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    北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Lesson 1 The Last Leaf多媒体教学ppt课件

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Lesson 1 The Last Leaf多媒体教学ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,课文语篇研读,匹配段落大意,课堂新知讲练,◇词汇拓讲,◇句式解读,突 破 语 法,□观察领悟,□动作动词和状态动词,□追踪练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ.猜词意 A.(去)拿来;(去)请来;(去)找来 B.罪;罪行;犯罪活动 C.窗帘;门帘;帘子 D.未看见的;未受注意的 E.溜走,悄悄地走;滑倒
    1.He had slipped n an icy pavement. (  )2.He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene f the crime. (  )3.He was killed by a single sht frm an unseen sldier. (  )【答案】1.E 2.B 3.D 
    4.Run hme this mment, and fetch me a pair f glves and a fan! (  )5.Curtains are pieces f material which yu hang frm the tp f a windw. (  )【答案】4.A 5.C 
    Ⅱ.猜单词拼写 1.ice n. 冰→________ adj. 极冷的;被冰覆盖的 (参考:rain→rainy) 2.________ n. 家伙;男人→fllw v. (形近词)跟随 (参考:except→expect) 3.belief n. 信任;深信→________ n. 不信,怀疑 (参考:hnest→dishnest) 【答案】1.icy 2.fellw 3.disbelief 
    4.________ v. 凝视,盯着看→glare v. 怒目而视 5.sail vt. &vi. (乘船)航行→________ n. 水手,船员;驾船人 (参考:educate→educatr) 【答案】4.stare 5.sailr 
    Ⅲ.完成句子 1.The janitr ________ helplessly with pain yesterday mrning.昨天早上,看门人发现他躺在床上,痛苦不堪。2.Behrman and Sue lked ut the windw at the vine and nticed that there was just ne ________ leaf.贝儿曼和苏望着窗外的藤蔓,注意到只剩一片叶子了。【答案】1.fund him lying in bed 2.remaining 
    3.Yu dn’t wait fr pprtunities t knck, yu shuld ________ them! 不要等待机会找上门,你应该寻找它们! 4.When things aren’t ging well, he ________, telling me nt t give up.当事情不顺利的时候,他鼓励我,告诉我不要放弃。【答案】3.hunt fr 4.encurages me 
    5.I just lked at my friend ________ as he tld me the surprising stry.我不敢置信地望着我的朋友,他讲的是一个出人意料的故事。【答案】5.with/in disbelief 
    Ⅳ.预备语法(State Verbs and Activity Verbs) 写出下列黑体词是动作动词还是状态动词。1.Jhn is hlding a ball in his hands. ________2.The bus hlds 50 peple. ________3.I was having cffee quietly then. ________4.The man has a new car. ________【答案】1.动作动词 2.状态动词 3.动作动词 4.状态动词 
    Ⅰ.阅读理解 (  )1.The dctr said that Jhnsy’s nly chance was ________.A.cunting the leaves B.lying n the bed C.fr Jhnsy t want t live D.painting sme leaves 【答案】C
    (  )2.Mr Behrman earned a little mney by ________.A.painting leaves B.being a mdel C.saving the lives D.talking with Jhnsy 【答案】B
    (  )3.Why did the leaf never mve? A.Because there was n wind.B.Because smene painted it n the wall.C.Because it was paper leaf.D.Because it was fixed by smething.【答案】B
    (  )4.Frm the passage, we knw that Mr Behrman was a very ________ man.A.lazyB.kind C.sillyD.strng 【答案】B
    (  )5.Accrding t the passage, which is NOT true? A.Mr Behrman died at last.B.Jhnsy realised that it was wrng t want t die.C.Jhnsy was ut f danger finally.D.The last real leaf hasn’t fallen yet.【答案】D 
    Ⅱ.判断正误 (  )1.In December, Jhnsy became very ill.(  )2.After the dctr has gne, Sue came int Jhnsy’s rm.(  )3.Old Behrman was a painter. He was past 60. (  )4.Jhnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs.(  )5.At night, the wind began t blw. The next mrning, the real leaf was still there.【答案】1-5 FTTTF 
    【答案】Para. 1:B Para. 2-Para. 12:A Para. 13:C
    Ⅳ.课文语法填空 Greenwich Village is a place 1. ________ the art peple came tgether, 2. ________(include) Sue and Jhnsy. In Nvember, Pneumnia arrived in Greenwich Village. It made Jhnsy 3. _____(bare) mve, 4. ________(stare) at a blank wall under her blanket. 【答案】1.where 2.including 3.barely 4.staring 
    Sue learned frm the dctr that sme hpeful 5. ________ (think) were helpful t Jhnsy. And then she tld Behrman 6. ________ Jhnsy decided t d after nticing the fallen leaves. 7. ________ (make) Jhnsy give up her thught, 【答案】5.thughts 6.what 7.T make 
    Behrman painted a leave n the wall 8. ________ that night when the last leaf 9. ________(fall). In the ending, Jhnsy recvered while Behrman lst 10. ________(he) life because f ding a deed. It is Behrman wh saved Jhnsy’s life.【答案】8.n 9.fell 10.his 
    1.hunt fr寻找 (P30)Greenwich Village is a place where the art peple came tgether, hunting fr apartments with nrth-facing windws and lw tents.【翻译】格林威治村是艺术人士聚集的地方,他们在那里寻找窗户朝北(阴面)且低租金的公寓。
    【语言提升】 hunt vi. 寻找 vt. 打猎 g hunting去打猎 When he finished eating, he cntinued t g hunting.他吃完后,又继续出去打猎了。hunter n. 猎人;搜寻者 His life as a hunter came t an end 10 years ag.十年前他的猎人生涯结束了。
    【语境助记】 The hunter went hunting as usual, and he was eager t hunt fr a rabbit as his lunch.猎人像往常一样去打猎,他渴望抓一只兔子当午餐。【归纳拓展】 “寻找”的其他表达方式: lk fr; search fr; seek (fr); in search f等。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)He has heard the news that the cuntry’s prince was cming t g ________(hunt) in this twn.(2)But they will have t find the rabbit befre the ________ (hunt) wh is desperate t kill it.【答案】(1)hunting (2)hunter 
    (3)Since arund AD 800, whales ________(hunt) fr their il, meat, and bnes.(4)The plice are hunting ________ the lst child everywhere.【答案】(3)have been hunted (4)fr 
    2.stare vi. 凝视;盯着看 (P30)…and she lay, barely mving, in her bed staring at a blank wall under her blanket.【翻译】……她躺在床上,盖着毛毯,一动也不动,盯着一扇雪白的墙。
    【语言提升】 stare at凝视;盯着看 He std there, staring at the trublemaker.他站在那里,盯着那个捣蛋鬼。stare ut f凝视……外 Have a cup f tea, put yur feet up and stare ut f the windw.泡一杯茶,翘起你的二郎腿,凝视窗外。
    【易混辨析】 stare at “盯着看,凝视”,强调行为不太礼貌; glare at “怒视”,强调愤怒的情绪; glance at “匆匆地瞥一眼”,强调动作匆匆,短暂; gaze at “盯着”,出于惊讶、喜悦或者赞赏而长时间无意识地“看”。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)She sat and stared ________ the letter in frnt f her.(2)I was enjying my dessert and talking t my American friend Janice at the table when I nticed peple ________(stare) at me.(3)I wke up and stared ________ f the windw at the glmy, grey sky.【答案】(1)at (2)staring (3)ut 
    完成句子 (4)Children shuld be taught nt t ____________________ the disabled peple.应该教育孩子们,不要盯着残疾人看。【答案】(4)stare at 
    3.make up ne’s mind下定决心 (P31)But Jhnsy’s mind was made up.【翻译】但是约翰西决心已定。
    【语言提升】 make up ne’s mind t d sth. 下定决心做某事 Once he made up his mind t d smething, nthing can stp him.他一旦下定决心做什么事,没有什么可以阻止他。change ne’s mind改变某人的主意 I waited all day in the hpe that she wuld change her mind.我整天等待,希望她会回心转意。
    bear/keep…in mind记住…… Bear in mind that gas statins are scarce in the mre remte areas.记住,加油站在那些更偏远的地区是很稀少的。
    set ne’s mind n… 集中精力做……;下定决心做…… Having set his mind n a better jb, Je began t read jb advertisement in newspapers carefully.乔伊下定决心找份更好的工作后,便开始仔细阅读报上的招聘广告。
    have…in mind心里想着…… D yu have anyne in mind fr the jb? 你心目中有做这项工作的合适人选吗? mind (sb. /sb. ’s) ding sth. 介意(某人)做某事 Wuld yu mind my pening the windw? 你介意我开窗吗? 
    mind ne’s wn business别管闲事;少管闲事 And everyne seems nly t mind ne’s wn business.每个人似乎只管自己的事。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)It’s n use arguing with; he’s made up his mind nt ________(jin) in the cmpetitin.(2)Yu have t bear ________ mind that the price f the dress des nt matter. It is all abut the quality.【答案】(1)t jin (2)in 
    (3)A student addicted t playing games cannt set his mind ________ his study.(4)I dn’t mind ________(let) yu read my pem.【答案】(3)n (4)letting 
    完成句子 (5)He fund it impssible t make her ________________ ____.他发现使她改变主意是不可能的。【答案】(5)change her mind 
    4.disbelief n. 不信,怀疑 (P31)Behrman cried with disbelief. “Are there peple in the wrld that flish t think they’ll die because leaves drp ff frm a vine?” 【翻译】伯曼不相信地叫了起来,“这世界上有人会愚蠢地以为自己会因为藤上的叶子脱落而死去吗?”
    【语言提升】 with/in disbelief不相信地;怀疑地 I just lked at my friend with disbelief as he tld the stry f the first day we met.我不敢置信地望着我的朋友,他讲的就是我们第一天相遇的故事。
    belief n. 相信;信念;信仰 hld the belief that… 相信…… I hld the belief that nthing is impssible t a willing heart.我相信:功夫不负有心人。beynd belief难以置信 His success was beynd belief since his cmpetitr was s experienced.他的成功令人难以置信,因为他的对手非常有经验。
    believe vi. &vt. 相信;信任 believe in… 相信…… Believe in yurself, r yu’ll never succeed.相信自己,否则你永远不会成功。
    believe it r nt信不信由你 Believe it r nt! Ancient Chinese peple had their wn methds f heat preservatin in winter.信不信由你,中国古人在冬天有他们自己的保暖方法。unbelievable adj. 难以置信的 
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)Phil lked ________ disbelief as Maggie gt up n the table and started t dance.(2)They hld the belief ________ their great effrts in practising their handwriting will pay ff in the lng run.【答案】(1)with/in (2)that 
    (3)Dn’t yu believe ________ equality between men and wmen? (4)Jerry lks dumb, but believe ________ r nt, he’s the smartest by in ur class.(5)It is an ________(believe) thing that such an excellent ftball team shuld have failed in the finals.【答案】(3)in (4)it (5)unbelievable 
    完成句子 (6)It’s __________________ that a 14-year-ld girl culd break the prvincial high jump recrd.一个十四岁的女孩居然打破全省跳高纪录,简直令人难以置信。【答案】(6)beynd belief 
    5.hld n坚持;别挂断;等一下 (P31)One leaf remained n the vine, bravely hlding n in the wind and rain.【翻译】一片叶子留在藤上,勇敢地在风雨中坚持着。
    【语言提升】 Hld n a minute while I get my breath back.稍等一下,让我喘口气。They managed t hld n until help arrived.他们勉强坚持到救援到来。hld n t紧紧抓住;坚持;保留 Hld n t yur dreams and ne day they may cme true.坚持你的梦想,总有一天它会实现的。
    hld ut伸出 “I’m Nancy Drew,” she said, hlding ut her hand.“我是南希·德鲁”,她边说边伸出手来。hld up举起;耽搁,延误 I will say a clur and yu must hld up that clur pen.我会说一种颜色,然后你必须举起那种颜色的钢笔。
    hld back隐瞒;抑制 She kept trying t hld back her tears.她一直在试图忍住不掉眼泪。catch/take/get hld f抓住;拿着;握住 Catch hld f every pprtunity and yu will succeed in getting what yu want.抓住每次机会,那么你就有可能成功地获得你想要的东西。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)—Is Peter there? —Hld ________, please. I’ll see if I can find him fr yu.(2)She clsed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt t hld ________ the tears.【答案】(1)n (2)back 
    (3)I tld him hw we had fught t hld n ________ the cmpany.(4)Take hld ________ this rpe when I thrw it t yu.【答案】(3)t (4)f 
    完成句子 (5)We shuld ________________ the hand f friendship and cperatin t them.我们应该向他们伸出友谊与合作之手。(6)I was __________________ n the way s I was late.我途中遇事耽搁,故未能按期到达。【答案】(5)hld ut (6)held up 
    1.(P31)What’s mre, a cld rain was falling, mixed with snw.【翻译】而且,下着冷雨,夹杂着雪花。
    【句式剖析】 本句中过去分词短语mixed with snw作伴随状语。Mailed ut autmatically, the e-mail will be received by all the club members.电子邮件自动寄出后,所有会员都会收到。
    【归纳拓展】 (1)过去分词在句中作状语时, 可表示时间、原因、条件、方式、伴随、结果或让步等。过去分词作状语多放在句首, 也可放在后面或插在中间。
    Brn in a pr family, Nadia had nly tw years f schling.由于出生于贫寒家庭, 纳迪亚只上过两年学。(表原因) Sme medicines, if wrngly taken, can kill a persn.有些药被误服时,可能要人命。(表条件) The patient gt ff the bed, supprted by the nurse.那个病人在护士的搀扶下下了床。(表方式) 
    (2)过去分词作状语, 表示时间、原因、条件、让步时可转换为相应的状语从句;表示方式、结果或伴随时可转化为并列分句。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)________(see) frm the hill, the city lks magnificent.(2)________(absrb) in deep thught, he didn’t hear the sund.(3)________(give) anther ten minutes, I can als wrk ut this prblem.(4)________(grw) in rich sil, these seeds can grw fast.【答案】(1)Seen (2)Absrbed (3)Given (4)Grwn 
    2.(P31) The janitr fund him lying in bed helplessly with pain yesterday mrning.【翻译】昨天早晨,看门人发现他无助地躺在床上,极度痛苦。【句式剖析】 本句中“fund him lying in bed”为“find+宾语+宾补”结构,him作fund的宾语,lying in bed作fund 的宾补。
    【归纳拓展】 “find+宾语+宾补”常用结构如下: find sb. /sth. ding sth.find sb. /sth. dne 发现某人/某物被…… find sb. /sth. +adj. /adv. /n. /prep. 短语 find it+adj. /n. +t d sth. (it为形式宾语) find sb. /sth. ding sth. 发现某人/某物正在做某事 
    It’s quite cmmn t find him listening t music.发现他听音乐是很常见的事情。Abut a mnth ag, I was sailing, and twards night I fund myself carried ut t sea by a strng wind.大约一个月前,我正在航行,天快黑的时候,我发现自己被一阵大风刮到海上去了。
    When the ld wman returned frm the supermarket, she fund the windw brken.老太太从超市回来时,发现窗户被打破了。When she wke up, she fund herself in an entirely different wrld.当她醒来时,她发现自己置身于一个完全不同的世界。I find it hard t climb t the tp f the muntain withut a rest.我发现不休息很难爬到山顶。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)While libraries still lan ut (出借) bks, yu’ll find ________ easier t get a cpy f whatever yu’re lking fr.(2)The girl was fund ________(cheat) in the exam.(3)Unfrtunately, I fund my wallet ________(steal) when riding a bus.(4)His wife hurried hme, nly t find the dr _____ (lck).【答案】(1)it (2)cheating (3)stlen (4)lcked 
    【例句观察】 1.Yu are walking alng a muntain path in the Himalayas.2.She is carrying tw buckets.3.They knw all the best rutes and best places t camp.
    4.Hwever, at Adventure 2000 we feel that we understand the needs f hikers.5.At Adventure 2000 we als think that gd travel arrangements are imprtant.6.Yu are thinking abut hw far there is t g.
    【我的领悟】 1.例句1,2中walk, carry为________动词,可用于进行时态。2.例句3,4句中的knw, feel, understand为________动词,常用一般时态。3.例句5,6句中的think既可以作________动词,意为“________”;也可作________动词,意为“________”。Keys:1.动作 2.状态 3.动作;考虑;状态;认为 
    动词按其意义可分为状态动词(state verbs)和动作动词(activity verbs)。动作动词表示一种运动状态,绝大多数动词都是动作动词。状态动词则表示相对静止的状态。1.动作动词 动作动词既可用于进行时态,也可用于一般时态。动作动词大体可分为三类: 
    He reads English in the garden at 5:30 every mrning.他每天早晨五点半在花园里读英语。(延续性动词read用一般现在时表示经常性的、习惯性的动作) He is watching a ftball match n TV.他正在看电视上的足球赛。(延续性动词watch用现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作) 
    (2)表示短暂性动作的动词:break,pen,clse,jin,jump,hit,knck等。该类动词用一般现在时表示现在一次性的动作;若用现在进行时则表示此短暂动作的多次重复。短暂性动词又称非延续性动词,不与表示一段时间的状语连用。Listen!Smene is kncking at the frnt dr.听!有人在敲前门。(非延续性动词knck用现在进行时表示knck动作的重复) 
    (3)表示转变或者移动的动词:arrive,change,cme,g,leave,start,land等。该类动词用一般现在时表示按时间表或者日程安排的将来要做的事;用现在进行时表示按计划、打算的将来要做的事。Hurry up!Our plane takes ff at 8:30. 快点!我们的航班8点半起飞。(表示移动的动词短语take ff用一般现在时表示按时间表或者日程安排的将来要做的事) 
    Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten yur seat belts. Our plane is taking ff sn.女士们,先生们,请系好安全带。我们的航班马上起飞了。(表示移动的动词短语take ff用现在进行时表示按计划、打算的将来要做的事) 
    2.状态动词 状态动词表示相对静止的状态,一般不可用于进行时态。常用的状态动词大体可分为三类: (1)表示感觉、感知的动词:feel,see,taste,smell,hear,sund,seem等。D yu hear smene walking abut in the next rm? 你听到隔壁房间里有人在走来走去吗?(hear为表示感知、感觉的状态动词) 
    (2)表示心理状态、喜好的动词:understand,think,suppse,believe,knw,want,frget,remember,hate,admire,fear,care,like,prefer,regret,hpe,bject等。I believe hard wrk will pay ff sner r later.我相信努力工作迟早会得到回报的。(believe为表示心理状态的状态动词) 
    (3)表示拥有或者所属等关系的动词或动词词组,该类动词或动词词组往往不用于进行时态:belng t,cnsist f,cntain,cst,include,invlve,lack,have,matter,need,want,pssess,measure等。As is knwn t all, Taiwan belngs t China.众所周知,台湾属于中国。(belng t为表示拥有关系的状态动词词组,不用于进行时态) 
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.This cmputer ________(cst) 2,000 dllars. Is it expensive? 2.Why dn’t yu put the meat in the fridge? It ________ (stay) fresh fr several days.3.I ________(think) abut what I shuld d next, s I still have n plan in my mind.【答案】1.csts 2.will stay 3.am thinking 
    4.The water ________(feel) cl when I jumped int the pl fr mrning exercise.5.The flwers are s lvely that they ________(sell) well.6.We mustn’t have anything that ________(g) bad, r des harm t ur bdy.7.The huse he is living in ________(belng) t his brther.【答案】4.felt 5.sell 6.ges 7.belngs 
    8.The leaves n the tree ________(turn) yellw.9.These apples ________(taste) delicius and I have eaten five f them.10.The president ________(arrive) at the airprt at five ’clck yesterday.【答案】8.are turning 9.taste 10.arrived 
    Ⅱ.完成句子 1.This meeting ___________ June 15th and last fr three weeks.这个会议从6月15日开始,为期三周。2.I ___________ knwing yur interest in Chinese histry.知道你对中国历史感兴趣,我感到很自豪。【答案】1.will begin frm 2.feel prud f 
    3.As an utging girl, I get ____________ my classmates.作为一个外向的女孩,我和同学们相处得很好。4.I ___________ if yu culd tell me mre abut this activity.我想知道你是否可以告诉我更多关于这个活动的信息。【答案】3.alng well with 4.am wndering 
    5.Our schl is lcated in a nrthern city f China, where yu can ____________________.我们学校位于中国的一个北方城市,在那里你可以品尝到各种美味的食物。【答案】5.taste many kinds f delicius fd 
    Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Driving n ________(被冰覆盖的) rads can be pretty risky.2.A pretty ________(窗帘) hangs ver the windw.3.She turned t a ________(空白的) page in her ntebk.4.The train began t mve ________(向后).【答案】1.icy 2.curtain 3.blank 4.backwards 
    5.The prisner ________(溜走) past the guards at the gate and escaped.6.The ________(毛毯) will prvide additinal warmth and cmfrt in bed.7.D nt stand and ________(盯着看) at me as if yu were glued t the spt.【答案】5.slipped 6.blanket 7.stare 
    8.We’ll send smene alng t ________(拿来) it.9.He was killed by a single sht frm an ________(未被看见的) sldier.10.Vilent ________(罪行) is nt limited t big cities.【答案】8.fetch 9.unseen 10.crime 
    Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.She lay back and stared ________ the ceiling.2.Chse the right wrds t fill in the ________(blank).3.Accrding t the research, mst ________(crime) are cmmitted by yung men.4.They warned him f the dangers f ________(sail) alne.【答案】1.at 2.blanks 3.crimes 4.sailing 
    5.Please hld the belief ________ the life will shine its beauty if we are mving frward bravely.6.He ________(fetch) his map, and lked fr the castle, but culd nt find it.7.She lnged ________(find) smebdy wh understd her prblems.【答案】5.that 6.fetched 7.t find 
    8.They were tired ________ the games and went fr a walk n the beach.9.All the infrmatin is there, but yu have t hunt ________ it.10.The aim f the cmpetitin is t encurage all peple ________(unlck) their hidden ptential.【答案】8.f 9.fr 10.t unlck 
    Ⅲ.完成句子 1.He std there silently, ___________.他静静地站在那里,被感动得热泪盈眶。2.A ck will be immediately fired if he ___________ in the kitchen.厨师如果被发现在厨房吸烟,将被立即解雇。【答案】1.mved t tears 2.is fund smking 
    3.If yu ____________________ it, yu will certainly accmplish yur aim.如果你下定决心去做它,你一定会达到目的。4.I shuld ___________ these phts, which will remind me f my happy time in Yunnan Prvince.我应该保留这些照片,它们会让我想起我在云南的快乐时光。【答案】3.make up yur mind t d 4.hld n t 

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    2020-2021学年Lesson 1 To Clone or Not to Clone?课堂教学ppt课件: 这是一份2020-2021学年Lesson 1 To Clone or Not to Clone?课堂教学ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,课文语篇研读,匹配段落大意,课堂新知讲练,◇词汇拓讲,◇句式解读,突 破 语 法,□观察领悟,□完成时,□追踪练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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