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    8AU1牛津译林版初中英语八年级上册 Grammar ---阅读理解专项练习题
    8AU1牛津译林版初中英语八年级上册 Grammar ---阅读理解专项练习题01
    8AU1牛津译林版初中英语八年级上册 Grammar ---阅读理解专项练习题02
    8AU1牛津译林版初中英语八年级上册 Grammar ---阅读理解专项练习题03
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    Patience is a character strength that ur sciety has definitely neglected.
    Since the Industrial Revlutin ushered in a new era f speed, prductin, and cnsumptin, patience has lst its appeal, the mdern culture is all abut quick wins and slving prblems fast, and patience is nt smething belngs t winners
    If a persn is lack f patience, he might be trubled with anxiety, depressin, anger, and ther negative emtinal states as well as t cmpulsive behavir. All f these ills are tightly bund up with an inability t tlerate a persn r a situatin.
    Why are we all s impatient these days? Many elements f cntemprary life priritize speed and ease ver patience and endurance. We are all abut instant gratificatin, and the advertising and technlgy industries push us in this directin. Whatever it is that a persn wants — fd, entertainment, infrmatin, stuff, mney, enlightenment — the fastest rute t each is cntinually pitched t us as the best rute despite evidence t the cntrary.
    Impatience may rb peple f experiences that give life meaning. Researchers have fund that effrt seems t be an essential ingredient in satisfactin, cntentment, and ther psitive emtins. A lt f happiness lies in the ding, nt in the having dne
    There are a lt f ways t practice waiting in life, and ding this can really help us build up ur patience. Fr example, whenever yu encunter a wait — whether it's in line at the stre r sitting in traffic. Yu shuld nt use that time t reach fr ur phnes and check ur scial r news feeds because frequent smartphne use is assciated with bth heightened impatience and impulsivity. Actually it can be helpful t practice a technique knwn as cgnitive reappraisal r "reframing. This means lking at smething as an pprtunity rather than as a hardship. When peple are able t reframe what culd be cnsidered a threat r a surce f suffering as a useful challenge, then yu will find thse perids f waiting as great pprtunities t help yurself.
    1. What can we learn frm the secnd paragraph?
    A. The Industrial Revlutin leads t the lack f impatience directly
    B. Patience is nt attractive in the cntemprary wrld.
    C. The mdern culture helps peple win quickly
    D. Winners can always slve prblems fast
    2. An impatient persn is ___________.
    A. nt easy t get anxius and depressed
    B. likely t have negative emtins
    C. able t cntrl his behavir
    D. willing t tlerate a persn r a situatin
    3. Why are peple s impatient these days?
    A. Because peple are mre abut instant gratificatin
    B. Because f the requirement f the advertising and technlgy industries
    C. Because it is the best way t get what they want
    D. Because impatience is the fast way t realize the dream
    4. If peple want t get happiness, they shuld ________
    A. wrk hard B. put effrt int their life
    C. have finished their gals D. be patient and fcus n experience.
    5. Hw t get patient?
    A. wait in the line fr a lng time every day
    B. use the smartphne when yu are sitting in traffic
    C. cnsider thse perids f waiting as a threat and ignre it
    D. try the technique which is knwn as cgnitive reappraisal
    1-5 BBADD
    Japanese researchers are testing ut technlgy that allws them t cntrl cckraches, and it has been prpsed that the insect culd help ut arund the huse.
    Cybrg cckraches may be the future f high tech hme living. Japanese researchers installed electrdes, a chip, antenna, a battery and a pixel strapped nt the raches' back, which can be prgrammed t transprt bjects arund the hme as well as draw n paper and can even act as an audi device.
    While typical rbtics devices may find it difficult t cntrl and perfrm tasks in small spaces, the cybrg raches are able t ram freely inside hmes and are designed t carry ut a variety f small tasks. They chse the Madagascar(马达加斯加) species specifically fr its mbility, self-maintenance and ability t hide.
    The researchers said these mini cybrg mvers can smeday be used t fulfil tasks in a variety f places withut being nticed. They cntrlled multiple cckraches effectively by develping the cntrl based n the principle f wrker ants, which exists in a swarm f ants .This design is t can call n ther fellw raches t cmplete the task it culd nt finish.
    1. What kind f insect is been tested by Japanese researchers?
    A. Butterfly B. Bee C. Rat D. Cckrach
    2. In the future, peple can use cybrg cckraches t ___________.
    A. clean the utside f the huse B. cllect the package
    C. draw n paper D. act as an vide device
    3. Which f the fllwing describes cybrg cckrach crrectly?
    A. It is better than typical rbtics devices in any way
    B. It is designed t carry ut a variety f large tasks
    C. Cybrg cckrach is based n different species f cckraches
    D. Cybrg raches are able t ram freely inside hmes
    4. What will happen if the cybrg cckraches are perfrming a task?
    A. They wn’t be nticed
    B. They will wrk in a way different frm wrker ants
    C. They will give up if ne f them can’t finish the task
    D. They are bund t succeed.
    1-4 CCDA

    Despite lking like what happens when smene falls asleep n their keybard, L l a n f a I r p w l l -g w y n g y l l g g e r y c h w y r n d r b – w l l l l a n t y s I l I g g g c h is actually the name f a twn.
    It is the lngest twn name in Eurpe — and secnd nly t an 85 letter-lng place in New Zealand. The tngue-twisting name actually nly has 51 letters in Welsh, as "ch" and "ll" are cnsidered single letters in the language.
    The village n the island f Anglesey in Wale has arund 3,100 inhabitants, f which arund 70% speak Welsh — a language is said t be dying ut, as nly such a few residents speak the language. They prbably have t, just t say where they're frm.
    Either way, the name is pretty descriptive — it basically tells yu the twn's exact lcatin, standing fr Saint Mary's Church in the hllw f the white hazel near a rapid whirlpl and the Church f St. T y s I l I f the red cave.
    Apparently, the twn riginally had a shrter name (and dates back t the Nelithic perid; 4,000-2,000BC), but added a tn f syllables t attract turists.
    Hwever, there's nt really a whle lt t d in Llanfairpwll — which nly has a few places t stay and eat — apart frm gawking at the train statin, which features the twn's name in all its glry
    1. Hw many letters des the name f the twn have?
    A. 51 B. 58 C. 64 D. 85
    2. What is true abut the twn frm the passage?
    A. It has the lngest twn name in the wrld
    B. There are ver 3,100 peple living in the twn.
    C. All the inhabitants speak Welsh
    D. Sme residents have t speak Welsh t explain where they are frm
    3. What can peple knw frm the name f the twn?
    A. The rugh lcatin f the twn.
    B. The twn has a church, a hllw f the white hazel and a rapid whirlpl.
    C. It riginally had a lnger name
    D. It added a tn f syllables t attract turists.
    4. If peple travel t the twn, they will __________.
    A. feel the twn is really fun
    B. visit a lt f scenic spts
    C. eat different types f delicius fd at the train statin
    D. find its name is the nly glry the twn has.
    1-4 BDCD
    Prcrastinatin(拖延) is a very cmmn behavir where peple end up ding smething at the last minute, despite having plenty f time befrehand. But it might nt be a sign f laziness r an inability t cncentrate.
    Prcrastinatin is defined as "the actin f delaying r pstpning smething". In mdern life, this can refer t anything—whether it be husewrk, cmpleting a reprt fr wrk, r writing just an essay. The cmmn thread that cnnects tasks that are affected by prcrastinatin is that they are nt seen as fun, but rather, stressful. Hwever, they are things that we must d. Interestingly, thse wh have prcrastinatin actually tend t be mre ptimistic than the nrm. It is nt always a bad thing. Peple tend t equate it with laziness, which is passive and suggests apathy and an unwillingness t d anything. Active prcrastinatin, n the ther hand, is when yu avid the task but d smething else that's imprtant—which means yu're still being prductive.
    The next time yu find yurself prcrastinating, dn't wrry. Yu can break yur tasks dwn int small chunks, and create a t-d list. When yu've reached a milestne, reward yurself by taking a shrt break. Yu can als find the time f day where yu are the mst prductive, and try t maximize yur prductivity this way. There are a lt f different ways t beat prcrastinatin, just remember t keep yur mind happy and take it ne step at a time.
    1. If a persn has prcrastinatin, he might ___________.
    A. be a lazy man
    B. d smething at the last minute
    C. nt waste his time
    D. be unable t cncentrate
    2. What d tasks affected by prcrastinatin have in cmmn?
    A. They are fun
    B. They are nt stressful
    C. They are things that peple must d
    D. They are nt s imprtant.
    3. What’s the difference between prcrastinatin and laziness?
    A. Laziness is a bad thing while prcrastinatin is nt a bad thing
    B. Lazy peple are passive while prcrastinatrs are ptimistic
    C. Lazy peple dn’t want t d anything while prcrastinatrs chse smething they like t d first.
    D. Lazy peple are as prductive as prcrastinatrs.
    4. The next time yu find yurself prcrastinating, yu shuld____________.
    A. fcus n the task and finish it as quickly as pssible
    B. break dwn yur task and create a t-d-list
    C. put aside yur task and take a lng break
    D. find the time f day where yu are happiest and try t the task.
    1-4 BCBB
    It definitely seems like the height f Everest(珠穆朗玛峰) is smething we shuld knw by nw, right? But, believe it r nt, it's actually a matter f serius scientific debate. S hw d yu measure a muntain? Maybe yu culd cunt yur steps r use a really big tape measure.
    The main technique that's been used fr hundreds f years is maths, r trignmetry, t be precise. Surveyrs measure tw pints n the grund and frm each pint they measure the angle between them and the tp f the muntain t give them a triangle. Using thse triangles and the laws f trignmetry, they can calculate the height f the muntain. The first persn t measure Everest using that methd was, Drumrll Gerge Everest back in 1856. T get the angles, he had t use these things, thedlites, which weighed abut 500 kils. Fast frward t the 1950s, and surveyrs gt a bit f help frm phtgrammetry, detailed phts taken frm the air that they culd use t measure heights and distances. Nw we have even fancier technlgy t measure muntains, the Glbal Psitining System r GPS. Surveyrs can bring a GPS receiver t the tp f the muntain, where satellites in space can pick up their lcatin and wrk ut the height.
    It lks very easy t get the height f Everest. Well, it’s nt quite. That 8,848 meter measurement that Ggle gave actually came frm an Indian survey frm way back in 1955. Since then, there have been a bunch f ther surveys which fund slightly different measurements. There's debate ver whether peple shuld cunt the snw n tp, r just the rck underneath, and there's a pssibility that the height has actually changed because f ersin and earthquakes. In fact, scientists reckn this earthquake in Nepal in 2015 might have kncked sme height ff this very high muntain. S with n climbers arund because f Cvid-19, the Chinese gvernment decided it was time fr a re-measure.
    Recently, a grup f surveyrs made it t the summit with satellite receivers that they're hping will give the mst accurate measurement f Everest yet. They're als the first and prbably the nly grup t summit Everest this year, thanks t Cvid-19. It might help peple t agree n the height f this massive muntain.
    1. Hw did surveyrs get the height f Everest?
    A. Cunted their steps
    B. Used a really big tape measure.
    C. The main technique was trignmetry
    D. By Ggle
    2. What can peple knw abut Drumrll Gerge Everest frm the passage?
    A. He is the first persn t use maths t measure Everest
    B. He used maths t get the angles
    C. The thedlites he tk t the tp f the muntain weighed ver 500 kils
    D. He gt the height f Everest withut using devices.
    3.Hw did methds f measurement develp?
    A. Frm maths t phtgrammetry t GPS
    B. Frm thedlites t phtgrammetry t GPS
    C. Frm maths t phtgrammetry t satellite
    D. Frm phtgrammetry t GPS t satellite
    4. Frm the third paragraph, we can knw ___________.
    A. measurements abut the height f Everest have big difference
    B. surveyrs are very certain abut whether they shuld cunt the snw n tp, r just the rck underneath
    C. ersin and earthquakes are pssible t influence the height f Everest.
    D. the Chinese gvernment decided t remeasure because the Cvid-19 kncked sme height ff Everest.
    5. Recently, a grup f surveyrs made it t the summit___________.
    A. with the help f satellite receivers
    B. was frm China
    C. was able t give the mst accurate measurement f Everest
    D. was the first and the nly grup t summit Everest this year
    1-5 CAACB
    Eating salad can ften feel like a chre r a punishment, especially when yu dn't have a first thing abut hw t make ne. The main prblem peple face when making a salad is that they're either t bring r verladed with tppings that dn't g tgether. S it’s imprtant t find a middle grund. Every salad shuld have seven cmpnents: greens, prtein, a carb, veggies and fruit, if yu want, smething creamy r fatty, smething crunchy, and a flavr punch.
    S, let's start with the greens. Chsing a variety f greens is ging t make yur salad mre interesting. Nw mving n t prtein. Here we have chicken, baked tfu, hardbiled eggs, and shrimp. Yu culd add any prtein yu like. Adding prtein t salad is super imprtant because it's what's ging t fill yu up, and it's a way yu can really turn a salad int a meal. Nw fr the carb. Stick with carbs like sweet ptates r black beans. Try t include cmplex carbs like whle grains r beans t give yu lng-lasting energy. Fr veggies and fruits, try tmates, bell peppers, cucumbers, apples, r carrts. It's kay t add a few f these. These will help fill yur salad ut and als make sure yu're eating the rainbw. Nw fr sme crunch. Adding sme crunch is ging t give yur salad sme texture. Finally, we have t add ur flavr punch, like fresh herbs, sun-dried tmates, r lives. This is what's ging t give yur salad that ww factr. But yu als want t make sure yu dn't verlad n these because they can definitely clash.
    By preparing them yurself, yu'll knw exactly what's in them. The key t keep salads frm getting bring is switching them up. S even if yu find a flavr cmbinatin yu lve, keep trying new ingredients and keep experimenting. And befre yu knw it, yu may even find that salad has becme smething yu're craving.
    1. What is the main prblem peple face when making a salad?
    A. They dn’t have a first thing abut hw t make ne.
    B. They add t much cmpnents t the salad
    C. They nly chse cmpnents they like t make a salad
    D. They make a salad with verladed tppings that dn’t g tgether.
    2. Adding prtein t salad is super imprtant because________.
    A. it is ging t make yur salad mre interesting
    B. it's what's ging t make peple keep slim
    C. it turns a salad int a meal and fill peple up
    D. it gives peple lng-lasting energy
    3. What des the underlined wrd mean in the passage?
    A. any prtein B. cmplex carbs C. veggies and fruits D. sme crunch
    4. .The key t keep salads frm getting bring is t __________
    A find a flavr cmbinatin yu lve
    B. try the mst expensive ingredients
    C. prepare them by yurself
    D. keep experimenting different cmbinatins
    1-4 DCCD
    Marriage is as ld as humanity itself. With the rise f sedentary agricultural scieties abut 10,000 years ag, marriage was als a way f securing rights t land and prperty by designating children brn under certain circumstances as rightful heirs(继承人). As these scieties became larger and mre cmplex, marriage became nt just a matter between individuals and families, but als an fficial institutin gverned by religius and civil authrities. And it was already well established by 2100 B. C. when the earliest surviving written laws in the Mesptamian Cde (汉谟拉比法典)prvided many specifics gverning marriage. Many ancient civilizatins allwed sme frm f multiple simultaneus(多重的) marriage. And even tday, less than a quarter f the wrld's hundreds f different cultures prhibit it. But just because smething was allwed desn't mean it was always pssible. Nr was marriage even necessarily between tw living peple. Ghst marriages, where either the bride r grm died, were cnducted in China t cntinue family lineages r appease(安抚) restless spirits.
    A lt f marriages thrughut histry did have ne thing in cmmn. marriages were ften made by families r rulers. The mdern idea f marriage as being mainly abut lve. With industrializatin, urbanizatin and the grwth f the middle class, mre peple became independent f and were able t supprt a new husehld n their wn. Peple began t fcus n individual happiness and pursuits, rather than familial duty r wealth and status, at least sme f the time. And this fcus n individual happiness sn led t ther changes, such as easing restrictins n divrce and mre peple marrying at a later age.
    Peple might have t keep in mind that marriage has always been shaped by sciety, and as a sciety's structure, values and gals change ver time, its ideas f marriage will cntinue t change alng with them.
    1. Abut 10,000 years ag, marriages were used t ____________.
    A. secure land and prperty legally
    B. have children legally
    .C. make heirs rightful
    D. slve a matter between individuals and families
    2. What describes multiple simultaneus marriage crrectly?
    A. Only a few ancient civilizatins allwed this frm f marriage.
    B. This frm f marriage is prhibited arund the wrld
    C. Less than a quarter f the wrld's cultures allwed this frm f marriage
    D. This frm f marriage might nt be allwed in the future
    3. What can we learn abut ghst marriages frm the passage?
    A. The bride r grm desn’t have t be the living peple
    B. It is nly cnducted in China
    C. It can really cntinue family lineages
    D. It is used t appease restless spirits and their families
    4. Which f the fllwing sentences is NOT RIGHT?
    A.. The mdern idea f marriage as being mainly abut lve.
    B. Mre peple became able t supprt a new husehld n their wn because f the industrializatin and urbanizatin.
    C. Peple began t fcus n, familial duty r wealth and status tday.
    D. Ideas f marriage will cntinue t change
    5. What’s the best title fr the passage?
    A. Ancient Histry f Marriage
    B The Histry f Marriage
    C. The Difference Between Ancient Marriage and Mdern Marriage
    D. The Ideas f Marriage Is Changing
    1-5 ADACB

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