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    Nick Vujicic was brn with n arms r legs, but he desn’t let it stp him.The brave yung man plays ftball and glf, swims, and surfs, despite the fact that he has n limbs.
    Nick has a small ft n his left side, which helps him balance and enables him t kick.He uses his ne ft t type, write with a pen and pick things up between his tes.“I call it my chicken drumstick.” jked Nick, wh was brn in Melburne, Australia, but nw lives in Ls Angeles.“I’d be lst withut it.When I get in the water I flat because 80 percent f my bdy is lungs and my drumstick acts as a prpeller.”
    “He’s very shy, but he gets marriage ffers frm wmen all the time, ” said Nick’s friend, Steve Appel, an expert frm Ls Angeles.“He wuld lve t get married and start a family, but he’s waiting fr the right girl t cme alng.”
    When Nick was brn, his father was s shcked that he left the hspital rm t vmit.His distraught mther culdn’t bring herself t hld him until he was fur mnths ld.
    His disability came withut any medical explanatin, which was a rare case.“My mther was a nurse and she did everything right during pregnancy, but she still blamed herself, ” he said.
    “It was s hard fr them, but right frm the start they did their best t make me independent.When I was 18 mnths ld my dad put me in the water and gave me the curage t learn hw t swim.”
    Thrugh his wn effrts, Nick graduated frm university.He made numerus encuraging speeches t yung peple in the wrld, which made a far-reaching difference in their life.
    n arms r legs
    His father was s shcked that he left the hspital rm t vmit.
    He made numerus encuraging speeches t yung peple in the wrld, which made a far-reaching difference in their life.
    1.intend vt.想要, 打算
    She intends t d A-levels and g t university.
    她计划先参加高级考试, 然后去读大学。
    (1)intend sb.t d sth. 打算让某人做某事
    intend t d/ding sth.打算做某事
    be intended fr...为……打算/设计的
    (2)intentinn.目的; 意图
    with the intentin f...目的是……
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ① I didn’t intend her t see(see) the painting until it was finished.
    ②The bk is intended(intend) fr children.
    Cuplets are hung arund drways and are intended t bring luck t the husehld fr the cming year.
    对联贴在大门上, 期望在新的一年里给家人带来好运。
    2.expse vt.显露, 露出; 暴露; 使置身于危险中; 揭露; 使接触(新事物)
    It is a clsed sciety in the sense that they’ve nt been expsed t many things.
    这是一个封闭的社会, 因为他们没有接触过很多东西。
    (1)expse sth./sb.t sth./sb.
    使……暴露于; 使面临; 使接触
    (2)expsed adj.无遮蔽的; 不挡风雨的; 暴露的
    (be) expsed t处于可能受伤害的处境; 暴露于……
    (3)expsure n.暴露, 揭露; 报道; 曝光
    【语境速测】 写出下列句中expse的含义
    ①The sldiers were warned t remain hidden and nt t expse themselves.暴露
    ②The reprter was killed because he tried t expse the plt.揭露
    ③He smiled suddenly, expsing a set f white teeth.显露
    ④We want t expse the kids t as much art as pssible.使接触
    He was expsed t the rain and wind last night and he was ill.
    →Expsed t the rain and wind last night, he was ill.(过去分词作状语)
    3.appint vt.任命, 委任; 安排, 确定
    Warm cngratulatins n yur being appinted as a reginal manager.
    (1)appint sb.t sth. 任命某人去……任职
    appint sb.t d sth.任命某人做某事
    appint sb.as/t be...任命某人为……
    (2)appintment n.任命; 约会
    make/ have an appintment with sb. 和某人约会
    keep an appintment守约
    (3)appintedadj.约定的, 指定的
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ① Amie Salmn, disabled, is attended thrughut her schl days by a nurse appinted(appint) t guard her.
    ② They appinted her t take(take) care f that ld man.
    ③ I have an appintment(appint) with him at fur ’clck.
    ④Everyne was assembled at the appinted time.
    A date fr the meeting is still t be appinted.
    4.remark vt.说起, 谈到; 谈论, 评论 n.谈论, 评论
    The judges remarked n the high standard f entries fr the cmpetitin.
    (1)remark that... 评论
    remark n/upn就……发表评论
    (2)make/pass a remark n/abut
    就……发表意见, 对……评头论足
    (3)remarkable adj.不平常的; 值得注意的
    be remarkable fr因……而著名
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ① Prf.Smith remarked n the difference between the tw dictinaries.
    ② He made n remark n his wife’s new hairstyle, which made her a little disappinted.
    ③ It is quite remarkable(remark) that dctrs have been s wrng abut this.
    ④It’s bad manners t say smething abut the appearance f thers.
    →It’s bad manners t make a remark n/abut the appearance f thers.
    5.hand ver 移交; 交出
    Their custm has been handed dwn t us by ur great grandfathers.
    hand dwn 传下来; 传给后世
    hand in交上去(给老师或上级)
    hand n传递下去
    hand ut散发, 分发
    hands up举手, 举起手来
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①Every week a truck arrived t cllect the cash and hand ver the mney.
    ②Each student shuld hand in a cmpsitin nce a week.
    ③Culd yu hand these bks ut fr me?
    ④That flk sng has been handed dwn thrugh generatins.
    (hand dwn)
    6.put frward 提议, 提出
    The teacher put frward much cnstructive advice at the meeting, which was received by everyne.
    老师在会上提出了许多建设性的建议, 这些建议得到了大家的一致好评。
    【词块必记】 put常用短语
    put up 举起; 张贴; 搭建; 留宿
    put aside存储; 保留; 忽视
    put away收好; 放好
    put ff推迟; 延期
    put n穿上; 上演; 表演
    put ut扑灭
    put up with忍受
    put dwn放下; 记下; 镇压
    【语境速测】 用put的相关短语填空
    ①My watch was slw, s I put it frward.
    ②The meeting has been put ff fr a week due t the bad weather.
    ③I put aside a little mney every mnth fr a depsit n the huse.
    ④Never put anything dwn n paper which might be used in evidence against yu at a later date.
    ⑤I cannt put up with air pllutin.
    ⑥Put away any valuable r breakable bjects.
    ⑦I wanted t knw if she culd put me up fr a few days.
    The develpment f the mdern sciety has put frward higher request n high technlgy.
    7.N sner had they mved in than the nise began and rarely did they get a full night’s sleep.
    他们刚搬进来, 噪音就开始了, 他们几乎没有睡过一个囫囵觉。
    句中N 表示“一……就……”, n sner放在句子开头时, 通常用倒装语序, 主句用过去完成时, 从句用一般过去时。其他表示“一……就……”的句型有:
    (1)主句+as sn as从句;
    (2)the mment/minute/instant...+主句;
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①N sner had the lvely baby seen its mther than it smiled.
    ②Hardly had we started ur jurney when the car gt a flat tyre.
    ③On/Upn arriving(arrive) at the airprt, he exchanged his punds fr dllars.
    ④The mment she was ut f sight she brke int a run.
    ⑤I went hme directly(direct)I had finished wrk.
    1.distribute vt.分发, 分配; 散布, 分布
    The distributin f these languages is hugely uneven.
    (1)distribute sth.t/amng 向/在……之间分配某物
    (2)the distributin f...……的分发/分布
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①The mther distributed candy amng children.
    ②The bks in the library were distributed (distribute) accrding t subjects.
    ③The map shws the distributin(distribute) f this species acrss the wrld.
    2.expense n.费用; 开支
    Nwadays parents spare n expense t tutr their children.如今, 父母不惜花大价钱为孩子补课。
    (1)cver the expense f 足以支付……的费用
    at ne’s expense由某人付钱; 由某人负担费用
    (2)at the expense f sb./sth.在牺牲……的情况下
    spare n expense不惜代价
    g t the expense f (ding) sth.把钱用在(做)……上
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①He went abrad at his brther’s expense.
    ②Dn’t stress minr issues at the expense f the central task.
    ③I spare n expense t cllect the paintings by Picass.
    ④Yu shuldn’t be generus at the expense f thers.(at the expense f)
    3.lk int 调查; 审查
    The cllege principal prmised t lk int the matter.
    lk fr 寻找
    lk up仰视; 查阅
    lk up t sb.尊敬某人
    lk frward t盼望
    lk dwn n/upn瞧不起
    lk back n/at回顾
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ① Yur case is being lked int.When we have anything t reprt, we will write t yu again.
    ② She lks dwn upn/n peple wh haven’t been t cllege. Other students dn’t like her.
    ③ He lked thrugh the ntes befre the exam.
    I like t lk back n my high schl days, which were amng the happiest in my life.我喜欢回顾我的高中时期, 那是我一生中最快乐的时光之一。
    4.In fact, the mre I use the bike, the mre weight I seem t put n, despite fllwing the instructin manual carefully.事实上, 我越骑这辆自行车, 我好像就越胖, 尽管我认真按说明书去做了。
    (1)本句为“the+比较级+比较级”句型, 意为“越……就越……”。
    (2)mre and mre 越来越……
    the mre...前句相当于状语从句, 常用一般现在时, 后句为主句, 常用一般将来时。
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①The mre fruit and vegetables yu eat, the less(little) chance yu have f getting cancer.
    ②The mre(much) stress yu are under, the mre likely yu are t catch a cld.
    The harder yu wrk, the luckier yu are.越努力, 越幸运。
    1.(2020·全国Ⅰ卷)The engineers are als trying t develp an n-and-ff “switch”where the glw wuld fade when expsed(expse)t daylight.
    2.(2020·全国Ⅰ卷)All custmers travelling n TransLink services must be in pssessin(pssess)f a valid ticket befre barding.
    3.(2020·江苏高考)The health security(secure)systems f many cuntries are underging cnsiderable transfrmatin.
    4.(2020·全国Ⅰ卷)Here’s a handful (hand) f ways that will set yu in the right directin.
    5.(2020·全国Ⅰ卷)Lighting accunts fr abut 7% f the ttal electricity cnsumed(cnsume)in the US.
    Yang Ming 1.hlds(hld) parties every night but the biggest prblem is his late-night drumming.Seldm has drumming caused such cnflict.Yang Ming’s neighbrs say 2.being expsed(expse) t such nise drve them mad.Had they knwn their neighbr was a 3.drummer(drum), they wuldn’t have mved int 4.the building.N sner had they mved in than the nise began and 5.rarely(rare) did they get a full night’s sleep.Neither culd they relax r read a bk withut 6.plugging(plug) their ears.One neighbr als claims that Yang Ming is an alchlic and has a bad influence 7.n his adlescent sn.In the end, the lcal cuncil tk actin.“8.It was nly after careful 9.cnsideratin(cnsider) that we gave Yang Ming a warning, ” a cuncil member said.Getting enugh sleep is imprtant fr peple’s health and after such a chrus f 10.cmplaints(cmplain), we had t take actin.
    Dear Ms Smith,
    I’m writing t ask whether yu culd d me favr.I’ve just finished an essay naming “Differences between traditinal Chinese and Western festivals”, s I’m nt sure whether it is well written.T be hnestly, I’m nt that familiar with sme traditinal Western festivals.That’s because I’m turning t yu fr help.I’d appreciate it if yu culd spare sme time t lk int my essay fr pssible mistakes and plish them.Als, I’m lking frward t yur valuable advices.My essay has been sending t yu alng with this email.I hpe it wn’t cause yu t much mre truble.
    Thank yu in advance.
    1.【解析】第一句在favr前加a。考查冠词。句意: 我写信是想问你能否帮我一个忙。此处的favr是可数名词, d sb. a favr表示“帮某人一个忙”, 故favr 前加a。
    2.【解析】第二句naming→named。考查非谓语动词。句意: 我刚写完一篇名为“中国传统节日与西方节日的差异”的文章, 但我不确定它是否写得好。essay 与name之间是逻辑上的动宾关系, 表示被动, 用过去分词作后置定语, 故naming改为named。
    3.【解析】第二句s→but。考查连词。句意参考上题解析, 根据句意可知前后是转折而非因果关系, 故s改为but。
    4.【解析】第三句hnestly→hnest。考查形容词。句意: 老实说, 我对一些西方传统节日不是很熟悉。此处用形容词作表语, 故hnestly改为hnest。
    5.【解析】第四句because→why。考查表语从句。句意: 这就是我向你求助的原因。that’s why...表示“这就是……的原因”, 故because改为why。
    6.【解析】第五句int→thrugh。考查动词短语。句意: 如果你能抽出时间来看一下我的文章, 找出错误并对文章加以润色, 我会感激不尽。lk thrugh表示“浏览、看”, lk int表示“调查”, 故int改为thrugh。
    7.【解析】第五句them→ it。考查代词。句意参考上题解析, 根据句意可知此处指代my essay, 故them改为 it。
    8.【解析】第六句advices→advice。考查名词。句意: 期待你的宝贵意见。advice是不可数名词, 没有复数形式, 故advices改为advice。
    9.【解析】第七句sending→sent。考查动词的语态。句意: 我的文章已经和这封邮件一起发给你了。essay 与send之间是被动关系, 应该用被动语态, 故sending改为sent。
    10.【解析】第八句删除mre。考查形容词。句意: 我希望这不会给你带来太多的麻烦。根据句意可知此处并无比较意义, mre是多余的, 故删除mre。
    核心素养 学会做人做事, 培养良好的人际关系和社会交往的能力
    高考链接 2019·全国卷Ⅱ阅读理解B; 2019·全国卷Ⅰ阅读理解D; 2018·全国卷Ⅰ阅读理解B; 2018·全国卷Ⅲ阅读理解D; 2017·全国卷Ⅱ阅读理解C; 2017·浙江高考阅读理解B; 2017·天津高考阅读理解B
    During the rsy years f elementary schl(小学), I enjyed sharing my dlls and jkes, which allwed me t keep my high scial status.I was the queen f the playgrund.Then came my tweens and teens, and mean girls and cl kids.They rse in the ranks nt by being friendly but by smking cigarettes, breaking rules and playing jkes n thers, amng whm I sn fund myself.
    Ppularity is a well-explred subject in scial psychlgy.Mitch Prinstein, a prfessr f clinical psychlgy srts the ppular int tw categries: the likable and the status seekers.The likables’ plays-well-with-thers qualities strengthen schlyard friendships, jump-start interpersnal skills and, when tapped early, are emplyed ever after in life and wrk.Then there’s the kind f ppularity that appears in adlescence: status brn f pwer and even dishnrable behavir.
    Enviable as the cl kids may have seemed, Dr.Prinstein’s studies shw unpleasant cnsequences.Thse wh were highest in status in high schl, as well as thse least liked in elementary schl, are “mst likely t engage(从事)in dangerus and risky behavir”.
    In ne study, Dr.Prinstein examined the tw types f ppularity in 235 adlescents, scring the least liked, the mst liked and the highest in status based n student surveys(调查研究).“We fund that the least well-liked teens had becme mre aggressive ver time tward their classmates.But s had thse wh were high in status.It clearly shwed that while likability can lead t healthy adjustment, high status has just the ppsite effect n us.”
    Dr.Prinstein has als fund that the qualities that made the neighbrs want yu n a play date—sharing, kindness, penness — carry ver t later years and make yu better able t relate and cnnect with thers.
    In analyzing his and ther research, Dr.Prinstein came t anther cnclusin: Nt nly is likability related t psitive life utcmes, but it is als respnsible fr thse utcmes, t.“Being liked creates pprtunities fr learning and fr new kinds f life experiences that help smebdy gain an advantage, ” he said.
    【文章大意】这是一篇议论文。文章讨论青少年小学与中学阶段的成长经历, 论述了个体受欢迎程度与青少年心理健康问题有关。
    1.What srt f girl was the authr in her early years f elementary schl?
    A.Unkind. B.Lnely. C.Generus. D.Cl.
    【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段During the rsy years f elementary schl, I enjyed sharing my dlls and jkes, which allwed me t keep my high scial status.可推断出, 作者在小学早期时, 是一个慷慨的女孩, 故选C。
    2.What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The classificatin f the ppular.
    B.The characteristics f adlescents.
    C.The imprtance f interpersnal skills.
    D.The causes f dishnrable behavir.
    【解析】选A。段落大意题。根据第二段中的Mitch Prinstein, a prfessr f clinical psychlgy srts the ppular int tw categries: the likable and the status seekers.可知, 本段主要介绍了两种受欢迎的人的分类, 故选A。
    3.What did Dr.Prinstein’s study find abut the mst liked kids?
    A.They appeared t be aggressive.
    B.They tended t be mre adaptable.
    C.They enjyed the highest status.
    D.They perfrmed well academically.
    【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第四段It clearly shwed that while likability can lead t healthy adjustment 可推断出, 心理学教授Mitch Prinstein的研究表明, 讨人喜欢的孩子适应性更强, 故选B。
    4.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Be Nice—Yu Wn’t Finish Last
    B.The Higher the Status, the Better
    C.Be the Best—Yu Can Make It
    D.Mre Self-Cntrl, Less Aggressiveness
    【解析】选A。主旨大意题。文章主要讲了受欢迎、讨人喜欢, 对人的各个方面都有着深远的、有益的影响, 故选A。
    【微技能点拨】 寻主题定大意
    段落大意题主要考查考生对某一段落的理解程度及把握该段落在整个语篇中所起作用的能力, 一般针对该段落的主旨或目的设题。做这类题, 关键在于抓住该段落的内容要点。常用的技巧有:
    (1)寻找主题句。有的文章中段落的主题句在段首或段尾。这类文章一般段内层次较为分明, 多采用“总——分”或“分——总”结构。但有时主题句会出现在段落的中间, 这时段落结构一般是: 细节——主题——细节。要把握段落的逻辑结构, 就要特别关注段落内起过渡作用的词汇, 如hwever, but, and, als, fr example, in cnclusin, n the cntrary等。
    (2)通过关键词概括。有些段落没有明确的主题句, 需要考生依据已知的细节自己归纳段落大意。这时可通过略读筛选出最能表达作者意图的关键词, 进而确定作者要表达的真正意思。
    ①What’s the main idea f the first / secnd /... paragraph?
    ②Paragraph 1 / 2 /... fcuses n / is mainly abut ______.
    ③What is stressed/des the authr stress in Paragraph
    ④What is the key message f the first / secnd /... paragraph?
    ⑤What des the first / secnd /... paragraph mainly discuss?
    本文中第2题为段落大意题, 根据策略解题如下:
    Step 1 确定题干所在段落: the secnd paragraph
    Step 2 根据第二段中的Mitch Prinstein, a prfessr f clinical psychlgy srts the ppular int tw categries: the likable and the status seekers.可知, 本段主要介绍了两种受欢迎的人的分类。
    Step 3 对比选项, 排除干扰项, 确定答案 A 。
    During the rsy years f elementary schl(小学), I was the queen f the playgrund.Then came my tweens and teens, and mean girls and cl kids.They rse in the ranks nt by being friendly but by 1.__________ (behave) badly, amng 2.__________ I sn fund myself.
    3.__________ (ppular) is a well-explred subject in scial psychlgy.Mitch Prinstein, a prfessr f clinical psychlgy srts the ppular 4.__________ tw categries: the likable and the status seekers.The likables’ qualities strengthen sme basic skills and, when 5.__________ (tap) early, are emplyed ever after in life and wrk.
    6.__________ (envy) as the cl kids may have seemed, Dr.Prinstein’s studies shw unpleasant cnsequences.Thse wh were highest in status in high schl, as well as thse least liked in elementary schl, are “mst likely t engage(从事) in dangerus and risky behavir”.
    In ne study, Dr.Prinstein has fund that the least well-liked teens had becme 7.__________ (much) aggressive ver time tward their classmates.But 8. ________ had thse wh were high in status.It 9. ________ (clear) shwed that high status has just the ppsite effect n peple.
    Dr.Prinstein has als fund that the gd qualities carry ver t later years and make peple better able t relate and cnnect with thers.
    In analyzing his and ther research, Dr.Prinstein came t anther 10.__________ (cnclude): Nt nly is likability related t psitive life utcmes, but it is als respnsible fr thse utcmes, t.
    1.【解析】behaving。由介词by和前面的being可知, 此处应该用动词-ing形式。
    2.【解析】whm。whm引导定语从句, I sn fund myself amng them, 介词amng后指人, 只能用whm。
    3.【解析】Ppularity。 此处用名词作主语, 故用ppularity。
    5.【解析】tapped。when tapped early是when skills are tapped early的省略, tap“发掘, 利用”。
    6.【解析】Enviable。Enviable as the cl kids may have seemed的正常语序为: Thugh the cl kids may have seemed enviable, 故用形容词作seem的表语。
    7.【解析】mre。此处暗含比较, 意为“更有攻击性”, 故用比较级。
    8.【解析】s。s引导倒装句, 表示上句相同的情况也适合于此, 即Thse wh were high in status had becme mre aggressive ver time tward their classmates t.。
    9.【解析】clearly。副词clearly, 用以修饰动词shwed。
    10.【解析】cnclusin。 cme t cnclusin“得出结论”。
    假如你是李华, 暑假期间去南方某城市旅游, 住在一家外资酒店, 你对酒店的服务不太满意, 因此给酒店的外国经理Smith写一封投诉信。
    1.饭菜价格太高, 某些菜的价格高出同类酒店;
    2.承诺24小时供应热水, 但经常在晚上10点后就停止供水了;
    3.客房里的电视不清晰, 打了几次电话都没人来修理;
    4.客房不是很清洁, 服务员打扫不及时。
    注意: 1.词数: 100左右;
    2.内容可适当发挥, 注意行文连贯。
    Step 1 写作技巧
    mst f the rdinary peple can’t affrd it
    the prices f sme dishes are higher than...
    There is n ht water after 10 p.m.
    The rm is nt clean enugh.
    (1)首先, 你宾馆里的食物那么贵, 大部分普通人根本消费不起。
    T begin with, the fd in yur htel is s expensive that mst f the rdinary peple dn’t have enugh mney t buy it.
    →T begin with, the fd in yur htel is very expensive s that mst f the rdinary peple can’t affrd it.
    (2)此外, 客房里的电视不清晰, 打了几次电话都没人来修理。
    Besides, the picture n the TV set in my rm was nt clear.I phned several times but nbdy came t repair it.
    →What’s mre, the picture n the TV set in my rm was nt clear, but nbdy came t repair it althugh I phned several times.
    Step 2 妙笔成篇
    Dear Mr Smith,
    I’m ne f yur custmers.I’m writing t tell yu that there are a few aspects that are nt quite satisfactry in yur htel.
    T begin with, the fd in yur htel is s expensive that mst f the rdinary peple can’t affrd it.The prices f sme dishes are higher than thse f the dishes in ther htels.Secndly, yu have prmised t prvide ht water 24 hurs a day, but it ften happens that there is n ht water after 10 ’s mre, the picture n the TV set in my rm was nt clear, but nbdy came t repair it althugh I phned several times.Finally, the rm was nt clean enugh, and the service peple didn’t clean it in time.I hpe yu can take necessary measures t imprve the present situatin.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Rising thrugh stages t realize urselves
    Many mdern peple have the prblem that they dn’t knw wh they are and what their purpse is. 1 Once high schl senirs graduate, they seem t lse their identity.They nce studied hard.But after they stp wrking, they begin t lse their way.
    In the thery f the Hierarchy f Needs(需求层次理论), Abraham Masl, put frward a similar situatin, which cnsists f the five levels f a persn’s need.The fifth and final level is self-realizatin, which is where ur final achievement lies. 2
    I think self-realizatin has three majr aspects.The first stage is acceptance, the secnd stage is discvery and the last stage is perseverance.
    Acceptance is the first stage.We shuld be reminded that we are all brn unique, s we all have ur wn strengths and weaknesses.Only when we understand these, can we pursue them r change them. 3
    Once we’ve accepted urselves, we can discver what we are interested in and what we want t be. 4 but indeed we shuld live fr urselves.S befre we start wrking twards a purpse, we shuld ask urselves “Is this what we truly desire? ” and “Is this ging t change the situatin we’re in? ”
    The last stage is perseverance. 5 Thse wh can self-realize are peple wh fcus n the things they want t change.
    Thrugh the three stages, we culd gain recgnitin f urselves.And by this pint, whatever ur lives were like, we wuld be able t stand tall, cnfident f urselves.
    A.It’s nthing t a man f perseverance.
    B.Only by acceptance f the past can we change it.
    C.This is especially cmmn amng cllege students.
    D.Many peple tend t g alng with scial expectatins,
    E.Being bjective and yet tlerant is the key t acceptance.
    F.It is the prcess f knwing urselves and finding a purpse.
    G.Explring ur ptential isn’t ging t be dne in a shrt time.
    【文章大意】本文属于说明文, 介绍要实现自我的三个方面。
    1.【解析】选C。根据后一句Once high schl senirs graduate, they seem t lse their identity.可知, 一旦高年级学生毕业, 他们似乎就丧失了自我, C选项, 这种情况在大学生中很常见, 下文是对本句的具体阐述, 切题, 故选C。
    2.【解析】选F。根据前一句The fifth and final level is self-realizatin, which is where ur final achievement lies.可知, 根据马斯洛的理论, 第五阶段也是最后阶段是自我实现, 这就是我们最终成就的地方。F选项, 这是一个了解我们自己, 寻找目标的过程, 是对上一句的具体阐述, 切题, 故选F。
    3.【解析】选E。根据前一句Only when we understand these, can we pursue them r change them.可知, 只有当我们理解了这些, 我们才能去追求它们或者改变它们。E选项, 客观和包容是接受的关键, 阐述接受的关键地方, 切题, 故选E。
    4.【解析】选D。根据前一句Once we’ve accepted urselves, we can discver what we are interested in and what we want t be.以及后一句but indeed we shuld live fr urselves可知, 只有接受了我们自己, 才能发现自己感兴趣的东西, D选项(很多人跟着社会的要求行动)与后文(的确我们应该为自己活)连贯一致, 切题, 故选D。
    5.【解析】选G。根据后一句Thse wh can self-realize are peple wh fcus n the things they want t change.可知, 能够实现自我的人都是那些能够集中精力在自己想要改变的事情上的人; G选项, 探索自己的潜能不是短时间就能完成的, 故强调坚持的重要性, 切题, 故选G。
    rsy, status, tween, ppularity, interpersnal, utcme, adlescence
    lead t导致; have an effect n对……有影响; cme t a cnclusin得出结论; be related t与……有关
    tap v.轻敲, 轻拍 v.发掘, 利用(新)

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