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    这是一份海南省琼海市嘉积中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题,共9页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7, Wh is the man?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (时间: 120分钟 满分: 150分)
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节 (共5小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What des the man want t d with his mney?
    A. Bk a hliday. B. Take a curse. C. Buy a car.
    2. What will the speakers d next?
    A. Have a walk. B. Finish their wrk. C. Watch the weather reprt.
    3. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Father and daughter. C. Waiter and custmer.
    4. Hw des the wman feel abut the exam?
    A. Wrried. B. Cnfident. C. Angry.
    5. Hw des Eric usually get t wrk?
    A. By bus. B. By train. C. By car.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. On the beach. B. At a htel. C. In a castle.
    7. What prblem did the wman have?
    A. She culdn't pen the windw.
    B. She didn't like the view.
    C. She lst her key.
    听第7段材料,回答第8至 10题。
    8. Wh is the man?
    A. An animal expert. B. A teacher. C. A designer.
    9. What des the girl think is difficult?
    A. T learn abut all kinds f animals. B. T use the scissrs crrectly.
    C. T make a paper elephant.
    10. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Wild elephants. B. Schl supplies. C. Paper flding art.
    听第8段材料, 回答第 11 至 13 题。
    11. What's the prblem with the ffice?
    A. There are n chairs. B. There is n cffee maker.
    C. There are n windws.
    12. Which magazine des the wman have n her desk?
    A. Times. B. Wealth. C. The New Yrk Times.
    13. What des the wman ffer t d fr Bb?
    A. Lend him her cmputer. B. Buy him a magazine.
    C. Make him a cffee.
    14. Why is Paul surprised?
    A. The café is busy. B. He missed the ntice.
    C. A cnference was canceled.
    15. Hw many peple will wrk tday?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    16. What has been remved frm the menu?
    A. Cheese. B. Ham. C. Vegetables.
    17. What will Paul prbably d next?
    A. Butter sme bread. B. Cut sme cheese. C. Prepare the vegetables.
    18. Why did Maria g t Australia?
    A. Fr studying animals. B. Fr an expert meeting. C. Fr a hliday.
    19. What did Maria first think when she fund the snake?
    A. It was nt real. B. It was dangerus. C. It was dead.
    20. Wh first tk the snake utside?
    A. An animal charity. B. Maria's relative. C. A zkeeper.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Warrumbungle Natinal Park
    Travel six hurs nrthwest f Sydney, and yu've reached the astrnmy capital f Australia. Warrumbungle Natinal Park is an icnic attractin. This land is hme t the Suthern Hemisphere's first Dark Sky Park, which means yu'll be treated t night s f n light pllutin and ut f this wrld stargazing. Besides, the Warrumbungle has several adventurus hikes. The Breadknife and Grand High Tps walk is cnsidered ne f the best in Australia!
    Ku- Ring- Gai Chase Natinal Park
    Ku- Ring- Gai Chase is the secnd ldest icnic park in Australia. We lve this park fr its prximity (邻近) t Sydney (a quick 45- minute drive frm the city), significant Abriginal (澳大利亚土著的) sites and breathtaking scenic views. There are many walks yu can d here. Yu can als g kayaking, stpping at sme f the secluded beaches that line the park.
    Buddi Natinal Park
    Lcated n the Central Cast, Buddi Natinal Park is ne fr beautiful landscapes and beaches. Just 90 minutes frm Sydney, Buddi is a hidden treasure. The beautiful water makes this park an ideal destinatin during summer, but it als prvides a fantastic pint fr whale watching ver the winter. Yu can experience Buddi Natinal Park n a day trip. Pack yur picnic gds and head n the 8.5 km ( ne- way) Buddi Castal Walk—— it'll give yu a perfect taste f the best f what the park has t ffer!
    Drrig Natinal Park
    As a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site, Drrig Natinal Park is ne t explre! Lcated just fur hurs frm Byrn Bay, the park is part f the Gndwana Rainfrests and has been made ver millins f years. Yu'd be right then t expect sme f the mst stunning waterfalls here. Fr ne f the best experiences, head t the Skywalk lkut. This elevated walkway will take yu right int the heart f the rainfrest, prviding saring views 21 meters ver the rainfrest all the way t the cast.
    21. If yu were a fan f stargazing and hiking, which park wuld interest yu mst?
    A. Buddi Natinal Park. B. Drrig Natinal Park.
    C. Warrumbungle Natinal Park. D. Ku- Ring- Gai Chase Natinal Park.
    22. What can yu enjy at Buddi Natinal Park?
    A. Ging kayaking. B. Watching whales.
    C. Visiting Abriginal sites. D. Seeing breathtaking waterfalls.
    23. What d yu knw abut Drrig Natinal Park?
    A. It is the ldest natinal park in Australia.
    B. It's abut fur hurs drive frm Sydney.
    C. It's knwn fr adventurus hikes alng the cast.
    D. It ffers a perfect view f the Gndwana Rainfrest.
    Nwadays, directrs prefer t create the rles f multi- functinal rbts in sci- fi mvies. The develpment trend f rbts has becme a ht tpic amng the public. It is reprted that in the near future rbts and humans will prbably wrk tgether t create jazz. A singing rbt is being taught t create jazz with human being in a prject.
    Antni Chella frm Italy is wrking with a Telenid rbt. T start with, the Telenid will be trained t imitate the mvements and simple sunds made by a human singer, and then cnnect music with different human emtins.
    Previus rbts had the ability t find cmmn cnnectins between things. But Chella suggests that a cnscius rbt shuld be able t g a step further and find new cnnectins. The Telenid is f this kind.
    “ This wrk raises interesting questins abut the cnnectin between cnsciusness and music creating." says Philippe Pasquier, a musician needs a physical bdy.
    Pasquer argues that the rbt musician is faced with a big challenge.“ Its sftware has already been develped and it can imitate The Beatles, a famus band. Hwever, what made The Beatles famus were nt nly their sngs but their wnderful perfrmance f the sngs,.” he says.
    It is nt clear hw a rbt wuld perfrm music a new way. But by imitating humans, the Telenid rbt culd prvide sme useful infrmatin. What is imprtant is that human musicians ften listen t and cmpare music made by thers fr a lng time befre creating music f their wn. S the Telenid rbt had better listen t mre jazz music first.
    24. What will the Telenid rbt be taught t d first?
    A. Cmmunicate with human beings
    B. Cnnect music with human emtins
    C. Live and wrk cmfrtably with human beings
    D. Imitate the mvements and simple sunds f a human singer
    25. In Pasquier's pinin, the Telenid rbt
    A. will replace human musicians sn.
    B. may have truble perfrming music.
    C. will becme mre ppular than The Beatles.
    D. can find cnnectins between things that humans cannt find
    26. Which f the fllwing culd be the best title f the passage?
    A. The Telenid, future rbt musician.
    B. Hw t teach rbts t perfrm music.
    C. The right music the rbts shuld listen t.
    D. Differences between a human singer and a rbt musician.
    27. In which part f a newspaper d we mst prbably read this passage?
    A. Arts B. Entertainment C. Medicine D. Science
    On Nvember 10, China's deep- sea manned submersible (潜水艇) Fenduzhe set a new recrd f 10,909 meters in the Challenger Deep lcated at the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean.
    Fr deep- sea explratin, the biggest challenge is the water pressure. The Mariana Trench, cmpletely dark and extremely lw in temperature, is ne f the harshest areas n Earth. At the Challenger Deep, the water pressure is arund 11,250 tns per square meter, which is equivalent t 2,000 African elephants stepping n persn's back.
    Anther threat is the seawater itself, which culd crrde electrnics and batteries. Underwater cmmunicatin, navigatin(航行) and tracking can als be extremely difficult.
    T deal with these issues, Chinese scientists spent years creating a new titanium ally (钛合金) that is lightweight, but strng enugh fr the jb. The green, fish- shaped vehicle is the first manned submersible that can carry three peple t div e and cnduct full cean survey in the wrld.
    But why send humans instead f rbts? YangNing, deputy directr f the Institute f Deep- Sea Science and Engineering f the Chinese Academy f Sciences, said that the“ human tuch” is imprtant fr underwater explratin.
    “ The cean flr is dark and can be very cludy due t sediment(沉淀物) and debris(废弃物), and cameras smetimes cannt detect things in these situatins as effectively as human eyes,” Yang tld China Daily.
    In additin, humans may bring surprising discveries, Yang pinted ut. Fr example, n March 18, the submersible Shenhai Yngshi picked up a signal that was thught t be insignificant at the beginning. But' Xie Wei, the marine micrbilgy expert n- bard, suggested lking further int it. It turned ut they had actually recrded a whale fall, an extremely rare ccurrence, and the first ne in the regin.
    28. What is the biggest challenge submersibles face when explring the Mariana Trench?
    A. Wrking in cmplete darkness.
    B. Navigating the path underwater.
    C. Cmmunicating in extremely lw temperatures.
    D. Dealing with the extremely high water pressure.
    29. What des the underlined wrd“ crrde” mst prbably mean?
    A. Imprve. B. Destry. C. Press. D. Remve.
    30. What allwed Fenduzhe t perate at the Challenger Deep?
    A. The use f a new navigatin system.
    B. The use f an advanced tracking device.
    C. The cabin made f a new titanium ally.
    D. The cabin designed in the shape f a giant fish.
    31. Why are humans sent fr underwater explratin instead f rbts n bard Fenduzhe?
    A. Rbts can pick up insignificant signals.
    B. Rbts can't wrk well n the cean flr.
    C. Humans can cnduct mre cmplex cean surveys.
    D. Humans can detect things mre effectively and flexibly.
    A recent study suggests teaching children t understand ther peple's perspectives(观点) culd make it easier fr them t learn hw t frgive ther peple and that teaching children t make sincere aplgies can help them receive frgiveness frm thers.
    “ Frgiveness is imprtant in children and adults fr restring relatinships and limiting future cnflicts,” says Kelly Lynn Mulvey, lead authr f the study.“ But we didn't knw much abut what makes children mre likely t frgive thers, particularly frm early childhd t adlescence. That's what we wanted t explre with ur study.”
    T that end, Mulvey studied 185 children between the ages f 5 and 14. They fund that children are mre likely t frgive smene if they have aplgized. Mulvey says,“ Children are able t restre relatinships with thers, and are usually interested in ding s.”
    The researchers fund tw things related t frgiveness that parents and teachers shuld fcus n. One is helping kids understand hw imprtant it is t aplgize in a meaningful way.“ Children are able t recgnize an insincere aplgy, and insincere aplgies are nt helpful in encuraging frgiveness,” Mulvey says.“ The aplgy needs t make it clear that smene understands why what they did was wrng. This, in turn, makes ther kids mre likely t give them a secnd chance.”
    The secnd fcus is helping kids understand the perspectives f ther peple, even if they are different frm yurs.“ One f the biggest implicatins (可能的影响) f ur study is that teachers and parents need t actively help children learn the thery f mind skills,” Mulvey says. “A gd starting pint is getting kids t explain the reasn behind their actins and hw this might make ther peple feel. Helping yung peple develp these skills in childhd will aid them in dealing with diverse and cmplex matters.
    32. What des Mulvey's study fcus n?
    A. Ways t avid future cnflicts. B. The necessity f sincere aplgies.
    C. Children's frgiving thers easily. D. The imprtance f understanding thers.
    33. Wh are mre likely t gain children's frgiveness accrding t the study?
    A. Thse wh have made a sincere aplgy.
    B. Thse wh get alng well with thers.
    C. Thse wh have excellent scial skills.
    D. Thse wh are willing t make cmprmises.
    34. What des the underlined wrd“ This” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. The way t aplgize.
    B. The ability t frgive thers.
    C. The case that kids acknwledge their faults.
    D. The case that kids knw the meaning f aplgy.
    35. What can we cnclude abut the thery f mind skills frm the text?
    A. It inspires kids t imprve their behavir.
    B. It helps kids t slve cmplicated prblems.
    C. It assists kids in handling emtinal issues.
    D. It makes kids aware f the difference between peple.
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5 分)
    The Virginia pssum (弗吉尼亚负鼠) is the nly marsupial (有袋动物) fund in the United States and Canada. 36 It is ne f Earth's ldest surviving species. It is abut the size f a big huse cat, with a triangular head and a cne- shaped nse. The pssum is cvered with grayish fur everywhere, except n its ears, scaly feet, and hairless tail.
    Opssums are nt picky eaters. 37 Because pssums eat radkill, they are ften killed while lking fr fd.
    A female pssum gives birth t a tiny, helpless baby abut the size f a hneybee. The baby immediately mves int its mther's puch. 38 In spite f this lw survival rate at birth, cmmn pssums are widespread, and nt currently threatened r endangered.
    Bee stings, snake venm (毒液), and ther txins hurt mst animals. 39 It takes full advantage f this adaptatin by eating snakes regularly. Like ther mammals, the pssum carries ticks (蜱) that spread Lyme disease. But unlike ther animals, the pssum eats 90% f the ticks that attach t it.
    40 The mst famus is“ playing dead.” When threatened, it may lie dwn n the grund with eyes clsed r staring int space. It becmes stiff(僵硬的) and breathes very slwly. One quick sniff cnvinces fxes and bbcats t lk elsewhere fr their dinner. With its marsupial super skills, the humble pssum cntinues t survive in many habitats, frm wds t twns t big cities.
    A. Their tails aren't strng enugh fr that.
    B. But the pssum is resistant t the venm f all snakes.
    C. The Virginia pssum has develped many ways t help it survive.
    D. While there are up t 20 babies in a litter, less than half survive.
    E. S their bdies dn't prvide a suitable envirnment fr the virus.
    F. This ancient animal has been hanging arund fr at least 70 millin years.
    G. They will eat anything frm fruits and insects t small animals t dead animals.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15 小题: 每小题1分, 满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Dave and I had just arrived hme frm his chem- treatment(化疗) appintment. I shuld have nticed him leaning against the dr. When I pened it, he 41 sideways ut f the car nt the walkway. He lay there, t weak t 42 himself. I tried t lift him, but my 43 ended fruitlessly. Because he weighed clse t tw hundred punds and was just 44 . I lked arund in all directins 45 .
    Just then, a man dressed in white 46 and walked tward us. He lked at Dave n the grund and asked if we needed 47 . I ndded, adding that my husband was very heavy and 48 t mve.
    “ Let me 49 ,” he said. He lifted Dave's arm ver his shulder and put his wn arm arund Dave's 50 t keep him balanced. The tw 51 fr the huse. Int the sitting rm, slwly and gently, the man 52 Dave nt ur little sfa. He smiled as Dave tried t thank him and said he was 53 t help. As he turned t g, I thanked him 54 . He just smiled, said gdbye, and walked away.
    I've never seen that man again, but I'll always remember him as ur angel f light, wh emerged frm nwhere and helping me 55 .
    41. A. stepped B. fell C. rushed D. stared
    42. A. raise B. cnvince C. defend D. hide
    43. A. desires B. effrts C. judgments D. adventures
    44. A. impatient B. impractical C. immbile D. immature
    45. A. angrily B. helplessly C. cautiusly D. casually
    46. A. turned up B. shwed ff C. backed away D. reached ut
    47. A. cmfrt B. assistance C. guidance D. infrmatin
    48. A. unwilling B. unsure C. unsuitable D. unable
    49. A. check B. explain C. knw D. try
    50. A. neck B. shulder C. waist D. leg
    51. A. dashed B. dived C. searched D. headed
    52. A. lwered B. threw C. accmpanied D. invited
    53. A. glad B. shy C. qualified D. prepared
    54. A. awkwardly B. Apprpriately C. independently D. repeatedly
    55. A. as usual B. at length C. in time D. at randm
    第二节 (共10 小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    Kunming, the capital f Yunnan prvince, is the ecnmic and 56 ( culture) center f suthwest China. It is linked by rail with all f China's majr cities. Its rail cnnectin with Hani(河内) 57 ( establish) in1901.
    Kunming's mild climate makes it a gd place 58 ( visit) any time f the year. While it can be ht and humid in summer, it has cl, dry winters. The climate here is great fr flwers, with mre than 400 59 ( variety) grwn here. The camellia(山茶花) is 60 ( fficial) recgnized as the city’s flwer. The city is als knwn 61 its green parks, such as Cuihu ( Green Lake) Park with its waterways and winding paths. Yunger turists may enjy a visit t Daguan Park because f its fd stalls.
    In additin t its wn charms, Kunrning serves as 62 base frm which peple can explre the culture f ethnic grups in the area. The best knwn 63 ( be) the Dai, Bai and Naxi. Peple can als visit the Yunnan Stne Frest, 64 has been universally knwn as“ the first wnder f the wrld” since the Ming Dynasty. 65( lcate) 120 km frm Kunming , the stne frest features impressive rck frmatins.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假设你是李华,你的美国朋友 Selena发邮件告诉你她和家人打算去参观广州长隆野生动物园,希望你能给她推荐值得参观的野生动物。请你给她回一封邮件,主要内容包括:
    1. 表示欢迎;
    2. 推荐值得参观的野生动物及原因;
    3. 表达祝愿。
    注意:1. 可适当增加细节使行文连贯; 2. 字数:80左右。
    广州长隆野生动物园: Guangzhu Chimelng Wildlife Park
    Dear Selena,

    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    In a huse far frm the city lived Jhn and his mther. Jhn's nly hbby was wandering in the nearby picturesque frest. In its center was a shiny clear lake with schls f fish dancing in it. Lvely animals such as deer r rabbits were playing arund and cute birds were singing in trees. Fascinated by the beauty and liveliness f nature, he desired t becme a great artist and present all the breath- taking scenes t the wrld.
    Jhn studied in the lcal primary schl. Life was nt easy fr Jhn and his mm after his father died. Knwing what hard wrk his mther did t make ends meet, Jhn really didn't want his mther t wrry. His mther knew the significance f educatin in life but she was against his dream f becming an artist." The prfessin f artist can't aid a persn in meeting his daily expenses," she wuld say. But as each day passed, Jhn's dream became mre passinate.
    Due t the living circumstances, even buying sme new clrs wuld be a luxury. Jhn nly used the wrm drawing file and limited clrs fr his daily practice. Thugh lacking fine painting materials, he never gave up drawing. He spent a significant amunt f time staying in the frest, secretly perfecting his craft. With cntinuus hard wrk and a distinct gift fr art, he drew beautifully.
    One day Jhn read abut a cmpetitin being held in the twn, whse deadline was nly tw days away. He gt the perfect pprtunity t fulfill his desire but he was in a dilemma as fr the cmpetitin he needed special paints and sme brushes. He didn't have the curage t ask his mther fr mney as he knew her prejudice against art.
    That evening his mm returned frm wrk and handed him a few paper ntes, saying, " This is fr yur lunch at schl next mnth." The mney was enugh fr his desired materials! Jhn's face lit up.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Early the next mrning, Jhn secretly left hme with the mney.

    A week later, a letter came t Jhn's hme.


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