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    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit 7 Films(单元教案)
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    【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit 7 Films(单元教案)

    这是一份【同步练习】译林版初三英语上册 Unit 7 Films(单元教案),共18页。

    Unit 7 Films
    Comic strip and welcome to the unit
    I. Teaching objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. Recognize and use expressions related to all kinds of films;
    2. Talk about films and film makers.
    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: superstar, in your dreams, action film, romantic, science fiction, western, industry, storyteller, script
    2. New structure: Do you know who I am?
    I’m so good that I should be in Hollywood instead.
    Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry?
    Millie is such a good storyteller that she can write exciting scripts.
    Though I like acting, I’d rather be a director.
    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    Describe different positions in making a film.
    IV. Teaching procedures
    A Comic strip
    Step 1 Lead-in
    Do you know them? What are they?
    Step 2 Listen and answer
    (1)Who thinks he will be a TV superstar, Eddie or Hobo?
    Step 3 Watch the video
    (1)Why does Eddie think Hobo is very lucky?
    (2) Does Hobo think so?
    (3)What does Eddie think he should be in?
    Step 4 Make a dialogue
    Eddie: Hobo, I’m your _______, so you are very ______. Do you know I’m tomorrow’s TV
    ________? I’m _____ good _______ I should be in Hollywood ________.
    Hobo: I think you must be in your _______. Why not be more realistic?
    Step5 Role-play
    B Welcome to the unit
    Step 1 Lead-in
    Free talk
    What’s your hobby?
    I like watching films. Do you like watching films? What’s your favourite film?
    Step 2 New expressions
    (1) What kind of films are they?
    (a film telling love stories—romantic film)
    (2) How about these films?
    (a film about exciting or dangerous events, usually with fights—action film)
    (3) Do you have any ideas about these films?
    (a film about life in the western USA in the 19th century, usually with cowboys—western)
    (4)T: And next?
    (a film based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future—science fiction film)
    (5) These films may remind you of your childhood.
    (a film using pictures or models instead of real people—cartoon)
    (6) Have you ever watched such a film that makes you feel scared?
    (a film that makes people feel scared—horror film)
    Step 3 Practice
    (1)Sandy has found some pictures of different types of films. Do you know what types of
    films they are? Help her write the correct name under each picture.(完成课本P93 Part A)
    (2) What kind of film do you like? Why?
    Do you know any other kinds of films?
    War film, comedy, documentary.
    Step 4 Dialogue
    (1)Listen and answer
    Sandy and Kitty are talking about entering the film industry. Do you know the meaning of industry? Before making a film, there must be a script, a written text of play.
    Who does Sandy think would be suitable for entering the film industry? Why?
    What would Sandy like to do in the film industry?
    (2) Read the dialogue.
    Let’s read the dialogue. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.
    (3) Discussion
    Have you ever noticed the subtitle table at the end of a film? What did you see?
    We need different people to make a film.
    Of course we need a director, an actor or an actress. Besides, we need costume designers,
    cameramen, set designers, a producer, a scriptwriter and so on.
    T: In this way, we can see so many wonderful films.
    Step 5 Report
    (1) If you are interested in the film industry, what kind of job do you want to do? Let’s make a dialogue. Here is a sample conversation.
    (2)Let’s suppose. If you are a director, you want to direct a film about teenage problems / the environment / some social problems …because …
    (3)We know each role is important in a film, no matter a lead role or a supporting role.
    Just like in our life, no matter what we are, we should manage to do our job well.
    (渗透社会责任感意识, 培养正确的人生观。引出图片为学习Reading作铺垫。)
    V. Homework
    1. Remember the words, expressions and sentences.
    2. Try to search for some information about Hollywood and Oscar.

    Unit 7 Films
    Reading (I)
    I. Teaching objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. Learn about Audrey Hepburn’s acting career and achievements beyond the film industry during
    her life.
    2. Learn how to describe a person’s life in the order of time.
    3. Develop their abilities of reading, like guessing the word meanings from the context.
    4. Be engaged in class activities and realize that beauty is based not only on one’s face but also in
    the heart.
    II. Teaching contents
    Getting information about Hepburn’s life and improving the reading abilities
    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1. Understand Hepburn’s acting career and achievements beyond the film industry during her life.
    2. How to guess the word meanings from the context.
    IV. Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Pre-reading
    1. Free talk
    T: Do you like watching films? What’s your favourite film? Who’s your favourite actor/ actress?
    S: …
    T: My favourite film is called “Roman Holiday”. Look at the poster. It’s a romantic film about a
    young princess and a reporter. Look at this beautiful lady. Do you know who played the role of the
    princess? Audrey Hepburn is one of my favourite actresses.
    T: What do you think of her when you first see her?
    S: She’s very beautiful/ sweet/ lovely…
    T: Yes, she’s a great beauty.
    Do you know anything about Audrey Hepburn?
    Does she only have beauty on her face?
    2. Predicting
    T: This class we’re going to learn an article about her. Let’s look at the title—“Hollywood’s
    all-time best—Audrey Hepburn”. What does it want to tell us?
    T: What do you want to know about her?
    S1: Where was she born?
    S2: When was she born?
    S3: When did she die?
    S4: What films did she act in?
    S5: What achievements did she get?
    S6: How did she succeed?
    S7: Who helped her succeed?
    S8: Why did so many people love her? …
    Audrey Hepburn

    Let’s look at the first paragragh of the text. (屏幕呈现)
    “Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses. When she died in 1993, the world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.”
    a great humanitarian
    a great beauty

    a great actress

    From the above information, you may know why people loved Hepburn so much. Hepburn was a great beauty. You can feel her beauty and charm from these pictures, right? Then why do people think she is a great actress and one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses? Why is she called “a great humanitarian” ? You may get what you want to know by reading.
    Step 2 While-reading
    1. Task One: Skim the text and circle the words or phrases about time.
    T: Let’s follow the order of time and try to know about Hepburn’s life. Please circle the words about time in the text first.
    S: 4 May, 1929→as a child →after World War Ⅱ→ in 1951→ two years later
    in the 1950s →in 1989 →in 1991→in 1993
    2. Task Two: Read the text quickly and try to divide the text into parts.
    T: Can you help me to divide the text into parts according to the main ideas here?
    Part 1(_Paragraph 1-Paragraph 2_): Before Hepburn entered the film industry
    Part 2(_Paragraph 3-Paragraph 5): Hepburn’s acting career
    Part 3(_Paragraph 6-Paragraph 7 ): Hepburn’s achievements beyond the film industry and her death
    3. Task Three: Please read the text quickly and try to answer these questions.
    1) When and where was Audrey Hepburn born?
    2) What did Hepburn dream of when she was a child?
    3) What event marked the beginning of her successful career?
    4) What film won her the Oscar for Best Actress?
    5) What charity did Hepburn work closely with in the last few years of her life?
    6) When did Hepburn pass away?
    4. Task Four: Read Paragraph 3-5 and try to put these magazine titles in the correct order.
    1 a. Hepburn met Colette in France
    5 b. Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations
    3 c. Roman Holiday was a big success
    4 d. Hepburn won the Oscar for Best Actress
    6 e. Always-Audrey Hepburn’s last appearance in a film
    2 f. Hepburn played the lead role in the play Gigi
    T: Well done! Now let’s read them in the correct order.
    Hepburn met Colette in France
    Hepburn played the lead role in the play Gigi
    Roman Holiday was a big success
    Hepburn won the Oscar for Best Actress
    Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations
    Always-Audrey Hepburn’s last appearance in a film
    T: The events above are very important in Hepburn’s acting career.
    (该练习训练学生迅速把握文本信息并进行简单处理的能力。这些句子是赫本演艺生涯的核心内容,是理解3-5段的线索,应充分利用它, 作为学生开展深入阅读的过渡环节。)
    5. Task Five: Read the text more carefully and try to answer more questions.
    Q1: What made Colette notice Hepburn?
    S: …
    T: Yes, Hepburn’s beauty and charm caught the writer’s attention.
    Let’s try to guess the meanings of the new words from the context. Keep trying and you’ll be good at it.
    “Someone of great charm___________________.
    a. has lots of money b. has an attractive quality c. wears beautiful clothes
    “catch one’s attention” means “make someone notice sb.”
    Q2: What did Colette insist?
    S: …
    T: Let’s look at these sentences. “Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi, a play based upon her novel, although Hepburn had never played any major roles before. That event marked the beginning of her successful career.” Can you guess the meanings of the underlined words?
    (1)If someone insists on something, he or she ____________.
    a. speaks loudly b. cannot make a decision c. is sure to say that something is true
    (2)If someone plays the lead role in a film or a play, he or she is _____________.
    a. the director b. the main character c. the leader of a group
    (3) “major” means “main or important”
    (4) “mark” means “to be a sign of; to show”
    Q3: What awards did Hepburn get in her acting career?
    T: Hepburn had great achievements in her acting career. For what film did she win an Oscar for Best Actress?
    S: …
    T: What other awards did she get?
    S: …
    T: Right. She also had four more Oscar nominations during her lifetime.
    What does “nomination” mean?
    If someone gets an Oscar nomination, he or she _____________.
    a. will have the chance to win an Oscar b. will travel around the world c. should be a singer
    Q4: In what film did Hepburn make her final appearance?
    S: …
    T: Yes, Hepburn made her final appearance in the film Always.
    It means she finally appeared in …
    T: What role did she play in the film?
    S: …
    T: Many people think Hepburn was playing herself because to them, she herself was an angel.
    6. Task Six: Help Kitty fill in the missing words. (Page 97)
    7. Task Seven: Read about Hepburn’s achievements in charity and answer some questions.
    T: Boys and girls, did Hepburn only have achievements in the film industry?
    S: …
    T: She also had great achievements in charity work, so we can say that Hepburn’s achievements went beyond the film industry. What does “beyond” mean? Yes, it means “more or greater than …” She is called “a great humanitarian” by people. What does “humanitarian” mean?
    If someone is a humanitarian, he or she ________.
    A. loves animals B. protects the environment C. cares a lot about people
    T: Why is she called a great humanitarian? Can you find any supporting details to show this?
    S: …
    Supporting details: “She began to work for UNICEF in the 1950s. She spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world.”
    T: Did she get any awards for her role as a great humanitarian?
    S: …
    T: Yes, she won many awards for her efforts in this area. (图片)
    What does “her efforts” refer to in this paragraph?
    S: …
    Step 3 Post-reading
    1. T: Try to retell Hepburn’s life with the help of the key words and pictures.
    In 1929-born in Belgium
    As a child-dream of becoming a successful ballet dancer
    In 1951-meet Colette, play the lead role in Gigi
    In 1953-play the lead role in Roman Holiday, win the Oscar for Best Actress
    In 1989-make her final appearance in Always
    In 1950s-begin to work for UNICEF, win many awards for…
    In 1993-pass away peacefully
    2. Discussion
    T: After reading the text, what do you think of Audrey Hepburn?
    (进一步理解课文的主题词:“a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian”)
    What can we learn from Hepburn? (学生们可畅所欲言,自由表达。)
    3. Conclusion: The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows.
    V. Homework
    1. Read the text fluently and try to retell the text according to the key phrases.
    2. Finish the exercises in the workbooks.

    Unit 7 Films
    Reading (II)
    I. Teaching objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. Review the information about Audrey Hepburn and retell the biography briefly;
    2. Know how to use the key words and phrases correctly in contextual situation;
    3. Talk about one of their favourite film stars by using what they’ve learned and try to write a short biography about him/ her;
    4. Develop their abilities of expressing their ideas in English freely and achieve confidence.
    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: all-time, actress, dancer, lead, role, mark, lifetime, final, peacefully,
    insist, beyond, pass away, catch one’s attention
    2. New structure: That event marked the beginning of her successful career.
    Hepburn spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world.
    She passed away peacefully in her sleep.
    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1. Know how to use the key words and phrases correctly in contextual situation.
    2. Talk about one of their favourite film stars by using what they’ve learned and try to write a short biography about him/ her.
    IV. Teaching methods:
    Task-based Teaching Method; Situational Teaching Method
    Study strategies: Problem-based Learning method; Cooperative learning
    V. Teaching procedures
    Step1 Revision
    1. Ask some students to retell the biography with the help of the key words and pictures.
    In 1929-born in Belgium
    As a child-dream of becoming a successful ballet dancer
    In 1951-meet Colette, play the lead role in Gigi
    In 1953-play the lead role in Roman Holiday, win the Oscar for Best Actress
    In 1989-make her final appearance in Always
    In 1950s-begin to work for UNICEF, win many awards for…
    In 1993-pass away peacefully
    2. Try to design more questions and ask each other. Work in pairs!
    T: It seems that you know a lot about Audrey Hepburn. But your friend doesn’t know her and she is asking you some questions about Hepburn. Work in pairs.
    A: Why is Hepburn one of Hollywood’s all-time best?
    B: …
    A: When and where was she born?
    B: …
    ( Try to design more questions. Come on!)
    Step2 Languages focus
    (Try to lead in words and phrases in many ways. By giving some vivid pictures and examples, the teacher aims to help the students know how to use these words and phrases correctly, which is the key part of the class.)
    1. T: Is Audrey Hepburn a great actress?
    S: Yes, she is one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses.
    all-time adj. the best level there has ever been
    my all-time favourite dancer an all-time favourite actor
    2. T: Why did people feel very sad when she died?
    S: …
    feel very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian
    lose-lost-lost; n. loss the loss of …
    Many wild animals are in danger because the loss of their living areas.
    The girl felt very sad about the loss of her bag because that was a birthday gift from her mum.
    3. T: Hepburn’s beauty and charm caught the writer’s attention.
    catch one’s attention= attract sb.
    His wonderful speech caught the president’s attention.
    Jay Chou’s musical talent caught people’s attention and he soon became popular among young people.
    4. T: What did Colette insist?
    S: She insisted that …
    insist vt. & vi. be sure to say that something is true
    insist (vi.) insist + on sth. ( doing sth. )
    Why did she insist on the plan?
    They insist on having a picnic next Sunday.
    insist (vt.) 只能接从句作宾语 insist + that clause
    I insisted (坚持要求) that she (should) give us a speech.
    情境:Last Sunday, Mum and I went into a shop to buy a coat. We saw a blue coat and a pink one. We had different ideas.
    Mum insisted ________________________________________________________________.
    But I insisted _______________________________________________________________.
    Mum was angry because I didn’t listen to her. I was unhappy because I really didn’t like pink. What shall I do?
    5. T: What was the play Gigi based upon?
    S: It was based upon Colette’s novel.
    base v. 以…为基础
    Harry Porter is a film based on/ upon J. K. Rowling’s novels.
    a story based upon the life of the 1950s; a documentary bases on/ upon the real-life event
    6. play the lead role play a major role
    Yang Mi and Li Yifeng played the lead roles in the play.
    7. mark vt. 表明;标志 mark the beginning of 标志……的开始
    His success marked the beginning of his golden days.
    vt. 作标记 mark the words in red
    n. 得分 get full marks
    n. 污点,斑点 There are some dirty marks on the desk. Let’s clean them.
    8. make one’s final appearance in films某人最后一次在电影中露面
    final adj. 最后的 (last) one’s final choice/ chance/ decision; a final exam/match
    n. 决赛 win the final
    9. Hepburn’s achievements went beyond the film industry.
    beyond prep. more or greater than …
    The apple was just beyond my reach.
    This task is too difficult for me because it’s beyond my ability.
    The power of science and technology is beyond our imagination.
    More examples: beyond one’s words/ thought/ dream/ work/ research …
    (Ask the students to give more examples by themselves so that they can understand how to use the words better.)
    10. pass away peacefully in her sleep
    pass away=die
    peacefully adv. 宁静地;和平地
    The quarrel has ended peacefully.
    I hope people can live peacefully in the world without any wars or crimes.
    Look, the girl is sleeping peacefully with the lion. What a peaceful picture!
    Step3 Language in use
    Task: Talk about Zhou Xun , my favourite Chinese actress
    1. Ask the students to talk about Zhou Xun’s acting career and achievements by using the new words and phrases in the text.
    2. Write a short biography about her.
    V. Homework
    1. Go over language points and retell the passage about Audrey Hepburn.
    2. Write a biography about Zhou Xun or your favourite actor/actress.
    3. Finish some exercises in the workbooks.

    Unit 7 Films
    I. Teaching objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. Use although/though to contrast two clauses;
    2. Use so … that or such … that to emphasize the qualities or characteristics;
    3. Use so that to talk about the purpose of doing something.
    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: avoid the rush hour, park one’s car, car park, row, kung fu, DVD, actor, a lot of traffic in the streets
    2. New structure: Some people mistake her for a real princess.
    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    Use although/though/so…that/such…that/so that correctly
    IV. Teaching procedures
    A. though/although
    Step 1 Lead-in
    Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in the play, although Hepburn had never played any major roles before.
    Although it is raining, farmers are still working in the field.
    Step 2 Summary
    although的意思是“尽管,虽然”,用来引导让步状语从句,在一般情况下可以和though互换,但though比较口语化,而although较为正式,另外although的语气比though重。当although / though引导的从句放在句首时,主从句之间要用逗号隔开。
    Although I gave him some advice, he didn’t take it.
    Though I like acting, I’d rather be a director.
    Step 3 Practice
    1.Going to the cinema
    Mr Wu went to see My Fair Lady last Friday. However, he did not enjoy himself. Read the sentences below and find out why. Join the two parts of each sentence with although/though.
    2.Work out the rules
    We can use although / though at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence to introduce a clause.
    (培养学生灵活运用的能力, 学生对该语法较熟悉,不再拓展训练。)
    B. so … that/such … that
    Step 1 Talk about Audrey Hepburn.
    1. Make sentences according to the pictures.
    As a child, Hepburn danced so well that she dreamed of becoming a successful ballet dancer.
    As a child, Hepburn was such a talented girl that she dreamed of becoming a successful ballet
    Hepburn was so beautiful that she caught Colette’s attention.
    Hepburn was such a beautiful girl that she caught Colette’s attention. [a great beauty]
    The film Roman Holiday was so successful that Hepburn soon became famous.
    Roman Holiday was such a great success that Hepburn soon became famous. [a great actress]
    Hepburn was so kind that she helped poor children in different parts of the world.
    Hepburn was such a kind person that she helped poor children in different parts of the world.
    [a great humanitarian]
    Step 2 Work out the rules.
    We use an adjective or an adverb between so and that. We use a noun phrase between such and that.
    Step 3 Finish the exercises.
    Shirley does not know who Audrey Hepburn was. Amy is telling her something about Hepburn.
    Help Amy join her sentences with so … that and such … that.
    Step 4 Work out grammar rules.
    To talk about the result:
    so + adj./adv.+ that clause
    such + a noun phrase(单/复/不可数) + that clause
    so + many/much/little/few + noun + that clause
    Step 5 Practice
    Make sentences with so … that and such … that according to the pictures.
    e.g. The weather is so fine that this family are having a picnic happily.
    It is such a fine day that this family are having a picnic happily.
    Chinese Running Man is so interesting that many people are crazy about it.
    Chinese Running Man is such an interesting programme that many people are crazy about it.
    Feynman is so young that he can’t look after himself well.
    Feynman is such a young boy that he can’t look after himself well.
    C. so that
    Step 1 Lead-in
    Complete the sentences.
    You’d better take a map so that you won’t get lost.
    We should plant more trees so that/in order that we can have a better environment.
    (激励学生体验和理解真实语言, 并鼓励学生灵活运用。)
    Step 2 Analysis
    To talk about the purpose:
    so that + clause
    in order that + clause
    We use so that to talk about the purpose of doing something.
    We use so … that to talk about the result of something.
    Step 3 Extension
    1. Do you know these films?
    2. It’s Feng Xiaogang who directed so many wonderful films. Let’s talk about the person who has influenced Chinese film industry. Try to make some sentences with so … that, such … that or so that.
    We should have such a beautiful dream that we can achieve a wonderful future!
    Ⅴ. Homework
    1. Review Grammar.
    2. Make some sentences using though/although, so…that, such…that and so that.

    Unit 7 Films
    Integrated skills
    I. Teaching objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. Listen and get information from the introduction to a film festival and complete a report;
    2. Use what they’ve learned to talk about different kinds of films;
    3. Develop their abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing;
    4. Be engaged in class activities actively and cooperate with others efficiently.
    II. Teaching contents
    1. Listening to a guide about a film festival and complete a report;
    2. Use what they’ve learned to talk about different kinds of films.
    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    1. The guide is a bit long and difficult, so the students may find it hard to catch information
    quickly and correctly;
    2. How to take notes quickly while listening;
    3. How to use what they’ve learned to make up a good dialogue.
    IV. Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Warm-up activities
    Free talk
    T: What’s your favourite film? Why do you like it? Who’s your favourite actor/ actress?
    S: …
    Step 2 Pre-listening
    1. Presentation
    T: The Lion King is one of my favourite films. Have you ever watched it? It’s well worth
    watching. The film brings lions alive on screen. In the film, a baby lion called Simba is chosen
    to be the future king of the lion family. It is clever and brave. The film is suitable for all ages.
    T: Titanic is also one of my favourite. It is really moving but with a sad ending. In the film, a
    young artist named Jack falls in love with a beautiful girl called Rose when they travel on a ship. But something terrible happens at the end of the film and many people die including Jack. Do you want to watch it, too? But perhaps it’s not suitable for you because it’s a romantic film.
    (结合电影The Lion King 及Titanic,导出生词及词组:
    bring … alive on screen; a special offer; be suitable for all ages; fall in love with …; travel on a ship; something terrible等)
    2. Guessing a riddle
    T: It seems that all of you like watching films. Here’s a riddle for you. Please guess according to
    the key words and phrase.
    1. a big event 2. with many famous stars and directors 3. win awards 4. interview
    5. show all kinds of films
    What is it?
    S: A film festival.
    T: Do you know any international film festivals?
    Cannes International Film Festival;
    Berlin International Film Festival;
    Tokyo International Film Festival;
    Venice Film Festival;
    Shanghai International Film Festival
    S: … (呈现下列电影节的图片:戛纳、柏林、东京、威尼斯及上海国际电影节)
    3. Discussion: If you want to watch a film, what information do you want to get first?
    T: There’s also a film festival in Sunshine Town. Do you want to go and have a look?
    Step 3 Listening to Part A
    1. Read Part A1 and answer some questions before listening.
    T: There’s a film festival in Sunshine Town. Do you want to go and have a look? Let’s read the film guide below and then answer some questions.
    1) What’s showing in …?
    2) Is it suitable for …?
    3) What’s the ticket price?
    T: Here are the posters of the three films. Do you want to know more about them?
    2. Complete part of the notes according to the guide and guess the answers to the other blanks before listening.
    T: Before listening, let’s complete part of the notes according to the guide and guess the answers to the other blanks.
    3. Listen to the tape twice and complete the rest notes in Part A1.
    T: Now let’s listen to the tape twice and complete the rest notes in Part A1.
    Here are some listening tips for you:
    1) Write the first letter of each word while listening.
    2) Try to understand the main idea and pay attention to the details.
    3) Check up the spelling after listening.
    4. Can you say something about the three films? Which one would you like to watch? Why?
    5. Help Sandy complete the report on films in Part A3.
    Let’s check up the answers and then read the report in groups.
    Step 4 Speak up
    1. Listen and choose
    Sandy and Daniel are talking about different kinds of films. Listen and fill in the table below.
    have beautiful

    action films
    ( ) 1. A. horror films B. romantic films C. action films
    ( ) 2. A. beautiful B. full of mysteries C. exciting
    ( ) 3. A. get scared B. stupid C. terrible
    2. Read the dialogue.
    3. Talk about your favourite kind of films and tell the reasons.
    4. Make up a dialogue using Sandy and Daniel’s conversation as a model. Work in pairs.
    (Give students some useful expressions to enrich their ideas.)
    V. Homework
    1. T: Films play an important role in our life. They make our life fun and colourful. They bring us happiness, hopes and strength. In films, we see ourselves. They can help us understand what love is. Films are short, but life is long. Let’s enjoy films! Let’s love our life!
    2. Homework
    1)Recite the new phrases.
    2) Write a short passage about your favourite kind of film.
    2)Finish the exercises in the workbooks.

    Unit 7 Films
    Study skills
    I. Teaching objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. Know about the basic structure of a script and read a simple play in pairs;
    2. Act out a short play and enjoy the fun of reading and acting;
    3. Learn to cooperate with others and respond to the teacher’s instructions actively.
    II. Teaching contents
    The strategies of reading a script.
    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    The students are supposed to know the basic structure of a script. They may find it hard to understand a play with new words in them. However, this problem can be solved through group work.
    IV. Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Warm-up activities
    T: Do you like watching plays? S: …
    T: Guess what play I like best! S: …
    T: The Sound of Music. It’s a wonderful musical with beautiful songs and a moving story between a governess, a captain and seven lovely children.
    Step 2 Brainstorming
    T: Have you ever seen a play in a theatre?
    What do you know about a play?
    Step 3 Presentation
    T: A play has several parts not found in other kinds of literature. This is how an excerpt of a play looks.
    Most plays have three to five acts.
    Each act is divided into “scenes”.
    The setting shows when and where each scene happens.
    The characters in a scene will be introduced first.
    Words in brackets tell what the characters are doing, and how the characters are acting or speaking.
    This is what the characters are saying to each other.
    Step 4 Practice
    1. Read the excerpt of a play. Answer the questions.
    1) Where does this scene take place?
    It takes place in a garden behind a house.
    2) Which month is it?
    In July.
    3) What is Miss Prism sitting under?
    Miss Prism is sitting under a large tree.
    4) What is Cecily doing?
    Cecily is watering flowers.
    5) Why does Miss Prism call Cecily?
    Because Miss Prism is going to give Cecily a German lesson.
    2. Read another play called The Cop and the Anthem in groups.
    3. Act out the play.
    Step 5 Summary
    T: A good script makes a good play or a film! Let’s read more literature works to enrich our life! Let’s enjoy the pleasure of reading!
    Ⅴ. Homework
    1. Read more excerpts about The Cop and the Anthem after class.
    2. Search for more information about scripts on the Internet and share your findings in the next class.

    Unit 7 Films
    I. Teaching objectives
    By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. Read the article about Jackie Chan;
    2. Write a fact file about the favourite film star;
    3. Write an article about the favourite film star.
    II. Teaching contents
    1. New words and phrases: consider, personal details, acting career
    2. New structure: Jackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar.
    III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
    How to organize an article about a film star and write it in a clear order.
    IV. Teaching procedures
    Step 1 Lead-in
    Look at these pictures.
    Have you watched these films?
    Who played the lead role in these films?
    His English name is Jackie Chan.
    How much do you know about him and his films?
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Personal details
    2. Acting career
    Drunken Master was a big success in Asia in 1978.
    In 1995, Rumble in the Bronx was a great success in Hollywood.
    Other films Jackie Chan has acted in.
    What is special about his films?
    They join humour and exciting action together.
    3. Charity work
    Jackie Chan has done a lot for others. What did he set up in 1988? Who has he helped?
    4. Complete an article about Jackie Chan
    Step 3 Analysis of the article
    This is an article about Jackie Chan. What is each paragraph about?
    Look at the structure of the article
    Paragraph 1
    Jackie Chan, famous all over the world

    Main body
    Paragraph 2
    Personal details
    Paragraph 3
    Acting career
    Paragraph 4
    Charity work
    Paragraph 5
    What people think of him
    Step 4 Extension
    Jet Li
    1. Personal details
    Date of birth: 26 April 1963
    Talents: actor, drama
    2. Acting career
    Shaolin Temple (1982)
    Huang Feihong (1990s)
    Chen Zhen (1990s)
    Huo Yuanjia (1990s)
    3. Charity work
    One Foundation (2007) “壹基金”
    Step 5 One possible version
    Here is my article about Jet Li.
    My favourite film star is Jet Li. He was born on 26 April, 1963. He is not only a film star but also a philanthropist. In 1980, he entered the film industry. He was famous for the acting in Shaolin Temple. In the 1990s, he acted in many films. He played the role of Huang Feihong, Chen Zhen and Huo Yuanjia. Besides, in 1997 he went to Hollywood and acted in many films there. He is well-known all over thw world and has won many awards. He has devoted much time to the charity. In 2007, he set up One Foundation.
    Jet Li is one of the greatest actors in China, and I like him very much.
    Step 6 Talk about your favourite film star
    Who is your favourite film star?
    Step 7 Write an article about your favourite film star
    Writing evaluation table

    • A clear order 条理清晰
    • A complete main part and ending 完整的内容和结尾

    Words & Sentences
    • Use words and sentences precisely 精确使用词句
    • Spell words correctly 正确拼写单词
    • Simple present or past tense 一般现在/过去时
    • Beautiful and tidy handwriting 漂亮整洁的书写
    I believe that where there is great love, there are always miracles.
    V. Homework
    1. Try to retell something about Jackie Chan.
    2. Check the article about your favourite film star in groups.


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