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    选修6 Module 2 Fantasy Literature-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考) 学案
    选修6 Module 2 Fantasy Literature-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考) 学案01
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    选修6 Module 2 Fantasy Literature-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考) 学案03
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    选修6 Module 2 Fantasy Literature-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考)

    这是一份选修6 Module 2 Fantasy Literature-2022高考英语一轮复习【名师导航】配套Word教参(外研版·老教材老高考),共14页。

    series n

    subtle adj.

    amber n

    spyglass n

    heroine n

    hero n

    novel n

    philosophical adj.

    vanish v

    scent n

    pad n

    stupefied adj.

    longing n

    patrol v

    paw n

    pat v

    invisible adj.

    arch v

    tail n

    stiffly adv.

    alertly adv.

    patch n

    sniff v

    wariness n

    edge n

    roughly adv.

    square adj.

    level adj.

    profoundly adv.

    alien adj.

    stoop v

    swim v

    thump v

    scramble v

    fabric n

    utterly adv.

    prospect n

    parkland n

    grove n

    bare adj.

    shudder n

    dawning adj.

    light­headedness n

    revenge v

    cottage n

    cafeteria n

    envelope n

    literary adj.

    output n

    schoolchildren n

    typewriter n

    stateswoman n

    anecdote n

    draft n

    swift adj.

    stubborn adj.

    automatic adj.

    criticism n

    curriculum n

    distribute v

    deposit n

    thus adv.

    status n

    billionaire n

    ought v

    inquisitive adj.

    trail v

    muffler n

    exclaim v

    magical adj.

    1(2019·全国卷)Further up, the weather changes low clouds envelop the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. 包裹;包围

    2(2019·北京卷)Armed with this knowledge, they're able to carry out individually targeted campaigns to cheat people. ……为目标

    3(2018·天津卷)If a smoke detector sets off an alarm and there is no fire or smoke, inform your hall staff. 警报器

    4(2018·天津卷)I asked them what they'd seen. Oh, a few birds they said. They seemed bent on their destinations. 专心的

     [单词 拼写·运用]



    1bite v.咬咬伤

    2alarm n.惊慌恐慌

    3shape n.形状

    4bend v.弯腰屈身

    5dream v.做梦 n梦;梦想

    6awake adj.醒着的清醒的

    7appeal n.吸引力魅力 v.吸引

    8burden n.负担重负

    9overcome v.克服

    10accumulate v. 积累积聚

    11attain v.达到得到

    12sorrow n.悲哀伤心苦难


    1(2019·天津卷)The book turns out to be one that has appealed(appeal) to the world for more than 350 years.

    2(2019·江苏卷)We have entered into an age when dreams(dream) have the best chance of coming true.

    3(2018·全国卷)As we accumulated(accumulate) more devices, however, we didn't throw out our old ones.

    4(2017·全国卷)...young maple trees getting bitten(bite) by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get.

    5After his father died, the family burdens(burden) were placed on his young shoulders.



    1behave v.表现举动behavior n行为;举止

    2definite adj.确定的一定的definitely adv.确定地一定地definition n.定义

    3hesitate v.犹豫迟疑hesitation n.犹豫

    4doubt n& v怀疑doubtful adj.怀疑的

    5direct v.指导……指方向direction n.方向

    6exhaust vt.使疲惫exhausted adj.精疲力尽的exhausting adj.使人疲惫不堪的exhaustion n.疲惫精疲力竭

    7marry v.结婚married adj.已婚的marriage n.婚姻

    8punish v.惩罚punishment n.惩罚

    9gift n.天赋;礼物gifted adj.有天才的有天赋的

    10adjust v.调整adjustment n.调整

    11power n.力量能力powerful adj.强大的;强壮的

    12possess v.拥有possession n.占有;拥有;所有物


    1Without hesitation he rushed into the burning house to save the baby but his companion hesitated at that moment.(hesitate)

    2In traditional Chinese culture, marriage decisions are often made by parents for their children.However, they got married without their parents' permission.(marry)

    3The exhausting training made everyone exhausted and the exhaustion bored us.(exhaust)

    4There is no doubt that Catherine is doubtful of her future, for she doubts whether she can continue to work.(doubt)

    5With his business going on well, he at first possessed big houses and cars; and later he took possession of stocks of different companies.Eventually, he found that everything he dreamed of was in his possession(possess)

    6Parents shouldn't punish their children for small mistakes, because too much punishment will lead to their losing confidence.(punish)

    [短语 理解·运用]



    1look back over one's shoulder 回头看

    2come up to ……走过来

    3set out 出发动身

    4cast about 寻找搜索想办法

    5put down 放下

    6fix on 注视凝视


    The suspect looked back over his shoulder now and then and cast about for some ways of escaping from the police car, but in vain.Eventually, he put down his arms, came up to the policemen and was arrested by the police.

    7play an important part in ……中起重要作用……有重要影响

    8ahead of ……前面

    9hold out 伸出

    10turn away 走开

    11keep one's eyes on 注视盯着看

    12appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力引起某人的兴趣;呼吁某人

    13(be) associated with ……有联系……联系在一起


    As is known to all, previewing the new lesson plays an important part in English learning.Therefore, I usually appeal to my students to study the new lesson by themselves ahead of my explanation.What's more, they are supposed to stay in their seats, keep their eyes on their books, and not speak to anyone when studying.

    [句式 辨识·运用]




    Then she leapt backwardsback arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly.


    He was playing computer games, his eyes fixed on the screen.

    2.as if引导虚拟语气。

    It looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air, about two metres from the edge of the road, a patch roughly square in shape and less than a metre across.


    The two strangers talked as if they had been friends for years.

    3.be doing ...when ...正在做……突然……

    A young man was walking through a wood when he saw a ring lying on the ground.


    I was reading a book attentively when an old friend of mine came to see me.

    1hesitate v犹豫迟疑

    [高考原句·2019·北京卷]If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wilson never hesitates to buy them a meal.

    (1)hesitate about/at/over doing sth.做某事犹豫不决

    hesitate to do sth.犹豫做某事

    (2)hesitation n.犹豫;迟疑;不情愿

    with hesitation 犹豫地

    without hesitation 毫不犹豫地

    hesitate at nothing 从不优柔寡断

    set out without hesitation 毫不犹豫地出发

    hesitate for a moment before doing it 在做之前犹豫了一下


    (2020·全国卷)Then when they come to other doors in life, be they real or metaphorical, they won't hesitate to open(open) them and walk through.

    (2020·天津卷)Most of us meet new people, and new ideas, with hesitation(hesitate).

    He's still hesitating taking part in the sports meeting. taking前加about/at/over



    If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask us for help.(hesitate)

    If you have any question, do ask us for help without hesitation(hesitation)

    2doubt n& v怀疑;疑惑

    [高考原句·2019·北京卷]In the near future, it's not just going to be the number you see on your screen that will be in doubt.

    (1)have doubt about/whether ...怀疑……

    have no doubt about/that ...不怀疑……

    There is no doubt that ...毫无疑问……

    (2)without doubt 毫无疑问;一定地

    no doubt 肯定地

    (3)doubtful adj.怀疑的

    have no doubt about the high quality of management 不怀疑有较高的管理水平

    clear up our difficult and doubtful points 把我们的难点和疑点解决一下

    doubt very much whether he is coming or not 很怀疑他是否来

    [名师点津] 在否定句和疑问句中doubt后跟that引导的名词性从句;在肯定句中whetherif引导的名词性从句。


    (2020·全国卷)He says it's not easy to convince people that nutria fur is green, but he has no doubt about it.

    I hope they will finish the project in time, but they themselves are very doubtful(doubt) about it.

    Sam had an accident a few days ago, so many people doubted he could take part in the match. doubted后加whether/if



    I doubt whether/if he will keep his promise.(doubt v)

    I have some doubt whether he will keep his promise.(doubt n)

    3appeal n吸引力魅力;恳求;上诉 v求助;呼吁;吸引

    (1)appeal to sb.for sth.某事向某人呼吁

    appeal to sb.to do sth.呼吁/恳求某人做某事

    sth.appeal to sb.某物对某人有吸引力

    (2)make an appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人呼吁

    make an appeal to sb.to do sth.呼吁/恳求某人做某事

    (3)appealing adj.有感染力的;有吸引力的

    appeal to the public to make contributions to a better environment 呼吁大众为更好的环境做贡献

    appeal to both men and women 吸引了男男女女

    make an appeal to him for help 向他求助


    The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups.

    In recent years, our government has been always appealing to everyone to save(save) water.

    The idea of not having to get up early every morning is rather appealed to me. appealedappealing


    普通表达:Your advertisement has deeply attracted me, so I want to apply for the position.

    高级表达:Your advertisement has deeply appealed to me, so I want to apply for the position.

    4possess v拥有;持有(东西、资产);控制

    (1)be possessed of 具有(某种品质、能力等)

    (2)possession n.拥有占有;(pl.)个人财产私人物品

    in possession of 拥有……

    in the possession of (某物)……所有

    take/have possession of 拥有……;占……

    be possessed of knowledge and experience 拥有知识和经验

    be in possession of a large farm 拥有一个大农场

    throw away some possessions to make room for new ones 扔掉一些物品给新东西腾地方


    (2020·全国卷)All customers travelling on TransLink services must be in possession of a valid ticket before boarding.

    (2019·天津卷)Right after Erin took possession(possess) of my wallet on the bus, she posted a picture of my driver's license to an online forum(论坛), trying to see if anyone knew me.

    We need to repair our possession instead of throwing them away. possessionpossessions



    You can't possess/be possessed of the house until all the papers have been signed.(possess)

    You can't take possession of/be in possession of the house until all the papers have been signed.(possession)

    The house can't be in the possession of you until all the papers have been signed.(possession)

    5turn away走开;把……打发走;拒绝进入;转过脸去

    [一词多义]——写出下列句中turn away的含义

    Because the hall was full, many people were turned away. 拒绝进入

    She turned away, pretending to look at somewhere else. 转过脸去

    With a hopeless sigh, he turned away at last. 走开

    turn down 关小;调低;拒绝

    turn on/off 打开/关掉

    turn over 翻动;移交

    turn up 出现露面;调大(声音)

    turn out 生产;结果是

    turn to 转向;求助于

    turn to my classmates or teachers for help 向老师或同学们寻求帮助

    turn over the business to his daughter 把生意移交给他的女儿

    turn down such a fantastic job 拒绝这么好的工作


    (2020·新高考全国卷)He turned to the forest department for help but was told that nothing would grow there.

    (2020·浙江卷)A bright spot for me turned out to be reading.

    (2020·全国卷)After that I poured oil into a pan and turned off the stove. offon


    普通表达:Some compromises were unavoidable, but the video proved perfect.

    高级表达:Some compromises were unavoidable, but the video turned out perfect.

    6(教材P16)Then she leapt backwards, back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly然后它向后一跃脊背拱起毛发竖立尾巴僵直地伸着。

    [句型公式] 句中的back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly名词+过去分词/介词短语构成的三个独立主格结构在句中作伴随状语。


    [金句推送] Much time spent sitting at a desk, office workers are generally troubled by health problems.



    The soldier rushed into the cave, his right hand holding(hold) a gun and his face covered(cover) with sweat.

    The exam to be held(hold) tomorrow, I can't go to the cinema tonight.

    Her glasses were broken, she couldn't see the words on the blackboard. were



    If weather permits, we will go for an outing tomorrow.(状语从句)

    Weather permitting, we will go for an outing tomorrow.(独立主格结构)


    She has written two novels, both of which have been made into television series.(定语从句)

    She has written two novels, both of them having been made into television series.(独立主格结构)



    1The government appealed to everyone to help(help) the people suffering from the floods.

    2We are at your service.Don't hesitate to turn(turn) to us if you have any problems.

    3He stood there, his eyes fixed(fix) on the picture on the wall, lost in thought.

    4It is doubtful(doubt) whether the old man will recover from the operation.

    5Although he doesn't possess much money, he is possessed(possess) of good health.


    1(2019·全国卷)In addition, most newspapers had little in them that would appeal to a mass audience.

    2He studies very hard; there is no doubt that he will pass the exams.

    3We arranged to meet at 730but she never turned up

    4Technical progress will put our firm in possession of the home market.

    5A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation.


    1He has never expected that such a beautiful villa will be in possession of him. possession前加the

    2There is some doubt that Jennifer will come to see me this weekend as usual. thatwhether

    3Sport has become an important form of entertainment, appealing almost everybody. appealing后加to

    4The girl stared at him, he didn't know what to say. staredstaring

    5The games my parents taught me when I was a child was turned out to be very useful later in my life. 去掉第二个was



    1I think all of us should mind our behavior(behave) in public places.

    2Once the difficulty is overcome(overcome), we will benefit a lot from the project.

    3The medicine is powerful(power), so it will relieve you from your headache.

    4Burdened(burden) with heavy work, the old woman looks older than she is.

    5Filled with shame, the boy lowered his head, ready for the punishment(punish) from his dad.


    1Besides dieting, exercising plays an important part in losing weight.

    2The meeting is on the 22nd.Put it down in your diary.

    3We should keep our eyes on future development of each student.

    4There are many serious health problems which are associated with smoking.

    5Don't always look back over your shoulder and you should pay attention to the way ahead of you.



    Mary was gifted in writing, always 1dreaming(dream) of becoming a writer like JK. Rowling and writing a series of novels 2.associated(associate) with fantasy to accumulate a big fortune. Thus she set out 3.to write(write), but her manuscripts were rejected again and again by presses. And at one point she was burdened with rent. She began to doubt 4.whether/if writing is beyond her power. It was her boyfriend that played 5.an important part in her writing. With his help, Mary made 6adjustments(adjustment) in time, overcame all kinds of difficulties, and turned to 7writing(write) love stories. It was not long before her first love story 8.was published(publish) and distributed by a press, and her work appealed 9.to thousands of readers. Soon she possessed her own big house, and she never 10.doubted(doubt) her ability to attain her target.


    Step 1要点提示(黑体字部分要使用本单元所学词汇)


    A gifted young man was walking in the garden laden with the scent of flowers when he caught a glimpse of a magical ring lying on the ground.


    Without hesitation, the young man put the ring on his finger, and came up to the castle.


    He entered the castle easily, and spotted the girl, whom the witch had put a spell on


    He set out to look around for the wand which was associated with the spell.


    After he overcame many difficulties, he found the wand and destroyed it swiftly.


    There is no doubt that the girl became awake and defeated the wicked witch together with him.


    The young man married/got married to the girl, and they led a happy life.

    Step 2.表达升级(改变所给句子的结构以使表达升级)


    Entering the castle easily, he spotted the girl, whom the witch had put a spell on.


    Having overcome many difficulties, he found the wand and destroyed it swiftly.

    Step 3.衔接成文(利用恰当的过渡衔接词语连句成篇)

    A gifted young man was walking in the garden laden with the scent of flowers when he caught a glimpse of a magical ring lying on the ground.Without hesitation, the young man put the ring on his finger, and came up to the castle.Then entering the castle easily, he spotted the girl, whom the witch had put a spell on.Afterwards, he set out to look around for the wand which was associated with the spell.Having overcome many difficulties, he found the wand and destroyed it swiftly.There is no doubt that the girl became awake and defeated the wicked witch together with him.The young man married/got married to the girl, and they led a happy life.



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