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    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 A life’s work一等奖ppt课件

    这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 A life’s work一等奖ppt课件,共48页。

    Starting ut
    Watch the vide and answer the questins. 1 Hw did Ck Ding cmpare himself t ther cks? 2 What lessn did Lrd Wenhui learn frm Ck Ding?
    Ck Ding cmpared himself t ther cks by cmparing hw ften they had t change their knives.
    Lrd Wenhui learnt that it is imprtant t study the principles f dingthings,and t have perseverance,cncentratin,wisdm and devtint ne’s craft.
    >视频脚本Ck Ding and the Ox A ck named Ding was cutting up an x fr Lrd Wenhui. Every tuch f his hand,every mvement f his shulder,every step f his ft,every bend f his knee, and every mve f his knife were in perfect rhythm. “This is amazing!” said Lrd Wenhui. “Hw did yu learn such remarkable skills ?” Ding put dwn his knife and replied,“What I care abut are the principles, which g beynd mere skills. When I first began t cut up xen,I culd nly see the whle animal. After three years,I n lnger saw the whle x,but learnt t lk at it piece by piece . Nw,I n lnger see the structure f the x with my eyes,but with y mind,my heart. And I knw just where t cut,with my knife passing thrugh the spaces between its jints and fllwing its natural frm. I dn’t even tuch thecmplicated muscles and tendns,let alne cut thrugh the large bnes.
     “A gd ck changes his knife nce a year—because he cuts. An average ck changes his knife nce a mnth—because he chps. I’ve used this knife fr 19 years, cutting up thusands f xen,and yet it’s as sharp as new. That’s because there are spaces between the jints—quite enugh fr the knife t mve arund smthly. When I cme t a cmplicated part,hwever,I tell myself t be careful,cncentrate fully n it,and slwly mve the knife with the greatest subtlety,until the x falls apart like a crumbling(破碎的)cld f earth. I stand there with my knife in hand and lk arund with satisfactin. Then I wipe the knife and put it away.”   Lrd Wenhui was deeply impressed. Ding’s perseverance,cncentratin and devtin t his craft became legendary,and his wisdm is remembered even tday.
    Read the qutes and answer the questins. 1 What is yur understanding f these qutes? Pay special attentin t “the price f success”,“stay with prblems lnger” and “a mere reed shaken in the wind”. 2 What qualities des each f these qutes cnvey? 3 Which f these qutes is the mst meaningful t yu? Give yur reasns.
    Frm the qutes we can see that t be successful,we have t pay a lt,such as dedicatin,hard wrk,an unremitting devtin and s n. Success requires bth time and skill.
    The qute by Albert Einstein cnveys the quality f perseverance. The qute by Frank Llyd Wright cnveys the quality f cmmitment. The qute by Jhannes Brahms cnveys the qualities f skill and aptitude.
    Albert Einstein’s qute is the mst meaningful t me. Withutperseverence and fcus,there is little pssibility f ne persn’s achieving the gal in anything he pursues.
    Understanding ideas
    Lk at the phts and answer the questins. 1 What differences are there between these tw phtgraphers? 2 What d yu think they each want t shw thrugh their wrks? 3 What des the first picture tell yu abut the phtgrapher?
    The phtgrapher in the first picture is wrking n the street with a single,easy-t-carry camera. The phtgrapher in the secnd picture is wrking in a studi with expensive,technlgically-advanced equipment.
    They want t shw the ideal shts and images thrugh their phtgraphy.
    The first picture tells us abut the phtgrapher’s apprach t his wrk and his interest in peple’s day-tday lives.
    Nw read the passage and check yur answers. A white-haired ld man riding an rdinary bicycle arund the streets f New Yrk,always wearing the same blue wrker’s jacket and simple black running shes. If yu saw him,yu’d never think there was anything remarkable abut him. And yet every member f New Yrk’s wealthy high sciety wanted nthing mre than t pse fr this man. This rdinary-lking man was Bill Cunningham,ne f the mst imprtant American phtgraphers f the last 50 years.
    What made Cunningham s great? It certainly wasn’t the use f expensive,technlgically- advanced equipment . Cunningham always used simple,relatively cheap cameras and tk all his pictures n the streets f New Yrk,nt in a studi. Nr was it a wide range f cntacts and cnnectins. Althugh he always knew where fashinable parties and events were happening,Cunningham liked t phtgraph rdinary peple in the pr Brnx as much as VIPs in rich Manhattan. He fund inspiratin where thers culd nt,in simple,everyday scenes,such as a man buying ranges at the lcal grcery stre,r a wman riding hme n the graffiti-cvered subway. These things were real,and it was within their reality that Cunningham saw bth beauty and ptential. Thrugh his fascinatin with what peple were wearing,and nt wh they were,he pened the drs f fashin t everyne — fashin as he saw it belnged t the peple,nt just t high sciety and big brands.
    Mrever,what made Cunningham great was his devtin t phtgraphy,and the hurs and hurs f sheer hard wrk he put int his wrk. Cunningham wuld g ut nt the streets f New Yrk each and every day,regardless f the weather. He wuld even stay utside in a strm,nt cming back until he knew he had the right phts. He hardly ever tk a day ff and nt nce stayed hme sick. This devtin and hard wrk is what we see reflected within his phts. This is what makes them s special. Althugh he was a wrld-famus fashin phtgrapher,Cunningham’s apprach t life was uncmplicated . He lived in a small apartment with a shared washrm. A simple restaurant was where he usually had the same meal f sausages,eggs and cffee.
    Cunningham never accepted the benefits ffered t him fr being a fashin phtgrapher. He valued his integrity and wuld nt be bught by anyne,n matter hw many free clthes r flights t faraway destinatins he was ffered. And if he went t a celebrity party,he was there t wrk rather than have fun. “Mney’s the cheapest thing,” he nce said,then added:“... freedm is the mst expensive. ”This lack f self-interest and prmtin kept Cunningham fcused n his craft,enabling him t capture New Yrk’s unique street style. Cunningham’s passin fr phtgraphy lasted thrughut his life. He was 87 when he passed away,and had been wrking right up until his last illness. Nthing ever stpped him frm getting the pht he wanted. His hard wrk made him mre than a fashin phtgrapher—he was a“cultural anthrplgist ”,wh we can thank fr recrding the life f a whle city and its peple ver half a century. Bill Cunningham was an bserver,and nt ne f the bserved,a wrker nt a star — and this was hw he wanted it.
    Chse anther suitable title fr the passage and give yur reasns. 1 Scial Butterfly 2 Art and Devtin 3 Fllwer f Fashin 4 A Life in Phtgraphs
    It is similar t the title “Life Behind the Lens”.
    Organise infrmatin frm the passage and cmplete the diagram.
    high sciety and big brands
    wh they are
    g ut nt the streets f New Yrk
    he knew he had the right phts
    tk a day ff and nt nce stayedhme sick
    a small apartment with a shared washrm
    the same meal f sausages,eggs and cffee
    the benefits ffered t him fr being a fashin phtgrapher
    his integrity and wuld nt bebught by anyne
    Nw cme up with five wrds r expressins t describe Bill Cunning-ham. Give yur reasns.
    Five wrds r expressins t describe Bill Cunningham: Bill Cunningham was simple,persistent, diligent,sharp and upright. He was a great phtgrapher,but he lived a very simple life. He was persistent and diligent in getting the right phts. He had a sharp mind and culd find beauty in cmmn peple and cmmn things. Besides,he was upright,fr he never accepted the benefits ffered t him fr being a fashin phtgrapher.
    Think & Share What is yur understanding f Bill Cunningham’s wrds “Mney’s the cheapest thing”? Why is Bill Cunningham called a “cultural anthrplgist”? What can yu learn frm Bill Cunningham? Share yur thughts with the class. What text types have yu learnt abut t help yu describe peple? If yu were t write abut Bill Cunningham,which wuld yu chse?
    In tday’s wrld where many peple pursue fame and frtune single-mindedly,we shuldn’t be inspired nly by material interests r prfits. Actually freedm and dreams are mre valuable than mney and fame.
    Bill Cunningham is called a “cultural anthrplgist” because his phtgraphy captured and created an everlasting recrd f the life f New Yrk and its peple ver half a century.
    Only by living a simple life,indifferent t fame and wealth can we have mre energy t pursue ur dreams.
    Narrative writing,argumentative writing and expsitry writing are all literary styles that describe characters. I prefer t chse the narrative writing style.
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. What makes Cunningham s great?A. His rdinary-lking appearance.B. His inspiratin frm rdinary scenes and his hard wrk.C. Years f cmplicated experiences in fashin phtgraphy.D. Years f simple life and ability f searching fr fun.2. What des Cunningham think f fashin?A. It is a trend f the sciety.B. It is a true reflectin f peple’s lives.C. It is mstly abut high sciety.D. It is the essence f art cming frm life.
    3. What kept Cunningham fcused n his craft?A. The gd prfit.B. The lve frm high sciety.C. The lack f self-interest and prmtin.D. The truble f simple life.4. What is the main idea f this passage?A. A jb wrth ding.B. Cunningham’s early life.C. The value f fashin.D. Peple’s wrld view.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文) Peple in New Yrk culd always see an rdinary-lking man 1_________(ride) a bicycle with a cheap camera arund the streets. He was Bill Cunningham,wh 2_________(wrk) as a fashin phtgraphy fr mre than 50 years. He liked t find 3___________(inspire)where thers culd nt,in simple,everyday scenes. These things were real and 4_________ was within their reality that he saw bth beauty and ptential. He thught that fashin belnged t the peple,nt just t high sciety and big 5__________(brand).  Cunningham had never taken a day ff and nt nce stayed hme sick. This devtin and hard wrk is 6__________ makes his wrks s special.  Althugh he was wrld-famus,his apprach t life was 7______________(cmplicate). He valued his integrity and wuld nt 8___________(buy)by anyne. This lack f self-interest and prmtin kept him 9__________(fcus)n his craft,enabling him t capture the unique street style f New Yrk. His passin 10_________ phtgraphy lasted until he passed away.  Bill Cunningham was an bserver,and nt ne f the bserved. This was hw he wanted it.
    Language pints
    核心词汇教材原句p.14 And yet every member f New Yrk’s wealthy high sciety wanted nthing mre than t pse fr this man. 然而,纽约富裕的上流社会中每一个人都想着对他摆姿势、请他拍照。1 nthing mre than 只不过,仅仅It was nthing mre than a shwer. 只不过下了场阵雨。They desire nthing mre than t serve their master. 他们别无他求,只想服务于他们的主人。【归纳拓展】nthing less than 简直是,极其,不亚于 mre than 不过,仅仅n mre than 仅仅,只有 n less than 多达,不少于It was nthing less than a miracle. 那简直是个奇迹。I dn’t expect anything mre than what I have nw. 比起现在我拥有的,我并不期望任何其他的东西。
    完成句子(1)它只不过是杜撰的故事而已。It is ____________________ a made-up stry.(2)他的疏忽无异于犯罪。His negligence was ____________________ crime.(3)这地方只能停放三辆车。There is rm fr ____________________ three cars.(4)这本导游指南包括多达115 条徒步旅行路线的详细介绍。The guide cntains details f ____________________ 115 hiking rutes.
    nthing mre than
    nthing less than
    n less than
    2 pse v. (使)摆好姿势;造成,引起,产生 n. 姿势,姿态The artist asked her t pse fr him. 那位画家要求她摆好姿势以便为她画像。pse a threat/challenge/danger/risk 构成威胁/ 挑战/危险/风险The task pses n special prblems. 这项任务不会造成特别的问题。He adpted a relaxed pse fr the camera. 他摆了个悠闲的姿势拍照。【单词积累】psitin n. 位置;立场;职位   psitive adj. 积极乐观的;积极的Frm his psitin n the cliff tp,he had a gd view f the harbur.他站在悬崖顶上,海湾景色一览无余。a psitive attitude 乐观的态度
    单句语法填空(1)The delegates __________(pse) fr a grup phtgraph befre the meeting.(2)She struck __________ pse,ne hand n her hip and the ther waving an imaginary cigarette.(3)He had taken up a __________(pse) in the centre f the rm.(4)She was quite __________ (pse)abut the amunt f mney invlved.
    教材原句p.14 liked t phtgraph rdinary peple in the pr Brnx as much as VIPs in rich Manhattan. ……无论是对于在贫穷的布朗克斯拍摄普通人,还是在富裕的曼哈顿拍摄贵宾,他都同样喜欢。3 as much as(1)表示模糊的数量,意为“与……一样多”,有时much 后可接被修饰的不可数名词。I enjy pleasure as much as the next persn. 我和别人一样愉快。I ate as much as I culd. 我能吃多少就吃了多少。I hpe yu have as much fun as I did. 我希望你玩得和我一样高兴。(2)表示具体的数量,其后通常直接接具体数量,意为“……之多”“多达”“整整”,强调“多”。It cst me as much as 100 dllars. 它花了我整整100 美元。We walked as much as 50 miles that day. 那天我们走了整整50英里。【归纳拓展】as much as sb. can/pssible 尽最大程度地 as sn as sb. can/pssible 尽可能快地(时间)as fast/quickly as sb. can/pssible 尽可能快地as hard as sb. can/pssible 尽可能努力地
    完成句子(1)我不像我原来想象的那么有钱。I haven’t gt ____________________ I thught.(2)She trained hard fr the race,smetimes running _______________(多达)60 miles a week.(3)The dctr will see yu again next week. Meanwhile,yu must ________________________(尽可能多休息).(4)Run ________________________(你尽可能快地)s that yu can win first place.(5)Yu must wrk ____________________(尽最大努力).
    as much mney as
    rest as much as pssible
    as fast/quickly as yu can
    as hard as yu can
    教材原句p.15 as he saw it belnged t the peple,nt just t high sciety and big brands. ……在他看来,时尚属于民众,而不仅仅属于上流社会和大品牌。4 belng t 属于(某人);是(俱乐部、组织等)的成员All pwer in China belngs t the peple. 在中国一切权力属于人民。Over nine-tenths f the inhabitants there belng t the Han natinality. 那儿十分之九以上的居民是汉族。I dn’t knw t which team he belngs. 我不知道他是哪个队的成员。【误区警示】(1)belng t 既不能用于被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。可用belng t 的现在分词形式作后置定语,如a car belnging t me。(2)t 是介词,后面可跟名词或代词作宾语。【归纳拓展】(1)a sense f belnging 归属感(2)belngings n.[pl.]所有物;财产persnal belngings 个人财物
    完成句子(1)Prfessr Williams keeps telling his students that the future ____________________(属于)the well-educated.单句语法填空(2)The ld huse __________(belng) t my grandfather was still in gd cnditin.(3)He tk away the suitcase nt __________(belng) t him by design.(4)I just escaped frm the fld and all my ___________(belng) were swept away.(5)I dn’t knw__________ whm this cmputer belngs.
    教材原句p.15 the hurs and hurs f sheer hard wrk he put int his wrk. ……以及他在工作中投入的大量时间和精力。5 在……花费(精力等);往……投入(资金);用……表达He is putting a lt f wrk int imprving his French. 他正下功夫提高他的法语水平。They put a lt f mney int the family business. 他们把许多钱投入到家族企业中。Put the sentences int English,using the phrases given. 用所给的短语把这些句子译成英语。【归纳拓展】 actin/effect/practice 把……付诸实施/ 实践 use 将……投入使用
    单句语法填空(1)The gvernment put a lt f mney __________the cnstructin f sprts facilities.(2)Nthing in the wrld is difficult if yu put yur heart __________ it.(3)Can yu help me put this letter __________ gd English,please?完成句子(4)It remains t be seen whether the newly frmed cmmittee’s plicy can __________________ ______________(付诸实施).(5)The new system will sn _____________________ (被投入使用).
    be put int practice/
    be put int use
    教材原句p.15 He hardly ever tk a day ff and nt nce stayed hme sick. 他几乎从未休过一天假,也从未因病待在家中。6 nt nce 从未,从来没有(位于句首时句子用部分倒装)I nt nce saw him get angry r upset. 我从未见过他生气或不开心。Nt nce did they finish a jb prperly. 他们从来没有把一件事情做好过。【归纳拓展】at nce 立刻,马上 nce in a while 偶尔,间或nce again=nce mre 再一次,又一次all at nce 突然(相当于suddenly)【误区警示】(1)nce 用作副词时,在句中的位置不同,表示的意思也不同。I nce went t Shanghai. 我曾经去过上海。I went t Shanghai nce. 我去过上海一次。(2)nce 用作连词引导时间状语从句时,从句用一般现在时表将来。Once yu begin t read it,yu will like it. 一旦你开始读,你就会喜欢它。
    完成句子(1)All thrugh that ne year,Tm never cried,_______________(一次也没有).(2)Physics is easy t learn _____________________________ (一旦你理解了规则).(3)His sng _______________________ (曾经很流行) amng the yung peple.(4)All f yu shuld g there _______________(立刻).(5)Let me hear yu sing _______________________ (再一次).(6)We went t see ur English teacher ____________________ (偶尔).(7) ______________________ (突然),they rushed ut altgether.
    nce yu understand the rules
    was nce very ppular
    nce again/nce mre
    nce in a while
    All at nce/Suddenly
    教材原句p.15 This devtin and hard wrk is what we see reflected within his phts. 我们可以从他的照片中看到这种奉献和努力。7 devtin n. 奉献,忠心;深爱,挚爱As a sldier,he shwed selfless devtin t duty. 作为一名战士,他表现出了对职责的无私奉献。His devtin t his wife and family is tuching. 他对妻子和家人的关爱感人至深。【单词积累】(1)devte v. 致力,献身,倾注devte neself t 献身于,致力于devte ne’s life/time/energy/attentin t 把某人的生命/ 时间/ 精力 /注意力奉献于……Qian Xuesen devted himself entirely t science. 钱学森把一生都献给了科学事业。(2)devted adj. 挚爱的;投入的;忠实的be devted t sb. 深爱某人be devted t(ding)sth. 致力于(做)某事I have been devted t this cause fr many years. 我多年来一直致力于这项事业。【误区警示】 和 be devted t 中的 t 均是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。
    单句语法填空(1)__________(devte) t the study f science,my uncle had little time t take care f his children.(2)The ld scientist is devted t __________(study) space,and the spirit f __________(devte) deserves learning frm.(3)Mark is my __________(devte) friend. Since graduatin,he has devted __________(he) t imprving the educatin f the lcal peple. In additin t teaching,he has devted a lt f time t __________(raise)mney t build mre schls. His __________(devte) t his wrk mves the peple deeply.完成句子(4)If yu have a jb,d ________________________(献身于) it and finally yu’ll succeed.
    Studying devtin
    devte yurself t
    教材原句p.15 ’s apprach t life was uncmplicated. ……坎宁安的生活方式并不复杂。8 apprach n. & v.(1)n. 方法,方式;接近,靠近;通路,道路an apprach t(ding)sth. 做某事的方法adpt/take an apprach 采用一种方法the apprach f ……的来临/ 临近This is a clever apprach t a cmmn prblem. 这是一个解决常见问题的巧妙方法。It’s a sign f the apprach f middle age. 这是中年将至的迹象。Sldiers were guarding the appraches t the city. 士兵把守着进城的道路。(2)v. 接近,靠近;对付,处理As yu apprach the twn the first building yu see is the church.接近那座城镇的时候,你首先看到的就是教堂。I’m nt sure hw t apprach the prblem. 怎样处理这个问题,我没有把握。
    单句语法填空(1)At the meeting they discussed three different ____________(apprach) t the study f mathematics.(2)With the mid-term examinatin ____________(apprach),students shuld wrk ut t stay energetic.(3)T get yur pinins acrss,yu need t change yur apprach t __________(express)them.(4)All the appraches __________ the harbr were blcked by the plice.(5)Absrbed in painting,Jhn didn’t ntice evening ____________(apprach).完成句子(6)She ______________________________(采取了错误的方式) in her dealing with them.(7)Facing up t yur prblems rather than running away frm them is ____________________(……的最好方法) wrking things ut.
    tk the wrng apprach
    the best apprach t
    教材原句p.15 Cunningham’s passin fr phtgraphy lasted thrughut his life. 坎宁安对摄影的热爱贯穿他的一生。9 a passin fr... 对……的热爱,对……的强烈爱好The English have a passin fr gardens. 英国人酷爱花园。Antn has a cnsuming passin fr science fictin.安东对科幻小说痴迷不已。【归纳拓展】with passin 充满激情地  full f passin 充满激情
    单句语法填空(1)His passin __________ music has been the driving frce in his life.(2)His passin __________ her made him blind t everything else.(3)She argued her case __________ great passin.
    重点句式教材原句p.15 These things were real,and it was within their reality that Cunningham saw bth beauty and ptential. 这些东西是真实的,在这种真实中,坎宁安看到了美好和潜力。1 强调句型结构:It is/was+ 被强调部分+that+ 其他部分.。被强调部分指人时,可用wh代替that。该句型可强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语。I met my teacher in the park yesterday. 我昨天在公园里遇到了我的老师。→ It was I that/wh met my teacher in the park yesterday.(强调主语)→ It was my teacher that/wh I met in the park yesterday.(强调宾语)→ It was in the park that I met my teacher yesterday.(强调地点状语)→ It was yesterday that I met my teacher in the park.(强调时间状语)
    【误区警示】(1)构成强调句型的it 不能用其他词代替。(2)用is 还是was 要根据原句的时态而定:属于现在或将来时间范畴的所有时态用is;属于过去时间范畴的所有时态用was。(3)被强调部分指人时,可以用wh 代替that,其他情况一律用that。【学法点拨】判断句子是否为强调句型的方法:去掉it is/was 与that/wh,剩余部分若结构完整、句意明确,则为强调句型,否则就不是。
    单句语法填空(1)It was when I gt back t my apartment __________ I first came acrss my new neighbrs.(2)Yu are waiting at a wrng place. It is at the htel __________ the cach picks up turists.用强调句型改写My grandpa walked the dg in the street yesterday.(3)______________________________ walked the dg in the street yesterday. (强调主语)(4) ___________________________ my grandpa walked the dg in the street. (强调时间状语)(5) ___________________________ my grandpa walked the dg yesterday. (强调地点状语)(6)I finally settled in Shanghai.(强调状语)________________________________________________________ (7)Parents are cncerned abut children’s safety.(强调宾语)________________________________________________________ 
    It was my grandpa that/wh
    It was yesterday that
    It was in the street that
    It was in Shanghai that I finally settled.
    It is children’s safety that parents are cncerned abut.
    教材原句p.15 He valued his integrity and wuld nt be bught by anyne,n matter hw many free clthes r flights t faraway destinatins he was ffered. 他珍视自己的正直,不为任何人所动摇,无论提供给他多少免费衣物或远程航班。2 “n matter+ 疑问词”引导让步状语从句“ n matter + 疑问词”引导让步状语从句,意为“无论……”,一般可以转换为“疑问词+-ever”引导的让步状语从句。N matter what/Whatever happened,he wuld nt mind. 无论发生什么事,他都不会介意的。N matter wh/Whever wants t speak t me n the phne,tell them I’m busy. 无论谁要我接电话,都说我正忙着。N matter which/Whichever yu buy,there is a six-mnth guarantee. 不管买哪个都有六个月的保质期。N matter where/Wherever she ges,there are crwds f peple waiting t see her. 她所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。N matter when/Whenever she cmes,she brings a friend. 她每次来都带个朋友。
    【误区警示】“n matter+ 疑问词”不能引导名词性从句。N matter what yu say is f n use nw. (×)Whatever yu say is f n use nw. (√)你现在说什么也没用了。(whatever yu say 是主语从句)I’ll take n matter wh wants t g. (×)I’ll take whever wants t g. (√)谁想去我就带谁去。(whever wants t g 是宾语从句)
    单句语法填空(1)One can always manage t d mre things,n matter _________ full ne’s schedule is in life.(2)I’m cnvinced that we can vercme any difficulty,n matter __________ it is.完成句子(3)____________________________________(不管你怎么努力尝试),it is difficult t lse weight withut cutting dwn the amunt yu eat.(4)________________________________(不管他在哪里),he makes it a rule t g fr a walk befre breakfast.
    Hwever/N matter hw hard yu try
    N matter where/Wherever he is
    用whatever,whever,whenever,hwever 填空(5)I’ll d __________ I can t help yu.(6)__________ yu may d,d it well.(7)I will lend my e-dictinary t __________ wants t lk up wrds and prmises t take gd care f it.(8)—When culd yu have a meal with me?— I’d like t g __________ it is cnvenient t yu.(9)__________ hard I tried t think abut it,what he said didn’t really get acrss t me.

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