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    学案 专题 08 话题分类+人与动物(人与自然)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵
    学案 专题 08 话题分类+人与动物(人与自然)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵01
    学案 专题 08 话题分类+人与动物(人与自然)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵02
    学案 专题 08 话题分类+人与动物(人与自然)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵03
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    学案 专题 08 话题分类+人与动物(人与自然)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵

    这是一份学案 专题 08 话题分类+人与动物(人与自然)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共25页。

    Have yu nticed hw sme lucky peple just aren’t the wrrying type? Take my friend Olline, fr example. Living n the same blck, we’ve knwn each ther since we were babies, and I’ve seen him act wrried maybe five times ttal. I, n the ther hand, am pretty much the exact ppsite.
    I culd find smething t wrry abut every day.
    At my karate(空手道) schl, there’s a grup f kids that gives karate lessns t yunger kids, and I recently tried ut t be ne f the teachers.
    Surprisingly, I wasn’t that nervus fr the tryuts(选拔). But when I didn’t get the call saying if I was in r ut, I started feeling mre and mre nervus. Befre lng, my nervusness turned int wrrying, and when it came t thinking abut anything else r getting anything dne, I was useless! S after lunch yesterday, when my little brther Tex asked me t play basketball with him, I culd nly say, “I can’t. I’m busy!” “Busy with what?” my little sister, Indi, asked. “Busy waiting fr the phne t ring!” I grumbled.
    “Yu’re reminding me f that ld saying,” said ur mm. “A watched pt never bils!” “The mre yu fcus n the thing yu’re waiting fr, the lnger it seems t take,” she explained when seeing my brther’s puzzling eyes.
    Just then, the phne rang, and I raced t grab it. “Hell?” “Hey,” said Ollie. “Oh, it’s just yu,”
    I said. “Ww, yu sure knw hw t make a friend feel special!” said Ollie. “I’m srry. It’s just that I’ve been waiting fr a call telling me if I made it int this karate grup, and it’s stressing me ut.” “I get it,” said Ollie. “I remember being s stressed waiting t find ut if I’d made it nt the select sccer team last year. The best cure was distracting(使分心) myself.”
    I was surprised. “It thught yu never wrried.” “I’m pretty sure that’s part f being human,” said Ollie. “And I’m als pretty sure I have just the thing t distract yu. Want me t bring it ver?” he asked.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    “Hmm,” I said suspiciusly. “What exactly is this thing?”
    By the end f the day, we were all wrn ut and Daisy the dg even fell sund asleep, when suddenly my mm called frm the kitchen, “Zna! Telephne.”
    “Hmm,” I said suspiciusly. “What exactly is this thing?”
    “Trust me. Yu’ll lve her!” In just a minute Ollie came ver with the cutest puppy imaginable!“Her name is Daisy,” he said. “We’re taking care f her while her wners are ut f twn.” Of curse, Tex and Indi jumped up and dwn as sn as they saw Daisy, and the fur f us spent all afternn trying t teach her t catch a ball, play chase and sit fr dggy treats.
    By the end f the day, we were all wrn ut and Daisy the dg even fell sund asleep, when suddenly my mm called frm the kitchen, “Zna! Telephne.”
    “Hell?” I said excitedly. But that was the end f the excitement. It turned ut there was nly ne pening in the grup, and I didn’t get it. “Hey, it’s nt s bad,” Ollie said, handing me the sleepy little puppy. “Yu can try ut again next year, right?” I shrugged. “I guess.” Then the sleeping Daisy pened her eyes, picked up her head, and gave me the biggest, wettest lick n my face, and I culdn’t stp laughing.
    ①信任某人:trust sb./believe in sb.
    ②照顾:take care f/lk after
    ③递给某人某物:hand sb. sth./pass sth. t sb.
    ①兴奋地:excitedly/with excitement
    [高分句型1]We’re taking care f her while her wners are ut f twn.(运用了while引导的状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Ollie said, handing me the sleepy little puppy.(运用了非谓语动词作状语)
    On a bright, warm July afternn, Mac Hllan, a primary schl teacher, was cycling frm his hme t Alaska with his friends. One f his friends had stpped t make a bicycle repair, but they had encuraged Mac t carry n, and they wuld catch up with him sn. As Mac pedaled (骑行) alng alne, he thught fndly f his wife and tw yung daughters at hme. He hped t shw them this beautiful place smeday.
    Then Mac heard quick and lud breathing behind him. “Man, that's a big dg!” he thught. But when he lked t the side, he saw instantly that it wasn’t a dg at all, but a wlf, quickly catching up with him.
    Mac’s heart jumped. He fund ut his can f hear spray. With ne hand n the bars, he fired the spray at the wlf. A bright red clud envelped the animal, and t Mac's relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back f Mac's bike, tearing pen his tent bag. He fired at the wlf a secnd time, and again, it fell back nly t quickly restart the chase(追赶)。
    Mac was pedaling hard nw. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful nt t shw dwn. He saw a steep uphill climb befre him. He knew that nce he hit the hill, he’d be easy caught up and the wlf’s teeth wuld be tearing int his flesh.
    At this mment, Paul and Beeky were driving their car n their way t Alaska. They didn’t think much f it when they saw tw cyclists repairing their bike n the side f the rad. A bit later, they sptted what they, t, assumed was a dg running alngside a man n a bike. As they gt clser, they realized that the dg was a wlf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in frnt f it as the wlf was catching up fast, just a dzen yards away nw.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    The car abruptly stpped in frnt f him.
    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A few minutes later, the ther tw cyclists arrived. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    The car abruptly stpped in frnt f him. Paul and Becky gt ut f the car immediately t give the help. With nthing in the hand, they didn't dare t fight against the wlf. Hwever, they still apprached t the wlf bravely. At the same time, the wlf als nticed them and turned its head back, hwling angrily twards Paul and Becky. Mac then jumped ff the bicycle and was ready t fight against the wlf. Then came the deadlck.
    A few minutes later, the ther tw cyclists arrived. They fund the dangerus situatin, where three men circled the wlf. Mac's friends als jumped ff their bicycles and jined the fight with the wlf. Mre and mre cars stpped. Sme drivers tk ut the sticks frm the cars, and sme tk ut the knives, even the guns twards the wlf. In the meanwhile, the wlf might feel the peple's threats arund, s it began t step back slwly. Sn, it ran away ff the rad and disappeared in the distance.
    【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写,要求续写两段内容(Paul和 Becky勇救Mac,试图赶走狼,但没有成功)以及(越来越多的人加入到救援之中,最后成功地赶跑了狼)。
    根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如; immediately(立即),dangerus(危险的),hwl (嚎叫),threat(威胁),jin(加入), bravely(勇敢地)及deadlck(僵局)等。
    【点睛】范文语言地道,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级词汇和句式,高级词汇有fight against(对抗),run away(跑掉),get ut f (从……中出来),be ready t d(准备好做某事),dare t d(敢做某事)以及apprach t(靠近),而且还使用了非限定性定语从句“They fund the dangerus situatin, where three men circled the wlf.”,倒装句“Then came the deadlck.”,非谓语动词“At the same time, the wlf als nticed them and turned its head back, hwling angrily twards Paul and Becky.”,全文没有语法错误,上下句转换自然流畅。
    “Misssy,” I cried t my wife. “Did yu put his banana skin n my desk?” “N, hney, Meghan prbably did.” As I’d feared, she had missed the real purpse f my questin, which was t make it clear t her that she hadn’t dne her jb f defending my desk against the invader-ur naughty girl. I abandned the cnversatin.
    I sat at my desk and stared at the screen. I waited patiently fr ideas t cme t me as I tried t think up exam questins fr a test I wuld give my English students. My wife was ff t a party smewhere, but I was nt alne. Meghan, ur 22-mnth-ld angel, kept me cmpany. Yet her plans seemed t g against mine.
    She fllwed a daily rutine that was bth time-cnsuming and challenging. It included certain basic tasks: watching the fish, sweeping the flr in her rm, climbing up and dwn n her bed.
    At first I was able t cncentrate n designing my test paper. But I was sn sidetracked. I had nt cunted n the arrival f the “bib-bibs”---“bib-bibs” were birds. “Bib-bibs!” Meghan screamed excitedly, her eyes alive with expectatin. She insisted that I came with her t the windw.
    “In a minute. Just let me finish this questin.” I said. She pulled me by the hand (tw fingers, actually) tward the windw. I saw myself as a fl, being led t watch the “bib-bids”. They chattered and leaped back and frth n the lawn just utside ur apartment windw. Meghan was absrbed, but as I watched them, I still thught abut my wrk. With her attentin ff me, I left the windw and went back t my desk.
    Five minutes later, she returned. She reached up t my keybard and pressed a bunch f keys, adding a lng line f scrabbled letters t my questin. I struggled t bring my annyance under cntrl. “N, thank yu, Meghan. Daddy’s seen yur wrk. I will d it myself.” She backed ff.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右
    A few minutes later, she std in frnt f me with her shes and scks in her hand.
    I finally decided t take Meghan t the park.
    A few minutes later, she std in frnt f me with her shes and scks in her hand. I gt it-she wanted me t take her ut t the park. I pretended I hadn’t paid attentin. She stepped frward, staring at me with her inncent eyes. “Leave me alne fr a while, Meghan,” I said withut lking at her. After a few secnds, ut f the crner f my eye, I saw tears trickling dwn her cheek. I felt s terrible that I regretted what I had said. I had t crrect my mistake.
    I finally decided t take Meghan t the park. I turned t her and said, “Srry, let’s g t see mre ‘bib-bibs’!” She was s excited that she smiled thrugh tears. I held her hand as we walked utside. Wandering thrugh the park, Meghan was like a free bird enjying herself in the wide blue sky. Seeing her smiley face, I felt much happier than ding my wrk. I culd catch up n it in the evening. Wrk can always wait, but lve cannt.(152 wrds)
    Pssible versin2
    A few minutes later, she std in frnt f me with her shes and scks in her hand. I knew she wuld distract me frm wrk as much as pssible until she had my full attentin. I std my grund, pretending that I hadn’t nticed her. Minutes later, I heard Meghan’s ftsteps as she marched dwn the hall. Then came a sudden lud frm the frnt dr. Scared and wrried, I dashed t my daughter’s rescue. In her haste t reach the dr knb, she had accidentally kncked ver the she rack. Shame washed ver me as I realized what an irrespnsible dad I was being.
    I finally decided t take Meghan t the park. As I helped her put n her scks and shes, I kept repenting fr my earlier actins. Always busy with my teaching plans, I rarely spent enugh quality time with my angel. Even when I gt this precius chance, I did everything t get rid f her. On ur way, I held n t her little hand, and she beamed a smile that was brighter than the sun. I smiled back at her, and vwed t myself that I wuld watch ver my angel fr the rest f my life.(179wrds)
    ① 玩的开心:enjy neself/ have a gd time
    ② 流泪:burst int tears/burst ut crying /tears running dwn ne's face
    ③ 漫步:strll/ramble/wander
    ① 后悔:regret/remrse/repent
    ② 激动:be excited/be mved t tears
    [高分句型1].I felt s terrible that I regretted what I had said.句中,s…that…引导结果状语从句,其意为“如此……以至于……”,表达高级。
    [高分句型2].I held her hand as we walked utside. 句中,as引导伴随状语从句,语法表达较高级。
    [高分句型3].Wandering thrugh the park, Meghan was like a free bird enjying herself in the wide blue sky.句中,现在分词短语作伴随状语从句,表述高级。
    Every year, Tia Vargas and her dad g hiking: this summer’s trip was up Table Rck in the Grand Tetns in early July. Vargas was just belw the 11, 000-ft peak with her dad waiting abut a mile dwn the trail (路线) when she ran int a family f hikers wh had fund an injured English springer spaniel (斯宾格猎犬).
    They culdn’t find the limping (跛的) pup’s wner and, because the family were hiking with kids, Vargas figured it wuld be easier fr her t carry the pup t safety.
    “I had t crawl under him t get him up n my shulders,” Vargas, a single mther f three frm Idah Falls, Idah, tells MNN. “I felt the difficulty f it right away. I never felt 55 punds like that befre.” Vargas sn ran int her dad, Ted Kasper, wh snapped sme phts when he saw his daughter cming dwn the trail with a dg n her shulders. “Dad laughed and said. ‘Isn’t this hike hard enugh? Yu have t carry a dg t?’” Vargas recalls. “My dad makes me laugh. He is such a great man.”
    That sense f humr helped Vargas get thrugh the hard jurney f carrying the heavy dg dwn the steep trail, she says. The trip was hard and nearly unbearable at times. “Every time I put him dwn t rest, it was difficult. And every time I gt dwn n my knees t put my head under his belly and try t use neck and bdy strength t lift him it was painful and difficult. I thught we wuld see peple n the trail n the way dwn t help. But that wasn’t the case.” she says.
    Paragraph 1:
    The grup f three gt lst nce because f the fallen trees that made the trail disappear.
    Paragraph 2:
    Finally hiking six miles and reaching the bttm f the trail, Vargas fund a very small nte that said, “Lst dg named Bmer, call this number.”
    The grup f there gt lst nce because f the fallen trees that made the trail disappear. What was wrse, it started t drizzle. Hwever, they culdn’t wait fr the rain t stp because it was getting dark and the dg was whining and bviusly in pain, s they inched their way dwn the slippery slpe while lking fr the trail. Frtunately, it wasn’t lng befre they gt back n track and the sky cleared up. “Thank Gd. It didn’t rain cats and dgs, but a dg,” Kasper said jkingly. “At ne pint, the thught f giving up crssed my mind. My legs hurt and were shaking but my dad’s jkes and the dg’s watery eyes gave me strength,” Vargas recalls.
    Finally hiking six miles and reaching the bttm f the trail, Vargas fund a very small nte that said, “Lst dg named Bmer, call this number.” On their way t the vet, she called the wners, wh thught fr sure Bmer was dead. They had gne hiking tgether the day befre and Bmer had fallen ff a cliff. The family rushed dwn t lk fr him until dark but in vain. When they fund ut that Bmer was still alive, they were s blissful that they drve t the vet withut delay. T their relief, Bmer nly had a dislcated jint and was in a cast. The wners als tld Vargas that they were mving t anther city because f wrk and culdn’t take Bmer with them. With a brilliant smile n her face, Vargas strked Bmer’s head and asked if it wuld like t g hme with her. Bmer licked her hand gently, wagging its tail. This dwnhill battle turned ut t be a blessing in disguise.
    ①寻找:lk fr/search fr
    ③回家:g hme/return hme
    [高分句型1] On their way t the vet, she called the wners, wh thught fr sure Bmer was dead. (运用wh引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] When they fund ut that Bmer was still alive, they were s blissful that they drve t the vet withut delay. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句,that引导的宾语从句和引导的结果状语从句)
    Michael sat n the wden bench utside the huse hlding a fur­leaf clver. Michael had believed that fur­leaf clvers brught gd luck, but he started dubting that kind f pwer.
    Michael was eleven. It had been tw mnths since his mum and dad died in an accident. A widw by the name f Jill adpted him. Michael had a dislike fr Jill. Her vice was lud. She als made him d her chres. Michael felt nt as much as a sn t her. He dreamed a lt. He spke little. He cried secretly. He had even been wrking n a plan fr tw weeks t flee the huse.
    That was, until he heard Jill parking her Hnda int the garage.
    Michael stuffed the fur­leaf clver in his left pcket. Befre he realised it, Jill was standing in frnt f him, with a small beagle in her hand. She put the beagle dwn. It ran t Michael and sat n his Nike tennis shes. Michael knelt dwn t pet it. After a while, he lked up,“Is the dg fr me?”
    Jill laughed,“Of curse! Yu are the slwest little by ever! I've gt yu a little puppy t make yu wrk faster.”
    Michael culdn't see hw a beagle wuld help with his chres, but he thught it wuld be nice t have a friend. “Give him a name,” Jill said.
    Michael thught fr a mment. He saw a big, black spt n his back. That's it! Spt!“I'll name him Spt!” Michael annunced.
    “Spt, Spt, stupid name but it'll d. Nw, yu'd better clean the bathrm and finish yur hmewrk befre dinner's ready.”
    “Yes, ma'am.”
    Michael ran t the bathrm, with Spt by his side.
    Tw weeks passed, and everyne culd see smething changed in Michael.
    Michael ran t the bathrm, with Spt by his side. This time he didn't feel lnely when cleaning, fr the little dg was just there accmpanying him. It was just a beginning. Nw having a friend t play with, Michael didn't even have time t think abut his escape plan. Instead, feeding and training Spt became his surce f fun. And surprisingly, even Jill's lud vice didn't seem that annying t him.
    Para 2:
    Tw weeks passed, and everyne culd see smething changed in Michael. He was happy again. In the schl he perfrmed better and made mre friends. After a day filled with pleasure, Michael came back t his rm with Spt. “Were it nt fr Spt, I wuldn't lead such a happy life.” He thught t himself. And then inside his left pcket, he fund the fur­leaf clver, which was cnsidered as an indicatr f gd luck. He believed in it again.
    陪伴:accmpany/ stay with
    被认为:be cnsidered as / be regarded as
    充满:be filled with /be full f
    快乐:pleasure / jy
    [高分句型1] This time he didn't feel lnely when cleaning, fr the little dg was just there accmpanying him. (运用了时间状语从句的省略)
    [高分句型2] And then inside his left pcket, he fund the fur­leaf clver, which was cnsidered as an indicatr f gd luck. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    One day when I was 12, my mther gave me an rder: I was t walk t the public library, and brrw at least ne bk fr the summer. This was ne mre way fr her t slve my strange prblem—inability (没能力)t read.
    In the library, I fund my way int the “Children’s Rm”. I pulled a few bks ff the shelf and sat dwn n the flr. The cver f a bk caught my eye. It presented a picture f dg. I had recently had a dg, the first and nly animal cmpanin I ever had as a child. He was the ne I culd share secrets with, but later he was given away t smene wh had space and mney t care fr him. I never frgt my dg.
    On the bk’s cver, there was a dg which lked the same as mine. I figured the picture f the dg n the cver. My eyes ran acrss the little, Ams, the Dg with a Plan. Withut pening the bk, I brrwed it frm the library fr the summer.
    Under the shade f a bush, I started t read abut Ams. I read very, very slwly with difficulty and gt the main ides f the stry abut a dg wh, like mine, had been separated frm his family and wh finally fund his way back hme. At the end f the stry, my mind cntinued the final scene f reunin. When I finished my reading, a stream f tears ran dwn my cheeks. It was until then that I realized I had begun t vercme my inability t read. Thus, this was the very first bk fr me which I had read thrugh and deeply immersed myself in the real scene.
    My mther’s call brught me back t the real wrld and I suddenly realized smething.
    Last year, my mther was s prud that her sn was awarded a PhD in literature.
    My mther’s call brught me back t the real wrld and I suddenly realized smething. Bks culd be incredibly wnderful and I was ging t read them. Frm then n, I kept ging t the library. In the library, I was expsed t different types f bks: detective stries, lve stries, pems and s n. My mther encuraged me t spend time ding my favrite thing. Day by day, I finally succeeded in vercming my inability t read. Mrever, I began t write sme stries. When I went t university, I chse literature as my majr.
    Last year, my mther was s prud that her sn was awarded a PhD in literature. I never tld my mther abut my experience that summer. It was the very first bk that made me wh I am tday. This year, I begin writing my first bk n the tpic f my dg. I hpe writing culd be my lifelng career.
    ①接触:be expsed t / have access t
    ②继续做某事:keep ding sth./ g n ding sth.
    ③开始:begin / start
    ①鼓励:encurage / inspire
    [高分句型1] When I went t university, I chse literature as my majr. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] It was the very first bk that made me wh I am tday. (运用了强调句)
    7. (2023年全国·高三专题练习)
    The Biggest Dg n the Muntain
    We liked hiking tgether. Tday, we were lking fr a trail ver Wallace Muntain.
    ”It’s been ver an hur,” said Jessc, my nineteen-year-ld sn. “D yu think the trail still exists?” We had explred several paths but with n luck. We pushed thrugh weeds mid-calf high fr us, but neck-high fr ur rusty-brwn dg, Shadw. Once in a while, we wuld call Shadw back when she was attracted by the pleasant smell f flwers. N lnger slim and buncing with energy, Shadw was the size f a large huse cat, and always cntent t curl up n the cuch beside ne f us.
    Suddenly, we heard what sunded like many dgs barking in the distance, an unusual sund in the wilderness arund us. Curius, we climbed the ridge (山脉), nly t find what seemed like a dg factry. Small dgs, big dgs, brwn dgs, and dgs I can’t even describe pured ut. The hunds (猎狗) hit the grund, sniffing the air and turning t face us. Befre lng, they went dwn frm their side f the muntain. Jesse sht an alarmed glance at me befre turning t call in a firm vice, “Shadw, cme here, stay.”
    I patted my pckets, feeling fr the pepper spray (防狼喷雾), s small it wuld never wrk against s many animals. I turned, surveying the nearby brush fr a ptential weapn. With the help f adrenaline (肾上腺素), I brke ff tw thick branches frm a tree and rushed t Jesse’s side, “Here yu are!” “OK,” he said, “Dad, they are cming t us.” My-muth went dry. I glanced ver at Jesse, his lips pinched (夹紧) tight.
    The pack emerged frm the valley, marching straight tward us. The dgs in the lead were nw clse enugh fr us t see that mst f them were three times larger than Shadw. With deep grwls (怒吼声),they ran straight fr us. Jesse swallwed hard and lked at me.
    Shadw’s back fur rse.
    Surprisingly, the entire mass f dgs turned tail and fled.
    Shadw’s back fur rse. Dwn came the grup f dgs twards us, raring angrily. Just as ne f them apprached us, I raised the pepper spray and spray the liquid t it. Luckily it jumped aside. Hwever, mre dgs charged at me, which made the pepper spray useless. Just then, Jesse went up bravely and threw the thick branches arund us, making it difficult fr the dgs t mve near. Meanwhile, Shadw shuted at the dgs aggressively in an attempt t scare them away.
    Surprisingly, the entire mass f dgs turned tail and fled. I was glad t see them disappear. I thanked Jesse fr her bravery and I patted Shadw n his back. While he was bigger than thse dgs, he was nt afraid in face f the mass f dgs. We cntinued t set ff t search fr ur trail.This time, with Shadw leading the way, we wuld nt get lst and sn we fund the right trail. After the adventure, we returned hme safe and sund thanks t my brave sn and the biggest dg.
    寻找:lk fr /search/seek
    回家:g back hme/return hme
    爬:climb /ascend/munt
    感谢:thank/shw ur appreciatin/shw ur gratitude/be grateful
    害怕的:afraid /dreadful/hrrible
    [高分句型1] Just as ne f them apprached us, I raised the pepper spray and spray the liquid t it.(由连接词as引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Hwever,mre dgs charged at me, which made the pepper spray useless.(由关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型3] I thanked Jesse fr her bravery and I patted Shadw n his back.(由省略that引导的宾语从句)
    My husband, Dnald, tk ur daughter Sarah ut fr sme ice cream the night befre driving her t cllege. As they were walking back t the car, they saw a yung man sitting n the grund and giving his puppy a cne.
    “A cute dg,” Dnald said as they walked by. “A free dg,” the yung man replied. Dnald asked him what he meant by that and the man explained. He was mving away frm Vermnt and did nt think the travel wuld be gd fr the dg. He had raised her frm a small puppy. The man said she was a 6-mnth-ld crss between the Dberman and the Labradr named Rhubarb. Dnald tk his phne number. The rest, as they say, is histry.
    Rhubarb was a sweet dg and very friendly and lved everyne. Whenever smene came t the huse, she was always happy. She als gt alng with Willie, an lder Samyed we had. Willie was nt well and died abut a year later, but, frtunately, Rhubarb’s cmpany helped him keep ging fr lnger than that if he had been alne. But the interesting thing abut Rhubarb was that she never barked. She wuld smetimes get excited when she saw a chipmunk (花栗鼠) and make a little crying sund.
    One ht night when she was abut 4 years ld, we went t bed with the windws pen and the drs unlcked. At abut 3 a.m., I wke up t the sund f Rhubarb barking. I wke Dnald and we gt ut f bed.
    Rhubarb was cming tward us. We turned n the lights and nticed the dr t the kitchen was pen. Then we saw the dr leading int the huse frm the garage was als pen. We quickly lcked all the drs, and we did nt get any sleep that night. It was deep int the night, s we didn’t call the plice.
    Paragraph 1:
    The next day we nticed there was cigarette ash n the flr.
    Paragraph 2:
    My purse was right next t the dr.
    The next day we nticed there was cigarette ash n the flr. Actually, it was a thief wh entered ur kitchen and garage. Much t ur relief, thanks t Rhubarb, the thief stle nthing. I called the plice t reprt the break-in. I als tld them nthing had been taken, but they sent a plice fficer ver t talk with us anyway. In fact, recently many lcal hmes had been brken in n the weekend. Mst peple’s wallets and purses had been stlen.
    My purse was right next t the dr. Hwever, Rhubarb had scared the thief away befre he r she culd steal it. When the plice fficer left, he said we shuld reward Rhubarb with a big steak dinner. Rhubarb lived t be almst 12 years ld, but that night was the nly time she barked in her entire life. Frtunately, she never saw the need t warn us f any ther danger. We were very thankful t Rhubarb. We lved her like a member f the family.
    ①进入:enter/break int
    ②打电话:call/ring up/phne
    ③把……吓跑:scare away/scare ff
    ①感激的:thankful / grateful
    [高分句型1] Actually, it was a thief wh entered ur kitchen and garage. (运用了强调句型)
    [高分句型2] When the plice fficer left, he said we shuld reward Rhubarb with a big steak dinner. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句和省略连接词的宾语从句)
    It seemed like it had nly been a few years ag that Indig had first rushed thrugh ur dr. Her underbelly shwed the signs f the litter she’d recently delivered. She had a nse fr truble. On ne ccasin, I had cme hme t find that she’d eaten a five-pund bag f flur. She was cvered in white pwder, and flur paw prints were everywhere, including, incredibly, n the cuntertps(台板). I asked the dg what the hell had happened, and Indig just lked at me with a glance that said, I cannt imagine what yu are referring t.
    Time raced by. Our children grew up and went ff t university. The mirrr, which had reflected a yung mum when Indig first arrived, nw shwed a wman in late middle age. I had surgery fr cataracts(白内障). I began t lse my hearing. We all turned grey: me, my spuse(配偶), the dg.
    In August 2017, I tk Indig fr ne last walk. She was slw and unsteady n her paws. She lked up at me sadly. Yu did say yu’d take care f me when the time came, she said. Yu prmised, Jenny. She died that mnth, a tennis ball by her side. I’d wned a successin f dgs since 1964, each ne f them a witness t a particular stage f my life. But with the lss f Indig, all that was ver. The days f my dgs, I nw understd, were dne at last.
    But ne mrning, as I was passing the Bed ’n’ Biscuit in my car, smehw I pulled ver. I culd at least lay eyes upn ne cute dg, a tiny sweet thing. What harm culd it d? She had a sft face.
    Nt lng after, I gt a call frm the Bed ’n’ Biscuit, ur dg daycare(日托所). One f their custmers was leaving, and her dg which was the ne I saw that mrning, Chle, needed a hme. Given ur recent lss, they asked, might ur family be interested in adpting her?
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    I tld them that we were srry but we wuldn’t be adpting any mre dgs.
    Paragraph 2:
    When Chle entered ur huse, she was cautius, uncertain.
    I tld them that we were srry but we wuldn’t be adpting any mre dgs. With Indig, ur baby dg passing away, ur huse seemed quiet as a tmb, messy and lifeless. The lss f Indig seemed t deprive me f my lve fr any cute and lvely dg. What if I suffer the lss again? Out f nwhere, the dg kept flashing thrugh my mind and I was enchanted by that tiny sweet thing. Once again, I set ff t the Bed ’n’ Biscuit and adpted that tiny sweet thing named Chle, fearful but delighted.
    When Chle entered ur huse, she was cautius, uncertain. Every time we hugged her, she stepped back a little, her eyes filled with anxiety as well as curisity. With days ging by, ur passin drve her frward and she was willing t embrace us enthusiastically. Every time we returned hme frm wrk, happy kisses frm Chle wuld rain upn ur faces and the huse wuld immediately be turned int a sea f happiness. Frtunately, with Chle’s cmpany, ur life was refreshed as if ur Indig were still here with us.
    ①出发:set ff /start ff/start ut
    ②后退:step back /retreat/draw back
    ③回家:return hme /g back hme
    ①害怕的:fearful /afraid
    ②高兴的:delighted /happy/pleased
    [高分句型1] With Indig, ur baby dg passing away, ur huse seemed quiet as a tmb, messy and lifeless.(运用了with复合结构)
    [高分句型2] Every time we hugged her, she stepped back a little, her eyes filled with anxiety as well as curisity.(运用了独立主格结构)
    [高分句型3] Frtunately, with Chle’s cmpany, ur life was refreshed as if ur Indig were still here with us.(运用了as if引导的虚拟语气)
    It was a ht and wet day in late summer. I was a yung dad wrking in a lcal wd factry. It was dangerus, back-breaking wrk that paid very little.
    In the year I had wrked there, nly fur ther peple hadn’t quit and been replaced with new faces. Thse f us wh stayed did s nly because there was n ther wrk t find t supprt ur families.
    One day the electric fans weren’t wrking and all f us were cvered in sweat and sawdust . When I lked arund every face, they lked angry and frustrated. Suddenly, a vice called ut: “Hey! There’s a deer in here. A lst little deer had wandered thrugh the pen lading bay drs and was nw hiding in fear in between the huge piles f wd. All f us stpped wrking and went lking fr her as she ran abut crazily lking fr a way ut.
    Nw mst peple where I live hunt deer fr meat in the fall but treat them with great kindness the rest f the year. Many will even buy bags f crn t help feed them during the cld winter mnths. It was n surprise then that all f us were sn quickly wrking tgether t free this little deer. By blcking ff all the ther rutes, we were able t guide her crazy search back t the pen bay drs.
    We watched as she jumped ut f the building and back int the wds. Then we walked back in t wrk. I nticed smething, thugh. On every face, there was a jyful smile. It seemed as if this ne single act f kindness had energized us again and reminded us f what life was all abut.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I went ut f the huse and lked int the wds again.
    When I returned t the huse, the wrkers were laughing and talking happily.
    I went ut f the huse and lked int the wds again. The little deer was like a child playing happily, skipping and skipping t the depths f the wds. Perhaps there were his parents and brthers and sisters, waiting fr him anxiusly. I was lst in my mind: wish all the life can live happily.
    Para 2:
    When I returned t the huse, the wrkers were laughing and talking happily. I knew that they were als happy and prud f the behavir just nw. When they saw me walk in, they all suggested t me, “Hw abut ding sme vlunteer wrk fr the frest wildlife n this day f the mnth?” I immediately replied, “I agree!” Yeah! Enriching every day with gd deeds and life will be mre beautiful and harmnius. Every act f kindness we d is a step tward happiness and every act f kindness we d helps us becme the persn we are meant t be.
    返回:return/g back
    [高分句型1] The little deer was like a child playing happily, skipping and skipping t the depths f the wds. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] I knew that they were als happy and prud f the behavir just nw. (运用了that引导宾语从句)

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