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    高中英语牛津译林版 (2020)必修 第三册Welcome to the unit导学案

    这是一份高中英语牛津译林版 (2020)必修 第三册Welcome to the unit导学案,文件包含41WelcometotheunitReading教师版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第三册docx、41WelcometotheunitReading学生版-高一英语同步精品讲义译林版必修第三册docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    知识点01 目标词汇
    1.survival n. 生存, 存活; 残存物, 幸存事物
    原文:Thanks t her discvery f qinghasu, malaria patients all ver the wrld nw have had a greatly increased chance f survival.
    由于她发现了青蒿素, 世界各地的疟疾患者现在有了极大的生存机会。
    (1)survival n. 幸存; 残留下来的人(物)
    survivr n. 幸存者
    (2)A survive B () A比B活得长(……)
    survive sth. (经历意外、战争、疾病等后)幸存, 活下来
    survive n靠……生存下来
    survive —— survival 幸存 remve —— remval 移动
    refuse —— refusal 拒绝 prpse —— prpsal 建议,提议
    arrive —— arrival 到达 apprve —— apprval 赞成
    (2021新高考卷I)In 1934, with the passage f the Migratry Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act), an increasingly cncerned natin tk firm actin t stp the destructin f migratry ( 迁徙的) waterfwl and the wetlands s vital t their survival. 1934年,随着《候鸟狩猎印花税法案》(Act)的通过,一个日益受到关注的国家采取了坚定的行动,制止对候鸟和对它们的生存至关重要的湿地的破坏。
    (2021新高考卷I)Hunters willingly pay the stamp price t ensure the survival f ur natural resurces. 猎人愿意支付邮票的价格,以确保我们的自然资源的生存。
    (2017北京卷)Experts say Paris is right: Fr a sudden heart failure, the single best chance fr survival is having smene nearby step in and d CPR quickly.专家说帕里斯是对的: 对于突发性心力衰竭,唯一最好的存活机会是附近有人迅速介入并做心肺复苏。
    ①Hw des the family survive such a small mnthly wage?
    ②It’s said that the wman survived her husband 10 years.
    ③Determining where we are in relatin t ur surrundings remains an essential skill fr ur (survive).
    2.intend vi. &vt. 想要; 计划; 意指
    原文:In the 1960s, many peple were dying f malaria, and in 1969 Tu became head f a team that intended t find a cure fr the disease.
    在20世纪60年代, 许多人死于疟疾, 1969年屠呦呦担任了一个课题组的组长, 这个小组计划找到该疾病的治疗方法。
    (1)be intended fr专门为……准备/打算
    be intended t d sth. 专为做某事而设计的;旨在做某事
    intend sb. t d sth. 打算让某人做某事
    intend t d/ding sth. 打算做某事,计划做某事
    (2)intentin n.用意;目的;意图
    with the intentin f为了,以……为目的/意图
    (2020天津卷)Making a full-length clay(粘土) figure wuld nt exhaust my strength--and that is what I intend t d! 做一个全身的泥人不会耗尽我的力气——这正是我打算做的!
    (2019北京卷)We are finally waking up t the severity f the prblem by supprting and develping a grup f tls,apps and appraches intended t prevent scammers frm getting thrugh.
    (2016江苏卷)They actively seek t be part f a “we”, a grup that intends t wrk tward a shared gal. 他们积极地寻求成为“我们”的一部分,这是一个旨在为共同目标而努力的群体。
    ①Yesterday I fund a bk in the bkstre by chance which was intended ________ bird lvers.
    ②I dn't intend anyne ________ (see) the painting until it is finished.
    ③Everything they d is intended __________ (imprve) the living standards.
    ④This prgramme was set up with the ________ (intend) f prviding help fr hmeless peple.
    3.refer t查阅,参考;描述,与……相关,涉及;说及,谈到,说起
    原文:When they failed t prduce any prmising results, Tu referred t the ancient bks f traditinal Chinese medicine again.
    refer... t... 将... 送交...
    refer t... as... 称... 为...
    reference n 参考;参考书;提及
    in/with reference t 关于
    【误区1】在refer t中,t是介词,其后要接名词、代词或动词-ing。
    【误区2】refer的现在分词是referring,过去式和过去分词分别是referred, referred。
    refer t和lk up都可以表示“查阅,参考”,但二者是有区别的:refer t后接所查的工具书或资料,如词典、笔记、参考书等;lk up后接wrd,phrase等需要查找的对象,常用于
    “lk up sth. sth. up in...”结构。
    If yu dn't knw what it means, refer t the dictinary.
    =If yu dn't knw what it means, lk it up in the dictinary.
    (2019全国卷II)The trend, then, was tward the "penny paper"—a term referring t papers made widely available t the public. 当时的趋势是“便士报”——指的是公众可以广泛获得的报纸。
    (2018全国卷III)Their effrts have been prven fruitful. Wang Shu, a 49-year-ld Chinese architect, wn the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize — which is ften referred t as the Nbel Prize in architecture — n February 28. 他们的努力是卓有成效的。 2月28日,49岁的中国建筑师王澍获得了2012年普利兹克建筑奖——它被认为是建筑界的诺贝尔奖。
    (2018全国卷III)“Many Chinese peple have a misunderstanding f traditins. They think traditin means ld things frm the past. In fact, traditin als refers t the things that have been develping and that are still being created, ” he said. “很多中国人对传统有误解。 他们认为传统意味着来自过去的旧事物。 事实上,传统也指那些一直在发展和仍在被创造的东西。”
    判断下列句子中refer t的含义/结合refer t和lk up的相关用法完成句子
    ①Study skills refer t behaviurs that lead t academic success._______
    ②In all walks f life, when referring t smene's success, we ften use the wrds “effrts and determinatin”._______
    ③He referred t a histry bk t find ut when the French Revlutin brke ut. _______
    The letter ________ at the meeting by Prfessr White is written by his father.
    I ften ______________ I dn't knw in the dictinary r n the Internet.
    4.limited adj.有限的
    原文:Hwever, it was hard t prduce enugh qingha extract fr large trials because research resurces were limited.
    (1)limit vt. 限制,限定n. [C]限度,限制;界限,范围
    把……限制在……内(其被动形式为be limited t...)
    withut limit 无限地,无限制地
    within limits 在一定范围内,适度地;有限度地
    set a limit n... 对……作出限制
    There is a/n limit t... ……是有/无限度的。(t是介词)
    (2)unlimited adj. 尽量多的,任意多的,无限制的
    limitless adj. 无限制的,无界限的,无止境的
    limitatin n. [U]限制,控制;[C,usually pl.]局限,限度
    (2021天津卷)A trial prject by the Mntreal Children's Hspital suggested that the use f medical hypnsis (催眠) can reduce pain and anxiety in patients. 蒙特利尔儿童医院(Mntreal Children’s Hspital)的一项试验项目表明,医学催眠可以减轻病人的痛苦和焦虑。
    (2019北京卷)With her dad‘s permissin, she spent the next tw years researching nline and cnducting trials t get a recipe that was bth tasty and tth-friendly. 在父亲的允许下,她花了两年时间在网上搜索,并进行试验,以获得既美味又健康牙齿的食谱。
    (2021浙江卷)Families are pressed fr time, many with bth parents wrking t pay fr their huse, ften wrking hurs nt f their chsing, living in car-dependent neighbrhds with limited public transprt. 许多家庭时间紧迫,许多父母都在工作以支付他们的房子,工作时间往往不是他们自己选择的,由于公共交通有限,他们居住在汽车依赖的社区。
    (2015上海卷)At a time f limited means f expressin, snw was like free art supplies drpped frm the sky. 在那时,表达方式的方法有限,雪就像是来自于天空的一种自由艺术。
    ①When peple live n a very ________ diet, it is necessary t make a special effrt t supply the missing vitamins.
    ②The knwledge f the children is ________,but their imaginatin is ________.
    In my pinin, yu had better ____________the expense f this trip.
    Life is limited,but there is ________________.
    5.speed up(使)加速
    原文:T speed up the prcess and ensure its safety, Tu and her team vlunteered t test qingha extract n themselves first.
    (1)speed vi. 快速前行 vt. 加速,促进
    speed by (时间)飞快地过去
    (2)speed n. [C,U]速度;[U]快,迅速
    at lw/high/full/tp speed 以低/高/全/最高速
    at a/the speed f... 以……的速度
    pick up speed 加快速度
    at speed 迅速
    New technlgy culd speed up the task. 新的技术将会加速这项任务的进程。
    The gvernment has already taken steps t speed up a slutin t the prblem.
    ①T speed ________ the flw f traffic, the gvernment f ur city has decided t braden sme main streets.
    The car ran ____________ 100 kilmetres per hur.
    Bringing yur car t a sudden stp can be a very frightening experience,especially when yu are travelling _____.
    We'd better _________ if we want t get there in time.
    6.beneficial adj.有益的; 有用的
    原文:Perhaps the next generatin f scientists, drawing n the wisdm f traditinal Chinese medicine, will indeed discver mre medicines beneficial t glbal health care.
    也许下一代科学家利用中医的智慧, 确实会发现更多有益于全球卫生保健的药物。
    (1)be beneficial t对……有益,对……有用
    (2)benefit v.对……有用,使受益;得益于 n.益处
    benefit frm/by得益于,受益于
    be f benefit t对……有利
    fr sb. ’s benefit=fr the benefit f sb. 为了某人的利益
    (2021新高考I卷)Althugh ppular beliefs regarding emtinal intelligence run far ahead f what research can reasnably supprt, the verall effects f the publicity have been mre beneficial than harmful.
    (2020江苏卷)Fr thse wh can stmach it, wrking ut befre breakfast may be mre beneficial fr health than eating first, accrding t a study f meal timing and physical activity.
    ①It is said that yga is f great benefit human health. In ther wrds, we can benefit yga.
    ②In fact, music educatin is (benefit) and imprtant t all the students.
    ③Taking plenty f exercise can (对……非常有好处) yur health.
    ④China has been pushing the refrm f public hspitals (为了……的利益) all its citizens.
    7.cnduct vt. /vi.组织, 实施; 指挥; 引导; 举止; 传导n.行为
    原文:Their effrts t cnduct research in bth fields may finally pay ff.
    (1)cnduct sb. arund 带某人参观……
    cnduct sb. t 带某人去……
    cnduct neself well/badly (行为)表现好/差
    (2)cnductin n.传导
    cnductrn. 指挥, 售票员
    (2021天津卷)In all, 80 examinatins were cnducted fr the prject between January and September, 2019, fcusing n the imaging prcedures that wuld cause anxiety. 在2019年1月至9月期间,该项目共进行了80次检查,重点是可能导致焦虑的成像程序。
    (2020新课标I卷)The cnnectin between peple and plants has lng been the subject f scientific research. Recent studies have fund psitive effects. A study cnducted in Yungstwn,Ohi,fr example, discvered that greener areas f the city experienced less crime. 人与植物之间的关系一直是科学研究的主题。 最近的研究发现了积极的影响。 例如,在俄亥俄州扬斯敦进行的一项研究发现,城市绿化地区的犯罪较少。
    ①The rchestra(管弦乐队)were all in psitin, waiting fr the (cnduct).
    ②Irn, being a metal, readily (cnduct) heat.
    ①His cnduct disagrees (不一致)with his wrds. ( )
    ②T cnduct the study they chse 15 male dgs and 15 female nes aged between ne and six years. ( )
    ③He cnducted himself far better than expected. ( )
    知识点02 重点句型
    1.(教材P45)Even with large amunts f qingha extract prduced, hwever, they still faced anther prblem.然而,即使生产了大量的青蒿提取物,他们仍然面临着另一个问题。
    本句为简单句。with... prduced为“with+宾语+过去分词”结构,在句中作状语。
    [考点提炼] “with+宾语(名词/代词)+过去分词”结构
    All afternn he wrked with the dr lcked. 整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。(the dr与lck是逻辑上的动宾关系)
    With his hair cut, he lked much yunger. 由于理了发,他看起来年轻多了。(hair与cut是逻辑上的动宾关系)
    In summer, she usually sleeps with the windws pen. 在夏天,她通常开着窗户睡觉。
    She left the rm with all the lights n. 她离开了房间,所有的灯还亮着。
    She fell asleep with the light burning. 她睡着了,灯还亮着。
    She knew that with him t help her, she culd and wuld succeed.
    Dn't stand with yur hands in yur pckets. 站着的时候不要把你的双手插在口袋里。
    ①The prblem f phne addictin (瘾) has been bserved since a few years ag, with experts and psychlgists ________ (try) t increase awareness f this prblem.
    ②With s many prblems ________ (discuss), we decided t hld anther meeting as sn as pssible.
    ③With the virus ________ (spread) rapidly in this regin, a large amunt f equipment as well as medical experts frm abrad has been sent here s far.
    ④But at Unin Statin in Ls Angeles last mnth, a bard went up with dllar bills ________ (attach) t it with pins and a sign that read, “Give What Yu Can, Take What Yu Need.”
    题组A 基础过关练
    1.We shuld make use f the________ (有限的) time t review what we have learned.
    2.Reading widely and regularly will be ________ (有益的) t yur English.
    3.A survey________ (进行) by a grup f famus scientists shwed that sitting t lng cntributes t heart disease.
    4.Their effrts finally ________ (回报) ff. The team defeated their ppnent in the final.
    5.Be quiet! I am ding an imprtant __________(实验).
    6.The bk_________(write) by Han Han is very ppular.
    7.________ (inspire) by what she had experienced in the muntainus areas, Zhang Guimei was determined t establish a schl fr girls there.
    8.The new plicy will be ________ (benefit) t us all.
    9.The questin ________(refer) t is easy t answer.
    10.Althugh a sudden change can be a bad thing, it might ften be________(benefit) in the lng run.
    11.He played a passive rle in the ________ (marry).
    12.It is great ________ (benefit) t me t preview lessn befre class.
    13.The rich man went abrad with the ________ (intend) f trying his frtune, while the pr man wanted t learn sme skills f earning mney.
    14.Our schl ffers many classes. Nw is the time ________ (experiment) in different fields f study.
    15.The animal’s chances f ______ (survive) were pretty lw.
    16.Fr students studying abrad, cking is an essential _________ (survive) skill. (所给词的正确形式填空)
    17.He was tld that his nly chance f ________ (survive) was a heart transplant.
    18.Due t ________ (limit)space,we cannt publish all the messages received.
    19.The bk __________(refer) t by my teacher is ppular with yung peple nw.
    20.I d hpe yu will find my suggestins ________(benefit) and make great prgress in Chinese.
    21.A ship ___________(lad) with expensive gds was reprted t have sunk int the sea with its il run ut f.
    22.His nvel ________(publish) next mnth is based n a true stry.
    23.——Lk! The windw is brken. Smene damaged it ________ purpse.
    ——That may be right. But perhaps it was brken ________ accident.
    24.I dn't think she intended me ________(hear)the remark.
    25.While giving the English speech, ne is nt allwed t refer ________ the ntes.
    题组B 能力提升练
    Hawking died n Wednesday at the age f 76. Tributes fr famed theretical physicist, csmlgist and best-selling authr Stephen Hawking filled scial media sites vernight. Scientists, media persnalities, celebrities and many f the millins arund the wrld wh were influenced by his wrk and inspired by his life shared their thughts:
    His passing has left an intellectual vacuum (知识真空) in his wake. But it's nt empty. Think f it as a kind f vacuum energy permeating (渗入) spacetime. Stephen Hawking, RIP 1942-2018.
    —Neil deGrasse Tysn (@neiltysn) March 14, 2018
    Stephen Hawking, RIP. Sad t hear abut Stephen Hawking. What a remarkable life. His cntributins t science will be used as lng as there are scientists, and there are many mre scientists because f him. He spke abut the value and fragility f human life and civilisatin and greatly enhanced bth.
    —Brian Cx (@PrfBrianCx) March 14, 2018
    Our wrld has lst a shining light. Blessed with a brilliant mind and uncmmn grace, he pened s many minds t the wnders f ur universe. Curageus and undefeated by misfrtune, he believed deeply in the pwer reasn.
    —Dan Rather (@DanRather) March 14, 2018
    It had t happen, eventually. We were lucky t have him fr s lng, and I was lucky t be able t wrk with him. A truly fabulus human being. Stephen Hawking. Funny, perverse, and, f curse, brilliant.
    —Sphia Nasr (@Astrpartigirl) March 14, 2018
    RIP Stephen Hawking. Genuinely very sad t hear that. If yu haven’t, read A Brief Histry f Time. It’ll make the wrld feel mre amazing and beautiful and strange. It’ll als make yu feel smart and stupid all at nce.
    —Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) March 14, 2018
    “We are just an advanced breed f mnkeys n a minr planet f a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us smething very special.” If understanding the Universe makes us special, then Dr. Stephen Hawking was truly extrardinary.
    —ThinkGeek (@thinkgeek) March 14, 2018
    26.Wh used t be a clleague with Steven Hawking?
    A.Kumail Nanjiani.B.Brian Cx.C.Dan Rather.D.Sphia Nasr.
    27.Which f the fllwing statements is true?
    A.What makes human beings unique is that we can understand the universe.
    B.Thugh faced with difficulties, Hawking never gives in.
    C.Reading A Brief Histry f Time is a must.
    D.Hawking is cnsidered the greatest scientist in the wrld.
    28.What des this passage mainly talk abut?
    A.Steven Hawking passed away.
    B.Sadness and Cmments ver Hawking & his death.
    C.Steven Hawking, an influential scientist.
    D.A lasting influence frm Steven Hawking.
    题组C 培优拔尖练
    Chinese scientist Yuan Lngping, glbally knwn fr develping the first hybrid rice strain in 1973 that served as a slutin ____29____ wrldwide hunger, passed away n Saturday at the age f 91.
    The scientist spent ver five decades researching and imprving hybrid rice, ____30____has reached its third generatin, feeding ____31____(apprximate) ne-fifth f the wrld's ppulatin with less than 9 percent f the wrld's ttal land. In China, the annual planting area f hybrid rice has tpped 16 millin hectares, r 57 percent f ____32____ttal planting area f rice. Its grwth area verseas has reached 8 millin hectares. His mre recent achievements included develping ____33____(variety) f seawater rice, r saline-alkali tlerant rice. His team planned t use the rice ____34____(transfrm) 6.7 millin hectares f saline-alkali land in China ver the next eight t 10 years.
    Yuan nce said he had tw dreams—t “enjy the cl under the rice crps taller than men” and that hybrid rice culd be grwn all ver the wrld t help slve the glbal ____35____(shrt) f fd.
    Yuan's lifelng devtin t reducing hunger is ____36____has made him a natinal her and husehld name in China is. In 1999, an asterid (小行星)____37____(discver) by the Natinal Astr-nmical Observatries was named after Yuan. In 2019, he ____38____(award) the Medal f the Republic, China's highest state hnr.
    1. _______________ n.共和国,共和政体
    2. _______________ adj.致命的;十足的,彻底的
    3. _______________ n.实验,试验;尝试,实践 vi.做试验,进行实验;尝试
    4. _______________ n.试用,试验;审讯,审判;考验 vi.& vt.测试,试验
    5. _______________ adj.家庭的,家用的,家务的 n.一家人,家庭
    6. _______________ vt.延迟,延期
    7. _______________ adj.足够的,充足的
    8. _______________ n.智慧,才智;明智;知识,学问
    9. _______________ vt.&vi.组织,实施;指挥;引导;举止
    10. __________ adj.广泛的;宽阔的,广阔的;概括→ __________ adv.广泛地
    11. __________ vi.&vt.想要,计划;意指→ ____________ n.打算
    12. __________ adj.有限的→ _________ n.& vt.限制
    13. ____________ n.容器;集装箱,货柜→ __________ vt.包含
    14. ____________ adj.有益的,有用的→ __________ n.益处 vt.对……有益处
    15. ____________ vt.说明,解释;加插图于→ ____________ n.图解,图示
    1. _______________ 有影响,起作用
    2. _______________ 因为,多亏了
    3. _______________ 查阅,参考;提到,谈及
    4. _______________ 放弃
    5. _______________ (使)加速
    6. _______________ 成功,奏效,达到目的
    7. _______________ 反复试验
    8. _______________ 凭借,利用
    9. _______________ 充分利用

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