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    初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级上册Unit 7 Will people have robots?综合与测试学案

    这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级上册Unit 7 Will people have robots?综合与测试学案,共28页。

    paper['peɪpər] n.纸
    pllutin [pə'luːʃn]n. 污染;污染物
    predictin[prɪ'dɪkʃn] n.预测
    future ['fjuːtʃər] n.未来
    pllute[pə'luːt] v.污染
    envirnment [ɪn'vaɪrənmənt] n.环境
    planet ['plænɪt] n.行星
    earth[ɜːrθ] n.地球;泥土
    plant [plænt] v.种植,n.植物
    part [pɑːrt] n.参加,部分
    play a park 参与(某事)
    peace [piːs]n.和平
    sea [si] n. 海;海洋;许多;大量
    build [bɪld] v.建筑,建造
    sky[skaɪ] n.天空
    astrnaut['æstrənɔːt] n.宇航员
    apartment[ə'pɑːrtmənt] n.公寓房间
    rcket ['rɑːkɪt] n.火箭;
    space[speɪs] n.空间;太空
    space statin 太空站
    human ['hjuːmən] adj.人的; n.人;人类
    servant['sɜːrvənt] n.仆人
    dangerus ['deɪndʒərəs] adj.危险的
    already[ɔːl'redi] adv.已经
    factry['fæktri] n.工厂
    ver and ver again 多次;反复地
    Japan [dʒə'pæn] 日本
    believe [bɪ'liːv] v.相信
    disagree [ˌdɪsə'ɡriː] v.不同意
    even['iːvn] adv.甚至;愈加
    hundreds f 许多 ;大量; 成百上千
    shape [ʃeɪp] n.形状
    fall [fɔːl] v./n.倒塌;跌倒 n.秋天(美式)
    fall dwn 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌
    inside ['ɪn'saɪd] n. 里面;内部;内情;内脏adj. 里面的;内部的;秘密的adv. 在里面prep. 少于;在…之内
    lk fr 寻找;寻求
    pssible ['pɑːsəbl] adj.可能的
    impssible [ɪm'pɑsəbl] adj. 不可能的;不可能存在的;难以忍受的;不真实的n. 不可能;不可能的事
    side [saɪd] n. 方面;侧面;旁边vi. 支持;赞助;偏袒adj. 旁的,侧的vt. 同意,支持
    prbably ['prɑːbəbli] adv.大概;或许;很可能
    during ['dʊrɪŋ] prep. 在…的时候,在…的期间
    hliday ['hɑːlədeɪ] n.假日
    wrd [wɜːrd] n.单词;
    1.Lk! Sme birds are flying in the s_________.
    2.After years f fighting, the peple wanted p_________ very much.
    3.Many experiences will becme a p_________ f yur life.
    4.The fish in the river all died ut because f serius p_________.
    5.I wrte their telephne numbers n a piece f p_________ just nw.
    6.I want t knw if we can live n ther p_________ besides the earth.
    7.He made a p_____________. He said peple wuld mve t the mn in 2018.
    8.The e_____________is becming wrse and wrse. We shuld d smething like planting trees and using less water t save it.
    9.It was hard fr the villagers t crss the river. S we b_________ a bridge fr them.
    10.There are different kinds f animals like fishes and whales(鲸鱼)living in the s___.
    1. _____ cmputers通过电脑
    2. n paper在纸上
    3.in l00 years在100年以后
    4. ___________在未来
    5. _______________处于极度危险中
    6. in the sea/city/cuntry在海里/在城市里/在乡村
    7. in factries在工厂里
    8. at sme ___________在某个时候
    9. as a reprter作为一名记者
    10. the 和……同样的…
    1l. free time空闲时间
    12. wrld peace世界和平
    13. ___________ water淡水
    14. live t be... years ld活到…岁
    15.( live n) space statin(住在)太空站
    16.(live) n the earth(住)在地球上
    17. ___________搬到
    18. ______________参与;发挥作用
    19. save the earth拯救地球
    20. lk fr寻找;寻求
    21. ___________看起来像
    22. help with…帮助做
    23. get bred感到厌烦
    24. ___________ 醒来
    25. ___________突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌
    26. agree/disagree ___________同意/不同意
    27. keep a bird养鸟
    28. take a hliday度假
    29. ___________许多;大量
    will+动词原形 将要做…
    2. fewer/mre+可数名词复数 更少/更多
    3. less/mre+不可数名词 更少/更多……
    4. play a part in ding sth= play a rle in ding sth 在……中发挥作用
    5. There will be+主语+其他将会有…
    6. There is/are+ sb /sth +ding sth.有某人/某物正在做某事。
    7.It is+形容词+ fr sb.+ t d sth.对某人来说做某事是……的
    8. What will... be like?…将会怎么样?
    9. agree t d sth.同意做某事
    10. make sb... d sth.使某人做某事
    1l.seem+形容词 好像
    1. D yu think there will be rbts in peple’s hmes? 你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?
    (1)"D yu "结构通常用来征求对方的意见或看法,后面接宾语从句,从句用陈述句语序。其后
    的简略回答应以从句内容作简略回答,本句的肯定回答用"Yes,there will.",否定回答用"N,there
    例:—D yu think there will be rbts in schl? 你认为学校将来会有机器人吗?—Yes, there will. 是的,会有。
    (2)there will be是there be句型的一般将来时形式,意为"将有……",也可用there is/are ging t be来表示。
    例:There will (are ging t) be a lt f persnal cars in ur twn. 在我们小镇上将会有许多私家车。
    1)_____________ t imprve ur envirnment?
    A. What d yu think we shuld dB. D yu think what we shuld d
    C. What d yu think shuld we dD. D yu think what shuld we d
    2)There _____________ a ftball match in this schl next week.
    A. will haveB. is ging t haveC. will beD. is
    2. Bks will nly be n cmputers, nt n paper. 书将只会在电脑上出现,而不会以纸张的形式出现。
    paper意为“纸,纸张”,是不可数名词。“一张纸”用a piece f paper表示,“两张纸”用tw pieces f paper表示。
    【注意】 辨析 n the paper & in the paper

    3. Will peple use mney in 100 years? 100年以后人们还会使用钱吗?
    in 100 years意为"在100年以后",其中in为介词,其后跟一段时间表示"在……之后",通常用于一
    般将来时,对其提问时须用hw sn(多久)。
    例: My uncle will cme back in tw weeks. 我叔叔两周后回来。
    【易混辨析】 in与after
    We will finish building a new huse _________ abut six weeks this year.
    A. atB. nC. tD. in
    (1) during指“在……时间内,在……的期间”。谓语动词常为表示持续性的动作或状态的动词,时间段前常有限定词(the; 物主代词等),表特指。例如:
    He asked many questins during the three meetings.
    (2) in意为“在……时间内”,一般情况下可以和during互换,用in时往往强调某一动作发生在某一时间段中的某一时间点;during既可表示“在整个时间段期间”,也可表示“某时间段内的某个时间点”。例如:
    Mike put his hand up three times during/in the class.
    (3) fr意为“(时间)长达……”,强调时间由始至终,动作也贯穿这段时间的始终,可以和完成时连用。强调持续时间的长短,回答hw lng的提问;而during则是指动作所发生的时间,回答when的提问。例如:
    He stayed in Beijing fr tw years. 他在北京住了两年。
    He swims every day during the summer. 夏天他每天去游泳。
    4. There will be (mre/less/fewer) peple. 将会有(更多/更少/更少的)人。
    【易混辨析】 less,fewer 与 mre
    1. less也可作副词,意为"较少地,更少地",常用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。其反义词为mre,用法与less相同。
    例:Eat less,drink less and sleep mre. 少吃,少喝,多睡觉。
    2. few,little含有否定意味,意为"几乎没有";a few,a little含有肯定意味,意为"一点,一些"。
    They did _____________ wrk with _____________ mney and _____________ peple.
    A. mre;less;fewerB. less;fewer;less
    C. mre;fewer;mreD. less;less;less
    5. Well, cities will be mre crwded and plluted. 哦,城市将会更拥挤并被污染得更严重。
    pllute 为动词,意为"污染"。句中"plluted"为形容词,意为"被污染的"。
    例:Bicycle is a gd exercise. It desn’t pllute the air. 自行车是一种好的运动,它不污染环境。
    Air pllutin is a great prblem nw. 现在空气污染是个大问题。
    Nw _____________ is very serius. Sme rivers and lakes are _________.
    A. pllutin;plluteB. plluted;pllutin
    C. pllutin;pllutedD. pllute;plluted
    6. S what will the future be like? 那么,未来会是神马样子?
    What will…be like?为固定句式,意为“……将会怎么样?”
    What will the weather be like tmrrw? 明天天气将会怎么样?
    What’s sb. like?“某人怎么样?”,常用于询问某人的性格、品质等。
    ——What’s Tm like?汤姆怎么样? ——He is funny. 他滑稽有趣。
    ◆ 一般将来时基本概念
    一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。由助动词shall或will加动词原形构成,shall 用于第一人称,will用于第二、三人称。除英国外的说英语的国家,在陈述句中,即使在第一人称一般也用will,在英国也有这种趋势。在口语中,常用shall, will的缩写形式为’ll , 如:I’ll, yu’ll等。shall nt的缩写式为:shan’t, will nt 的缩写式为:wn’t.
    肯定句:I/We shall/will g. Yu/He/She/They will g.
    否定句:I/We shall/will nt g. Yu/He/She/They will nt g.
    疑问句:Shall I/we g ? Will yu/he/she/they g?
    ◆ 一般将来时常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用
    tmrrw(明天), next week(下周), frm nw n(从现在开始);in the future(将来)等。
    1. this引导的短语 如:this year
    2. tmrrw及其相关短语 如:tmrrw mrning
    3. next引导的短语 如:next mnth
    4. frm nw n;in the future;in an hur等。
    ◆ 一般将来时的五种用法
    (1)Will/Shall+ 动词原形 表示将要发生的动作或情况。如:
    ☞ I will (shall) arrive tmrrw. 我明天到。
    ☞ We wn’t (shan’t ) be busy this evening. 我们今晚不忙。
    ☞ Will she cme? 她(会)来吗?
    ☞ We’ll nly stay fr tw weeks. 我们只待两星期。
    ☞ The meeting wn’t last lng. 会开不了多久。
    ☞ Where shall we meet? 我们在哪儿碰头?
    ☞ Shall we have any classes tmrrw? 明天我们有课吗?
    ☞ Hw will I get there? 我怎么去?
    (2)be ging t+动词原形
    ☞ Hw are yu ging t spend yur hlidays? 假期你准备怎样过?
    ☞ I think it is ging t snw. 我看要下雪了。
    ☞ There’s ging t be a lt f truble abut this. 这事肯定会有很多麻烦。
    ③"will"句型与"be ging t"句型区别:前者表示纯粹将来,后者表示打算、计划、准备做的事情,更
    ☞ Tmrrw will be Saturday. 明天是周六了。
    ☞ We are ging t visit Paris this summer. 今年夏天我们打算游览巴黎。
    表示位置转移的动词(如:g, cme, leave, start, cme, g, arrive, reach等),可用现在进行时态表示______________________。如:
    ☞ Uncle Wang is cming. 王叔叔就要来了。
    ☞ I’m leaving fr Beijing. 我要去北京。
    ①某些词,如cme, g, leave, arrive, start, get, stay, live, fly等的一般现在时也可表示_________________________________。如:
    ☞ The new term starts (begins) n August 29th. 新学期八月二十九日开学。
    ☞ He gets ff at the next stp. 他下一站下车。
    ☞ The train leaves at 12:00. 火车12点离站。
    ☞ If it desn’t rain tmrrw, we will g ut fr a picnic. 如果明天不下雨,我们将出去野餐。
    ☞ Turn ff the lights befre yu leave. 走前关灯。
    ☞ I’ll write t her when I have time. 我有空会给她写信。
    (5)"be t+动词原形"和 "be abut t+动词原形"表示将来。
    ①"be t+动词原形"表示按计划要发生的事或征求对方意见。如:
    ☞ Are we t g n with this wrk? 我们继续干吗?
    ☞ The by is t g t schl tmrrw. 这个男孩明天要去上学。
    ☞ He is t visit Japan next year. 明年他将访问日本。
    ②"be abut t+动词原形"表示即将发生的动作,意为:很快,马上。后面一般不跟时间状语。如:
    ☞ We are abut t leave. 我们马上就走。
    ◇ there be句型中一般将来时的用法
    There will be… There is/are ging t be…
    ☞ There is ging t be a basketball match this afternn. 今天下午将有一场篮球。
    ☞ There will be a party in his huse. 他家将要举行一个聚会。
    ☞ If it is fine tmrrw, we’ll g swimming. 如果明天天气好的话,我们将去游泳。
    ☞ When he cmes back, I’ll tell him t call yu back. 他回来后,我会告诉他给你回电话。
    ☞ Wrk hard, and yu will pass the exam. 努力学习,你就会通过考试。
    ☞ Wrk hard, r yu will fail yur exam. 努力学习,否则你会不及格的。
    Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
    1. Bb and I __________________(watch) an actin mvie tmrrw.
    2. We __________________ (be) able t g t space in the future.
    3. The children __________________ (discuss) the plan after schl.
    4. Mark __________________ (nt have) any classes next week.
    5. I __________________ (take) sme pian lessns next year.
    II. 单项选择
    1. I fell in lve with Shanghai n my first trip, s I decide I __________ in it in 10 years.
    A. will live B. lives C. livedD. has lived
    2. —Will there be mre peple in 100 years? —__________________.
    A. N, there isn’t B. N, there aren’t
    C. N, there wn’t D. N, they wn’t
    3. I hpe everything ____________ free in the future.
    A.isB. wasC. will beD. will
    4. —Will there be less pllutin? —__________________.
    A. Yes, there’llB. Yes, there will nt
    C. N, there’ll ntD. N, there wn’t
    5. —Shall we hang ut in Great Bazaar (大巴扎) tmrrw?
    —I’m afraid nt. _____________ the final game f the Wrld Cup n TV.
    A. There isB. There will be C. There will have D. There is ging t have
    6. If yu __________________ t the party, yu will have a great time.
    A. g B. will gC. gesD. went
    7. We are glad t hear that the Greens ___________ t a new flat next week.
    A. mve B. mved C. will mve D. mving
    Mr. Smith ___________ a talk n cuntry music next Mnday.
    A. give B. gave C. is giving D. will give
    9. —Have yu watched the new mvie A dg’s Purpse, Steven?
    —Nt yet. I __________________ it with my cusin this evening.
    A. will watch B. was watching
    C. watched D. have watched
    10. Peple usually like the TV channels with funnier prgrammes but __________ advertisements.
    A. few B. little C. fewer D. less
    11. —My aunt __________________ me t Eurpe fr vacatin next mnth.
    —Have a gd time!
    A. take B. tk C. will takeD. takes
    12. —Why are yu in such a hurry, Mike?
    —There __________________ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.
    A. will have B. will be
    C. is ging t have D. are ging t be
    一、选择填空。从各题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确答案。
    ()1.— When will yur brther cme back?
    Maybe________tw days.
    A.inB.after C.fr
    ()2.— Will there be rbts in peple's hme?
    A. Yes, there B. Yes, there areC. Yes, there will
    () 3.There_____an NBA game n TV tmrrw mrning.
    A. wasB. hasC. will be
    ()4.— We____ camping next Sunday. D yu want t jin us?
    — Yes, f curse.
    A.gB. will g C. went
    ()5.Sme paper is n the table. Can yu bring____ t me?
    A.itB. themC. these
    ()6.Our teacher tld us __earth travels arund____ sun.
    A.an; aB.an; the C.the;the
    ()7.— We need_______five peple t help with the wrk.
    — I can give yu three _________peple, but nt five.
    A.anther; mreB.mre; a C.mre; mre
    ()8.If there are peple driving, there will be______ air pllutin.
    A.less; fewerB.fewer;less C.less; less
    ()9.— Why d yu lk unhappy?
    — My best friend ____ t Beijing next week.
    mvesB.mvedC.will mve
    ()10.— Lk! It seems t rain sn.
    _______.I want t g fr a ride n my brther's bike.
    A.Sunds cl B.I hpe ntC.I hpe s
    1.There will be a tall building here.(改为一般疑问句)
    ______ ______ ______ a tall building here?
    2.Simn plays basketball every Sunday.(用 next Sunday改写句子)
    Simn ______ ______ basketball ______ ______.
    3.Tm is ging t Canada with his friends.(改为同义句)
    Tm ______ ______ t Canada with his friends.
    4.There will be fewer peple in the cuntryside.(对画线部分提问)
    ______ ______ ______ ______ fewer peple?
    5.His father will buy a new bicycle tmrrw.(对画线部分提问)
    ______ ______his father d tmrrw?
    A: Jack, what are yu ding?
    B: I am reading a bk.
    B: Life in the future(未来).___2____
    A: Sunds interesting. If s,peple will have mre free time.
    B:Yes.Rbts can help peple d much wrk. _____3____
    A: N, they wn't.
    B:___ 4_____
    A: Oh,sunds bad. There will be t many peple.
    A.Yes, I think s.
    B. What is it abut?
    C.D yu think peple will live t be 200 years ld?
    D.The bk says peple that can live t be200 years ld.
    E.It says that peple will have rbts in their hmes.
    四、完形填空。根据短文内容,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
    What d yu think ur life will be like in the future? Different peple have different ideas.
    I dn't think we will have t d bring __1___ at hme in the future. There will be rbts in ur hmes. They can help us d much wrk.Fr example,they will help us_2__ .The fd they made will be healthier and mre delicius.We will __3__ such fd. Then we will spend mre time reading bks which can make __4___. We will nly need t listen t them.
    Peple will make a new kind f ___5___ in the future. They will be __6__ in winter and cl in summer.Peple will lk nicer when in them. And peple dn't have t __7___ them because.they wn't get dirty.
    Peple will use a special car t travel(旅行).It can run n the rad and 8 in the air. It will be easy fr peple t travel t the mn and ther planets(行星).
    ___9___ is develping(发展)faster and faster. Scientists predict(预测)that ur life will be better and better.I think the predictin will ___10___ sn.
    () B.hmewrk C.husewrk
    ()2.A. ckB.sleepC. study
    () B.dislikeC. enjy
    ()B.mney C. paper
    () B.clthesC.screen
    () B.cheapC. clean
    ()B.wash C. wear
    ()B.fall C.fly
    ()9. A.Rbts B. ScienceC. Cmputers
    () true B.cme ver C.cme ut
    1.—I am busy s I dn't have __________ time t read.
    — Summer vacatin is cming. Yu will have _________ free time. Yu can spend _________ f the time reading. (much)
    We _________ the plane t Chengdu last week and we ______________ the bus t Hangzhu in three days.(take)
    3.Everyne shuld play a part in _________(save)the earth.
    4.Stp _________ the river! We shuld try ur best t fight water _________. (pllute)
    5.— Nw there is _________ clean water than befre.
    — Yes.I vlunteer t save water resurce(资源)at _________ twice a mnth. (little)
    play a part inin the futurebe gd fr
    n the earthin danger
    1.We all knw that ding mrning exercises every day _______________ ur health.
    2.Lk! The little girl is_______________.Let's help her!
    3.Sme peple say they dn't want t live _______________.They want t mve t ther planets.
    4.Peple will have rbts at hmes _______________.
    5.Everyne shuld _______________ planting trees.
    二、完形填空。根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
    What ur life will be like in the future? Nt lng ag peple believed that in the future we wuld wrk less, have mre free time, and be mre ___1___ , because rbts wuld d lts f the wrk.But we see this desn't __2___ in every hme.Tday we wrk harder, wrk lnger hurs, and are much ___3___than ten years ag. We wrk faster, talk faster and __4___ less than befre. We have machines and these machines can help us save time, ___5___we have less free time than ur parents and grandparents ___6___. What des this have t d with ur health?
    An American writer James Gleick in a new __7___ says that peple in cities are having a kind f"hurry sickness(匆忙症)"— we are ___8___ trying t d mre
    things in less time.S ur life is mre stressful(紧张的).He says that if we dn't slw dwn, we may nt ___9___ as lng as ur parents. The bk is very ppular and
    mst peple agree with him. Fr mst peple,being faster desn't ___10___being better. Will peple have a relaxing life in the future? Maybe n ne knws.
    ()1. A. relaxedB. excitedC. bred
    () 2.A. bring B.takeC. happen
    () B. busierC.better
    ()B. danceC.sleep
    ()B. becauseC.if
    () B.hadC.played
    ()B. articleC. magazine
    () B. neverC.always
    () B.liveC.think
    ()B.mean C.make
    I read a bk named Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer.In the bk,five litle men cme t visit ur planet, but they dn't like what they see. When they cme t the rivers, they see that the rivers are plluted. In the city streets,they find t many cars cause(造成)great air pllutin.They fly t the frest.Animals there are lsing their hme,because lts f trees are cut dwn.The little men are s sad(伤心的),s they leave ne by ne.
    After reading the bk,I felt wrried abut the envirnment.I think all f us shuld play a part in saving the earth.It is a gd idea t ride bikes when we g t schl r wrk every day. When we g ut t travel(旅行)during the hliday,we can bring ur wn drinking glasses. When spring cmes, we can plant mre trees.
    I believe(相信)we will have a greener wrld if we try ur best.Just like the ending f the stry in the bk, the wrld becmes beautiful and the five little men decide t stay.
    ()1.The little men are sad because peple pllute the earth seriusly.
    ()2.The writer felt wrried abut the envirnment after reading the bk.
    ()3. The writer thinks everyne shuld try t save the earth.
    ()4.The writer thinks it's impssible t save the envirnment.
    ()5.The bk mainly tells peple t plant mre trees.
    buildenvirnment luck much planet plant
    pllute predictin reasn sea serius week
    Life tday is much easier than it was hundreds f years ag. We can take the high-speed train r the plane t visit different places in a very shrt time. And we
    ___1___ greater huses and live mre cmfrtably.
    But there are als new prblems. One f the biggest is ___2___ . It cmes in many ways. We see it,smell it,drink it and even(甚至)hear it.
    There are many___3___ why there is s much pllutin. The main ne is that there are t many peple n the earth. Many years ag, the prblem was nt s serius because there were nt s many peple.
    Tday,there are 7.5 billin(十亿),peple n the earth. We have already plluted ___4___ f the wrld.
    Sme scientists made sme __5____ . They say that pllutin will be ____6___ . The city will be mre crwded because there will be mre peple and cars. The air will be dirtier because there will be fewer trees. The ___7____will be in greater danger and it will be difficult fr peple t live n the earth. They will have t mve t ther ___8__.
    ___9____, many cuntries are making rules t fight pllutin.They advise peple t take the bus r the subway t wrk. They stp peple burning cal(烧煤) in the city. They als ask peple ___10___mre trees. I think ur earth will be better.
    7. Tday there are already rbts wrking in factries. 如今已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。
    "There be+ sb/sth +ding sth"表示"有某人或某物正在做某事",该句型常用来强调动作,一般对进行时态进行强调。
    例:There are many children playing n the playgrund. 有很多孩子在操场上玩耍。
    There is a girl singing under the tree. 树下有个女孩在唱歌。
    8. such adj. & adv. 这样的 & 这样地
    【辨析】 such与s
    1)I dn’t think Ken did ______________ stupid thing, did he?
    A. such aB. a such C. s a D. a s
    2)The First Huagushan Internatinal Glf Open was ________ success that we enjyed urselves very much.
    A. such a greatB. a such greatC. s a great D. a s great
    such as 例如;像……这样
    【易混辨析】such as与like
    9. Hwever, they agree it may take hundreds f years. 然而,他们一致认为这可能要花费数百年的时间。
    = 1 \* GB3 ①agree t d sth意为"同意做某事"
    例: He agreed t give me mre time. 他同意多给我一些时间。
    = 2 \* GB3 ②agree with表示同意某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等,对象是人或人的观点,意为"同意;赞成"。
    例: I agree with yu/yur idea. 我同意你的意见/想法。
    例:I asked him t help me and he agreed. 我请求他帮我,他答应了。
    (2)hundreds f数百的,成百上千的。
    例:Hundreds f peple were killed in the earthquake. 那次地震中有数百人死亡。
    = 1 \* GB3 ①hundred百,thusand千,millin百万,这几个词前面有具体的数词(ne,tw...)时,不能在它们的后面加-s和f。
    five hundred peple 五百人eight millin dllars 八百万美元
    = 2 \* GB3 ②若表示一个不确定的数目,则前面没有具体数字,其后要加-s,而且与f连用。可以加sme,several等。
    hundreds f/thusands f/millins f +复数名词表示"数百的/数千的/数百万的……"
    millins f trees 几百万棵树 thusands f turists 成千上万名游客
    1)I hpe yu can _____________ me.
    A. agree withB. agree abutC. agree tD. agree n
    2)_____________ vlunteers will give ut leaflets t ask peple t prtect the wetlands.
    A. Tw hundredsB. Hundreds f
    C. Tw hundred fD. Hundred f
    10. If buildings fall dwn with peple inside, these snake rbts can help lk fr peple under the buildings. 如果建筑物倒塌了,人被困在里面,这些蛇形机器人能帮助寻找(埋)在建筑物下面的人。
    fall dwn表示"突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌"。
    例:The ld lady fell dwn in the street and brke her leg. 那个老太太在街上跌倒了,摔断了腿。
    An earthquake happened and many huses fell dwn. 地震发生了,许多房屋都倒塌了。
    = 1 \* GB3 ①___________表示"从……落下;掉下;摔下"
    例:Leaves fall ff the trees in autumn. 秋天,树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。
    He had fallen ff a ladder and hurt his leg. 他从梯子上摔下来,伤了腿。
    = 2 \* GB3 ②___________意为"掉到……里;陷入(困难)"。
    例: He fell int the river yesterday. 昨天他掉进了河里。
    落后 ___________ 入睡 ___________爱上 ___________
    The by _____________ ff the bike and hurt his leg yesterday.
    A. fallB. fellC. fallsD. will fall
    11.Sme will lk like humans,and thers might lk like animals.有些看起来像人,有些看起来像动物。
    lk like意为“看起来像……” 应用范围最广,除了描述人、物之外,也能抽象表达事件或现象。例如:
    He lks like a famus mvie star. 他看起来像一个电影明星。
    That bicycle lks just like the ne I used t have.
    It lks like it's ging t rain sn. 天看起来要下雨。
    take after意为“像……,与……相似”。最常见的是用在有血缘关系的亲子之间,外貌用的最多,也能够用在性格脾气这些内在特质上。
    例:She tk after her mther almst in everything. 她几乎与她母亲一模一样。
    Adam is my grandfather and I take after him. 亚当是我的祖父,我和他很相像
    be similar t意为“与……相似”,一般用在相近似的物品和情境的对比上。
    例:His prblem is similar t yurs. 他的问题和你的相似。
    (), they will.B:Yes, there will. C.N, we wn't.
    () Shanghai.B.T the mn. C. In Chengdu.
    () bks. B. Use less water.C. Cut dwn mre trees.
    () B.Dangerus.C.Sea.
    ()5.A.I dn't mind.B.Ihpe s.C. I am sure.
    () 6:00 p.m.B.At 6::30p.m.C.At 7: 30 p.m.
    ()8.A. An actr. B.An astrnaut. C. A teacher
    ()A.Fr 3 days.B.Fr 13 days. C.Fr 16 days.
    () a week.B.Twice a week.C.Three times a week.
    () camping.B.G t a party.C.Study fr English test.
    () and sn. B.Sister and brther.C. Father and daughter.
    () a library.B.In a supermarket.C. In a rbt museum.
    () t use less water.B. What the river lks like.
    C.Hw t save the earth.
    () air in cities is terrible.B.He can't find a jb in cities.
    C.The traffic in cities is t bad.
    ()16.Where will Amanda's dream huse be?
    A.In the muntains. B.By the lake. C. Near the sea.
    ()17.Hw many bedrms will Amanda's dream huse have?
    A. Three. B. Fur.C. Five.
    ()18.What's Amanda's favrite animal?
    The dg. B.The cat. C.The chicken.
    ()19.What will Amanda's living rm be like?
    A small rm with a big sfa. B.A large rm with a big sfa.
    C.A large rm with a big farm.
    ()20.What will Amanda d n her farm?
    She will ride the hrse every mrning.
    B.She will keep sme dgs and chickens.
    C. She will plant sme trees and grw vegetables.
    () 1.I want t be____astrnaut and walk in _____space sme day in the future.
    A.an; theB.the; theC.an;/
    ()2.— Is that a picture f yu? — Yeah, that was __10 years ag.
    ()3.— Can a plane fly__the Pacific Ocean(太平洋)?
    Yes, but it needs t g _______ the cluds fr hurs.
    acrss; thrughB.thrugh;acrss C. crss; thrugh
    () 4.There're all ______things in the market. But it's____far frm here.
    kind f; kind f B.kinds f;kind f C. kind f; kinds f
    ()5.—I______t Lijiang n vacatin this summer.
    Oh, really? My family ___there last year.
    A. went; will g B. will g; wentC.g; will g
    ()6.What a ___ trip! Everything was abut rbts.I really get ____with it. A.bring;bredB.bred; bring C.bred; bred
    ()7.____ it is rainy tday,______he still wrks utside.
    Althugh; but B.Althugh;s C. Althugh;/
    () 8.——If there are ____factries, there will be______ pllutin.
    — Yes, the envirnment will be cleaner.
    A.less;fewerB.fewer; less C.fewer; fewer
    ()9.There are tw ______ rbts in the museum.________f peple g there t see them.
    A.hundreds; Hundreds B.hundred; Hundreds C.hundreds; Hundred
    ()10.Scientists are trying their best t make rbts _______like humans.
    A. thinkB. thinkingC. t think
    The teacher was a__________ in the rm when I arrived.
    It's very d__________ t swim in such a big river.
    3.The bk is s easy that e__________ a child can understand it.
    4.There are three f__________ in ur twn.Many wrkers wrk in them.
    5.I think humans are the cleverest, but my brther d__________.
    6.I b__________ yu can get gd grades because yu wrk s hard.
    7.Mncakes are in the s__________ f the mn.
    8.— What's in the bx?
    — It's dark i__________, s I can see nthing.
    There are many trees n bth s__________ f the street.
    10.It's i__________ fr us t finish the wrk. We have nly ne minute left.
    Sphia is a rbt in Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯). She made histry at a meeting that was held in the cuntry n Octber 25,2017.On that day,she became the first rbt in the wrld t get citizenship(公民身份)
    In the future,Sphia may have the same rights(权利)as ther Saudi Arabians. Sphia lks like a human(人类)wman.A US cmpany built her in 2015.She is able t talk and act like a human. She is als able t learn frm peple,bks and the Internet.
    "I want t thank very much the kingdm f Saudi Arabia,"Sphia said at the meeting."I will d my best t make the wrld a better place and help humans live a better life."
    But nt everyne is happy with Sphia's citizenship. Sme peple think rbts like Sphia culd make peple in danger. They said that these rbts culd becme enemies(敌人)f humans.
    Fr this,Sphia said she als had values(价值观)like kindness." Dn't wrry,if yu're nice t me,Ill be nice t yu,"she said.
    ()1.Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut Sphia?
    A. She is a human wman.B.She can make human's life better.
    C.She was-built in 2015 by a US cmpany.
    ()2.What special thing did Sphia get n Oct.25,2017?
    A.She gt citizenship. B. She was made int a wman.
    C.She gt the same rights as Americans.
    ()3.What can Sphia d accrding t the passage?
    ① Talk with humans. ② D the same things peple d.
    ③Destry(毁灭)the wrld. ④ Learn frm bks r the Internet.
    A.①②③B.①②④ C.①③④
    ()4.Why are sme peple nt happy abut the rbt's citizenship?
    A.They think the rbt desn't have the right values.
    B.They think the rbt may bring danger t humans.
    C.They’re afraid that humans can't be smarter than rbts.
    ()5.The last paragraph(段落)tells us that the rbt
    is nt as kind as yu think B. can be as nice as anyne else
    C.will treat(对待)yu kindly if yu are nice t her
    A:I saw a wnderful film named Suzrrgates n Saturday night.
    B: What's it abut?
    A: It's abut rbts.They are just like human __1_.
    They help with the husewrk like cleaning the huses, and peple just need t give __2___ t them.I became s __3___ in rbts that I went t the Science Museum n Sunday mrning.
    B: Hw was yur trip there?
    A:Althugh it was ___4___ there,it was great! Everything there was abut rbts.The rbts had many different__5___ .Sme lked like humans and thers lked like animals. They were als really __6_.They can walk, sing and dance.Sme can ___7___talk with peple.
    B: D yu think peple will have their persnal rbts?
    A:Yes.Scientists are trying t make mre rbts.Als they are trying t make the rbts __8___ like a human.Maybe a rbt will be able t knw hw t buy things by himself sn.
    B: Hw cl!
    A: Yes.In fact, rbts are playing an imprtant rle in ur daily life.They help peple d many __9__jbs like lking fr peple under the fallen buildings.
    B: Ww! It's great.And I wuld like t have__10____s that I wn't d any husewrk.
    A:Aren't yu afraid that the rbt wuld cntrl(控制)yur life?
    B: CertainlyI am nt.And I can't wait t have a lk at-these-rbts-in the museum.
    A:That's great.But I suggest(建议)yu g there n weekdays.Maybe there are nt s many peple.
    B: Thanks.
    选择填空。从各题的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。
    ()1.Kalas sleep ______the day and get up night.
    at; during B.during; at C.n; in .
    ()2.— We__ a hliday in Hng Kng in three days.— Have a gd time.
    A. tkB. take C. will take
    ()3.— Will yu g t the party tnight?- Yes, but I dn't knw_______.
    A. hw t wearB. what t wearC. what t dress
    ()4.If yu dn't want t get fat, yu shuld eat junk fd.
    A. mreB.lessC. fewer
    ()5.— Will peple have rbts in their hmes?
    A. I hpe sB.I hpe ntC.I hpe nt s
    disagree with ver and ver again wake up
    fall dwn lk fr
    1.The teacher tld us t read the article ____________________ after class.
    2.Many huses ____________________ because f the heavy rain.
    3.I ____________________ my ruler everywhere,but I culdn't find it anywhere.
    4.I understand what yu mean, but I ____________________ yu.
    5.I didn't have breakfast this mrning,because I ____________________ late.
    1.Jack ran s fast that he fell (fall)dwn.
    2.I lived (live)with my grandparents in Chengdu ten years ag.
    3.There are tw new buildings in the twn. Peple built them last year.(build)
    4.Tw hundred peple are in the museum. And there are hundreds f rbts in it. (hundred)
    5.Linda usually takes the subway t get t schl, but last week she tk the bus.(take) 6.— The girl is in danger. Let's help her.
    — But it's t dangerus t jump int the river t pull her ut. (danger)
    7.There are lts f factries(factry)arund the village.
    8.— Is it pssible fr him t get t the train statin n time?
    —N,it's impssible fr him t get there in ten minutes. (pssible)
    9.Tm .says rbts will be as smart as humans. My brther agrees with his idea, but I disagree. I think rbts can never think like humans. (agree)
    10.My brther flew t Lndn last Mnday and he will fly back this afternn.(fly)
    build crwd danger imprve many
    ther pllute pssible size shape tday use
    Cars make it easier fr peple t g t different places. But t many cars bring sme terrible prblems.
    Nw cities are full f cars. Sme families even have tw r __1___ . Because f that, there is mre and mre air __2___ .The traffic(交通)becmes heavy in
    the cities and it's 3 fr peple t find parking lts(停车场)smetimes. Scientists are trying their best ___4___ cars t deal with(处理)these prblems.In the future,little cars will take the place f __5__ big nes.
    Scientists say that there will be less pllutin in the air if everyne drives little cars in the future.There will als be mre space fr parking cars in cities, and the streets will be ___6__ . Peple can park three little cars in the space that ne car f the usual ___7__ uses nw.The little cars will cst(花费)much less t wn and t drive. These little cars can run abut 65 kilmeters per hur.
    Little cars will be fine fr getting arund a city,but they will nt be __8__ fr lng trips. If big cars are still used alng with the small nes, peple
    need __9__ tw kinds f rads in the future. Sme rads will be used fr the big, fast cars and the ___10___ will be needed fr the slwer, smaller nes.
    Peple will have less free time.
    There will be fewer mistakes in yur hmewrk if yu are mre careful. 如果你更仔细一点,你的作业里会有更少的错误。
    There will be mre peple and mre pllutin. 将会有更多的人和更多的污染。
    such as
    Bys such as Jhn and James are very friendly.
    与such as可互换。但若such as分开使用,则不可互换。
    He knws many languages, like English and Chinese.

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    初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?综合与测试导学案: 这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?综合与测试导学案,共51页。

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