外研版(三起)小学英语三下 Review Module unit1 教案
Review Module Unit1教学设计
课题 | Review Module Unit1 | 课型 | 复习课 |
分析 | 1、 本单元选自外研版《新标准英语》三年级下册复习模块第一单元,本单元教学内容是复习26个英文字母、有关动物、体育、食物的单词,学生将复习My favorite …… is …….句型介绍自己的喜好;I like ……. I don't like …….谈论喜欢和不喜欢的事物;运用Do you like ……? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.等询问和谈论喜好。课文以练习题的形式呈现。教师将通过直观的图片和课文提供的练习为引导,采用任务型和小组合作的教学方法,使学生在感知、实践和运用中获得知识,达到“学以致用、学用结合”的目的。 2、 本单元教材编排意图及特点:本单元教材内容以复习为主,介绍自己喜好并询问他人喜好的活动设计贴近学生生活和情感认知水平,学以致用,以达到新课程学习语言重在培养学生的实际运用和交际能力的要求。 | ||
教 学 目 标 | 知识目标:复习字母、动物、体育、食物的单词和短语,全体学生回顾并记忆单词。 能力目标:全体学生能听懂、朗读、并运用句型My favorite …… is …….介绍自己的喜好;I like ……. I don't like …….谈论喜欢和不喜欢的事物;运用Do you like ……? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.等询问和谈论喜好。运用所复习语言谈论喜好。 情感目标:培养学生良好的学习习惯和热爱动物、珍惜食物的美好品德。 | ||
教学 重难 点及 解决 措施 | 教学重点:表达喜好和询问他人喜好的句型: My favorite …… is ……. I like ……. I don't like ……. Do you like ……? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 教学难点:学生熟练运用所学句型表达喜好并询问他人喜好。 解决措施:为学生创造真实的语言情境,让学生在语言活动中,运用多种感官对目标语言知识有一个初步的体验。层层深入地设计活动使学生在操练中理解并掌握句型,突出重点。学生使用目标语言完成挑战中的任务,达到学以致用的目的,突破难点。 | ||
教学 资源 | 具备多媒体教学设备的教室(电子白板、展示台、音响) 网络视频、录像视频、白板课件、微课 | ||
析 | 根据三年级学生的年龄特点和心理特点,本单元的教学内容着重从学生的学习兴趣出发,采用情景创设法、交际法、游戏、歌曲等相结合的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,鼓励学生多开口,用英语表达自己的思想和感受。三年级学生心理特点是活泼、好奇,同时又很好动,采用竞赛法使原本枯燥乏味的机械练习变得生动有趣, 引导学生在说、唱、玩、演、做的过程中学习,学生在参与语言实践中掌握知识,完成本节课的教学目标。 |
教学过程设计 Step1 warming up 1.Greeting. Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? Students: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you? Teacher: I’m fine too, thank you . 2.Chant and do the actions together. I like coffee, I like tea. I like cats and they like me. I like coffee, I like tea. I don’t like lions and they don’t like me. 3.Lead in four groups. Teacher:Today we have four groups : colors group、animals group、sports group and food group. Do you like your group?
Step2 lead in 1.Title study. T: Today we will learn Review Module unit1. A re you ready for this class? Ask students to read the title together and know the new word“Review”. 2. Enjoy a song ---Good time. Teacher: Do you like songs? What’s your favorite song? Let’s sing the ABC song together. Sing the ABC song together. Teacher: Who wants to ask me a question? Student 1 : What’s your favorite song? T: My favorite song is good time. Let’s enjoy the song . Enjoy the song 3.Ask and answer in pairs. Teacher: What did you see? What did you hear? Animals like sports. I like sports too. I like football. (出示板书) What do you like? Ask students to say and do the actions one by one. Teacher: I don’t like swimming. How about you? Ask students to say and do the actions one by one. Teacher: Animals like food. I like food too. I like apples. Do you like apples?(出示板书) Ask students to say the sentences one by one. T: My favorite animal is monkey? My favorite sport is football? My favorite food is bananas? How about you? Ask and answer in pairs. (two minutes) Show time. Step3 Presentation and revision 1.Presentation T: Can you guess who is the winner on sports day? Winners will get lots of presents. Do you want some presents? (show the presents)You must choose and finish these challenges. 2.Review Show these challenges and ask students to choose which they like? Game (Review food): Ask two students to come front , click the words about food and have a competition. Play (Review sports): (1) show some pictures about sports, ask students to read the words together. (2)Look at the pictures, ask two students to put the pictures into the correct place, When the put, they should talk about sports using“I like…….”“I don’t like…….” (3)Chant and clap hands together. (4) Have a competition. T: Our school sports meeting is coming, are you ready for the sports meeting? Who can do the sports actions well? Ask a student to do the actions, others say what sports. Ask two students to do the actions as quickly as they can. Talk (Do a survey and complete the practice.): (1)Ask a student to ask and answer with teacher. (2)Hand out the practice, ask students to complete. (3)Two groups to show. Act: (1)Watch a video, four students a group, make a dialogue like this.(5 minutes) (2)Two groups show. Sing(Review animals and sports): (1)Show some words about animals and sports, ask students to read together. (2)Sing a song together. D o you like football? Do you like football? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. D o you like basketball? Do you like basketball? No, I don’t. No, I don’t. …… (3)Practice Help the animals and sports find their home. Step4 Blackboard design
| 设计意图:
师生一起边唱边做动作,活跃课堂气氛的同时,引出I like …….句型。
出示song单词,让学生向老师提问,联想出所学句型What’s your favorite song?
视频为复习animals、sports、food 做了良好的铺垫,根据学生的随机回答引出板书单词animals、sports、food和板书句型,为接下来的板书对话练习做好准备。
学生不仅完成了单词和图片的匹配,还练习了句型“I like……”“I don’t like……”.
一首有节奏感的chant,复习了Do you like football?…… 句型,提高了学生自编自演的能力。
一名学生做动作,全班猜一猜是什么体育运动。学生说体育运动短语,全班做动作。TPR教学学生兴趣高,在做一做的过程中完成了目标语言的复习巩固。 两人一组进行做动作的比赛,做的又快又好的学生获胜,符合三年级学生活泼好动的特点。
两只老虎的音乐配朗朗上口的句子,学生通过男女问答的方式边唱边复习句型D o you like ……?并完成挑战。 充分利用希沃白板里的课堂活动功能,学生为动物和体育图片找家的过程,就是达到复习目的的过程。
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