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    2020-2021学年Lesson 1 To Clone or Not to Clone?课堂教学ppt课件

    这是一份2020-2021学年Lesson 1 To Clone or Not to Clone?课堂教学ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,课文语篇研读,匹配段落大意,课堂新知讲练,◇词汇拓讲,◇句式解读,突 破 语 法,□观察领悟,□完成时,□追踪练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ.猜词意 A.比较 B.永远,长久地 C.障碍;壁垒;屏障 D.人为地;人工地;虚假地 E.强烈的情感;激情
    1.A severe strm destryed a natural barrier between the huse and the lake. (  )2.Laughter is ne f the mst infectius expressins f emtin. (  )3.Why d scientists need artificially intelligent cmputer assistance?(  )【答案】1.C 2.E 3.D 
    4.When yu make a cmparisn, yu cnsider tw r mre things and discver the differences between them. (  )5.If yu say that smething will happen r cntinue frever, yu mean that it will always happen r cntinue. (  )【答案】4.A 5.B 
    Ⅱ.猜单词拼写 1.mere adj. 仅仅;只不过;极少的→________adv. 仅仅,只 2.artificial adj. 人造的,人工的;人为的→________ adv. 人为地;虚假地 3.whle adj. 全部的;整体的→________ adv. 完全地 【答案】1.merely 2.artificially 3.whlly 
    4.accurate adj. 准确的;正确的→________adv. 精确地,准确地 (参考:identical→identically) 5.cmpare v. 比较;对比→________ n. 比较 (参考:divide→divisin) 6.treat v. 对待,看待;治疗,医治;请客,招待→________ n. 诊疗;治疗;疗法,对待方式 (参考:achieve→achievement) 【答案】4.accurately 5.cmparisn 6.treatment 
    Ⅲ.完成句子 1.Clning is the prcess f making an exact cpy f a plant r animal and develping it ________.克隆是通过自然或人为的方式,对植物或动物进行精确复制、培育的过程。【答案】1.either naturally r artificially 
    2.In January 2018, the clning f tw lng-tailed mnkeys, Zhng Zhng and Hua Hua, ________ by Chinese scientists.2018年1月,中国科学家宣布成功克隆两只长尾猴,中中和华华。【答案】2.was annunced 
    3.The successful clning f primates has ________ wrldwide praise as a huge breakthrugh that might lead t cures fr varius diseases and may als ffer clues n ________ the aging prcess.灵长类动物的成功克隆获得了全世界的赞誉,被认为是一项巨大的突破,从而为治愈多种疾病、延缓衰老提供线索。【答案】3.led t; hw t prevent 
    4.Fr years, there had been ________ animals artificially.多年来,人们一直在尝试人工克隆动物。5.At first, Dlly grew nrmally, but later she ________ that is mre nrmally fund in much lder animals.起初,多莉发育正常,但后来患上了一种疾病,这种疾病更常见于衰老的动物。【答案】4.attempts t clne 5.develped an illness 
    Ⅳ.预备语法(The Perfect Tense) 认真阅读下面各句,注意黑体部分,并完成下面内容 ①Why haven’t yu been in tuch? ②What have yu been ding during the hlidays? ③I expect yu have been wrking hard fr yur exams! ④At least by the time I get back I will have read that awfully bring bk… 
    ⑤Anyway, having walked all the way t the tp, we were tired and stpped… ⑥Well, he had been standing there fr a minute r s when there was a nise.⑦It must have been an instinctive reactin but it saved my life.⑧The by pretended t have knwn it.
    1.以上句子分别使用了不同的________或________形式来表达“完成”的概念。2.根据以上例句,表示“完成”动作的形式有:________时态(句①), ______时态(句②和句③),过去完成进行时态(句⑥), ______时态(句④), ______的完成式(句⑧),动词-ing形式的完成式(句⑤),含有情态动词的完成时态(句⑦)。【答案】1.时态;非谓语动词 2.现在完成;现在完成进行;将来完成;不定式 
    Ⅰ.阅读理解 (  )1.Which f the fllwing examples belngs t natural clning? A.Identical twins.B.Clning a sheep.C.Clning a lng-tailed mnkey.D.Clning a dg.【答案】A
    (  )2.What was the first successfully clned animals? A.Tw lng-tailed mnkeys.B.A sheep named Dlly.C.A camel called Zhng Zhng.D.A gat named Hua Hua.【答案】B
    (  )3.Which f the fllwing is NOT the ptential benefits f clning primates accrding t passage? A.It can result in cures fr varius diseases.B.It can ffer clues n hw t prevent the aging prcess.C.We can have the ptential t raise a number f mnkeys with identical genes in a shrt amunt f time.D.It can help increase research time and prvide mre accurate results.【答案】D
    (  )4.Fr hw lng did Dr. Sun Qiang’s team wrk? A.Almst 100 days.B.Abut 24 mnths.C.Mre than 5 years.D.Abut seven weeks.【答案】C
    (  )5.What is the writer’s attitude twards clning? A.Dubtful. B.Oppsed.C.Critical. D.Objective.【答案】D 
    Ⅱ.判断正误 (  )1.Clning is the prcess f making an exact cpy f an animal r a plant and develping it either artificially r naturally.(  )2.In 1986 a sheep named Dlly was successfully clned.(  )3.The sheep Dlly lived fr six and a half years, nly ne-third the life f the sheep frm which she was clned.【答案】1-3 TFF 
    (  )4.It was Chinese scientists wh annunced the clning f tw lng-tailed mnkeys in January, 2018. (  )5.Dr. Sun Qiang’s team succeeded in clning a mnkey with ease.(  )6.We are sure f what will happen t Zhng Zhng and Hua Hua.【答案】4-6 TFF 
    【答案】Para. 1:B Para. 2:A Para. 3:E Para. 4:F Para. 5:D Para. 6:C 
    Ⅳ.课文语法填空 Clning ccurs when an egg splits and creates identical twins. The first animals t be 1. ________(successful) clned by scientists was a sheep called Dlly. Despite the initial success, she suffered frm an illness and died at 2. ________ age f six. Since then, ther animals have been clned but have als experienced similar health prblems.【答案】1.successfully 2.the 
    In 3. ________(cmpare) with ther species, attempts t clne mnkeys have been far mre cmplicated and tk Chinese scientists many years. The reasn they wanted t break this technical barrier was 4. ________ mnkey clning might ffer clues as t hw 5. ________(cure) illness and disease. As the technlgy imprves and becmes mre accurate there wuld be even 6. _____(great) benefits.【答案】3.cmparisn 4.that 5.t cure 6.greater 
    Althugh sme peple view clning as crucial fr medical and scientific 7. ________(develp), thers wrry that this technlgy will lead 8. ________ clning f ther species. There is a risk that this culd 9. ________(abuse) by sme cmpanies r peple.Whether it is a blessing 10. ________ a curse fr humanity depends n hw we chse t use it.【答案】7.develpment 8.t 9.be abused 10.r 
    1.lead t导致 (P52)This has led t questins such as… 【翻译】这就导致了诸如……的问题。
    【语言提升】 lead vi. &vt. 导致;通向;引导;过(某种生活) lead sb. t d sth. 引导某人做某事 lead a…life过着……生活 leader n. 领导 leading adj. 主要的;领导的 
    Excuse me, des this rad lead t the railway statin? 请问,这条路通向火车站吗? T lead a happy life is the villagers’ hpe.过上幸福生活是村里人的祈盼。Ding what yu lve may lead yu t find a way t make mney.做你喜欢的事可能会让你找到赚钱的方法。
    【温馨提示】 表示“导致”的短语还有:result in, bring abut。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)Lack f exercise can lead ________ feelings f depressin and exhaustin.(2)T lead ________ regular life is beneficial t gd health.(3)Our guide led us ________(pass) thrugh the thick frest.(4)The new evidence led t him _______(arrest) by the plice.【答案】(1)t (2)a (3)t pass (4)being arrested 
    完成句子 (5)He still believed that hnesty and hard wrk wuld ___________ success.他仍然相信诚实加勤奋就能通向成功。【答案】(5)lead t 
    2.cmparisn n. 比较 (P52)In cmparisn with ther species, clning primates has prved t be “much harder”… 【翻译】与其他物种相比,克隆灵长类动物已证明“更难”…… 
    【语言提升】 in/by cmparisn with… 和……相比 In cmparisn with last year, the price f beef has increased.与去年相比,牛肉的价格上涨了。
    cmpare vt. 比较;将……比作 cmpare…with… 把……和……相比 Managers analyse their cmpany’s data and cmpare it with the data n their cmpetitrs.经理们分析他们公司的数据并与其竞争者的数据进行比较。
    cmpare…t… 把……和……相比;把……比作…… We ften cmpare the children t the flwers f the cuntry.我们常把孩子比作祖国的花朵。cmpared with/t… 和……相比 Our greenhuse is nthing cmpared with yurs.我们这个温室比起你们那个简直是小巫见大巫。
    cmpare ntes (with sb. ) (与某人)交换意见 Mther and Mrs Barker like t cmpare ntes abut cking.母亲和巴科太太喜欢就烹调交换意见。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)The telecm industry in Australia is very small ________ cmparisn with the rest f the wrld.(2)It is difficult t make a ________(cmpare) with her previus bk—they are cmpletely different.(3)My wn prblems seem small ________(cmpare) with ther peple’s.【答案】(1)in/by (2)cmparisn (3)cmpared 
    完成句子 (4)These tw scientists ften ________________ each ther n their research prjects.这两位科学家在研究工作方面常常交换意见。(5)Yung peple are ften ________________ the rising sun.年轻人常被比作初升的太阳。【答案】(4)cmpare ntes with (5)cmpared t 
    3.attempt n. &vi. 尝试;试图 (P52)Fr years, there had been attempts t clne animals artificially.【翻译】多年来,人们一直试图人工克隆动物。
    【语言提升】 make an attempt t d sth. /at ding sth. 尝试/试图做某事 She made an attempt t vercme her weaknesses.她努力克服自己的缺点。at the first attempt 第一次尝试 He finished the game successfully at the first attempt.他第一次尝试就成功地完成了比赛。
    attempt t d sth. 尝试/试图做某事 He had attempted t rescue the drwning man.他曾试图去救那个溺水的男人。attempted adj. 蓄意的;未遂的 attempted murder/escape谋杀/逃跑未遂 She was sentenced t twenty years’ imprisnment fr pisning and attempted murder.她因投毒和谋杀未遂而被判处了20年监禁。
    【语境助记】 He made an attempt t practice and attempted t pass the driving test at the first attempt.他努力训练,试图在第一次尝试时就通过驾驶考试。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)She was prud as a peacck when she passed her driving test ________ the first attempt.(2)They are attempting ________(climb) the steepest part f Munt Tai.(3)She has been charged with the ________(attempt) murder f her husband.【答案】(1)at (2)t climb (3)attempted 
    一句多译 (4)我认为你应该尽力抓住这个机会来更进一步学习中国的传统文化。I think that yu shuld ________ ________ ________ this pprtunity t learn traditinal Chinese culture further. (attempt vt. ) 【答案】(4)attempt t grasp
    =I think that yu shuld ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ this pprtunity t learn traditinal Chinese culture further. (attempt n. ) =I think that yu shuld ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ this pprtunity t learn traditinal Chinese culture further. (attempt n. ) 【答案】make an attempt t grasp; make an attempt at grasping 
    4.cncern n. 关心;担心 vt. 使担心;涉及,关系到 (P53)While sme peple believe it is crucial fr scientific advancement, thers raise mral cncerns.【翻译】虽然有些人认为这对科学进步至关重要,但其他人提出了道德问题。
    【语言提升】 cncerned adj. 担心的;关心的;有关的 be cncerned abut担心;关心 Investrs weren’t cncerned abut shrt-term prfits ver the next few years.投资者不关心今后几年里的短期收益。
    be cncerned with… 与……有关 This activity is cncerned with building a mre beautiful campus.这个活动与建设一个更美丽的校园有关。cncerning prep. 关于 as far as sb. be cncerned 在某人看来 As far as I’m cncerned, sprts are f great benefit t yu.在我看来,体育运动对你有好处。
    【语境助记】 As far as I am cncerned, there’s n need t cncern yurself with this matter. Dn’t get invlved in what desn’t cncern yu. There are many imprtant things cncerning yu, s yu shuld be mre cncerned abut that.在我看来,你没有必要担心这件事。不要管那些与你无关的事情。与你有关的重要的事情很多,所以你更应该关心这样的事。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)________(cncern) abut the student, the teacher called his parents t find ut why he was s ften absent frm class.【答案】(1)Cncerned 
    (2)As far as I’m ________(cncern), nt nly des utdr exercise get us clse t nature but als give relaxatin frm heavy schlwrk.(3)Yu shwed me sme phts ___________(cncern) envirnmental prtectin.【答案】(2)cncerned (3)cncerning 
    完成句子 (4)His jb __________ cmputer, s he is gd at perating the cmputers.他的工作与计算机有关,所以他很擅长操作计算机。【答案】(4)is cncerned with 
    5.bund adj. 很有可能,肯定会 (P53)They believe it is bund t lead t clning f ther species, and they wrry abut the ethical questins this raises.【翻译】他们相信这必然会导致其他物种的克隆,并担心由此引发的伦理问题。
    【语言提升】 be bund t d sth. 一定会做某事;有责任/有义务做某事 We are bund t cut dwn the expenses.我们必须要削减开支。They are bund t take time t readjust after a hliday.他们肯定需要时间重新适应假期结束后的生活。
    bund fr… 准备前往…… I barded the plane bund fr England.我登上了飞往英格兰的飞机。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)Take it easy! Yu are bund ________(pass) the exam.(2)The plane bund ________ the fld-stricken area carried medical and fd supplies.【答案】(1)t pass (2)fr 
    完成句子 (3)Wars ___________ cast a shadw n peple arund the wrld.战争一定会给世界人民的心中留下阴影。【答案】(3)are bund t 
    6.inferir adj. 低级别的,下级的;差的,次的 (P53)Furthermre, clnes may be viewed as mere cpies f riginals thus being seen as inferir.【翻译】此外,克隆可能被视为仅仅是原始物种的复制,因此被视为劣等物种。
    【语言提升】 be inferir t劣于;次于 Mdern music is ften cnsidered inferir t that f the past.现代音乐常被认为不如过去的。
    【归纳拓展】 be superir t优于;好于 I’ve persnally never agreed with the view that either sex is superir t the ther.我个人从未持有过一种性别比另一种性别优越的观点。
    be senir t… 比……年长;比……级别高 My brther is senir t me by tw years.家兄比我年长两岁。be junir t… 比……年幼;比……级别低 My jb is t supervise peple wh are junir t me.我的职责是监督那些职位在我之下的人。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)These ranges are inferir ________ thse I bught last week.(2)It cannt be questined that the new methd is superir ________ the ld ne.【答案】(1)t (2)t 
    完成句子 (3)I was given the jb, despite the fact that Dminic _______ ____ me.尽管多米尼克的职位比我高,这项工作却分给了我。(4)His jb is t give instructins t peple ____________ him.他的职责是指导职位在他之下的人。【答案】(3)is senir t (4)junir t 
    (P53)…a huge breakthrugh that might lead t cures fr varius diseases and may als ffer clues n hw t prevent the aging prcess.【翻译】……这一个巨大的突破,可能会导致治疗各种疾病,也可能提供如何防止衰老过程的线索。
    【句式剖析】 本句中hw t prevent为“疑问词+不定式”结构,在句中作介词n的宾语。
    I’m srry, I dn’t knw hw t answer the questin.对不起,我不知道如何回答这个问题。Chsing what t eat is n lnger as easy as it nce was. (作宾语) 选择吃什么已经不像以前那么简单了。It is said that when and where t have a meeting has been decided. (作主语) 据说,何时何地举行会议已经确定了。
    The questin many students are puzzled abut is hw t learn English well. (作表语) 很多学生为之困惑的问题是怎样学好英语。I spent days thinking ver whether t take the jb r nt. (作宾语) 我用了好些天苦苦思考是否接受这个工作。
    【针对练习】 单句语法填空 (1)I knw where ________(find) that infrmatin.(2)Once we were discussing where ________(g) fr an uting.(3)When and where ________(discuss) the issue hasn’t been decided yet.【答案】(1)t find (2)t g (3)t discuss 
    完成句子 (4)Perhaps the mst difficult challenge is ___________ withut friends.也许最艰难的挑战就是,没有朋友的话应该怎样生存。【答案】(4)hw t survive 
    【例句观察】 1.I have run ut f patience with her.2.I have been wrking in an advertisement cmpany in the last tw years.
    3.When I reached the ffice, I realised that I had left an imprtant dcument at hme.4.Mr Smith tld us that he had been writing the nvel fr tw and a half years.
    【我的领悟】 1.例句1中画线部分用的是________时态,这种时态的基本结构是________。2.例句2中画线部分用的是________时态,这种时态的基本结构是________。Keys:1.现在完成;has/have dne 2.现在完成进行;have/has been ding 
    3.例句3中画线部分用的是________时态,这种时态的基本结构是________。4.例句4中画线部分用的是________时态,这种时态的基本结构是________。Keys:3.过去完成;had dne 4.过去完成进行;had been ding 
    一、现在完成时 1.现在完成时的构成 主动形式:have/has dne 被动形式:have/has been dne 
    2.现在完成时的用法 (1)表示过去的动作对现在的影响或结果,常用recently,lately,ever,never,befre,yet,s far,up till nw,since,fr a lng time,in/during the past/last few years,these days等作时间状语。
    He hasn’t heard any news frm his sn lately.他最近没有听到他儿子的任何消息。S far n life has been fund utside the earth.到目前为止,在地球之外还没有发现生命。
    (2)在时间或条件状语从句中,通常用现在完成时代替将来完成时,表示将来某一时刻前已完成的动作: Tell me what yu think f the bk when yu’ve read it.你看完这本书后,告诉我你的想法。(3)“This/It is+the+序数词+time+that…” 句式中,that后的从句用现在完成时。This is the secnd time that I have visited the university.这是我第二次参观这所大学。
    二、现在完成进行时 1.现在完成进行时的构成:have/has been ding 2.现在完成进行时的用法 (1)表示开始于过去某个时间、一直持续到现在而且会继续进行下去的动作。He has been lying in bed fr tw weeks.他已经在床上两周了。
    (2)表示到目前为止的一段时间里一直反复进行的动作。I have been calling him several times this mrning,but there is n answer.我今天上午给他打了好几次电话,但没人接。
    3.现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别 现在完成进行时强调“动作”的持续性,表示“未完成”的含义;现在完成时则强调“时间”的经过或动作产生的“结果”,表示“已完成”的含义。I have watered the flwers.我已经给花浇过水了。(已完成:你不必浇了) I have been watering the flwers.我一直在给花浇水。(未完成:一直在浇) 
    三、过去完成时 1.过去完成时的构成 主动形式:had dne 被动形式:had been dne 
    2.过去完成时的用法 (1)过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作,对过去的某一点造成的某种影响或结果,用来指在另一个过去行动之前就已经完成了的事件。When I wke up, it had already stpped raining.当我醒来时,雨已经停了。
    (2)过去完成时常常用在tld, said, knew, heard, thught等动词后的宾语从句中,这时从句中的动作发生在主句表示的过去的动作之前。I thught I had sent the letter a week befre.我以为前一周我寄了那封信的。
    (3)“This/It was+the+序数词+time+that…” 句式中,that后的从句用过去完成时。It was the third time that he had been ut f wrk that year.这是他那一年第三次失业。(4)by the time+从句(从句用一般过去时),主句用过去完成时。By the time I went utside,the bus had already left.我到外面去的时候,车已经开走了。
    (5)N sner+had sb. /sth. dne+than (一般过去时) 表示“一……就……” Hardly+had sb. /sth. dne+when (一般过去时) 表示“一……就……” 
    N sner had he entered the rm than the telephne rang.他刚走进房间,电话铃就响了。Hardly had he gne t bed when there was a knck n the dr.他刚上床就听到敲门声。
    四、过去完成进行时 1.过去完成进行时的构成:had been ding 2.过去完成进行时的用法 (1)过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间开始,一直延续到这一过去时间。和过去完成时一样,过去完成进行时也必须以一过去时间为前提。I had been lking fr it fr days befre I fund it.这东西我找了好多天才找着的。
    (2)表示反复的动作。Yu had been giving me everything.你对我真是有求必应。(3)过去完成进行时还可用在said,suppsed等引起的间接引语中,代替现在完成进行时。He said,“I have been speaking t Jhn. ”(直接引语) =He said that he had been speaking t Jhn. (间接引语) 
    (4)过去完成进行时之后也可接具有“突然”之意的when分句。I had nly been reading a few minutes when he came in.我刚看了几分钟他就进来了。
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Tm ________(wrk) in the library every night ver the last three mnths.2.In rder t find the missing child, villagers ________(d) all they can ver the past five hurs.【答案】1.has been wrking 2.have been ding 
    3.They ________(wrk) n the prgramme fr almst ne week befre I jined them.4.They ________(plant) six hundred trees befre last Wednesday.5.S far we ________(learn) 3,000 English wrds.【答案】3.had been wrking 4.had planted 5.have learned 
    6.The by was delighted with his new strybk which he ________(want) fr a lng time.7.The friendly relatins and cperatin between ur tw cuntries ________(strengthen) in the past few years.8.His brther was gd at playing table tennis. He ________ (play) it since he was ten.【答案】6.had been wanting 7.have been strengthened 8.had been playing 
    9.The girl has a great interest in sprt and ________(take) badmintn classes twice a week ver the last three years.10.During the last three decades, the number f peple participating in physical fitness prgrammes ________(increase) sharply.【答案】9.has been taking 10.has increased 
    Ⅱ.完成句子 1.It was midnight and he was tired because he __________ since dawn.已经是午夜了,他很累,因为他从天亮起就一直在工作。【答案】1.had been wrking 
    2.In the last few years, China ____________________ in envirnmental prtectin.在过去的几年里,中国在环境保护方面取得了巨大的成就。【答案】 2.has made great achievements 
    3.I ___________ the nvel by the time my mther came hme.到我妈妈回家的时候,我已经读完了这本小说。4.I ___________ the prgramme since fur years ag.我从四年前就开始从事这个项目了。【答案】3.had finished reading 4.have been wrking n 
    5.Since the recent river pllutin in Shanxi Prvince, peple ____________________ t the water quality.自从山西省河流污染问题出现以来,人们一直越来越关注水质。【答案】5.have been paying mre and mre attentin 
    6.Since the time humankind started gardening, we ___________ make ur envirnment mre beautiful.自从人类开始园艺,我们一直在努力使我们的环境更美丽。【答案】 6.have been trying t 
    7.There ___________ here fr nearly tw mnths.这里已经近两个月没下雨了。8.The telephne ___________ fr three minutes befre it was answered.电话铃响了三分钟才有人接。【答案】7.has been n rain 8.had been ringing 
    9.The man ___________ in the sun fr a lng time and gt his face burnt.那个人在太阳下站了很长时间,脸都晒伤了。10.N sner ____________________ the TV than there was a pwer failure.她刚打开电视就停电了。【答案】9.had been standing 10.had she turned n 
    Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The majrity f cntracts give the publisher the right t ________(编辑) a bk after it’s dne.2.The parents have n right t ________(虐待) their children.3.It is bviusly an unfair ________(比较).【答案】1.edit 2.abuse 3.cmparisn 
    4.These apples are ________(次的) t thse n the shelf.5.The tw pictures are similar, althugh nt ________(完全相同的).6.Lack f cnfidence is a psychlgical ________(障碍) t success.7.It tk her a ________(仅仅) 20 minutes t win the chess game.【答案】4.inferir 5.identical 6.barrier 7.mere 
    8.He regained his listening after receiving ________(治疗).9.My heart was beating wildly but I didn’t let my face shw any ________(情感).10.Parents play a(n) __________(至关重要的) rle in preparing their child fr schl.【答案】8.treatment 9.emtin 10.crucial 
    Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.If yu take n the prject, yu are bund ________(meet) with difficulties.2.They agreed t g ________(mere) because they were getting paid fr it.3.Rivers are a ________(bless) fr an agricultural cuntry.【答案】1.t meet 2.merely 3.blessing 
    4.They have kept the price f sugar ________(artificial) high.5.It was ________(whle) different frm what we had expected.6.The plice were trying t seek fr all pssible ________ (clue) n the murder.【答案】4.artificially 5.whlly 6.clues 
    7.We shuld train ur students t speak English fluently and ________(accurate).8.Mthers are ften the nes wh prvide ________ (emtin) supprt fr the family.9.I ________(wrk) fr sme time when he called.10.Air pllutin ________(take) the lives f many peple.【答案】7.accurately 8.emtinal 9.had been wrking 10.has taken 
    Ⅲ.完成句子 1.By the time he was twelve, he ________________ mre than 20 cuntries.到12岁时,他已经去过20多个国家。【答案】1.had travelled t 
    2.He ___________ the nvel fr three hurs and he ___________ it.这本小说他已经看了三个小时了,还没有读完。3.I thught that he ____________________ learning English in the past tw hurs in the rm.我原以为他在房间里两个小时以来一直在专心学习英语。【答案】2.has been reading;hasn’t finished 3.had been absrbed in 

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