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    外研版英语必修4 Module 4 单元检测题 试卷
    外研版英语必修4 Module 4 单元检测题 试卷01
    外研版英语必修4 Module 4 单元检测题 试卷02
    外研版英语必修4 Module 4 单元检测题 试卷03
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    外研版必修4Module 4 Great Scientists同步练习题

    这是一份外研版必修4Module 4 Great Scientists同步练习题,共12页。

    第一部分 听力
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Scientists at Ryal Hllway, University f Lndn and Queen Mary, University f Lndn have discvered that bees learn t fly the shrtest pssible rute between flwers even if they discver the flwers in a different rder. Bees are effectively slving the “traveling salesman prblem”, and they are the first creatures fund t d this.
    The traveling salesman must find the shrtest rute that allws him t visit all lcatins n his rute. Cmputers slve it by cmparing the length f all pssible rutes and chsing the shrtest, and it can keep cmputers busy fr days. Hwever, bees slve it withut cmputer assistance using a brain the size f grass seed. Dr. Nigel Raine, frm the Schl f Bilgical Sciences at Ryal Hllway explains,“Bees slve traveling salesman prblems every day. They visit flwers at multiple lcatins and because bees use lts f energy t fly, they find a rute which keeps flying t a minimum.”
    The team used the cmputer t cntrl artificial flwers t test whether bees wuld fllw a rute defined by the rder in which they discvered the flwers r if they wuld find the shrtest rute. After explring the lcatin f the flwers, bees quickly learned t fly the shrtest rute.
    As well as imprving ur understanding f hw bees mve arund the landscape pllinating (授粉) crps and wild flwers,this research,which is due t be published in The American Naturalist, has ther applicatins. Our lifestyle relies n netwrks such as traffic n the rads, infrmatin flw n the Web and business supply chains. By understanding hw bees can slve their prblems with such a tiny brain, we can imprve ur management f these everyday netwrks withut needing lts f cmputer time. Dr. Raine adds,“Despite their tiny brains,bees are capable f extrardinary feats f behavir. We need t understand hw they can slve the traveling salesman prblem withut a cmputer.”
    21.What wuld be the best title f the passage?
    A.Bees help salesmen travel
    B.Tiny brained bees slve a cmplex mathematical prblem
    C.Hw bees discver the flwers
    D.Hw t slve the “traveling salesman prblem”
    答案:B 主旨大意题。“销售员旅行难题”用计算机也需要好几天才能解决,而蜜蜂毫不费力地就能在花丛中找到最近的飞行路线,故B项“具有微小大脑的蜜蜂解决复杂的数学难题”作为文章的标题最贴切。
    22.We may infer frm the secnd paragraph that the “traveling salesman prblem”________.
    A.can be slved by a cmputer easily
    B.can't even he slved by a cmputer
    C.can puzzle bth peple and cmputers
    D.remains t be slved by scientists
    答案:C 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,销售员在出发之前必须找到合适的路线,这个“销售员旅行难题”即使用电脑也需要好几天才能解决。
    23.The main purpse f the last paragraph is t________
    A.prvide further prf fr the research
    B.tell us hw bees can fly the shrtest rute between flwers
    C.tell us hw the research abut bees' flying rute was cnducted
    D.explain the imprtance f the research
    答案:D 推理判断题。最后一段说明了蜜蜂飞行路线研究的意义和目的,是为了帮助我们在实际生活中更好地节省时间和精力。
    24.It can be cncluded frm the passage that ________.
    A.all creatures are smarter than cmputers
    B.the research abut bees' flying rute can be applied t many fields
    C.ur netwrks are mre cmplex than bees' nes
    D.with the help f the cmputer we can find ut hw bees can slve the “traveling salesman prblem”
    答案:B 推理判断题。根据最后一段可以推断出对蜜蜂飞行路线的研究可以应用到其他领域中。
    A high schl in Hirshima City has been the first t d smething with DNA in the wrld. Its students have wn praise nt nly fr ding this research but als fr presenting their findings t grups f expert scientists. The schl is ne f the Super Science High Schls allwed by the Ministry f Educatin, Culture, Sprts, Science, and Technlgy, where students are given an pprtunity t study science at an advanced level. Here, students use the same type f hi­tech experimental labratries as thse fund at universities. In these labs, they cnduct experiments and research in new fields f study nt fund in textbks. As part f this science curse, the students, with the help f Hirshima University, used a machine called sequencer(音序器),and ver the curse f a year and a half they succeeded in decding(翻译)the DNA. They then presented their results t academic grups. Achieving a wrld first might sund very wnderful, but the prcess f decding the DNA invlved very hard wrk. The students were als respnsible fr maintaining the equipment, and they had t read difficult research papers and put in extra study beynd their regular schlwrk.
    “Researchers need t wrk hard. The wrk was tiring, but the students wrked twards their ambitius gal f achieving a wrld first. They have a great sense f achievement, and the number f students wh hpe t becme bilgists has increased,” said Taruma Akinri, wh is in charge f the science curse.
    In additin t the results being added t the scientific cmmunity, the students' research paper will be translated int English and made available verseas. Mrever, the students have decided t take n a new challenge in DNA decding.
    25.Which f the fllwing is the mst suitable title fr the passage?
    A.Decding the Blueprint f Life
    B.Super Science High Schl
    C.Mre Students Hping t Becme Bilgists
    D.Hi­tech Experimental Labratry
    答案:A 主旨大意题。本文讲述了某中学学生们成功解译DNA的事迹,B项没有突出主旨,而C、D两项是文章中的某个细节,只有A项“解译生命的蓝图”最符合。
    26.Up t a pint, their success is due t________
    A.hi­tech experimental facilities
    B.the great pressure their schl put n them
    C.the increasing number f bilgists
    D.little interest in their regular schlwrk
    答案:A 细节理解题。第一段对该校硬件水平进行了具体描述,由此可知高科技实验设备是帮助学生取得成功的原因之一。B项所说的学校给学生施加的巨大压力和D项所说的学生们对学校作业没有兴趣,在文中没有体现;由第二段第三句可知C项错。
    27.The research paper will be put int English in rder t________.
    A.becme an English textbk
    B.help the students make English friends
    C.make the results knwn t the whle wrld
    D.challenge freign scientists
    答案:C 推理判断题。根据最后一段... the students' research paper will be translated int English and made available verseas.可知学生论文译成英语后会得到世界性的了解和认可,故C项正确。
    28.The authr's attitude twards thse students wh have accmplished a wrld first in DNA decding is________.
    A.indifferent B.admiring
    答案:B 观点态度题。通读全文可知,作者对成功解译DNA的中学生充满赞赏,对他们付出的努力给予高度评价,因此选B。A(漠然的),C(轻视的)和D(失望的)均错。
    Thmas Alva Edisn was awarded mre patents(专利)n inventins than anther American. When he died in 1931, Americans wndered hw they culd best shw their respect fr him. One suggestin was that the natin bserve a minute r tw f ttal blackut. All electric pwer culd be shut ff in hmes, streets, and factries.
    Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edisn and his inventin meant t them. Electric pwer was t imprtant t the cuntry. Shutting it ff fr even a shrt time wuld have led t cmplete cnfusin. A blackut was ut f the questin.
    On the day f Edisn's funeral, many peple silently dimmed their lights. In this way they hnred the man wh had dne mre than anyne else t put the great frce f electricity at his cuntry peple's fingertips.
    29.Peple decided t hnr Edisn when________.
    A.he made the first electric light
    B.electric pwer was 100 years ld
    C.the cuntry realized electricity's imprtance
    D.he died in 1931
    答案:D 细节题。根据第一段第二句“When he died in 1931, Americans wndered hw they culd best shw their respect fr him. ne suggestin was that the natinal bserves a minute r tw f ttal blackut.”可知人们在他去世时想表示对他的尊敬。故选D。
    30.The suggested plan was t________.
    A.turn ff the lights in factries and schls
    B.bserve a few minutes f ttal silence
    C.dim all electric lights
    D.shut ff all electricity fr a shrt time
    答案:D 细节题。根据第一段中“Americans wndered hw they culd best shw their respect fr him. One suggestin was that the natin bserve a minute r tw f ttal blackut. All electric pwer wuld be shut ff in hmes, streets, and factries.”可知有人建议全国大断电。故选D。
    31.Americans fully realized what Edisn's inventins meant when they________.
    A.heard f his death
    B.heard f the plan t hnr him
    C.first used electric pwer
    D.tried t carry ut the plan
    答案:B 细节题。根据第二段“Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edisn and his inventin meant t them. Electric pwer was t imprtant t the cuntry.”可知人们充分认识到电的重要和爱迪生的贡献。故选B。
    32. This passage was prbably written t________.
    A.tell abut Edisn's inventins
    B.explain electricity
    C.prve that peple wished t hnr Edisn
    D.shw what a great Edisn was
    答案:C 主旨题。根据第三段第二句“In this way they hnred the man wh had dne mre than anyne else t put the great frce f electricity at his cuntry peple's fingertips.”
    There is a stry abut hw Albert Einstein was travelling t universities, giving lectures n his famus thery f relativity(相对论). One day while n their way t a university, the driver said, “Dr. Einstein, I've heard that lecture mre than 30 times. I have learned it by heart and bet(打赌)I culd give it myself.”
    “Well, I'll give yu the chances,”said Einstein, “they dn't knw me at the next schl. S when we get there, I'll put n yur cap and yu intrduce yurself as me and give the lecture.”
    The driver gave Einstein's lecture s wnderfully that he didn't make any mistakes.
    When he finished, he started t leave, but ne f the prfessrs stpped him and asked him a questin which was very difficult. The driver thught fast. “The answer t that questin is s simple,”he said, “I'm surprised yu have t ask me, in fact, t shw yu just hw simple it is, I'm ging t ask my driver t cme up here and answer yur questin.”
    33.The driver asked Albert Einstein t give him a chance t give lectures because________.
    A.he thught the thery f relativity simple
    B.he didn't understand the thery f relativity at all
    C.he had heard the lecture s many times that he culd recite it
    D.he wanted t shw hw well he understd the thery f relativity
    答案:C 细节题。由第一段中“I've heard that lecture mre than 30 times. I have learned it by heart and bet(打赌)I culd give it myself.”可知司机和他开玩笑说他听过很多次,他也可以演讲了。
    34.________and he let driver have a try.
    A.Albert Einstein was a very kind man
    B.Albert Einstein knew it was impssible fr the driver t give the lecture
    C.Albert Einstein knew the driver was able t give the lecture
    D.Albert Einstein wanted t make fun f the driver
    答案:D 推断题。根据上下文可知爱因斯坦想和他开玩笑。
    35.The prfessr________, s he asked him the questin.
    A.regarded the driver as Einstein
    B.knew the driver wasn't Einstein himself
    C.wanted t test Einstein's knwledge
    D.wanted t knw if the driver was Einstein himself
    答案:A 推断题。根据最后一段“When he finished, he started t leave, but ne f the prfessrs stpped hm and asked him a questin which was very difficult.”可知教授不认识爱因斯坦把司机错认为爱因斯坦,故选A。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    After I had spent a week with my English family, I slwly began t understand their English a little better. __37__ Students in my grup are frm different cities f Britain and their dialects (方言) are different t! Sme f their accents are quite strng and they als have their wn wrds and expressins.
    __38__ Befre I came t England I had thught that fish and chips were eaten every day. That's quite wrng! I get rather annyed nw when I hear all the flish wrds abut typical English fd.
    I had expected t see “Lndn fg”. D yu remember ur texts abut it? We had n idea that mst f this “thick fg” disappeared many years ag when peple stpped using cal in their hmes. But the idea t speak abut weather was very helpful. __39__ On the ther hand, habits are different. Peple tell me what is typical British here in Lndn is nt always typical in Wales r Sctland __40__.
    But what is rdinary fr all British is that they fllw traditins (传统). Prbably Britain has mre living signs f its past than many ther cuntries. And peple have always been prud f having ancient (古老) buildings in capitals, big cities and the cuntryside.
    I will tell yu mre abut Britain in my ther letters.
    Lve frm Britain.
    A.The weather in Lndn is really changeable.
    B.I have difficulty in understanding my classmates.
    C.Thanks fr yur nice letter.
    D.The family I live with are friendly.
    E.It's very different frm what I learned at schl.
    F.Lcal habits and traditins are nt the same as what we knew.
    G.But it's nt the language that's different and surprising.
    答案:36~40 CEGAF
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    A successful scientist is generally a gd bserver. He makes full __41__ f the facts he bserves. He desn't accept ideas which are nt __42__ n bvius facts, and therefre refuses t accept authrity(权威) as the nly __43__ fr truth. He always __44__ ideas carefully and makes experiments t prve them.
    The rise f __45__ science may be cnsidered t __46__ back as far as the __47__ f Rger Bacn, the wnderful philspher f Oxfrd, wh lived __48__ the years 1214 and 1292. He was prbably the first in the Middle__49__ t suggest that we shuld learn science __50__ bserving and experimenting n the things arund us, and he himself __51__ many imprtant discveries.
    Galile, hwever, wh lived mre than 300 years later,was the greatest f several great men,__52__ lived in Italy, France, Germany r England, and began by __53__ t shw hw many imprtant __54__ culd be discvered by bservatin. Befre Galile, learned men believed that large bdies fell mre __55__ twards the earth than small nes,__56__ Aristtle said s. But Galile, ging t the__57__ f the Leaning Twer f Pisa,let fall tw__58__ stnes and prved Aristtle was wrng. It was Galile's__59__ f ging direct t Nature, and prving ur__60__ and theries by experiments, that has led t all the discveries f mdern science.
    41.A.use B.time
    C.speed D.trust
    答案:A make full use f为固定短语,意为“充分利用”,这里指“充分利用他所观察的事实”。
    42.A.wrked B.based
    C.lived D.written
    答案:B be based n“以……为依据”,这里指“以明显的事实为依据”。
    43.A.reasn B.cause
    C.advice D.result
    答案:A 好的科学家不认为权威就是真理的理由。reasn“理由,原因”,符合语境。
    44.A.thinks B.checks
    C.has D.learns
    答案:B 他总是仔细审核观点并做实验来验证。check“检查;核实”,符合语境。
    45.A.natural B.physical
    答案:D 从本文最后一句可以推知,此处应该是指“现代”科学。
    C.lk D.take
    答案:A date back(t...)为固定短语,意为“追溯到……”,符合语境。keep back“阻止”;lk back“回顾”;take back“收回”。
    47.A.study B.time
    C.year D.birth
    答案:B 现代科学的兴起或许可以追溯到罗杰·培根时期。time在此处意为“时代;时期”。
    C.between D.amng
    答案:C 根据上下文,此处指的是生活在1214年和1292年之间,而不是生活在这两年,且””为固定搭配。
    49.A.Schls B.Ages
    C.Days D.Cuntries
    答案:B age此处意为“时代,时期”。the Middle Ages“中世纪”。
    50.A.in B.with
    C.n D.by
    答案:D 我们应该通过对周围的事情进行观察和实验来学习科学。n和by都有“靠,凭借”的意思,by后接动名词,符合语境;n后常接名词或代词。
    答案:B 培根自己也有很多重大发现。make a discvery为固定短语,意为“做出发现”。
    C.that D.where
    答案:A 此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词是several great men,故用wh引导。
    53.A.ways B.degrees
    C.levels D.chance
    答案:B by degrees为固定短语,相当于gradually,意为“渐渐地,逐渐地”。
    54.A.truths B.prblems
    答案:A 根据语境,此处指通过观察、实验来发现“真理”,故选A项。
    55.A.slwly B.rapidly
    答案:B 在伽利略之前的学者认为,大的物体比小的物体降落速度快,故用rapidly“迅速地”。
    56.A.when B.because
    C.althugh D.if
    答案:B 当时的人们把亚里士多德当作权威,因此人们对他的观点深信不疑。because引导原因状语从句。
    57.A.place B.ft
    C.tp D.ceiling
    答案:C 此处指这一实验是在比萨斜塔的顶上进行的,故选tp。place“位置;地方”;ft“底部”;ceiling“天花板”。
    58.A.big B.small
    C.equal D.unequal
    答案:D 根据上文所述,人们相信大物体总比小物体下落快。为了推翻亚里士多德的这一观点,伽利略到比萨斜塔的顶部同时放下两个“体积不等”的石块。
    59.A.spirit B.skill
    C.thery D.discvery
    答案:A 从上文可以看出,这就是伽利略直接走向大自然的精神。spirit“精神”。
    60.A.plans B.pinins
    C.wrld D.ability
    答案:B 伽利略通过实验证明我们的观点和理论的精神引领了所有现代科学的发现。pinin“观点”。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)
    Keeping a diary in English is ne f the__61__(effect) ways t imprve ur English writing ability.
    __62__(cmpare) with ther frms f writing, it is shrter and takes__63__time. It can help us t develp the habit f thinking in English. __64__we persist in this practice, gradually we'll learn hw t express urselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many__65__. In the first place, __66__ften happens that we have truble finding apprpriate wrds and phrases t give expressin t ur mind. Secndly, there are many idimatic ways f saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard fr us t put them int English prperly.
    As far as I __67__(cncern), my__68__(suggest) is that we shuld always have a ntebk and a Chinese-English dictinary within easy reach. Whenever smething beats us, we can first put it dwn in ur ntebk and then cnsult ur dictinary. We can als turn__69__ur English teacher fr help, if necessary. In shrt, I believe that it is__70__great use t keep a diary in English fr the develpment f ur writing skills.
    61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______
    66.______ 67.______ 68.______ 69.______ 70.______
    61.effective 此处应该用形容词修饰名词ways。
    62.Cmpared it(日记)与cmpare之间存在被动关系,所以用过去分词做状语。
    63.less 根据前面出现的shrter可知,此处应用比较级。
    64.If if引导条件状语从句,表示如果我们坚持这种练习。
    65.difficulties 坚持用英语记日记,肯定会遇到很多困难。
    66.it it在此处做形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句。
    67.am cncerned as far as I am cncerned是固定短语,意为“就我而言”。
    68.suggestin 此处应该用名词做主语。
    69.t turn t sb fr help是固定搭配,意为“向某人求助”。
    70.f f great use相当于very useful。
    A:Hw d yu use an ATM card, Billy?
    B:It's easy, grandpa. Insert yur card__61__the machine here. Then wait__62__mment. Ok. Nw yu enter yur PIN. It__63__have fur numbers.
    A:Oh yes. I've gt it written dwn here. Just a minute.
    B:Yu really shuldn't write__64__dwn. Yu shuld memrise it. Yu can change it t a __65__ cnvenient number if yu like.
    A:Ok, I've entered my PIN. There are several__66__(ptin) n the screen. I guess I just__67__(chice) which service I want, dn't I ?
    B:Yes. Chse the service yu need t use. If yu chse t withdraw mney, the machine__68__(ask) yu hw much yu want.
    A:I can just enter the amunt__69__(use) the key, right?
    B:That's right. Give the machine a mment t prcess yur request. Then take yur mney.
    A:These machines aren't very difficult t use. In fact, I quite like them. They are much faster__70__dealing with a bank clerk.
    61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______
    66.______ 67.______ 68.______ 69.______ 70.______
    61.int 考查介词用法。insert sth. int 意为: 把……插入……。
    62.a 考查冠词用法。wait a mment意为:等一会儿。
    63.shuld 考查情态动词用法。shuld意为:应该。
    64.it 考查代词用法。it代指上文提到的有yur PIN。
    65.mre 考查比较级。此处为和上文相比较,因此用mre。
    66.ptins 考查名词用法。several 修饰限定可数名词复数。
    67.chse 考查动词的形式。chice的动词用chse。
    68.will ask 考查时态。if 条件状语从句中用一般时,主句中用将来时。
    69.using 考查非谓语动词。此处using为现在分词作方式状语。
    70.than 考查介词用法。前面有faster,因此此处用than。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    It was cld day in winter. An ant is bringing ut sme crns he had gathered in summer. A grasshpper, wh was dying f hunger, seeing the ant and asked him f sme crn. The ant lked at the grasshpper and asked him hw he hadn't stred up sme in summer. The grasshpper tld the ant that he had been very much busy in summer but he hadn't. The ant asked him what he had dne. The grasshpper replied that he had sung all summer. The ant said angry t him that he culd sing all winter as he had dne all summer.
    It was eq \(∧,\s\d4(a)) cld day in winter. An ant eq \(is,\s\d4(was)) bringing ut sme eq \(crns,\s\d4(crn)) he had gathered in summer. A grasshpper, wh was dying f hunger, eq \(seeing,\s\d4(saw)) the ant and asked him eq \(f,\s\d4(fr)) sme crn. The ant lked at the grasshpper and asked him eq \(hw,\s\d4(why)) he hadn't stred up eq \(sme,\s\d4(any)) in summer. The grasshpper tld the ant that he had been very much busy in summer eq \(but,\s\d4(and/s)) he hadn't. The ant asked him what he had dne. The grasshpper replied that he had sung all summer. The ant said eq \(angry,\s\d4(angrily)) t him that he culd sing all winter as he had dne all summer.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Wu Jianxing, a female Chinese­American physicist, was brn in Taicang Cunty, Jiangsu Prvince n May 31st, 1912. She went t the USA fr further educatin in 1936. Fur years later, she gt the dctr's degree in Califrnia University. After that she received lts f dctr's degrees in many famus universities in the USA. She devted her life t her research in physics and wn many prizes in the USA and all arund the wrld. She had paid much attentin t the develpment f science and technlgy in China, and she had been back t hld lectures many times since 1973. She set up a library under her name in Nanjing University in 1992. On February 16th, 1997, she died f heart disease.

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