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    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit 6 Birdwatching(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit课时教案)
    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit 6 Birdwatching(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit课时教案)01
    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit 6 Birdwatching(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit课时教案)02
    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit 6 Birdwatching(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit课时教案)03
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    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit 6 Birdwatching(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit课时教案)

    这是一份【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit 6 Birdwatching(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit课时教案),共29页。

    Unit 6 Birdwatching
    Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

    I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
    1. know the English names of some birds;
    2. identify the basic characteristics of these birds;
    3. learn to talk about the birds in English.

    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: birdwatching, market, hen, crane, sparrow, feather, swan, eagle, rare,
    at the market, long thin neck, broad wings, 15 types of cranes
    2. New structures: They have long legs and a long thin neck.
    How many types of cranes are there in the world?

    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1. Remember the English names of different birds;
    2. Learn to describe and talk about the birds in English.

    IV. Teaching procedures
    Comic strip
    Step 1 Lead-in
    1. Free talk
    Show some pictures.
    What can you see in the picture?
    What sound can you hear?
    Can you guess what we are going to talk about today?
    2. Learn some new words
    (1) Explain the new words.
    T: Look at the picture. What are these people doing?
    S: They are watching the birds.
    T: Yeah, and we can also call the action “watch the birds”—birdwatching. (Lead into the new word.)
    T: Do you like birdwatching? How do we call these people who are watching the birds?
    (Lead into the new word ‘birdwatcher’)
    (2) Read the new words after the teacher.

    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Listen and answer
    (1) Listen to the conversation and answer the questions
    T: Our friend Eddie also likes birds. What kind of birds does he like? Can you have a guess? Let’s listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and find out the answer to this question, “What birds does Eddie like”?
    (2) Check the answer. Present the new words “hen”, “duck” and “yummy” through pictures.
    T: Who has got the answer?
    S: Hens and ducks.
    T: Look at these pictures. They must be yummy. Yummy means …
    S: …
    2. Repeat and act
    (1) Repeat the comic strip
    T: Let’s listen to their dialogue again and repeat after the recording, paying attention to their pronunciation and intonation.
    (2) Work in pairs and get the students to act out the dialogue according to the four pictures.
    3. More questions to know about Eddie
    T: Do you think Eddie really like watching the birds at the market?
    S: No, he doesn’t. He just likes eating.

    Welcome to the unit
    Step 1 Presentation
    1. Present something interesting about birds
    T: Let me show you something interesting about birds. Do you know what the biggest bird in the world is? How much do you know about them? How about the smallest one?
    2. Watch and learn
    (1) Show the pictures of a crane to the students. Present the new words and learn something about its basic characteristics. Learn some new words to describe the birds from the colours of feathers, the body types and their characteristics.
    T: What is this in the picture?
    S: … (Maybe in Chinese)
    T: What do we call it in English?
    S: … (Learn and read the new word)
    T: What does it look like? How do you know about it?
    (2) Use the same way to present the other three birds: swan, eagle and sparrow. Get the students to watch carefully and learn to describe their characteristics.
    3. Read and match
    Open your books and turn to page 69. Match the pictures with the correct ones. Write the letters in the boxes. Check the answers.
    4. Watch and guess
    T: Now boys and girls, as we have learned much about the four birds. Let’s have a guessing game. I will show half of the picture and some descriptions. Tell me what kind of bird it is.
    5. Learn the dialogue
    (1) Listen and answer
    T: We have talked about many different kinds of birds. Annie and Simon are also interested in birds. Let’s listen to the tape and find out what kind of bird they are talking about.
    S: Cranes.
    T: Can you still remember what cranes look like?
    S: They are tall. They have long legs and a long thin neck.
    T: How many kinds of cranes are there in the world? Let’s listen again and check the answer.
    S: Only 15 types of cranes. (“Type” means “kind”.)
    T: So they are very rare. (Guess the meaning of the new word according to the context.)
    (2) Repeat and act
    Listen to the recording again and repeat after it.
    T: Let’s work in pairs and talk about your favourite birds. Make a similar dialogue.
    A: Which is your favourite bird?
    B: My favourite bird is …
    A: Why do you like it best?
    B: Because they have … and they are …

    Step 2 Consolidation
    1. Ask more questions to know about the cranes.
    T: There are only 15 types of cranes in the world. Do you think they are in danger?
    S: Yes.
    T: What can we do for them?
    S: We should protect their homes. We shouldn’t catch them any more …
    2. Show more pictures about the endangered birds and arouse the students’ consciousness of protecting them.

    V. Homework
    1. Try to remember the words, phrases and structures in this period;
    2. Read and recite the dialogues in Comic strip and Part B;
    3. Search the Internet for the information about Zhalong to preview Reading.
    Unit 6 Birdwatching
    Reading (I)

    I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
    By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
    1. develop the ability of getting the general meaning of the text from the title and its context;
    2. get a good understanding of the text through thinking and answering some questions about it;
    3. retell the passage with the help of key words and phrases;
    4. understand the importance of wetlands as well as wildlife, and learn to love and protect them.

    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: nature, wetland, provide, cover, wildlife, perfect, round, all year round, while, stay, easily, cent, per cent, in order to, space, lead, lead to, less and less, moreover, fisherman, fish, government, prevent, society, record, change, tourist, count, describe, understand, importance
    2. New structure: It’s one of the world’s most important wetlands.
    Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.
    Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings.
    Moreover, fishermen keep fishing there.
    As a result, the birds do not have enough food to eat.
    We hope this will help people understand the importance of the wetlands.

    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1. Understand the text through thinking and answering the questions based on it;
    2. Understand and retell the text with the help of key words and phrases;
    3. Understand the organization of the text and what each paragraph talks about.

    IV. Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Lead-in
    1. Have a guess
    T: Today, I will take you to a special place for birdwatching. There lives a special kind of birds. They are tall. They have long legs and a long thin neck. What’s more, they are rare in the world. What are they?
    2. Describe a picture
    Show a picture with the words: describe, provide, cover and prevent.
    T: Look, this is the special place where we are going. It’s Zhalong Nature Reserve. Look at the picture and tell me what can you see in it?
    T: Let’s describe the picture in details. It is a beautiful picture with flying birds, green plants and clean water. What do we call this kind of land? Yes, it is a wetland. The wetland provides food and cover for the birds. I mean, it gives birds something to eat and some place to stay, play and sleep. The wetland gives protection for birds. It prevents bad things happening to the birds. So special!
    3. Predict about the title
    T: Now, let’s open our books and go to the special place for birdwatching. First, look at the title. Can you guess what the passage may tell us after reading its title? Yes, the passage may tell us why Zhalong is a special place. Also, it may tell us what is special in Zhalong, etc. In which paragraph may the writer give us the answer?
    T: Good. At the very beginning of the passage we may find the answer.

    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Read Paragraph 1
    (1) Find some adjectives or adjective phrases in this paragraph to describe the special place
    T: In this paragraph, the writer tells us why Zhalong is a special place. Can you find some adjectives or adjective phrases in this paragraph to describe the special place?
    (2) Predict
    T: It’s a perfect place for some rare birds. Do you want to know what the “rare birds” are? Then, what may the writer tell us in next paragraph?
    2. Read Paragraph 2
    (1) Read this paragraph quickly and find out what the “rare birds” refer to
    T: In this paragraph, the writer tells us why Zhalong is a special place for birds, especially for rare birds. Please read this paragraph quickly and find out what the “rare birds” refer to? Why does the writer call cranes “rare birds”? Can you find a sentence to make it clear?
    (2) Explain the use of numbers
    T: In this sentence, the writer uses numbers very well. And sometimes numbers speak louder, and they work even better, especially in pairs. Can you find some more examples relating to numbers in this paragraph?
    (3) Think and discuss
    T: Do cranes live in Zhalong all year round or just go there for a short stay? Can you guess what time is the good time to watch cranes in Zhalong?
    3. Read Paragraph 3
    (1) Read and fill in the blank
    T: What will paragraph 3 tell us about the special place and rare birds? Can you use only ONE word to fill the blank?
    (2) Read and answer
    T: In this paragraph, the writer tells us what danger/problems Zhalong—the special place—is facing. What do “all these things” mean in the last sentence of this paragraph? (Problem 1: Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. Problem 2: Fishermen keep fishing there. As a result, the birds do not have enough food to eat.)
    T: For the first problem, which words describe the serious problem best? For the second problem, why does the writer use “keep fishing” instead of “fish”? Which sentence is much better?
    T: How do you feel when you hear about “all these things”? And what you will do?
    4. Read Paragraph 4
    (1) Read and answer: What does the Birdwatching Society members do?
    T: Most of you want to do something for the special place and the rare birds, and some of you want to join the Birdwatching Society. Let’s come to paragraph 4, and have a look at what the Birdwatching Society members do.
    (2) Think and discuss
    T: If you are a member of the Birdwatching Society, what may the results of your study be? For example, you will find the types of the birds are becoming …
    T: Thanks for sharing your study of the birds with us. What difficulties may you have and what help will you need in your study?
    5. Read Paragraph 5
    (1) Read and answer: What does this paragraph want to tell us?
    T: In this paragraph, the writer tells us what the Birdwatching Society members need and hope. Read this paragraph and find out what the “need and hope” are.
    (2) Think and discuss
    T: Who do you think “more people” refer to here? Besides “a lot of tourists”, who else are wanted to join in the activity?
    T: What is the purpose of this writing?
    【设计意图:五个自然段分别讲授,步步为营。第一自然段通过抓几个关键形容词,培养学生理解文章标题的能力,同时让学生对下一自然段的主要内容进行预测,使学生在阅读时要能站在语篇的高度,推测行文走向。第二自然段通过找出并对比几个关键数词,培养学生分析句际关系的能力,同时让学生基于文本进行相关推测,丰富学生的课外知识,也有助于加深学生对文本的理解。第三自然段通过抓几个比较级和动词,培养学生准确用词的能力,同时巧妙地激发学生的情感,为下文的讲解做好情感上的铺垫。第四自然段重点培养学生在阅读中基于文本发挥合理想象的能力。学生假设自己是观鸟俱乐部中的一员,无论是发布研究结果还是表达研究困惑或是呼吁帮助,都建立在对上文全面理解的基础上。此环节旨在培养学生用英语做事情的能力。第五自然段重点培养学生理解文章的写作目的的能力。同时通过对“more people”的深入挖掘,号召更多的志愿者加入the Birdwatching Society,升华情感。】

    Step 3 Practice
    T: Boys and girls, so far, we have learnt a lot about the special place Zhalong and the rare birds living there. I believe most of you can retell the passage very well with the help of the key words and phrases. Let’s do it now.
    Useful key words and phrases:
    Para 1: a special nature reserve
    world’s most important/perfect place/rare birds
    Para 2: the birds living in Zhalong
    many … all year round/some … a short stay
    not many left/40 percent … live in
    Para 3: the dangers of Zhalong
    some people … smaller … more …/less and less
    fishermen keep fishing/not enough food
    Para 4: actions of the Birdwatching Society
    once a year/record their types and changes in …
    government /make laws … prevent
    Para 5: need and hope of the Birdwatching Society
    invite more people/count and describe
    help people know the importance of …

    V. Homework
    1. Continue to retell the passage with key words after class to understand the passage better;
    2. Search for more information about Zhalong, especially the ways to protect the birds living there.
    Unit 6 Birdwatching
    Reading (II)

    I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. know how to use some useful expressions;
    2. use the expressions to talk about Zhalong Nature Reserve;
    3. know more about Zhalong Nature Reserve.

    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: provide, cover, perfect, round, while, stay, easily, lead, fisherman, describe, understand, in North-east China, all year round
    2. New structures: Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings;
    Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch the birds.

    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1. Learn how to use some useful expressions;
    2. Learn to use the expressions to talk about Zhalong Nature Reserve.

    IV. Teaching procedures
    Step1 Lead-in
    T: What is this place?
    S: It is Zhalong Nature Reserve.
    T: Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve?
    S: It’s in Heilongjiang Province in North-east China.
    T: What is it?
    S: It’s one of the world’s most important wetlands.
    【设计意图:利用视频导入本课,激发学生的学习兴趣,回顾上一个课时的内容,并渗透“in North-east China”,“one of …”等词组的用法。】

    Step2 Presentation
    1. Show the five aspects related to the reserve
    T: Zhalong Nature Reserve is protected by the Chinese government. There are a lot of wildlife. Many people visit there every year. There are many tourists. Because in the wetlands there are plenty of fish, some people fish there. They are the fishermen. The members of the Birdwatching Society also come to this special place to do something to protect the birds here.
    2. Zhalong Nature Reserve in the eyes of the wildlife
    (1) Show what the wildlife think of Zhalong Nature Reserve
    The wildlife: We can find food to eat and places to live. The area provides food and cover for us. It is a really wonderful place. It is a perfect place for some rare birds. We live in Zhalong all year round, while some birds go there only for a short stay. Most birds are active in the daytime.
    (2) Explain “provide”, “all the year round”, “while”, “stay” and “active”
    3. Zhalong Nature Reserve in the eyes of tourists
    (1) Show what tourists think of Zhalong Nature Reserve
    The tourists: It’s easy for us to watch the birds there. We can easily watch the birds there because most birds are active in the daytime. There are not many cranes left in the world, and 40 per cent of them live in Zhalong.
    (2) Explain “left” and “40 percent”
    4. Zhalong Nature Reserve in the eyes of the government
    (1) Show what the government think of Zhalong Nature Reserve
    The Chinese government: We know that some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. Moreover, fishermen keep fishing there. As a result, the birds do not have enough food to eat. Now we have made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.
    (2) Explain “in order to”, “moreover”, “as a result” and “while”
    (3) Do some exercises
    5. Zhalong Nature Reserve in the eyes of fishermen
    (1) Show what fishermen think of Zhalong Nature Reserve
    The fishermen: There are many fish in the wetlands. We keep fishing here. But the Chinese government has made laws to prevent us from fishing in Zhalong. What can we do? Can you give us some ideas?
    (2) Think and discuss: What should fishermen do?
    Fishermen should know it is important to protect the wetlands.
    They can learn how to keep fish themselves to make a living.
    They can make money by taking the tourists to travel around Zhalong in their boats.
    6. Zhalong Nature Reserve in the eyes of the Birdwatching Society
    Show what members of the Birdwatching Society think of Zhalong Nature Reserve
    The Birdwatching Society: Once a year, the members of our Birdwatching Society go to study the birds in Zhalong. We record their types and changes in their numbers. We are now inviting the tourists to help us. We need more people to count and describe the birds. We hope this will help people understand the importance of the wetlands.

    Step 3 Practice
    1. Finish Part B4 on P72
    2. Retell
    Retell the article in the perspective of a crane/tourist/a fisherman/a member of the Birdwatching Society/the Chinese government.
    3. Try to describe Yancheng Nature Reserve

    V. Homework
    1. Review the useful expressions we have learned;
    2. Try to write about Yancheng Nature Reserve.
    Unit 6 Birdwatching

    I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. use to-infinitive to express purpose in the context;
    2. use some verbs with objects and to-infinitives in the context;
    3. learn to talk about where to visit in our hometown using to-infinitives.

    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: in order to, write down, for any reason
    2. New structures: We ask people not to catch birds for any reason.
    Max tells funny jokes and often makes me laugh.
    She saw a baby panda drink her mother’s milk.
    Millie and Amy heard someone sing in the park.
    He also encouraged us to describe the birds.

    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    Understand and use some verbs with objects and to-infinitives, especially some verbs in this structure with infinitives without to.

    IV. Teaching procedures
    A Using to-infinitives for purpose
    Step 1 Lead-in
    1. Free talk
    T: Have you ever watched the programme “Dad, where are we going”?
    S: Yes!
    T: What do you think of this programme?
    S: There are always funny stories between fathers and children.
    T: Yeah, I also like this programme because it tells us both interesting and moving stories between fathers and children when they travel to different places.
    2. Show and talk
    Show some pictures about the programme and talk about them.
    T: Now, look at this picture. Why did they go to the seaside?
    S: They went to the seaside to go fishing.
    T: How about this one? Why did children go to the market?
    S: They went to the market to buy some food.

    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Explain to-infinitives
    T: In these two sentences, we use “to go fishing” and “to buy some food” to express our purposes. That’s what we are going to learn today.
    2. Find the to-infinitives
    T: There are also some sentences with to-infinitives for purpose in the reading part. Can you find them out?
    S1: Now the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.
    S2: The members of our Birdwatching Society go to study the birds in Zhalong.
    S3: Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch the birds.
    3. Explain “in order to”
    T: Don’t forget this sentence: Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. It also expresses the purpose.
    T: Actually, “in order to” carries the same meaning as “to”. However, it is more formal than “to”.
    T: Now let’s look at this example: Fathers started early in order to get to Zhalong in time. And we can also change the sentence like this: In order to get to Zhalong in time, fathers started early.
    T: Pay attention: Don’t forget a comma to separate the two sentences when “in order to” comes at the beginning of the sentence.
    【设计意图:系统讲解“to do sth.”和“in order to do sth.”的用法。】

    Step 3 Practice
    1. Describe the pictures with “to-infinitives”
    T: Since we have known the grammatical rules, let’s practice making sentences with “to-infinitives” and “in order to”. For example: The children play football to keep fit in the first picture.
    T: What about the second one? Where are the children now?
    S: In the cave.
    T: Why do the children go into the cave?
    S: The children go into the cave to look for treasure.
    2. Describe the pictures with “in order to”
    T: Now, fathers and children have come to North-east China. It’s so cold there. How do they keep warm?
    S: They must put on more coats.
    T: Can you make a sentence with “in order to”?
    S: They put on more coats in order to keep warm.
    T: It’s so cold that they are afraid of catching a cold, right?
    S: Yes!
    T: So they put on more coats in order not to catch a cold. Pay attention to the negative meaning.
    【设计意图:利用学生们喜爱的节目来操练“to do sth.”和“in order to do sth.”。】

    B Using verbs + object + to-infinitives
    Step 1 Presentation
    1. Explain to-infinitives as object complement
    (1) Find to-infinitives
    T: In fact, there are more sentences with “to-infinitives” in the article. Can you find them out?
    S1: We are now inviting them to help us.
    S2: We need more people to count and describe the birds.
    T: Pay attention to the structures: “invite sb. to do sth.” and “need sb. to do sth.”.
    (2) Work out the rule
    T: Let’s work out the rule: verbs + object + to-infinitives. Verbs of this kind include “tell, ask, invite, need, and want”. Do you know how to express a negative meaning?
    S: We can add “not” in front of “to do sth.”
    T: Perfect! That is “tell, ask, invite, need, and want” + “sb. not to do sth.”.
    (3) Fill in the blanks and check the answers
    T: Something interesting is happening between fathers and children. Do you want to know?
    S: Yeah!
    T: Let’s fill in the blanks to see what happened to them.
    The villagers invited fathers and their children _____ (come) to dinner in their homes.
    The members of the Birdwatching Society teach children _____ (count) the birds.
    The Head of the Village told children _____ (not play) near the lake.
    Children helped their fathers _____ (do) the housework.
    2. Explain to-infinitives without “to” as object complement
    (1) Show some examples
    T: This time fathers and children had a good time in the zoo. What did they see? Let’s go and have a look.
    T: They watched a monkey ride a bike.
    They saw an elephant play football.
    They saw a tiger jump through rings.
    The zookeeper let/made the dolphins play some tricks.
    They heard many people shout excitedly.
    (2) Work out the rules:
    T: From these examples, we have known that we can use some verbs with infinitives without “to”. Let’s sum up the verbs together.
    T: Among all children, I think the boy Stone is the most energetic. So we often see Stone run quickly, right? But now, he isn’t running. Just now I saw Stone playing football with his father and Kimi. So when an action often happens and when we see the whole process of an action, we can use the structure: see sb. do sth.. However, when we see part of an action or when the action is in progress, we use the structure like this: see sb. doing sth.

    Step 2 Practice
    1. A game
    T: Boys and girls, as you have learned much today, maybe you will be a little bit tired. Let’s play a game. I have prepared something surprising for you. Which one would you like to choose?
    T: You are lucky to choose “Correct the mistakes”. Do you know how to make the right corrections?
    T: Let’s do some practice of “Sentence pattern transformation”.
    T: Some exercises of “Multiple Choice” for you. Would you like to have a try?
    T: You are lucky to see fathers and children again. Can you tell me what they are doing using the given phrases?
    2. Free talk
    T: Good news for you! It’s said that the scene of the program Dad, where are going will be filmed in our hometown, Yangzhou. Then some problems will follow: What places can they visit? What can they do here? What food can they eat? Do you have any good suggestions? Let’s have a discussion.
    T: There is much to see and to do in our hometown. For example, Jinghua Shopping Mall is so modern and large. They can go there to …
    T: If they are interested in local colours, Dongguan Street is a good place to go. They can go there to enjoy …
    T: The Slender West Lake is so famous that every year many tourists come to visit it. In order to …, they can go to the Slender West Lake. And we often see people …
    3. Make a dialogue in pairs
    T: Now each pair introduces one place to the fathers and children using what we have learned today.

    Step 3 Sum up
    T: Let’s have a summary.
    Use to-infinitives for purpose (用动词不定式表目的): to = in order to
    Verb + object +to-infinitive (动词+宾语+动词不定式)
    ask, (tell, want …) + sb. + (not) to + do + sth.
    let, (make, have…) + sb. + do + sth.
    help + sb. + (to) + do + sth.

    V. Homework
    Can you imagine (想象) a special experience when showing fathers and children around our city? Please write a short passage (around 70 words) about it using as many “to-infinitives” that we learned today as possible.
    Unit 6 Birdwatching
    Integrated skills

    I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. master some listening skills;
    2. know some useful expressions;
    3. ask for advice on an activity.

    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: cover, clearly, cover an area of;
    2. New structures: The reserve covers an area of over 4,530 square kilometers.
    You’d better take a pair of binoculars.

    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1. Learn to use some listening skills;
    2. Learn how to use some useful expressions.

    IV. Teaching procedures
    A Yancheng Nature Reserve
    Step 1 Lead-in
    T: Can you guess where Yancheng Nature Reserve is?
    S: It is in Jiangsu Province in East China.
    T: Can you imagine what it looks like?
    S: Perhaps there are trees, flowers, grass, rivers, animals and so on.

    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Finish a quiz
    Yancheng Nature Reserve is in ______ Province in ______ China.
    a. Heilongjiang, North-east
    b. Hainan, South
    c. Jiangsu, East
    Yancheng Nature Reserve is a perfect place to ______.
    a. buy the birds
    b. hunt the birds
    c. watch the birds
    The reserve covers an area of over ______ square kilometers.
    a. 453
    b. 4,530
    c. 45,300
    Yancheng is the ______ home to red-crowned cranes in China.
    a. largest
    b. second largest
    c. third largest
    About ______ red-crowned cranes fly to Yancheng Nature Reserve every year to spend the winter.
    a. 100 to 300
    b. 300 to 1,000
    c. 1,000 to 3,000
    In ______, Yancheng Nature Reserve became one of the world’s most important wetlands.
    a. 1997
    b. 2002
    c. 1992
    2. Offer some tips before listening
    Guessing before listening can help us understand better.
    Before listening, find the differences between the choices is necessary.
    3. Listen and finish the exercise
    (1) Listen to the first part of the radio programme and check the answers in the quiz.
    (2) Listen to the whole radio programme and complete the report on P76.
    4. Offer some tips while listening
    While listening, paying attention to some key words can help us find the answers quickly.
    While listening, we can write in shorthand. Then after listening, we can write down the complete forms of the words. (e.g. red-crowned cranes—rc cranes)
    5. Listen again and check
    (1) Listen the whole radio programme again and check the answers.
    (2) Listen to some difficult sentences and repeat them.
    There are many wetlands in China. One of them is Yancheng National Rare Birds Nature Reserve. It covers an area of more than 4,530 square kilometers.
    (3) Offer some tips for listening comprehension.
    When the first word ends in “–r” or “–re” and the next word begins with a vowel sound, the speaker joins them together with a /r/ sound between them.
    The speaker usually links a consonant sound with a vowel sound.
    When two consonant sounds of two words meet, the speaker sometimes does not pronounce the first consonant sound.
    6. Explain some useful expressions
    7. Show some pictures of the Yanchegn Nature Reserve
    T: Do you know what the real Yancheng Nature Reserve looks like? Look at some pictures.

    B Speak-up: What should we take with us?
    Step 1 Presentation
    1. Explain the new word “binocular”
    2. Listen to the conversation and answer this question
    What advice does Sandy give to Daniel?
    (She advises Daniel to take a pair of binoculars, some water and a notebook.)

    Step 2 Practice
    Make up dialogues
    A: What should we take with us when we go on a school trip/go to …?
    B: You’d better take a camera/… You can take some beautiful pictures/…
    A: Ok. What else should we take?
    B: You should … It’s a long walk/… You may …
    A: All right. Anything else?
    B: Take a mobile phone with you/… You may need help if you get lost/…
    A: That’s good idea. Thank you very much.

    V. Homework
    Write a letter to your friend to ask for information before going birdwatching.
    Unit 6 Birdwatching
    Study skills

    I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. master the usage of the suffixes “-er”, “-or”, “-ist”;
    2. guess the meanings of the new words in contexts.

    II. Teaching contents
    New words and phrases: speaker, tour, make beautiful sounds, at bird shows, include birds in poems

    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1. Learn to use the suffixes “-er”, “-or”, “-ist”;
    2. Learn how to use some useful expressions.

    IV. Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Lead-in
    Show some pictures and fill in the blanks.
    I love teaching English. I am an English __________. (teacher)
    He wrote many articles all his life. He was a famous __________. (writer)
    She is good at dancing. She is a __________. (dancer)
    Singing is their hobby. They are __________. (singers)
    He is playing the piano. He is a __________. (pianist)
    He has acted in many films. He is an __________. (actor)

    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Explain the rules
    T: Suffixes (“-er”, “-or”, “-ist”) can form nouns for people.
    We can add “–er”, “-or” and “–ist” to some words (n./v.) to form nouns for people.
    Verb/Noun + Suffix = Noun
    speak + er = speaker
    visit + or = visitor
    tour + ist = tourist
    2. Offer a tip
    Sometimes we need to change the ending of the verb/noun when we add the suffix.
    e.g. dance dancer
    win winner
    piano pianist
    science scientist
    3. Finish Part A
    Change the following words into nouns for people by adding the correct suffixes.
    4. Offer another tip
    (1) “-er”远比“-or”多,如果你实在要猜时,选“-er”吧。
    (2) 动作的执行者用“-er”,比如reporter,fighter,cleaner。
    (3) 结尾单个“e”的单词用“-er”,比如writer,diver。
    (4) 以“ate”“it”“ct”结尾的单词通常用or,比如creator、editor、conductor。
    5. Change the words in the box into words and categorize them

    Step 3 Practice
    1. Finish Part B on P77
    Complete the following sentences with the correct nouns of the words in brackets. Use the plural form if necessary.
    Birds are ________ (sing). They can make beautiful sounds. Some _______ (act) can make different bird sounds. It is very interesting.
    A lot of ________ (tour) go to the wetlands to watch birds every year. There are many _______ (visit) at bird shows too. Some ________ (art) like to paint birds. The birds in their pictures are really beautiful. Some _______ (write) like to include birds in their poems too.
    Birds are part of out lives. They are our friends.
    2. Guess the meaning of some unfamiliar words
    T: We can use this kind of skill to solve some problems. Try to guess the meanings when we come across new words.
    3. Write an article
    T: All in all, we should use some study skills when studying English. If we do like that, we can learn English more easily.

    V. Homework
    1. Finish the exercises;
    2. Revise how to form nouns for people by adding “-er”, “-or” and “-ist”.

    Unit 6 Birdwatching

    I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
    By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
    1. learn how to write an application letter as well as an application form;
    2. learn how to make their own ideas attractive and effective while writing;
    3. learn to love and protect wildlife and their living space.

    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: date of birth, join the Birdwatching Society, introduce myself, enjoy the natural world, take part in activities, call me on 010-5558 6390, email me at …
    2. New structures: I would like to join the Birdwatching Society.
    I will be very happy if I can become a member of the Birdwatching Society.

    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1. Understand the organization of an application letter and the outline of the main body;
    2. Develop the skill of writing attractive and effective ideas related to the topic;
    3. Form the good habit of keeping the purpose of writing in mind while writing.

    IV. Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Lead-in
    1. Show some amazing facts about birds
    T: In this unit, we have learned many kinds of birds. Do you still remember them? (The teacher shows some pictures about birds the students have already known.) There are also some other amazing birds in the world. For example, the swan has about 25,000 feathers. It has the most feathers of all the birds in the world. Here, I’ve given some numbers under the bird pictures. Do you know anything amazing about them? (The teacher shows three more pictures about birds the students may not know.)
    2. Introduce Hong Kong Birdwatching Society (HKBWS)
    T: These amazing birds interest many birdwatchers around the world. HKBWS is one of the most famous among them. Let’s get to know more. (The teacher asks some students to read a short passage about HKBWS.)
    T: I have more pictures about HKBWS to share with you. Let’s have a look at what we can do in the Birdwatching Society. (The teacher shows students some pictures about HKBWS.)
    T: From its homepage, I have also downloaded this year’s activity plan of HKBWS. How many kinds of activities! Do you want to join it?

    Step 2 Presentation
    1. What makes an application form
    T: If we want to join HKBWS, the first thing we have to do is to complete an application form. Here is part of an application form from HKBWS, can you find out what information we need to offer?
    T: Besides all the general information, we also need to give more additional (额外的) information to show we are really interested in or prepared for the Bird Watching Society.
    T: And here is why we need to offer the information and some advice we should pay attention to when filling in the application form.
    2. Fast reading for information
    T: Now, you have two minutes to read Amy’s application letter quickly and then help her complete the application form on page 78. Let’s check the answers together.
    3. Further reading for organization
    T: Let’s read Amy’s letter again and find out the organization of an application. They are greeting, closing, signature and the main body.
    T: How many paragraphs are there in the main body of Amy’s letter? (4 paragraphs) Please read the main body of Amy’s letter and try to match the main idea with each paragraph. (The teacher asks some students to give their answers with the help of key words in each paragraph.)
    T: Just now, you’ve got the main ideas of each paragraph. When we are writing an application letter, we can borrow some useful sentences from Amy’s letter and then use them directly at the beginning of each paragraph. Then we give our own self-introduction, reasons to join the Birdwatching Society and contact details to make up our special application letter.
    4. Detail reading for ideas
    (1) Read Paragraph 2 in detail
    a. Read the paragraph and answer two questions
    T: A good application letter should include creative and effective ideas. Amy’s letter is a good example. Now, let’s follow Amy to have a look.
    T: In paragraph 2, Amy uses these two sentences to introduce herself. Can you have a discussion in small groups and answer the two questions? (The students discuss and then the teacher invites some of them to share their opinions.)
    Why does Amy say her favourite subject is Biology instead of Chinese, Maths or anything else?
    Why does not Amy say she may get high marks in Biology exams since it is her favourite?
    T: Some of you get to the point. Yes, when we are writing, make sure every sentence we write is related to the topic. And never forget what we are writing the letter for or what we want to get from the letter.
    b. Practice
    The students do two practices about Wild Animals Club and Reading Aloud Club. Then the teacher will invite some students to share their production.
    T: Let’s do some practice to check if you have a good understanding of what we’ve discussed.
    (2) Read Paragraph 3 in detail
    a. Read the paragraph and discuss
    T: Let’s move to the next paragraph. In paragraph 3, Amy uses these two sentences to give her reasons to join the Birdwatching Society. If fact, she may have some other reasons. Do they have the same effect? Let’s have a discussion. (Contrast: which is better? I want to make more new friends, and I think it is important for me to have friends with similar interest. The students discuss and then the teacher invites some of them to share their opinions.)
    T: From this discussion, we know when we are writing an application letter, we’d better think more about what the “Dear Chairperson” wants to read most and what kind of person they need most.
    b. Practice
    The students do two practices about Buddy Club and Volunteer Guide Club. Then the teacher will invite some students to share their production.
    T: OK, some practice for you. And I am looking forward to enjoying your great work.
    5. Last reading for expressions
    T: A good piece of writing means more than attractive and effective ideas. It also needs nice expressions.
    T: Besides the useful expressions borrowed from Amy’s letter, we can also think of some more with the same or similar meanings. For example, instead of saying “I am very interested in” we can say “I am fond of” and so on. Now, please read Amy’s letter for the last time and find out or think of more useful expressions you can use in your own writing.

    Step 3 Writing
    The students write their own application letters. If time permits, the teacher will invite some students to show their pieces in front of class. Evaluations and suggestions about the pieces shown both from the teacher and the students are always welcome.
    T: Do you still remember HKBWS we talked about at the beginning of this class?
    T: Good news: HKBWS needs more birdwatchers to help this coming summer holiday. I believe most of you also want to join it. It’s your turn to write your own application letter. And keep the advice in your mind when you are writing.

    Step 4 Conclusion
    T: A great person in India has the famous words “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” And a great poet from ancient China Tao Yuanming has a moving poem. It says “山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还”. What an amazing picture it creates for us! Thanks. And I am sure we can do better!

    V. Homework
    1. Review the useful expressions for writing application letters;
    2. Write an application for a job as a translator in a trading company.


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