there are lots of afterschool activities for us to take part in. It’s great.”

    Mr Wang, a father of a junior high school student, said the measures showed the government’s great efforts to lighten the burden (负担) on schools, parents and students.

    34What’s the purpose of the “double reduction” policy?


    35Who can pick up students after school now?


    36Why did Mrs Wang buy extra exercise books for her son?


    37What does Zhang Zirui do after classes are over?


    38What do you think of the new policy?










    Progress in my life



    Hope in my heart

    提示:在我们的学习或生活中,困难和失败在所难免,但只要我们不失去信心和希望,就能战胜它们。请以“Hope in my heart”为题目,写一篇英语短文来讲述自己坚持希望后获得成功的一次经历及感受。









    初中英语中考复习 新疆卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 新疆卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版),共7页。

    初中英语中考复习 湖南卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 湖南卷A-2022年中考英语模拟考场仿真演练卷(考试版),共8页。

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