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    学案 专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵
    学案 专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵01
    学案 专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵02
    学案 专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵03
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    学案 专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵

    这是一份学案 专题 07 话题分类+精神与品格、哲理与感悟(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共26页。学案主要包含了高分句型1,高分句型2等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    My best friend Carla Hernandez called me n Thursday afternn. She asked me t meet her in the park near the playgrund five minutes later. She said she had a great idea! This wrried me because Carla’s great ideas almst always meant big truble fr me!
    I rushed utside and jgged t the park. When I saw Carla, my heart sank because her huge dg Perr was with her. I liked everything abut Carla except Perr. I’d never had a pet, s I felt uncmfrtable and nervus arund animals. I was embarrassed t say that I was afraid f Carla’s dg. Carla smiled. “Isn’t this the perfect lcatin fr a pet shw?” she asked. “All the kids in the neighbrhd can shw ff their pets’ talents and demnstrate the things they d well. There are plenty f cmfrtable benches (长椅) fr ur parents and friends t sit n. And since yu dn’t have a pet t enter int the shw, yu will be the annuncer.”
    “I’m srry,” I aplgized, “but that’s impssible! Crwds made me nervus and unsure. Besides, I didn’t like animals, remember?” “That’s nnsense,” said Carla. “There’s nthing t be cncerned abut because yu’ll be great!” Carla encuraged me t be brave and cnfident. But just then, Perr leaped up, slbbered all ver (毫不掩饰地表示喜爱) me, and almst knck me dwn. “Dwn, Perr! Stay!” I shuted. Perr sat as still as a statue. “Ww, yu’re gd at that,” said Carla. She thught I was talented at giving rders t pets, and asked me t get started with her immediately because we wuld have a lt t d.
    By Saturday mrning I had practiced annuncing each pet’s act a hundred times. I felt my heart punding by the time the audience arrived. The size f the crwd made me feel even mre anxius. When the shw began, I annunced the first pet, nervusly. It was a bird named Butter whse talent was walking back and frth n a wire. When Butter finished, everyne clapped and cheered. S far, everything was perfect.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I was beginning t feel calmer and mre relaxed.
    This was a disaster, and I had t d smething.
    I was beginning t feel calmer and mre relaxed. I realized that being an annuncer wasn’t s bad after all. Then it was Carla and Perr’s turn. Carla asked Perr t sit, but Perr didn’t sit. Carla was at a lss what t d next. Perr was t interested in watching s many pet friends at the shw. Suddenly, Perr brke free frm the rpe, leaped swiftly and kncked ver the bird Butter’s cage. It seemed that Perr was ut f cntrl and it began running arund in circles.
    This was a disaster, and I had t d smething. “Sit!” I shuted at Perr. “Stay!” I cried. All f a sudden, everyne stpped and stared at me. Hearing my instructins, Perr sat immediately and lked at me, wagging its tail. “Ww, that is quite an achievement!” Carla smiled at me and gave me a thumbs-up. Then the audience applauded. It was amazing t get the pets t settle dwn. Nw I am nt afraid f pet dgs, and with bldness, I can speak in frnt f a crwd cnfidently.
    ① 挣脱:break free/ break away frm/struggle t free
    ② 撞倒:knck ver/run dwn/tip ver
    ③ 乱跑:run arund/ run wild
    ① 微笑:smile at/stare at me with a big smile
    ② 惊讶的:amazing/ astnishing
    [高分句型1] It seemed that Perr was ut f cntrl and it began running arund in circles. (运用了由that引导的主语从句)
    [高分句型2] Hearing my instructins, Perr sat immediately and lked at me, wagging its tail. (运用了现在分词作伴随状语)
    On June 4th, my family and I decided t g white-water rafting(激浪漂流) dwn the Nantahala River in Western Nrth Carlina. It was a perfect day t be ut n the water. My father thught that we culd all deal with a new situatin, s he decided t bring us t g withut a guide at this new, hard curse. My mm and I were upset by my dad’s decisin, but my brther was pleased with it. S, we had t agree with them. We gt life jackets, ur raft and paddles that were used t rw it, and then tk a bus t the drp pint where we carried the raft t the icy cld water. Having finished the training, we were n ur wn white-water rafting.
    Within the first hur, we gt stuck n tw rcks. Anther raft had t hit urs t get us ff the rcks. After abut tw hurs, we saw a huge rck n the right side f the river. It was cming ut f the water abut ten feet high and abut fifteen feet wide. Smehw, we ended up n tp f this rck. After abut a minute, water started rushing in where my brther was sitting. When he started falling int the water, I tried t pull him back. Unfrtunately, we fell ff tgether. My mther jumped in after us, but she culd nly get t my brther because he was clser than I was. My dad jumped ut and ran up the bank f the river t get t the rad, s he culd see where I was. I was picked up after abut tw minutes by a stranger in anther raft and was heading dwn the river tward a little resting spt.
    I kept crying because I was s frightened and wrried abut my family.
    One f the guides fr anther raft tld us that there was an earlier place we culd get ut.
    I kept crying because I was s frightened and wrried abut my family. Thankfully, they were saved by anther tw rafts, and everyne was fine, just a little frightened and very cld. At the little testing spt, we had a shrt rest and then decided t cntinue the rafting. When we gt back in ur raft, we had nly tw paddles t leave fr us fur peple. We all knew that it was ging t take a very lng time t get t the end.
    One f the guides fr anther raft tld us that there was an earlier place we culd get ut. S we planned t get ut frm the place. But unfrtunately, we missed the exit and headed dwn t the ending pint. We had tried ur best t avid falling int the river, and several times we narrwly escaped. Anyway, we finally gt t the ending pint. We gt ut f the water, wet and cld. I wn’t raft again because f this terrible experience. All f this happened because my dad didn’t hire a guide.
    ②由第二段首句内容 “另一个筏上的导游告诉我们,有一个能早点出去的地方。”可知,本段可以写导游告诉了我们一个可以早点结束漂流的地方,但我们却错过了,只能硬着头皮继续前进。一路上好几次又差一点掉进水中,最终全身湿透了到到了终点,最后作者决定再也不漂流了。
    决定:decide/determine/make a determinatin
    尽力:try ur best t d/endeavr t d/spare n effrts t d
    We gt ut f the water, wet and cld.(运用了形容词作状语。)
    All f this happened because my dad didn’t hire a guide.(运用了because引导原因状语从句。)
    It was Sunday. I had ne last patient t see.
    I apprached her rm in a hurry and std at the drway. She was an lder wman, sitting n the edge f the bed, struggling t put scks n her swllen feet.
    I crssed the threshld(门口), spke quickly t the nurse, and scanned her chart, nting she was in stable cnditin. I was almst in the clear.
    I leaned n the bed rail lking dwn at her. She asked if I culd help put n her scks. I thught I had ther pririties n the list. It’s my respnsibility t arrange the issue. S instead, I launched int a mnlgue(独白)that went smething like this: “Hw are yu feeling? Yur sugars and bld pressure were high but they’re better tday. The nurse mentined yu’re anxius t see yur sn wh’s visiting yu tday. It’s nice t have family visit frm far away. I bet yu really lk frward t seeing him.”
    She stpped me in a serius, authritative vice. “Sit dwn, dctr. This is my stry, nt yur stry.”
    I was surprised and embarrassed. I sat dwn. I helped her with the scks. She began t tell me that her nly sn lived arund the crner frm her, but she had nt seen him in five years. She believed that the stress f this cntributed greatly t her health prblems. After hearing her stry and putting n her scks, I asked if there was anything else I culd d fr her. She shk her head n and smiled. All she wanted me t d was t listen.
    And, nt lng after, in an unexpected twist, I became the patient, with a diagnsis f multiple sclersis at age 31. Nw, 20 years later, I sit all the time --- in a wheelchair. Fr as lng as I culd, I cntinued t see patients frm my chair.
    I gradually realize the patients’ stries area bnd between the teller and the listener.
    When my cnditin affected my hands, I resigned and began t teach medical students.
    I gradually realize the patients’ stries are a bnd between the teller and the listener. Each stry is different. Sme are detailed; thers are vague. Sme have a beginning, middle and end. Others wander withut a clear cnclusin. Sme are true; thers nt. Yet all thse things d nt really matter. What matters t the stryteller is that the stry is heard—withut interruptin, assumptin r judgement. I always reminded myself f the imprtance f stp-ping, sitting dwn and truly listening.
    When my cnditin affected my hands, I resigned and began t teach medical students. Nw I culd view the whle frm the perspective f physician and patient. I tell them I believe in the pwer f listening. I tell them I knw first hand that immeasurable healing takes place within me when smene stps, sits dwn and listens t my stry. Listening t smene’s stry csts less than expensive diagnstic testing but is key t healing and diagnsis.
    ①意识到:realize / be aware f
    ②重要:matter / cunt
    ③辞职:resign /quit the jb
    ①模糊的:vague → unclear
    【高分句型1】What matters t the stryteller is that the stry is heard—withut interruptin, assumptin r judgement.(运用了what引导主语从句及that引导表语从句)
    【高分句型2】Listening t smene’s stry csts less than expensive diagnstic testing but is key t healing and diagnsis.(运用了动名词作主语)
    Catherine was the clest kid in her class. Whenever she went,she was in the sptlight,with a bunch f kids fllwing her and ding everything she did.
    Her desk mate,Landy,hwever,was nt in the cl kids’ grup.Being the tallest kid in her class, she was teased by her classmates,wh were always chanting “Landy,Landy,lng as spaghetti (意大利面)”.Every time Landy heard thse silly chants, she culd feel her face burst int flames. Gd knew hw she wished the grund t crack and swallw her!
    Catherine didn’t really like it when the kids chanted “Landy,Landy,lng as spaghetti”.But she never tld them t stp either, and nr did she ever talk t her. She liked being ppular.
    One weekend, Catherine went ver t her grandfather fr Thanksgiving. Her grandfather lives n a farm at the ppsite end f twn,where he keeps chickens. While helping t feed the chickens, Catherine nticed a peculiar ne. Curling in the crner,it lked smaller than the thers and was almst half-bare!
    “What’s the matter with it?”She asked her grandfather, with a puzzled frwn n her face. Her grandfather tld her hw chickens culd act.’“They have a pecking(啄) rder,” he explained,wrinkles f cncern spreading arund his frehead.“If ne chicken is different, the thers will push it away and keep pecking it. Smetimes they peck it s much that it dies.”
    “Oh,what a pr little thing!”Catherine let ut a sigh as she scped(捧起)the frightened chicken up in her arms,whse heart was beating fast in the bny little bdy.
    Suddenly,she thught f Landy,the girl being ”pecked“by her classmates
    But Catherine walked directly tward Landy,regardless f what they said.
    Suddenly,she thught f Landy,the girl being “pecked” by her classmates.“ I’m ging t take it hme and take gd care f it,”she said with a determined lk.Back in schl,Catherine sptted Landy sitting by herself in a crner. She kept her head dwn with her eyes fixed n the flr as usual. Catherine thught Landy was just like the pr little chicken,being teased and ignred by her classmates, merely due t her special height. She tld ther kids,“It’s time fr me t make an aplgy t Landy.” Astnished at what she said, all the kids burst ut screaming,“Talking t the lng spaghetti? Are yu crazy?”
    But Catherine walked directly tward Landy,regardless f what they said.“Hi,Landy. I’m srry abut the spaghetti thing.” Catherine murmured an aplgy, her face reddening.“I knw it hurts yu. Can yu frgive me?" She figured Landy might just walk away. But she lifted her misty eyes and ndded yes. Catherine wiped away her tears,giving her a warm hug. Mved by the scene, the ther kids als came t ffer their sincere aplgies t Landy. Frm that day n, n ne made up silly chants abut Landy, and Catherine als gained an imprtant life lessn that everyne shuld be treated equally n matter hw special he r she was.
    ②道歉:make an aplgy t /aplgize/ murmured an aplgy/ffer their sincere aplgies t
    ③嘲笑:tease/laugh at/ made up silly chants abut Landy
    ①疑惑:with a puzzled frwn n her face/cnfused/puzzled
    ②担心:wrinkles f cncern spreading arund his frehead/cncerned
    [高分句型1] Astnished at what she said, all the kids burst ut screaming,“Talking t the lng spaghetti? Are yu crazy?”(由连接词what引导的宾语从句作at的宾语)
    [高分句型2] Mved by the scene, the ther kids als came t ffer their sincere aplgies t Landy. (Mved by the scene形容词作原因状语)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成 一篇完整的短文。
    I yawned (打哈欠)as I gt ff the last step f the bus. I had wken early that mrning, and had nt been able t sleep n the lng ride frm Riverside High, thinking abut that day’s race, the Eye Opener. I had never raced in a state-wide race befre. Over thirty high schl teams ran, alng with quite a few clleges. The rest f my team and I unladed the bus, and we relaxed and waited fr ur race patiently.
    “Start warming up,” ur cach tld us, rughly frty-five minutes after we arrived. After finishing ur stretches, we headed ver t the starting line, eager fr the race t begin.
    The starter walked t the middle f the field. “There will be tw cmmands,” his vice bmed, ‘‘Runners set, then the gun. If yu hear anther sht, return t the starting line t start again. ” My heart raced as I gt my legs ready t race.
    “Runners set!” the starter shuted Bam! The gun fired, and he rushed ut f ur way. Adrenaline (肾上腺素)rushed thrugh my bdy as I raced thrugh the mass f runners. As I runded the first turn, my schlmates greeted me with heartening shuts. Then, in what felt like nly ne minute, I arrived at the ne mile mark.
    “6’10”, a man declared as I ran by. I tried t ignre him, but my legs began t bum as I realized I had run a mile and still had tw t g. I slwed dwn my pace, fr I knew the secnd mile was the wrst f all three. Minutes later, I felt hrrible. My legs ached, feeling like lead blcks. My visin was cluded as sweat drpped dwn int my eyes, and my arms felt as if they wuld fall ff if I swung them ne mre time. Just as I almst reached my limit, a by passed me. He als seemed t have lst strength but sn he was a little ahead f me.
    I gathered up my strength t speed up but suddenly fell t the grund.
    In the last mile, seeing the athletes passing us ne by ne, I asked the by t run withut me.
    I gathered up my strength t speed up but suddenly fell t the grund. My wrld was cluded by ttal darkness. Hw I wish the grund t crack and swallw me! I culd feel everybdy was staring at me, widening their muths and nt being able t utter a wrd. The sudden silence brught sharp pain in my knees and “failure” was the nly wrd flashing in my mind. Then the silence was brken by a deep vice, “Yu wn’t give up s easily, will yu? ” The by ahead f me turned back and pulled me up. “Let’s run t the finishing line tgether!” The secnd mile saw its end while we ran shulder t shulder.
    In the last mile, seeing the athletes passing us ne by ne, I asked the by t rum withut me. “Yu can win a place if yu g by yurself.” I lked at him in the eyes with sweat blurring my sight. The by breathing heavily, drps f sweat rlled dwn his face. He shk his head saying,“Winning a place is nt that imprtant, isn’t it? ”. Then we smiled at each ther as if we had been the nly runners. The last mile seemed shrter and we were relieved when we passed the finishing line tgether with thunderus applause. I knew they cheered fr us nt fr winning a race but fr smething mre imprtant.
    ①凝视:stare at/gaze at
    ③赢得一席之地:win a place/earn a slt
    ①绝望:cluded by ttal darkness/hpeless/desperate
    ②如释重负:relieved./in relief
    [高分句型1]Then we smiled at each ther as if we had been the nly runners.(as if从句中使用虚拟语气)
    [高分句型2]The last mile seemed shrter and we were relieved when we passed the finishing line tgether with thunderus applause.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
    On a recent Saturday evening, my wife, my sn Jack and I were having dinner when we heard the sunds f a grup f kids talking in the street, utside ur hme. Then ut f the blue came tw lud thuds (闷响) abve ur bedrm windw, fllwed by the nise f laughter and lite kids running away dwn ur street.
    I turned n the external lights and rushed utside, unsure f what had caused the tw thuds r what damage I culd expect t see. The silence f the night was brken by the distant laughter f the neighbrhd kids. At that mment I wanted t run after them. Hwever, running bareft n the rad in the dark wasn’t a wise thing.
    The light abve ur garage helped me t identify just what had happened. Our hme had been the victim f “an egg bmbing”! Faced with the need t clean up this sticky mess, I was annyed with the kids’ bad tricks. I decided t remve the mess the next mrning.
    The next mrning, I walked ut t check the stains left by the tw eggs, fllwed by little Jack with a bk in his hand. “Where are the egg stains?” he asked. I sn fund them and pinted t them. Tw patches (小块) f yellwish egg stains were n the wall abve a large and wide metal awning (雨棚). Right belw the awning was ur frnt bedrm windw. Our metal awning had a strng ability t prtect this windw frm rain and ther heavy things that culd pssibly fall dwn.
    After I pinted t the egg stains, Jack angrily said, “Bad kids.” Then, as usual, he walked t the bench belw the frnt bedrm windw and sat dwn t read his strybk. Jack liked reading there each mrning. While Jack was reading, I carried a mp and placed a ladder n the frnt wall beside the bedrm windw. I was ready t wash ff the dry egg stains. I knew the task was challenging. My annyance with the bad kids reached the level f the night befre. Angrily, I climbed the ladder. Minutes later, I cleaned up the first egg stain.
    Just then, I was surprised t find ne piece f glass in the windw just belw the awning badly cracked.
    Feeling a sense f luck instead f anger, I began handing the cracked glass.
    Just then, I was surprised t find ne piece f glass in the windw just belw the awning badly cracked. “Hw dangerus it is! If it fell, it wuld.” I dared nt cntinue t imagine what wuld happen next, nticing the piece f glass which was n the edge f drpping. It wuld fell n the very place where Jack sat dwn t read bks every mrning. A fld f fear welled up in me at the thught f this terrible scene. At that mment, the yellwish egg strains were mre a warning frm the kids than a bad trick when I saw the cracked glass again.
    Feeling a sense f luck instead f anger, I began handling the cracked glass. After Jack was called away frm the place in case f danger, I climbed the ladder slwly, apprached gradually and tuched the glass gently. It was n wnder that the piece fell n the bench where Jack sat just nw. Jack widened his muth at the sight f the fallen glass pieces. Seeming t be lst in thught fr a mment, then Jack said t me and my wife. “I am s lucky t have thse ‘bad’ kids”. “We might take a psitive view f ‘bad things’ in life”, said I.
    ①想象:imagine/think f/visualize
    ②代替:instead f/in place f
    [高分句型1]. It wuld fell n the very place where Jack sat dwn t read bks every mrning. (由关系副词引导where引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. At that mment, the yellwish egg strains were mre a warning frm the kids than a bad trick when I saw the cracked glass again.(when引导的时间状语从句)
    I was backpacking and planned t climb a vlcan called Vlcan Baru. At 3,474m, it is the highest peak in the cuntry and ne f the nly places n Earth frm where yu can see the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans at the same time. It is an active vlcan, but last erupted arund 1550.
    I set ff befre sunrise. It was a little cld, s I had pulled n tights under my trusers. I intended t reach the tp by midday, and then return befre dark t get a lift t my htel.I’ve always felt safe travelling as a wman n my wn, which I’ve dne since my 20s. I lve the freedm. When I gt t the base f the vlcan at 7 in the mrning,the ranger disagreed t let me g alne, but said OK because an American cuple were behind me.
    The first part f the climb was beautiful. It was nt dry as yu might imagine a vlcan might be — there were trees and flwers all arund, and a dirt rad fr the farmers wh wrked arund there.I walked fr an hur and reached a fair height. The views were impressive, s I stpped t take a phtgraph.
    Suddenly I heard vilent barking behind me. I turned and saw tw dgs running aggressively (挑衅) twards me. I expected them t stp, but they didn’t. As they gt clser, I culd see their teeth lked sharp, and that they lked angry. There was nwhere fr me t run. I tried t keep calm, but my heart was racing. I’d never been bitten by a dg, and I culdn’t help but fear what wuld happen. They stpped a dzen feet frm where I std and kept barking. I knew they culd mve fast, s I didn’t want t try t utrun them.
    Terrified, I slwly kept walking, saying, “Cme n, gd dgs!”
    Just at this critical mment, a pickup appeared, driven by the ranger.
    Terrified, I slwly kept walking, saying, “Cme n, gd dgs!” Suddenly, ne dg dashed up twards me, sinking his teeth int my leg. “Oh, my Gd, I’m in a dg’s muth and he’s trying t swallw me,” I thught t myself, with the pain taking my breath away as I felt his teeth in my flesh. I picked up a rck t fight him ff, but was nervus that he wuld g fr my neck r that the ther ne wuld cme t attack me tgether. Facing these tw aggressive dgs,I desperately felt at a lss. Hardly culd I step ut f the truble n my wn.
    Just at this critical mment, a pickup appeared, driven by the ranger: Seeing the state I was in, he immediately stpped his pickup, pened the dr, and signaled t me t get in. When we reached the base, he helped me bandage the leg up, earnestly reminding me that safety cmes first while travelling. I felt relieved and grateful. And frm then n, I travel carefully as well as cautiusly. After all, nthing is mre precius than life.
    猛冲:dash up/rush t
    到达:reach/arrive at
    茫然:feel at a lss / be lst
    宝贵:precius /valuable
    [高分句型1] Hardly culd I step ut f the truble n my wn. (运用了部分倒装)
    [高分句型2] Facing these tw aggressive dgs, I desperately felt at a lss. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    A wealthy cuple was preparing t thrw a big New Year’s party in their huse. S they went shpping at the market where everything was f high cst and fixed price. They wanted t maintain a high standard f living s they didn’t mind paying a lt fr it. After purchasing everything they needed, they called a prter t carry everything and drp it ff at their hme. The prter wh came was f an ld age, nt very healthy lking. His clthes were trn and he lked as if he wasn’t even able t meet his daily needs.
    The cuple asked the prter abut the charges fr delivering their gds t their hme. The ld prter quted just $20, a price well belw the market rate fr delivering. Yet, they argued and bargained with the prter and finally settled fr $15. The prter was struggling t make mney fr every single meal s he needed anything he culd earn.
    The cuple was very happy thinking hw well they had bargained with the pr prter. They paid him $15 in advance and left after giving the prter their address fr delivery. They reached their hme and ne hur passed, tw hurs passed, but the prter still hadn’t delivered their gds.
    The wife started t get angry at her husband, “I always tell yu nt t trust such a persn but yu never listen t me. Such a persn is nt even able t earn t feed himself fr ne time in a day, and yu handed him everything we purchased fr ur big party. I am sure instead f delivering ur gds t ur hme, he must have disappeared with everything. We must immediately g back t the market t inquire and then t the plice statin t file a cmplaint against him.”
    They bth left twards the market. On their way, near the market, they saw anther prter. They stpped him t inquire abut the ld prter and nticed that he was carrying their gds in his cart!
    The angry wife asked him, “Where is that ld thief? This is ur gds.”
    Upn hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes and turned t his wife.
    The angry wife asked him, “Where is that ld thief? This is ur gds.” She was abut t add mre cntemptuus cmments n the ld prter when she suddenly nticed that the man was glaring at her resentfully. “Madam, please calm dwn. Jack is nt a thief!” retrted the prter, “He is actually terribly sick and isn’t able t earn enugh t even have a single meal f the day. Just nw, n the way t deliver yur gds, he was t weak t g any further in this heat f the nn. Despite falling dwn, he never frgt his prmise and handed me$15, keeping telling me t deliver it as fast as pssible.”
    Upn hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes and turned t his wife. “He was hungry, he was pr, but he was truly an hnest man,” the husband admitted with a trembling vice. At that, the wife was struck dead with shame, heart beating painfully fast and banging against her ribs. Hw culd she be angry with such a kind and respnsible man? Like a child wh made a mistake, she had n curage t lk int her husband’s eyes. Thrugh all these unexpected things, it eventually dawned n her that hnesty has n class and she shuld respect everyne regardless f their financial and scial status.
    怒视:glare at/ scwl at/ glwer at
    反驳:retrt/ disprve/talk back
    轻视的:cntemptuus/ sniffish/ scrnful
    羞愧的:shameful/ struck dead with shame/guilty
    【高分句型1】Despite falling dwn, he never frgt his prmise and handed me$15, keeping telling me t deliver it as fast as pssible.(运用了现在分词短语作状语)
    【高分句型2】Thrugh all these unexpected things, it eventually dawned n her that hnesty has n class and she shuld respect everyne regardless f their financial and scial status.(运用了it作形式主语that从句作真正主语的结构)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Mrty was checking ut his library bks when it caught his eye-a pster fr Adventure Rcks Kids Camp. “Check this ut!” Mrty called t Ben and Fred as he grabbed three brchures and dashed t catch up with his best buddies. They all stpped, bks in hands, t stare at the pictures f kids flying abve canyns suspended frm zip lines. They instantly believed the brchure’s headline: Summer wn’t be cmplete until yu Take it t the Limit at Adventure Rcks Kids Camp.
    Ben brke the silence, “We have less than tw weeks until registratin pens, and it says the camp fills up fast.” Then an idea ppped int Mrty’s head. “Why dn’t we sell lemnade and snacks by the side f the rad? We can pl ur allwance savings fr the camp.” “That’s a great Idea,” Ben said.
    The sun had barely cme up n Saturday mrning when the kids set up their business. They chse a spt, asked permissin frm the hmewner, and then asked t use her garden hse fr water t make lemnade.
    Their business went smthly until Ben annunced that they had a cmparatively small stck f lemns shrtly after nn. Mrty decided t make their stck g further. “Fred, when the jug gets dwn t ne-furth full, just fill it t the tp with the water hse.” Mrty was thinking ut lud, “I’ll change the sign and charge 30 mre cents fr each cup f lemnade.” Their business went n and the three were secretly prud f the little tricks they had dne.
    Just as Mrty finished refilling the jug with water fr the third time, a vehicle runded the cmer. Mrty saw the minivan with his father at the wheel and his family inside. They pulled up t the sidewalk, and his brthers and sisters jumped ut, each clutching a cin r tw. They were eager t supprt their brther’s bustling business. Mrty’s family bught the last f the brwnies and drank the last drp f watered-dwn lemnade.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡得相应位置做答。
    Mrty’s father frwned at the sip f the lemnade.
    They decided t fix their wrngdings the next week.
    Mrty’s father frwned at the sip f the lemnade. As t him, it tasted mre like water. Overwhelmed with cnfusin, he asked directly, “What’s wrng? It tastes just like cld water.” The mment Mrty heard his father’s dubt, he std awkwardly, nt sure what t say. Fred and Ben were als speechless. A mment later, they admitted what they had dne. Althugh Mrty’s father was disappinted, he said, “Yu still have time t crrect yur wrngdings.” Hearing this, they ndded immediately.
    They decided t fix their wrngdings the next week. Ben suggested t use the mney earned t prepare enugh lemns first and then reduce the price. They all agreed. When they restarted their business, they even std a sign, saying, “We send a cup f lemnade t custmers wh bught it last Saturday afternn fr free.” They made ver 50 cups f lemnade fr a cnstant stream f custmers with a lw price and ver 20 cups were fr free. As yu can imagine, they didn’t get enugh mney fr the camp. But they learned a valuable lessn that ne shuld always be hnest.
    ①疑惑:Overwhelmed with cnfusin/filled with cnfusin
    [高分句型1] The mment Mrty heard his father’s dubt, he std awkwardly, nt sure what t say.(由连词the mment引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2]We send a cup f lemnade t custmers wh bught it last Saturday afternn fr free.(由关系代词wh引导限制性定语从句)
    Magen duble-checked the wrds n her spelling test. If she gt 100 percent tday, she’d win her class’ First-Quarter Spelling Challenge and a brand-new dictinary that came with vides and ther cl stuff. Plus, Ms. McCrmack had prmised t d a handstand (手倒立) if anyne gt a perfect scre.
    Three mre wrds t g. N-i-c-e-l-y. Q-u-i-c-k-l-y. H--n-e-s-t-y. Wait! She’d spelled hnesty, nt hnestly! She erased ‘-ty’ and wrte ‘-ly’ befre handing in her paper. Ms. McCrmack graded the papers while the students were at rest.
    After a break, Magen hurried int the classrm, sitting in her seat nervusly—Ms. McCrmack walked t the frnt f the rm and cleared her thrat. “Cngratulatins, Magen! Yu did it!” Then, as if she were an Olympic gymnast, Ms. McCrmack’s feet flipped int the air. The whle class erupted!
    Ms. McCrmack presented Magen with her prize. A big smile spread acrss Magen’s face as she read the label n the bx: T Magen Carter, fr her perfect first-quarter scre in spelling.
    “Everything OK?” Mm asked as Magen burst thrugh the frnt dr after schl.
    “Everything’s perfect!” Magen shuted, shwing Mm her spelling test and prize.
    Mm hugged her. “Well dne, Magen”
    Magen scped up (抱起) her cat. “Can yu spell nicely, Casper? And quickly and hnestly, and…” It suddenly ccurred t her that she had misspelled the wrd. Rted t the spt, Magen reflected n hw she culd tell the whle class she shuldn’t have earned the prize at all. She dashed int her rm and pulled ut the test paper. “If I put the missing ‘t’ back in, n ne wuld ever knw,” she thught. Recalling the jyful mment, a mixture f guilt and unwillingness verwhelmed her.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式作答。
    Aware that there was smething wrng with Magen, Mm kncked n the dr and entered her rm.
    The next day, arriving early at schl, Magen pushed pen the dr f Ms. McCrmack’s ffice.
    Aware that there was smething wrng with Magen, Mm kncked n the dr and entered her rm. “Where’s yur spelling test paper, sweetheart?” Mm asked, gazing at her eagerly. Magen tk ut the paper and handed it unwillingly t her mm. When Mm sptted “hnesly”, Mm frwned, “Prbably yu dn’t deserve the prize.”After thinking fr a while, she sn understd what she shuld d.
    The next day, arriving early at schl, Magen pushed pen the dr f Ms. McCrmack’s ffice. Hands slightly trembling, Magen gave Ms. McCrmack her test paper and the dictinary. Magen cnfessed her spelling mistake in the test, a pink flush spreading ver her cheeks. “I see.” Even thugh Ms. McCrmack tried t cntain her emtins, surprise registered n her face. Then she picked up a pen, crssed ut the wrd “perfect” and wrte “hnest” instead befre handing the prize back t Magen. Magen’s jaw drpped. Ms. McCrmack grinned. “Fr hnesty.”
    ①.凝视:gaze at/peer at/stare at
    ②.拿出:take ut/fetch ut
    ①.感到羞愧的:a pink flush spreading ver her cheeks/feel shamefaced
    [高分句型1]. She sn understd what she shuld d. (由连接词what引导的宾语从句作understd的宾语)
    [高分句型2]. Even thugh Ms. McCrmack tried t cntain her emtins, surprise registered n her face. (由even thugh引导让步状语从句)

    学案 专题 09 话题分类+户外探险(人与自然)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵: 这是一份学案 专题 09 话题分类+户外探险(人与自然)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共21页。学案主要包含了高分句型1,高分句型2,高分句型3等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    学案 专题 06 话题分类+工作与职业、选择与梦想(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵: 这是一份学案 专题 06 话题分类+工作与职业、选择与梦想(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵,共26页。学案主要包含了高分句型1,高分句型2,高分句型3,高分句型4,高分句型5等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    学案 专题 05 话题分类+个人成长型(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵 (2): 这是一份学案 专题 05 话题分类+个人成长型(人与自我)--新高考读后续写指导之话题分类背诵 (2),共26页。学案主要包含了高分句型1,高分句型2等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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