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    这是一份2022开封高三第二次模拟考试英语含答案,文件包含河南省开封市2022届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题无答案doc、2022二模试题答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.When des the ntice say the sprts meet will begin?
    A.On April 12th.B. On April 20th.C.On April 22nd.
    2.What will the wman prbably d befre eight?
    A. Visit a friend.B.See a dctr.C.G t a mvie.
    3.Hw des the wman feel abut the man?
    4.Why des the wman lk trubled?
    A.Because she has t leave her friend.
    B. Because she desn't like living in the 'drm.
    C.Because she can't manage t mve huse herself.
    5.Where are the speakers?
    A.At a clthing stre.B.At the dctr's.C.At hme.
    6.Why is the man talking t the wman?
    A. T d a task fr a prgram.B.T sell bks. C.T d a survey.
    7.Wh des the wman admire mst?
    A.An actress. B.A writer. C.A dancer.
    8.Hw much will the man pay fr the rm per might?
    A.$50.B.$62. C.$75
    9.What des the man care abut mst?
    A.The telephne.B.The televisin. C.The Internet.
    10.What is the man ding?
    A.Telling the wman abut a teacher.
    B.Intrducing a curse t the wman.
    C.Helping the wman with her hmewrk.
    11. What des the man like mst abut Dr. Miller?
    A.His patience.B.His seriusness. C.His understanding.
    12.What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A. The wman is ging t take Dr. Miller's class.
    B. The man had 'a teacher like Dr.Miller befre.
    C. Dr. Miller has been teaching in England fr 10 years.
    13. Hw much des the manhave t pay t jin the club?
    A.£ 1.50.B.£2. C.£5.
    14. Why des:Vide Club hld a meeting?
    A.T send ut a list f films.
    B. T intrduce films frm abrad.
    C.T cllect infrmatin n ppular: films.
    15. What films are mst peple interested in?
    A.British films.B.American films. C.Australian films.
    16.Hw will the man get the frm?
    A.He'll have it by pst.
    B. He'll pick it up himself.
    C.He'll get it frm the club's website.
    17.When des the speaker usually g t the health club?
    A.In the evening. B.At nn. C.In the mrning.
    18.What des the speaker have in the mrning?
    A.A sandwich.B.Sme cffee.C.A hamburger.
    19.Where des the speaker have her lunch?
    A.In her ffice.B.At her hme.C. In a restaurant.
    20.What des the speaker usually d n Sunday evenings?
    A.Play sccer.B.Play tennis.C.G swimming.
    Excellent films have a direct and prfund impact n kids f all ages. The fllwing is a list f wnderful mvies fr children.
    Pkémn Detective Pikachu
    Pkémn Detective Pikachu is a mystery adventure setin a fictinal :city in which humans and Pkémn c-exist. Starring Ryan Reynlds as the vice f a Pikachu wh can speak t nly ne human, Tim (Justice Smith), the stry explres hw the tw' team up t lk int the suppsedly accidental death f Tim's detective father. There's definitely sme vilence including a terrible car crash but nthing gets bldy. The main characters are frequently in danger, but n ne dies. The stry prmtes teamwrk, curage, and/friendship and shws hw even the seemingly inexperienced can make a difference.
    Artemis Fwl
    Artemis Fwl is .a sci-fi fantasy adventure based n the best-selling series by Ein Cffer. Artemis Fwl(Ferdia Shaw) is a 12-year-ld talent. When his father ges missing, Artemis frces fairy fficer Hlly Shrt (Lara McDnnell) t g with him int the dark, hidden wrld f magic and fairies t try t restre them bth. The bk series is tween-friendly, s yu can expect the mvie t be, t.
    Frzen 2
    Fr kids, Frzen 2 is a highly expected 3D cmputer-animated musical fantasy film that cntinues the stry f Elsa ( viced by Idina Menzel) , a queen with icy pwers, and her warm-hearted sister, Anna (Kristen Bell). Althugh the details f the mvie haven't been annunced yet, it's safe t expect the return f Kristff (Jnathan Grff) and kind snwman Olaf (Jsh Gad).
    Star Wars: Episde IX-The Rise f Skywalker
    Star Wars: Episde IX is the third and final mvie in the mst recent Star Wars series. Althugh the mvie's plt details are still cmpletely unknwn, it seems certain that many f the mvies heres and villains(坏人)will cme back. Expect anther thrilling,actin-packed sci-fi adventure; hpefully it will prvide a satisfying cnclusin fr lder tweens, teens, and up.
    21.What can we learn frm the first mvie?
    A.Pkémn finally dies in the car crash.
    B.Effective teamwrk can tum the tables.
    C. It seems hand t make In sting friendship.
    D.There's a lt f bldy vilence in the mvie.
    22.Which f the fllwing mvies cmes frm Ein Cffer’s bk series?
    A.Frzen 2.B.Artemis Fwl.
    C.Star Wars:EpisdeIX.D.Pkémn Detective Pikachu.
    23.What similarity d the last tw mvies share?
    A.They're sci-fi adventures.B. They're musical fantasy films.
    C.They're t vilent fr little kids.D. They're keeping their plt details secret.
    “He'll be ver in a minute," ne f Saul Klein's clleagues says aplgetically, glancing twards a rw f glass rms where figures can be seen deep in cnversatin. One minute turns int tw and then five, and then ten. Finally, Klein bunds ver, saying, “Right, shall we start?”
    Klein is the kind f persn yu can imagine this happens a lt. Nt because he's rude r frgetful r unreliable. In fact, he's nt any f thse things.
    The Jhannesburg-brn Klein is an entrepreneur(企业家),ften spken abut as the brains behind Lvefilm and an early. Emplyee at Skype,but his CV(履历) ges beynd that.
    Fr nw, he says, the majrity f his time is taken up with the cmpanies Lcal Glbe has invested in. “I’m invlved n sme level with all the cmpanies in the prtfli(投资组合).”What that means in practice is that Klein attends regular meetings, and extrardinary meetings “where we meet with the cmpanies”, and labs “when cmpanies are cming up fr imprtant events like fundraising”. Oh, and n tp f that, he's als part f every cmpany's WhatsApp grup-200 grups t be precise.
    “Time is nthing t him, s he'll be replying t messages at 5 'clck in the mrning,” ne f his assistants says. But Klein, a father f three children aged 12, 11 and 4, says he actually tries t be “quite strict" with his time. “I've always tried nt t d business at breakfast r dinner time. I try t be able t take the kids t schl in the mrning, and nrmally be at hme fr bedtime. Obviusly as the kids get lder, they dn't want yu arund as much, but that's nt the case while they're this age," he says.
    This rutine isn't just limited t mrnings and evenings, Klein says. Ever since he started dating his wife, they bth have practiced “lifestyle Shabbat”, “It basically, means frm a Friday night t a Saturday night, I'm nt lking at emails, I'm nt answering my phne, and I avid driving. We've been ding that fr almst 20 years at this pint. I've always fund that t be a great relief.”
    24.Why des Saul Klein ften let thers wait?
    A.He is rather unreliable.B.He is a little ill-mannered.
    C.He has quite a pr memry.D.He is t busy with his wrk.
    25.What des the authr mean by saying “his CVges beynd that"?
    A.Saul Klein has t attend regular meetings.
    B.Saul Klein still attempts t enlarge his CV.
    C.Saul Klein als has ther imprtant psitins.
    D.Saul Klein lves changing his wrk very ften.
    26.What des Saul Klein mst prbably cnsider imprtant?
    A.Sparing time fr his family.B.Getting enugh sleep every day.
    C.Keeping all the prmises he has made.D.Wrking late at night t finish his wrk.
    27.What des Saul Klein's stry tell us?
    A. Emplyees shuld put their wrk first.
    B.Busy peple can als live a balanced life.
    C.Entrepreneurs ften ignre their lved nes.
    D.Sme cuples are living a very unhealthy life.
    There are already a range f wearable sensrs that can prvide cntinuus data abut aspects f the wearer's bdy, such as his heart rate, temperature and bld sugar cncentratin. These devices are available t health-cnscius cnsumers, but their main applicatin is in the field f medicine, as they allw dctrs t clsely mnitr patients' sensitive bilgical states. Mst sensrs fit nt the surface f the skin, but newer designs can actually be implanted beneath it. Shaped like thin lengths f thread, these implantable sensrs can be put int muscle tissue, using the same straightfrward techniques dctrs already use t stitch up(缝合) pen wunds. The thread-like sensrs are als highly flexible, meaning they bend with the patient's mvement, instead f limiting it, and can't be frced ut f the psitin where it is fixed.
    Sme sensrs are cated in an electrically cnductive material. The flw f electricity alng the thread rises r falls depending n varius factrs. Fr example, physical pressure can cause the flw f electricity t becme cntrlled. A lw pwer reading can therefre suggest that t much pressure is being placed n the part f the bdy where the sensr is lcated. This can be vital in prtecting victims f recent skin and tissue damage. The patient can be warned the instant sme mvement r psture risks tearing the tender new tissue grwing ver a wund that has yet t heal fully.
    Other threads can remve fluid samples int cntainers utside the bdy, s that these samples can be used fr bichemical analysis. Cmpared t traditinal methds f cllecting fluid samples, nt nly is this new technique much mre effective, but it als invlves mre cnvenience fr the new dctrs, nt t mentin less discmfrt fr the patient.
    28.What's the characteristic f the new sensr mentined in the first paragraph?
    A.They can be psitined inside a patient's bdy.
    B.They are generally used t repair pen wunds.
    C.They are appealing t cnsumers as well as dctrs.
    D.They can beused by rdinary peple withut a dctr.
    29.What happens if a patient is in danger f damaging a part f his r her bdy?
    A.The sensr mves ut f psitin.
    B.The sensr's pwer reading increases.
    C.Less electricity flws thrugh the sensr.
    D.Mvement in that area is limited by the sensr.
    30. Which wrd is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd "tender" in Paragraph 2?
    31.Hw d the new sensrs assist in bichemical analysis?
    A.They measure a persn's bld pressure.
    B.They intrduce key chemicals int the bdy.
    C.They perfrm chemical tests inside the bdy.
    D.They remve small amunts f fluid fr testing.
    African penguins bear the unfrtunate nickname “jackass penguins” because they cmmunicate thrugh dnkey-like calls, but a new study suggests that their jackass language actually fllws the same basic linguistic rules as urs.
    In a new study, researchers recrded nearly 600 vices frm 28 adult male penguins. The scientists knew frm previus research that African penguins talked using three types f sund, similar t human syllables. But the researchers wanted t knw whether thse “syllables” fllwed tw cmmn linguistic rules.
    One f thse rules, called Zapf’s law, was presented by linguist Gerge Zipf. It states that the mre frequently a wrd is used in any language, the shrter it tends t be (think f wrds like “the”, “t” and “f” in English) Previus studies have analyzed mre than 1,000 wrld languages fr evidence f Zipfs law, and the rule hlds up in all f them.
    The ther rule, knwn as the Menzerath-Altmann law, says that the lnger a wrd is, the shrter its syllables are, while shrter wrds are mre likely t have lnger syllables. A syllable is a wrd r a part f a wrd that has nly ne vwel. Fr example, “sn" has ne syllable and “father” has tw syllables. Accrding t the law, the wrd "nmatpeia “is made up f six very shrt syllables,while “cuch" is made up f ne lnger ne. Earlier studies have shwn that nn-human primates(灵长类动物)fllw bth these rules when they cmmunicate with each ther,but what abut jackas penguins?The researchers in the new study fund that the sngs f the male jackass penguin fllw bth Zipf's and Menzerath's laws: The shrtest calls tended t be the mst cmmn,
    and the lngest phrases were made up f the shrtest syllables.
    This jackas sturdy prvided the first nn-primate evidence that these cmmn linguistic patterns apply t ther species in the animal kingdm.
    32.Hww des Zipf's law explain the wrds like "big",“r" and “as"?
    A.They let peple think f shrter wrds.
    B.They are cmmnly used and thus shrt.
    C.They are frequently replaced by ther wrds.
    D.They have nly ne meaning and are less imprtant.
    33.What des the Menzerath-Altman law shw?
    A.The link between lnger wrds and shrter wrds.
    B.The link between lnger syllables and shrter syllables.
    C. The link between a wrd's prnunciatin and its vwels.
    D.The link between a wrd's length and its syllables' length.
    34 What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The limitatin f the study.
    B.The imprtance f the study.
    C.The develpment f linguistic patterns.
    D.The dubt abut animals' language abilities.
    35.What can be the best title fr this text?
    A.Humans and animals share similar sunds.
    B. Jackass penguins make three types f sund.
    C.Scientists have made a new discvery abut syllables.
    D. African penguins' talk fllws the same rules as human speech.
    Being a yung adult has gt t be ne f the mst difficult times in a persn's life. Yu're at a stage when yu dn't feel like a child anymre and yu aren't ready t take up all the respnsibilities that adulthd brings with it either.36
    Need t express
    At this stage, there is a need fr expressin f thughts and feelings. But they dn't understand that this need t express themselves can't be used in whichever way they want, but has t be used with cautin. 37
    Need t be an independent adult
    38There is a need t be an independent adult, yes,but they haven't learned the rpes f it yet and therefre when parents try t discipline them, they want t ppse and put frth their rightsas adults. Therefre, they ften g thrugh the “n ne understands me”stage, which can lead tmany prblems like anger and frustratin.
    Need fr acceptance
    In additin, being part f a grup and develping healthy relatinships and getting acceptance frm them are f prime imprtance t yung adults.39_When these things happen, they ften get int a self-pitying mde.
    Need t succeed
    There is an innate need t stand n their wn feet.40_If there is any hurdle n that path, it leads t varied psychlgical prblems like stress, depressin, and anger.
    These are sme f yung adults' emtinal prblems. If yu've been faced with them, seek help and treat them.
    A.This is where the prblems f discipline arise.
    B.Therefre, dn't ignre these emtinal needs.
    C.And they want t prve themselves t the wrld.
    D.But there are als misunderstandings and cnflicts in a grup.
    E.S there will be varied emtinal issues that can truble a yung adult.
    F.They therefre find it difficult t deal with the pressures f mincing their wrds(婉转地说).
    G. Nw that yu knw what sme prblems f yung adults can be, it'll help yu be prepared.
    Rachel had a healthy life bth physically and mentally till ne unfrtunate winter evening. It was raining cats and dgs; everything was wet. Rachel's cat went utside in this cld weather. She 41 him t bring him back inside. He hid near a utility ple (电线杆). Since it rained heavily the ple was charged and 42 _t tuch. Rachel, bent dwn t 43 her cat. She held the ple fr supprt nt 44 it was charged. The ple electrcuted her s badly that she was barely 45 secnds befre her death. The electrcutin resulted in 46_bth her arms, which had t be cut ff.
    Rachel had t face such a(n)47 accident. Peple get 48_abut lsing a finger, imagine lsing bth yur arms. What wuld it be like? That's what Rachel was trying t digest. It wasn't easy at all. Rachel, slwly and gradually was accepting the_49_that she lst her arms and was 50dependent n thers fr basic necessities that 51 the use f her arms. It upset her that she culd nt 52 her wn duties herself.
    Many peple wuld lse hpe.53,that was nt the case with Rachel. She did nt want t 54 her dream. She didn't let the slightest hpelessness bring her dwn and make her 55 her mtivatin.After recvery,Rachel 56_day and night t d mst f her wrk with her feet.
    She emphasized mstly n57since she had n arms t d that with. She tried and tried. After many 58 and failures, she finally culd write with her feet. She cntinued her schl,59 her examinatin and gt a schlarship fr law schl.
    Her ptimism paved the way fr a bright future.Her hard wrk60all because she never gave up.
    41. A.held upB.went afterC.handed verD.put dwn
    B.shckedC. seenD.saved
    49. A.prblemB.riskC.pssibilityD.fact
    50. A.emtinallyB.cmpletelyC.ecnmicallyD.amazingly
    54. A.talk abutB.give upC.believe inD.search fr
    56. A.practicedB.pretendedC.refusedD.agreed
    58. A.attemptsB.cmpetitinsC.cmparisnsD.memries
    60. A.shwed ffB.drpped ffC.tk ffD.paid ff
    Kalas usually get the water they need frm the eucalyptus(枝树)leaves they eat, 61 as drught and wildfires caused by climate change dry ut their fd 62( supply) , many kalas arestarting t drink water.
    Rbert Frend, a farmer frm New Suth Wales, Australia,63( ntice) hw thirsty thekalas gt and helped researchers at the University f Sydney bring them water. Frend invented smething called Blinky Drinkers, a water statin 64(attach) t trees s that kalas can drinkall they want.
    In April 2016, researchers set up 10 f these water statins n the grund and up in the treesn a large piece f land 65a sizable ppulatin f kalas.They als built up a surveillance(监视)system66(see)hw much the kalas were using the Blinky Drinkers.
    67they fund was surprising: The kalas drank a lt,even waking up during the day, when they 68(nrmal) sleep,t g drink water frm the statins n the grund. All f the Blinky Drinkers 69(visit)-193 times in ttal.And this was in the fall and winter seasns, when the heat isn't s severe.
    Researchers were excited t find ut smething new abut hw animals change_70(they) behavir based n climate change and wrried abut the future f the kalas.
    Amng many recreatins, reading is an activity I enjy mst in my free time. My favrite bk are thse intrduce the lives f great peple. Great peple never give up when they face with difficulties. One impressive example is Orville and Wilbur Wright, wh invented the airplane. It is nt gd luck but hard wrk that led the Wright brthers invent this cnvenient machine. Tday we still remember him when we see planes flying in the sky. Whenever I read stries abut great peple, I always learn many frm them and they encurage me t march n brave. This is because I enjy reading bks abut great peple.
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