接力版六年级上册Lesson 4 I was late for school.一等奖教案
展开Lesson 4 I was late for school
学生在五年级下册第7课,第8课,第9课已经学过如何谈论过去的状态和过去的生活,学习了一般过去时的陈述句、特殊疑问句和一般疑问的相关知识,如:My parents were young then. I was two years old. What did you do last weekend? I washed my clothes and cleaned my room. Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Beijing with my parents. Did you visit the Great Wall? Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.
板块一 Look and listen
板块二 Look, listen and say
板块三Look and say.
板块四Enjoy reading.
运用目标语言进行真实问卷调查,完成任务,符合任务型教学特点。之后运用目标语言进行 report,达到再次操练和运用的效果。
Let’s chant, 通过歌谣进一步巩固本课的语言。
介绍辅音字母 s 发/s/ /z/两种音的情况。让学生感知拼读规律,培养自然拼读能力。
Look write and order本板块突出了本课的主要语言,通过练习让学生进一步掌握一般过去时。
1. 知识目标
(1)能够听懂、会说、认读句子及其回答:I got up at 6:30. My mother’s car didn’t work. Why didn’t you take the bus? The bus didn’t come. I was half an hour late.
(2)能够听、说、读、写单词with, stop, lesson;能够听、说、认读单词luck。
2. 能力目标
(2)能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,能够按照意群并用正确的语音、语调朗读对话并能进行角色扮演,能够运用句型:I got up at 6:30. My mother’s car didn’t work. Why didn’t you take the bus? The bus didn’t come. I was half an hour late.谈论过去发生的事情。
3. 情感态度,文化知识,学习策略
板块一 | Look and listen |
1. 设计意图
本版块用一般现在时呈现 Tom和妈妈的对话,引出版块二的话题语境:上学迟到的原因,帮助学生理解一般过去时的语用情景。
2. 课前准备
3. 教学建议
①教师引导学生看Look and listen的课本图片,并介绍:Tom is going to school with his mother. What happed?
②Look and listen
③教师提出问题:Did Tom go to school in his mother’s car today? 引导学生再次聆听对话,让学生听录音并寻找答案。
④ 教师呈现听力文本,让学生进一步理解并朗读。
① Read and number
教师将三幅图片打乱顺序,学生根据听力内容给图片标上序号。② Guessing game
Tom didn’t go to school in his mother’s car today. Why?
③Group work
板块二 | Look, listen and say |
1. 设计意图
本板块延续板块一的话题,通过Tom和Miss Li谈论上学迟到的各种原因,引出本课的主句型:I got up at 6:30. My mother’s car didn’t work. Why didn’t you take the bus? The bus didn’t come. I was half an hour late. 使学生在语境中理解一般过去时否定句的用法,进一步理解一般过去时的语义和语用功能。
2. 课前准备
3. 教学建议
① PPT出示板块一的课本图片,介绍语言背景。Tom is going to school with his mother. But Tom didn’t go to school in his mother’s car today. What happened? Now let’s listen and try to find out the answers. 教师提出问题,进入板块二的学习。
① Read and match
打乱顺序出示课本三幅图画和文段内容,学生听录音并连线。通过图片与句子的对应连线,进一步理解课文内容。在核对答案的时候,老师运用以下语言与学生交流:When did Tom get up? When did he get to the bus stop? When did he get to the classroom?
I got up at 6:30. But my
mother’s car didn’t work.
I ran to the school. But I was
half an hour late.
I got to the bus stop at 8:10.
But the bus didn’t come.
② Choose, write and say.
Today, Tom is going to school ___________________.
He _____________ at 6:30. But his mother’s car _______________.
He ___________________ at 8:10. He tried to take the bus, but the bus __________________. He _________________. But he was __________________ late. What a bad luck!
③ Circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table.
Past tense | Infinitive |
| do
板块三 | Look and say |
1. 设计意图
2. 课前准备
3. 教学建议
① PPT出示各种动作图片,复习动词:run to school, take a bus, do my homework, play football, read a book, play computer games, play the piano, fly kites.
③同桌之间开展对话活动,两人一组进行记忆大比拼活动。如:I ran to the school yesterday. I didn’t take a bus.
① Find your friend.
—What did you do yesterday?
—I did my homework.
—Sorry, I didn’t do my homework yesterday. We’re not friends.
② 最佳拍档.
教师请两名学生上讲台,教师说一个过去的时间,如:yesterday.一名学生根据教师的纸条提示表演动作,另一名学生来猜:You played football yesterday. 如果正确,表演的学生说:Yes, I played football yesterday. 如果不正确,表演的学生说:No, I didn’t play football yesterday. 此游戏也可以分小组进行对抗赛,看哪一组在规定的时间内猜对的句子最多。
③ “我不相信”游戏。
学生两人一组,每人准备几个动词短语,用笑脸表示肯定句,用哭脸表示否定句。一名学生从自己的卡片中拿一张,面朝下扣在桌面上,然后用一般过去时说一个过去时的句子,如:I watched TV last night. 或者I didn’t watch TV last night.如果对方觉得他说的内容与卡片内容相符就说:I believe. 如果觉得不相符就说:I don’t believe. 然后翻开他的卡片,如果他说的与卡片内容不符,他就收回这张卡片,如果相符,则对方收起卡片,游戏继续。最后谁手中的卡片少,谁就获胜。
板块四 | Enjoy reading |
1. 设计意图
通过趣味故事,再次复现一般过去时的否定形式。培养学生通过阅读获取和处理信息的能力,同时在语境中理解新句子:Tom got up at ten past eight. He ran out of his house. His father shouted. But Tom didn’t listen. He ran to the bus stop. Tom got on the bus. He got to the school. There were no people there. 增加语言的输入量。
2. 课前准备
3. 教学建议
①PPT展示课本图片,然后与学生交流:When did Tom get up yesterday? How did he go to school? What day was it yesterday?
① Look, write and say.
教师出示Tom假期在农场的照片并介绍:Yesterday was Saturday. Tom was on a farm. What did Tom do on the farm? Look, write and say.
Saturday was a busy day for me.
In the morning, I got up early.
Then I _______________________. (吃早饭)
After that, I ___________________. (打扫房间)
Next, I _______________________(钓鱼)near the lake.
In the afternoon, I ______________ (读书)under a big tree.
In the evening, I ________________ (看电视)with my father.
② 快乐的一天
Spring Trip April 6th | |
Time | Activity |
7:00 7:30 8:20 8:30 9:00 11:30 12:30 14:30 15:00 | got up got on the bus went hiking visited a park saw a big lake ate food and fruit sang and danced took pictures saw birds |
③Talk about the photos.
教师出示学生不同情景下的照片,如:卫生大扫除、野餐、六一儿童节或者运动会,引导学生找一找自己、同学或者朋友,然后老师问:What did you do last Children’s Day? What did your friend do? 鼓励学生运用一般过去时谈论和交流图片上的内容。
板块五 | Questionnaire |
1. 设计意图
本版块以调查问卷的形式谈论Peter上周末的活动,充分操练一般过去时的一般疑问句,Did you…? 并在调查汇报中自然运用陈述句和否定句。Peter had a piano lesson last weekend. He didn’t see a film.
Let’s chant, 学生在诵读歌谣中进一步巩固一般过去时的有关知识。
2. 课前准备
教师和学生准备不同活动的图片,Let’s chant的课件。
3. 教学建议
①教师出示调查问卷,并与学生示范对话: Did you have a piano lesson? 教师教学单词:lesson. 学生根据实际情况进行回答,老师在相应的方框内打对号,学生两人一组进行调查活动。
① 小组活动。四人一小组,根据想了解的人和时间,确定调查的内容,制定调查表格,然后运用Did you…?展开调查,根据调查结果写出调查报告。如:老师的寒暑假生活,爸爸妈妈上周末的活动,医生、出租车司机、警察等人的日常生活或假期生活等。
② Make a new chant
四人一组,根据Let’s chant的内容和节奏,创编新的歌谣。
板块六 | Pronunciation |
1. 设计意图
语音部分通过呈现含有辅音字母 s发音的单词,让学生感知并发现规律s 发/s/ /z/两种音的情况,逐步培养学生见词能读、听音能写的能力。
Look, write and order本板块突出了本课的主要语言,通过练习让学生进一步掌握一般过去。
2. 课前准备
3. 教学建议
①教师呈现核心语言词:easy exercise busy 的单词和图片,让学
呈现核心语言词:seat bus fast 的单词和图片,让学生读出单词,
③ 教师示范口型,引导学生模仿并读出单词。以easy为例,引导学生思考easy由哪几个因素组成,分别是什么因素。以同样的方法引出:exercise busy seat bus fast的教学,并进行拆音训练。
④ 学生完成单词:hair, her, his, here图片和词形的匹配活动。
学生听教师读单词,单词中有几个音素,就伸出几个手指。例如教师拼读:easy. / i:/ /z // i /学生伸出三个手指。
②Read, group and write.
is slow whose stop those first his use desk closet these has dress busy small some speak stop swim Thursday |
/s/ | /z/ |
③Spelling Bee
将全班分成若干小组,老师说出一个单词,小组合作完成单词的拼写,第一个完成的小组举起拼词板并大声说:Bingo. 最先完成的小组得1分,最后看哪组得分最多为优胜。
板块六 | Look, write and tick |
1. 设计意图
2. 课前准备
3. 教学建议
教学主题 | Lesson 4 Look, listen and say |
一、教材分析 | |
Look, listen and say是新知呈现板块。本版块的核心句型是:I got up at 6:30. My mother’s car didn’t work. Why didn’t you take the bus? The bus didn’t come. I was half an hour late. 本版块主要以Tom上学迟到的各种原因为线索,让学生进一步理解一般过去时的语义及语用情景。学生在五年级下册第7课、第8课和第9课中分别学习过一般过去时,并掌握了一定的动词和动词短语,所以教学时可以从学生熟悉的内容入手,在陈述句的基础上引入否定句的学习。 本板块是板块一话题的延续,教学时可以从板块一入手,以听力的形式引出本课的语境。同时结合板块三的内容,对板块二的内容进行巩固、操练和扩展。 此板块教学时可以把板块一、板块二和板块三作为一课时。 | |
二、教学目标 | |
1. 语言知识目标: (1)能够听、说、读、写句型:I got up at 6:30. My mother’s car didn’t work. Why didn’t you take the bus? The bus didn’t come. I was half an hour late. (2)能够听、说、读、写单词with, stop, lesson;能够听、说、认读单词luck。 2. 能力目标 (1) 能够借助图片听懂录音材料,理解版块二的对话情景。 (2)能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音、语调和意群朗读对话,并能进行角色扮演。 (3)能够运用句型:I got up at 6:30. My mother’s car didn’t work. Why didn’t you take the bus? The bus didn’t come. I was half an hour late.谈论过去发生的事情。 3. 情感态度,学习策略 (1)能够认真观察、积极思考,对英语学习有兴趣,乐于模仿,敢于开口。 (2)能够乐于与同伴合作,积极参加小组语言学习活动。 (3)合理安排自己的作息时间,养成按时上、下学的习惯。 | |
三、教学重难点 | |
本课教学重点:能够运用一般过去时谈论过去的事情和活动。 教学难点:能够在情景中恰当一般过去时的一般疑问句。 | |
四、教学准备 | |
1. 教师准备:多媒体课件、录音机及配套磁带、教学挂图、词卡、不同场景下各种活动的简笔画。 2. 学生准备:学校生活和家庭生活的照片 | |
五、教学流程设计 | |
Step1 Warm-up ① Look and say. 教师出示上学的情景,让学生说出看到的交通工具,如:car, bus, walk, taxi, bike等,引导学生说一说上学的方式。教师出示各种交通工具,让学生读一读。 ② Free talk. 通过老师与学生谈论上学的方式,引出本节课的话题。 T: I often come to school by bus. How do you usually come to school? 学生根据实际情况说一说自己的上学方式。 Step2 Presentation 1.板块一导入: ①教师提出问题,引导学生看课本图片,听录音。 T: Tom is going to school with his mother. Did Tom go to school in his mother’s car today? ②听录音之后,引导学生回答问题。 Ss: No, he didn’t. T: Why? S: Because his mother’s car didn’t work. He’s going to take a bus. 2.版块二 ①教师介绍语境 T: Tom didn’t go to school in his mother’s car today. He’s going to take a bus. What happened? Now let’s listen and try to find out the answers. ②Look, listen and answer. 教师播放录音,学生听对话并回答问题。 Why didn’t Tom take his mother’s car? Why didn’t Tom take the bus? What did he do at last? ③ 通过回答问题,理解课文内容。 第一幅图画 老师运用以下语言与学生交流: When did Tom get up? Why didn’t Tom take his mother’s car? 板书:I got up at 6:30. But my mother’s car didn’t work. 第二幅图画 教师与学生交流:When did he get to the bus stop? Why didn’t Tom take the bus? 板书:I got to the bus stop at 8:10. But the bus didn’t come. 第三幅图画 教师引导学生思考以下问题: T: What did he do at last? 板书:He ran to the school. But I was half an hour late. ④学生打开课本观察教材图画,跟读对话后小组内分工练习。 ⑤ Fill in the blanks. 教师抽掉对话中的关键句,让学生根据图画内容填空。如: Miss Li:You are late, Tom. ___________________? Tom: No, I got up at 6:30. But my mother’s car ___________. Miss Li: Why didn’t you _________? Tom: I tried. ______________ at 8:10. But the bus _____________. Miss Li: What did you do, then? Tom: _____________. But I was half an hour late. Miss Li: What bad luck! ⑥对话表演 两位同学表演对话,看谁表演的最好。 Step 3. Practice 操练环节需要教师准备课件和图片。 Ask and answer. ①教师播放录音,学生跟读并模仿对话录音。 ② 教师出示第一幅图片,学生模仿说句子。可以用:I ran to the school yesterday. I didn’t take a bus. 也可以说:I didn’t run to school yesterday. I take a bus. ③小组内进行记忆大比拼活动,出示四副图画中的人物和时间,不出示动词短语,小组的四位同学分别针对图画提问题,问题可以包含图画内容,也可以不包括图画内容,如:What did he do last Sunday? Why didn’t he play football last Sunday? 看谁的记忆力最好。 Step 4 Production 出示上周的四种活动场景:Sports Meet / Picnic / Party/ Housework. Last week, Group 1 had a sports meet. Group 2 had a picnic. Group 3 had an English party. Group 4 did housework. 教师给每个小组提供四个话题的简笔画,学生根据自己的所长,选择自己的角色,并在简笔画的旁边写上自己的姓名,然后同学之间用本节课所学的主要语言进行对话交流。 S: What did you do last week? S: I did the high-jump. 汇报交流时,各小组可以派一名代表用陈述句进行汇报,如: We had a sports meet last week. John ran. Sarah did the long-jump. 也可以两名同学采用问答的形式进行汇报:What did Mike do? He cleaned the desk. | |
六、作业布置: | |
1. 听录音,跟读对话若干遍。 2. 各小组之间继续讨论各小组上周的活动。 | |
七、板书设计: | |
Lesson 4 I got up at 6:30. My mother’s car didn’t work. Why didn’t you take the bus? The bus didn’t come. I was half an hour late |
教学主题 | Lesson 4 Enjoy reading |
一、教材分析 | |
本板块延续板块二的话题,Tom因为受上学迟到事情的影响,结果把周六误认为是上学的日子,通过Tom急匆匆赶到学校的故事,复现一般过去时和其否定形式,增加语言的输入量。如: Tom got up at ten past eight. He ran out of his house. His father shouted. But Tom didn’t listen. He ran to the bus stop. Tom got on the bus. He got to the school. There were no pupils there. 此板块紧密结合学生的生活实际来复现和扩展语言,具有一定的拓展性,主要针对学有余力的学生,教师可以根据学生的情况分别做出要求。 板块五通过问卷调查的形式,在语境中运用一般过去时的一般疑问句:Did you…? 并在调查汇报中运用一般过去时的陈述句和否定句,把所学知识与学生的实际相结合,这对学生来说具有一定的挑战性和实践性。 Let’s chant. 运用重复的句式结构,变换不同的动物,既有利于学生掌握,又能调动学生参与学习活动的兴趣,通过歌谣进一步巩固一般过去时。 板块六通过语音教学,培养学生见词能读、听音能写的能力。通过短语的书写加强对一般过去时句式结构的认识,进一步培养学生的听说读写的能力。 本课时可以将板块四、五、六的内容结合起来。因为这三个板块的教学内容具有递进性,通过阅读、口语表达和书写三种形式,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 | |
二、教学目标 | |
1. 语言知识目标: (1)能够听懂、会说、认读句子 Tom got up at ten past eight. He ran out of his house. His father shouted. But Tom didn’t listen. He ran to the bus stop. Tom got on the bus. He got to the school. There were no people there. (2)初步了解字母s在单词中的两种发音。 2. 能力目标 (1)能够听懂配图小故事,能借助图片理解故事并回答3个问 题,能够正确朗读所学故事。 (2)能够根据字母s的发音规则拼读、拼写单词。 (3)能够根据图片内容完成一般过去时的句子,并能够根据事情发生的先后顺序排列句子。 3. 情感态度,文化知识,学习策略 (1)积极思考,对英语学习有兴趣,乐于模仿,敢于开口。 (2)能够积极参加语言学习活动,在情景表演活动中形成运用语言的能力。 (3)合理安排自己的作息时间,养成按时上、下学的习惯。 | |
三、教学重难点 | |
教学重点:能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下理解故事并能够朗读故事。 教学难点:能够在情景中恰当运用一般过去时来谈论和描述过去发生的事情。 | |
四、教学准备 | |
教师准备:多媒体课件、录音机及配套磁带、教学挂图,活动的照片。 学生准备:英语课本、英文作业本 | |
五、教学流程设计 | |
Step1 Warm-up 热身环节需要教师准备PPT课件、部分场所的图片。 ①课件播放P23: Let’s chant ②Watch and say. 通过PPT展示几种小动物的图片,鼓励学生模仿动物的叫声。 Step 2 Presentation ①PPT展示第一幅图画,教师与学生交流: T: When did Tom get up yesterday morning ? 指导学生看钟表,并学会时间的表达:ten past eight. ②提出问题,听录音 T: He got up at ten past eight. What did he do then? How did he go to school? What day was it yesterday? PPT出示课本三幅图片,教师播放录音,学生听录音并思考问题。可以多听几遍录音,使学生听懂对话,并能够找出问题的答案。 ③ 在回答问题的过程中,引导学生理解课文内容。 出示第二幅图画: T: He got up at ten past eight. What did he do then? 学生回答:He ran out of his house. T: Why? 引导学生想一想,然后表达自己的观点。Ss: Because he thought he was late for school. 继续引导学生思考:What did his father do? 引导学生找出问题答案:His father shouted: “Wait, Tom. It’s Saturday today. ” But Tom was so hurried. He ran so fast. He didn’t listen. He ran to the bus stop. 引导学生观察第三幅图画: T: How did he go to school?学生回答:He went to school by bus. Who is this girl? It’s Lingling. What did Lingling do? Lingling shouted: “Wait, Tom. Today is Saturday” But Tom got on the bus. 出示第四幅图画: What day was it yesterday? It was Saturday. Tom got to the school. But there were no pupils there. ④学生打开教材第22页,教师播放录音,学生跟读录音。 ⑤学生小组合作朗读,学生展示。 Step3 Practice
学生根据图画内容,复述故事。 2. Questionnaire ①教师出示课本P23调查问卷,并与学生示范对话: Did you have a piano lesson? 教师教学单词:lesson. 学生根据实际情况进行回答,老师根据学生的回答在Yes或者No方框内打对号。 ②学生两人一组进行调查活动。 ③Make a report. 学生汇报调查结果。 T: Peter, what did you do last weekend? Peter had a piano lesson. He didn’t see a film and went to the zoo. He cleaned his room. Then he played with his friends. He didn’t fly kites. 3.Let’s chant. 播放录音,学生初步感知chant的节奏。然后教师对个别句子进行朗读指导,学生跟随录音吟唱。 4.Pronunciation 教师呈现核心语言词:hair, her, his, here的单词和图片,让学生读出单词,并找一找这四个单中字母h的发音,如h都发/h/音。 教师示范口型,引导学生模仿并读出单词。以hair为例,引导学生思考hair由哪几个因素组成,分别是什么因素。以同样的方法引出:her, his, here的教学,并进行拆音训练。教师出示更多含有字母h的单词,让学生试着说出更多含有/h/的单词。 Step 4 Production
然后让学生根据图片填写句子,教师指导学生书写。 ②学生完成书写之后,让学生根据故事发展的顺序排列句子。 Yesterday morning, Tom got up at ten past eight. He didn’t have breakfast. He ran to the bus stop, but the bus didn’t come. Then he ran to the school. He got to school at twenty to nine. What a bad luck. He was late for school. | |
六、作业布置: | |
1. 听录音,跟读录音若干遍。 2. 描述自己的周末或者在上学时发生过的一件事情。 | |
七、板书设计: | |
Lesson 4 Tom got up at ten past eight. He ran out of his house. His father shouted. But Tom didn’t listen. He ran to the bus stop. Tom got on the bus. He got to the school. There were no pupils there. |
板块一 Look and listen
Lesson 4 I was late for school.
Tom: Mum, It’s time for school! Let’s go.
Mother: Oh, my car doesn’t work.
Tom: How can I go to school today?
Mother: You can take the bus, Tom.
Tom: All right.
2. 滑稽造句
如:Mr Li (not)go to the park by bus last night
Mr Li didn’t go to the park by bus last night.
This is a picture of the school sports meet. They were happy. Steven ran fast. Tom was the second. Peter was the third. Steven was the winner. Ann and Sally did the high-jump. John did the long-jump. Eleven students played football. Ten students played basketball. Two girls swam.
My family had a picnic last weekend. We went to the park. Lingling listened to music. Mom read a book under a big tree. Dad went fishing. Grandpa took the pictures. Grandma took a walk.
5. My last week.
What did you do on Monday?
I had English lesson and watched TV.
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