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    Unit 5 First Aid(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT01
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    Unit 5 First Aid(Using Language词汇课)课件PPT06
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    英语选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid优质课件ppt

    这是一份英语选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid优质课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了核心词汇,题组练·领悟方法,drowning ,drowned ,out,bleeding ,bleeding,panicked ,into,in panic 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    教材原句 p.54 drwning 溺水1 drwn vt. & vi.(1)vt. 溺死;(使)淹死;浸泡;淹没drwn yur fears/ lneliness/ srrws 借酒壮胆 / 解寂寞 / 浇愁a drwned chicken/rat 落汤鸡It’s n use trying t drwn yur srrws in drink. 借酒消愁于事无补。The fruit was drwned in cream. 水果在奶油里泡过。
    (2)vi. 淹死;溺死搭配:drwn ut 淹没,压过,盖过Her vice was drwned ut by a lud crash.她的声音被响亮的撞击声淹没。His assciate dived int the river t save the drwning child.他的同伴跳入河中去救那个溺水的孩子。
    单句语法填空(1) When caught in a rip current,inexperienced beachgers ften place themselves at the risk f      (drwn).(2) Caught in the rain,he was wet all ver like a      (drwn) rat.(3) The wman whse dg       (drwn)in a river was weeping bitterly.(4) She turned up the radi t drwn    the nise frm next dr.
    was drwned
    教材原句p.54 bleeding 流血2 bleeding n. 流血;失血 T stp bleeding,raise the wunded area abve the heart.为了止血,将受伤部位抬高到心脏以上。severe/heavy bleeding 严重 / 大量出血【词语积累】(1)bleed vt. 使出血;榨取 vi. 流血;失血;渗出;悲痛(过去式和过去分词都是 bled) bleed sb. dry 榨取某人所有的钱 bleed sb.(fr sth.)长期榨取(某人的钱) bleed t death 失血死去
    In the nvel,the ld man’s tw daughters bleed him fr every penny he has. 在小说中,这位老人被他的两个女儿压榨光了所有的钱。(2)bld n. 血,血液;血统
    单句语法填空(1) Press firmly n the wund t stp the      (bleed).(2) Withut getting first aid,he wuld slwly bleed   death.(3) If a persn       (bleed) badly,press a clean clth n the      (bleed)pint and hld it there fr several minutes.完成句子(4) 正如俗语所说,“血浓于水”。 Just as the saying ges, “            ”
    is bleeding
    Bld is thicker than water.
    教材原句p.55 carefully and dn’t panic.……仔细听,不要惊慌。3 panic v. & n.(1)vi. & vt.(使)惊慌(过去式和过去分词都是 panicked)搭配:panic sb. int ding sth. 使仓皇行事,使仓促行动Take it easy! Dn’t panic! 沉住气!不要惊慌!The eruptin f the vlcan panicked many peple int leaving this area. 火山喷发吓得很多人仓促离开了这个地区。
    (2)n. 惊恐;恐慌 in(a)panic 惊慌失措地(表示状态) get int a panic 陷入恐慌(表示动作)panic attack 惊恐发作a wave f panic 一阵恐慌panic buying 抢购,恐慌性抢购in a state f panic 处于惊恐状态Carmel was in a panic abut her exam. 卡姆尔很害怕考试。In n sense will we annunce the news t the public,r peple will get int a panic. 我们绝不会把这个消息公之于众,否则人们会陷入恐慌。
    单句语法填空(1) The traveller gt int   panic when he culdn’t find his single ticket.(2) The madam      (panic)at the sight f the bld.(3) Many peple were panicked    leaving their hmes when the war brke ut.完成句子(4) She        (陷入恐慌) when she thught the children might have a chance f drwning.
    gt int a panic
    (5) She was     (惊慌失措)when she was tld that she needed an peratin n her waist.(6) The bad news       peple    (使……仓促行事)buying sme useless things.
    panicked int
    教材原句p.55 The pictures belw shw what t d t rescue smene frm drwning. 下面的图片展示了如何营救溺水的人。4 rescue sb. frm 把某人从……中救出来(=save sb. frm)With the help f a ladder,they rescued the children frm the big fire.他们借助梯子把孩子们从大火中救了出来。 【词语积累】rescue n. 援救,营救;营救行动 vt. 援救,营救cme/g t ne’s rescue 来 / 去援救某人rescue wrkers/ team 救援工人 / 救援队a daring sea rescue 惊心动魄的海上营救行动
    Luckily,the plice came t her rescue in time when she met an accident. 幸运的是,当她遇到意外时,警察及时赶来救援。Plice frces,frmed a number f transprtatin and emergency rescue teams and went t the city. 武警部队组成多支交通运输和应急救援队奔赴这座城市。
    单句语法填空(1) I’m grateful that yu have rescued me    the difficult situatin.(2) Never fr a secnd did he dubt that his father wuld cme    his rescue.(3) It was n a freezing cld mrning that the man dived int the lake and     (rescue) a drwning child.完成句子(4)The mther          (被救出来)the sinking bat by a passing ship.(5) Hearing f the emergency,a team cnsisting f thusands f sldiers__________________ (赶来救援我们).
    was rescued frm
    came t ur rescue
    教材原句p.56 Chen his dinner interrupted when he heard smene screaming frm anther table.陈伟……在吃晚餐,这时被另一桌突然传来的客人的尖叫声打断了。5 interrupt vi. & vt. 打断;打扰 vt. 使暂停;使中断Excuse me,Mr Wang,but can I interrupt yu there?对不起,王先生,我能在那儿打断你一下吗?The game was interrupted by rain,s they had n chice but t pstpne it. 比赛因下雨中断了,因此他们不得不延期。
    【词语辨析】interrupt 与 disturb(1)interrupt 侧重打断某活动的进程,使其不能进行下去。(2)disturb 侧重扰乱某种状态或秩序。The nise in the street was disturbing his study,and a knck at the dr interrupted his thught. 街上的噪音正干扰着他的学习,而一阵敲门声打断了他的思路。【词语积累】interruptin n. 打断;中止withut interruptin 连续地;不断地I wrked all the mrning withut interruptin. 我整个上午都在工作,没有受到干扰。
    单句语法填空A stranger was shwn in,s their cnversatin______________     (interrupt).(2) Anyhw,it’s bad manners      (interrupt)when smene is talking.(3) Will yu stp      (interrupt)me when I’m talking?(4) I’m nt used t       (interrupt )when studying,s I like quiet surrundings.    
    was interrupted
    t interrupt
    being interrupted
    完成句子(5) It is crwded and nisy in the mall,and we can’t talk         (连续地).(6) She tried t explain what had happened but he          (不断打断她).辨析填空:interrupt/disturb(7) In rder nt t be   ,I spent three hurs lcked alne in my study.(8) The game was     several times by rain.
    withut interruptin
    kept interrupting her
    6 scream v. & n.(1)vi. & vt.(因愤怒或恐惧)高声喊;大声叫 scream ut(fr sth.)亟须;高声喊 scream ut(in/with sth. )(因伤痛、害怕、激动等)大叫; 尖声喊叫These bks scream ut t be included in a list f favurites.这些书亟须列入最受读者喜爱的书目中。The children were screaming with excitement n seeing the parents.孩子们看到父母兴奋地喊叫着。He cvered her muth t prevent her frm screaming.他捂上她的嘴,不让她叫出声来。
    (2)n. 尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音 let ut a scream 发出尖叫 a scream f happiness/pain 高兴得 / 疼得尖叫A scream brke the silence. 一声惊叫声打破了寂静。The children let ut a scream f terrr. 孩子们害怕地尖叫
    单句语法填空(1) Peple ran fr the exits,screaming     in panic.(2) Jhn was studying in his rm when he heard smebdy____________      (scream).(3) I let ut a scream    pain when he brke the blister with a needle.完成句子(4) I feel a need           (大声吼出) these things I feel.(5) Finally,we wn! I          (高兴得尖叫),full f tears.
    t scream ut lud
    let ut a scream f happiness
    教材原句 p.56 A fellw diner at the restaurant,Zhang Ta,was chking n sme steak. 原来餐馆里另一位用餐者张涛被牛排噎住了。7 chke vi. & vt.(使)窒息;(使)哽咽chke up 哽咽;噎住;阻塞chke dwn 强咽下去;抑制搭配chke t death 窒息而死chke back tears 忍住眼泪chke pint 瓶颈;阻碍Big muthfuls ften chke. 贪多嚼不烂。
    Our basketball team began t chke up in the last quarter.我们的篮球队在最后一节开始发挥失常了。She finds it hard t chke dwn her anger.她发现自己很难咽下那口怒气。Fish and seabirds mistake plastic fr fd and chke t death.鱼类和海鸟错把塑料当作食物而噎死。Hearing the sad news,she fund it hard t chke back her tears.当她得知那个悲痛的消息时,泪水止不住夺眶而出。
    单句语法填空(1) I felt as if there was a weight n my chest,     (chke) me.(2) She     (chke) and culdn’t keep back her tears.(3) Fr saving face Mary had t chke    the manager’s blame.(4)The heavy smke almst chked me    death.完成句子(5)          (强忍眼泪),he said the victim had frzen t death in the snw.(6) Cntrary t ur expectatin,the members      (表现失常)in the secnd half.
    Chking back tears
    教材原句p.56 his desperate friends were slapping him n the back. ……而他的几个朋友正拼命拍打他的背部。8 desperate adj. 绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的be desperate fr... 非常需要搭配be desperate t d... 非常想做in desperate need f... 非常需要He is desperate fr a jb s as t supprt his family. 他急于找到一份工作来养活家人。He was desperate t knw wh had gt the schlarship. 他非常想知道谁获得了奖学金。The last time I met him,he said he was in desperate need f help.上次遇见他时,他说他非常需要帮助。
    【词语积累】desperately adv. 拼命地;绝望地;极度地 desperatin n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命in desperatin 绝望地;不顾一切地He desperately wanted t fit in with his new classmates. 他非常想要融入新同学。In desperatin,he tk up the pt lid fr self defense. 在绝望中,他拿起锅盖自卫。
    单句语法填空(1)He is desperate       (achieve)his aim f quitting smking.(2) As an ambitius yung man,he is desperate    success.(3) He lked rund       (desperate)fr smene t help him.完成句子(4) After a day’s wrk,he          (非常渴望)a gd sleep.(5)       (绝望中),Mrs. Jnes submitted t an peratin n her right knee t relieve the pain.(6) If yu        (感到绝望),yu might turn t a dctr r chemist fr help.
    was desperate fr
    In desperatin
    feel desperate
    9 slap vt. & n.(1)vt.(用手掌)打、拍(slapped,slapping) slap sb. in the face 打某人耳光 slap sb. n the back 拍拍某人的背(通常表示赞许)Knwing he was lying,his father slapped him in the face.他父亲知道他在撒谎,就打了他一耳光。(2)n.(用手掌)打、拍;拍击声a slap in the face 一记耳光;侮辱搭配give sb. a slap 给某人一记耳光a slap n the wrist 轻微惩罚
    Lisa made a serius mistake,but the bss just gave her a slap n the wrist. 莉萨犯了一个严重的错误,但老板只是轻描淡写地惩罚了她一下。【归纳拓展】hit sb. in the face 打到某人脸上seize sb. by the arm/hair 抓住某人胳膊 / 头发
    单句语法填空(1) The rbbers were s vilent that they     (slap)him hard acrss the face.(2) The middle-aged lady slapped me n    back saying “Nice t see yu again”.(3) The ld man was s angry that he slapped the bad man   the face.完成句子(4) She reached frward and        (给了他一记耳光).(5) Persnally I think it is         (一个耻辱),nt just t himself but t the entire family.
    gave him a slap
    a slap in the face
    教材原句p.56 With the help f Zhang’s friends,he was able t help Zhang t his feet. 在张涛朋友们的帮助下,陈伟扶着他站了起来。10 help sb. t ne’s feet 帮助某人站起身来The by helped Oliver t his feet,and tk him t a pub.这个男孩扶奥利弗站起来,带他走进一家小酒馆。【归纳拓展】n ft 步行;在进行中 at the ft f 在……(山)脚下;在……的下部rise/ jump/ struggle t ne’s feet 站起来 / 跳起来 / 挣扎着站起来bring sb. t ne’s feet 欢呼;喝彩 keep ne’s feet 站住脚跟,保持平衡
    set ft in 踏进;进入;涉足于 get cld feet abut sth. 紧张;害怕get back n ne’s feet 失败后重新站起来 stand n ne’s wn tw feet 独立自主,依靠自己Rise t yur feet when the visitr cmes in. 来宾进来时请大家站起来。The leader is getting cld feet abut the refrms. 这位领导在改革上变得紧张胆小。I am trying my best t stand n my wn tw feet. 我为了自立做出了努力。
    单句语法填空(1) Seeing the mechanic,all the crew cheered and rse   their feet.(2) He suffered a great lss. It will take him a lng time t get back   his feet.翻译句子(3) It’s time fr yu t stand n yur wn tw feet.  ___________________ (4) His perfrmance tnight brught all the audience t their feet. _______________________________(5) It was very hard fr me t keep my feet n the ice. ________________
    教材原句p.56 Grabbing yur st with yur ther hand tightly,push up and int his stmach in ne mtin. 另一只手紧紧握住拳头,快速用力向上往里挤压。11 grab vt. & n.(1)vt. 抓住;攫取(grabbed,grabbing)grab a bite 吃点东西(非正式语);随便吃几口grab hld f 控制;抓住搭配grab at(试图)抓住;利用grab at a straw 抓住救命稻草grab a seat 抢占座位I’m starving. Let’s grab a bite.我好饿。我们先去吃点东西吧。He grabbed hld f me and wuldn’t let g. 他抓住我不放手。She grabbed at the branch,missed and fell.她抓树枝,可没抓住,就倒了。
    (2)n. 抓取;抢夺 up fr grabs 可供争夺的 make a grab fr/at 突然抢夺There are $2,000 wrth f prizes up fr grabs in ur cntests.在我们的竞赛中有价值 2 000 美元的奖品供大家争夺。
    单句语法填空(1)He grabbed    any excuse t avid ding the dishes.(2) Virtually every radi statin in the wrld is up    grabs with the Internet.(3)A man rushed frm her back and made a grab    her bag.(4) He culd nt escape,as I grabbed him   the cllar.(5) I nly      (grab) a slice f bread befre we set ut.
    翻译句子(6) A drwning man will grab at a straw. ___________________________(7)Yu nly have time t grab a few things. ________________________
    12 tightly adv. 紧紧地;牢固地;紧密地Tie a bandage tightly ver her sprained ankle when necessary.必要时用绷带紧紧绑住她扭伤的脚踝。【词语积累】(1)tight adj. 牢固的;紧身的;绷紧的;严密的 adv. 紧紧地;牢固地a tight schedule/ budget 日程安排紧 / 预算紧a tight race 势均力敌的赛跑a tight spt/crner 困境,险境hang n tight 抓紧He turned dwn the invitatin because f his tight schedule.因为他的日程安排紧所以他拒绝了邀请。
    (2)tighten v.(使)变紧,更加牢固;加强,使更严格tighten yur belt 勒紧腰带,省吃俭用I’ve had t tighten my belt since I stpped wrking full-time.自从我停止全职工作以来,就不得不勒紧裤带过日子。The rpe tightening the bat suddenly tightened and brke.系船的绳子突然崩断了。【学法点拨】在动词后和复合词中常用 tight 代替 tightly;过去分词前常用 tightly。反义词 lse,lsely。
    单句语法填空(1) All the ther rutes in and ut f the twn are    (tight) cntrlled.(2) This prgram shws families different cuisine    a tight budget.(3) China recently      (tight)its waters cntrls near the Huangyan Island.完成句子______________(抓紧了)—we’re ff!(5) _____________________(试着勒紧腰带)up a bit,t relieve the pressure frm yur shulders.(6) The victim wh received an electric shck lay there          (眼睛紧闭).
    Hang n tight
    Try tightening yur belt
    with his eyes tightly clsed
    教材原句p.56 Instead,lay the child face dwn n yur lap with the head lwer than the rest f his bdy... 相反,应将孩子脸朝下放在大腿上,使其头部低于身体其他部位……13 face dwn 面朝下Place the papers face dwn n the paper tray. 将纸张正面朝下放到送纸匣上。【归纳拓展】face up 面朝上;正面朝上be faced with 面对face t face 面对面地in the face f sth. 面对(问题、困难等)lse face 丢脸,失面子save face 保全面子make faces/a face 做鬼脸wear a lng face 拉长脸They are faced with an awful prblem f lack f raw material.他们面临着原料短缺的严重问题。
    单句语法填空(1) They didn’t give up    the face f difficulties.(2)Talking with friends face    face is a gd way t reduce the pressure frm wrk and life.(3) Faced    these pressures,yu can watch a cmedy t relax.完成句子(4) Regardless f his parents’ warning,the by still       (做鬼脸) at the sculpture.(5) What astnished us was that we fund him       (面朝下)n the bedrm flr.
    made a face
    教材原句p.56 Yu cannt just stand by and d nthing.不要袖手旁观。14 stand by 待命行动;袖手旁观;支持,站在……一边She’s the nly ne wh std by me in all things.她是唯一一个支持我所有事情的人。There is a beautiful blnde lady standing by the car utside.外面有个漂亮的金发女郎站在汽车旁边。Dn’t lse heart;all yur friends will stand by yu.不要灰心,你所有的朋友都会站在你这边。
    【归纳拓展】stand fr 代表,象征;主张;支持stand ut 显眼,引人注目;突出stand up 站立,站起stand against 倚 / 靠……站着;反对There is n dubt that “gym” stands fr gymnasium. 毫无疑问,“gym”代表的是“gymnasium”。Wearing a beautiful skirt,the girl std ut in the crwd.那个穿着漂亮裙子的女孩在人群中很显眼。
    写出下列句中 stand by 的含义True friends stand by yu and wn’t run away when yu need them.   _______________  (2)Hw can yu stand by and let the schlby treat his dg like that?    _______________ (3)The sldiers std by and gt ready t set ut fr the earthquake-hit area. _______________   用 stand 的短语填空(4)As yu get lder,yu need strength t     withut falling ver.(5) I am desperate t      my cuntry t play ftball in the Wrld Cup.(6) His frequent English made him     amng all the applicants.
    教材原句p.56 Hw culd I justify sitting there and ding nthing ?我有什么理由坐在那儿袖手旁观呢? 15 justify vt. 证明……有道理;为……辩护;是……的正当理由 justify(ding)sth. 证明(做)……正确 justify sb. /sth. t sb. 对……作出解释;为……辩解Hw can they justify paying such huge salaries? 他们怎么能够证明付这么大笔薪金是正当的呢?【词语积累】(1)justified adj. 有正当理由的 She felt fully justified in asking fr his aplgy t her. 她觉得完全有理由要求他向她道歉。
    (2)justificatin n. 正当理由;辩护 in justificatin f 作为对……的解释或辩护 I can’t see any justificatin fr his unreasnable behavir. 我没有看出任何为他的不合理的行为辩护的正当理由。 All I can say in justificatin f her actins is that she was under great stress at wrk. 我为她的行为辩解的理由只能是说她在工作上压力很大。
    单句语法填空(1) The lawyer prvides lts f evidence     (justify) the suspect’s request.(2) Even thugh yu felt      (justify)in yur decisin,yu shuldn’t shut t her.(3) We are justified    settling the argument nce and fr all.完成句子(4) Yu dn’t need              (向别人解释). Just be yurself.(5) What can be said         (解释)his behaviur?
    t justify yurself t thers
    in justificatin f
    教材原句p.58 Jhn’s alarm didn’t g f, s he slept in ...约翰的闹钟没有响,所以他睡过头了……16 sleep in 迟起;睡过头;睡懒觉 Yesterday,few players turned up because mst slept in.昨天,没有几个球员露面,因为大多数都睡了懒觉。【词语积累】sleep late 睡懒觉 sleep n sth. 把……留待以后解决,把……拖延到第二天sleep ver 借宿,在别人家里过夜
    sleep thrugh 睡得好(没被什么惊醒)g t sleep 入睡 sleep disrder 睡眠障碍;失眠sund sleep 舒适的睡眠;酣睡Culd I sleep n it and tell yu my decisin tmrrw?我能不能晚上考虑一下,明天告诉你我的决定? It is deep int night. Why nt sleep ver here? 现在已经深夜了。为什么不睡这里呢?
    单句语法填空(1) I usually sleep    n Saturdays.(2) My parents dn’t permit me t sleep     at my friend’s huse.(3) We didn’t panic. Instead we bth slept right      the strm last night.翻译句子(4) We ften sleep in when we are tired. __________________________(5) It’s a big decisin,s I need mre time t sleep n it. ___________________________________________
    教材原句p.58 Jnes felt that she was getting ut f shape... ……南希·琼斯觉得自己的身体状况越来越差……17 ut f shape 健康状况不好,身体不适;变形,走样I really gt ut f shape while I stayed at hme taking care f my baby. 在家带孩子的时候我真的身材走样了。【归纳拓展】in gd shape 处于良好状态 keep/stay in shape 保持健康in shape 在形状上 in the shape f 呈……的形状,以……的形式 把……做成……形状 (be) shaped like... 形似……
    We’ve been ut f shape fr several years,but then we try t get in shape in ne week! 我们身材走样好几年了,但是那时我们努力在一星期之内减掉所有肥肉!Sme lanterns were in the shape f fruits. 有些灯笼是水果形状的。
    单句语法填空(1) After the surgery,my fellw classmate was gradually    gd shape.(2) Gd educatin can shape rdinary peple     philsphers, thinkers, inventrs and s n.完成句子(3) My byfriend gave me a birthday cake         (呈……的形状)a heart.(4) Yu have been sitting n my hat and nw it is       (变形).(5) Tm always ges jgging in the mrning and he usually des push-ups t       (保持体形).
    in the shape f
    keep/stay in shape
    重点句式教材原句p.56 He was nw hlding his thrat with his face turning red... 只见他按着喉咙,满脸通红……【句式分析】with his face turning red 是“with+ 宾语 + 现在分词”构成的 with 复合结构,在句中作状语。1 with 复合结构(1)基本结构:with+ 宾语 + 宾补(2)意义:在句中作状语或定语。其中宾补可以是动词 -ing 形式(表主动或进行)、过去分词(表被动或完成)、不定式(表尚未发生),也可以是形容词、副词、介词短语等。
    With n ne leading the way,we had great difficulty finding his huse. 没有人领路,我们费了很大劲才找到他家。The naughty by std in the way,with his legs wide apart.那个调皮的孩子挡在路上,两腿岔开。The living rm is clean and tidy,with a dining table already laid fr a meal. 客厅干净整洁,餐桌已经摆好准备吃饭了。With n ne t talk t,she felt a little bred. 由于没有人和她讲话,她感觉有点儿无聊。He left the rm in a hurry with the light n. 他亮着灯匆匆离开了房间。
    【学法点拨】with 复合结构可以作伴随状语,意为“随着”,可以和 as 引导的状 语从句互换。但 with 复合结构只是一个介词短语,其中动词是非谓语形式,而 as 是连词,句中是谓语动词。 as time ges by with time ging by
    单句语法填空(1) With an aim      (achieve),he applies his mind in ging ver the lessns.(2) The assistant came in    a letter in his hand,smiling.(3) With my passprt      (miss),I have t apply fr a new ne.(4) With the lab      (equip)with mre advanced equipment,they are able t carry ut cmplex experiments.   
    完成句子(5)                (钱都买书了),he had t g withut supper every day.(6) The baby shk his head,             (嘴巴紧紧地闭着).(7)          (产量上涨了)by 10%,farmers had a harvest year.
    With his mney spent n bks
    with his muth tightly clsed
    With prductin up
    教材原句p.56 It is s easy,in fact,that almst anyne can learn hw. 事实上,它非常容易操作,几乎所有人都能学会。【句式分析】本句是一个 引导的结果状语从句,意为“如此……以至于……”,其中 in fact 是插入语,也可以放在句首。2 引导结果状语从句形容词 / 副词形容词 +a(n)+ 可数名词单数many/few+ 可数名词复数much/little(少)+ 不可数名词The ambulance arrived s quickly that we delayed n time.救护车来得如此迅速以至于我们没有耽误时间。
    【归纳拓展】“如此……以至于……”也可以引导结果状语从句,结构为: a/an+ 形容词 + 可数名词单数 形容词 + 可数名词复数 形容词 + 不可数名词 They are such wnderful players that n ne can beat them.他们是如此优秀的球员,没有人能打败他们。【误区警示】当 little 指“少”时,用 结构;指“小”时,用 。We have s little time that we can’t finish the wrk n time.我们的时间太少了,不能按时完成工作。They are such little wrms that they can’t be seen with eyes.它们是这么小的虫子,用眼睛是看不见的。
    单句语法填空Yu can’t imagine that    little birds can eat   many insects in   a shrt time. It is amazing.完成句子(2) It is        (如此紧急以至于) we can’t affrd t waste any time.(3) It has           (如此厚的表层) we can’t knck int even a nail.(4) It’s          (如此好的天气)that I’d like t g ut fr a walk.
    such s such s
    s urgent that
    such thick layers that
    such fine weather
    (5) It was              (如此热的一天)that nbdy culd fcus their attentin n wrk.(6) 这部电影如此好,以至于我想再看一遍。 It is                I like t see it a secnd time.    
    s ht a day/ such a ht day
    s gd a film that/such a gd film that

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