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    1.本考试设试题卷和答题卡两部分,所有答题必须用2B铅笔涂(选择题)或用黑色签字 笔写(非选择题)在答题卡上,做在试卷上一律不得分。
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读 一遍。
    1. What is the man's dream huse like?
    A. It has a big garden.B. It has a large yard.C. It is by a lake.
    2. What des the wman ffer t d fr the man?
    A. Bk a duble rm.B. Change his rm.C. Call anther htel.
    3. Which film will the speakers see?
    A. Fast Life.B. Summer Rck.C. American Stry.
    4. What des the wman want t knw mre abut?
    A. A bird.B. A ship.C. An accident,
    5. What are the speakers talking abut in general?
    A. What birthday present the wman will buy.
    B. When the wman will attend the party.
    C. What clthes the wman will wear.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各 小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6, What musical instrument des the man's sister play?
    A. The vilin.B. The guitar.C. The pian.
    7 What des the man mean in the end?
    A. The wman plays the guitar well.
    B. The wman sings heller than him.
    C. The wman has little talent fr music.
    8.What will the speakers d tmrrw?
    A. Study tgether.B. Visit Mrs. Green.C. Take an exam.
    9. Where air the speakers?
    A, In a library.B. In a classrm.C. In a lab.
    10. Wh did the man mstly invite t the party?
    A, His family.B. His c-wrkers.C. His schlmates.
    II. At what time is the party ging t begin?
    A. Arund 8 : 00 p. m. B. Arund 7 : 00 p. m. C. Arund 6 - 00 p. m.
    12. What des the man suggest the wman take?
    A. Beer.B. Juice.C. Music.
    13. What's the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Fellw wrkers.B. Old schlmates.C. Emplyer and emplyee.
    14. Hw lng did the wman spend n a hliday recently?
    A. 10 days.B. 14 days.C. 30 days.
    15. What advice des the wman ffer?
    A. Visit Mike.B. Have a party.C. Travel t Australia.
    16. What will Wilsn d this summer?
    A. Take a hliday.B. Lk fr a jb.C. Deal with his wrk.
    17. What is the speaker?
    A. A tur guide.B. A z keeper.C. A schl teacher.
    18. When will the special tur start?
    A. At 11 : 00 a. m.B. Al 12 : 30 p, m.C, At 3 : 00 p. m.
    19. Where will the listeners g first?
    A. The z's infrmatin center.
    B. The insect huse.
    C. The lin huse.
    20. What will take place at 4 : 00?
    A. A z shp will give ut tys.
    B. Visitrs will make sandwiches.
    C. Wrkers will feed the elephants.
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和1)四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并花答题卡上将该 项涂黑。
    Fun facts abut Antarctica
    At the suthernmst pint f the wrld, yu find Antarctica a giant mass f ice that's its wn cntinent. Yu, may nt knw much abut the cntinent, s why nt read n?
    There' s a lake that runs bld red in Antarctica.
    As thugh smene has cut int the ice, the prperly named Bld Falls cme ut ver the Taylr Glacier. The water is extremely high in irn and salt, and when it cmes int cntact with the air, it shws the special red clr against the pure white surrundings. The water here is three times saltier than cean water, and therefre, t salty t becme ice.
    Antarctica has its wn treaty (条约).
    Because the envirnment f Antarctica is s delicate and unique, there is a treaty saying that nly peaceful research can be dne there. In 1959, 12 cuntries signed this treaty, with the number nw sitting at 53. This als makes it certain that Antarctica desn't end up being caught in an internatinal cnflict, and that the cntinent is nly used fr scientific purpses and sensible traveling. The treaty prevents army and nuclear activities, and als mineral mining.
    There is a unique phenmenn in Antarctica called diamnd dust.
    While there are lw levels f precipitatin (降水)in Antarctica, that desn't mean the air is clear f nature’s beauty! The air is s cld there that misture (水汽)can cndense while air-brne. This results in ice falling t the grund. The sun's light will cause the ice t shine, creating a shining shwer called diamnd dust. It happens when the skies are clear, knwn as clear-sky precipitatin.
    If any f these Antarctic facts have increased yur interest in visiting this unique cntinent, be sure t get in tuch with the team al Aurra Expeditins tday.
    Phne:+61 (0)2 9252 1033
    21. What d we knw abut the Bld Falls?
    A. The water has been plluted.B. The water cmes frm a river.
    C. The water is rich in irn and salt. D. The water usually freezes in winter.
    22. The last fun fact is mainly abut .
    A. where misture cmes frmB. hw diamnd dust is frmed
    C. where diamnd dust can be fund D. hw precipitatin can be increased
    23. What is I he text mst prbably?
    A. A tur reprt.B. research plan.
    C. An advertisement. D. An explratin guide.
    During my career in I he past years, I've been fired a few times. The last time was abut five years ag.
    At the time, 1 c-wned a literary agency. I agreed t take n a giant prject fr a majr client. I wrked my tail f! G)r abut a year, fcusing just n this ne client. Meanwhile my partner and assciates tk care f everyne else. We all thught it was a gd bet. But in the end, the client fired me and cperated with an agency wh prmised t get him a majr bk deal with a New Yrk publishing huse and an appearance n Oprah. I was left high and dry with nthing t shw fr my year-lng investment.
    The wrst part was that I did nt see it cming. I thught I had dne a great jb, and we had enjyed a lng-term persnal relatinship. But my client had his eye n bigger things and decided ] culdn't take him there, s he abandned me withut discussin.
    The tiling I finally learned frm this experience was that clients and custmers can be changeable. S never put all yur eggs in ne basket.
    This wasn't the nly mistake I' d made in my career. Sme f the mistakes I had made gt mt fired. That gt ray attentin and furthered my educatin in the schl f hard kncks.
    Chances are, yu are ging t be fired at sme pint in yur career. Last May, 1. 7 millin wrkers in America were laid ff r fired. And accrding t the Labr Department, that was during mnth f generally gd ecnmic news. The trick — after being fired - is t try t push bitterness aside and learn frm it. Failure can be a great teacher, but we have t listen.
    24. Why did the authr nly fcus n ne prject?
    A. His client required him t d s.
    B. He cnsidered it wuld be a safe bet.
    C. It can give him an appearance n Oprah.
    D. There were n ther prjects in his agency.
    25. Why was the authr abandned?
    A. He caused sme truble fr his client,
    B. His client wanted t teach him a lessn.
    C. He culdn't satisfy his client's demands.
    D. His client was afraid f destrying their friendship.
    26. What lessn did the authr prbably learn?
    A. He shuld have spread his risk.
    B. He shuld have tried his best t d belter.
    C. He shuldn't have wrked n giant prjects.
    D. He shuldn't have made friends with his clients.
    27. What did the authr mainly write the text fr?
    A. T shw the imprtance f failure
    B. T tell us hw t face getting fired.
    C. T share a mst hrrible experience.
    D. T explain why peple easily get fired.
    A majr emergency can create a refugee (难民)ppulatin f hundreds f thusands vernight. The mst immediate way in which rganizatins like UNHCR and the Internatinal Red Crss can help these refugees is by setting up refugee camps. Refugee camps are designed t be temprary, but they ften remain in place fr decades. In sme parts f the wrld, children have grwn up and had children f their wn withut ever leaving their camp.
    Critics argue that they frce refugees t be entirely dependent n dnatins. One jurnalist wh visited the Nyadeu camp in suthern Guinea ( Africa) in 2001, described hw nrmally peaceful peple were reduced t fighting with each ther when the fd truck arrived.
    Refugee camps can easily becme dirty, vercrwded and verrun with disease r crime. In many camps, murderers and drug dealers hide themselves amng the majrity f inncent refugees.
    One alternative fr refugees is t settle in a twn r a village and becme part f the lcal ppulatin. This is knwn as "self-settlement". Several aid agencies argue that self-settlement is in many cases a better ptin than refugee camps. They say that self-settled refugees can start t rebuild their lives straight away, and are freer and safer than refugees in camps. Oxfam, the Red Crss and many ther internatinal aid agencies supprt prgrams in which refugees are helped t self-settle.
    Representatives f UNHCR argue that refugee camps are the best way f saving the greatest pssible numbers f lives. They pint ut that it is much easier t help peple if they are all gathered in ne place. This is certainly true f emergency relief, fr example the distributin f fd, water, shelter and medical supplies. It is als true that lng-term aid prgrams, such as family tracing, rphan supprt and, perhaps mst imprtantly, educatin, can all be carried ut much mre easily when refugees are all living tgether in ne place.
    28. Wh are respnsible fr the refugees' dependence n dnatins?
    A. Critics. B. Children. C. Refugee camps. D. UNHCR and the Red Crss.
    29. What advantage can self-settled refugees enjy?
    A. Mre persnal aid.B. Mre living space.
    C. Better training prgrams.D. A better sense f security.
    30. What benefit can gathering refugees in ne place bring?
    A. It can help save much land.B.It'seasier fr them t get schling.
    C, It can reduce the number f rphans. D.It allws families t better help each ther.
    31. Which f the fllwing is nt discussed in the text?
    A. The advantages f refugee camps.B. Thedisadvantages f refugee camps.
    C. The advantages f self-settlement.D. Thedisadvantages f self-settlement.
    America's yuth is turning its back n tbacc. Accrding t a study recently published by the Centers fr Disease Cntrl and Preventin ( CDC) , cigarette smking amng US high schl students is at an all-time lw. One in 5 US high schl students in 2016 reprted using a tbacc prduct within the past 30 days, an imprvement frm 1 in 4 students just ne year befre.
    " These findings shw the imprtance f cntinuing t implement the evidence-based strategies that we knw wrk t reduce all frms f tbacc prduct use, including e-cigarettes, amng ur natin's yuth,“ says Brian King, f the CDC' s Office n Smking and Health and senir authr f the study.
    And it's nt just tbacc: Drug use amng US teens is dwn acrss the bard. The Natinal Institute n Drug Abuse has published annual reprts n US teens' drug use since 1996, and the 2016 survey shws the lwest rates f illegal drug and alchl use. Marijuana(大麻)use remained "mstly steady" It is encuraging t see mre yung peple making healthy chices nt t use illegal substances" says frmer Natinal Drug Cntrl Plicy Directr Michael Btticelli.
    All individual frms f tbacc such as cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, and smke-less tbacc saw declines in usage in 2016. Experts are especially encuraged by the decline in cigarettes, the mst ppular tbacc prduct amng teens. In 2016, 11.3 percent f high schl students reprted using e-cigarettes, dwn frm 16 percent in 2015.
    Dr. King says adaptatin is key t the decline f e-cigarettes. "We have ver a half-century f science telling students abut the harmful effects f tbacc use and what wrks best t prevent it,“ says King. " E-cigarettes are the mst cmmnly used tbacc prduct amng ur natin's yuth, and it's critical that ur prven strategies are mdernized t keep pace with the changing tbacc prduct landscape. "
    32. What des the underlined wrd “implement" in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Delay.B. Perfrm.C. Schedule.D. Cntrl.
    33. What des Paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. US teens' drug use has decreased.
    B. There are many frms f tbacc.
    C. E-cigarettes are ppular amng US teens.
    D, The strategies are put frward by experts.
    34. What may be the experts, attitude twards future declines in cigarette use?
    A. Disapprving. B. Suspicius. C. Favrable.D. Ambiguus.
    35. What wuld be the best title f the text?
    A. US teen tbacc use declines.B. High percent f teen tbacc use.
    C. The harmful effects f tbacc use. D. The strategies t reduce tabasc use.
    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
    Learning t read prvides fundatin fr future learning in all areas f study. And experts say students need t have a wrking knwledge f 10,000 wrds. Nw, a new vcabulary prgram claims t greatly speed up a child's understanding f language. 36 , which uses pictures and shrt wrd exercises t imprve a student's perfrmance n tests.
    Sfia Fenichell created the system. 37 "We call it the 10,000-wrd jurney. We believe that children can master these wrds frm the age f seven tl7. And they dn't have t cram (临时 死记硬背).38 . We' re accelerating their ability t cmmunicate, as well as imprving their reading and writing" she said.
    Each wrd in the Mrs. Wrdsmith system f teaching has a child-friendly definitin. 39 .
    Fr example, the wrd shriveled is defined as " wrinkled, like hipp skin that's been in the bath t lng. ” Underneath the definitin is a drawing f a very wet hippptamus. There are als exercises t help strengthen the student's understanding.
    Fenichell spke at a recent educatin technlgy shw in Lndn. 40 . “The teachers are reprting back that the kids lve it. They want t d mre, they' re putting it in their writing, and they're learning mre wrds. It's s easy t teach them the vcabulary. Little children are using wrds like: ' the brazen(厚颜无耻的)attitude f the British in Wrld War Tw' , and teachers are writing t us and saying they can't believe hw much their writing has imprved. "
    Mrs. Wrdsmith is nw set t expand int schls in ther cuntries, including the United States.
    A. Wrds bring meaning t life
    B. It is called Mrs. Wrdsmith
    C. Children will search fr the right wrds t use
    D. And each wrd has a picture shwing hw the wrd is used
    E. She said the Mrs. Wrdsmith system has been ppular in schls acrss Britain
    F. She wrked with researchers frm Cambridge University in Britain t develp the list f wrds
    G. These wrds are typically the wrds they find in the bks they read, in newspapers, in adult cnversatin
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分3()分)
    阅读下而的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B和C四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Are all inventrs scientists? N. Anyne can make a( n) 41 . All it takes is a(n) 42 and sme hard wrk. A persn must be willing I try again and 43 the inventin wrks. That's just what happened t Murray Spangler in 1907.
    Spangler was a janitr(清洁工) at a department . stre . He 44 t wrk every night after the clsed. He 45 his jb, but it was a ll f wrk I clean all that space. He was 46 . He wished that there was a better way I clean the stre's flr.
    Each night as he wrked, he thught abut the 47 . What kind f machine culd he make? After a while, sme ideas frmed in his head. He gt a grup f 48 , including an ld bx, a tape. a pillwcase, an electric fan, a brm handle, and a paint rller. Then he spent weeks fitting them tgether. He tried it at hme. It 49 ! At last, he was ready t take his inventin t the 50 .
    A plice fficer was walking dwn the street. He glanced at the department stre windw. He saw Spangler 51 his inventin. The fficer went t the wner's huse, 52 the wner that
    Spangler was ding smething with a( n) 53 machine that made a lt f nise. He thught that Spangler had lst his mind.
    The 54 rushed t the stre. He tld Spangler that he was fired fr messing arund 55 ding his jb. Spangler tld him that he was ding his jb 56 than ever befre. He asked the strewner t let him shw him hw his machine wrked. 57 , the man agreed. He was 58 when Spangler mved his machine ver dirt and gum wrappers. They 59 ! Spangler had just built the first vacuum cleaner. The next year he sld his inventin t a firm named Hver. Befre lng vacuum cleaners were as 60 as stves in hmes.
    Curly the rbt beats athletes at curling
    A rbt has beaten tp-class humans at the sprt f curling (冰壶运动).Klaus-Rbert Muller at the Berlin Institute f Technlgy in Germany and his wrkmates built the rbt, 61 ( call)
    Curly, t master the sprt.
    In curling, players slide heavy stnes dwn an icy path twards a target (宫垒).Players cmpete in tw teams f fur, with mst players 62 (take) turns t “thrw" a stne r t use brms(冰壶刷) 63 ( sweep) the ice in frnt f a mving stne. Pints are given fr stnes clsest 64 the centre f the target and a team wins by having the highest scre.
    Curly wn three ut f fur 65 ( match) against tp-class Suth Krean wmen' s curling teams. The rbt thrws stnes, but desn't sweep.
    Placed n wheels, the rbt has 66 lng neck with a vide camera t check 67 stnes are. Curly's 68 ( pwer) learning prgram takes int cnsideratin the psitin(位置)f ther stnes and the state f the ice when deciding the next mves. Once the game 69 ( begin) ,Curly cntinuusly learned hw t imprve n 70 (it) earlier mves, based n the errrs it had made.
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。
    Gd mrning, dear friends! Welcme t ur schl fr a cultural exchange I Please allw me take this precius pprtunity, n behalf f ur schl, t express ur warmest welcme t bth f yu.
    Tday I'd like t intrduce t yu Chinn's Tai Chi. It's ppular activity that cntained Chinese culture abut inner peace r harmny. If yu walk thrugh a park in the mrning, yu'll see a series f beautiful mvement perfrmed by a slw, fcused manner with deep breathing. I ften practice Tai Chi after class, benefited much frm il. Fr me, it's nt just a sprt t make me fit, but als a way f life what can make me peacefully.
    Enjy yur stay here and have a great fun! Thank yu!
    为迎接2022年北京冬奥会的到来,某英文报刊开展了以“Sprts and Me”为题的征文大赛,请根据以下内容投稿:
    2,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯41. A. bservatin
    B. mistake
    C. plan
    D. inventin
    42. A. tpic
    B. thery
    C. idea
    D. excuse
    43. A. thugh
    B. until
    C. nce
    D. after
    44. A. started
    B. failed
    C. agreed
    D. decided
    45. A. fund
    B. liked
    C. quit
    D. knew
    46. A. ashamed
    B. frightened
    C. wrried
    D. exhausted
    47. A. accident
    B. discvery
    C. prblem
    D. experiment
    48. A. machines
    B. bjects
    C. pictures
    D, bks
    49. A. wrked
    B, changed
    C. stpped
    D, arrived
    50. A. stre
    B. htel
    C. lab
    D. statin
    51 . A. shwing
    B. imprving
    C. using
    D. designing
    52. A. threatening
    B. cnvincing
    C. shwing
    D. telling
    53. A. ld
    B. cl
    C. huge
    D. strange
    54. A. janitr
    B. pliceman
    C. wner
    D. custmer
    55. A. instead f
    B. because f
    C. thanks t
    D. as fr
    56. A. wrse
    B. better
    C. slwer
    D. busier
    57. A. Excited
    B. Satisfied
    C. Curius
    D. Afraid
    58. A. cnfused
    B. shcked
    C. disappinted
    D. amused
    59. A. disappeared
    B. cntinued
    C. drpped
    D. mved
    60. A. simple
    B. safe
    C. cnvenient
    D. cmmn

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