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    英语选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land完美版课件ppt

    这是一份英语选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land完美版课件ppt,共45页。PPT课件主要包含了核心词汇,题组练·领悟方法等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    教材原句 p.38 Rather than travel by cmmercial airline all the way,they decided t y t Vancuver... 她们没有一路乘坐商业航班,而是决定先飞到温哥华……
    1 rather than 而不是;与其,不愿(用于连接两个并列成分) These utdr clthes are cmfrtable rather than pretty. 这些户外服装舒服,但并不漂亮。 Mammals multiply by giving birth t babies rather than laying eggs. 哺乳动物的繁殖是通过产崽而非产卵。 He decided t rely n himself rather than seek help frm his friends. 他决定靠自己而不向朋友求助。
    【误区警示】(1)rather than 连接两个不定式时,第二个不定式的 t 可以省略。但是 rather than 位于句首时,跟不带 t 的不定式。(2)rather than 连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词应与 rather than 前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致。 Yu rather than I are ging camping. 要去野营的是你,而不是我。【归纳拓展】宁愿做……而不(愿)做……wuld than rather t than wuld take a chance rather than sit there ding nthing.=He wuld rather take a chance than sit there ding nthing.=He prefers t take a chance rather than sit there ding nthing.他宁愿冒险而不愿无所事事地坐在那里。
    单句语法填空What we expect frm yu is wrking hard rather than hardly      (wrk).(2) We can achieve a lt when we learn t let ur differences unite,rather than    (divide)us.(3) Rather than    (stay)here,I prefer t leave.
    rather than 连接 wrking hard 和 hardly wrking 两个相反的概念。
    句意:当我们学会求同存异,而非对立分歧时,我们会收获颇多。rather than 连接两个并列成分 unite 和 divide。
    此处为 prefer t than d... 的变式。
    (4) I think it is the manager,rather than the wrkers,that    (be)t blame.(5) I wuld rather     (starve)than   (beg)in the street. =I prefer      (starve)rather than   (beg)in the street.
    句意:我认为是经理而非雇员应该承担责任。句中包含强调句式 it 。
    starve beg
    t starve beg
    教材原句p.38 tw girls arse early t take the train t Lake Luise...……两个女孩早早起床,登上开往路易斯湖的火车……2 arise vi. 起身;出现;由……引起(arse,arisen)搭配:arise frm 由……引起;因……产生The utstanding astrnmer is used t arising early.那位杰出的天文学家习惯早起。 We will keep yu infrmed if any new prf arises.如有新证据出现,我们会随时通知你们。 His disease arse frm a virus infectin.他的病是由病毒感染引起的。
    单词 词义 过去式 / 分词 例句 arise 不及物动词;起身; arse;arisen A new crisis has arisen. 出现;由……引起 新的危机已经出现。 rise 不及物动词;上升 rse;risen Smke rse frm the 升起,增长 , chimney. 烟从烟囱中冉冉升起。raise 及物动词;提高;举 raised;raised She raised her head and 起;提出;筹集;饲养 stared at them. 她抬起头盯着他们看。
    【词语辨析】arise,rise 与 raise
    单句语法填空(1) He realised that mst f his mistakes arse   his nervusness in the exam.完成句子(2) 这次火灾是由责任心的缺失造成的。The fire       the lss f respnsibility.选词填空(arise/rise/raise)(3)I’ve never heard him even     his vice.(4)The meeting will discuss the matters     frm the recent changes in the law. 
    (5)The sun     in the east and sets in the west.(6) Mre TV prgrammes will be prduced t    peple’s cncern ver fd safety.(7) Dn’t wrry. We are well prepared t deal with all the utcmes that may______.
    教材原句p.38 tk a taxi t Lake Luise,where the blue water literally tk their breath away with its exceptinal beauty. ……她们乘坐出租车前往路易斯湖,那里湛蓝的湖水美丽异常,摄人心魄。3 breath n. 呼吸的空气 take sb.’s breath away 令人惊叹 hld ne’s breath 屏住呼吸 ut f breath 喘不上气 take a deep breath 深呼吸
    I tk a deep breath and started climbing the muntain. I was ut f breath when I arrived at the tp f the muntain. But it was wrthwhile because the scenery tk my breath away. I mean,the scenery was really breathtaking. 我深呼吸,然后开始爬山。当我到达山顶的时候我已经喘不上气了。但这一切都值得,因为风景令人惊叹。我的意思是,风景真是令人叹为观止。【词语积累】breathe v. 呼吸 breathtaking adj. 令人惊叹的 The air was s cld that we culd hardly breathe.空气非常寒冷,我们难以呼吸。
    选词填空(hld ur breath/take ur breath away/ut f breath/ take a deep breath)(1) He went        after running fr half an hur.(2) We         when Mr Evans read the exam utcmes.(3) As the music began,I         and tried t calm dwn.(4) My first sight at the sky thrugh a telescpe          .单句语法填空(5) I like arising very early in summer. The mrning air is s gd      (breathe).
    ut f breath
    held ur breath
    tk a deep breath
    tk my breath away
    教材原句p.38 They spent the night,and then tk a cach bund nrth thrugh the Canadian Rckies t Jasper. 住了一夜之后,她们乘坐长途汽车,向北穿过加拿大落基山脉,直达贾斯珀。bund adj. 准备前往(某地);一定会 bund fr 准备前往 be bund t 一定会;有义务 / 有责任……She was n a plane bund fr Rme when she gt sick. 她犯病时正在前往罗马的飞机上。
    These tw yung musicians are bund fr internatinal success.这两位年轻的音乐家一定会蜚声国际。Wars are bund t cast a shadw n peple all ver the wrld.战争必定会在世界人民的心上留下阴影。We are bund t cut back n spending. 我们必须削减开支。
    单句语法填空(1) Yu’ve dne s much wrk;yu’re bund    (pass) the exam.(2) We’d better take a plane bund     China.完成句子(3) His speech       (一定会) mtivate a lt f yung peple.(4)The plane      (前往)the earthquake-stricken area carried fd and medical supplies.
    教材原句 the centre f Canada’s huge il and gas drilling industry . ……加拿大巨大的石油和天然气钻探工业的中心。5 drill v. & n.(1)vi. & vt. 钻(孔);打(眼)搭配:drill fr il / water / gas 钻井探油 / 水 / 气The wrkman is drilling in the wall. 工人正在墙上打孔。We had t drill dwn 200 feet t find water.我们只好往地下钻两百英尺找水。
    (2)n. 钻(头);训练;演习 搭配 an electric drill 电钻 a fire drill 消防演习Jack used a drill t make a hle in the wall.杰克用钻头在墙上钻孔。Yu shuld finish yur English grammar drills in the class.你应该在课堂上完成英语语法训练。There will be a fire drill this mrning. 今天上午有消防演习。
    阅读下列句子,写出 drill 在句中的含义(1)T d drills is imprtant in language learning. ______(2) The gvernment has annunced plans t drill fr water in the desert. ______   (3) When the fire drill starts,students will evacuate the building.______ 完成句子(4) The teacher tld us t put aside ur bks and get ready fr        (每周的练习).(5)      (一场消防演习) interrupted the lessn.
    the weekly drill
    A fire drill
    教材原句p.38 Edmntn is freezing cld in winter,with daily temperatures averaging -10℃ . 埃德蒙顿冬季十分寒冷,日平均气温为零下10 摄氏度。6 freezing adj. 极冷的;冰冻的 n. 冰点 freezing pint 冰点 freezing cld 严寒;相当冷 a freezing winter 寒冷的冬季 abve/belw freezing 冰点以上 / 以下The little by refused t participate in the mrning exercise because f the freezing weather. 因为天气寒冷,那个小男孩拒绝上早操。 It’s very cld tday;the temperature has drpped t freezing pint.今天很冷,温度降到了冰点。
    【归纳拓展】(1)nearly freeze t death 差点冻死 freeze wages 冻结工资 freeze with hrrr 吓呆了 freeze up(突然)呆住 sb.’s bld freezes 某人血液凝固(2)frzen adj. 冷冻的;冻僵的 be frzen with fear 被吓呆了【学法点拨】freezing cld 极冷 burning ht 炎热 pretty ill 病得厉害freezing,burning,pretty 用作副词,意为“非常,颇”。
    用 freeze 的适当形式填空(1) It is a well-knwn fact that water     at 0℃ .(2) It’s     cld utside,s yu’d better put n mre clthes.(3)The snake was     n the rad.(4) The water at the edge f the lake    last night.完成句子(5) It was very cld last year;the temperature___________________________________________           (时不时地降到冰点).(6)              (气温才仅仅到冰点以下) when we left.
    drpped t the freezing pint frm time t time
    It was merely belw freezing
    教材原句p.39 Hwever,they did nt anticipate seeing such an pen cuntry,and were truly amazed. 但两人还是未曾料想能看到如此辽阔的国度,真是惊叹不已。7 anticipate v. 预料;预见;期望 It is anticipated that... 据预测…… anticipate ding sth. 预计做某事;期待做某事We anticipate that we will meet tremendus difficulties.我们预料我们会遇到巨大的困难。 It is anticipated that huse prices will decrease. 据预测,住房价格将降低。 I anticipate reading the bk with dramatic interest. 我以极大的兴趣期待着读这本书。
    【词语积累】anticipatin n. 预期;预料;期盼;期望He bught extra fd in anticipatin f mre peple cming than he’d invited. 他预料来的客人会比邀请的多,就多买了食物。
    单句语法填空(1)What is yur      (anticipate) salary?(2) I didn’t anticipate     (have) t d the cking myself.(3) In      (anticipate) f bad weather they take plenty f warm clthes.(4) At this stage we can’t really anticipate    will happen.完成句子(5)          (据预测) next year interest rates will decrease.
    It is anticipated that
    教材原句p.39 f the fur Great Lakes n Ontari’s suthern brder. ……安大略省南部边境的四大湖之一。brder n. 边界;国界;边界(地区)v. 与……接壤,与……毗邻n the brder 在边界上the brder between the US and Mexic 美国和墨西哥之间的边界Denmark’s brder with Germany 丹麦和德国的国界线escape acrss the brder 逃过边境a brder twn 边境城镇the cuntries brdering the Baltic 波罗的海沿岸国家
    完成句子The harbur lies        (位于……的边界)between the US and Mexic.(2) Custms fficers inspected ur baggage when we_______________          (穿越边境). 
    n the brder
    crssed the brder
    重点句式教材原句 p.38 During their first day,as is typical f Vancuver,it rained. 第一天,温哥华一如往常细雨蒙蒙。【句式分析】在本句中,as is typical f Vancuver 是 as 引导的定语从句,as 代指整个主句,as 在从句中作主语。1 as 引导非限制性定语从句引导非限制性定语从句,代指整个主句的内容。从句可放在主句前、主句后或主句中间。As we have anticipated,it is freezing at the tp f the muntain. 和我们预料的一样,山顶很冷。His pinin ften cnflicts with his parents,as is ften the case with teenagers. 他的观点往往和父母的有冲突,这种情况在青少年中很常见。
    【归纳拓展】as 引导非限制性定语从句常用的固定表达:as we all knw 众所周知as is well knwn 众所周知as yu see 如你所见as can be seen 正如所见as we expect 正如我们预料的那样as is/was expected 正如预料的那样as I can remember 正如我所记得的as has been said befre 如前所述as is ften the case 情况常常是这样
    单句语法填空(1) The utput has dubled,    was expected.(2)As       (mentin) abve,peanuts are fit t grw in sand fields.(3) It is a truly delightful place,      lks the same as it must have dne 100 years ag with its winding streets and pretty cttages.完成句子(4) The number f smkers,        (正如报道的那样), has decreased by 17 percent in just ne year.
    is mentined
    as is reprted
    (5) There is n simple answer,      (情况常常如此) in science.(6) (如上所述),he has vercme the difficulty.(7)               (小孩子往往如此),Amy was better by the time the dctr arrived.
    as is ften the case
    As is said abve
    As is ften the case with children
    教材原句 p.38 The next mrning, the tw girls arse early t take the train t Lake Luise, passing thrugh the Canadian Rckies . 第二天早上,两个女孩早早起床,坐火车去路易斯湖,途经加拿大落基山脉。【句式分析】句中的 “passing thrugh the Canadian Rckies”是现在分词短语在句中作状语。2 现在分词短语作状语现在分词短语作状语表示句子的主语和动词之间为主动关系,通常表示时间、原因、条件、让步、结果或伴随情况等。Having persuaded him t change his mind,I went n a jurney with him. 说服他改变主意后,我跟他一块儿去旅行了。(时间状语)Being ill,she didn’t g t schl as usual tday. 因为生病,她今天没像往常一样去上学。(原因状语)
    Turning right,yu will find the place yu want.往右转弯,你就会找到你要找的地方了。(条件状语)Knwing all this,they made me pay fr the damages.尽管知道了这一切,他们还是让我赔偿损失。(让步状语)The mther died,leaving a lt f mney fr her children.那位母亲去世了,给她的孩子们留下了一大笔钱。(结果状语)The cuple ften take their children abrad fr hliday,expsing them t different cultures. 这对夫妻常常带孩子到国外度假,让孩子接触不同的文化。(伴随状语)
    同义句转换(1)When they heard the news,they immediately set ff fr Shanghai. →        ,they immediately set ff fr Shanghai.(2)Eurpean ftball is played in 80 cuntries;as a result,it becmes the mst ppular sprt in the wrld. →Eurpean ftball is played in 80 cuntries,      the mst ppular sprt in the wrld..    
    Hearing the news
    单句语法填空(3)—Where is David? — He is upstairs     (get) ready t g ut.(4) The Chinese have used chpsticks fr five thusand years. Peple prbably cked their fd in large pts,   (use) twigs t remve it.(5) The headteacher had a class meeting,     (mtivate) the students t be the best f themselves.    
    教材原句p.39 It was nt until 9:30 a. m. that they finally reached the capital f Ontari,Trnt. 上午九点半,她们终于抵达安大略的省会多伦多。【句式分析】It was nt until 9:30 a. m. that... 是一个强调句型。被强调的部分是时间状语 until 9:30 a. m.。3 强调句型结构:It is/was+ 被强调部分 +that/wh+ 其他部分 . It was the assumptin that life might exist in ther planets that excited the scientist. 让科学家激动是其他行星可能存在生命的假设。(强调主语)
    It is American mvies that he likes t watch. 他喜欢看的是美国电影。(强调宾语)It was n the exhibitin that a lt f antiques were displayed.展览会上展出了许多古董。(强调地点状语) It was in 1998 that he jined the League. 他是在 1998 年入团的。(强调时间状语)It was because f the phts that she recalled her childhd.因为这些照片,她回忆起了她的童年。(强调原因状语) It was nt until he graduated that I knew his ambitin.直到他毕业我才知道他的志向。(强调时间状语)
    【学法点拨】(1)强调句通常强调主语、宾语、状语,可以强调单个词、短语 或从句。 it 本身没有词义。(2)被强调部分指人,可用 that 或 wh,除此之外都用 that。(3)强调“”结构中由 until 引导的短语或从句时,其结 构为“It is/was nt + 其他部分.”。(4)在强调结构中,如果把 It is/was 和 that/wh 去掉,句子成分 依然完整, 有时需要调整一下语序。(5)若被强调部分为主语,that 或 wh 之后动词的人称和数与被 强调的名词或代词一致。
    单句语法填空(1)   is imaginatin that makes the wrld clurful.(2) Jhn’s success has nthing t d with gd luck. It is years f hard wrk     has made him what he is tday.(3) It was nt until I came here     I realised this place was famus fr nt nly its beauty but als its weather.(4) It is I wh    (be) t blame fr the accident.
    强调下列句子中的画线部分(5)Tm lst his watch in the garden. _______________________________________(6) Mr Smith gt angry because Jack came late fr schl. _________________________________________________________完成句子Bach died in 1750,but        the early 19th century    (直到……才) his musical gift was fully recgnised.(8)             (是文化而不是语言) made it hard fr him t adapt t the new envirnment abrad.
    It was because Jack came late fr schl that Mr Smith gt angry.
    it was nt until
    It was the culture rather than the language that
    It was in the garden that Tm lst his watch. 
    Build up yur vcabulary
    1 Cmplete the sentences using suitable nuns in their crrect frms and circle the wrds which cllcate with them.
    curtain antique breath bay creature highlight airline beauty peak duratin frst
    1After arising in the mrning, the first thing he des is t draw the_________ .2 He was impressed by her __________and charm.3 The visitrs were admiring the _________dating back t the 17th century.4 We all remember the _____________f the trip—visiting the Huanggushu Waterfall.
    5 Prtect the__________ which are unique t Australia and their natural habitats.6 What________ did yu fly?7 It is ne f the mst difficult________ t climb in the Rcky Muntains.8 The beauty f Qinghai Lake tk the visitrs’________ away. 9 In freezing cld winter, windws are ften cvered with______ .10 We sailed int a beautiful______ in the suthwest f Canada.11 Judy enrlled in a prgramme f study that was eight mnths in ________, but she cmpleted it in nly six mnths
    2 Cmplete Samuel’s stry with the crrect phrases.
    bund fr cmmercial wrld a massive amunt f mney urban areas
    1 In Canada,_______________________ has been spent n preserving the frest, and the cuntry’s defrestatin rate is amng the wrld’s lwest.2 A grwing number f wdwrkers have decided t mve t the_______________ fr better jbs.3 Abard the plane __________Trnt, Samuel, a yung wdwrker, began imagining a whle new life in the big city.4 Hwever, he als had sme wrries. Ideally, he wanted t make a living in the arts, but he als knew well that it was smewhat a _____________.
    cmmercial wrld
    a massive amunt f mney
    urban areas
    3 Suppse yu were talking t yur friend Jane. Chse the suitable adjectives t cmment n the situatins.
    awesme mild pleasant
    1 Jane: The welcme party at the University f Oxfrd helped many students t make new friends. Yu: They must have spent a(n) _________evening tgether.2 Jane: We’re surprised t find that it is warmer than usual this winter in Lndn. Yu: Yu’re s lucky t have a(n)_______ winter here.3 Jane: We visited a famus turist site in Sctland: the beautiful castline and breathtaking landscape f St Andrews. Yu: Hw wnderful! Yu must have had a(n) __________experience.

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