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    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 2 English around the World 课时作业 练习
    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 2 English around the World 课时作业 练习01
    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 2 English around the World 课时作业 练习02
    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 2 English around the World 课时作业 练习03
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    人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 2 English around the world精练

    这是一份人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 2 English around the world精练,共9页。

    Belw is a passage adapted frm the netwrk editin f China Daily.
    1.This passage is fcused n Li Yang’s .
    A.micrblg article B.dmestic vilence
    C.English-teaching career D.internatinal marriage
    2. Zhangxiamei hlds the view that .
    A.laws shuld be passed t prtect wmen and children
    B.crazy persnality accunts fr vilence and ill temper
    C.vercming backgrund gap is necessary fr marriage
    D.Li is wrng t have his students wrship him as an idl
    3. Accrding t Wang Xingjuan, .
    A.peple f higher educatin wn’t easily lse temper
    B.peple under stress tend t have dmestic vilence
    C.peple in lwer scial status ften beat their wives
    D.peple with senir jbs seldm have family truble
    Hw t prtect children Web fans frm unsuitable material n-line while encuraging them t use the Internet has lng been discussed in the U.S.
    Fr sme parents, the Internet can seem like a jungle, filled with danger fr their children. But jungles cntain wnders as well as hazards (危险) and with gd guides, sme educatin, and a few precautins (预防措施), the wilds f the Internet can be safely navigated (航行). “Kids have t be n-line. If we tell ur kids they can’t have access (机会) t the Internet, we’re cutting them ff frm their future, ” said an expert.
    Mst kids have started t use search engines. Many f them are great fr finding tns f interesting Internet sites, and they can als lcate places where yu might nt want yur kids t g. There are search engines designed just fr kids. A certain sftware cntains nly sites that have been selected as safe. The mst ppular way t limit access wuld be t use what is knwn as a “cntent screener (过滤器)”. But this can’t be whlly reliable (可靠), and the best thing parents can d is t talk t their kids and let them knw what is OK r nt OK t see r d n the Internet. Anther way is that mum r dad is nearby when the child is surfing (浏览) the Internet.
    A few ther tips:
    —Dn’t put the PC in a child’s rm but keep it in an area where mum r dad can keep an eye n things. That als makes the Internet mre f a family activity.
    —Ask yur child what he r she has been ding and abut any friends they make n-line.
    —Tell yur child nt t give n-line strangers persnal infrmatin, especially like address and phne number.
    —And tell yur children never t talk t anyne they meet n-line ver the phne, send them anything, accept anything frm them r agree t meet with them unless yu g alng.
    4.The passage is mainly abut the subject f .
    A.American children ging n-line B.Internet in America
    C.appreciating Internet D.ppsing children’s n-line
    5.The best way t prtect children frm imprper material is .
    A.t install (安装) a cntent screener n the cmputer
    B.t buy sme search engines fr the children
    C.t be nearby when they are surfing the Internet
    D.t talk t the children and persuade them t tell right frm wrng
    6.Which f the fllwing is right accrding t the passage?
    A.Surfing the Internet is the best methd f educating children.
    B.Children’s nt having access t Internet may have effect n their prgress.
    C.Using a cntent screener is mst reliable fr keeping children having access t Internet.
    D.Searching engines can help children t select materials fit fr them.
    7.Accrding t the passage, we can infer that .
    A.sftwares fit fr children want prgramming
    B.a child wh is n-line is in danger
    C.Internet is a jungle full f danger
    D.Internet cntains a lt f harmful sites
    Fr mst peple, graduatin means the end f years f hard wrk. But my graduatin day was nt. I still remember that weekend tw years ag. Many families flew in frm acrss the cuntry t watch ur class walk acrss that stage. But we had seen the ecnmy turn frm bad t wrse in my senir year.
    We graduates with degrees, but very limited prspects (前途). I gathered up everything I culdn’t carry and put it int strage. Knwing the small university twn culdn’t ffer me any pprtunities, I drve t Suthern Califrnia t find wrk. But after I sent ff a bunch f jb applicatins, I fund myself in the exact same spt as I was befre. Nw the day came fr me t pay ff my student lans(贷款).
    Every mrning I wke up, I felt anxius. Hw I hped what happened t me was just a bad dream! Days felt like weeks, weeks like mnths. I felt painful and helpless in thse mnths. And the mst discuraging part was n matter hw much I tried, I just culdn’t seem t make any prgress.
    S I began t write. Putting wrds n a page made everything seem a little brighter. And writing gave me hpe. If yu want smething badly enugh, smetimes a little hpe is all yu need!
    I channeled my frustratin(挫折)int a children’s bk. Beynd the River was the stry f an unlikely her featuring a little fish wh simply refused t give up n his dream.
    And then ne day, withut any srt f writing degree—just a lt f hard wrk and perseverance(毅力)—I was ffered a publishing cntract fr my first bk! After that, things slwly began t imprve. I was ffered a secnd bk deal. Then, a few mnths later, I gt an interview with The Walt Disney Cmpany and was hired shrtly after.
    If yu wrk hard and give it time, things will always get better. Even if things seem hpeless nw, dn’t give up. Usually, ur dreams lie in wait just a little further upstream. All we need is the curage t push beynd the river.
    8.Many families gt t the authr’s schl t __________.
    A. have fun at a schl party B. check the ecnmic situatin
    C. attend the graduatin ceremny D. watch perfrmances given by students
    9.Hw did the authr feel when graduating frm the university?
    A. Excited. B. Disappinted.C. Hpeful. D. Cnfident.
    10.What is the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The difficult situatin the authr was in.
    B. The frustratin the authr had in his university.
    C. The struggle the authr had in chsing his career.
    D. The suffering the authr experienced while writing.
    11.What des the authr mainly intend t tell us?
    A. All rads lead t Rme.
    B. Wisdm cmes frm experience.
    C. Yu can’t get smething fr nthing.
    D. Where there is a will, there is a way.
    Ging green seems t be fad (时尚) fr a lt f peple these days. Whether that is gd r bad, we can't really say, but fr the tw f us, ging green is nt a fad but a lifestyle.
    On April 22, 2011, we decided t g green every single day fr an entire year. This meant ding 365 different green things, and it als meant challenging urselves t g green beynd easy things. Rather than recycle and reduce ur energy, we had t think f 365 different green things t d and this was n easy task.
    With the idea f ging green every single day fr a year, Our Green Year started. My wife and I decided t educate peple abut hw they culd g green in their lives and hped we culd shw peple all the green things that culd be dne t help the envirnment. We wanted t push the message that every little bit helps.
    Over the curse f Our Green Year, we cmpletely changed ur lifestyle. We nw shp at rganic(有机的)stres. We cnsume less meat, chsing green fd. We have greatly reduced ur buying we dn't need. We have given away half f what we wned thrugh websites. Our hme is kept clean by vinegar and lemn juice, with n chemical cleaners. We make ur wn butter, enjying the smell f hme-made fresh bread. In ur hme ffice anyne caught ding smething ungreen might be punished.
    Our minds have been changed by Our Green Year. We are grateful fr the chance t have been able t g green and educate thers. We believe that we d have the pwer t change things and help ur planet.
    12.What might be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Celebrating Our Green Year.
    B. Prtecting the Planet
    C. Keeping Open-Minded
    D. Ging Green
    13.It was difficult fr the cuple t live a green life fr the whle year because ______.
    A. they needed t perfrm unusual green tasks
    B. they didn't knw hw t educate ther peple
    C. they were unwilling t reduce their energy
    D. they were expected t fllw the green fad
    14.What did the cuple d ver the curse f Our Green Year?
    A. They ignre thers' ungreen behavir.
    B. They tried t get ut f their ungreen habits.
    C. They chse better chemical cleaners.
    D. They sld their hme-made fd.
    15.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. The gvernment will give supprt t the green peple.
    B. Sme peple disagree with the cuple's green ideas.
    C. The cuple may cntinue their prject in the future.
    D. Our Green Year is becming a natinal campaign.
    1-3 BCB 4--7.ADBD 8- 11CBA D 12- 15DABC
    Li Yang, ne f China’s mst famus English teachers, aplgized fr beating his American wife mre than a week after she psted phts f her injuries n the web and set ff a bmb f criticism.
    “I whleheartedly aplgize t my wife Kim and my girls fr cmmitting dmestic vilence. This has caused them serius physical and mental damage,” Li said n his micrblg at Weib.cm, the cuntry’s mst ppular scial media site, n Saturday. Li, 42, is a mechanics majr but is best knwn fr his “Crazy English,” a ppular methd f language learning that invlves yelling at the tp f ne’s lungs.
    He was at the center f public criticism after his wife Kim Lee put up psts n the web accusing him f abuse, shwing her swllen frehead and knees.
    @Xuemanzi, angel investr
    Anti-dmestic vilence laws shuld be made as sn as pssible, giving prtectin t the rights f wmen and children lawfully. Plice shuld nt stand back frm dmestic vilence any lnger, even if n ne reprts them. Sciety, as a whle, shuld attach greater imprtance t the crime.
    Chinese are never taught abut marital(婚姻的) relatins, which mean nt merely living tgether. A gd marriage needs t vercme three differences: family backgrund, gender and persnalities. In additin t these, there is cultural gap in Li Yang’s case. If the effects f these differences are nt well understd, after the hneymn perid, they will turn int cnflicts and endanger the marriage. Li’s dmestic vilence is a reminder that China needs such educatin.
    @Wuxialng, Sina Weib user
    Li Yang’s chice t resrt t dmestic vilence really reflects his character. Students wh have attended his Crazy English Camp may knw what I mean: Li wants his students t wrship him as an idl. I still remember he nce had his students kwtw(叩头) t him. He always teaches English by impsitin(权威强制), which directly reflects his desire fr pwer.
    @Sikazhe, Sina Weib user
    In the US, the punishments fr dmestic vilence are even mre severe than stealing. If the plice arrive at the wife’s call during a fighting between a cuple and find injuries n her, they will immediately arrest the husband. Even if the wife desn’t call the plice, they may als shw up as neighbrs culd well d their part.
    @ykxin Sina Weib User
    Dn’t blindly wrship anyne, because in every clset there may hide a skeletn. As a famus Chinese saying ges, “Only they wh d well in their daily rutine tasks can fulfills their dreams n great ccasins”. Nt surprisingly, ne wh fcuses t much n his career and ignres his family, like Li Yang, will fail in bth. Dn’t judge a persn by his career success, wealth, r any ther material aspect, because what finally decides a persn is his character.
    Althugh Li Yang publicly aplgized t his wife, prmising t lve his daughters even if he and Lee divrce, the damage, perhaps permanently, has been dne t his wife, his three daughters and the whle family.
    Wang Xingjuan, funder f the Maple Wmen’s Psychlgical Cnsulting Center, a nn-prfit rganizatin, said nearly half f dmestic vilence abusers are peple wh have higher educatin, senir jbs and scial status. She said this was prbably because such peple were usually under mre mental stress.

    高中英语Unit 2 English around the world达标测试: 这是一份高中英语Unit 2 English around the world达标测试,共9页。试卷主要包含了A.break dwnB,A.frgetB,A.raceB等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中人教版 (新课标)必修1Unit 2 English around the world一课一练: 这是一份高中人教版 (新课标)必修1Unit 2 English around the world一课一练,共9页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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