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    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 4. Travelers' tales 单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义
    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 4. Travelers' tales  单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义01
    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 4. Travelers' tales  单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义02
    上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 4. Travelers' tales  单元同步资料及课文参考翻译 讲义03
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    上教版 (2020)必修 第三册A Reading and interaction精品学案设计

    这是一份上教版 (2020)必修 第三册A Reading and interaction精品学案设计,共23页。学案主要包含了参考译文,参考翻译等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    A.Reading and interactin
    Describe a respnsible turism package
    B.Grammar activity
    Use clauses with verb-ing and verb-ed crrectly in the given cntext
    C.Listening and speaking
    Explain a travel plan t cnvince yur friend
    Write a travel tale using apprpriate language and frmat
    E.Cultural fcus
    Explain the histrical significance f Rute 66 in the USA
    Describe sme imprtant features f Chicag and LA,and their cnnectin t Rute 66
    Pre-reading activity
    1.Befre yu read,think abut the questin.What d mst peple d n hlidays?Chse three mst typical activities frm the list belw and discuss them in pairs.
    ·find ut abut lcal cmmunities
    ·learn a new language
    ·make new friends
    ·eat lcal fd
    ·use public transprt
    ·buy lcal handicrafts
    ·help with envirnment prjects
    ·relax by the pl
    ·get a gd suntan
    ·read safety guidelines
    2.Read the definitin f respnsible turism belw.
    What things in exercise 1 wuld a respnsible turist d?
    respnsible turism
    Travel that is nt harmful t the cultural r natural envirnment.It can imprve the life f lcal peple and help prtect the envirnment.
    A rad less travelled
    Amy Carter-James is small,blue-eyed and blnde,with a friendly smile.She desn’t lk like she culd change the lives f thusands f peple but,clearly,she has.
    It all started when Amy tk a gap year in Africa after she finished university. “I spent eight mnths vlunteering in a very pr cuntryside schl in Kenya,” she says. “That was the first time I saw pverty.I was s yung and s easily inspired and I thught, ‘Why can’t turism d the same thing fr cmmunity develpment?’”
    On her return t England,22-year-ld Amy and her byfriend Neal decided t take “the rad less travelled”.They drve acrss Mzambique,ne f the prest cuntries in Africa,but it wasn’t exactly a hliday.Mzambique had tw qualities which appealed t them:great attractin as a travel destinatin and lcal peple wh badly needed help.Once there,the cuple gt ff the beaten track and headed fr Quirimbas Natinal Park,where they fund a tiny stretch f white sand clse t a village.Life in the village was hard:there was little clean water and nt enugh fd.Health care was pr and peple in the village had a life expectancy f 38 years.Amy and Neal had n qualificatins in turism r health care buy they had cmmn sense,enthusiasm and determinatin. They talked t the villagers abut their plan t create a small beach resrt,which wuld prvide emplyment fr peple s that they culd have a better life.The respnse frm the villagers was extremely psitive.Their nly questin was:”When can yu start?”
    The cuple set t wrk n a beach ldge,building beach huts frm lcal materials and emplying peple frm the area.Once the ldge was cmplete,they set up a charitable fundatin called NEMA,which received 5% f the mney made.This mney was used t create clean water pints,fund health care prjects,build tw primary schls and supprt cnservatin prjects—it helped t imprve the lives f thusands f peple. “We wanted t shw the wrld the pwer f turism,that it culd be a vehicle fr change,” says Amy.
    It isn’t easy t get t this village.It’s nt a typical package hliday with airprt pick-ups and drp-ffs.There’s n public transprt,either.The nearest is abut 260 kilmetres away and nce there,yu have t take a bat r g n a three-hur car jurney alng badly maintained rads.But the village ldge is wrth the effrt.Tday the ldge has nine beach huts,with beautiful sea views. There are n verpriced gift shps and ther turist traps.It’s the perfect place t take time ut, escape the crwds and sak up the sun.Visitrs can see the sights—explre the island nearby with a tur guide,g scuba-diving r bserve African wildlife.But the highlight fr many is getting t knw peple in the village,taking part in festivals and learning abut NEMA’s wrk. “Peple wh stay with us ften cme fr the diving r the beach,” says Amy, “but it’s the cmmunities that really blw them away.”
    Amy and Neal are nt alne:all ver the wrld,similar cmmunity-based turism prjects are being set up.This new cncept is changing turism and recreatin,ne ldge at a time.
    NEMA in numbers
    ·2 new primary schls
    ·150 secndary schl schlarships
    ·800 primary schl meals
    ·8,000 msquit nets
    ·Clean water fr 15,000 peple
    Cmprehensin wrk
    1.Read the passage and answer the questins.
    (1)What gave Amy the idea t help peple thrugh turism?

    (2)Why did Amy and Neal decide t g t Mzambique?

    (3)What helped Amy and Neal t achieve their dream?

    (4)In what ways did the new beach ldge help lcal peple?

    (5)Hw can turists get t the ldge?

    (6)What can turists see and d there?

    2.Read the summary belw and fill in each blank with a suitable wrd based n the language f the passage.Yu may change the frm if necessary.
    This stry shws hw turism can be a fr change in lcal cmmunities.Amy Cater-James was a British university graduate.She tk a gap year t d wrk in Kenya.Amy was by what she saw and decided t start a turism prject that wuld bring benefits t thusands f peple wh live ff the beaten .She wrked with her byfriend Neal t set up a fundatin called NEMA in a pr village in Mzambique.With the help f the villagers,the tw yung peple cnstructed a beach ldge,with huts built using lcal .Turists had t travel a lng distance frm the airprt t the beach,but they were excited abut this new frm f turism.The mney made frm the beach resrt was used t supprt health care prjects and prjects,and life and educatin there.Tday the village has becme a turist destinatin with beautiful sea views and is the perfect place t the crwds and the sun.
    Deep reading
    1.Read the passage again.The writer uses strategies a-f t enhance the cmmunicative effect. Wrk in pairs.Match the strategies t the sentences belw and explain yur reasns.Yu may use the example belw t help yu.
    a Using a culture-laded expressin t express a cultural message
    b Using smene’s wrds t create a link
    c Using a metaphr t cmpare tw ideas
    d Cntinuing a metaphr,based n the previus ne
    e Putting tw ppsite ideas tgether in rder t make a pint
    f Using certain wrds r expressins t sften the negative meaning
    It all started when Amy tk a gap year in Africa after she finished university.
    Yu may ask and respnd like this:
    A:What strategy des the writer use in this sentence?
    B:I believe it’s strategy a.The writer uses a culture-laded expressin—“gap year”.
    A:What is the cultural message expressed,then?
    B:The cultural message is that in Britain,yung peple might take sme time ff after graduatin.
    2.Wrk in pairs and discuss the questins.
    (1)Hw can we apply the idea f respnsible turism in ur lcal area?Make a list f things that we can d urselves.

    (2)Have yu ever taken part in respnsible turism?Share yur stry with yur classmates.

    Planning a respnsible turism package
    Yu are ging t plan a respnsible turism package.Yu have t take many things int cnsideratin.
    ·Discuss the questins belw in grups.
    Which specific place are yu ging t chse (e.g. an island,a beach,a frest park,a dinsaur museum,a deer park,a wetland,etc.)?
    Why d yu want t chse this place?
    What can yu d there?
    ·Share ideas within yur grup.
    ·Select ne persn t reprt n behalf f yur grup.
    Fcus n language
    1.Read the passage again.Find sme language pints in the passage and list them in the blanks.
    (1)Cmpund nuns fr travelling (e.g. travel destinatin)

    (2)Cllcatins fr actin (e.g. get ff)

    2.Cmplete the passage with the crrect frm f the wrds and phrases belw.
    Paris is a dream fr many freign turists.It is a city that all kinds f peple,n matter what their interests are.Sme lve shpping in the butiques and admiring the latest fashins—Parisians are famus fr their timeless mdern style and effrtless elegance.Other turists immediately the museums and art galleries,especially the wrld-famus Luvre.There are als thse wh prefer t the crwds and simply spend their time relaxing and the atmsphere.But,like all big cities,Paris can be a lnely place at times!If yu’d like t meet ther travellers during yur stay,why nt attend ur “Plyglt Picnic”? During the picnic,yu will have a chance t meet peple wh speak different languages.Our grup f hld this free event every Sunday at 3:00 p.m. fr visitrs wh are lking fr language exchanges,fd and fun.We try ur best t a czy envirnment fr everyne wh attends the picnic.Yu can take public t jin in the nise and crwds in a beautiful city park near the university.The f this activity is getting t knw peple in the area and making friends frm arund the wrld.Everyne is very welcme.We used t be a small grup when we first it five years ag,but nw hundreds f peple jin us every summer.We hpe yu’ll jin us t!Please bring bard game r music t share.And f curse,a smile.
    The verb-ed frm as the adverbial
    In this part,yu will learn t use the verb-ed frm as an adverbial.The clause with verb-ed can be placed befre r after a main clause.
    Encuraged by his mther,Daniel declared that he wuld enter the cmpetitin.
    1. Read the passage.Match sentences 1-4 t grammar rules a-c.
    Memrable jurneys
    Atlantic challenge
    ... the wrld’s tughest rwing race
    Frm Tenerife t Barbads:9,000 km,tw rwers,ne bat.
    Are yu tugh enugh t cmpete?Apply nline at www.rw ...
    Atlantic challenge
    Jan Meek usually gt hme frm wrk at 6 ’clck and tday was n different. 1Having made herself a cup f tea,she sat dwn and lked ut f the kitchen windw.It was raining and cld utside—nt gd weather fr building a bat. 2Feeling a little uneasy,Jan decided t check her answering machine.There was a message frm her sn,Daniel,and it wasn’t gd news.At the time, 21-year-ld Daniel was preparing t cmpete in the Atlantic challenge with a friend.Unfrtunately, his friend had just called him with sme bad news.He didn’t have the time t prepare fr the race, s he wuldn’t be able t cmpete.
    3Upset by the bad news,Daniel had t seek advice frm her.Jan realized that Daniel had t find anther partner,smene with enugh free time t raise mney,t build a bat and t train!The bat was very small and the race was lng,s it als had t be smene he culd get n with.
    4Trubled by the message,Jan decided t call her sn t ask him what had happened.Then while Jan was suggesting slutins,Daniel stpped her ...
    a We can use clauses with verb-ing t indicate a state that the subject f the main clause is in.
    b We can use clauses with verb-ed t shw that smething happened t the subject befre the event r actin in the main clause.
    c We can use clauses with having+verb-ed t shw that smene cmpleted an actin shrtly befre they did smething else.
    2.Cmplete the passage abut the Atlantic challenge using the crrect frm f the verbs in brackets.
    Daniel’s mum was nt a typical 50-year-ld.Jan was curius abut the wrld and was always lking fr new experiences. (g) backpacking arund the wrld n her wn a year earlier,Jan had then gne n t study Chinese in China.In ther wrds,she was a true rmantic.
    (be) very adventurus,she was in fact the perfect rwing partner. (knw) that this race was a “nce-in-a-lifetime” pprtunity,Jan immediately said “yes”.
    Tw years and many hurs f training later,Jan and Daniel arrived in Tenerife and were ready t take part in the race.They knew that they wuld spend many days and hurs n the bat.
    (realize) that it wuld be very difficult,they had asked friends t write them letters and pems,s that they had smething t read during the difficult days ahead.
    During the race,there were terrible days when they wanted t give up,but there were als gd days.While they were rwing,they saw dlphins and whales. (amaze) by these wnderful animals,they fund new strength t carry n.
    In the end,the jurney tk 101 days—tw mnths lnger than the winners f the race. (arrive) at the finish line,Jan and Daniel saw lts f peple waiting n bats t greet them. Everyne was clapping and cheering.
    3.Wrk in grups.Think abut three f yur friends.Write three sentences abut smething they experienced and feelings they had.Use verb-ed and verb-ing frms as adverbials in yur descriptins.Yu may use the wrds and the examples belw t help yu.
    Being late fr class,Li Ming felt a bit ashamed.
    (1) (see) the examinatin results,Tingting felt very happy.
    (2) (hear the news) ,(verjyed) .
    Nw ask the ther grup members abut their descriptins.Select the mst interesting ne and reprt t the class.
    ·Yu may ask questins like this:Wh did yu write abut?
    ·Yu may respnd like this:I wrte abut Linlin.Lst deep in thught,Linlin revised her prject plan in her mind again and again.
    ·Yu may reprt like this:Lili’s descriptin is the mst interesting.She said, “Having heard ur prmise t red the writing assignment,ur English teacher annunced that he wuld put in extra hurs t help us.”
    1.The Travel Shw is finding ut abut different types f travellers.Listen t the radi prgramme and chse the types f travellers that are mentined.
    2.Listen again.Chse the crrect types f travellers frm the list in exercise 1 and write them in the blanks f the descriptins belw.
    (1) are thse wh bk package hlidays in a rush.
    (2) are thse wh prefer shrt trips clser t hme,rather than travelling abrad.
    (3) are thse wh like exciting activities in different cuntries.
    (4) are thse wh prefer t learn abut the wrld by watching TV dcumentaries r surfing the Internet at hme.
    (5) are thse wh travel arund fr a lng time and try t engage with different lcal cultures.
    3.Listen again and cmplete the blanks with infrmatin frm the fur interviewees.
    4.Rle play in pairs.Decide n a tur and invite yur partner t g with yu.
    Language guide
    Travellers’ Tales Writing Cmpetitin
    This mnth is all abut Travellers’ Tales.Send in tales f yur special r wnderful jurneys and yu might appear in next mnth’s magazine.One lucky winner will have a chance t jin ur Summer Camp abrad!
    1.Read the advertisement fr a cmpetitin abve in a travel magazine.Imagine that yu are ging t write a stry fr it.Yu may prepare yur writing by thinking abut these questins befre yu write.
    (1)What stry are yu ging t write abut?

    (2)What is special abut it?Are there sufficient details?

    2.Study the samples and cmplete the table.Judge which stry yu think may win the cmpetitin and give reasns.
    3.Nw write yur wn travel tale.
    1.Have yu been n any rad that is famus in China (r even wrld-famus)?If u have,tell yur partner abut what yu saw alng the rad.
    2.Read the passage and decide whether the statements belw are true (T) r false (F).Crrect the false nes.
    (1)Rute 66 cnnects the East cast f America with the West cast.□

    (2)The rad represented a new chapter in American histry.□

    (3)Unusual weather cnditins caused many peple t leave their hmes.□

    (4)In the 1930s,it was easy fr farmers t find wrk in Califrnia.□

    (5)In the 1940s,the rad was given a new name.□

    (6)The rad became ppular because f the turist attractins alng its way.□

    The histry f Rute 66
    It’s ver 4,000 km lng and crsses tw-thirds f the USA.It’s been called “The Main Street f America”.It’s been described in films,bks and sngs and there’s even a piece n display at the Smithsnian Museum in Washingtn.Welcme t Rute 66.
    Rute 66 starts in the city f Chicag.Outside the city,it cuts thrugh crnfields and the cattle farms f the West,int gld mining twns,ver deserts and thrugh valleys,winding arund lakes and muntains,until it arrives in Ls Angeles n the Pacific Ocean.Midwest America is cnnected with the West Cast,and the past is cnnected with the present.Let’s g back t the 1920s t see hw it all began.
    In the early 1920s,life in Midwest America was very different.Peple didn’t use t travel much because there were n highways near the small twns—a trip t LA wuld usually take weeks.But in 1926,things started t change thanks t a new rad called Rute 66.This new rad pened up the American West t hundreds f thusands f peple.Agricultural cmmunities started t grw and develp int twns.Farmers were als able t sell their prduce in big cities.
    In the mid-1930s,hard times returned.America was suffering frm the Great Depressin and acrss the cuntry,millins f peple were ut f wrk.In the Midwest,serius drught cnditins and dust strms destryed farmland and thusands f families were frced t leave their hmes.They headed fr Califrnia,alng Rute 66,where they had heard there were agricultural jbs. Unfrtunately,the rad led them t pr twns utside twns and cities.Rute 66 became cnnected with the pain and difficulties f this great mvement f peple.
    When the Great Depressin came t an end after Wrld War II,there was a new age f hpe and thusands mved frm East t West,lking fr a better life.Peple had mre free time and many wned cars.Families wuldn’t stay at hme during hlidays.Instead,they wuld drive alng Rute 66 t the beaches f Califrnia,visiting the attractins alng the way.It was a glden time fr the rad and hundreds f restaurants,mtels and service statins lined the rute.The rad had a brand new image—ne f freedm and fun.
    1956-present day
    As mre peple travelled frm East t West,a newer,bigger rad was needed and wrk began n a natinal highway.Sadly,the twns and attractins alng Rute 66 began t die ut.Then in the 1990s,peple started prjects t prtect the ld rad,new signs were put up and turists began t travel dwn it nce again.
    Tday,the rad still ffers an amazing jurney thrugh the American West.Whether yu want the freedm f the pen rad,a trip int the past,r simply an ily burger frm an all-American restaurant,yu can still “get yur kicks n Rute 66”.
    它长4000多公里,横跨美国三分之二的国土。它被称为“美国的主要街道”。电影、书籍和歌曲中都描述过它,甚至华盛顿的史密森尼博物馆(Smithsnian Museum)也展出过它的一件作品。欢迎来到66号公路。
    1940年代- 1950年代
    1956 -现在
    3.Read the passage again.Write dwn the rle that Rute 66 played during each perid f American histry.
    4.Wrk in grups and discuss the questins.
    (1)Why is Rute 66 called “The Main Street f America”?

    (2)Which rutes in China,such as rads r waterways,have played a significant rle in China’s histry?Hw?Yu may draw a picture r diagram t help present yur ideas.

    Vide (Chicag t LA)
    Start thinking
    1.Answer the questins.
    (1)What’s the lngest car jurney yu’ve ever been n?Hw was the experience?
    (2)What d yu knw abut Chicag and Ls Angeles?
    Cmprehensin check
    2.Watch the vide.Read the sentences and write C (Chicag) r LA (Ls Angeles).
    (1)This is the third largest cit in the USA.
    (2)Over fur millin peple live here.
    (3)Yu can g shpping in Rde Drive in this city.
    (4)Arund 30 millin turists visit this city every year.
    (5)This city is knwn as “The City f Dreams”.
    (6)The Willis Twer is a ppular turist attractin in this city.
    (7)It’s prbably windier and wetter here than anywhere else in the USA.
    (8)Many f the rads here have up t eight lanes f traffic.
    3.Jin the verbs and verb phrase in A t the wrds in B.Then cmplete the sentences.
    A ·change ·chase ·hld ·invest ·secure ·sak up
    B ·dramatically ·his dream ·in research ·the sun ·a sustainable future ·true
    (1)The weather was lvely,s we decided t lie in the garden and .
    (2)Tm is mving t Lndn s that he can f becming a famus actr.
    (3)I think he’s lying because his stry desn’t .
    (4)A cmpany has t befre it prduces a new prduct.
    (5)Cuntries need t make sure that they have enugh water t .
    (6)She isn’t a very hard-wrking student,s she’ll have t if she wants t succeed at university.
    4.Wrk in grups.Yu are ging t discuss this statement: “Cars shuld be banned frm all city centres”.One grup will be against the statement and the ther grup will be in favur f the statement.
    (1)Chse ne persn in yur grup t write ntes.In yur grup,think f as many arguments (fr r against) as pssible and write them dwn.
    (2)Nw chse the five best arguments.Prepare a shrt speech presenting yur arguments.Give examples where pssible.
    (3)Yur teacher r chairpersn will start the debate.One persn in yur grup will give a shrt speech,presenting the grup’s arguments.He/She shuld talk fr abut ne minute.
    (4)When bth grups have finished their speeches,yu can respnd t each ther’s arguments.
    (5)At the end f the debate the teacher r chairpersn will hld a vte.Decide if yu are against r in favur f the statement,based n the arguments f each grup.Yu dn’t have t agree with the pinin f the grup that yu are in.
    Use the checklist and reflective questins belw t evaluate yur study in this unit.
    Reflective questins
    During which part f the unit were yu mst engaged as a learner?What des it tell yu abut hw t imprve yur study?Sentences in the passage
    My explanatins
    (1)On her return t England, 22-year-ld Amy and her byfriend Neal decided t take “the rad less travelled”.
    (2)Mzambique had tw qualities which appealed t them:great attractin as a travel destinatin and lcal peple wh badly needed help.
    (3)Once there,the cuple gt ff the beaten track and headed fr Quirimbas Natinal Park,where they fund a tiny stretch f white sand clse t a village.
    (4)We wanted t shw the wrld the pwer f turism, that it culd be a vehicle fr change.
    (5)There are n verpriced gift shps and ther turist traps.
    I will plan a respnsible turism package fr Chngming Island in Shanghai.It is a beautiful island lcated n the Changjiang River.The Island is a natural habitat fr many rare birds.
    Nwadays,mre and mre peple cme t visit Chngming Island,but this has cause sme prblems.The envirnment is becming wrse,which harms the birdlife.I want t put up a sign—“Enjy ur birds.Please d nt make lud nises r feed them.”—at the gate f the park.
    ·head fr
    ·sak up
    ·appeal t
    ·set up
    a.armchair travellers
    c.adventure turists
    e.culture turists
    f.glbetrtting backpackers
    He wants te escape frm everyday life.
    He thinks travelling
    (2) .
    He wants t escape,but still
    (4) .He likes
    (5) t.
    She desn’t d it because she wants t save mney,but because she believes
    (7) .She thinks
    (8) .
    He wants t
    (10) .
    He wants t
    (11) .
    Student A
    Yu are very sprty and like t be active.Yu als like visiting famus places and ticking them f yur “100-things-t-see-befre-yu-die” list.Yu think the idea f a jgging tur is great.It’s als cheap and yu dn’t want t spend much mney.Persuade yur friend.
    Student B
    Yu are really interested in films and peras and think a film and theatre tur sunds amazing.It’s expensive,but yu’re willing t pay because it’s a “nce-in-a-lifetime” experience that includes a visit t a film studi.Yur friend is nt that interested. Persuade yur friend.
    Yu may invite r persuade yur friends like this:
    ·I am ging t ... Wuld yu like t jin
    ·Why dn’t we
    ·It wuld be ... Please cme and ...
    ·... is exciting.
    ·T be frank,it’s a bit f escapism frm ...
    Yu may accept r refuse an invitatin like this:
    ·That’s a gd idea.I’m lking frward t that.
    ·Sunds fantastic!I’ll ...
    ·I can pstpne my ther plans ...
    ·I’m happy t imagine that,but ...
    ·... take(s) time and effrt.
    ·I knw ... but I like t ...
    ·Nt really,but ...
    ·Well,can we find sme ther time t d that?
    The Australian Outback is a very big place.It went n as far as the eyes culd see.I tried t start the car again,but the engine died. “That’s it,” said Jez. “What d we d nw?Wait fr sme kangars t shw up?” He was starting t feel afraid. “Just wait,” I replied calmly. “And if nbdy cmes?It’s ht ut here and we nly have ne bttle f water.” “Lk,” I replied angrily, “I dn’t knw,OK?Let’s just hpe smene cmes alng.”That’s when we nticed the small sign a few hundred metres further dwn the rad.We ran ver t it and read: “William’s Creek 20 km.” “We culd walk there ...,” I thught.
    It was raining hard as we drve alng Rute 66. It was late and we were tired and lking fr a place t stp.After a while we saw sme nen lights ahead.They belnged t a mtel,s we decided t take a break.There were n custmers in the mtel cafe.The waitress lked up,but she didn’t smile. “We’re ut f pancakes and fries,” she said as she handed us the menu, “but I can d y’all a hamburger.” Minutes later she handed us a plate with tw hamburgers.We were eating ur hamburgers when sme mtrcycle riders stpped utside. “Time t mve n,” I thught,but the rain was getting wrse,and I culd see flashes f lighting.Suddenly,the lights went ut.
    Aspect f writing
    Guiding questins
    My explratin
    Des the stry illustrate the elements f a stry (wh/what/where/when/why)?
    What is the majr experience described in the stry?
    Is there a qute frm a character in the stry that intrduces a main event?If yes,what is it?
    Is there a descriptin f the weather,the time f day and hw the main character is feeling?If yes,what is it?
    What wrds r phrases des the writer use t develp the stry?
    Which wrds are capitalized?
    When are qutatin marks used with ther punctuatin marks?
    Travelling frm ne place t anther can enrich ne’s understanding f the wrld.Many peple have travelled alng Rute 66,and the rad tells the stry f the ften difficult jurney that Americans have gne thrugh.
    In this sectin,yu will first read a passage abut the amazing histry f Rute 66,and the rle it has played in the lives f American peple.Yu will then watch a vide abut the cities at the beginning and the end f Rute 66:Chicag and Ls Angeles.
    Rle f Rute 66
    The new rad pened up the American West.Twns develped alng the rad,and farmers culd sell their prduce in big cities.
    1956-present day
    My teacher/classmate
    A.Reading and interactin
    I can retell the stry abut Amy and Neal’s respnsible turism prject.
    I can explain hw the writer uses different strategies t enhance the expressive pwer f the passage.
    I can talk abut my plan fr making a respnsible turism package.
    B.Grammar activity
    I can identify verb-ing and verb-ed frms as adverbials in the passage.
    I can use them crrectly if the cntext is clear.
    C.Listening and speaking
    I can categrize the types f travellers and their ideas in the radi shw.
    I can explain my travel plans clearly in rder t persuade my classmates.
    I can judge a gd travel stry by analyzing the cntent and language features in the samples.
    I can write a travel tale with attractive details and apprpriate language.
    E.Cultural fcus
    I can retell the histry f Rute 66 in the USA.
    I can describe at least tw imprtant features f Chicag and LA,and their cnnectin t Rute 66.

    英语Unit 4 Traveller's talesA Reading and interaction精品学案设计: 这是一份英语<a href="/yy/tb_c4040669_t4/?tag_id=42" target="_blank">Unit 4 Traveller's talesA Reading and interaction精品学案设计</a>,共20页。学案主要包含了词汇和短语,核心词组,词汇重点,单元语法,例题精讲,巩固练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations学案设计: 这是一份英语必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002239_t4/?tag_id=42" target="_blank">Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations学案设计</a>,共4页。学案主要包含了课文翻译,重点单词变形,重点短语等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语牛津译林版 (2020)必修 第三册Welcome to the unit导学案: 这是一份高中英语牛津译林版 (2020)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4011025_t4/?tag_id=42" target="_blank">Welcome to the unit导学案</a>,文件包含41WelcometotheunitReading教师版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第三册docx、41WelcometotheunitReading学生版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第三册docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共35页, 欢迎下载使用。






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