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    第二部分 读后续写


    It was summer,and my dad wanted to treat us to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West.
    We took a plane to Albuquerque,a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon. Uncle_Paul,my dad's friend,picked us up from the airport and drove us to his farm in Pecos.
    His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guestroom of the farm_house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast,“The day starts at dawn on my farm,”he said, After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens,while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze(吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool.
    In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride,and he said yes,as long as my dad went with me. I wasn't going to take a horse ride by myself anyway. So,my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats,got on our horses,and headed slowly towards the mountain.“Don't be late for supper,”Uncle Paul cried,“and keep to the track so that you don't get_lost!”“OK!”My dad cried back. After a while Uncle Paul and his farm were out of sight.It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks,the deep green pine trees,and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven(编织的)blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse._______________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    We had no idea where we were and it got dark.___________________________________
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.“What a lovely rabbit!”I shouted with terrific excitement. It was quite different from those I saw in our city, thus immediately stimulating my interest. Dad was also stunned by this special rabbit,gawking at it motionlessly. “Dad, let's catch it as our pet!” I suggested, unexpectedly receiving his prompt agreement. Entirely forgetting what Uncle_Paul had told us,we chased after that pretty rabbit,frantic with rapture. Unfortunately,so clever and swift was it that it disappeared in the forest before long. Not until then did we realize that the last ray of twilight was quickly disappearing among the numerous trees and we couldn't find our track at all!We did get_lost.
    Paragraph 2:
    We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.The bone­chilling wind howled fiercely like a wolf,making the darkness even more suffocating.“Dad,what can we do?”I threw my arms around him tightly,quivering and seized by stark horror.“All is going well!”Dad answered in a gentle voice,calm and mollified.We wandered in the scary forest and didn't know what horrible things would happen to us,hoping to find the way back. Suddenly,we heard the sound of water rolling down the river.We were over the moon and decided to follow the river.After a while,we heard the familiar sound of sheep and then caught sight of the farm_house,The family were waiting for us in the distance.Seeing this,a radiant smile lit up both of our faces.
    光线的消退暗示了时间的流逝和黑夜的到来,推动了故事情节的发展,与下文的getting dark衔接;bone­chilling,scary,horrible等词的运用以及比喻修辞的运用,渲染了阴森恐怖的气氛,也烘托了主人公内心的害怕、恐惧;同时,河流和羊的声音也为故事的结局提供了线索和出路,给故事画上了圆满的句号。

    文章主要记叙了父亲为了让大家过一个不同以往的暑假,带一家人去了Uncle Paul的农场。在那里,“我”在父亲的陪伴下,体验了一把骑马历险记。原文是故事的开始,主要介绍了整个事件发生的时间地点以及农场生活的初体验。在阅读文本时,我们要带着when、where、who、what、why、how去理清文本的内容和故事情节的发展脉络。在梳理故事情节发展的脉络时,我们要把握住三条线索:时间线、故事情节线和情感发展线。
    ►[时间线] ①(background)one summer day→②(the first day) in the late afternoon→③spent the night→④(the second day) very early in the morning→⑤after the breakfast→⑥in the afternoon→⑦after a while
    ►[故事情节线] 根据以上的时间线,我们可以梳理出各个时间点的故事情节。
    大背景是:父亲带一家人去Uncle Paul的农场过暑假。
    ►[情感发展线] 因为是旅游,整篇文章情感基调应该是积极的,虽然没有直接的情感表达,但是从delicious dinner,peaceful,quiet,magic,beautiful这些词可以看出“我”对于这次农场之旅还是比较满意的,同时从“I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses”可以感受到“我”对骑马的浓厚兴趣。因此,即使下文骑马迷路,可能会遭遇险境,但最终结局应该不会太糟糕。
    读后续写的关键词对故事情节的发展起着重要的作用,因而在构思文章的时候,不妨从关键词入手。已知本文的十个下划线词分别是:dad,Uncle Paul,farm house,river,feed,sheep,late,track,get lost,sight。根据这10个下划线的词,我们可以按照记叙文的基本要素进行粗略的分类,然后进行详细的分析:
    Characters 角色类
    dad,Uncle Paul,sheep
    Places 地点类
    farm house,river,track
    Time 时间类
    Actions 动作类
    feed,get lost,sight
    ①Character角色要素的选择上,“我”和dad是毫无疑问必须出现的,因为根据已知的文本,下面续写的内容就是“我”跟dad去骑马。Uncle Paul也几乎是一个必选项。因为下文的情节中可以有很多的场景出现,比如最终是Uncle Paul找到了迷路的“我们”,或者“我们”在迷路后想起了Uncle Paul的叮嘱,以及最终回到了Uncle Paul的农场。至于sheep则是一个可以考虑的备选,可以将它设定为路上看到的风景,也可以是回农场的线索之一。
    ②Places地点的设定,能确定的是farm house是用得上的,因为这是终点。river的角色可以跟sheep一样,用于环境描写或者是帮助主人公回去的一大线索,因为前文提及农场附近是有河流的。“track”这个词其实在这篇文章里是个挺关键的词,主人公正是因为偏离了原来的轨迹,才迷路了。当然如果不理解这个词的意思,那么建议还是慎重选择,以免影响故事情节的流畅。
    ④Action中的get lost是必须出现的,这是文章矛盾的核心。late也很容易用到,因为迷路自然会late for supper,或者天色渐晚。sight这个词,如果是作为动作,那么可能需要放入短语使用,如:catch sight of/lose sight of/come into sight/out of sight等。
    第一段段首句“Suddenly a littel rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.”中的suddenly表明情况发生了急剧变化。反观上文的景色描写,可想而知“我”和父亲正在欣赏沿途静谧优美的景色,这时突然蹦出一只兔子,肯定会打破原本平静的基调。马、“我”以及父亲的反应和心理活动发生的相应变化,应该在这一段体现出来。
    第二段段首句“We had no idea where we were and it got dark.”提示“我们”迷路了,说明在上文里“我们”因为兔子的出现而偏离了原来的track。可能是追着兔子不知不觉跑远了,也可能是马儿受到惊吓带着“我”乱跑导致迷路,但可以肯定的是,“我们”最终还是回到了农场。那么,在第二段,主要解决的问题是如何回农场了。除此之外,语言层面的焦点更要放在人物在天黑迷路时的心理活动、环境描写以及父亲行为等的刻画上。
    [思路1] 兔子的突然出现,让马儿受到惊吓,疯狂地乱跑,完全不受缰绳控制。我一手抓住缰绳,一边向父亲呼喊求救。父亲也一路快马加鞭地紧跟我,担心我的安全。马儿跑了很远直到筋疲力竭才停下来,这时父亲悬着的心终于也放下来。但是,我发现了一个严重的问题,那就是我们找不到来时的轨迹(track)了。
    我们发现自己迷路了而且天色已晚。我不由得觉得脊背发凉、一阵害怕。父亲一边安慰我一边思考着回去的路。这时我们听到了潺潺的流水声,回想起在农场附近也有河流,心想沿着水声应该可以回到农场。结果,真的回到了农场。Uncle Paul一家正在等我们回家吃晚饭。
    [思路2] 兔子突然出现,它的可爱模样引起了我的兴趣,我一路跟着小白兔走着,一路欣赏着沿路的美丽景色并沉醉其中,以至于渐渐偏离了原来的轨迹而浑然不知。我们努力去回想来时的道路,但是无济于事。
    我们都不确定自己到底走到了哪里,而这时候天色已晚。周围的景色让人感觉阴森可怕,因为环境陌生,我和父亲都不敢轻举妄动,生怕越走越远,碰到更大的危险,只得在原地,期待uncle能来找我们。等了一会儿之后,果然Uncle Paul拿着火炬,呼叫着我和父亲的名字。最后,在uncle的带领下,我们回到了农场,得以脱险。
    ①What was the rabbit like?
    ②What was my reaction to the rabbit?
    ③What would we see while chasing the rabbit?
    ④What happened next?
    Suddenly,a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. It was such a lovely creature that I followed its track.But the rabbit was quickly out of my sight.In the process of seeking for it,I was totally attracted by the charm of nature.The forests,the flowers,the groups of sheep in the far distance and the singing river all made me feel relaxed.Both Dad and I had forgotten the time and it seemed difficult for us to go back.
    我们可以根据上一段的内容以及段首句We had no idea where we were and it got dark,我们可以得知两个信息——迷路和天色已晚。因此我们可以围绕这两个信息试着提以下问题:
    ①How did I feel and how did Dad react?
    ②Did we find the way out?How?
    ③Who may come to our rescue?
    ④How about the surrounding in the darkness?
    We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.The cold wind was blowing hard and the darkness made me scared.“Dad, what can we do?”I asked. “All is going well!” Dad answered. We wandered in the forest and didn't know what would happen to us.Suddenly,we heard the sound of a river. We decided to follow the river. After a while, we heard the familiar sound of sheep and then caught sight of the farm house.

    Love Will Melt Your Heart
    The day before my daughter Norah's fourth birthday,something she said forecast a remarkable event.I'd just picked her up from preschool when she cautioned me to mind the elderly person walking across the parking lot at a glacier's pace. She went on to explain that she has a soft spot for mature folks: “I like old people the best because they walk slow like I do and they have soft skin like me.They all gonna die soon,so I'm gonna love them before they die.”I was struck by her thoughtfulness and empathy.
    The following day-her birthday-again on the way home from school,she asked if we could stop at the grocery store to buy cupcakes. How do you say no to a birthday girl?So we headed toward the up in the cart,excitedly waving and joyfully proclaiming,“Hi, old person!It's my birthday today!”
    Before I could hush her,he stopped and turned_to her.His expression softened as he replied,“Well,hello,little lady!Happy birthday!”They chatted for a few minutes.Then,Norah turned to me and asked,“Can I take a picture with him?”I told her we'd certainly ask.I approached him and asked if he'd take a photo with my daughter for her birthday.His expression changed from confused to stunned to delighted.“A photo?With me?”he asked.“Yes,sure,for my birthday!”Norah answered.And so he did.I pulled out my iPhone,and they posed together.She placed her soft hand on top of his.He wordlessly stared at her with twinkling eyes as she kept his hand in hers,kissed the top of his hand and then placed it on her cheek. They were chatting like long­lost friends. I asked his name,and he told us to call him Dan. We were blocking other shoppers,but they didn't care. There was magic happening in the grocery store that day,and we could all feel it.
    Paragraph 1:
    After a few minutes,I thanked Mr. Dan for spending a bit of his day with us. He_said,“No,_thank_you._This_has_been_the_best_day_I've_had_in_a_long_time.”_He_turned_to_my_daughter._“You've_made_me_so_happy,Miss_Norah.”They_said_goodbye._I_posted_the_story_and_a_photo_of_them_on_my_Facebook._Later_that_night,_I_received_a_private_message,from_which_I_learned_that_Mr._Dan's_wife,Mary,had_passed_away_six_months_earlier._I_asked_for_Mr._Dan's_phone_number_and_called_him_a_few_days_later.
    Paragraph 2:
    A few days later,we visited Mr. Dan's tidy house. Reminders_of_Mary_still_proudly_displayed_everywhere._We_spent_nearly_three_hours_with_him_that_day._After_another_recent_visit,he_told_me_that_he_had_slept_soundly_every_night_since_meeting_my_girl.“Norah_has_healed_me,”he_said._Seventy­eight_years_separate_these_two_people_in_age._Somehow,_their_hearts_and_souls_seem_to_recognize_each_other_from_long_ago.

    Writing 1
    I had to go grocery_shopping this morning for the first time in a couple of weeks.My husband had been in Greece for a few weeks and my daughters were not at_home either so I had stocked up on vegetables,salad ingredients and fruits along with the meat that I had in the freezer.
    I am curious.When you are in line waiting to check out,do you check out what others have in their carts?I hate to admit it,but I do.I try not to judge,but again,I suppose I do to some extent-when I see a family in which the parents and the kids are very overweight and they are buying pop(汽水)and high­calorie snack foods.
    My biggest issue with groceries is that all of the processed foods are easier to get and cheaper than fresh produce and probably stretch further.It amazes me to see families buying 12 packs or 24 packs of different kinds of pop.Most of the people that I am seeing are buying regular pop,not diet.But when I was young,we bought pop on_special_occasions.
    For birthday parties or a camping trip,we could only have one can per day.We bought Shasta back then.I am not even sure whether it is still sold or not.We could all pick a few different_flavors that we wanted for the trip.
    But nowadays,pop is everywhere you go. I am glad to say that the_hospital that I work for threw_away all of their pop vending machines(自动贩卖机).They didn't think health care workers,patients or patients' families needed them.I was happy for the change,but other people might not think so.
    Paragraph 1:
    I heard a piece of news on the radio. It is reported that 40% of American women are obese, who often eat at restaurants and fast food places. They are unwilling to cook at_home because they are lazy. But in order to stay healthy, we should buy vegetables,_ fruit and meat and make the majority of our meals at home. We can find recipes on the Internet that are good for us. We can cook various foods that we love to eat. When your family see a feast on the table, they will feel good.
    Paragraph 2:
    I love fresh fruit and I love fish. In fact, I always go grocery_shopping,_buy many fresh fruits and cook various fishes that I like. I pick a few different_flavors for my parents and my friends, which makes them happy.
    Writing 2
    Tawny Nelson is a single mother of four sweet little girls aged 9,5,2, and one year old. It's not easy to take care of the girls all on_her_own. Recently, she shared a story with Frank Somerville, a news anchor for KTVU News in California. He was so moved by her story that he shared it on his Facebook page.
    Tawny's story opened with her visiting the grocery store. It was a rainy and miserable day and by the time she got all the girls loaded in the truck and ready to head home,_it was dark and pouring down. When she tried to start her truck, it wouldn't start. With no one to call, Tawny turned to ask strangers for help to charge her truck. Hours passed and so did at least twenty_people. They all ignored her. Tired and hungry, her daughters began to act out. Tawny was filled with tears when someone knocked on her passenger window.
    Somerville writes, “I swear I got chills when I read what happened next.” And you will do the same when you read Tawny's story:
    I am the single mother of four absolutely beautiful little girls. They are 9, 5, 2, and one year old. And things have been particularly rough since my ex left. Our truck had a flat tire and I had to inflate it constantly. The driver side window motor died. And I needed a new belt. The truck was a mess. And we didn't drive anywhere unless we had to. Well, the_other_day we desperately needed to go to the store. So we loaded up and drove to the Winn Dixie about 9 blocks away. When we got out of the store it was far after dark. And it was raining heavily. I loaded my kids and groceries into the truck.
    Pargagraph 1:
    My battery was dead. My phone broke down. I had no family to chat with and I had to do everything on my own. I turned to more than twenty_people for help but they all turned me down. My 5­year­old girl was very hungry and began to cry. My two­year­old daughter wanted to go home and my oldest girl tried to help. I felt that I was the worst mother ever.
    Paragraph 2:
    I was crying when a gentleman stopped and offered to help me. He handed me a plate of chicken and biscuits and bottles of water. He said,“Feed your girls. I have a truck on the way and my wife will be here to take you home.” What he said was right. His wife arrived followed by our truck.We and the truck were taken home. The next morning the gentleman returned to my house with a man who replaced my battery and fixed my window. Seeing the scene I burst into tears.
    Writing 3
    In my home, there is an old leather chair that I want to throw away but I can't. If you took at this picture, you'll see why. This is my dog Max and he lives in the_old_chair. It wasn't always this way. Max used to be a puppy. He ran, jumped and played. For years it seemed he never sat still. But he's 8 years old now so he's slowed down quite a bit and enjoys his time in his favorite chair like an old man.
    Every time I leave the house, he climbs up there and takes on a sad look. It's a face that says, “I hate it when you leave me but I'll wait here patiently until you come back.” When he was younger he'd always be waiting at_the_door and waving his tail when he heard the sound of knocking. These days his old legs are hurt a bit and getting up and down from things isn't as easy as it used to be. So when I open the door and don't see the dog standing there, my eyes immediately turn toward the living room and I see his_big_brown_eyes. The sadness is washed away from his face and I immediately go and give him a hug.
    If there were a million dollars sitting on_the_kitchen_table,_I would walk right to see him first. I get down on the floor so we are at eye level, put my head on his and tell him what a good_boy he is. He doesn't know a lot of human words but he knows what “good boy” means.
    I bought that chair 15 years ago and the leather has started to wear away. I don't mind it so much but when company comes over, I do feel a bit embarrassed. I apologize to my guests but explain that is Max's chair.
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    I've thought about getting rid of it.But then I wonder what Max would do if I do that. Would he like a new chair or would he stare at the place where he used to sleep and play, looking back at me confusedly? He's a great dog and he doesn't ask me to do anything for him other than to love him. So now that he likes the_old_chair,_when he sees the chair, he can think of my love for him.
    Paragraph 2:
    I like to see him sitting in the chair when I come back. I want to see his_big_brown_eyes filled with love and I want my good_boy to wait for me at_the_door. I want to give him a hug_after work. Max has become a part of my life. He is like my son and I am willing to love him.
    Writing 4
    Today is his_birthday.It's a special day that Brian feels that he is lucky to share with you,for today he is 70 years old.
    About a month ago Brian asked Danielle and Nancy if he could do what he wanted to do on his birthday. He didn't know then what he would say,but he did know that he wanted to share his age in a very public way. Little did he suspect then that he would be sharing not only with his_co­workers on_the_29th_floor,but with the entire region!
    Revealing age is not something that most people,including himself, feel comfortable doing.People wouldn't think of asking their friends,associates or customers how old they are. Why is it then perfectly acceptable to ask a child how old he is? What changes between age 7 and age 70? When and why does age turn from something to be proudly claimed to a topic to be avoided?
    He believes it happens when a child no longer states his age as a simple fact,just as his youngest son Gavin used to do with mathematical precision(精确性):“I am 6 and 5/12 years old.”Then he instead begins to focus on being seen as older.As parents,people contribute to this mind shift by remarks such as“Act your age”or“You're older than that.”He admits that he said such things to his own children.The child gets the_message that age brings status,power and autonomy(自主权).People celebrate important_events.Then sometime after age 21 birthday celebrations lose their allure(吸引力).No longer is getting older seen as a badge of distinction. Instead,people become concerned that they are getting old. The very word“old”has negative connotations. What image comes to mind when you hear “old age” “old folk's home” “old guard”or“out with the_old,in with the new”?“You're too old” will gradually turn into “I'm too old.”He has heard this inner voice many times.
    Paragraph 1:
    He always recalls the moment when he was 30.He spent six years studying in college and then served in the navy for five years. When he was 30 he worked in the bank. He became an appraisal trainer. Once he came back to New York and met his_co­workers from across the nation. He was by far the oldest in this group, and he remembers, “I'm too old to start this profession.”
    Paragraph 2:
    Twenty years passed. It was his_birthday of 50, and he was married with two children,_who were 13 and 8. Then his wife announced that she would give birth to the third child. She was 48, so this event was completely beyond expectation. He told his friends and announced the news. After he sent the_message,_the typical response he got was “I'm glad it's you and not me,” which means “I'm too old to be a father again.”
    Writing 5
    For as long as her parents can remember,11­year­old Breana Carsey has had this crazy dream. She has always wanted a mommy horse who would give birth to a baby horse, who would then grow up to become a racing champion.
    “Absolutely, this was a fairy tale for her from day one. We put it off for five years because we don't have a farm,” said her father, Brian Carsey, who explained that his_daughter has “me wrapped around her finger.”
    Her horse was born in the spring of 2013. Breana named it MJB_Got_Faith for the faith she instantly had in him.
    “I really loved him. He's super soft too,” she said.
    But that quick bond posed a real_problem for this dad. See, for whatever reason, Brian thought once he explained to his daughter that her horse could never run in a race-that it was a runt from poor breeding stock-she would just agree to sell it.
    “She thought her horse was priceless,” he said. “So I had a chat with my wife and we really got ourselves in_a_mess here. And I didn't know how we were going to get out of this. So we took him to the races, the horse that I thought we should have got rid of already.”
    Brian was stuck, committed to boarding and training this long shot to end all long shots. And this is not a wealthy family. Brian runs a small company. And Ohio racing, which is harness­style racing, is a $900 million­a­year industry.
    MJB Got Faith was so slow that it was barely even qualified to compete but then somehow won his first race, then his second, third and fourth qualifying him for the_state_championship held in Columbus,Ohio.
    “And I said to my daughter, ‘If you finish third, you should be so thankful,’” Brian remembered.“She said, ‘Daddy, if he finishes last, I'm going to be thankful. But he's going to win.’”
    Paragraph 1:
    This little horse won an important match. Breana went home with a hundred thousand dollars that day. She contributed half of it to charity and intended to use the other half to buy a farm. “I just want to have a farm and be able to walk MJB_Got_Faith,” she said. Since we first told this story last year, Breana has lived a better life. She got a national horse racing award and her story was reported by many media.
    Paragraph 2:
    Her dad now has a racehorse whose name is Steve Hartman. Perhaps because of many reasons, Brian has not won a race yet. Hopefully his daughter will allow him to live on her farm. He watches his daughter walking the horse on the farm. Sometimes he walks his horse. He had a chat with his daughter about the future. She said she would like to take part in more competitions. And she wanted to live with her family forever.
    Writing 6
    My heavenly dream brings a lifetime of comfort and peace.
    Bedtime was miserable for me when I was seven. The_attic door just outside my bedroom had an unfriendly habit of breaking open by itself in the night, and I was sure that it was because of some fearful monster(魔鬼) on its way out to get me.
    “It's an old house, Lois,” my mother explained as she talked to me one night. “The door is broken.” But her comforting words were no match for my wild imagination. “Can you read to me to help me go to sleep?” I asked. Mom sat at my bedside and read me a story, and another, and another,until I finally got to sleep, with my toy tiger, Mumsy,_on my chest.
    During_the_day,_the attic was anything but frightening. The very next afternoon my friends and I ran up and down its steps for fun. First they were a mountain to climb, then a ship's sail, and then a wonderful castle staircase. “See, Mumsy,” I said, climbing over boxes and furniture we'd stored. “There's nothing scary here.” But when night fell, everything changed. The attic's rough wooden_floor and unfinished walls were weakly lit by bare bulbs that made everything look ambiguous. Those piles_of_storage_boxes and old furniture took on more threatening shapes. What could be moving in the shadows of the_crawl_space? I was terrified I was going to find out.
    “You played up there all day-you know that there's nothing to worry about,” my mom reassured me that night, kissing me on_the_forehead.“You have Mumsy here to keep an eye on things, don't you?” “I guess so,” I said. Mom was right. Mumsy was a fierce tiger, after all, proud and unafraid. I hugged him and closed my eyes. Mom read some interesting stories to me and left me to my bedtime dreams.
    Paragraph 1:
    This night, I found myself dreaming of a beautiful woman standing by my bedroom door. She was dressed in blue and white silk that flowed to the wooden_floor. It was still night and my room was black, but I could see her clearly. Smiling, she offered me her hand. I climbed out of bed and took it, my other hand keeping a tight grasp on Mumsy. Together, the three of us went up the stairs of the_attic.
    Paragraph 2:
    The woman guided me to every corner of the attic. She even showed me the_crawl_space. She never spoke. With the angel by my side, the attic looked just like it did during_the_day-a place where I could feel safe to imagine and play. My mother woke me up the next morning; My tiger was nowhere to be found. Remembering my dream, I raced up the attic stairs. There, waiting for me on the top step, was Mumsy! Eventually, I got old enough to sleep without a tiger guard.

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