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中职英语外研版 (2021)基础模块2Unit 7 Inventions Make Life Better一等奖表格教学设计及反思
展开单元名称Unit 7 Inventions Make Life Better. 课型Reading and Writing教学目标1. 能够正确理解科技发展的文章内容,掌握时间状语in the past,nowadays, used to和转折连词but,however等,并能仿照示例,列举更多古今发明进行对比描述。2. 能够分析与科技发展相关的说明文等语篇的逻辑结构,并联系自身实际,从辩证角度来分享科技发展对日常生活的影响。3. 通过对比过去和现在的科技发明优缺点,了解科技的发展进步,坚定文化自信。4. 能够运用略读、扫读、找读、推断等阅读策略,完成阅读任务;采用恰当的学习方法,如使用图表和思维导图梳理思路、拓展思维、呈现信息。思政目标:能够对比不同时代的科技发明,感受科技日新月异的变化;能够感受愈发美好的生活,增强民族认同感、自豪感。教学重点1. 能运用略读、扫读等阅读策略获取科技发展说明文的主旨和细节信息。2. 能通过时间状语和转折连词分析句式,掌握句子逻辑和相关重点表达方式如compare...with..., enable sb to do sth等。教学难点1. 能观察和总结对比语篇的特征以及逻辑结构。2. 能运用思维导图,整合、归纳文章的基本信息,列举更多古今发明,并能从辩证地角度探讨其对日常生活的影响。教学方法小组讨论法、任务教学法教学手段PPT课件、多媒体设备、音视频素材等教学过程教学环节与时间分配教学活动与步骤设计意图评价要点Warm-up3’T shows students’ illustrations and corresponding pictures of the daily inventions in class. Ss repeat the names of the inventions and think about the original function or mode of the invention.对接上一节课的作业,激活和检验已学知识,为阅读文章作铺垫。根据图示内容,熟悉日常科技发明的英文表达,并说出相关发明的初始功能或形态。Pre-reading7’1. T shows three pictures in the passage and asks Ss to think about the questions:(1) What are they in English? (2) What is the text probably about? Ss identify the objects and predict the main idea of the passage as soon as possible. 通过展示图片让学生辨认今昔发明,通过图片对比和读前预测了解文章大意,从而对科技发展的阅读文章有初步而整体的感性认识。同时培养学生预测策略,充分调动学生的主观性和积极性,激发进一步阅读的兴趣。学生辨认出图片中物品,说出英文表达,同时通过古今发明对比能大致预测出文章的大意。2. Based on the given pictures, T asks Ss to make a simple comparison between the inventions in the past and the ones in modern times. While-reading22’1. Ss skim the passage and check the prediction,T puts forward the question: What is the structure of the passage?A. General---Specific √B. General---Specific--GeneralC. Specific---General通过略读全文,让学生验证读前预测和发明物英文表达,同时了解文章结构,培养略读策略和分析、判断的能力,为写作的结构框架做好铺垫。在读前预测的基础上,略读文章,整体上把握文章结构,并做出正确选择。2. T asks Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions:(1) What are the functions of the black and white TV, letter and film rolls in the past? (2) What inventions gradually evolved from black and white TV, letter and film rolls?(3) What are the functions of the new inventions?Based on the given questions, Ss can finish the task in Activity two.通过自主阅读和回答问题,引导学生深入分析细节信息,提升独立思辨的意识和总结归纳的能力。自主阅读文章,正确回答所给问题并完成活动二的表格。3. Ss listen to the recording and underline difficult words or phrases, including comparison words and sentences. T checks the answer afterwards. 熟悉单词发音、语调和节奏等语音知识,培养运用下画线提取文中对比信息的找读技巧和判断、辨识的能力。听录音,熟悉语音语调,并准确划出重难点词汇和对比相关的句子。4. T asks Ss to guess the meaning of difficult words and T explains the key expressions:(1) technology, compare, instantly, digital, nowadays, past etc.(2) fade out of sight(3) compare...with...(4) so...that....(5) enable sb to do sth(6) used to(7)as many as 培养学生运用上下文语境推测词义,并通过分析重难点词句,夯实语言知识,扫除阅读障碍,逐步形成独立阅读的能力。根据上下文语境,准确推断词义,分析句子结构,归纳重点句型,明确重难点词句的中文大意。5. T helps Ss to sort out and summarize the contrastive words or phrases in a contrastive essay. 整合对比文章的词汇及短语要素,培养学生总结和归纳的阅读能力,为学生的说和写做好铺垫。通读全文,归纳和对比文章中的现在时及过去时的标志词语。Post-reading10’1. Based on the given text, T asks Ss to brainstorm more inventions in our daily life.结合对比示例,帮助学生列举出更多日常发明,发散思维,同时为后续的句子输出做好铺垫。学生以小组为单位开展头脑风暴,列举日常发明的英文表达。2. Ss are directed to explore both advantages and disadvantages of the inventions. 引导学生全面考虑问题,培养学生的思辨能力。学生能够理性地说出科技发明的某些缺点或不足。3. With the help of contrastive words & phrases and body structure, Ss work in groups to discuss the effects of the inventions on our lives, finish Activity 3. T provides the support aside.拓展学生的英文表述,从词到句,从句到篇,通过开展小组合作锻炼学生的批判性思维,通过观察时间状语,比较现在时和过去时的区别,帮助学生使用恰当的时态描述内容,培养学生观察、比较、分析、总结的综合能力。准确利用时间状语描述古今发明的功能特性对比。结合教师的辅助,学生可以开展对科技发展的批判性思辨表述,准确运用现在时和过去时表述句子。4. T asks Ss to display their performance in groups. 训练学生团队协作、共同辩论、讨论的意识和展示自我的能力。大胆自信地跟全班同学进行交流和探讨组内研讨的结果。Summary&Homework2’Summary: With T’s help, Ss try to sort out the knowledge points. Homework: Ss write down their own thoughts of the effects of an invention in our daily life梳理所学内容,回顾语言知识中的重难点,总结对比说明文中一般现在时和一般过去式的时间状语标志词,并通过以读促写,培养学生综合语言实践的能力。回顾本课所学,并运用语言知识,形成语篇表达。板书设计Unit 7 Inventions Make Life Better
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