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    18-选词填空-上海2022年中考英语一模分类汇编 试卷
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    18-选词填空-上海2022年中考英语一模分类汇编 试卷01
    18-选词填空-上海2022年中考英语一模分类汇编 试卷02
    18-选词填空-上海2022年中考英语一模分类汇编 试卷03
    18-选词填空-上海2022年中考英语一模分类汇编 试卷01
    18-选词填空-上海2022年中考英语一模分类汇编 试卷02
    18-选词填空-上海2022年中考英语一模分类汇编 试卷03
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    这是一份18-选词填空-上海2022年中考英语一模分类汇编,文件包含选词填空解析版docx、选词填空原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共52页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds r phrases in the bx . Each ne can nly be used nce. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次)
    There was nce an wl wh lived in a frest with her baby wlet(猫头鹰之子). Owl was kind t everyne ____21____ the Snake wh lived near her nest. Owl's friends had tld her that all snakes were evil and ____22____. S, she was cruel t Snake and chased him any whenever he came near.
    One night , Owl wke up t great panic(恐慌)in the frest. A blanket f smke lay ver the trees and all the animals were frightened. There was a ____23____!
    Tgether, the animals began t run. But as Owl was abut t leave, she realized Owlet was ____24____ in a hle inside their tree. The hle was s small that Owl culdn’t reach him. Owl screamed at the tp f her vice and began t cry.
    “Please , Mr. Rbin, just a minute!” she called ut t her fleeing friends. “Miss Muse, wait, I need yur help!”
    But all her friends ignred her and left immediately. They were t ____25____ t stay and help. Only Snake listened t Owl’s shuts and paused t wriggle(蠕动)inside the tree. In a secnd he reappeared, carrying Owlet____26____ in his muth. Tgether, they gt ut f the frest t safety.
    “Oh, thank yu, Snake!” said Owl. “ That was s kind. I’m srry, I was ____27____t believe what my friends tld me abut yu.” And frm that day n, Owl never ___28___ thers withut knwing them first.
    Ⅲ. Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    Frm traffic t televisins, ur ears always hear different nises. Yu smetimes chse t put n yur headphnes and listen t music. Yu might als ____46____ the vlume. This way, yu can keep yurself away frm ther sunds.
    But be careful! Yur ears are delicate (易损的). Lud sunds can harm yur ears. They can cause hearing lss. In sme ____47____ cases, it might even mean yu can’t hear anymre!
    Sme peple have t wrk arund nisy machines. They ften need t wear earplugs (耳塞)t ____48____ their ears. Headphnes can cause the same kind f damage as lud sunds. S when yu are using headphnes, yu shuld be very careful. Yu’d better take sme ____49____. Yur ears need sme rest at times. S take the headphnes f and enjy the quietness!
    Binalnan is a small twn in the Philippines. When the summer came,its residents (居民) ____50____ sit under the trees and gssip (说闲话)abut neighburs. But n lnger. Such gssip is nw against a new ____51____ law.
    Residents will be punished (惩罚)if they break the law. The punishment fr a first-time ffender is a fine f $3 and three hurs f picking up rubbish. If ffenders break the law again, they will face a fine f up t $15 and eight-hur ____52____ service.
    The law was passed by the mayr last mnth. He said, “Binalnan has gd peple. It is a safe place t live in. S everyne shuld ____53____ what they say.”
    Ⅲ. Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    Thusands f years ag, peple didn’t knw that the Earth mved. They thught the sun really did mve acrss the sky. The Greek gd Helis was said t drive the sun acrss the sky with his charit (战车). But nw, the way peple think has changed. Nwadays it is the sun that drives a “charit” ____46____ the sky.
    What d I mean by this? Well, it is quite ____47____ --- there is nw a plane (r “charit”) that is pwered by the sun. It has special parts n its wings. These parts take in pwer frm the sun. They take in s much pwer that the plane can still fly ____48____ at night. In Greek myth, Helis had t take a break at night. It seems we're finally even mre ____49____ than the gds themselves.
    This plane is called Slar Impulse. It will fly acrss the US in May. This is very imprtant fr the ____50____f the wrld.
    Why is slar energy (太阳能) imprtant? Well, ther kinds f energy are knwn t cause prblems. If yu live in China, yu’ve prbably nticed the pllutin. This is caused by burning cal and gas t make energy. The heat and chemicals created by burning these things give us pwer. But if we use pwer frm the sun, we dn’t have t bum ____51____ and there will nt be any pllutin.
    Slar energy is nt cmpletely ready yet. It needs t be imprved. But the best thing abut it is that, unlike cal and gas, it desn't run ut. The Slar Impulse plane culd keep ____52____ frever. Of curse, the sun light will finally run ut t ne day, but nt fr anther 5 billin years. That's a pretty lng ____53____.
    Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    Want t get ahead in life? Here are sme tricks that culd help.
    “If smene wn’t stp talking, pretend t drp smething (a pen, fr example). Then, pick it up and start talking yurself. It’s a great way t cut thers ff befre they _____21_____ it.” (Jack)
    “If yu’re ding smething that makes yu feel___22___, eat sme fd. It tricks a part f yur brain int thinking yu culdn’t be in danger because yu’re eating.” (Kate)
    “If yu think smene is lying, ask them t send yu an e-mail t___23___ exactly what happened. Peple are less_____24_____t lie by e-mail because their wrds are recrded.” (Pete)
    “If yu act really happy and excited t see peple, the next time they meet yu, they’ll prbably d the same.
    Dgs play this trick n us____25____ !” (Bb)
    “If yu’re having truble in encuraging yurself t d smething like learning a ___26___ (a sprt, a language, etc.), tell yurself that yu’ll d it fr just five minutes. A lt f the time, yu’ll end up ging fr much lnger, but even if yu dn’t, yu’ve still had five minutes f ____27____ .” (Sebastian)
    “If yu want yur friend t carry smething like a bag f shpping, keep talking while handing them the bag.
    Mst peple will take it in an autmatic way withut thinking. Sme may becme cnfused ___28___.” (Rachel) Have fun! (259 wrds)
    Ⅲ. Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    Are yu shy? If yu are, yu are nt alne. In fact, nearly 50% f peple are shy, and almst 80% feel shy at sme pint in their lives. Why are peple shy?
    It is fund that family size might ___46___ peple t be shy. Children with n brthers r sisters may be shy. Grwing up ___47___, they ften play by themselves. They are nt able t develp the same scial skills as children frm big families.
    Anther cause f shyness culd be ___48___. As mre and mre peple use the Internet, they spend less time utside, talking t peple. As a result, they lse practice at cnversatin. Speaking t new peple face t face can make them feel nervus.
    Fr shy peple, it can be ___49___ t make friends, speak in class, and even get a gd jb. But scientists say yu can get ver yur shyness. They suggest trying new things and practicing cnversatin.
    Anyway, dn’t wrry abut shyness — yu are valued fr what yu are!
    Dear Michael,
    I am glad t learn that yu have been chsen t study in China. Yur dream has cme true!
    I can well remember that yu visited China fr the first time when yu were nine. Ever since yu returned, yu have been interested in Chinese culture and have put a lt f ___50___ int learning Chinese. When yu first started t learn Chinese, I ___51___ it was nthing but a passing fad (一时的狂热).Hwever, yu didn’t give up halfway, but kept n learning and did a gd jb in the HSD (汉语水平考试). Nw yu finally gt what yu had wanted fr a lng time. Yu gt the ___52___ t experience life in China fr ne year. Yu shuld have it, my sn, fr chances nly cme t thse wh are prepared.
    When yu study there, yu will have t face ___53___ in everyday life that yu have never experienced befre, but after a year abrad, yu will return with a new lk at life -- and at yurself.
    Yur mum and I are bth prud f yu. Keep it up, my sn!
    Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    It is nt always easy t discver yurself. Frm a yung age. I had a strng sense f wh I wuld becme, but an ______21______ changed everything.
    T me, skating was mre imprtant than anything else in the wrld. Nthing else filled my heart with s much jy. I spent 24 hurs a week ________22________ my skills. I had n scial life r interests ther than skating. But I was___23___with first place medals in nearly every cmpetitin.
    Unfrtunately, during ne cmpetitin. I fell and was badly injured. The dctr tld me that I culdn’t skate anymre. The pain in my back was hard t bear and even _______24_______daily tasks became difficult.
    My passin(激情)had been___25___ . I lst heart and had n idea what I wuld becme. After eight mnths f suffering, smething had t change. Instead f sitting arund and___26___my days. I began t wrk with lcal cmmunity service prjects. By vlunteering as a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant r kids. I gt an idea f wh I wanted t becme. After a few mnths. I fund a new interest. Little by little, I stepped ut f the shadw and ______27______ my cnfidence.
    Smetimes, challenges in life will get in ur way. We can chse t stay behind r try t get past these challenges. My suffering was a challenge that ___28___t stp me frm reaching success. Tday, I’m a very cnfident and ptimistic(乐观的)persn.
    Ⅲ. Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    Over the past ten r twenty years, China has becme the center f the wrld’s ecnmy. There are all types f ___46____ industries in China. That’s why mre and mre peple cme t China t ___47____ success utside their hme cuntries’ brders.
    China’s ppularity as a business center has encuraged nn-Chinese t learn the language. Since much f we buy tday is made in China, many cmpany bsses want ___48____ and ther persnnel wh can speak nt nly English but als Chinese. This shws hw far China has grwn. As a result, the ___49____ f Chinese speakers has grwn a lt ver the years.
    While many peple start learning a language fr business ___50____ sme f them learn it get a better understanding f the cuntry’s culture and peple. China has ne f the lngest histries in the wrld as well as a special culture and ___51____ traditins. It’s nt surprising that peple are attracted t China t enjy the rich culture it has t ffer.
    S, if freigners are thinking abut learning a new language, they shuld ___52____ learning Chinese. But it’s nt an easy language t learn. In many ways, it is certain t ___53____ much f yur energy and effrts learning Chinese. Yu wuldn’t have t much truble finding a jb if yu can speak and write Chinese!
    Cmplete the fllwing passages with the wrds r phrases in the bx/ Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    Henry Frd is knwn as making cars. He was brn in 1863 in Michigan. He had 4 siblings, and his family wned a farm . He wrked n the farm when he was yung, but later he was ____21____that he lved taking things apart t see hw they wrked. then putting them back tgether again. He wrked n watches a lt , and ended up helping many peple fix their watches . In 1879, when he was 16 years ld, he ____22____ fr Detrit t start wrking with machines, thugh he came hme and wrked n the farm a little , t. Frd gt married t Clara Bryant in 1888, and wrked n a sawmill. He finally became an engineer. Frd wrked fr the Edisn Illuminatin Cmpany. Edisn encuraged him t keep wrking n his plans fr mtr-pwered hrseless carriage(马车)which culd take the place f the ____23____ne. Frd’s mtr-pwered hrseless carriage was called the Quadricycle. He sld the Quadricycle and started his wn cmpany t cntinue his wrk making vehicles. He did nt stay with the first cmpany fr many years, but started the ____24____ Frd Mtr Cmpany.
    He spent many years develping cars, which were made nly a few nce. Frd was nt the first persn t ____25____ a car, but he was the ne wh began t make peple easily use cars in the United States. His ‘Mdel T’ car, released in 1908, made many peple want ne. He needed t make a lt f cars very quickly. His cmpany , Frd Mtr Cmpany, hired skilled wrkers t wrk n an assembly line. The car wuld mve thrugh the line, and each wrker had a jb alng the line. One wrker might put n ___26___, while at a different spt n the line, anther wrker put n tires. Every Mdel T was painted black. The cmpany culd make many cars ___27___ this way. In additin t using the assembly line t prduce cars, Frd was als knwn fr paying his wrkers fair ___28___. Henry Frd died in 1947, but his cmpany is still arund and making cars tday.
    Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can be used nly nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词, 每词只能填一次)
    Take a walk thrugh a supermarket. Yu will find many brands(品牌)f chclate and a dzen kinds f yghurt. Which nes shuld yu buy?
    Well, the answer ___21___. Yu may have yur favrites. If there is a brand yu like mre than ther brands, yu might be willing t pay ___22___ mney fr it. But when yu dn't like ne brand ver anther, the right mve is t shp fr the best price. It means putting ne item next t a(n) ___23___ item t see which gives yu mre fr yur mney. This isn't always easy because f the way things are packaged. T find the best deal, check the unit price. Stres usually shw the unit price n the ___24___. If they dn't, yu can calculate it yurself.
    But unit price isn't the nly thing t cnsider. Ask yurself hw much yu exactly need. Fd waste is a ___25___ prblem. Accrding t a research, peple thrw away up t 40% f the fd they buy. S, ask yurself: D I actually need 8 pieces f bread? If nt, the smaller bag is the better ___26___.
    Als, brand names cme at a cst. Smetimes, what yu're paying fr isn't just the prduct in the package. It's the brand name n the package. That's why many stres ___27___ their wn prducts which are usually much cheaper. Last year, sme supermarkets did a test. They invited peple t try sme brand-name cakes and ___28___ them with thse made by the supermarkets. T their surprise, mst peple thught there was nt any difference between them .
    Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    Nrman Bethune is ne f the mst famus heres in China. He was brn in 1890 and became a dctr in 1916. Then he went t Spain t help the wunded___21___ during the war in 1936. He develped many new ___22___ f taking care f the sick. He als invented special tls t help dctrs when they ___23___ n patients utside hspitals near the fighting area. His inventins saved many lives. In 1938, he came t China and his experience was really helpful. He wrte bks and ___24___ many lcal dctrs and nurses t save mre lives. His wrk fr the Chinese peple made him famus in China. There are many films and bks abut him.
    Last weekend, my cusin and I saw a very funny film. The stry was abut a by called Kevin wh was left ______25______ by his parents. Kevin was the yungest child in the family. One mrning, everyne gt up and ______26______t the airprt, s they frgt Kevin and left him at hme by accident. When Kevin was watching TV, he heard tw men in the huse. They had ____27____ his huse fr things f great value. Kevin was _____28_____ smart and thught f many ticks t catch the tw men. At last, the plice came and the men were taken away. Befre Kevin’s parents gt back, he tidied up the huse. His parents were very happy t find their sn was safe.
    Ⅲ. Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    The jurney f a plastic bttle
    I am a plastic bttle. A week ag, I was n a supermarket shelf. I had a nrmal life, the same as all my brthers and sisters—ther bttles which were ____46____ water. I felt really happy.
    Then a tall wman picked me up and put me in her basket! The wman tk me hme and put me in the fridge. It was cld, but I sn ____47____ the cans and bttles in it. Hwever, nly a few hurs later, she tk me ut f the fridge and drank the water ____48____ me. Then she threw me int a dustbin. I have never felt s ____49____ and alne in my life.
    Early the next mrning, a man tk me ut f the dustbin. He threw me and the ther rubbish int the back f a truck.
    There were s many hrrible smells. Then I was pushed tgether with the rest f the rubbish. Sn I was ____50____ flat. I cannt believe hw thin I became.
    I slept ____51____. When I wke up, I fund myself in a terrible place. Everything arund me was ugly and had terrible smells. I felt afraid. I kept hping that I wuld be mved smewhere else.
    Then huge trucks came and ____52____ us with a layer f sil. I asked anther bttle what wuld happen t us. He said that we wuld never leave this hrrible and ____53____ place, but wuld have t stay here fr thusands f years.
    “Why can’t they reuse r recycle us? ’’ I cried.
    Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds r phrases in the bx. Each can nly be used nce (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    What kind f meat d yu usually eat? Mst f us eat chicken, prk, r beef. But as the wrld’s ____21____ grws, mre peple will need prtein. There wn’t be enugh meat fr everyne. And raising mre livestck (家畜) will ____22____ the envirnment. Hw can we slve this prblem?
    Scientists think that humans culd eat mre insects ____23____ . Insects are healthy and nutritius. They have a lt f prtein, healthy fats and vitamins. Mre ____24____ , they are less harmful t the envirnment. Farmers dn’t need t clear frests t raise them. And raising insects will make fewer greenhuse gas emissins than raising cws.
    Have yu ever thught abut hw astrnauts wash their clthes withut gravity (重力)? It’s nt easy. There’s n washing machine n the Internatinal Space Statin (ISS). Luckily, this may nt be a prblem in the future.
    Russian scientists are making a ____25____ washing machine fr astrnauts t use in space. The washing machine is different frm the nes we use. It desn’t need water. It ____26____ carbn dixide frm the air that the astrnauts breathe ut. Then, it uses high pressure t turn that carbn dixide int a ____27____ that can help clean clthes.
    This culd make astrnauts’ lives much ____28____ . Because nrmal washing machines can’t wrk in space, astrnauts living abard the ISS need t bring as many clthes as pssible. Smetimes they even ask ther spacecrafts t bring clean clthes frm Earth.
    Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    Dgs are knwn t help humans t prtect farm animals, find illegal drugs, and rescue peple during natural disasters. But did yu knw that dgs can als be____21____t help prtect plants and animals?
    Due t their ____22____sense f small and their high energy level, dgs can be taught t lk fr alien species(物种)that endanger lcal plants and animals. Fr example, in the United States, ver 50 millin ash trees have been killed by a particular type f beetle frm Asia. The females f these insects___23___their eggs in the tree’s bark. Their yung feed n the wd, killing the tree. Since these insect are almst impssible fr humans t ___24___, dgs have been brught in t find them ut s that humans can take actin.
    Similarly, dgs prtect animals that are endangered by illegal hunting. Frm shark’s fin t tiger fur, animal prducts are sld and traded glbally. But dgs’ smelling fr these prducts at barders can make thse ___25___ harder t sell, which means fewer animals are likely t be killed.
    Of all the ways dgs prtect endangered animals, smelling fr their waste is prbably the mst___26___. Scientists can actually learn a lt frm animal waste samples. They can then use these pieces f infrmatin t help prtect the animal. But ___27___ , depending n the size and lcatin f the animal waste, finding it can be difficult.
    Fr prtecting endangered species in s many ways, dgs certainly ___28___ur thanks. They’ve becme nt just man’s best friend, but the envirnment’s best friend, t.
    Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds r phrases in the bx. Each wrd r phrase can nly be used nce(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):
    Have yu nticed sme dgs putting their heads ut f cars? It is really a bad habit. It is said that dgs like t d s because they are curius abut what they see. Many dgs are nt tall enugh t have a clear ____21____ f the utside wrld frm the frnt seat, and mst dgs are t shrt t see clearly frm the back seat. Trying t put their heads ut f the windw is a gd way t ___22___ ut their surrundings and enjy a nice, cl breeze at the same time.
    It’s actually nt a gd idea fr dgs t d s. If yur dg becmes verexcited and falls r jumps frm yur ____23____ car, it culd injure itself. Sme dust in the wind can make sme dgs sick. High-speed wind can ____24____ a dg’s ear. Plus, dgs can be easily injured by flying small stnes r ther things. S, be careful when yu take a dg with yu in a car.
    A. including B. affected C. perates D. accurate E. tested
    Australia is hme t crcdiles. Thanks t wrld-first drnes(无人机), peple are safer frm crcdile attack.
    The high-tech drnes were ____25____ near Queensland, alng creeks, riverbeds, and beaches. They are trying t find ut animals as they went.
    There were five attacks in Queensland’s turistic nrth between 2017 and 2018, ___26___ tw deadly attacks, and unusual sightings mre than 40 kilmeters inland.
    The technlgy slutin came frm using newly develped shark-sptting drnes t find ut anther kind f animals. As the pilt ____27____ the drne the vide is mnitred and a warning message is sent back t the pilt when it picks up n smething dangerus belw.
    Designers say the finding is 93 percent ____28____, while human’s eye is arund 16 t 19 percent crrect.
    “A lt f time abve crcdiles, a lt f images fed int the prgram as it’s a learning prgram, which means it then gets better at sptting,” the designer said.
    Cmplete the fllwing passage with the wrds in the bx. Each can nly be used nce(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
    When the Internet becme____21____in the 1990s nbdy had any idea f just hw ppular it was ging t becme. There are ver 100,000,000 websites, althugh nbdy knws____22____hw many there are, and there are billins f web pages. But what will the Internet be like in the future? Here, the experts give us their predictins.
    Internet and mbile phnes
    The first mbile phne with Internet was in Finland in 1996, but it was very expensive s nt many peple used it. Japan____23____the first mbile phne Internet service in 1999. By 2008, mre peple were using mbiles t access(接入) the Internet than cmputers. In the future, experts say we’ll all use ur mbiles t access the Internet.
    Mbile screens will prbably get a little bigger, but nt much. Of curse, yu’ll cntrl all the functin by ____24____ the screen, nt buttns.
    Hw will peple use the Internet?
    Sn, everything frm yur car t yur fridge will be cnnected t the Internet, and___25___will cmmunicate with each ther. Electrlux has already develped fridge that emails shpping list t a lcal supermarket and arranges a time fr them t___26___yur shpping t yur huse! We will see a big change in the way peple use it. Sixty-fur percent f experts think peple wn’t have t use the____27____keybard. We will have “virtual” (虚拟的)keybards- peple will be able t display these keybards n any flat surface, such as a table.
    Wrk and rest time.
    Mst peple will als spend part f their day in virtual wrlds, at hme r at wrk. Finally, there wn’t be a big ___28___between wrk and rest time. Peple will be able t cnnect t the Internet anywhere and wrk where they are in the gym, a shp, at hme r even in a virtual ffice.
    A . fire B. except C. stuck D. dangerus E . besides
    A. judged B. gently C. wrng D shcked D. trusted
    A) breaks B) turn up C) advantages D) prtect E) serius
    A) be respnsible fr B) lcal C) used t D) cmmunity E) prfessinal
    A) even B) pwerful C) arund D) simple E) thrugh
    A) flight B) anything C) energy D) future E) flying
    A. describe B. prperly C. nervus D. likely E. realize
    A. practice B. nw and then C. skill D. independent E. all the time
    A. alne B. difficult C. cause D. excited E. technlgy
    A. chance B. challenges C. hardwrking D. thught E. effrts
    A. develping B. adventure C. basic D. accident E. rewarded
    A. wasting B. taken away C. rebuilt D. taken up E. failed
    A. number B. disappinted C. successful D. secretaries E. achieve
    A. ancient B. cnsider C. purpses D. pale E. require
    A. set ff B. aware C. traditinal D. grew up E. prfessinal
    A. salaries B. n lnger C. create D. wheels E. at a time
    A. extra B. shelf C. platfrm D. depends E. similar
    A. cmpare B. serius C. ffer D. respnsible E. chice
    A. methds B. sldiers C. trained D. results E. perated
    A. extremely B. hurried C. brken int D. alne E. depended n
    A) empty B) full f C) inside D) made friends with E) knew abut
    A) fr a while B) cvered C) cmpletely D) gently E) crwded
    A. danger B. ppulatin C. instead D. harm E. imprtantly
    A. cllects B. easier C. special D. cnsists E. liquid
    A. keen B. lied C. lcate D. trained E. lay
    A. deserve B. items C. surprising D. unfrtunately E. surprised
    A. check B. view C. prtect D. damage E. mving
    A. started B. pressing C. available D. satisfying E. exactly
    A. deliver B. difference C. prfessinal D. machines E. traditinal

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