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    这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册本册综合优秀导学案,共22页。学案主要包含了完形填空,阅读七选五等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. Dad dancing
    Mary自认为舞姿很美。Tm可不大同意,说他的舞姿是 “dad dancing”。到底什么样的舞姿才算是 “dad dancing”?
    Mary: Great party last night, Mary!
    Tm: It was s much fun, Tm. I lved yur dad dancing t!
    Mary: Yu… saw my dad… dancing? But my dad wasn’t dancing. He wasn’t even there.
    Tm: N, n, n. Yu knw what I mean: ‘dad dancing’. It means dancing… well, like a dad.
    解释:“Dad dancing” 描述了一种笨拙、过时、太做作的舞姿。
    (1)Ww, lk at Ellen. Is he swinging a cat? What a dad dancer!
    (2)Katka’s dad was hilarius at the wedding. Everyne had stpped dancing, but he was still up there dad dancing, shwing ff all his mves.
    (3)I used t think Dad’s dad dancing was funny. But after he injured his ankle really badly last time, I think it’s time he slwed dwn.
    2. Talk Shp
    Tm: There yu g, Mary. One skinny cappuccin fr yu.
    Mary: Thanks, Tm. It’s gd t get away frm the ffice, and I like this cafe. It’s very stylish, fr yu!
    Tm: I’ll take that as a cmpliment. Nw, shall we get dwn t business?
    Mary: ‘Get dwn t business’? Must we talk abut ur wrk? Let’s say smething relaxing. Where are yu ging this year?
    Tm: Srry, Mary, we need t talk shp fr a mment.
    Mary: Shpping? I’d lve t talk abut shpping.
    Tm: N. Talk shp.
    Mary: Which shp?
    Tm: Our shp! I mean ur wrk. T talk shp means t talk abut wrk, even when yu’re nt at wrk!
    Mary: Oh, right! And d we talk shp t just anyne?
    Tm: N, Mary, just t the peple we wrk with. I dn’t think anybdy else wuld be interested.
    解释:“Talk shp” 的意思是 “与同事在工作时间外谈论工作”,就好比汉语里说的 “三句话不离本行”
    (1)We went t the pub t celebrate Rb’s birthday but inevitably we started talking shp!
    (2)I bumped int my bss n the train hme tnight and he talked shp all the way t my stp!
    (3)We’ve been at wrk all day. Let’s all have sme fun and nt talk shp. Please!
    3. Talk the Talk
    Tm: Which reminds me, Mary. Did I tell yu that I’ve started a new evening curse?
    Mary: N. What’s it in?
    Tm: See if yu can guess… My lrds, ladies and gentlemen. It is indeed an immense hnur and privilege t stand here befre yu n this great ccasin and humbly ffer my thughts…
    Mary: Er… Tm. What are yu ging n abut?
    Tm: Public speaking! It’s my new curse.
    Mary: Right. Well, yu can certainly talk the talk.
    Tm: Oh, gd – that’s the whle pint.
    Mary: Oh, n. I am nt cmmending yu.
    解释:“talk the talk” 这个短语。它指的是那些对某个话题很自信,但却不一定真正了解这个话题的人。
    (1)Oh, n, nt anther meeting chaired by Binh. He can certainly talk the talk but he actually knws nthing!
    (2)OK, g in there, talk the talk, and get ut befre they realise we dn’t have a clue abut marketing!
    (3)It’s ne thing talking the talk, but we need actin. We need smene wh can walk the walk.
    4. Tiger mther
    父母望子成龙、望女成凤。孩子们努力学习,上各种课外补习班、兴趣班,琴棋书画一个不落下。这样做的目的是确保他们能以优异的成绩通过考试,并掌握各种才艺技能。但是这种教育方式与 “tiger” 有什么关系呢?
    Mary: Hi, Tm. 去海边度假怎么样,好玩吗?
    Tm: Lvely, thanks. Yu knw I adre the beach.
    Mary: Yur kids must have lved it t?
    Tm: Ah, they didn’t cme. They were at summer music camp.
    Mary: That’s very dedicated!
    Tm: Well, they have pian exams t pass, Mary. And then there’s a French test when term starts again, s they’ve been having intensive French lessns every evening.
    Mary: Ww, yu really are tiger parents!
    Tm: Tiger what?
    解释:“Tiger mther” 最初被用来形容一些传统东亚家庭中常见的教育孩子的方式,不过任何人都可以采取这种方式。
    (1)I never gt t relax as a child. My tiger mther had me up at 7am practising the vilin every Saturday and Sunday.
    (2)We’ve decided t let little Brun d whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I’m wrried tiger parenting wuld stress him ut.
    (3)I have my tiger parents t thank fr making me learn my multiplicatin tables at the age f three. I wuld never have becme the gvernr f the bank therwise.
    5. ut with the ld, in with the new
    Tm: I’m Tm. Hell!
    Mary: S, Tm, anther year ver.
    Tm: Yes, gdbye 2019. It’s been a gd year, but it’s time fr a clear-up.
    Mary: Tm’s tidying up! Why, Tm?
    Tm: Well, there’s s much junk lying arund – let’s clear ut the ld stuff. I’d like t start the New Year with a tidy ffice.
    Mary: Oh, right – we can say ‘ut with the ld, in with the new’
    解释:我们通常用 “ut with the ld, in with the new” 来表示 “旧的不去,新的不来”,新事物总会替代旧事物。
    (1)It’s time fr me t get rid f my ld bts and buy a new pair. Out with the ld, in with the new!
    (2)The tech cmpany released their new range last week. I’ve already bught smething. It’s ut with the ld chunky phne and in with the new lightweight tuchscreen ne.
    (3)Last year I spent t much time eating cake. But nw fr 2020, I’m ging t jin a gym and get fit. It’s ut with the ld bdy and in with the new ne!
    6. cugh up
    Mary凭借自己倒立的本事,从Tm 那里挣了十英镑。但 Tm 迟迟不肯掏腰包,所以Mary让
    赶紧 “cugh up”。这是什么意思?付钱和 “咳出来” 有什么关系?
    Mary: Gd t be back at wrk, Tm?
    Tm: Yes, Mary… feel a bit better nw. Just gt a little cugh...
    Mary: Anyway, yu are back nw and it’s als time t give me my mney back
    Tm: Oh, right. Why’s that?
    Mary: Well, remember yu said yu didn’t believe I culd stand n my head?
    Tm: I d. I said I’d give yu £10 if yu can d it.
    Mary: Yes. Well…
    Tm: N way.
    Mary: There we are. On my head. £10, please. Time t cugh up, Tm.
    Tm: OK, OK! Yu can cme dwn nw.
    Mary: Let me shw it t yu. Nw, hw abut yu ‘cugh up’, and I explain what it means?
    Tm: Hey, I was nly jking abut the £10. Oh, OK, there yu g.
    解释:我们用动词短语 “cugh up” 来描述一个人很不情愿地掏腰包,勉强给钱或给他人信息。
    (1)I waited tw whle weeks fr my new TV t be delivered. And then I had t cugh up an extra £15 fr the delivery! I can’t believe it.
    (2)My last trip t the library was expensive. I had t cugh up fr the fines fr all the bks I’d returned late. Whps.
    (3)When I sat n my clleague’s glasses he asked me t cugh up £100 t buy a new pair. Thugh I must admit, the new nes are an imprvement.
    —Hi. May I help yu?
    —Yeah. 1 . Hw much are mvie rentals?
    —Well, new mvies are $3.50, and ther mvies are $2, 2 .
    —Oh, well, I’ll just take these… and these tnight. *3 .
    —Ok, let’s see… yur ttal tnight cmes t $ 11.
    — 4 .
    —They are due back the day after tmrrw by 10 ’clck pm..
    —Thursday, Ok.
    —And yu have t pay an extra fee equal t the rental fee f the vide if yu return them late.
    5 .
    —Sara, I’ve been lking frward t ur yearly camp ut fr 3 weeks. 1 . Camping under the stars. This is the life.
    —Yeah. But Paul, 2 . The weatherman said it was ging t rain later tnight.
    —Nthing can prevent ur adventure. Thse weather reprt are never right.
    — 3 .
    —Ah. Dn’t wrry.
    —Paul, Paul. Did yu remember t bring ur raincats just in case, like I tld yu.
    —Uh…n. I left them at hme.
    — *4 .
    —Hw abut playing a card game?
    —Uhh. I left them next t the picnic table. Hey, yu want t me t g ut in this rain and get them?
    —N. That’s Ok. 5 .
    —Well, we culd g dwn the muntain and stay at that htel we passed n the way up.
    — Sit dwn, please, take it easy. What’s yur name, please?
    — Alice.
    — 1 .
    — My huse was brken int last night.
    —Can yu describe what happened last night?
    —Yes. At 6 ’clck, my husband and I left hme attend a friends birthday party. 2 . When I pened the dr, we fund that smene had entered ur huse by the windw.
    — 3 .
    —Yes. My diamnd necklace is gne, *4 .
    —Can yu tell me anything mre?
    —The man living ppsite ur huse said he had heard a sund f glass being brken at abut 11. After a while, he saw a tall man with lng hair cme ut f my huse.
    —Well, 5 . If we have any news, we’ll let yu knw.
    My husband Jeff and I mved int ur new hme in Scttsbluff last year just befre Christ mas. I did nt have the ___1___ r energy t carry ut my traditinal Christmas decrating and baking activities. What was the pint, anyway? It was ging t be a ___2___ Christmas after all.
    ___3___, the neighburly nature f west Nebraska residents started t trickle (陆续来临) in.
    There was a ___4___ n the dr ne evening. It was Jeff’s new clleague, Jhn Smith, and his wife, Phyllis. The Smiths had stpped by t ___5___ us t twn with a laf f hmemade bread. They pinted ut a ___6___ n the prch (门廊). Apparently the drbell wasn’t wrking in the cld snwy weather and we had ___7___ a visit frm the Brwns, ur acrss-the-street neighburs, wh brught us a Christmas card and mre Christmas ckies.
    The ___8___ feelings brught by these thughtful gestures lasted lnger than the fd.
    As Jeff and I were clearing pre-Christmas ___9___ frm ur driveway, Ernie Guzman came ver frm next dr t ___10___ us t dig ut.
    Then, we received an invitatin t ___11___ a Christmas Eve meal with ur neighburs, Ernie and Nancy Smmer, and their ___12___ —a 90-year-ld lady, wh als had n family in the immediate area with whm t spend the hliday.
    Our Christmas Eve was quite merry, thanks t ur ___13___. Our Christmas mrning ___14___ was special, thanks t the Smiths’ gift f bread. I was s ___15___ fr these gestures f welcme, especially during the hlidays.
    This year, we were again unable t be with ur families fr Christmas. The ___16___ and wrk schedules just made things t difficult. ___17___ that sense f Christmas islatin (孤立) all t well, we decided t try t rund up sme ther flks wh were ___18___ in the hlidays.
    Lnely peple are all arund us, but mst f us ___19___ ntice them. Just take a lk arund yu. Smetimes, the smallest ___20___ gesture can make a wrld f difference.
    1. A. chanceB. time C. anxietyD. ability
    *2. A. merryB. freeC. lnelyD. usual
    *3. A. TherefreB. MeanwhileC. SmehwD. Hwever
    4. A. cardB. signC. knckD. nte
    5. A. welcmeB. inviteC. driveD. send
    6. A. treeB. packageC. mailD. flwer
    *7. A. frgtB. arrangedC. receivedD. missed
    8. A. deepB. trueC. warmD. mixed
    9. A. snwB. rubbishC. dustD. leaves
    10. A. teachB. helpC. urgeD. frbid
    11. A. shareB. prepareC. tasteD. exchange
    12. A. auntB. guestC. maidD. partner
    13. A. flksB. relativesC. clleaguesD. neighburs
    *14. A. callB. greetingC. breakfastD. meeting
    15. A. srryB. eagerC. readyD. grateful
    16. A. distanceB. expenseC. seasnD. situatin
    *17. A. StudyingB. ShwingC. KnwingD. Discvering
    18. A. alneB. busyC. happyD. active
    19. A. alwaysB. seldmC. finallyD. usually
    *20. A. carefulB. patientC. vagueD. kind
    In an nline class, develping healthy patterns f cmmunicatin with prfessrs is very imprtant. ___1___ While I have nly listed tw f each, there are bviusly many ther situatins that can arise. Students shuld be able t extend the lgic(逻辑)f each t their particular circumstance.
    • ___2___ Questins abut subject cntent are generally welcmed. Befre asking questins abut the curse design, read the syllabus(教学大纲)and learning management system infrmatin t be sure the answer isn’t hiding in plain sight.
    • Participate in discussin frums(论坛), blgs and ther pen-ended frums fr dialgue. ___3___ Be sure t stay n tpic and nt ffer irrelevant infrmatin. Make a pint, and make it safe fr thers t d the same.
    • Dn’t share persnal infrmatin r stries. Prfessrs are nt trained nurses, financial aid experts r yur best friends. If yu are in need f a deadline extensin, simply explain the situatin t the prfessr. ___*4___
    • Dn’t penly express annyance at a prfessr r class. ___5___ When a student attacks a prfessr n the scial media, the language used actually says mre abut the student. If there is truly a cncern abut a prfessr’s prfessinalism r ability, be sure t use nline curse evaluatins t calmly ffer yur cmments.
    A. That’s what they are fr.
    B. Turn t an nline instructr fr help.
    C. If mre infrmatin is needed, they will ask.
    D. Remember that nline prfessrs get a lt f emails.
    E. Belw are sme cmmn d’s and dn’ts fr nline learners.
    F. Everyne has taken a nt-s-great class at ne time r anther.
    G. Ask questins, but make sure they are gd, thughtful questins.
    (一)1-5 CAFDG
    (二)1-5 FBAEG
    (三)1-5 CFAEB
    1. B 解析:根据语境可知,此处表示“没有时间或精力来迎接圣诞节”,和“energy”相对应,故B项正确。
    2. C 解析:根据本段第一句中的“mved int ur new hme”和第二句可知,作者搬到新的地方,没有时间和精力过圣诞节,今年的圣诞节肯定会是一个孤独的节日,故lnely“孤独的”符合文意。
    3. D 解析:根据下文语境可知,邻居和同事们送的意外的礼物,使作者的想法发生了改变,故用hwever“然而”,表示转折。therefre“因此”,meanwhile“同时”,smehw“不知怎么地”,均不符合语境。
    4. C 解析:由下文“It was Jeff’s... hmemade bread. ”可知此处选knck(敲门声)。
    5. A 解析:根据语境可知,此处表示史密斯一家送面包来欢迎“我们”来到城里,故welcme正确。
    6. B 解析:根据上文中的“... with a laf f hmemade bread”和下句“Apparently the drbell wasn’t wrking in the cld snwy weather... ”可知,此处用package“包裹”。
    7. D 解析:根据上下文语境可知,此处表示“在寒冷的雪天里,门铃不响了,所以我们错过了布朗一家的到来”,即应选miss“错过”。frget“忘记”;arrange“安排”;receive“收到”。
    8. C 解析:根据上下文语境可知,此处表示“这些体贴的关怀带来的温暖感觉比食物持续得更长”,故warm“温暖的”正确。
    9. A 解析:根据此句中的“frm ur driveway”和下旬中的信息词语“dig ut”可推知,此处表示“扫除车道上的雪”,即snw正确。
    10. B 解析:根据上文可知,此处一直在讲述作者收到来自同事和邻居的关怀、帮助。teach“教”;help“帮助”;urge“力劝,催促”;frbid“禁止”。故B项符合文意。
    11. A 解析:根据下文中的“Our Christmas Eve was quite merry... ”可知,此处表示邻居邀请“我们”一起过圣诞夜,故用share,构成短语“share sth. with sb. ”。prepare“准备”;taste“品尝”;exchange“交换”。
    12. B 解析:根据下文中的“wh als had n family in the immediate area with whm t spend the hliday”可知,此处只有B项正确,guest“客人”。aunt“阿姨”;maid“女仆”;partner“伙伴,合伙人”。
    13. D 解析:根据第六段第一句中的“... with ur neighburs”可知,此处D项正确。
    14. C 解析:根据此句中的“Our Christmas mrning”以及下半句中的“…the Snuths’ gift f bread”可推测,C项正确。
    15. D 解析:根据上下文语境可知,作者很感谢朋友的关怀,故grateful“感谢的”正确。srry“遗憾的;对不起的”;eager“渴望的;迫切的”;ready“准备好的”。
    16. A 解析:根据上句中的“unable t be with ur families fr Christmas”和此句中的“just made things t difficult”可知,此处A项正确,表示“距离”。expense“损失;代价”;seasn“季节”;situatin“情况”。
    17. C 解析:据句意可知,“我们”知道圣诞节不能与家人团聚会给人带来孤独感,故C项正确。
    18. A 解析:根据上下文语境可知,此处表示“我们”决定帮助独自过圣诞节的人们,故A项正确。
    19. B 解析:句意:在我们身旁孤独的人很多,但是我们很少有人注意到他们。根据转折词“but”可知,此处seldm“很少”符合语境。
    20. D 解析:根据句意可知,此处表示“有时,甚至一个友善的举动都可以改变这个世界”,故kind正确。careful“仔细的”;patient“有耐心的”;vague“模糊的;不明确的”。
    1. E 解析:根据文章段落结构和本段首句In an nline class, develping healthy patterns f cmmunicatin with prfessrs is very imprtant,可知,在网络课堂上,与教授建立健康的交流模式是非常重要的,作者在下文中列举了一些规矩与禁忌,故选项E符合语境。
    2. G 解析:根据空后一句Questins abut subject cntent are generally welcmed. (与课程内容相关的问题是受欢迎的),解释了什么样的问题是好问题,可知,与G项“make sure they are gd, thughtful questins”相呼应,要提一些好的令人深思的问题,故选G。
    3. A 解析:根据空前一句 Participate in discussin frums(论坛), blgs and ther pen-ended frums fr dialgue. 可知,要参与论坛讨论、博客和其他开放式的对话论坛。而这正是网络课堂采用的交流的途径,故选A。
    4. C 解析:根据本段Prfessrs are nt trained nurses, financial aid experts r yur best friends教授不是训练有素的护士,不是经济援助专家,也不是你最好的朋友,可知,不要分享个人信息或故事,如果他们需要更多信息的话,他们会主动问起的,故选项C符合语境。
    5. F 解析:通读本段,并根据本段主题句Dn’t penly express annyance at a prfessr r class. 告诫读者,每个人都可能曾经上过不太好的课,不要在社交媒体上攻击教授,不要公开表达对教授或班级的不满,要利用课程评价冷静地提出你的意见。选项F符合上下文语境。
    1. Face the music
    A: But fficer, I wasn’t the nly ne writing n the wall!
    B: Well, I didn’t catch yur friends. Yu’ll have t face the music alne!
    A: ….s yur cmpany lst $100 000 last mnth?
    B: Yes, and I have t face the music n Mnday. I have a meeting with the wner and he is ging t criticize me a lt.
    解释:Face the music 就是做了什么错事之后不得不面对后果、应付迎面而来的批评或者惩罚。
    Jean: Were yu a gd student, Helen?
    Helen: Generally, but smetimes I had t face the music.
    Jean: Really? What happened?
    Helen: Well, ne time I did very badly in a maths test.
    Jean: Were yur parents angry?
    Helen: Well, I had t face the music.
    Jean: Hw did they react?
    Helen: They weren’t very happy. I had t d extra classes fr ne mnth and culdn’t g ut with my friends.
    Jean: And hw’s yur maths nw, Helen?
    Helen: It’s OK, but dn’t test me, Jean. I dn’t want t face the music again!
    2. Fat chance
    Are yu kidding? 你在说我很肥吗!!!
    Rb: And I’m Rb. Hey, have I tld yu abut the cmpetitin that I’ve entered, Feifei?
    Feifei: N, Rb. What is it?
    Rb: It’s a singing cmpetitin! Yu have t perfrm a ppular sng frm yur favrite band – and I’m ging t win!
    Feifei: Yu will take part in the cmpetitin and yu think yu will be the champin? N ffence, Rb, but I’ve heard yur singing vice, and, well, I’m nt sure…
    Rb: What are yu trying t say?
    Feifei: All I’m saying is that there is a fat chance f yu winning the cmpetitin!
    Rb: Huh! S first yu make fun f my singing and nw yu’re calling me fat! Hw cheeky!
    Feifei: Oh! N, Rb, n. I mean the chance is little
    Rb: Oh, right, yes. ‘Fat chance’ is an English phrase t say smething is nt very likely. I remember nw.
    Feifei: Right, while yu calm dwn, let’s hear sme ther examples f this phrase.
    解释:“Fat chance”实际所表达的意思是说一件事情不大可能发生,希望渺茫。
    A: I bught a lttery ticket fr tnight’s draw – and these are my lucky numbers! I’m definitely ging t win!
    B: Fat chance!
    3. On fire
    Tm 说自己今天的状态非常好,可谓攻无不克、战无不胜。Mary夸他的这种状态是“n fire”,不过这可吓坏了Tm,难道大楼里“着火了”?
    Tm: And I’m Neil! Hw are yu tday, Mary?
    Mary: Yes, I’m well, thanks. Is everything OK with yu, Tm? Yu seem very smug!
    Tm : Uh! I’m ding great! I’ve had a very busy, but very prductive day – my mst recent vide has reached 100,000 views, and my new prject has been cmmissined by a majr TV cmpany. I’ve als recrded and edited three vides, written tw scripts and nw I’m here in the studi recrding with yu.
    Mary: Ww! Yu’re n fire tday, Tm!
    Tm: What? Fire? Where? Put it ut! Where’s the extinguisher? Evacuate the building!
    解释:On fire 这个短语的本意是 “起火,着火”,但英国人在日常对话中也用它来描述一个人状态非常好,表现极佳、攻无不克、战无不胜,就好像“火力全开”,根本停不下来。
    (1)I can’t believe my team have wn ten games in a rw! They’re n fire.
    (2)My friend is taking tw extra classes and I thught she’d be exhausted by nw – but she’s n fire! She’s getting really gd grades in every subject.
    (3)The actr was n fire in the early 2000s, but his recent perfrmances haven’t been t the same standard.
    4. Rat race
    Tm 脸上贴着夸张的胡须,说他决定要在新的一年中加入老鼠赛跑“rat race”,他想干什么呢?
    Lily: Tm, why have yu gt enrmus whiskers glued t the side f yur face, and a why are yu wearing a running vest?
    Tm: Well, it’s a new year – and accrding t ur Chinese friends it’s the Year f the Rat. New Year, new reslutins. I’ve decided t jin the rat race!
    Lily: Yu’ve decided t jin the rat race?
    解释:“rat race”这个短语被用来描述一种人们生活的方式——努力工作,拼命挣钱。
    (1)I am gnna quit the rat race. I earn all this mney but I never have enugh time t spend it! It’s just wrk, wrk, wrk!
    (2)Peple cmplain abut the rat race, but if yu earn enugh, yu can retire at 50!
    (3)Nieves decided t quit the rat race after she had a serius health scare. She realised that the mney wasn’t wrth the stress.
    5. ht under the cllar
    空调又坏了,这可热得 Rb 心烦意乱。Mary说 Rb 有些“ht under the cllar”,但 Rb 他确实很热,而且他还不明白这刚刚修过的空调怎么又坏了?“Ht under the cllar”这个表达和“气温”有关系吗?
    Rb: Maryi, is the air cnditining n?
    Mary: Let me check. It desn’t wrk again.
    Rb: Again? The cmpany fixed it just this week.
    Mary: Yeah.
    Rb: And that’s three times this mnth!
    Mary: I knw…
    Rb: I hnestly can’t face calling the cmpany anther time. I’ve wasted hurs n the phne t them! Seriusly.
    Mary: OK, OK, Rb. N need t get s ht under the cllar!
    Rb: But… OK. Yu’re right. Give me a minute.
    解释:“T get ht under the cllar” 描述一个人因为某事被惹得很生气、很恼火,正如我们汉语里用“脸红脖子粗” 来形容一个人很生气的样子,很形象地描述了人生气的时候,感觉脖子被衣服领子裹着,很不舒服。
    (1)Nick gt a little ht under the cllar when he returned frm a meeting t discver his clleagues had eaten all his chclates.
    (2)I hate driving in big cities. I just get t ht under the cllar when thers drive badly. I prefer t take a bus and chill ut.
    (3)Try nt t say anything abut Wayne’s new haircut. He knws it lks terrible. When I mentined it he gt very ht under the cllar.
    6. the jke is n yu
    有时候,一个笑话并没有它的本意那样好笑。Hellen 开玩笑,骗Sara说今天可以不上班。不过Sara会相信这个小骗局吗?听他们的对话,为什么“the jke is n Hellen”?
    Hellen: Hell! Hey, Sara. Have yu heard the news?
    Sara: Gssip, yu mean.
    Hellen: N, n, n. It's true! We've been given the day ff! S, srry, I'm nt gnna hang arund - I'm ff t the beach.
    Sara: Wh tld yu the news?
    Hellen: Neil. He said the bss tld him that we've all wrked s hard we dn't have t wrk tday!
    Sara: Hmm. It sunds like a wind-up t me. I'm sure Neil was jking!
    Hellen: Yes, I was jking, Sara! I wanted t trick yu – t see if yu'd leave the ffice and… take the day ff.
    Sara: Ha ha, very funny. Well, actually, I have gt the day ff. S the jke is n yu, and it starts nw. Gdbye!
    解释:“A wind-up” 的意思是 “为开玩笑而制造的谎话,骗局”。
    “the jke is n smene”。它的意思是一个人开玩笑没成功,反而把玩笑开到自己头上了。换句话说就是,试图嘲笑别人,但最后自己看起来很傻。
    (1)Daisy laughed at my 'terrible' dress sense, until she fund ut I was wearing a designer dress. I guess the jke's n her nw!
    (2)Ha, yu thught I'd never beat yur time fr cmpleting the marathn. But I have, s the jke's n yu!
    (3)I knw yu were trying t be funny by saying I'd never pass my exam. But nw yu're the nly ne wh hasn't, s the jke's n yu, I'm afraid!
    —Yu lk wrried this evening, dear. 1 .
    —I’m ging thrugh the telephne bill. It’s ver 100 punds. 2 .
    —I dn’t think we’ve used the telephne mre than usual, have we?
    —But the lng-distance calls and telegrams are very high. Wh made all these expensive calls t Lndn? I dn’t remember making them. *3 .
    —Oh, they must be Jack’s calls. Anne was staying in Lndn with her uncle in Octber. Jack rang her up nearly every evening.
    —Oh, did he? 4 .
    —Jack’s nly earning 300 punds a mnth.
    —What lng talks they must have had!
    —Yes, but d remember they are yung. 5 . Father sent me a check fr Christmas, yu remember? I haven’t spent it all yet.
    —I wasn’t serius, dear. Use yur father’s mney fr yurself. I’m sure there are lts f things yu like.
    —Hell, this is Susan Wilsn. May I speak t Greg Rbinsn, please?
    —Hi, Susan! 1 . What can I d fr yu?
    —Well, I’m calling t tell yu abut the theatre grup I belng t, the Princetn players. We’re lking fr mre peple t jin, especially men. 2 .
    —Oh, yu knw hw much I lve acting, but I’m taking sme very hard curses. I might be able t learn my part, but 3 .
    —Well, actually we rehearse nly ne night a week, Thursday, frm 7 t 10, thugh we wuld have t put in extra time befre a perfrmance.
    —Only nce a week, yu say? *4 .
    —Sure. But lk, why dn’t yu cme and watch ur rehearsal next Thursday? I think yu will like the way we wrk. When yu see hw much fun it is, yu’ll want t jin right away.
    —Ok, I’ll cme t a rehearsal, 5 .
    —Great! I’ll give yu a call n Wednesday t remind yu. Talk t yu then. Bye fr nw.
    —Bye, Susan.
    After twenty years f wrking full-time, I fund myself an pprtunity t quit my jb and be a stay-at-hme mm. As I faced this ___1___, I thught I wuld like t be mre f a mther than a wrking wman. My seven-year-ld daughter and fur-year-ld sn had grwn up in the daycare center ___2___ they were bth six weeks ld. At that time, I never felt any regret abut handing my ___3___ ver t the center each mrning. I had a great jb that I ___4___ and had wrked my way ___5___ t being the assistant t the vice president f sales at an Internet cmpany.
    I decided t ___6___ the jb and begin my new ne as a full-time mm, but I felt it strange t lse the ___7___ part f my identity. The first time I needed t fill ut a(n) ___8___ fr nline banking, I came t the line that asked what my ___9___ was. Eventually, I threw the applicatin away, ___10___ intrduced myself as a "nn-wrker". I cntinued t ___11___ with this feeling.
    ___12___, after a few mnths f waiting at the bus stp, vlunteering in the classrm, and making gd dinners, I ___13___ being a full-time mm. My daughter was in schl, but my sn Cbi was ___14___ me all day. Fr the first time in his life, I was ___15___ his. We tk walks, played sccer and made crafts. He enjyed my ___16___ all the time and I began t see what I had nce ___17___.
    One day as we kicked the ball in the park, Cbi ___18___ me and said, "Mmmy, d yu knw what I want t be when I grw up?"
    "A prfessinal ___19___?" I asked.
    "N," he smiled at me. "I want t be a stay-at-hme mm."
    My heart melted. I’ve never ___20___ my decisin since then.
    1. A. decisinB. prmiseC. resultD. reality
    *2. A. whenB. sinceC. asD. after
    3. A. wrkB. familyC. childrenD. future
    4. A. sufferedB. hatedC. triedD. lved
    5. A. rundB. upC. nD. back
    *6. A. take upB. give upC. take verD. give in
    7. A. wrkingB. teachingC. leadingD. learning
    *8. A. accuntB. frmC. registerD. rder
    9. A. psitinB. hbbyC. dreamD. jb
    *10. A. mre thanB. ther thanC. rather thanD. less than
    11. A. struggleB. liveC. agreeD. deal
    12. A. TherefreB. HweverC. BesidesD. Otherwise
    *13. A. tk advantage fB. lked frward t C. gt tired fD. gt used t
    14. A. frB. withC. byD. after
    15. A. allB. neverC. partlyD. still
    16. A. careB. cmpanyC. guidanceD. educatin
    17. A. appreciatedB. seenC. hatedD. missed
    *18. A. lked dwn upnB. lked back nC. lked up atD. lked up t
    19. A. playerB. teacherC. leaderD. advisr
    20. A. admittedB. settledC. regrettedD. made
    If yu want t succeed in schl, effective nte-taking is a valuable skill fr remembering, reciting and recalling infrmatin. ___1___
    Get ready t take ntes. It may sund pretty basic, but it’s imprtant t have all f yur nte-taking materials rganized befre the start f any class, r lecture. ___2___ This will help yu remember what was cvered and get yu ready t understand the new infrmatin yur teacher will prvide.
    Be an active listener. If yu dn’t make an effrt t understand the tpic while yu’re in class, yu will miss ut n a valuable learning pprtunity. ___*3___
    Dn’t be afraid t ask questins. When yu cme acrss smething yu dn’t understand, ask the teacher r lecturer fr help.
    Clr-cde yur ntes. Clr-cding helps yu t link clr with memry, allwing yu t remember the cntents f yur ntes with little effrt. ___4___ Fr example, yu culd write questins in red, definitins in blue and cnclusins in green. Yu culd als use a highlighter pen (荧光笔) t highlight key wrds, dates and definitins.
    ___5___ Reviewing yur ntes after class, r later the same day will help yu t remember the infrmatin much mre effectively. Check with ther students t be sure yu did nt leave ut imprtant infrmatin.
    A. Review yur ntes.
    B. Remember all the infrmatin after class.
    C. S if yu want t take better ntes, yu’d better be an active listener first.
    D. As lng as yu want t remember things well, yu must use clred pens.
    E. Try using different clred pens fr different partsf yur ntes.
    F. If yu fllw these simple steps and tips, yu will find yur study is mre efficient.
    G. Review yur ntes frm the previus(以前的)class befre yu cme t class.
    (一)1-5 GEACF
    (二)1-5 CBEGD
    1. A 解析:从文章第一句可知作者打算辞职成为一名全职妈妈,故decisin“决定”符合语境。文章结尾的my decisin也是信息提示。
    2. B 解析:从他们六周大的时候,作者的儿子和女儿就被送往日托中心,他们在那里长大。主句用了完成时,故此处应使用since。
    3. C 解析:作者那时把两个孩子交给日托中心并不觉得遗憾和懊悔。故答案选C。
    4. D 解析:从前半句中的great可知,作者很爱她的工作。故答案选D。
    5. B 解析:从上文可知,作者工作了20年,一路往上(up)升到了公司销售部的副主管助理。故答案选B。
    6. B 解析:根据语境可知,作者要放弃(give up)工作成为一名全职妈妈。故答案选B。
    7. A 解析:从文章第一段和本句中的lse可知,作者觉得丢掉上班族的身份标签很奇怪。故答案选A。
    8. B 解析:根据下文的applicatin可知,作者需要填写表格。故答案选B。
    9. D 解析:从下文的“intrduced myself as a ‘nn-wrker’”,可知,这里问的是职业。故答案选D。
    10. C 解析:从本段第一句中的“but I felt it strange t lse the ____7____ part f my identity”可知,作者不乐意承认自己“无业人员”的身份。mre than“不仅仅”;ther than“除了……之外”;rather than“而不是”;less than“少于”。故答案选C。
    11. A 解析:从上文可知,作者还在为这种角色转换纠结。struggle with“与……进行斗争”;live with“容忍,忍受”;agree with“同意”;deal with“处理,对付”。故答案选A。
    12. B 解析:从下文可知,作者习惯并喜欢上了全职妈妈的生活,上下文之间为转折关系,故答案选B。
    13. D 解析:根据语境可知,作者已经习惯了全职妈妈的角色。take advantage f“利用”;lk frward t“期望”;get tired f“对……感到厌倦”;get used t“适应,习惯于”。故答案选D。
    14. B 解析:作者的儿子整天都和她在一起,故答案选B,with“和……一起”。
    15. A 解析:女儿上学,所以作者完全属于儿子。故答案选A。
    16. B 解析:上文描述了作者怎样陪伴儿子,因此这里表示儿子一直很享受作者的陪伴。故答案选B,cmpany“陪伴”。
    17. D 解析:作者开始明白了曾经错过(missed)的东西。故答案选D。
    18. C 解析:这里表示儿子抬头看着作者说。lk dwn upn“瞧不起”;lk back n“回顾”;lk up at“向上看,抬头看”;lk up t“尊敬,钦佩”。故答案选C。
    19. A 解析:从上文作者陪儿子玩球可知,当儿子问作者时,作者的回答应与运动有关,故答案选A。
    20. C 解析:儿子说想要成为“全职妈妈”,就像作者一样,这让作者非常感动,从此她没有后悔过自己的决定。故答案选C。regret“懊悔,后悔”。
    1. F 解析:分析文章结构可知,本空应选择一个承上启下的句子,F项承接上文,引出下面的具体步骤和建议,符合语境。
    2. G 解析:本空应该选上课前复习之前的笔记,而空后是这样做的好处,且空后的This指代的恰好是G项的内容,故选G。
    3. C 解析:本段的主旨句是″Be an active listener″,关键词是an active listener,比对关键词可知,C项符合语境。
    4. E 解析:根据空后内容可知,本空应该是不同颜色的内容用不同颜色的笔标注,E项符合语境。干扰选项为D,但与空后的例子不相符。
    5. A 解析:根据文章结构可知,此空应与前几段的主旨句并列,为祈使句,因此可供选择的是A项与B项,结合本段内容可知,本空应该是复习笔记,而B项与下文内容不符。
    A. and yu can rent up t 6 mvies at a time
    B. D yu have any new mvies fr rent?
    C. I’d like t rent these mvies
    D. And when d I need t return them?
    E. Any discunt?
    F. Hw much is the rentals in all?
    G. S be sure t return them n time.
    A. And it said there was a chance f heavy winds.
    B. I’m a little wrried abut the weather thugh.
    C. Hw much d yu suggest we take with us?
    D. It’s up t yu.
    E. What are we ging t d nw?
    F. It’s ging t be a wnderful day fr hiking tmrrw.
    G. S what nw?
    A. Have yu gt anything stne?
    B. we’ll lk int the case right away.
    C. What’s the matter, Madam?
    D. dn’t wrry t much abut such a case.
    E. s are the my cmputer and tw valuable vases.
    F. We didn’t get hme until midnight.
    G. We are sure t find ut the thief.
    A. D yu knw anyne in Lndn?
    B. what’s wrng with yur wrk?
    C. Well, he can pay fr the calls, then
    D. N wnder it cmes up t 100 punds.
    E. Last mnth it was under 70 punds.
    F. I’ll pay fr Jack’s calls t Ann.
    G. What’s the truble?
    A. I’m Greg Rbinsn.
    B. And I thught yu might be interested in it
    C. It’s Greg
    D. but I can’t prmise mre than that
    E. I wuld hardly have time t rehearse
    F. if the play interests me.
    G. Well, culd yu give me time t think it ver?

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